PAGE SIX ~nl W inr iu~i : >Tfinn .jU., 41 jj *4**4,. var .v'i TnITELIFE IN N. Y. BY ALVIN MOSES NEW YORK <ANP) PT-RCY HARRIS. an impoOa t Lpui-r in tho nightlife mark i . «t H t Spt .'ngs. .Syracuse -nd llaib'M tcv-i Knew the fan ‘u- .-v.?r hs tue evaner f{‘ H ~ ■ L"rnei" <<n J32n.,i St 1 ci "1 :r! Sry Ax ••nuo, here ■ -p'. idi pf mi t »s.if« i: Arvic-ric;.i! ,u■ .i i-i.-.e Th“ .iighl >f Ibn : 1 rent IT;: !'■" inson-SLvv pninp ’loving tout a* Yankee '■!.ulnar.. ; ■ 11. 1 f:,: •1• s -1 aik ad leisurely to the . edge of tfie : Ode 1 ' ilk uri it-:-; .u<! t .si , ;» u . ■<- re I :. fi; '■;! I : tslki'-s 0. > '1 P Ran • IJv 1, , tV’ t- . i-f 1 \;, ■, i>• I■' 1 ill- 31; x! ; n n a P'R the vcu \ „ •• 11 nv . “I think n ■ y vip bcv \ -.uld like *0 i- !»>• ’it t H ain fight sc v i-.i ir If rp h-.t ■ , ( i< taxicab* many ns vny ip ji; re. sod to jv.'- I u(* .' at Uh* -i .dim . Roughly I ; 1 ; I tiled V. hich ft add not !■ -. .a Sd.'iO as ...-onsov- VBth'C i .:>*'• fir, the ah ’V. i! t\ much than a 1 . reahcr.s ft \’'?< ac ai a 1 vpjrsl f ■a- p.ats Percy Hums whom i’vr since I a ■■■.’ 1-. ten Jrotn high -< h-o! EILLJE HOLIDAY. •01 rise S.h-ve the ;e-. pati frftntL „■ da- t-_> a- ■ p - •-<,- c-.vrd" and ■•■by jo N Y. nte clubs Oraua' -f PD ■ I Pa- e J ■ ; ‘VlOaannt i »P r idl'd a)'. - ALFEU r\ HI N i PH, a- tm scphisttelaort ■vt ‘he h.ix been <su' log alt 1!>(' a rsis hrr i. tmc has *}>ft «i> ffl ns t* i. rolume. Mopped ir; f; out -f ULAttR y |< ’ a 1-* 1 s brt i ’ ’ spot <■ t> Seventh iTctin" no-it nit Is is; I'll Ihf .lire’s \i!r V-l’i k. to tr't ' Vtitijir 'Pigg-or ■ Harris »!Vl your ; r.; ai 1 f in;--; happy »tt«. it: these (ta i. \ \ iilcr? rj-r,i >« ir the affrrinc for (his git! tv be sings i>> ! Miich as tliiesitiy a s must el (,s thinh aI- Sff»k flte ‘k • ng's * 'a. d• h it !>s* ; Wf i| sumtrr rut \l- I:e*ta is; fat ill on those !«o ; . rrrpj i”6' urtntli mad- h>, my sii !• • - -J VAN! “» \ f IAI,I . mte of the of ‘1! I H P\< H'K v Atarv 'i about svlietn re did a profile three m eks age . t«f iuenf.t.y rush to s re liable vo-u •■ -dealer and Sit'd out t* hefTiei lie has am \tti|Tisi is etics Os Hon e and (',.ird=n. mstgartor'- and sotr'U hive a spltodid photo of ' ■« ,1 t f«- your children *< ! sro. T.I T II P HI P \RTMf NT V ' • i ... -1 , ... 1 : , i pears to US ill iarlh ton-d.-M' » : i !- ttr our rr.' : j..ufh • ■vrid. Please mm mboi t t -t v-c h-U you -eadetn to pi nfoi iv; y,v;r : .ate t,p. rot rnoro than 350 ivords iho f .-■■ tyiiowpittcr. pegs't VKI S’iV :rip;:f;V . !ih a st-tmt ' soil aiLj.i' :l'i C: lip pp DAt. In rt d ip; ’-h<- , ;i . in>te cl.p Nfr. s nce-ntly | poled that Ouost-colum 86 Proof Hi STRAIOHT WHISIffY* -IN THIS WOOUCT Mt < VE##S O* MC'tt OI.D VKitKEV. t»% 'ir'lß.Yi, MITHUtO f«OM MAIN. immm * iwsti tana, nw*. kumb ■ mn —i —rr -inif >llll crrr- nrarr-r Tt~n— f • mtN* -'fW WWWW»»W»«»*W —Hi — 1 ■" ■■ ■»—»« ■■ •« n*in»inin« '■•'T"" m— ii in i ■■■'■ 1 "* I «• * 1® I G&W * ,/s w m ' SEVEN s n. ffl s STAR ||S| ; blended whlrkey. "The straight whiskies ore 4 / I j year* or more old 37«, i% «jHs /«% | SCV£u *»., / straight whieiwy. MWi. g®#! / neutral spirits. distilled R ■ / 'P|- I < from groin. 