PAGE SIX |[ CHARLOTTE j f estival—ior!y''Amarica«^C«sf®m f- *<-“ * * V "-'*?■ :: Jl j ST LOUIS, MO.—Pretty Henrietta Malcolm plays the part of Quadequira. the Indian who first introduced popcorn to the Pilgrim Fathers .vs 1630, at recent Popcorn festive! here. _ 1 From its modest beginnings popcorn has become one of America's it write confections. Today popcorn fans consume 2,400.000.000 bags a-mualty. making it a major source of revenue for thousands of theatre operators and small business men Occasion for the festivities was introduction of the Star “Si” Counter Popcorn machine, a new low priced popcorn unit selling for under $250 and designed especially to enable the small business man to take advantage of the tremendous demand for hoi. popcorn. Execu- ' Uvea of the Star Manufacturing company here which produces the machine claim that it is simple to operate, has a thermostat controlled popper, takes only 3h square feet of counter spare ar.i oooi about tell nf ■ i-n an hour. i AT THE RINGSIDE i 8V Ll lX VIRGIL OVEEEiE \ VVIIA ibbPl'LNlte They're still talking about the ! tll-fated "Carnival of Ch?mprons’' in -Chicago which is csiimoted ta iiave lost $20,000 for two char;tic;. the Tabernacic Center Milk fund , ar-.d the Friendly Big Sisters Horn a tor Girls Everybody's ask lag. „ “Whs b-obpen’a I'h- fin;, uirmiv ,11 colored, ur. not hall till- the spacious Chicago Siadiurji •nd the mj f receipts fcart .;.-. ( . 'if: the expense? ->i tuc fighters iiivolved Ho v is it tu. i , card f, (turin;: six woiid's ch. pioite plus U\r: ' 0 10 ~ lid light? -:i cludini; ,n, bfivemi two ex-P,. pi*-as I a’loci so it-ism ably at the 3- n-c crilif? " .1.1 to lay th<- um , the .. - ' i'-r ■-r mm, who to put. it madly does rot have ,a clear recc-rl In bis r-inj dealings. 5t <-.niy recently- ih a he came man u * ider s.uspeirsiori by the 111 *? i - e .At Pie - is i -Mr Sh . mosi boxing ians cio T»ot pay toe? },uc’?t ;wcttr..;tio;i *o jsrumoters. t.fiu is not Are o too real a cuuso. Alv CHAMPS .tv/isi• i :*zy ml-bUp JUVS P IS DCCau.Tt: tht‘se btiutii -vr-i c kiiion.s in ttu n-ain. Not V t ]t-a* ago more than 1 i.OOO far.? more than ST'.Ocn V J . in :.• ex'm.i.ii : m • Viicm'o . m *' j wore nr. bis/ i‘.s?fiters to support the eaM. This featured six ch.mipP.n- aiui H.uoid Daite ■iiil Sard-. Saddivr, two fr>» fighters. A third' theory, which at first doc? not soiled fr n , legical, rm>y have oee -. tne cause too many • 'gruv::- were involved Three of -.he champion? were Negro, and th..- <in bout featured N-gro fighters The promoter was a Negro, and the w.nfit:ng charities were Negrx I a si>- i sprinkling ox whites attend ed th:? show despite constant pub licity Jr alt the city's 'ladies. Rev. Louis Raw!-:, pastor, Tab '•.