PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page One > ■ gSScMR' v'iSfetfit * . ■•JCr HOUSING *ll of «i* interest »! the construc tion c.f the niiiui.-s-Run By unite, but pointed out t f:. ■ t cost .• would be boosted considerably fcy the n<-( d I iur construction of water d rev ; ev lilies. Two-thirds of ihe LD-acre site.! he pointed out. lie beyond the city j limits and art consequently v/itc.- OUt W-’H i noi'i.’s end x. v, > ■]:, The, increase in the nuntbei .streets, lor which such utilities woula have T*. be supplied will be increased. ; .he ad dec, bv a change to individual I home c ; striiOtlou Because 01 this fnctoi !i _■ said, ills lam had never undertaken con struction of single family homes i oUtilCte of edy limits. He indicate,!. 1 however that we vould h willing!, to go ahead with Ihe <•- instruction of the ramies it the city i greed to' extend tne requested iaciliUes. Asked whether he would aban don the pioject if t:ie city refused, to grant hr, request. Mr. York said ! mat iie not know Neither, he said, dal lie km nr just v. hat type ct home he would j be able to construct on tne s;' j what its cost irvipht be in orde> to gi ant the York re-, quetl tiw cuy would liav to ex-j unu Hie on., limits', to embrace all! of tire site which 1 is empowered j to ao uruiei existing laws. Ihe Ocuucil announced tiial j tne Planning committ-e of me Ciij l CouruJ will study tut- proposal [ and submit P to the Lounni w time ic. . etion die next Cotin cii meeting on September 13. , BRADEN Carlyle Campbell, president of i Mereduh College; t.. L Raiford. j trittii'iiiati , i the Raleigh Citizens I Association, and t tie Rev. T. C. It;,mans, pastor of the Manley St. Christian Church, were among those wno urged Mi. Brunei: > remain at nis post. A housewife urged that he with-. drew his lesignation and that he, be given ,i month s vocation to recover his health An elderly! v. c 17: acl . tier voice hardly carried beyond ihe ii: t few rows oi sec ;s urged that ne be giver, a vo cation ..tid an ' increase m s.dor> M 1. I'AVORABI I- As j n .dor ;i."'s' law - yei s*. builders, t itv , r pieve .<• sH rekoi pc. s nev. cmnC-i - and o!u reside! i . took the lie . ‘a -• theme V- —s <‘ne shine teKn.e lo - Vtp the ;Oh W dib.-.iW :l." At! paid tribute to the- improvo’ m toe i sly •.•oven :... .t ..nd services since tne employment of ?<ii Braden as city manage All . the opinion tiii;t tin re-i._ : tuior. v ..•old he Raleig, : me some elite city gam It o. co? pullet :.i o’.o that g,‘ punc t c uid he u nd . , luck Open M; B...uei , :■ :i --uoce of his jt-n ;• ,u cha? *ed tli.V fees of tht city-manager fwii el govtii-.ment had resorted <> chat -. Sever . ssasihatioh as a last resort 10l S YLSLXT Speaker .after -peahe culled ,<l- to the fact mint or ih->t Vvho iiari attacked W’ie pitts *nt A J FUtohei culled the in sinuations innuendo* -md i umu;» ‘.V.o hoVt .tti. eui;.g thi; ■, . its i, Vi on and we, t .»;tac„ upon «he pH manage, torn: of . vvern inent" Ca n -;lilg fhg’ V. cnley. whe began the iim..f Campaign with a