1 S*i straight g j * whiskey 4 years old IS*»> Untight whiskey 5 Pjfe ..." " J years oW. 7S*% straigiv iRWI •, whiskey * y»#« oW ' 'mwP 00©«i*MMM 4 WORTS tiMITCD, KORIS, H.UNOIS nist Perry pave facts on i Flc-rcnce Mills (dates. Ivyhlights. t etc.) that ehock precisely with your • iiiiclt writt. n on May 10. 1.049 > A Kit in I v.'i.slt to thank von for vt.ur t hi.Ttcsl-ropdrtitsg and near fta.vlo.-s . doumcntaticn. I reed your story to : a ilterm-v gathering in m.v St At nans. ).,. I. home anci you watid !divt> top quite sntisf-ed had you ' i < if ii-ii* boar the rtieo thin: :■> '-aid u Hi 1.1; ip- alyout your H 'fence Mills story. Very Sincere ", Rm-ctta fl"wtH-u-:‘t- A I'llE A CHER. WHO TAIMtAXI'IH tilltv KfIMIAV. when 5 w;i. a !,re;»t evatigefist esliing sinners don n The Saurhist Trial" away trom Satan with a fanfare tot er|ijaUy on tltr \tm sii an srene unit! btixent. ttitf! real-prett; Amy-Semptf u ruerM j» set up ner tem ple. Itroivuskimted f'.IJJ HAI ! M uts the finest tap dancer I’ve s<'en everpting ITiliv tBo - jangte-a Robinson. fi tl-u, he is just as eon r erated to tin work of bring a preacher-for-Ond as ever he uas hetrre flu ‘•flickering-foct- Hffhts ” Twn weeks ago I drop : i;d into Sf. Pan! Bapflst i hut eh on West t.'Chui street, near bighfh Avenue Ut Harlem and Ir letted to the young mats invrkr llte lost to iOnir- into Sis. ! ltd. ? would ndvi-e scoffers let t»* laugh for Pf fiber Baih-y totd me be has "too murh sense S - malse a mockery of find's win k Good for yon. Bill Bat'ey, many a man has fn en called to spr< id •he gospel without benefit of trained wmls srs theology so let the tongue - waggers prattle while re ii (ontinue the work f w hir-h you passed tip S-Atif* a week iet more' salary for a plait' olferre that at its top tails to gross St.Ofto per month. M ARY T.OU WILLIAMS ;.ur ■hb <;■ i petty c,< ys-e at Saks i” • ' ' - Ik -h: ..lid i ; -H' ■. .! I !!• ns ureatcst jazz-piatusts and : i ompo: rs, she e;vf. remuru at • Vu- : s i pie.-i>«s unci th«.•:•: tour Europe, ' i'v:U.«h South ’.Vest AtYi.;a. New Pat’Cj.; - i f Franc, her. f , the . l ieoii that -he is < niv. This I.- Broadway " Jack, Carter's tidi'o program- “Milton; Eerie’s ‘ ill TV ;h iw and other ctr; miiiiTiCnf>. Miss Williams is EDITH WIN’S PRAISE m TOWN HALL TOUR WavhfnKton t ANP I Jr a l<" lee to Mrs .Mary Mr.lrftod l-tettumc made ptiblle last week, Chester S. fYißisni.-., dlreesor. World Town Hail -•- iiiinrir 1 r • h>’*l the work o Mrs. Edith Sat.ipaon. Ylhleacro H to:hex v bit t.h> lour Mrs. Sanip son is representiim the Naiiorni. Conncil of Negro Women, whi.