WEEK ENDING SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 194 y 50 CANDIDATES BOOST ST. AUG GRID CHANCES - -—■»« «. • . .... _ j . * SPORTS AT THE RINGSIDE BY M IX VIRGIL OVERSEA RAY P nr "''"n v ''ES UP t r BOXING WORLD * . Hay ■Sayan Robinson's great: knockout of Steve Belloise two I vve-:ki ago sec-it is to have suddenly! rwakened the boxing world to trie j tact that there is still ; tightet worth seeing m action today One white write: Whinny Mat tin of the Associated Press, .or**- j diets tisai Sugai Roy would d**t’>-.-i; Charles. He compare* Robinson ml the iittlc- fighter.- of vvster.vo.u such as Sam Lanpford Joe Wol cott (not "Jersey .lot" Walcott), and Bob Fitzsimmons who tougnt and whipped 20U pounders with, i eguldfity Maybe Robinson can. but right now he U worried most about Hav ing 3 chance at the middlev<> got crown without Having to give up his welter weight title first Whether or not he will get that chance is problematical. After all lie has whipped the 160 pound king. Jake LuMctta four i rues out oi live. Why should Jaki meet him end get licked before he has cap italized on his crown" Already talk if in the air that Robinson probab ly will have u tight the whinner of the Rocky Graziono-Churlej J-os ar bout before meeting' the winner of the LaMottn-MaroeJ Cerda n title scrap. AT PEAK OF CAREER Robinson evidently tak of hi., cai ct-r in t-arnme . - er and in ability His !s» deep in ins own territory n. the- ward's in smites of the gamt- Bv his excellent play i.i this game Patterson assured himscit a s-pet with the team tor the rest oi the season. Ori the other hand with bfftime football has caused j denies (OT Duke* Bailey 1 West | Virginia State tc be dropped from the team. He was considered a very promising lineman, but needs . little more polish before playing major league football. In contrast Patterson ha played in t» Rose Bowl game, with navy tran-s, and alongside such footbt-.i greats as Buddy Young TO PACE BACKEIELI) Down at Patterson's alma mater, the fighting Illin art expectnc great things from Donald Stevens, speedy sophomore from Pittsburgh. Pa Called Steve by hh teammates ne was great as a prep with is lulh h.gh m Youngstown Ohio H.- is 5 feet 9 inches tail .m 'i weighs 575 pounds. He Has the breakaway speed tha' Illin< is has RtcKed since Buddy Young let! two years ago i Senior B”i Wiihs a holdover front last year's squad. Is also ex pected to provide some po -* t-r in the badtfield Illinois Is now eligible lor the Rose ’"Bowl again. Coach Ray Elliot exp sets to mix in his young sopho- \ mores with veterans to make a, fii'shv young quad. THREE TEAMS TO FIELD LH.HTWEIC.HT GxrmbfJng, Dillard, and Georgia, State expert to field light but fast. alert squads for the 1949 season j Georgia State will have the rough-; t.rt tithe th:g season because only j 27 rr.erti have answered the- coach’s (■till i ti pre-season training. The term opens tts season- September I'S ag-Sinst Kentucky State. Coach Ted A. Wright, Sr., will rely On sophomores to hold up hfs i son's outlook is the return of tri- | team One bright spot In this sea- j pl< threater Robert i fferikr liH Slo-, cum to the squad. Boosters of the: Tigers cun never forget his great j performance against pains last year] when ho carflftfi the bait fit times $17,500 for radio tights. Net was $110,403 ui which he received $33,- 138 and Relioise $25,958. Both pick led up tilt- largest purses of their | careers. and the pi ,ters. the j International Boxing club also took ! in a neat profit To top ills success off. Robinson presentee! his mother. Mrs. Lt-iui ! S-nilb of New York a shiny new I convertible automobile for hei 50th ! birthday August 29 His real name i r- Walker Smith. j What's next for Rub ■n, w< 1 can only speculate. If f WINS CHICAGO DATES The Intern aloin; 1 Boxine Club established itself as a fi ire lu | Cnicago when tile Illinois Athieti; commission approved all 1! of it.