PAGE TWO ■t N 'Oil. SUPERIOR <Ol RT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY N O 1 I(’f HELEN SUGGS V K .<■' ■ ; :,l t SL'i i:s I i 1 !, DEFI-.i-.'DA NT ■ raiiders 5 l': ,11 t il'.:' : i . ' ■■ ■ i_ ■ •:l ' an ut‘- t ■ , entitled ns ur.K.xt ii.t- bc'fn . '■ 11 I:i : l,i s>: in ( V:rt , . t ... -O',US U«.«.| V .1 .. pi \ ldi li •"'* . IN. • Ci.II In ' ,(! I . ■ ■;.t . I'Vi: , '■i'11.,....' .. .j i f ji • ■ A fli; . i A :u -> .li-pv-u ■ i li.. ■ .'ni i-. Carolp.i; . mi an. V Ot . . ;■ a ! I! ' 1 Wil 1 A.;. •_i> : ' ( '!•. be i.upi.- i ■.,i■ v: *-u •»■'.' ■ ns r ..V saka ,c. A .. ►p . f,u!. v ;. . .■ a Ki •a■ i.. a i mi I.' y - A-Xlg m. .!(i 27. Ti' H IRfOl ’ i.K IIT -OS: . ;I C >:,.l.\A WALL Cam vi a l, B<YI NT -EKVING Si MiMON-i ' BV Ki if AI ION "T: ...A ..'VI HE: i l’ 1 1 1 mmi i K'M’fiKi,!. SR.. i HEAT IN A FLASH COOK IN A j JIFFY J' REFRIGERATE ALWAYS 1 HAT’S WHAT SUNGAS $ I Offers V qu And I I S Most ECONOMIC AJ A LI. U.S TODA'i I ! ... _ l < > < f>> I All s | •• * j ! iG% ixySun GfisM ( . *+>: ,«K.- gflAgfS- SERVI^ f r - . • '‘.C. % Pep*' n s c nt a t *r«j§u l-t \ *.-*;r Neighborhood C - i SUNGAS SERVICE 1305 HIl LS-BORO ST. R- !e'-4i Dial 3-6242 j Kirrsfyjn Greensboro DR. A. E. BOYKIN DENTIST Announcer. The Removal Os His Office To 527 South Blount Street | RALEIGH, N. C. office hours: 12 *© a p, m. t ! 0.4 fl V X'. EPT .SUNDAY TELEPHONE'6B3SB | . Defendant i .i defendant. Ernest Mitchell. Si will take notice that an ac ii' .- entitled as above has been • ••.rntm-iu it in the Superior Court 1 i Wiike County North Carolina, | ;■ .ih-.'ii'ti divorce on the giouuds I , -cpai otii n toi iVi ore than two i \c;.\ • next preceding! the bringing j i tins lienor, ..old the said do -1 hv.wierit "ill cntiior tike notice that j oi c ic'iuiiro to appear at the • :m'c mi too Clci k of the Superior j uri (n .ii'i county m the ccinit- ! in Raleigh, N. C within tvs tv c.iy.- after toe 20th day of ■ imp ana answei ox demur in tin; complaint in said action, or 'he |.t'.in* : ff wilt apply to the hi the relief demo tided in j id cem'platnt. ii A 1,1. IK. H. WH IT LOCK A- s ist. j C). rk of Superior Court 01 \w.\c Countv. N C. nth day ol August, J 949. j VKVMNTS I RATOR'S VOTICF -,'i CAROLINA W/vsK COUNTY HAVING QUALIFiFiD as Adntir,- i; ii.tor of the Estate of Leatiiic ! navis deceas d. late cl Wake [ o■ i■ 11 v North Carolina, this is to j otit \ all pel sons lievUig claims j .. • - Emu '>i said deceased I r 1 i. .( :' ci.- the undt t signed 7 I'M -on Strei t Raleigh, •lit! oil I before oil-! I;:. ■ 1..y All .11.-1. Utah Or tilts j Ml- :■ will pie. dec in i n Os i :’l"\ IIV Ail peiMit... :I > V.i - - to thi Estate will plea:- oiak ■. el. m |ay p .ent :i i . ;; Ith day of Aiigut ljH9. T]K SUN CHAVIS ■.dlviir is*. i at >r SARA AI.I.EN A. sistant ■'lnk Superior Court A -, 10 ii 24-Oct. 1 i O UlNhf K.-VTKIX NOTK t Milfdl CAROLINA VV IKK COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIED as Ad en oi lit* Es'ale of Ulysses U..,;i ii:.n.-. '.i i i-ased. '.ate of Wake X i-eniy. N‘ rth C -oltn.i this is to ■ *if y ..j persons having claim* 11 -1 be . -iatc ! said deceased I'.hibit then, to the undersigned .1 1010 .South Lei sort Street. Ra- N ■ :ii Curoi.r.a. on or LciOrC i'-, :‘lth d..y >f August, 195(1 s, r thi' evil be pleaded' in bar rt •ntir recovers All persons indeht ei to the Estate will plcan make ; mrnedinte pay sneth i Tit!;, is*;,, ,; of AMvast 1949 rH E i.M A BV R ftOUGHS. Adrniivstratrix. F. J CARNAGE. Attorney \,i: ;:7-Sept 't 10 17. 