-h Mrs ftethun*. helped to found. He wife Mr~. Bethune in par: “From the iK’giiming: rhe -a been a terrific member of out group FJveryHotly loves her ami i« delighted to hove such a. fine-spirit ed woman as a companion on this tour . in JlerHti she wa- sueit a good sport that .she Grugg-led through •* brmdCJist in Gorman} yvith Mr;- Ruck of th<> General Fed erri-tiol' ;,’KI Miss Strati; of * b I.MiifUe of Wuntcn Voters as tfe yiusi of --i iending woman . . nj. Frau Leber, '1 rrm'i heg-n to ‘ell von who it means h> me t/> have ICdith with - ns 1 believe that It Is doing a vast , pttioimt. iff food for the Nogfc- won.- -11 of America nut) sot the rontvi’V, w- alt love y.n! want to mr.fc-- a? i fine ms we rail' S*tH'tarX'Q-7f>-i ,i.Mtlo»wu ewarni »»«*«■»■- - , ■ , - , n- l i.-vr-i—-m-- T -—ir-e .-. L . , i-rnr-r --| Billie Holiday Wows Harlem, Whiteway I NEW YORK fjlltte Holiday, strain proves crmvnHngly and uon iusneiy her right to the title ' America’s 1 Song Stylist, iby public nccUfnat on and popu -Ibn demand, with packed udienoA !at ♦•very performanr. 1 V,!f-.|,y rinv: coitsidercd i the biblo of nitics of th stage, i | screen, radio and the amusement o"ld paid high tribute to La Hoh- 1 ) da.v . . Quote- ’Billie Holiday, • making hot first New York appear ance ft r ,-■-■ rue time ri.te to legal 1 i snafus, was topliner of tto new I I ill-star ■I)d»- ai the Apollo iti Har- ■ lem Site duplicated and tons, all 1 : prcv't'us enragements at the ace! i vaudc vilh; hot is." "Lady Day. hs usual, didn’t let | ■ them m, Sifperbly gowned and liiirtily eoiffrcl. the sioled rung styl ist, gave out 'a solid song session, . . : • a thiillcr thai had ’em hugging- l'or j )|n! re." . I j| To thov-c in Ir- know the Har-! i ieio o);, the Apollr is «a'd ! , t-> be the jinx < f show la- toughes! h- use to pie tse the j .-.ephistiiratctl audit nee, . . All the j post reason the place Iras' b*. en i nearly empty-, uttlil the arrival of "I,any Day' which proved lo He n i bourn-,’. . which reaped a harvest of , gold SCORES IN TELEVISION , r "Rowing her tedious engage tr .nf l the Apollo in Harlem. Bil-j lie ffoiid.-. v gathered more laurels' and high raise in trier? ion a tmest. star of the NBC Eddie Con-! don T. V Show Saturday evening' that v-: and a spellbinder. In n-birh ,-r.e •-'•’•'rayed the life of B» i- s.'-tit’; Tin' latter blues sins'- «r, urn- i>t the m atest artists of vo-'rrvf-;, Ms- Holiday sang oi-.c v.! Bes'-io s f A'ori'r miss “Keeps j Or- RatrinK." A* the rios >. Mr • C< ndon told Miss Holiday “You are| the ki Bessie - ; - - B"- e.' Also a-T -a ring the c -no nichf ay surSt arbist of th Art Ford pt c ■■"rant yt i Vi IX Nov Y- ri< Daiiv Ycv, Telet ifioo There great suc ..•vss! s : e iu'd Billie Holiday'? tni 'i-e T;y hrr: and already Rating Hot Records f , J Iff-nry Raitditll for V\T IMI DLM. S !i»l V Os Bl 1 ! ■ ( .r- •- h; Duke Fili“cton wi < ; rh. siris must necessarily be s • ;r,' a good goinu over by ni- or-- lii ii, of followers and r 1 ’ h vet-s of ,1,-tzz. svrng, k"k, etc T-" old mas'er whip- at a p'-ir ■’ er.