- date- for bouts at a special meet me Monday aiternoon The com mission also broke a prece ■ t in ipproving the program oft). IBC by allowin', it to schedule ii main events at 9 p m central time This ccncession was given \ en the IBC" pointed out that its tele vision arid radio contracts v -tld iin tor this timing of the ig fight- Jt will mark the first 'in o iii: t Chic r.io has been an • ’• both national radio and tele vision iccounts of box it. : bruts. 'in make the grade in CV-.ig*„ he IBC faced the opopsit ot S’i v Schoenwald and Jack I ogun. the ■ it > - kadiyn promoters . cron the IBC moved” i. Hi !s the nev. ncMOpoiv u lu s the natutuT two lanA 5G ousts tud up. and well on it'' w. v to a reatei coo* *,ol i the tight than Mike Jacobs oi Tex Hickard evrj had. for J6l yards and -cored his team's; lone touchdown to a 6-0 win Thi “rabbit - running' Ensl v ' twins. Luther and Frank, are ex-, pected to spark the Grambling back Held once more this year Neither of the tw, w-i igbs more then 150 j am!, m football re. aha. Last * year they accounted fur 917 yards: . uii.ed . d 10 touchdowns. Luther », > the team's top p. receiver, and Fr,.nk -h. »v m . n punt re , A total of 50 . layers are coming out tor Coach “Glum Eddie Rob inson s Tigers LEAGUE BRIEFS NMSKO AMERIC AN i « AC.I » i STANDINGS EASTERN DIVISION H I Pet. Nev York 8 4 867 , Baltimore 24 14 .632 Philadelphia & 8 .329 Indianapolis 16 17 485 j Louisville 622 214 WESTERN DIVISION W L Pel. Kansas City 22 19 611 | Chicago . 13 9 .591 Houston si n .500 Birmingham )3 16 448 | Memphis 14 21 ,4.’10 Al> It « Pet. Pipy, lid 204 23 80 392 Davis Bn 2KB 61 ill .385' ! Boyd, Mem 266 54 101 .380 j Brown KC 284 05 107 377 Davis Balt 273 4.9 102 .374 : Neil Ind 315 44 113 .358 : INDIVIDI AL LEADERS Double- - Neil. Ind 26: Lav'-. Bir, 24 , | Triples Gilliam Balt. 12. For* , I uienlhal. Mem. 11. I Heme runs Formenthal Mt ia, and J. DsviS. Hop. 13 Runs Batted In Brown. KC, j I 82. Pearson Bait, 69 Rafts Gilliam. Balt. 113: DfcvlP, | * Bir. 11l Stolen Bases J Baker. KC, Me- ' Nerd. Chi. 15. Pitching Ferrell Balt 8-2; ' Bvrd, Balt 16-3 Strikeouts Collin? Kb’ 131; j R i ebt i nson k C 128 BALTIMORE TOPS ; ] Tlie Kansas. City Monarchs and tiw Baltimore Elite Giants appear to be sure finalists tor the Negro j American League championship. The Monnrehif only challenger seems to be the Chicago American , Giant*, while tbo Elite Giant*'! j nornesrs Is the Nev. York Cubans, j j The Monarch*: yeem surer of thefr j berth because the Giants are not 1 ! the term during the second half j ithev were in th stretch of th first *| hall. They seem to have lost the [ spat k but eannot be counted c*hj- STADIUM ECHOES «Y VERNON JARRETT By Vernon Jarrett for ANF Larry Doby displayed solid anger | - as a baseball player last week for the first time in his major league I cart er - and any other normal hu : man would have done the same t hir, t New York Yankee Relief Pitch er Joe F*. gt not only felled the Cleveland stalwart with a duster i tut went on to add insult to injury. Doby didn't like it and