24-Oet l. IN THE SI PERIOR COURT 's'ORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICI THOMAS K FORD, Ph.inliff. ■ ' . : V L ; :;>J Defendant '(lit- >FF r.NDANT PauLtie r ’ t .: n 'tier that an aC *, -i :iid a" :>t»Ov* hr- be<n ' I*-., need in she Stipenoi Court W. ke County by Thomas K i a . plaintiff therein, to obtain .2 solutt divorct on the grounds . t-.- v. •;*»•* ,<ei«» us i,n as -provid- i ed in the StatuUs of North Care* H.a, pt.vntitf and dftendant hav • : mat* i*r.d apart for inure ii n two ymai., next pre -1 ,i;:i :he fi-stltution of ‘his liC •z. nnd ;. ;,t v,id defendant will .-r-.i In in* that she is r« • j pored to appear at the ottice of toe j ■ C -yi kof till- Si’iii'i ior Court of Wake County Noith Carolina, m . i■ i :hi.use in Raleigh. the ; • •,, So pi 194 ft. to v, • ,p’ ~ ■ h‘v days thereafter and answer d- t i*n complaint n said -ei * or u-.e plaintiff will appiy . <.-> !( i f; . thi relief demand*. d .- -aid compi-iiril. ”• - rih d, of August. JSW9 F H WILSON. Clerk. ■ iip*'nor Couri Woke County j HERMAN L TAYLOR \t<y •m vi! \ !STR ATUIX XoTirt' XvVitTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY ■ . i\C Ql - I .IFIKD a ■ Admin- ! i.«t rairix for the Estate of Raljm ! •mi do* ivasefi hiti ot Wav e , . -, rsnns inivluc daltSs 1 Com : North Carolitia this is to ■ i ;■ "n Ks'sfe =.f -oud deceased to exhibit them to 'lie undersigned I - m E. Lenoir Street. Raleigh. Corth Cai-oiina. or ftefcire she titli a,.,,- .j Scj.iember. 1950 or this no-| i will he nleadcd in bar of theii 1 r-covnry. Alt persons indebted »> j in- L'late will make in; , , iiit-diatc pay nient. Thi- M day of Septeiti-iyer S 94 1 ' lii-nhw Wiilianis . Adminisi ra t i x Haljf If Whitioeke. Assist.-;lit ! hi s of Superior Court t Sepo'mlwi lit !?, 24. Out t. v 15. IN THE SUUEKTOR COURT NORTH C VftOLINA W AKE i'OUNTY i EX NY MITCHELL Plaintiff VS?. ERNEST MITCHELL. SR. (h tendii >‘i ' NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS H V 1 URLK’ATION The defendant Enw'st Mitchell. Sr will take notPe that an action RALEIGH BRIEFS Mis* Perdkrictf McCleod has re ’ turned'to Saiidfiuiii after .-pending' I some time with her cousin. Miss j j Mary A. Kelly on Chamberlain SL j (While in the city she way enter* i j tair.ed at a party given by Miss I Kelly at her home on Thursday , i Refreshments were served. 1 i Mis- Rennet M Hall ot brOOK-, ■ Kyi, M Y. is visiting her parents i Mr. and Mrs Edward Hal! of 215, Seawell Avenue. Sh- is also spend-i .up some time with her grandpar-1 ents. Mr. and Mrs. Dailey Debnam; I FEELS BETTER, WORKS BETTER THANKS HADAdOL i ’ , Two years ago Leon Duh-.i j thoughi that lie would have to give up his strenuous job in the ship yards at Orange Texas. Now Mr.' ! Duhon works thsre eight hours [ t ech working day. j Today Mi Duhon who is 40 j years old and has an attractive ! h< n i mid him I rgt !4s neai ! IH'cAi Drive ii. O'.ange is - ! piclure "l iu-.ilt He hi- wi!e mo J cuildrcri give- lull credit ’(> HADA i CO! lOi hi- .l in kable Impri've • v- ,i LEON IH'HON "Two veins ago 1 was nervous.: had nt appetite my food did not e- won m. I suffered from digestive disturbances heartburn, k-i ulus ting ano pains in my .. so. i ci.i.