physical attack upon Mr Braden, had been "prompted no iead a list rt a:t court chai t'fs asainst the Coley which usually ended with suspended sentences or tile dropping of action after they were taken to the Superior court A mol ion ioi the rejection of the rcsignatieu was introduced by C; unciliuan Gaddis and passed Unanimously bv the Council. A se ver.d motion that the Council in quest tlje withdrawal of the 1 lie’.o' oy Mr Braden was intm c; i-d !,»\ Coiuieilvvufiiaii Ruth Wil sC-r.- and also passed unanimously. Beth action weiv v, ily ap plauded L j the apju oxirnaU-iV iOil persons preseitl. Declaring that the cockles of in.-.; heai P 'Had keen warmed by the citizens’ reaction nd supgiort. Mr Braden withdrew his u - agnation ; OROVELANII and .Assistant hpe.-'.al Counsel : Frd .kiii H Williams of he na tional utfice legal staff of the N A A. C P., attorneys o. ute dt fense tiled a challenge Thursday to the panel on the grounds that jury v - nimissionei v were choosing prospective jurors from the voters' iggi-rti..tioi rolls even though this was licit required bv lav . CHALLENGE The NAACP attorneys charged' titat this selection friitn repisiruiion 1 tolls was done to minimize tlie number of Negroes that might come up for jury service, since Ne groes const;lute only one mice ith it those registered tor voting, whereas Judge T ,1 Fulch denied i the ch. llenge tu tht puriei. Mr. Williams indicated in <i communication to the ivattonal oi- : ftce thrii the trial s i’xpeek’d to continue over the week-end and; over Labor Day it necessary In yesterday's hearings on morons xiled by the NAACP Judge Futcn deried s change of venue, stating. that he "had subscribed to the Like County newspapers for j years” and could find in papers nothing of an inllamatory' nature that would tend to inter-j lire with the conduct of an impar tial trial. CONTINUANCE 11F.VIED ' Judge Futch also refused to grant a motion for continuance,! which would have allowed NAACP attorneys further time tor prepat-; a tiers oi the defense, and during the hearings refused reasonable ad-' Jrf.j'Wneiii U) allow the lawyer* U> 4 I • prepare tor fh<-> trial duriiig the j i i verimgi In aduita.a to dt-nyiiit? all inn-! I liens filed I;; dufeiu-c attorney*, j Judge Futch prevented the defend .list-, from testifying concerning the 1 kilit-ri’a beatings fti widen they w; • subjected at the time of their ar ii e.-t, refused to allow Dr. Nei-, ; n W. V bps. Hiding. j .physician who examined the ptis- j cneiv s.t tho request of the NAACP.! | to testily as to their physical con-! I dii.ioa. : The Slate if Florida called as : >’. if nesses durim the hearings on j the motions several substantial cit- • ! fiter... of the ccmmunitv including j rlu- president of the Leesburg Na- ! ■tional Bank, to testify that ia> wide-! ! spread v olence took place in the j *Groveland area and that there! ; was no reason why a fair ar.d im-; | partial trial could not Lit he id in ji.ake County. NAACP investigation had reveal-! led that during a week of home I burning and othe; destruction. Mur i hundred Negroes were forced fi> j flee from The).’