expressed j | himself as such For a while it look led like (he makings of a real tight, ] but unfortunately foi both the rhubarb fissled out. Here is an unbiased recap of what happened Put yourself in Doby * i shoes and try to imagine what you ! would have done. The incident tong place in Clove -1 land i>n !he night of August 25. Lar i' iv l)eby came to bat »n the e-ijfttth • inning with the Indians trailing ( in an all-important tilt with the | league leaders Joe Page dusted i nrrv with a last ball that bounced off the outfielder s arm. The blow sent him sprawling to the ground i writhing in agony Doby pulled himself together and headed foi first bast: But was i Page sorry that ho Clipped a man? No. He didn’t even try to conceal his attitude. B-.fon Doby could ! reach the- first sack the pitcher ••••lied "Why didn't you get out ot the way?" Page’s remarks was note audible Tnc Cleveland press white dailyi also credited him ith the remark. Before reaching the bag. the u:-u - ally quiet Doby returned the chr.l - In the same inning the tw<. men .assed third base- a: the sum.- time they pierced each other with ! icicle glances No lis:.- were raised ioi combat but the emotion tor • ueh was t r.ere. Dunne the booth e.one. which i ihe l i . . hst 6 to 3 Page also hit Je.hr.ny B; rard.no irt the ninth sith a piU-tied bull But Page re ortedly made a distinction be lweed bararGinn and Doby Pa,;e . •old Outfieldtr Be l> Kennedy to I mfn. it Bcr ardino that he was sor-' y about '..he pitch He- idn't say j now he felt toward Derby. .Viaybt he "forgot “ Maybe he bo -'t But lilt ! -.bal i pitched bail can kill a msn *>i inju-e him •e .-inane-nth remains the saint-. SOME CLEVELAND FANS e Ibe prejudiced, too Both Luke- I Easter and Larry Doby have been i greeted with lusty Dx-m from the : ih' me tuwno is . when i th- v «»e nppd t«, the r ial At **m. Vt passed tiff I- »• riding of Easter , is' that which befall-, a man whose batting average i> dragging the bot tom. Beit v> ho boo Dob' '• He has th second highest batting aver. » i n:e ng The team's regulars He v,.', . leading the teani in hiiiTie runs ia-t week was second in runs driven in sr leading the team in double--, and wa- second in bit* and runs scored FRANKLIN l £WIS columnist t-.-r th: Cleveland daily says the .being is "definitely J racial birth Lewis’ opinion can not b< passed off as that e.t a “Negro with i c-his. on his .-: nuldei ” As far a we know he i- > f Negro oi igir d nidßing from .-<-ni; <>t lus con clusions. he cannot be called "p: o- Negro. After I.t-Wis .ivtis t-iiil the EaSU-i bcu-vrs \v <■ pre:jiidr.-*-i time: this se.< 1 son Davis mis- fallen o«. . w .c 390 mark Bob Boyd ot Memphis i- third 'with 386: Willard Brown, fourth with 377; Ijcmax Davi- >i Balti ! more, fifth with 374. arid R .y N. 1, of the Clowns s using -ax’h witr 359 This- murk‘ ,N>il s first advent j i nto the Big Six this season Neil: jpe, took rj'«; the le-ad m total hiU ; with 113. and o-mL. ue* hi- Ic-.r! ini doubles with 2t Piper 1- avis is 1 | second :n double with 24 Willard B m altfio »•: tic rmss icd the Manarchs' games tor the tirst lirui- this seuton last week continues to h> 'd hhf lead in only • > o nepart-nients in slugging, runs ■ batted lb and total bases He is second in rurif scored. Johnny Davis of Houston and Pedro F-urmenthal of Mernplus, passed him in the horse run derby with 13 each James Gilliam lean.