-sy-dunce t<nipo which, .'trc -■ • ,L by the delicious vocalizing of Del ere Parker “A" >ide is TAKE ; : LOVE EASY » nit so blue-" oeuncc which has the Jch: ,i.y . Hodges’ alto, treatment fm add d roloi intervv>->vcn with a trick .y decpts-uc ro’d bftekeroutid ’he' r-::L. - Ten manner. Mate i- . real blues item, 1 COULD GET V. a fine 'iTangemeni Duke open:-- tho much in the same manner as would ' a playful kitten, let loose to cavort 'ever the blacks and 'whites. Inc dentally, the Duke can knock "i: seme . •? - : q. " i 1 [e;.- T hire yet si mTu the > V'. le- k' , chtrln;-; n roceut Chicago appv,. ifertef- u Ire lie. nei-’itplryed “1 id; 8‘ Good" as a veeich \t Idle ahmit this btivincsx of th<- bln*-' let's sec w hut Vici-u arri C apitol h.txr on line, as well as other <. oltimbta items. The Johnny Moore’s Three Blazers svith Oscar Moore, dis card their i imihar sH ie fnt a zetful bounce «n a novelty theme VOL (AN GO i’HD VOI RSKII . Billy Valentine har ales the Ivr ies on this and the other side. \\ NUKING BI TI s Then Roosevelt Sykes and his Orglnai Honey drippers trickily rhythm a warning to STOI* HER POPPA. Sykes *-} Ins the lyric’s also foe the mate of 1 KNOW IWHY YOU FKKL, Victor ervdrt. Thai tlu'nit’ht-prox " k-'b:-- Thr-'c Tr-.-i. ■oruf-t -i f- ■ rt->d and .- .metimos fair, are on the ball with ■ and ole! < 1 AINT'T GONNA BE YOUR MONKEY MAN NO MOPE Columbia piece gperts g’-nd • flaiKt .did gltar ploying and has that "Shouldn'? do that" Jjr* isandwiched throughout the lyrics T aired is BIG THREE STOMP, an instrumottal raecs-horrey side te-n a wild KR ' hioh chords be hind the guitar .-md then roughrides the res' of the *-a> in the lead. . Memphis Minnie, making her first platter In a long 11 rr: ■ . bounces around in non fashion n Jujujj I itfcie Kr pit" for Columbia She ttrtd ! her Jiifripin' Beys moke with the' " irds. Mot’ is a slow-jjaced and gutty item, replete wilh wicked piano and Minn • or, vocal, i t iled TONIGHT i SMILE ON YOU. fapiOtl’s contribntion.s to the blues hne-up arc by Tommy j T?*>tigl ts. At Jackson and Val ter Brown Douglas with bis crew make a bouncy vehicle ol fF YOU DON’T, WHY DON’T YA, sunr provocatively by | Kvclyft Twine iof the “Fi lintg Song" fame). Paired is Tom my’s original shuffle-type blues TEA FOR TOMMY. A! Jack- 1 run penned two original-- which ; Dink Cole handles vocally of LONG ABOUT THREE ami j AIDS BOOdIK. Both are boogie blues Items with a cool right hand thumping The enscToble | joins Hick n» the ’TSOTgie" side. | A »U»w «intttp blue*, whirpefi 1 ««1 by piano, g»dlr, i- drmns mt j •Ay is the Watte* Bn'wfl Mtn ■••» I INFORM me baby. Mm, b THE CAROLINIAN !hei plans on’ underw-i.y to (cie vls2 her in other extensive T. V. shows, includin gthn Arthur Goti iicy .'slic>vv. ON TOUR Mi's Holiidoy’s next appcdrauce I’M LIE HOI,SHAY incluM- n conct’i'!, i*i Bust ■!