- homes The NAACP announced tins! | week that a sum of more than sl2ooh j | has i'Ocn reve ved in eontributio.i* i j toward the Groveland case. t | which S?SO has ben contributed by | (blanches of the Assoiatior. and the j remaitider by individuals anti iut i side organizations. l:i addition o welfare CMimn-tti.". ito provide- food anti clothing fori j ihe families' of the prisoners uia f,r oilier victims of the Grove- I land violence has been set up by (John p. Ellis, president of the i Orlando Branch of the NAACP RALEIGH PASTOR iW. E. Patterson ;it:d closing out on' Friday evening with the princtpal j i address delivered by Dr. Morderci ’V Joimson, president of Howard University, delegates front ta states and five foreign countries declr.i - cri that this was the greatest con- 1 1 vention of all times. 130.2fi4.fi5 RAISED According to the annual report !as read at the convention by Dr. : W. C Somerville, executive secre tary ,i total ..mount r-f $1.30.264.fi0 was realized t r tht year ending . July 31 This ..mounl accorciirp - to ; the secretary is rot inc.ease of more than S3.Out) over '’m previous year.> : .vch. Colum bus. Ohio lead ...i "! ihe cn.u.rtei in conlrii litmus Mi foreign mis ' sjons havu: d«ir.:ded met $3,000 during the > . . tor this purpose. Tne F rst C'al’, y B..p'n.-t Church. N-i folk V: r.-.tikt d second with cor.trmolio! ut mere than $2,000 r( pot ted 1 • i g -ivi-n >I.OOO im : •fi.ign : ions :•,! dvicd \ too passing -if Dr. N ' Sen bt n ugh. pus.: i.t of 'hi convention impressive men.-T --advi- n i'-. rneinoi y v.a .■ondacted on Wednesday nci ninf*. I MEMORIAL SERVICE Pryu g tribute- to the late t.rcat h-ader and ins works weir- the' Revs S. S. Crockett. Dr U G tk ’l- j son. Poitsmouth. Va.. nee uresi- , dc 1 -d convention; Mis A B. Ran- , dolph Washington. D. C. p: esidenl of Woman Auxiliory; Miss Vivian j Baker, po sident i f Junior d« part-' n.ent; and R 1.. Holman president of I...vii,:.Ms League. Prior to D, Bullock: elec!ion he lad served as first vice pusi- < dent and had been ac’mg r,:\*ShK' sine’, the death of Di Sc rr.orough Dr L G. Wilson, p.-sto; of Zid: Ha n-! Ct. ,fpi. I'd isin-cuth. Va and second vice prt sAdent, wa >viadc iir<t vice president Other of- elect;'d foi the p.i'O’.u br-d.- Von- Dr. J. T. Hill. Richmond. , V o second vice president; the Rr. .1 H Moore recording secretary, . Dr A W Brown. Richmo: d. Va treasure) the P.i." H T Gaskins, auditor; and the Rev. P A Bis hop. Rich Square. N C statistics. State vice presidents elected • were: District Columbia Dr. G. O Bullock. Washington. D C.. North Carolina. Dr. J T Hairston of ; Gieeosbcrc N C.: New Jersey Dr .J. Vance Mclver: New York, the R*\. Thom as Kilgore. .! Coune ! icut, the Re\ 1 Logan K- arse W !Va Dr. C. W B. Gordon. Kimball. Pennsylvania, the Res. Ernest Wae -iin, and the Rev J. C Kirson. Maryland, the Rev V. 3 Williams. Ohio: the Rev W J. Payoen: Mich | tgart; the Rev. C E Askew Ore ; pen. tm Rev J. J Clov Oklahoma: ’the Rev J H W : . and Go .rg:a the Rev C J. Grehseman: Dr W IL. Ransonte. Richmond. Va was re-elected chaiTinan of the txocu ttve board 2 DIE. 11 111 RT injured in tla iias’. iii.d w i-;c tak .n to the N: s-.P Hospital at Camp’ LeJeune .ft* - treatment :h c Southport Hospital All of the pels .a '.'iiiig Ili e truck were thrown out . ~.i <i war*. Injured two eeri uisly .n, ocr, t” require h< .spit#] izat ion According to Highway C M. Cuiti ! mines, the tirx* marks a the scene indicated that, tne ti eck > weil t.n ils own side of the highway It vos only ■) mr .icl. he d clar id. that any of the passci gers ir .the iruck remained alive aftci the !crash. ATTORNEYS PLAN . promt- Court reversed the lower ) coj'ct. In Ihe latert t. •;•.) which was con ' eluded Monday u jury panel was 1 j drawn lro- . Vance County, but Speller's attorneys claim that there; j has been systematic exclusion of Nerroes from Varu ’ County juries fii'' the post slt l”; rs Oji these ground* they plan to seek an appeal to the State Su-1 ! presne court The chief witnesses aaginst Spel-. Jer were Bertie Sheriff Harry t. jEiaitb, SUiW Hlshw«g> JPuti’cAir.»n ; W L, Simiitfci's ond FBI laoui i special agent Peter G. Duncan. : A motion for u non-suit was til- ! led by Speller’s attorneys, out v. us i denied by Presiding Judge W, ; ~-uad. ih. d.i).,. set foi Sjii-lk’i I execution was October 23. The defendant's atlcrneys denied I that SpGlie:’ h. d c-\el been in Mu i Davis' yard wli- re the crini#' 'c 1 cuiTcd Jiid claimed that ii v- :n ignorant of tht ciitn, ic,j which jhe has been coitd<united to i -t;. : I three times . ROBERSOA i ;special duty. As a i esuit uppr./xtirm.-ly 200 i | state trouper.. a.:d about 800 local | police uid den i’ , - were o ; duty, i A leqtiest to: tlie piPstllCt Os thf- Nfitii-nai (lu.trd ’vas di.-iiied ny ! Governc; Dewey. DEtVKI > r.VI IOU NT , Ar: excerpt l'i'uin 1 1 - v’cTUur Dc’.v ■ I , - ..tat, ":)ei v follow,-: j “In tils con'dry i,;' (ini's ihe , greatest free rmtlo:., Jett in the i world we must :iia;nPi!n and • : stt;; the idea: and pi in ' cipies i f our Lee Repuulie. The ! rights ui Lee .perch and of as j sembl.v ire gti.:. antceu P. all. ic i gaj'des- i t political belit is. These | right:-, rii-tsl be re. peeled, howeve: ! till i: i \uett -- -■! s onic -: t Ic.’se ; win. abuse theiu I "A pru-Communist nir<. t-in,.-, nu ;i>Cll Si. llt.ouicti !,, li.- iK-iti ;;! I 1,1 - I fit « r H'.’ih A r. ■ . cYi.DHry Club .:t \\ c.-tclie-ster (.'tiur,!'. on Sund.:' ai'Wio, I:, v< w ;i:s, id is >’•vitic: ucciiiTod ■■’ sin.’]!.: meet • r <e lasi S.-i on the sht-ri:t oi V. i.-stiiie.-ne: C> u:,l t lias l'tquPslt-J t:ic aid of ihe state pohec in p.e --1 <{ ‘ l v’ii;, - i-; at tile meeting to u<- held tomorrt, . . . "Tlie . rif'l and Dist>ac! attor il ' <>i Wp.stcnester Couutv ila,'t betn ~ivised that 1 shall hold thein sir cth ac’c-nuu table sot the per,; i f nnitnee of their duty." ROBESON SINGS Dt spite a noisy demonstration by Ihe veterans. ~u estimated i(i.