-•nacle B-ptist Church, .one of the city's ryligmus leaders -.vus co p.Jnviter of the show. He put up the money involved, it m ?3'd. Anyway i’.e J'J somethin / ;• ;vei seen before in rh: state of Itiinoia he posted the purses ;£' every ftghtir tfcfore a ma;;. entered the l \ N X!'AI. M-rxiß ini. v. :r ,i Chut*;. :u:m was Usted is the •'irsr annual affair. Will there be m->re' J tv ■ wit do the or i This column s -aght U; Ruwls’ mV’. vte’A's ■>;: ‘il... ?;•- urdion. :j ;u -.his, 1 I 1 is at ter.ding ids deuoniipaticn's -a uuir! a'ul-- 'a giv-.- soma Ln. . ;h‘ mid angle? to .’.j pr.Mioti'j' tlmit cats coraei ha? :> it, ecu. Such a venture, out or i;r the best of purpose?, j -exml tlm city :- active churchn. ’ or, values alone s'-..- hj have been ~ suc.css But newhre someth!.-' u rr.isc red ar-i tfcarity io.-t uhh; m lie. iwhiew . money The long awaitiii L-e S.i miu- Bi i.e V. odc- '.rk ret ,/i ! finally u.-1.1 --.ex’ M SepU-i: ' ■> Pm !.! ..I I:;-.' turn $ -Jii•-> r -p.-j:’.. u paid by 50,0 ’ fan.? NO KiiiiNG Vv'. J. when he lniur-1 i-d.-n.---If m . .ms SawiSffitTo a I has be n ordered not t • do any rul:n He may not d - im l ile at nigi-‘ except r. bis. .mruc town of Doncaster EugPmdp and he m ly m.-s ever ; y.- . , -phu.e or glider trip. Sav -id, who has been tn Eng land for s-v -rai months awaiting the Loads', oout dias agreed not tc ; o.i any h ’’seback riding. Thus bout will be for hr. Solo ,-anns British version, of Ihe heavy i weight title. S ivo’id pr.nubiy could ! meet Ezzard C e 1 ■ trie '' P'• i heavy. vv - ighi :w;u;. > r ! se r Ue |thing;! in >r.e Fu P- stands | to earn - - .it-' tughtiug m [London The ;.F' .1 •> ns s i.y i be had in the m ' core tnac a i.y heavyweight aid -irn x a the United Sts'..';. S. void j~ - " (should defeat W : m ■ '.hm- nee> | Charles I c a re..; purse after in at. The date for : . . •» rx.- sc., i iatei. A FEW Jl f CKIE' Ezzara Chavius .: .- ■>. :ti otter- •: Sss4 ■; < a by promoter V/ ham ? Xyw- a j defend hi? • - . . •;!h c- b (against west ■ ,st :i_- itiuc IP.r Valentino. f’re s th- ice track figur- '. , i :'*'•■ :-i .' ' $40,001 • . ■ . : ceed? 41 \. SENATE PASSES TUSKEGEE 81 MET Ai >ntg>>mer! AN ' T > A j ; l.ainy Sena > e t\- . mur , ; of 111-- current . w dm rid.; d il? fiaT.t over ih- ■•!'" .- rdil v . ing qualifications >• ’ •: Sen, John 1! i’ ?.u . jappropriation for Tti.-- -/-v !•>.« i -1 tllte which bali be,-.. 1.4 u \. Mi many oilier mrasur i i P-vm- Hire ii» *U- Tin v pas? ■ : : mi >• j |! ijori /.ins the payw.-r it s22'-< ! 1 I for ihis annum. Tin is in m-n . lion to die .?60. iM *rt vote*! for School of Veterinary Medicine. President K. D. Pa;.ter.v*n was ->a .hand during the finai ? “-vs ion nut ! : had the support of- »m-> of * ' substantial force- in cbm ?uy (during the efortf to extrieu • t•• • j appr tpriati'.n from the deha ' > m I which the legislature found m'-df : Id-ally newspaper? rhicizing th a | legislature for it- !«• of u -oi; i plisti men! .