*■ in l-jv pounu. Laving t'.i.'l .4:4 polll ids 1 tiled : a - and wa.» very weak. In fact life Slot vii). eii ilvui^. Mi. Duhon, s "We fiicu.i”.it he would U,\t t>' quit nis job added Mis Duhon "He had tried most everything and there was no improvement. You * lyit ..H-Ign.i ill. .. tiv. *l;i It was ' tor him to come home iron, work i suifei ing and ..Uno.-t i. inpletely ! exhausted •Mi. Duhon expU.iiit-u that he 1 he aid that ,1 Leßla.iC; was piisidenl ol Uk roinprny ‘ making HADACOI. 1 had know:; .'.l LcKluih -live 1 was a toy and knew that tie would i>i*t be associated unlit a product that was not U>t finest," said All. Duhon After ath- second botlie of HADACOL 1 began leei : in; Lett ll and :to\. ’hat I have lak :in n: .. tin. all l.ntlles of HADA j COl I know its blessings. I am j never tiied an'ii.oie and ft-t-1 just like 1 a,ii Ik y< ,rs <>l ! work eight houis a; the Shipyards and then vim: in to v. ) * in tin- garden I -n, up early every morning to feed ’.in chickens My weight is back at . m iiTiri 17; j unds. i vat most ery thn. ;niri 1 sleep likt ~ log HADACOI, contains fixe of Mothcn Nauua > B Vitamins and , foiii of lie, n.os! impoitant Min erals iii liquid form already dis i Ived -i ’hat ?h; ;s can be rend* sly and easily absorbed into th>. •' bit - d stream Aftoi yon havf tak .-. HADACOL h alt by aid vigorous blond will surge; : through you: whole tody, bring • tnp these Vitamins md Minerals Ito eve; > part t.T y ou. system Mi Duhon is just om of the countless thousands who found | relief throupii HADACOI Many; j persons who suffered and waited 1 and hoped for 10 If. 20 years os ‘evil, longer are able to live hnp | [v. vomiorTable lives again because H ADACt/ supplied C.e B Vita* j mim and Minerals in which thcii I systems were deficient Be fair to : vuurseif. Give HADACOL a trial Get ;. bottle today from you; drug, store. —Adv . < ! entitled .is a twee In- laieit eon.- ; iiH-ne- d in the Snp-rior Uoun of; j 'Wake (Ynuity North Carnliaa, for ; utnsoi'ite divrri ve on the grounds o; . ,sri>:iration for more than two years next prto eding she f ringing of this action; and tin said defendant will , j further take notice rha' h* is re-' qulred to appear at the office of t!ie Clerk of the Siiperioi Court of said t ounty in the court house iu ; Rtlui'li N C within twenty days ; after the I'Kti day of October, 1549, i and ,>newer or tiettmr in the coin plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will .apply to tit, voiirt for the relief demanded it said complaint To apftear, 5-eflt.. 7 1545 Sept 10. 17 24. Oct 1. BARA ALLEN Asst. Clerk of Superior Cum ft of Wake County N <’. UMSTEA D’S TRANSFER CO « GROCER Y STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY fULL LINE OF HAULING LOCAL & LONG MEA >$ AND Distance GROCERIES iimcutn j ; Y{Mr P*Ntm**e to. ITMSTKAO. M*r. j A pprvci*te# i Mi S. t)«nr>Mi turn Nlli-KU 1 * ttflior* a»i! Martial (Mm. THK CAROLINIAN oj Lena'ir Street. 