- 000 persons from New York City, . N’c'v York -Stall M.issachuselts ; a,id Jersey were pre t for l!:e concert Also int , "-re thcasauds of other pcr.soiis •! drawn bv curiosity or s%'riipjtnetic j to the prote-sfi i veterans Ruhescii \v;. a escorted to t.u c nceit. by armed policemen, sang tor hail an hour and was Hr . -piritod rivviy . v.■>■ back mads •.> the ssimi tn-hcemen As the concert go- i.- I,h,i;- iug. tin,- .-COI'C die Pistol'a started The first catcall- and ro(- • til *kg 0.-d vepetabir t!:;o#;tg .o i, swelled into fisticuff.'!, battles, won dubs and i.yseb. ii .at-. ■■ ck ’ ti.,rruges ovet !’.:::ed ear,-; and in jured combats, tits • -I! . ersons w j-,- treated at | !,,c peekskiil hospital A ! ’Hu e W( n reported to have been : . j y,,.-;, jj.-.-jj; j. ■V: t .< heights of in« (hsi'iroa:u.i o' •••: l”!:- d'-it C. ;• I, ..-eO ti ' ath-'mpt to ;nci: l-;. o - ourx' ’ Nvu York City, lin-se ' ••re ci oirnimdeerrd by site .-hc. dfi . arn .way with volunteer driv- ; y-rs at their wheel-. Upon their nri »val in New Y, . a ‘ 'liy!y all : I the busses j • exhi’oite.t d-:iits in their bodies and ; broken v iudov. - 'fin e ; (which, were tallying u group ,>; 1 , colored children back to N. v York i ( - 1K Lini in, to llyd, P.,, a-ic al-o -toned by the rioters MATO NAMED TO OMAN GUILD Prul l ( urtis Via> o, head ol the Music Department td st. AugHtine's f'ollegc has recently become a f tdlove of Joe Amer ican tduild us Organists, it wi announced by tile national headquarters of th,- oi-jjant ra tion. He had been as Associate in the Guild Lir -orne time. Last Sunday afternoon Pro fessor Vlayi, uas presented Hi an ot'Kan rental in the National j Cathedral I Episcopal). \v aslt ineto,!. 1) 11,, is a native of Washington War s Tobacco Lr<»j> Los{ In |»arn Blaze Sidi • y Hass, n Wake Countv i • : r, ported Tuesday . ••hat hr h.-id gist upproximotely 2.- nou ’.iiirds of good inbaoco when fin deyti'ytd the packhouse or,, hi f;ti n Perry V Sint <■ Ml Beys that the entire JtHH tolun.v i. • . irui.. about sever ; acres', tvh the e\repti,,i: of 27U ■ imtinds , huh h» had sold was iri Ihe barn .it the 1 ime of th," fire vH Pei • v wbe is married .o n the lathei ~,f three eViiidr.n. .-ays tli t It .-- i.n ■ ’,, Ipui mi',, me for the >'<’(■ we-. \x .pad out in the blaze whi- : ad, 'c’ ila’d .is ~f "unde termined origin.” | Personal LOANS j .$ j Clear up Doctors Bills, j ' ■ Taxes, Personal Debts, with , I.; f< Raleigh Industrial Loan. f;J We invite you to com* y j 4|jj and talk it ov-er. i The RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL BANK . Hargett and Salisbury t’ l Merabar at Federal Deposit ' •$! Insurance Corporation Uhbv , iS,W, CRIDTEAMSI KOH TOW j f I lon. I'rx I ' \ T P. We!,! 111! ! or it :i tic (iniie and 11 ■,. I i 'fin.!l r.iiii.-, made ~i. hivl) .sell*w.l ■-'-1 it v, azi'lst’-- ol t lie Son tit we- 1 ,•,>;, tereriie iro! < i <■>\,; t lo grid rehearsals' ; iX nt rii'.irsdu’ Ti, • S-.’iith " i -iiii'er in elude:' P. i: ir ic Vi: H t l ' i!o< . 1 ''.do.,; 'l'r’xas Suite. Texas culiego. Sun : Houston ci)il,,.c;e utul Southern uni . vefulty. 