■. the erne us many i-f lit • noble ui impit,; of tiuistc master?, and the arcit'csl 'i fist *,f the day. | Jo Glaser head °f the Associai i■ d Bonking Corporatii jis ready.tig a tout for Billie Holiday through ithe Deep South hei first trip to i that part >f the eouhtrv. Manavcif • have ijccr. I'crj'.K' l'."i appeal ■nee Uii ;e for a tonnhor of years, •tnd h is glad t fullf’H thir < ager •-xv'fr*t" ~at this time. LATEST REC ORDS Mi.--;, Holidayha.*: just complctod j a st-'rios of recordings; for Mecca ; r'orp.'- ath'n. f.-r Y’.ui <-hc is an x.-iys vs evtisl. An album of B*s ic srcilh numbei s incUidiwg •Ain; Nobody’ * Business.' 'Keeps O- ■': ;o'." “Give Me "• Pigfoot <rni A Glass of Beet " Ah- "Then Tiv-r. and “Bahy (.jet L-vt ♦ fi#- alley tree HI I 1.0 AND GOODBYE. I'.ct(i were written h* Brew it SACRED SONGS t Tin jt-j.fnMuiia Jackson does. -- i erjit,■ • iwe]i iy- the hobert-: M an ‘Cihcagei arvanpod GODS; AM V7UG.; 'GRACE; She "i‘' - -t : l.'-r youUul ir.tei - jen of Hie } - backed by the measured as-' , i fan organ and piano On iIK I -1 1-- nit* pare is stepped up lo : bed !,"- scl c-hent. 'l KNOW EVE BEEN CONVERTED The; D;-■ p Si'-ath B-'-vs. wth piano »e- ■ : d<; i mi!’ lme her- - nhng no UNTIL 1 FOUND THE! LORD and TAKE HOLD THE LIFE; LINE. Columbia lable 'Life ’lane” i he'.while h- mate i- jubilantly.- Also Columia is a 12-.neh LP j vi hi eh contain' mvrn sacri. d senes! c f . us led tvith - grmip "f romantic, j dr.-i *ti ;"tl s<? rmd ii ol • the low 1- Arnerioiw 1-. belled “Latin . Amet'!' u. SoijVs." the- work is done : by ihe Dopant' Infantry Chorus,: c-'.if - I the finest musa-al gu "ups to c rne "i;t ■■>:! (he last, war A bunch' of c>f-Gl's make up the seven-' .. " -i.’d . .M-. whoso musical in- 1 - tefi t etaru’-s. ha.. monies ideas ro'-ike so- u)f>re than interested lis ts - i;;s Soared items include HOS- , PC D! POM Hi I BLESS TB E LORD O MY SOUL O BONK J ESI A DOF! AMIES TF; CKRISTE. | DEER RIVER THE BLESSING Or ST FRANC. fS rmd HERE IS THY FOOTSTOOL- Th-- "Lafin-Atheri- • sr. Gone-" are LK HANDSOME i MAN. HOI Y WOMAN MOURN - TNG SCAT., '.‘.dyfiso iter.,; CASIN :HA PKQHKNIN'A s rp, American, ,I‘ve ,--i,np COCO DO NOTRE hoi Ih'- asU-m Brazil; -- - dance- VI :DA LIT. A. Argentine love; <ong. LA I.LOriOXA, Mexican Sony; - PC EGA NE-OTh ). Ah "'Brazilian mt iedy. TEX4S GRllVsQl \0 SHOWS PROMISK H w.vtm. T- x.i- A iitti head cfifirh. a new fiit»t!ia,l sy and ni-yr startiriK men >i! a mnjertty of the piwitioit;- got their fir ! w'ork <>tt; when lhe g-iagtiili stituul oi Texas Sla.te Univorsky hogat; their rtii-tlal prac-Ur.*-- Swptentlter ! Alexalulei l>nrlo’.', v. h with .the -Si..-!_>rs .1! Texas. C-ollcge '* ; a legend in ih« SottHiwe-*! ('c.nfer exict* foot,bail rirelw. in 'he ttrw eoaci. at 'Tiy-ilr,ml". Arvordmfr lo thir-. in the know. Dnrley'a new t>ysf«m will offer mure kpewd. pviwer and raxxh '.ituttlo than i.ny previous. - '--am i-.t ! T>’VaState. Tnlouted pacMers 1 spoeri’-' ba--k- Htul ti firm l'nrw>ml i ; ’-‘el! v»iil he tiu’-jof fij» n ill pro - r itlliisr tlui.t the g.i-uy! ■ atui dun hi- ; i wit.gbnck f»r»iu.tiona are not ohao 1 1 .yfjiht SfcWr ' Colored Spectators gi.Oft | • / /. . m . r'r’im nifi t r >MI In . m in . ■m ii ■mmn mi‘ifii*rnnf‘iTlifitlSrflSriyifltii rtf iiHiirramr in ■■tun ii nll >1 lit ■! mi n mi « m r ~ltT'l 11 li"iil‘<‘ii ir , mil f y il ,**»»«*!