-aid it - is m >f “hi j most fruitless m-ms » "■? held 62. AC. \€EMS MEET AT ALCORN , AU’ORNT, Miss. AN’pt - \ (three-week suui:;'. j r soh rai for in service . iTieulhirti; extern bo i workers was h id a. Alcorn A nr. I ji\f. college hern Aug. 1-5 to Shut. 2. j P-C'Xty-tUte county r.i:v> arei tlin-v --i demonstration igm-m- from V - sifini. T-lines?and A;• y ?.. - rolled and t.iurses leading u» co;■ i I -v - e<!it.? '• • . ; r •; ITublc-fd ? iin-i-? i •; ‘i" inning ,v x ; tens’on Proe-'acns" v-irh T .‘I i t amn’erll. FI Id .Vgeuy Exf.-asioa j Servl t. Tusk m.-s ;r_?l tute it; , st ra tor l ting F) alas ■ 1 Fum .mi !: m- n . •I; ih (./. It 1 1 1 f s fi,r:-.i ■■ .i’i’o !-a.,ier A- ■ be.m i ’ .x. . nsimi s.irxi i'u u c - in?'it etc ;rn I a V UI-" ; i •r>.t; ,>i \ •ra. u? : u-tmc ipj Mrs m - m . Prim . Alcorr - dir- mr of !l . mm ! a-sisiunt i: •**•- -t; '■ and "Obje' • rives 1", I p.-octtdi S Fxt- !1 - : ; S ■•“ Vim ' with ' I ’"mm .of- ■ s.ssioci Si i . co -r,- mstre-m tie ml at M’is iu- fit -i t y C 1 1 u-m res:c ■ ! "im v; m: •".II Nmc-SKvc I '-'cli? ■i. ■;. • Soothe: i! vi l m I gcHsh-H m Servlet- M’iiar.iv. :m' mu-Icviitc; I courses in State roHeges Include ! rxten.-b.r; i-. mm’-, n Ml. :--? . j t bummer :■«>•.*rrir ** -•(' *’t‘ • * t mi m vtt m:.k Is FATAL FOR : BELVOIR VOI Til t : Joe l,a-A i-ejice fire 's" J.I f voir Comntujnity. wat prorop.! i t •’--Hd up<»ti arriv'-id a .( in- Pi,.: ’ t y lionewa! Kosnita' folln-vl-)4 a I heart attack with which tie wa istrickun after a short ride oil l i iiorvele. Orowu, - wiio -wa« a <r«**n»n stu C AIiOLJN IAN cvt turd fly, ’viptitn! 7, !91i) ||| * C; i i ,4=i l| It ;-AT-'. | gr. 5 ml rl: W I i?- 7 r.Ut,' f \ ■' * o l' T *r’ .‘ ' ' ' / .1 • • * ■ ’ F’-i jV'S I ?. ' " - Irn\ T1 , •- / f liii'iN Ls i ; >j v ;jt s : ■ ■■ *• i . . ■■ * , Timelv Farm Hints Mg' For Tihe Homemakers #* tfX'-p.!* Ct "A SUE NT :>.» t-weyoee*? u jr.m. .be ■iSm *. 4 ir'S. ."-iCT-, j ,i .-1 - -r fruit.' I The aoswei is no icciird! :•< t . vV 1 '•> - ;hea oxteihsion be vneep -c m 4 • 'Stephen Sj> - :fce d-j'dga of the mouth parte I' dee.; make it impossible for the; . (fm do Ime They will suc-t the juice .f f pits but itily cuter the i. ail km ti ;s ifr.mdy oe o injured in some '.-my Normally tie 2s will not even bother with this juice u all f C-. tm- is uvaimble. out M -:i it • Png the time when fruits are ripen -' ;rp there .-ire very tew flowers in ! bloom on which the bees con work mum .meummmimt m: t.m ,_-s bl'cs ’ . • b.jeri p.ace J : h .- i.'.s wits aeaitny fruit, la e./my ,ueh case :lie> y.-'ie up able i: j g.d any jute : from «ti ivhole fru.t and as at, i suit died of jiarvdtlon. VI • vit cr-.»rj roi'.i; >c> .> best to reduce riot ki.rot P: to :>ivtu baad'." ts R Gairi., mens; >n oiam ! patholo.gip r. 3i. um Pc'.lege, say? j c.i:> c"):'S ■ esist." l i, to ! mt s.n d 11 d j suitable in coaticais reduce tlie jit cion ee >f the disc js<- molady ijoi... rye, wheat crijiulari.o peunu's. mod tan) gran;. mb m'lny n.P a ! wmm Cotton or coth cm. be s-.