PAGE TEN FEBmiLS Recent visitors in the home of j Mrs. J A. Simrn'ns included Dr< : ks. Mr. end Mrs. Edward Westbrook Mis'- Edwinc West r rooks. Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Alberta Simmy and Mrs Anne Dixon. Attending the Interderiominatior tffibf rs Association of N. C. from Fayct 'vibe. N. C were: Mr C. R Miller '»irS. Marisn Sawyer. o••: tV 1 • wi? Bryant nnd h«*r e' I in, Ml.-- Irene Mumagne M and Mrs. David Montague, Jr Mrs '.r-ian Mattock? and Lewi? Br . it minted to Ttasliing-’ too, D C Friday night Gr ;h.-; we g, end visi f with Vr > Margaret 1 B Rf'd and family Miss Theicsa Pay re a* rived Monday. August 29‘h She attend ed summer school at. New V' fk i r* —— it ts to de*tt ~~ ' T fKP tVKgerrmaa* (j T ~ vefsetttn band* '-AT ‘ i Stals tprrmS *y»rt fo* y*tx row p*rf*crsb*p% SET 08K CSTHSiITE « : DJAi 3784 FAYETTEVILLE Venetian Blind And Awning Co. m MAX WEIL ST. i * VENETIAN BLINDS * AWNINGS * WINDOW SHADES enmiirwixw'vniMwiriiimi-Miij ■«w*r« jtwwwi iiuutw.jiujMui.l. The iwest price tf«e is net t-J the boapt-gt. See. ours be lore jrov bay. Just received ship utiijtt of 45> Cushman Specters— f,i mmv'tir-ntm-n-tr nwr..' n,, | | PARDON ME | // "j PLEASE BUT I AN IDEA JUST f&mj STRUCK ME ' j Vi 1 Let My Bty |P|I 9> y Sell The Carolinia^t F«r Hw Vec*lk*« MUiowf ** * * - , University ' Mrs. Lißiar Hoou McCalluro of i i New York City f-a> returned home j j Hfp! spt ndirg 1 two weeks with her! i sister. 74is Maude Hood . | Mrs Margaret Berrian and chil dren of Columbus. Ga.. are visit ing Mr. and Mrs Thoitia- Sawve;. Mrs Annie Wirfield of Wilming ton. N. C.. is visiting Mi. and Mrs. Drake of Ramsey Street F. M Hi’rki''.i of New York City • spt if a va ek in the heme of Mt*. ■ and Mr> Ida MeNeili P rn N- Mr and Mrs. Wiiev I M ti-hner. dauf liter Patricia Ann. Mrs. MBcttner is the former Mis? ! Irene Leach. M"s. Grar- alcCle: :ve has ie t:o ru . : ■ lit • in G!'. er c C tr recur-r ate after an epf ration ■'.( Post Hospital. Fort • Brags'. N. C Mr C. rv K’dc TXas »• visitlr.4 her sister. Mrs Cornelia Brocks. | if New Yr- h. Che. Mrs Hetty White has returned |to (he cii v . ftor spendinr her canon with friends and relative in New York Cgl Alfred Silva f t (of duty in the South Pacific and , will he stationed at Fort Bragg af jhi: 45 day leave is completed He i was formally frsocinfed with ; Loner McGee, plasterers, before | enlisting in th armv and is a grad ; u.-.t» of the Avne Chrstr.jl Hivn , Srho* ! f MT3. Carrie Bartsteile. <■( Chat ‘tanoega. Term . Mrs. (.'hat*- , (pell. Mrs Pauline Moore. Miss !v --ieotia .lonr-s. and David M Evans, ' Boston. Mass, wot visiting friend ior roiatiyp-; in the city 'Turing the j * past veek | Mis. Wsrelle Williams. Miss Em- j ■ma Holmes. Mrs Marion Sawyer, j j«nd Mrs FJdria K Hughes a»- ; !tfcTKfeti th" Interdenominational • Ushers Convention, which was held ! at Sl. Mark AME Church, in Wi!