PAGE TWELVE Oreenville " as '< S (f^ '■^* PLAN IJOKIE MILLER PRO ■' A>1 — I June r L. Fouler of Chs ' • f '■ Miner Memorial Founda :;o Hi. - left > president oS the tiCTj, fne. plans tor a ?Hrn Milter program ir: Kansas *4 >l<- with l>r D. A. Holmes BLACKWOOD’S ASSO, MORE ; GARRIS, BROS , Owners ; Bicycle and Radio Repairs | Trade-ins Whizger Bik* Motors Terms HO W,. Slh St., Greenville ———— Whites Stores, Irsc, WHAT YOTI WANT AT WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY Greenville N G. - r------ - T||~ I, - fCURFIELD PETERSON S GROCERY We Specialize la I 3HOCERIBS AND SLICED ICE '■ COLD Wat ER ME LO Free Dei!very Service Greenville, N. C. *' - [ f IfcVrregiSSKVSW ••<«.■ "■MT-m m- 3ERRyToST]C & son" 1 i Home Furnishings and Appliances 257 E. sth St Greenville (Nsxi Doc; io Wh»l« Cr ev ' Co-i “““T*******' 1 i SAIEED'S < “FOR EVERYTHING IN i WEARABLES ; Greenvi!!«, N- C. GLAMOR SHOPS ll SMART WEARING APPAREL \ FOR LADIES & CHILDREN ( 494 Evans Street ; Greenville N c ,._t * —1 VETERANS NEWSSTAND j IS TOPS WITH NEWSPAPERS - MAGAZINES Life Weekly Journal and Guide Afro, Pitfsbargh Courier and Ccnoc Books A COMPLETE SHOE SHINE SERVICE I! Dial 3S§3 George Suggs, Mge William Bcsaey p«» 11 231 » Careen Sj, Free Delivery Sere we ! f - { /right) prominent pastor of the I’aseo IGpttsl church in Kansas Liiv Ihi foundation i- making plans t v hav a s2®o.OO',i building in Chicago to carry out its pm- Pt/se of promoting better youth. WP, A. & \|. i MtERGOES “'FACE EIFIING* TALLAHaSSBK !•*!.•. Students tind faculty a. ’-c irs eumiug ■ - l'ior? la A., jul -1 Coliegtr for the ipecnia <•'■ . ii>- Ih_-:!.T0 -..•!>> looli on iho iit-'tni-vs There ::s untiei -vay a program of re|)>. ! renovation p.iiti: mg. or i expansion | of* ur.'iliVv oln a ill oosr several thousand dollars. Twenty nine structures ■ ■;. ;he ■ camptis ire cheguieri for some' form, of roair or renovation, rang • in.? all tiie way from repainting: I rumplere overhauline. I*. the group ; i‘s Greenville N J . GORHAM FREED I Lyman Gorham. Greenville farm laborer acquitted lr.-t week on j charges of trhiii on which he was : • a "rested or. July 24 a f ter an , u! *u- . mobile belonging to James Duprte > eau- nt afire wnile its owner was in it asleep. lnr trial ••••r.ducmd in Pii*. : : County Superioi Co: rt before 1 Judge R. Hunt Parker, was marked ! tv sharp verbal exchanges between ■ ; Defense Attorney s. O Worthing- *• ton and Solicitor W. J. Bundy The all-white jury hoard Gor hams lawyer declare that an ; mmol was being marie t.. railroad ’’is client. Troy charge was hotly denied by Solicitor B indy who de clared that "tv.* one a- going to be 1 railroaded while I am solicitor* The d«. icnse cc.-tu-nded that I I Gorin rr had been w iking in a ’ : tobacco barn .jon:* . ight miles - awny whtn the i n caught fife, E ■f he state h,? ' over, aefs Priced the theory that Gorham h ui ridtien to ; L'-c s- c . <-l -:h L: • ■ •r, the -ear i-i'm: er of !r. Dupree car. j The jury , n , ;s verdict 0! not guilty aftti ci-i :<•• •:-oa ..a j ■.. sir and twenty rr notes Millions are neded to heip polio 1 j patients. Send a contribution to i day to POLIO, care >f voui local i post office. PAt 1. DONALDSON GROCERY Pkast,i({ You Hiiv? Kept IS In Business NNe Appreciate Your Latrinute Cold Drink' Ice Cream, ( andies Dial k».j>) _ ;o.i X\ Ilfs Ss S J,LJW a m ilhmwt' nr.j,. When Yot* Need Cut Flowers, Wreathes or Petted Flowers (' ; FT THKVf FROM THE COLORED PLORIE r , Prompt ,-ii, i > o iHeotts 'Service ! Is Yours Forever f . *j i Gangley’* Florist , Pi<>Bß»({ You. Pleases La f lilt; Pitt St Cretanviße i j II C ALOLiMAN Saturday, .SeptetTiher 10, LHO GREENVILLE ! M • Patsy Mu - daugther -if 'Mr. «nd Mr- Elijah Moore, loft Ra f i :h. August 211 for Mew v<. : k City she i* a student nurse at .St A i , hospital. Raleigh Mis. Janie Hicks and grandson have rtLirV'd !i m*. after spt-naij.g • wet !;.s m BaiPrrori and Ivin - ruviile. Pa HOME OV'ERNfIIT Pirn RE BETTER SAYS UN INCU R DETft()JT —-N tg n> /omf]u, \ h< ; L.riitcd StJites .