1 The Hook, )' T. Washingt«>o (hub jv. in meet Sunday, September 11 I with Mrs. Made- Winston 1501 £. i Junes S', at 4:00 p.m Mrs. M. E. Del.aine has .’eeently 'returned from visiting relatives ■ idr,d friends in Washington. D. C.. I Baltimore, Md.. and Pennsylvania, i Mrs Annie Currie of 709 E. Mar tin St has relumed home after (visiting in Ohio and San Francisco, j Calif While in San Francisco ?he was the house guest 01. Mrs. Frances Nixf’i She was delightfully en tertained with many . sight-seeing tours in the Golden Gate- Park nnd other plan*.? oi interest She also attended the Elk.- Con vention there In the city of Cin cinnati. Ohio Mr and Mrs. Charles | Green also entertained in her hon or at the- Cotillion Club and ac compmied her to Bluefield. W. Va. MAPLE TEMPLE "F«j it tias i>een tleclarrc.! unto mg oi you. my brethren, by them which are of tiie In,use of chi Or that there are contentions among vou. f And base things ot the world ami thing*, which are despised, hath <,nd chosen. \ca. and Iliing,. which are not In bring u> naught thii, K „ that are. I Cor 11:28 I Holy communion w;t- observed l at Maple Temple Congregatioimi; iChristii.n Church, corner E Martin no Cmnden Sti e-ts Smidr-v Mu.-ic wns inruish-ri • the Sx-n --; (or choir. The Rev Mr Booker pronchtd a I line sermon using for his lev. : "Self examination" ! We were happy \.j haw Mrs 1 etsit Durham vCiting us from Now York. Mrs Durham :•? a mom• be, of the church and also the Sen - : ior Choi; f At o'clock Sunday g venin,, the Rev ,V)(. Bookfri prtachvd at the j Sisters and Broth,v -s of Mercy and • H<: pe. His text was "Guidance. . 1 Isaiah 58 j). At 7 tint tin eveiiug prayer! j meeting was enjoyed by all And i conducted by Mr:- L. Watson and i Deacon C Williams-. We were delighted to have mu u-x- pastor, the Rev. z. P Jenkins. | visit us. He preached the evening j Sermon using fat his text, "Go For ward " Exodus 14:15. Those among our sick and shut-in ; arc Mrs. Estella Pulley, the Rev. E. P McClain ;-.nd Mrs Mary Francis Sapp. Little Bonnie Jean, Booker has beer: iii but at this time is much better. After visiting her sort and ! daughter-in-law. Mrs. Ethyl Sapp: Stukcs has returned to her home, m Scmter g. Q ,« The Misses Maigrctle Mildred ] and Mrs. Bessie Austin of 426 S - H.ywoed St have returned home: -:?t- ■ visitihf friend' and relative m Washington D C Master- .fame- Fianklin Jr and Robert la-vn Sapp the sort id Mr and Mi s Frank Sup. Sr t Alston Street, a.-; visiting then grand - mother in Sumter S C CHAVIS HEIGHTS James Watkins of ft lied,’!) Te:- i fiot- has been ill and i-.-nfirn-d t itis apartment bn’ is now able t, lie out again Mrs. Bet-sir H. Chan- and ,-istei Miss Mamie S. Hicks (, f 4fill Sir.:':. Street, has returned Lome after visiting relative- in I’hihan Lphia d N. Y Mrs PI C To v lor us Can.deri 't has returned home after spend •n* her vrcatii.ui in Washington D. C Pennsylvania. New York t’ity and Canada. Mb Edrina Edwards and chi I - i d -r 4 Hyde Terrs v. have re tunifed home after visit ine ivl.i : tives in Wilson N C vTr- A rnetta Brown of 6 Darfe Terrace has returned home „hei attending the State Ushers Con venticn in Wilmington The Drum and Bugle Corps oi the Chari’s T. Norwood Post 157 attended the 3Jst Nation at Conven 'loii ol the American Legion lasi week in Philadelphia and received many greetings from the throne ' t j. ople who saw the parade Nathaniel Little of j Hyde Ter .race left toi New York City Fn : day evening to ca ry hi- niece and nephew- home. He was aeoornpan ed in a s cund niece Ruth Hinton id 12 Smith Plaza. Little Miss Joyce McNeil of 2 Hyde Terrace fell and cut her foot Ml* Mclvlr,; Fereli oi 4 Chavis Way Jtas returned home after at . tending the F.ik.x Converitior in California Mrs. H. Smith us 12 Franklin • Terrace has returned home after ispending her vacation with rela tive.