- mwuttoTi, N. C. tug. 25-35. Clinton King ha-- rttarneo to his , itiumt . New York after visiting his l sisters, Mrs. Mary C. Williams and j Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, i Mias J uni la Campbell has re- ’ turned to f.hc city after spending | lb* summer *• she reaches, j Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliaei J. Free man -pom their vacation with i ’heir daughter. Mrs Willie Lewis ' .Hal wood in Sharon, Pa. During their visit Mrs Hatwood olehrated her birthday on the ?4 of August ! with h picnic on the lawn, which' served as a family get to-gether. a? ■four generations enjoyed the hoe- . IpitaMty of Mr and All’s. Haiwced. j Miss Mattie Louise Evans, the : daughter of Mi and Mrs. Eason : Evans, Sr of Vanstorv Street, was united ii> wedlock to Andrew M : Swain, sen of the Rev. and Mrs J [F, Swain it 718 Beil Street. Wed ! noday The miirnugr was at the * home of the proem *.« father ' Mrs. Bertha Walton and sons, i Johnnie and Bobby are guests (-1 j hex mother, Mr* Ella McMillan of i Wihr.irjgton Road Mr ar-d Mrs. Clarence (Smifty) 1 j Smith nf Wilmington Road arc the’ jhfflkpy i-arente f a fine baby born, jin Highsmitb hospital. ! M" and Mrs Julius McDonald of i Buxton Aver-it* art also the- happy I j parents of a fine boy. i Miss Cfefhcro McDonald of Wash* I ini ter V. C. is visiting her grand !parents, Mr arid Mrs. L H Mc : Lkmaiti of Wilmington Road ! ! C>gar ccnsumpticr, in the Unit* jeo States from October. 5948. thru j foij 194#. was »bC‘Vt 2 per cent slower5 lower thar n the .nn- months a yra; oarb>r PICTHER WED IN FAVETTEVILI.E Mr. and Mis. Junius A. Coving ten. whii were married recently at a rcr--nscnv rondneted at the First Baptist Church of Fayette ville >v the Rev T H Dwelle The bride is the former Miss Mary F. Covington The couple flan* to live in los Angelo-. Cal. FIRST OF September Specials ’49 Lincoln . . . 2795.00 ’47 Mercury . . . 1595.00 Cosmopolitan Coupe Convertible Coupe ’4B Hudson. . . 1695.00 ’47 Dodge . . . 1595.00 Club Coupe Convertible Coup* *47 Chevrolet . . 1395.00 Fcrdor Convertible Coupe ’47 Nash . . . . 1195.00 '4l Ford 645.00 Club Coupe Tudor "47 Lincoln . . . 1595.00 '*’ * Dodge .... 545.00 AmbaSMider 4 Dow Tudor '47 Frazer . . . 1095.00 ’ 4l Lincoln .... 645.00 r . For dor r oro.« r *47 Dodge . . . 1195.00 ’4l Plymouth . . . 495.00 Club Coupe Tudor ’47 Plymouth . . 1395.00 ’4O Ford 395.00 C'ofc Coupe j, Tudor 1939 Ford Coupe ... . . 395-00 Most of These Cars Have Radios, ] Heaters and Other Accessories Wheatley’s Motors, Inc. Authorized Lin coin-Mercury Dealer || 4SI W. Russell Si. PKone 2225 CAHOfJNIAN -r Safetrday, Septemhf’r TML 1-049 YOI'TH WOl M)Li) Indiauapnlis, Ind. fANHj Gan,’ war to cn>t»ped out anionj. juw nil*- -'angn in Indianapolis and Don ald Brown, lfi-ycar-oltl rnsput* A; tucks iugh st;h*toi pupil i- rvviipvr a ting from a bullet, wound in ti.‘. » left lt¥ iweurred when the two two age gangs were shooting; if out western style. Brown, an innocent bywandr). j-ass**! a.n alley in the HO iiiiK-k on Michigan Si an*l on tight h tHillvt from thv gang ba.ffi’- is ing i oniiuctf-d in Hit al ley, Gt orev Win- IS year-ohl his Is- u rhargfd with vagrativy ii; t.iu .shoo! ■ ng. and police have la* v. in struvit d !*> break up "strevi < <■. gaiigs” For Service That Excels SEND US YOUR Laundry And Your Dry Cleaning MAKE ONE CALL DO ALL m W hite Swan Laundry LOME OF ZEHON DRY CLEAN!NO “Aero** From Post Office’ 115 Maxwell St. Phone 3141 1 .