-irt* miprovo:*" t *ir ! utility to acquire theii own he r s j and rire the most striking :;i u > j L*f prtysp... a* t s in tne lie r >Os .icc’c d* 'ing to Franklin H.irdmus. .Tr *T i C*h.ic; •>•,». \ ict president of to, !s 'Savings mid Loan Iwaimt* Mr Franklin was oim ~f -ms■ kcts hear.J here Wcdnesdo'. . ili'C second annual of ti, * - ; N’.ieri, > \ nd • , ; ■ ur. (s rnprismg .Vcioii . v;;:gs ~,q : loan institutions The two tacit,rs uh ch have most t.. do with honu ov is isl ip aciu* . Jinaucis g on reasi.uabie if , n-s i, •' o- than here u fort M: Hard ing concluded El SAN I 1 BI T!f it >* * '.* -S) on .1. o-via., OT No’Ui Carolina Atutual La:, . ao' (*oi. ; r. - told to-' ~ o.ic I ‘hat the field J finance ,s w.dt; • *-•*’*• for N< .• s as vorua s L ■..'•ess ca.'Ceis. as w J , m, . lunr for dealing with oui own - Purs He urged greater participa tion. Eleven of ;ht- 2« eligible assoiia r! is ar affiliated wi:i> th [. me and have aKuregote assets ol sli.gbti.v iess th,.n SB.WUi,OOO. Siucc the oup was founded Inst No vember. these four building ~ :tl loa-on ass'-xiatiuns have j >ii, d. Waits Savings arid l.<- .a. L;;.- A, - gel*'.-; Trans-Huv F,ii-. ..I Savwgs ■inJ Loan, San Fi 'mcisco; Atlanta Mutual Building Lo.r.-n and w. Atlanta, arm Ind.ish .al Savoias inti Loan. Cincinnati J S Stewart cf Dm Mar' hi- v-treasurer of the Mutual Build ing and Loan of that c-ity, was -i,d pr sident. He succeed.-: If. A. Howard, pi .i -t ' i the }y. . . •vay Federal Savings and Loan As sociation Los Angeles, a founder •>1 the League who r: iinquished the office because of the consthtui. n a 1 ban against successiv'e terms. Ail other officers were rc-elect ’d. the major ones being Maurice E Collette, Berkley Citizens Ms uoti Building and Loan Association, Norfolk, ■ ..ere tary-t re.,si > ver, and Wiil >ji Halyard Coluntbia Savi'.gs j d l ean Asaocia'mn.>:,. as i.aunt secretary-ti ■ ■ , The Home Federal Savi: .s- sad Loan of Detroit ,v,*s the he- .t eincivnatiTohio LETS FIRST NEGRO POI.ICE SERGE INT CfNCINNATi. O • aNP> 1 . city of Cincinnati will have its n; -i i -t- > i.miice sergeant .■> xt unn u when Patrolman Cleveland L.r soi issumes his new pus* Seplem ber 16. Lawson*; appointnient wus m- | Attention .. , Greenville Readers j -A !i ML! V, .veil-know.t; Greet: vr- •-t unt so. man, ■:■.•« • i to mrUe :> =,io '.<<■ <, cut ■■ . ?,/■ j | CAROLINIAN v» i<> ■ tiiesr papers and t«» ■. ; ■ ; .c ... ■ vim * j drink i>ryonr news anti pel. '• > r fu ! i ■- t - , ; >■ * , r , i iii(i rur.iotuH t as Don't forger, Suing your no ova r>. by ra..r . F '■.< before you want it pubiik&ed. Support the CAROLINIAN, it w >i! - ,*».> W ILL! AM .R, if! itN LI r /Ohr *wv M sirri r's. 7 ,; ?o i I r——— * Sw FRIEND IN NEED—Cornelius Simmons, Pitt < ‘Mints leader vim has been the leading figure in the tight to safeguard Hi.- rights oi Bennie and l.loyd Kay P,u> iels. two Pitt (Mill!) south-, win rp charged w itb the niii.fler of :> white Greenville eab driver. t*. a re*-uit of an investigation rallied out i>> Siniinun; ey i dene- ha- been uncover, d in t‘ie n't which ."route, , .-nuns d< übt oi the guilt of ihe tw , youths. ■Siminr-ns has Ferj very active in the i-rgaiiu ai m of 'hi ir defense UInF; \V\!!*;s\KKr SAVANNAH. (is \NP Perhaj . m> ..t oi - f ", Mi nt know •!, hut < the W w Eci ,i ih Baseball park ..Ist eek. Jaekif Rot nison y; mil , r.ri-J second base However it w n . th," - no tis Jackie K*»- mson un- Brooklyn Dodgi r- but aisi m found it- a box on see.ord umvaiited littl, infant who ai. tv sene boys coming out to practice. When the bahy was turned over to the potiee and a search for his par-nts proved Iruitles- he received the name *'f Jack ■ Eorsith K*>hins*ni io honor ot the Dodgers’ second hasemati and th" bail park .n which he was Mind The infant, who ac> irding to doctors was only a few hours • Id. might not ever know Tsi parent- but he his i iut in his favor for ■; great life y v illg hi' fir't hours 'ol iife its 4 fiall par!, and io-ing n i -j,-.: as. tt r one ot the greati so- u baseball today. tinunpe;. las! v. :< .. v p ,i;o, C., .L ■ . Tlf *1 W, ' - V■: . • " Negr had Ai n ■■" »:u ;n * city s police d‘**p..rTßi • •„, « fiiiislivd Third : ‘.y< ,f' ; . r,. The new #e. go,mt. us b-e. * mcivlM'i' 1 n o ■rfv f; r ..even y - ; H* is ms.ned t - r;u for u-*r '•>iFr B'-rn., V’arbrnugh it Welch W N’.l . and is the .-on of Mr x J Mis. When notified of L-.vsi.ns jr ■ motion, C:n-t. V* ,lt- r F Martin un - der who mluws'v. tias wora