- in Washington. D. C Haiti • more. Md anr Pemsylvani:,. Mrs. Artiiie Cumc of 709 East Martin St. has returned home of h t attending the Elks Convention in California. She reports a very .nice trip. William Brooks of fi Chavh; Way has been ill and confined to ids tpartmem for several days. Mis. Priscilla M. Wiiglit -•* n Dure It t race ts able to -n out alter l severe cold Mr,-', Lc-.mi* Dorhurn oj Balt • ' more Md and Ptnnsylvaaia. Jannte Little over the weekend Mrs Sam bokett of Maryland stop-psd in Raleigh to visit rcla j lives on route to Wake Fores', to spend some time with her grand mother. Mrs Nancy Clifton SCOUTiNO !N WAKE Let's ge* miqUeintcd' And tout's the purpose °f fl'liit column . Almost unknown te mof.t *-f the inhabitants of this great city and | toe surrounding territory, are thuu | sands of boys and hundreds of men who are actively interested and connected with the ' Scouting : Program Few realize the valuable and important role Boy Sqputs of America play in the building of bey- into mei. ot character Os course we all know then is a field executive. Gee. F. Newell, who • rvc-s the Negro youth m the scouting program, but wli o knows of the hundreds ol men wh<> are meetiiig vcekl-- v these boy s. . irking hard w ■'!> n pay I, ' lit Os vi hit* Sells ■i! I who w il t. 'll* :i : ifiees - IviiU counselors and datenuen m the .tar- to come. So if you fol low t.hes, ~ 4■: - ■ ms. hi will cone.’ ■ t , know ’h: of a,, t ive in teres*ed. human beings w hat thc\ art doing for you and tin. no.'fi who civ,.- of theii md money to ntakt Scoutine rick' ROUND TABLE September 1. twenty scout mas te;-.- ..nd scouters met in thi first •fail round table, afte, smmei camping season Field Executive Newell very I thoroughly and interestingly pie | USED CAR 1 BARGAINS Check Our Prices Before You Buy DIAL 2-1279 K. & W. Motor, Inc. HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE RALEIGH’S CLEANEST USED CARS 425 S- Wilmington St. llB E, Davie St. WASH ANY DAY! Why Make Monday A Wash Day When Our Machines Make Any Day An Easy Laundry Day. USE OUR I QUICKFR - . EASIER . . CHEAPER HUNT-JACKSON Laundromat j 413 S, Bloodworth Street MMN con yoiP 1 1 11 afford to retire? | 4MMMIINNPKA*'!*** ' 9B When the »im« tom#* to take it easy, when you no longer terry on with the vigor of youth - will «|| you be prepared? There'* no better security tor retirement than money in the bank. The of regular saving is an easy one to arquire. A. j!p\ stipulated omovn' from you- salary every payday fl|| : tan guarantee your ability to tolse it easy. ID Resolve now to see u* about opening a savings gjjjj | E2SZIESIH Mechanics 1 fj Sc Farmers Bank i jj| OURHAM-RALEIGH j| s-.-rUCU tiic ( '.'l plan: arid objeOivi':- tor the lull season.: i Annul’ i thin**.