7 in, < ml-lit,:- college jt Rest. !; I.ii . is Mil) kiineUinj.; ai '.!’• cotiiei'eii-'t door.- to' - >d>ii ins ion T,, rough. . ; •. ii.ic- in i f,,> South ’’ 'st ilif yen,' slt re; lit eovife ,vt;, i; Alex Dttrle.v ol Tos.ik St H i,> h'i'.ib ; hi- .'barces agnunst Texns coileec; ■•’■be,’ V: ■([ Long' S'tUli Texas Go! bee St’i’!.- uni Id View V*' ib y . a lid wli, n ’.V||, y mo !s 'l’exu.s Stare. This will Si: o ini jll ■ I .-•:■(!, III! • ! ’ ivnlrv because of Hie i nm-hi):-". sliifta in the conference in whicn E. V Rottig Rft Texas Ktn’o to m in WMic-j ; Long Iron; Prairie Yicv; lo Texas inHego: and Alex Dnrie. front Texas ('oilece to Texas ,-i Long has ", at! hnd at Wiley Prai no View and nou 10 T xas. .MILLER HUBS • W 'll., «(•«•■ ••l/ut'.i *»«' •—« l«t» «t CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 514 West Morgan Street w.v l m c ... -• </( ■’ c-f ' • , -■—\ A. \ y , f< -—4 ip'/ • w v \' , i 1 -r, J % \y < v , oi'. .;c C • - % A ( %/l. ’" f r *■%> » i k { AKh Get four \ ! C A f rf t m CASH I SAVr.I4% Ke.tdy ( ' ■ ->n"' for Back to 5 \ ? pi ) ft ;- t P d j (t 1 > \ S ' ■ I School J \ : RHONE, 6437 x /i?/ ' f> Peerless Cleaners j “Our Branches Mnin Plant Cover Raleisrh , r»v. v ~. , oit) bio r ayeHevtle i_ _ j lOQK , AT All you GET IfiOK Howi/miyoum C i/% sflk H£* for this big, jC Jl JIJ? fuu 7 cu * fT * | WESTINGHOUSE I {M/.E * p meat KEEPER . . . bolds 15 b 1 pounds of meat. 1 low humic rawer . . . keep* veje ■ tm\e I Cables fresh, 1 Aovtn P°*‘ \ K wUMTHS \ »-EEXIBIE SHCIVINO .. . for * C3* (NfVvK*® ’** l every .storage need. \D to PAY 1 S-YEAR PROTECTION PlAtt '** 11 Os course, if* ELECTRIC I « sure..if »T'sWsbstingf louse HAYES-JACKSON ELECTRIC. CO. i .133 EAST HARGETT ST. 1 THE CAROLINIAN \\m\ ii slays' 12 YEAR OSD ; GK, v't ) A.; - * . • 1-4 -’ 1 PHILADELPHIA <ANP) A I 2-yi ;-,-r-oi 1 atv\-, a- oi in., -.- . Killed Tiie-d. ;- night a.- he argued .*• 11 L . b y m years: olr. , in front >f p store operated by tlie dead ■child':, sister. iK.-te live-.- oiliie: Pu.-'ed lit: jfi.-cil 1 yiur -if the Fiftl, Pee: i,,: rliviiio;: said Hint V.'nliam J'.- ! t-..r. the- dead youth, at-.d Theodor*! Gay had been fighting peec-dically si-' ic ii--x r> 1 n . they clashed as n crowd of beys i-in. s mother looked on. The metier is x:-ia in M.'c,,-. irted to st,’,, the argument out failed. As she stood there. Gay is >.,uii (to! have walked ovet to ;> parked, ; returned with -'tin and fired c hoi Tne bulb” -■•■'. ;,.d Je i tel's tail, -nd went, through him. | Gay fled. The wounded youth was ru.diul to Pi'esbyti.i ’an hospital where he wli" ii : nunc: d dead on ariivai, Polico say that Jeter had been living ii: ;ne neighborhood for five months having moved there with ins family from South Philadel phia. Gay walked into the F:l!h ill j Y '.Sion H*-H t - V< OH ' j.morning ami .mr orut’rc. himself ■ to Fcv.-ttjj and J He was ink ion to the .House i !