«».>. ., MMafangMlMlMflllM mMMMM MiLLINBER SUES OWN IN ROW ! OVER H!T REOOROI j NiOW YORK Dyna maestro j I Lucky Millinder, currently touring | ihe south and Bouthweat with hi -i mm h-disrussud “Lucky MOlinder'.: Mighty .Modern Minstrels," has \ filed suit In N. Y Supreme Cour*. j against his former arranger Andy ; ; Gibson over authorship of "The • Huckiebuck" sensational, smash hi! i ! song recorded hy Paul Williatn-. ! Frank Sinatra. Tommy Horsey anil j other "anions vocalists and ‘name'! I hands. | Action asks $1011,000.00 damages. ! account ins of profits and that Mil-; ! tinder's name be placed on turn, ins writer. I “Hucklebuek" and M Winder's i RCA-Victor record. "D Natural ! Blues" have the same music. Mil ler's version is Instrumental, and Gibson'*, with lyrics added, is v> cal. Question to bo settled by cottri i is whether M Blinder or Glbs-nn d>- I veloped the basic riff on which; i both melodic* are based. | Mi Hi ruler claim* he wrote the | original melody in 10-iS. giving i* i to Gib-on who was his employee, j for arranging under the title "D i .Sutural Blues." MllHtider does not ! claim (Uithorsh!p of the lyric* , I which w“re wrifetn after the re | lease of Paul ,-. iLiam-. i " r ord. j • : which mibsequeiHly iiecaim si for | selling Hit disc musing other i j baud* and Ringers te record th-> : ; ttC MillindArs newest RCA Vlrfot I : dis” "Awful Natural" and to the ‘ Middle of the Night" tods to ex ! coed the popularity of his “D Nr t j tuval Diners" tHueklebtn-k. san* j ‘ iyricst, with both sides climbing ; I fast <m the most-plaved mosMis tviHu-to' popularity charts publish e;i by music trade publication*. Lucky Millinder’s .Mighty Ytod ! rrn Minstrels star-studded, magni J tjceutly costunted stage metreva i ganza will contlnup on ;s onc-nlghf- { er tour until mid-November. F I . : tewipe his “Huekluhuck" author-! • hip suit, ached tiled for trial He ermbor 4th in xew York Supreme ; Court, the song-writing star-maker j will fulfill engagement.- in western ' and mid-western territory wish hi • Might' Modern Minstrels GA. DISC JOCKKVS FO MEET IIUNOIS VTT SNTA G:s Ten c'-mmy one ..night, '.a. d of Illinois Jacguet and. lh;s high-flying Sextette si the Me- : ■; mcrir-l in Atlanta will ? ice marked by an assembly of this j ! city’s top disc-jockeys, who v iiL j turn out to greet the mighty mite j : cf the •o-issphone in hi* first torsi ; ■ appearance . .terkiji.ri'.- RCA Victor waxing: ' 'Bi ick V vet" which is a c£: ihit in every section of the court-; ;sth in this city and for the pas l j : of rvceba lias ire o j .