- tn runs soared and triples. juleoely out yet. The Cubans may beat out the Elite Giants in the second half because they play fewer games. It would ■ seem u shame to declare a team champion when it has piayed only \ half the games its rival hat At that Baltimore should whip New York ;in ar- elimination playofl. It leads, the league tr. batting and ts very : close second in fielding Two of Its pitchers top the leafu* as horUag. ! Bisons To Be Bears’ Homecoming Foes A committee of Shaw University Alumni hf.s begun making plans for n ni.unn.oth Homecoming cele bration to be staged October 29, j when the Shaw Bears meet How ard'.-, Bistros at Chavis Park in Ra- i High. Orgui'.Dr.tlon of sponsors into several sub-committees s being effected by the Executive Commit-! tee of the General Alumni Assc-1 daticn, represented locally by John | R Larkins, second vice president,! and O L. Hairston, executive see* r etary. Prominently suggested to head the honu'i.-oining effort as general | chtirmati is Prof W. H. Collms., ; linc.pal of Johnston County Train-! ing Sahool, Snitttifield. Prof Col lins, a dynamic and influential alumnnus of Shaw, lias been di- 1 rector of ticket selli'ig act vilies for the homecoming effort for sev t-ial years. Suggestions of other alumni to head various activities were made at it meeting of Shaw boosters held Monday night at Bioodwortn ; Street YMCA. A second meeting is to be held at the YMCA Mon day mght, September ,19 at & o'clock All Shaw Alumni m Raleigh ami vicinity wiii bi- called on to attend Lincoln U. Lions Begin Grid Drill Li: ■ in University Pa.. Coacfi I? vies Mondschein, new head men tor .:-t the Lincoln Lions arrived «-!• the Lincoln University campus today to begin putting his squad thrush preliminary drills for the 1949 football season The eight-same schedule- which w ill '■ utiderway on Saturday w '-’ui ■ 4 --hei) th- Lion- p! y host to St Paul s Teciv.i cal Col lege, includes two interracial con tests. and three new oppo.-'ierd*. min tiieii initial e-nvoui-ger wilt) ■St. Pathe Lions will tangle •v/(h Albright Coll.-re at Headir.- Pa. oil St ptember 80. and journey to Dover. Del. tu piny lit lav are State College October 8 Tne second home .mpoaraut < »: tlu- Lions will be w sh Virginia Union Seating The Gun 1 j BY AL MOSES VI HA 1 A HOI I ARTIE TOWXE? NEW YORK iANPi Right up to the night ot tin Juki LaMolla *Mum-l C’erd.iii 160-pound title fight, box dig tans will be raving abut Ray i Sugar i Robinson. Its ;not quite enough to call him as we ; always have, the best fighter in the ring pound-for-pound. the guys ; who live always with their hems ,ot then childhood are "showing then slips’’ as the saying goes WILLING TO MAKE CONCESSIONS if-. The Harlem fighter-business man. who Gc; rgie Gainsford manages, end his trainers Pee We* Beale arid Harry N. Wiley Jr., are being .mentioned in the same breath as -uch prize-ring "'untouchables'' as Hob Fitzsimmons Stanley Ketchel. Mickey Walker. Jack Delaney. Paul Bt rlenbech Panama Joe O-ans. Gorilla Jones and St Pa ill’s: legen darv J ock Ma 1 one When an oldtimei admits that a sleeky, matinee* idol looking kid j ’.ike Ray Robinson bears merit ion in s. in the same bracket let os say Steve Ketchel. .