-! they include | i Fat! Camporee, Q'ct, 7. ti. and it: j Plaining courses tor leadership r> • - ; crmting more interested seouters : and charge;- in scouting. Procedure | efPetive 8e < lumber 1. CAVH’OHRIK An scouts nd sooutoi s should j be gin (.repartition tor the fai! cam - i porc-s. on Oct 7. B. and S). This; ! will be < ih‘ of the Biggest events j ;in scouting this veer Many eon- j tests are planned. An award will i ibe given to those making the best: | .-.hi. win,. Boys get ready for tne j i'cisacyi lime of your lives. The eamportes will be held or, : tin gr< rinds of the State School j for Blind and Deal located on the Ci'anii r Hoad, three miles Tom Ra- J leifih SCOUTING I’ROGEIIURE | September first brings important ■ j new regulations regarding scout-j | ing that should make a large nuir, j ' her (f boys happy and many scout- ] ! rnarti rs A boy may now., become a Scout i iat «livo. and may become a Cub; la! eh hi. ! I Boys fourteen end abo\t become] an -Explore! Scout. This should add thousands to tin h.-ts of scouts already registered, land will also dementi that w» ac quire man. more interested leod i.- How would you like to uelp? Hei, is lilt present status in Ra leigh am: Wake County: Number - t Cub Packs 1, Scout Troops. 2.2: Explore! Units 1: a;,, a7 ( i; (.m Scouts 2-4; Ex plc-r* t S< out'- Iff St outers 131 \V<- me: you will follow these in gur> from wee. u <■< k ana at just how we grow, SA\ YOU SAW IT IN THE CAROLINIAN THANK YOU! WJEHK ENDfNt'I SATUHIhAY SEPTEMBER 10. 1949 jYMCA CALENDAR St'Hl.di OF Ai tIVITIES serf s is. I 1 !>ur,day September X 17:00 pun. Jum or Citizens Club 1 Friday. September 0 | H::oft YMCA Men's Health Club , Saturday September in |7::00 p.m. Movies and Talent Show ' Sunday, September it Pt.'O p m. Music Heal :5:1k) pm Young Mens Club ,Monday, September 12 .12:00 p.m. Ministerial Allifirice 7:.iu p.m. Photo Club A ‘! p.m ivl liusu., Union Tuesday, September 1,7 b :3o p.m. Town Meeting of the An Wednesday, September 14 ) cut) p.m. Men.- omiui'u i.ilub Everyday Features; Cafeteria. . I dormitory, libiary. lounge, music! ] room, recci atibn (tab-.- tennis. | bowling, checkers, whist pinochle ! billiards) room registry, showers. | i ion reselling services, (-public stenographer. meetings of, 1 j local civic social an d religious ■ j dubs and organizations. Airs. Roosevelt Rids Luck To IL I . Players NEV. YORK ANP> ivlr.-.. ■ Frnrklin D Roosevelt widow 01 ■ the late president, was among the pers: m- wishing the Howard uni - j :! w ?it> players good luck on their :! trip to Scandinavia where they will present plays by Ibsen thi? i month . ! Tib •school theater group itiit New York last week un tire Nov v . Tan Anrej ican liner, Slavuiigei tjord undei the sponsorship of the .N - wee,,m: eovr >.nn : ! and Bit ; vine Davis a theatrical producer, 'Tim 12 men and nine women »tu dents will act on stage in Nor way Sweden. Denmark:, and pet• jha p;- Germany They .; v tret:u ;.c. pa. if 1 by , ! litre.