„■. fer.lion and J slated on a homicide Tiar w. He is being held for the Municipal court. ! IRGBS CHS JICHiVIE'IN ! TO MKET VISITORS ' I.IVT.RPOOL. Foglai'd f ANI 1 ) Commenting on the lutt that Com munists greet Negries and Ciion '..i: r> I<* i'. i la id. Bishop 5 Clifford A. Martin, the B’-Lop .4 Liverpool recommended t h :> t * church leaders d- the same 1 When Negro aad Oriental stu- L dents arriv. a! the Jock?, the bs ■ shop sard. L’oromuntsL are n.-”hi. * mi hand to greet them and 'vel ' • come them to this nation 'I bis i • encouraging many es then: to t I the Hod dotal :m me with 111 n. ACME REALTY COMPANY Real Estate Rentals Fir e and Automobile Insuianco IRED E CROSS oint Sample Sdlti II irii j/" I r\/jnr Is* ! '• Had Civs: rnd rlhlLiCj LtViilL -- t'N.n C „-r.. o> . sam,..e : ,- ere , 25% la 38% ca Gu vw„C.n ■ ... --A ■.X ..... jSKL CaT 'f UPO 4 CROSS 1 HOTEL MNEfiSPRiNG KATTR&iS lfei| j ' fa/ 2 //' ■■?'/ (? ‘ * wvr- —T-asr;—-.—■•' v ysk \ • ■ ■■ Tv A. v * 4 . V, ■ '■■ W- r jf.. YM&Bra* Vr k ':c • r ' r ? 'tv ’ ' ~ "i"-”' t . ' ~:1 ' .. -■ I' ■ " 4/ - Hotel Mattress and Box Springs REGULAR $99.00 « PRAWN BOTH TOR GJV/VVIX Red Cross HOTEL HOLLYWOOD BED OUTFIT 1 1 :! ui-■ n.u Hotel Itiaeispiinp Mattress uiut Jm Mux Sprit.p's Oil <i i.OK's. ALL FOR $ f fajj»*so mEILIG:LEVin£I OF RALEIGH • IRC '-1 I WILMINGTON STREET AND HARGETT A WEEK ENT.)INC. SA'I'I'RDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 194ft' j ‘‘They might return as on. «•«>- Slier, of t:•.e Christ].n -.'h;< el life. ' he said "if church people u: dock; cities 'Orvet) the cause ■ 1 Christ with th .istr.e vision and devotion :• the Lou .I I'mr, is’ serves ns cause' 1 ’! he average cos: \y. . injury in tin-' Lm.U'd Si hi. :■ lasi ;• err was • $7lO. This is RSO more titan the average injury .-ns’ the year be i :ii: ,iiui SJOO nt ire titan i94i). nwTwmiiii wiiniunii«ii>imiiiiiwi»Mi >m"i> i «iwi»> STOP: 1 I THESE WORDS MA Y CHANGE ! J YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! I Aiv ,\ o,u GistutiraKed with vour hull, tiresome job ? j A i! you ih-c-aminy of now, pioasant sunoundings, in B whidi to study for future seeunty V | BEREAN SCHOOL OF PHILADELPHIA I OFFERS An opportunity tor «:(lvalid ment in :h»- Natu..:'-' ,:ir\ a ~iM i" 1 erva. ri. i. in . ■ 1 1 r i<*ti. !ii,i t iseatrer . Imp!, alid ,•. i'reali,'ii s iemy the luinutes tr>>m Wh \u! k ,\tlan*lr City, 'htnev . Vi.MscH i:s C‘ nnin-i', ial work. nnii. n,: design. Mui,- m-iy lie C’lptom Taili'i'i.if Be liiu r 'p'' tieni' i.eaen n _>ku; tu*t > '*> •;! • voward.-- in •••oi.rity ami hapLiiio.-u --i CKItTIKIED HOUSING FOR WOMKN I Vvoite: 1 Vie Registrar, 1R26 South College AveKue Philadelphia, 21, Pennsylvanirt ENROLL NOW FOR THE FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 19, 1949 Louise B, Yergan, Principal Men,Women!old? Get New Pep,Vim Fee? Years Younger Ed T«*u LKriiv cEiii'iiM w«.rn-ouf feeling ot 'j ..tJH.v.UIs M ' !i% peptt f 'ift Ufi V> (L ■ : "v>: tIOBO C* m'i Oi.-llli tit 4*’? •'• • « • Or nifj I'L-t. beeahNi* K*w i*i iron: th. '< . ■ ■-■•". s'.M'y d"s.,-s V .iHioi*! )V , Cdh iuiu, N>«*. Lo t a I'V T-'j o»trt v i T c iilc : ••*-••• -'••• ih'd. . v-'di-tJi reefcag, Doj v#;y -

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