-•* man who spotted 1 J.ick Johnson 40 pounds -200-160* ; n the weights, that me ans only one j thini The end ot the w -rid is near •ei at hand than even most clergy-; ! men predet. HIS STAE'LEMATI -<’ON( ‘KITED FIGHTER Hot enough about Robinson Just ; now wt wish to recall the fight Robinson's stabiematr A r t i e To wife made in the semi-final to j the Bclloise-Robinson fiasco the other evening at Yankee stad-um If there arc- two type- of fighter; I go for. and i nave trained them j for 15 years or more, it’s this kind \ The hungry sort who acted as Joe Louis did from beginning to end of i his career And the conceited kind, fighters like Benny Leonard who would knock your Grandpop dead lif you mussed up his shining hair. , | Ray Robinson is the latter sort, in- i :cidientally, and so is Artie Town j conqueror -f Joe Taylor by an, eight round kayo. INTERESTING FACTS TO REMEMBER Just think of n Sam McVc-y member of the incomparable group 1 -,.f heavyweight fighters known r- i; < i‘"Tie Big Four" who fought during ’he some -period was never beaten ■by a white heavyweight boxer over an lfi-year-consecutive stref.cn. These members of that, prize-ring ouartet. alt colored men like him self were: Jack Johnson, Joe (Iron M.-iri Jeanette and Sain Langford. Nova Scot's born bu( called "The Boston Tar Baby" bv white box -1 ing scribes of the 1906-1912 era ISSAC MURPHY lives in the irifnds of your grandfather and dad as the "finest judge of pace j the American Turf ever knew. It is reported from umropeaakuibic i THK I'A tf.SN? AfV this important session. This year’s classic will mark 'lit first time Shaw has plcyeci How ard in the Raleigh school' Home coming in many seasons. Since '3B. i I North Carolina College and Morris!; Brown have provided the coinpe-, • lition for the Bears in the annual j celebration for all but three occas- ’ ! n as. Bluefield, South Carolina ( State, and Viiginia Union were the- 1 ! exceptions. Since 1937, the Bears and the Bi ; sons have met nine times. Ous of! ; those clashes Shaw has won four; tilts and Howard five. The Bison! | gave Shaw iis worse licking in the, l history of competition between the two schools when they trounced ; the Bears 52-0 in 1945. The next year matters were near- i er even as the Bison triumphed! 21- In 1947, Shaw, pointing for : ! the championship, got the first and) only win it ho; record; d over the Washington team :ri post-wut ineet ings downing the Howard club 22- Last season tie Bison glamoriz ed their < wn Homecoming celebra tion by defeating tne 1947 Cl AA i champ ons 14-6 before a huge throne in Brooks Stadium. T-ie Bears will be seeking revenge for > that tumbling corne Octoorr 29ih on October 15 The homecoming, event will be held on October 22 icuh Morgan State providing thi- competition. The Lincoln eleven will travel to Hampton. Va.. to meet Hampton In stitute on October 29. and will m. ke an other trek tc AnnviUe. Pa. oi November 5. for an tncc.intc.' with Lebanon Valley College Ihe vn-uia! Howard - L ncoln classic be . t u on ThalJKS giving Day November 24. at Tem pi- Stadi-.m PhiladeiphiH i.a: ! >* < I Live dll till, bed the --a-- with . record ■>{ five wins .mi i".- i Victor!,.-.--: wel e rented <.\i: Vigrnra Union 21-7. M* real. Stat.:. 19-12. and Hampton 12-0 Th*- Li ns lost to Delaware Stun 7-6 an i pants back in 1908. Some of the stars 1 watched in those days at ■ Olympic field undci my father's 1 , watchful ry, were. Andrew • Ruber Foster S', cel Arm" Taylor, Judy Gale Spoils-j , wood Poles. "Topsy Monroe D-ck J ' (Cannonball r Redding, Joe iCyc*' ' '»•! Williams. Frank Grant. Biai ■’f ■ Hall Mendez, Chacon John i Henry Lloyd. Bustamente “Greer, River' BuekNtr Booker. “Kmicks : fames Mongo Oliver Moreelk Francis, Lindsey, Wick ware Bruce Petway, Louise StlAtop. “Doc Wi ; ley. Sikes, Wallace ■ St. L<>ui : Giants). “Speedboy" Jimmy Ly n.