- drama j n• ■ .t? Dr Anne I f’r ok Ow e Dodson and m<’ Butcher. Mr> Room-vo-H i? a mem-1 b*-r oi the university’s board of j i trustees Paulcc Radio Service "For Lasting He pairs" 311 GLENWOOD AVE. Dial 3-Jj 23 We Pick up and Deliver j | ■■ f| I|M| | f FOR GOOD ICE CREAM GO TO THE I F rosty Bar 50? E. Martin Street • j Frosty Flake Thick 1 Shakes 20c Ice Cream - Sodas Snacks MAGAZINES * SPECIAL All, SUNDAES WITH Whipped! Cream Topping 20c ; ~oTyohkl:afe ! GOOD FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES j Dinners Lunches Short Orders i IDS' E. Hargett St. t _ HUNTER BROS. ! FANCY GROCERIES to*! AND WOOD . Fo; Quick Service For BAG COAL ] DIAL 9393 or 3-1998 sjj | and I "Never Worry, We Are M On Our Way” I 'jf I ! Finance or Borrow ‘ I On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE m. mE. Davie Str*e# Rhone 3 tZSI j ’'• >irrrr lemtirmru himh-mr it imuni mnr hit lamunniiwin' wi win i ii|--rr»itttrriiii-'----inr‘---rrr-iirTr»rr r“"‘Y‘-H 1 MILT BUCKNER RETURNS TO HUB cm 1 114! AT CLUB BOSTON. Mass.—Milt Buckner whose exebing new band set the Hub City’s jazz cult on its collet* tivt ear earlier in the summer in ,r i ngagemont at the Hi-Hat Clue has returned to that briery for a re peat booking by popular de mand. wh th gc*t undo, way on Au gust 31. The roly -poly former pianist a* ■ ranger of Lionet Hampton’s crew solidly established himself as a top musical favorite at Boston in his first appearance at the Hi-Hat and his quick return broking at the niter;.’ is ample evidence of the impression he made. Oil*.- ot the big factors in mae stro Buckner’s fast rising popu larity with Bostonians nas been the ■ ruineucious play accorded his i MGM platter ol -Milt'S Boogie” by the loet.l disc-jockeys who have I been spinning it almost daily ever j since its release a couple of months ago demonstrating once more the ipower ui the disc-jockey SOUTHERN COACHES I'I.AN TEW. MEETING" Knoxviili-*. Term, i AMD The Sou tii,-rn ( Vmches .iini Officials c.; : soe.lution will bold its 2Ctli annual meeting Sept. 10-11 at the Pavnc Avcniu ceniei In Knoxville, Presi don* ti. H. Hobson, Alabama Stall i olicce. announced Sa.-d week. The East Tcaaesee ('bitches as -mHaP.nii v. Hi !«<■ boat group CVr; v» : ::iion schedule includes I’sotbail examination. discussion of in.ter pr--1 a non ot the rul*.-. ot official.- and a big banquet. R-’servat ions are being made by writing to U H Lennon Austin high school Knoxville PETE Hi MIKE t r.;i Cabann- & Dawgon Sta. ; HOT DOGS Sartdwiches * Dinners BEER - WINE r . r . - - rr -^ r . i . iT .. Vii , «a«’T if r.’-r-c—- * * \ WAKE j SALVAGE CO. j W* Buy VtvmfWKm njf V*iu* j rUBKITUBEv- STOVfcS HFJTRIGEHATOHS TOOLS RADIOS *37 S, WlhMlagtoß 81 Phtrn* 2-2327 I ! junumr—-- i. mu. n t; ,^ VlTt^^,».o^M««iMtiiriMiwiTM»(iftrii -ir - r-mrirmi -ir-vrrr-n-nRin —nrnr "^. Phone 7159 SUITS MADE TO MEASURE i NOW ON DISPLAY ■ I VIKST 1 ALL PATTERNS Snakenburflf# Tailor* 123 So. Salisbury Street J. D. Snakenb**r# Raleigh, N. C. ! ! i - , j Complete rrri Home Furn ishers We can furnish any room ia your home from the living room to the kitchen. Bee u* first W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. 12} E Martin St ( —-- • j 'TWn iUHilllf Pjlk'llf IWIS j A Limimt ■■ ! Why take ckenw* «*# fcwwnfeei up * lifetime’* effort kn i terrifying hour wins®, W<f Mto simple and inexpenidve to pro i tact yourself any 'fimuA hie mishap. Your k<e»« ttsufi t amity can be Absolutely jar*- i iecieo from ANY dlwdM «t ! but a few penttuwK • day. We'U •how you hoot. I SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT | BANKERS FIRE INS. CO.

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