-1 a-; i cai disc-jcickey shows. Among tne Atlanta disc-jecKCys; twho will be on hand to welomn j [t -e renowned "Dynamo of the Sax-j" in his f.rst local stand! •e Zoom,- SOnj'S of VVt IST. Nfd i ! “Jack The Bcllbov' Lukens of > AT AS. Don Barber of WAG A. Be., ! Wat :.on -vs WSB and Don Elliot of PI RUSHERS SEEK NEW JOHNSON HIT NEW YORK Buddy Johnson. . ihe youthful compose;-pianist -nut- : 4 co. currently finds himself in **■' i midst of spirited bidding by sev*. hi of Fin Pan Alley’s major mu- j -ie pub' -.her. ho arc offering lu .Yrauv! contracts and bonuses in 'vying for publication rights to Buddy's new song hit “Lovely m ; ; Her Eventofi. Gown"', which he ln-1 ti educed last, w eek in ,-i broadcast • . ih eMutual Network's Trrasur'- Bandstand Budd; has penned such 'song hits a? 'Stop Pretending". Baby. Doni Yau Cry . "1 Don! • Care Who Knows" and "Did Y u S. e Jackie Hr re. ••or, Hit The Bail'. ", appear to have come up j with a real smash hi' in "Lowly In Her Evening Gown " His Deer a record of the ballard, which is sung tin Johnson band’s romantic i-.Riiadicr. Arthur Prysock. is sche ■ bubd for .■ 1. ..... ; r September V md tren endows interest slroenv t>, •- beer aroiißcd q:. the krone 1 u of that m< Mutual Nn ’’ or): -■!•- ilig leto. Nf ". men likely to become out stand lug gridsters are in abut, dance Tin Tigers have marry let terrier ! alio aw ex peered to carry the Inn den rijost of the meson They are found almost tan deep at e>ery p-’ : •Orion Some of fha veteran 1 warts, however will he changed j front mi Hue post to < noth*. The Houston squad has p we-. ' passinK and kb king plus an able j n rid t x per ten cot! defense. 4nd if . ibe plans of Coach Durley work ! j mr -mtlfifuctorlly. it will take ant k perfect day to beat Texas Stn ! - • DEEPS SCORE HIT iON ENGLISH TOUR | PORTSMOUTH England The. ; Deep River Boys, who have prov- 1 |cd to be one of the biggest Amen-; j con atttraet'ons ever to play £.»£- j iland in their current British tour.! thrive created u real hit for tlicm-j • selves in their rendition of "Cry! i And Yon Cry Alone” the happy j j ditty they waxed for RCA Victor | ; earlier this year; I During the engagement of the j "Deeps” at the Bmp-re Theater in i j Portsmouth, an «lert concessionaire ! riuerd their record of 'Cry Ariel! : You Cry Alone," ai ,-ale in the I theater'* lobby end sold more (ban 'three thousand copies in a week’s! 1 tunc. Taking their cue from this wind ’.fall, managers of the other theatres the "Deeps’’ will play en then tour of the British Isles are makiny m langements to peddle pin! Ires lo their cagei customers. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! --NOW PLAYING! ' | .^laabt .