-d l in tltr-..e-year mt.ilmr- armmi.d Iti: ■' corps J riot ■ i iiPm-■' mercc cie t'daacco lf'i!Mv,.i i : ire - .-n 1 .t>3ffl';mc three-ys:.’r rotations whirl’, bay ■ given good toot ;-'v.trol in * - ! baceo: oats .aai wee..;, oat? e- ■{ i wemPc tobacco, nea'uts, oats arm ;.v. bs tobacco; cim, peunut.- . rabaceo; red top d tip; tab me ; 1 ct'ilai-ii oats and vends, lab ace a . Sen ill grain winter :urnr crooj, . ; [, U ,'j t s jnd • .' ‘ '» ■ O > results fc-i ? ;R/eri!entiy folio / <i. C« .r'. :.- arivises using -‘esisturt crops li ' tVy-0-.v *.?•.’ fOLaliOTi, a.lw-’y,? •;[!' 4 .» 1 vv ; : l■ 1 r crop of s/nai (. gr-oi: i 'Dom'-; expect uUu -:s ' i infested fields 11 l : ;c::mplefsd i-oUtjon, he ad;ie Con *.M kbe 'Appe > Ui.-iv S' A sal, ' i. :T --T, riding fa ;va aat MTia'Af -3 w]'' 1 CJHoe Atf-ritisua, when the ; v. .-taa ' i)oud« i;he aigUv/e.y ‘u ■ Brow u. then ~0-')i: :!; ■ ; > : - 'li .my i'c aad ro-enle.v-1 'Ac u. at'; Wm. h he lapsed la'p m vx? 1;j : ness. A Brinson 'Mil. him . > -• bos nihil where be -vis pro.i'.im de.iii. Pitt County Horan;*, tlriffio i 11. Rouse ,<i;iid trial, them win i;<* no I aquest. 1 I’bc liic-cu's-J si-fo , 1 yo.' in i.he Array during World War I! t IT:; wii» the non of Dave Uro-v. who IWicv on tiler Shiultr ;te.rri:; l*Vum near iieivoir. In p '-m* dome I! •; f /usty mice . 'hors. iOI.'o!»i;i ;i we i '.v t\.i tn 1 :!. e•i / • i. 1 •%. ii ?s U ?: j t• .1 auh , -prey *i w f *...k F;:vrui;.ueAaa-- s- ;t:U in. F # v. a ■" ey of u- aa in Xr r>asecoent, .* ;> >i\::ci of 1 >* • ■A:aid a./de Sfla-iid he •jM-i ■gallur.s of water. Toe garden sprays pump >■- spangling can *ri.ay Used ii there ;re ?r:p-T,v ad.u'v p a weaker s lo\r-r-. may saftice \ small .amount may he used wat .. ?: >r wall P bjtirp ;>r V. oot -• an • bing f r ins v ince. Smelly pnn.i p .-aits, -a.oka. ) * tries and attics also con An dm odor:-;ed Pop . • s»-! ution. "1 he meet? lea c-o h r :>t or 1 p > .: rta i n -evtj•):■ s >" the coax-fry pc it is used c-. j seed disinfect a t The •■par- : r at'd wdb. f rtuh day he.' „v n. <: 1 ..>.* thorn:' \hly •.; irv-.i sii • if! ri 0 p y m : f thiv.-» c. ■.l • C<■*terda:t Vv'• K h ?.Cie >■ -I C M 0p..0p.. e. 1 ' s e' i ■ d.; 1r:t;• -s .-c P-< -.p- . r.vv • ever il d v-vd. c h „.i a p 10. i : . v ‘. r 1 1." a ? fapyv. fs’}-J ,'f ■ i Ii f f-' ■ { P'jaij i Pk; - - Vb'Pr .- • ->f' 'Cis a Aj;‘ t ;p.n. wx. Vv} j >o.\ \]v M V \M) vm :•} v, bv ■' - 3 v •> • w:. i. -os vr>? y, 's i. •. v *v K> ? *V: i. i*. s 3 -XX,li | Jacket-; W.»rk s'r lift-.*:*, *f»d <>r*Hs Sii ••»*.«, Jlabiv-v 30<>t: v , -itc. '£ * >jor. ’•u,'. ari.i r iii.'j •JT «K :-'RTKN Ofc. If SXOItK i I

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