\ fastest man I ever saw with possi | bl ext; (:tton of poles! "Little Pitch" Harvey. Chappie Gardner Ft druse! ; 'Almt-ndares. Cuban;.); Gond.-iet,. i ( Hidalgo, Valdez, Moran. Pet Hui ; and scores more. . . Naturally, that . ih. t $200,0(10 price tag is tin ba ! ioney no matter how you slice it j Unless, the "Mahatma' brings the , swift Jethroe to the Brooks, be ll . • languish* in lower e. mpany fm many a day and that's no good 1,-t Jethroe poeketbook, SI GAR RAY BOOKS HOUSTON BOUT B> AIA IN COOPER HOUSTON (ANPt —Promoter Ralph Smith vafd Saturday Unit Sugar Ray Robinson will figul here Monday night. September 12 at the pity auditorium a- I'dnrt Charley l>otwr»«. St Louis j welterweight. The bout will be the featured event of a ltd round boxing card. Robinson was originally j scheduler! to fight in Houston for Smith on April 27 of this vear. but contractual difficul ties resulted In the postpone■ , men! ol the bout. Sugar Rey and hi* manager, George Gdmfort, are expect hi* to arrive Houitotn about Sept. J* RebinsDU wHi likely stay with theatrical jwo*bo«c»% INflt D. KsibtJJr. HORSES BEGIN TO SHOW PROMISE FOB GRID SEASON Coach Roy D. M core had ‘ ’about 5u candidates, the ma-i , joritv of them vet, ran;: from last) ! year’s fast-running and highscor-! ling team, to report for practice! a September l at St. Augustine’s j | College Assisting Moore in getting! ! the boys in shape for the opener 1 against Fayetteville State Teachers- ’ ! September 9.3 are George H.j ; Mitchell, of last year’s staff, and! | Wilbert Johnson, v new member! lot the r-"liege faculty. The Fight-! ing Horses vyiii meet the Teachers! -•I Rocky Mount in a night con- ; test. 'The locals trou.,ced Fayette ! ! -,-iile >9-6 lnst'yeai. Th; first mane guru: will „.•! ! v ith tile ..H.ieut local rivals. Shaw i Univt-i sity October 1 in Cnuvo! I Park Tin Be. vs ; u'*d out a i'2-h ! 1 vu.‘ti i y iilsl .-c;c' oi. (..'thei home games: Johnson >.. . j Smith. Oetobfi 8: 31. Paul's Oct ■- I • ber la (40-0 i West Virt-iuia State | October 22 19-50) 1 1 ti«'coming,, ! VViiiston-Salem T*-.:-Tiers. Novcm• her 5 1 20-22> G; ( les away Miner Teachers ] hington IJ. C. October 29 j ; <45-0i; Bhlexical St; famil* Mrs Lucille Tignei. mother or tire foursome, swore out ihe viar rant against tKu nusbauit. Money When You Need it MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT. DOHROW A LITTLE UK A LOT ON: ,1 {•;v\ hi |;Y OR OTHEK VALLABI..EH. I/ARC EE LOANS ON: JEWELRY U tICACE BAND INSTRt ME MS SPORTS GOODS CLOTHING CAMERAS. RELIABLE LOAN CO. 1107 S. WILMINGTON ST. JllOlillUllJlM i. lI.UIJIII.JIIIII In. ...lilHliiHlli mi— tA. & P. COFFEE 8 O'CLOCK l lb. B** 42c RED CIRCLE l lb. Bag 46c \ iporou.s hud \\ iney BOKAR J lb Bag 4i>c I licit and FiavorfuJ NECTAR TEA i-***-*.. 49c Ann Pape Ft. Jat Qt. Salad Dressing 25c 45c lona BEANS 16 ®*. c * n 10c lona PEAS 3 N ° 2 c«. 29c A. and P. Natural ASPARAGUS No. 2 c»n 39*.* lona Sliced or Halves PEACHES No. 2, 2 c„ 23c Sunny fie id S H. FLOUR 10 it b», 69c A. and P s U'Vn Veg Shortening DEXO 2 lb Con 81c | M area 1 Paper Napkins *> pt*. 10c Surtnvfieid CORN FLAKES 12c j Golden Maid Uncolered MARGARINE nb.i*,.23c j VEAL Shoulder HOPS lb. 59c Pork Roast Loin, End lb. 49c I Potatoes u - s. No. i whit* to it.. 43c GRAPES Fancy Tokay Jb>. 