*• 1 f SAMUEL (30LDWYN T % t j | uROSEANNA :jiiMccor|| •Starts SUNDAY Lizabeth Scolt * Dan Duryea in “Too Late Lor Tears’* Which of flies® letters \ lie you use most often? MO F P BTE Q , \R S i G j Y AC L D«n you *B> **E"? Well, you're right. Eif esfilv the most used „ letter in the English language. E also stands for Fhetricitv - the (terrier you um most often, light, power, heat. poM, time, music other service does so many ■job* for vm! so cheaply and so dependably as Electricity. America enjoys the best and the most Electric service in the world - largely because hwsinesfonanaged Electric companies have worked con stant Kto keep the quality of Wewfoe up and the cost of Mrtice down* .f • "WIT CORUSS ARCHER" tor d*it»M?«r comtuy. CW - %ur»«v* *tt. « , inter y TIIM, ip'.* ’ A CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. WEEK EN'PB'G SATUEDAY. jSEFTEMBEE 10, 1949 VAUGHAN TOES LABOR DAY BILL IN IOWA DAVENPORT lAvva - Sarah! i Vaughan was m corde d another s.g-! | II,)! htv’.or lv being e.hc?en as the j : headliner at Um annua \ r ouVentioni lof the Tobacco Association of Am* I i erica, which was staged' over the j ! Labor Day weekend at .'be Dav- • j import, The incomparable singiirt.g star, j I tv no never before had n'tsde an j . upper.ranee in this section \of the i . country, wag selected for this-prime 1 engagement on ihe recoinmnßation if sveral members of the Tobacco; ' A*., elation s entartainmeni 'pom-j Imittoe who caught Sarah's recent; ! stint at New .York's-’ Bop''City end j j were so impressed with her ,}cr-; ;' m,ante tluit they practically .in- j Listed upon signing her for the! ; convention. Upon hoi return east next week,! Surah will open a brief engagjc-; me-.t at the Rainbow inn, Nuw j ! Brunswick, N. J., on Friday, Sept. 1 if) ai-ci then set cut on n theater j tour. LONG ILLNESS FATAL TO MRS. R. L JONES J j Mre. Rac !/oc Jenea, founder. ! leader and co-owner of the In tar* j national Sweethearts of Rhythm. ! famous all-girl orchestra succumb ! eel, after a lingering Illness, Sep i temper 2nd, at her home in Den ver. Col., it was announced by J>u<- ! ie! M. Gary, liter long-time associate i and partner. ! Mrs. Jones, herself a musician i end teacher of music was rmpoosi j hie for the ‘discovery’ of the ori j ginal Sweethearts of Rhythm baud, then an obscure, unknown all-girl group in f’iticy Wood, Mississippi. Lincoin RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA SUNDAY AND MONDAY SEPTEMBER 11-12 Parks. Ellen Drew | THE SWORDSMAN COLOR CARTOON j MUSICAL TREAT NEWS OF THE DAT "'fUES!»AVrSE?TEMBF, R”l3 ~ , John Garfield. Biiir lltlop IN Dust Be My Destiny SPORTS REEL | UNIVERSAL NEWS AVFHNf'SDAT & THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 14-313 Tyrene Power. Dorothy Latnenr johynTapolf.o NXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION ri I A MAE WATERS SOLID SENDERS \ ALSO CHAPTER 5 JUNIOR G-MEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER |f-|T UNO* RI I it A TURK'S Till I ORE? 'MCSf)UI tEEKS IN Pioneers Os The West AND AVH MAM GARC,AN MARY BUtn HUGHES W \TERFTRO\T IT HIOMGHT AI SO CHAPTER S JACK ARMSTRONG

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