10c JI FRYERS )ret»sd & Drawn ib. 53c I| L Rattlers Start Grid Practice TALLAHASSEE. Fla Sixty j five candidates for the Florida A. I and M. 1949 football squad iv-poried to head Coach "Jake" Gaithc j j August 31 foi the initial football I 1 practice. I | Calisthenics ar- d fundamental j (drills will be the order of the day] • for s while as the Rattlers prepare i I for another strenuous season i Once again Coach Gaither will ! have tli. able assistance of coaches I SEPIA BATSMEN COME THROUGH IN CRUCIAL GAMES w?Ptslt§l I M:v\ VOKK iANP;—In both ; Niiliunal J«uS Anrerircan leu r,ues. hf uv> tattinnj liy Negru j. layers stoud out in l ull Lril irmirc. Thursday New lorn Giant Bookie Hank Thompson hit ids | second homer in as many days , and drove in three runs to help : the .New Porkers net eat Hie Pittsburgh Pirates 95, Pre viously lie led a i'2-5 attack ! over Hie Buccaneers by oat '.iiii! four for three, including j a homer and a double. In Brooklyn, Jackie Kobin j scri led the Dodgers in an 11-8 1 first game victory over the Cincinnati Reds. Robinson drove in three runs with a sin ' f ie. double and a homer. And hi Cleveland, Larry Do by again decided the Winning mil by rapping a single to left field in the 11th inning The hit drove in Thurman Tucker trom second tiase to end the game and give the Indiana a 2-1 victory. PAGE SEVEN Griffin. Took.e« r ,»Vri,v • -> e*' l . liams whose cm Dined eflorW and skill Will lie isece.-;,ary . ullu - formidable machine. >oe d wth the levs of eleven 'men, eight of Whom were starters. ; the task of the coaches is quite j cleai as they prepare for the sea son's opener here on October i j against Benedict College of Colura i tin, South Carolina The loss ci "Big Jim Williams. All SI At conference quart erbacs. All-American Center W-ibui Gary lend All-American tna Bradley ivlitchel! along with that of fuil &Stk Ulysses Hartley, end Clarence Momgomeiy and defense full-back Earl Reeder left big gaps in the j Hattie, squad. Returning lettermtn. | mnibeiv of the Engineer squad and ' premising freshmen will be ex pected to close this gyp. f ootball Schedule ‘ as follows: October l Benedict College at rallahass.ee; October 8 Ft. Valley |at Ft Valley. On., October 15 Mor ins Blown at Tallahassee Home- | coming-; October 2.2 Xavier Uni . vers it;- at Tnllaltassee October 28. fOpei.; Novf-moti 5, Tuskegee Insti tute ; t Tusk-;-gee Ala November • Vi. Alien University at Columbia. S C November 19 Southern Uni v'-isit yat Tallahassee; December S Alcorn State Coiiepe at Tallahas see- December jQ. Orange Blos som Classic at ('range Bowl Stad ium Mianu Florida. Quality HIGH... ~, ♦ Prices LOW 48 Packard Deluxe Fordo* Black finish, low mileage Radio, heater. V. \Y. '! in 3 $1895.00 48 1 o> J Super Deluxe Tudor Maroon finish, 10,000 iiihe-. Like now in every way $1495 00 47 Buick Sedanette W.\ tow mileage. One owner. Original black finish Pei feet. $1545.00 47 Ford Super Deluxe Convertible Urht finish, black top. Radio, he ate i. W ft'. Tirw . Extra Mice $1495.00 1? Ford Station Wagon I.o\\ milt*itp o . Kaciio. in .Her New tire.' Slick $ 1295.00 42 Poutiac ”6" For .lor L ,\.l i a met r eiii i pped *895.00 --www i nfii» iiuueawnin Me m i iineem ■ 41 Cadillac “61* Sedanette $995 00 41 Oldsinubdfe “78 ' Sedfinette $795.00 a. .■owwwiri iiveiviC.ixxMieef inum. ,%+~*uxnt&Mivm*y 41 Chrysler Club Coups $745.00 4! Dodfl’e Coupe $595.00 naatar«»'ii-ei»«sß-^. l a««ai».a*Bßhiw> , i tewnr.v***.. :*i 41 Mercury Sedan $095,00 40 Bmck Super Sedan $695.00 41 Chevrolet Tudor $695.00 41 Plymouth Tudor $595.00 MNMMMWM rtaWMMUMMUM 1 Other r tu ChuOxe from $100.06 t o $ 50L,00 POWELL STEWART Motor Co. YOU I* PACKARD DEALER Open Saturday P. M. 41V S. Wiiimnigtcn St. Phone 7214