( AUOUNIAN -At.!.jiV-. September 17, J 049 PROMISES TO RUN JIMCROW OUT OF N. Y. >■> cox ha i> ci.ark X‘ A / >!■;, i; [ ; ,j.- |- ;rs ; p/oss aiitclieuti, .-jifit'O Vv lnnl::-;- til: aom>r.;;f i->n vt the American UlDu: ..•■O', as its t.'lmirtA Tor mayor tit fLis - tv t n tit (a -urning P.-ll el > iott, i i»!iy Vito Vlan-;mt-'>itio sititi liist W. dnesdHy that "when f a;; mayor ami i wi! t... ii <■ - d }>y . majo-iiy tit "t, ttoo !<, , v . ; f shall run jiitt t-ro’A from this dry Vs ni)f> on titi -otfojofi of’ discrim- H '-‘- ' -<> if! Ho ••!!;/. Mit n• > • t ot! iv.'-arded «... a Communisi -a: i ih.it Mayor William O 'Dwyer '•''hit.* telling t.iio Nt-groe-. that he for civil nr!i‘# and against oil tor ms o! discrimination lias hip-held Mio • ••• tratioli policy of ’!>,> \T,. t r'>f><:! t;:i n Insura net? company in ) ! - Suv vesant pi o'•-‘(t: by solidini' hi-; ' orpnr.'tttOH counsel to A-!-, : -. before the State Supreme < ouri to uphold the “(’ai-casian" clans. in bp- ■ •-•out ins lease •fn - 3’ i?] pi‘<>jt.*r; ill t fS i ,‘J i? ? vi-hicb to if-r.J f>r !* s • f «:• VP Ist Vliticaiitonio niniT 'ted ! vi'ii a iso . iifli' riiaf mid if the House hat! allowed nr, amen i ti us to ibe .-.vent Housing id ptisrod hecornp a realit v. 'his tii.: -'- - w isa; would not have to : onthnif." Blasting both the (Injisnlidai •■! Ed and ,Hc;| r-df fd.one 1 1 f m*- for Ho--- .-xiravagaiii nigh '.lb'- t-a Ponsiilii- -as the Cnnirrt-. s i i tan said that "as nm-nr 1 il have Mur.iripal Power comm, nr ar.i! vil! cltayee !h- :>eo-;!e TV 1 , rites, thus -tvi.-iv th-"- eitUisUni at le.est ai’7.* ***o.f»<t ;> per year which they iv:-!' pay f i/i, year.' Tie also pi out I .< p"-i< • • In rents suit" - -» • - to i, nickel, mid .said that all nmnirip.V employes, in<-1 ufr lll r; 'lit- police d> pariim-nt anti -aititation wei-kov:- •tin otily work .l-l hours a week tnd the lal'tei workers will he j«.-r --mit-.-d to join a union. 'Tim entire \I,I' tirk- t rill win this year." was his final predi 1 .-Vi’ YUCPYOITHTO MEET IN DAYTON N-w York Problo.us 01 . ploy went, recreation iitd --'lliciti ion will to discussed at tin- 11 (It ai mtiU ,vomit i iii:!' • V'• ti<.- of <he Na Houa.l Nrso.-ia’ion irr (hr- V'vr.nrr it ‘n‘ of ('ol-'ii ntl F’coplft Mi - Rub Hurl -y. voutli ‘locref.iti v, mtnouu t nfbo Tin n.'N'l if •. !(. in .I!tended by deP'atut.es from youth ■.Hindis and fiilliH';.' chapters, vdH '•>“ hUd in Dayton Ohio Novell, her :i-ii NAMED TO YOi TH (OMMISSION Onluinbais Albert Hefuit**'s f -*n of f'Htm.. pn-skJoni of thr- Ohm t’< :!i i • iiCP (~f NA AH’ YOM u unci Coll*'-h Chapters. has <n a*su r -ul ?h«* Ohio S? a < onunisison n<Hi H* * -n n H Youth. The < )inmir : -'.‘IJ is /‘iso m many ’ j' * groups that will u ip at thu ;> o:n ? TOU ox ; ti. 1 ?*• • •:*! i? r V ! ■?• • • - 'onferem a on Cb.idrou ami Youth f A youpe Planning- id : CDANGG SCMGOLG fall MAVE ARRANGEMENTS NOW WifM YOUR V A OF-hCB FOR temmmi am\m ' OjfcMuTv FAIR JAILED C.N REEFER CHARGE PEN.N'SAUKJEN. N, .1 -ANpi - a-m lit ray fctomord. ktsvi-n jj- fht- T <-r s. ; fime-ni world ■ --R-Jd " and trs wife Evdvn. w.re -• ' :ic-"i here last week by state ■‘ y ea. >f!iy -r'.s ace! charged with Be :!Mul possession „ud the sel : i I ••H r CiAfaretS >• .’AS 'in ’Vie middle of hi'- act O', -i cereinouir. whca tho ■ far -■ moved in rci placed him hoot : '•>(. Both Sanford and his 1 jaded later because they ■ -uld r.nt mt'et the- So.ooo bail pinc , item by Municipal Court hti -c George E. Y- st. In" ’ipi • was trapped vhec d -I i-.tents, working v.-uh state jnirchas-d reefers from F’ojsx if - aspect is o native of N: »v- . -r X and at the- time of hi; a ■ staying .t the Doug ...■ hotel in PhijudelpiJia. A- ( ako-i in the s aid were Mr ~ I-I—— 1 —— r*‘ w. L i) 5 7 5 5? A oy^c^/ p-wtroaes ■ > ■’ s- .. W — pf MR. CHOtLV GREENE IS LOOKiNCr BOV TO HELP K' YfcAH*) v ' £/ y> V| i jm. K- c* •g \ w baa flO SUCKS A WBBK ? .. BREEZY YOU \ i OUGHT A BE AGHAMER// VOU M.IGTIT) VtSc DfcPRIVING- GOME MARRIED?- — y ( MAN OF A JOB OR .OR i DOS V- S. ’>~n76OSH/HE MI6HT gfj |v" ASY /i/ Vißienr . i?uT jT / / a. tWowATBy it ) fff /J/Uoi rwvwAy/p — ’ I j I j■ • j- ty ■ , I "/rfK 1 * h V \ A l&w i | —«... ?. f.. IM ~ i Mi 'ry ycm!i>i- who ntonatrs la> ! iCiu'hl'n i‘i l.ic(: v jsl 00. 4>t J&V S't ' j”• kilt •’<:» ’. Mrs. Ruth Mitsee. a t i; -Ua i;,.vis, i ' i‘ «d way i- ; y Joseph M. ia’ansKv district supervisor of ! he were . a:cl to have n.Ede pur- : n:h:; y 3 f. •: Foxx thr-e times'oe ' , a:, bt y f :■ a arrests Tile : price a cord/n*; to'the agent, we at <■ - ■., On :he i.i-,,hi : the O'.-a or.: tit-",! bougf.t. 1.8 •-• -r. WATCH Tis f. ONE YOf Alb By William Henry Huff for Y.SP '• os- ic. s, hardest SEifs ly How stratH;.. it. is to say, : F ront tho < whom he aidc-d. I They throw most of the rocks ? Al«»•••.:• hi.; "upytti way. , flow MJAi: illbis ,-j .iis Has ' HO'// s, t sr. it: ut bleed hts foot V/ho a ids ! i fallow rn .r. He drinks the dreg? e£ sorrow VVhii, on tho sifat By -f-awn :*f the L ie fie • it;, in uraect hern r S-'rE C Hunt of Wake Forest ‘ uses cull hens from her poultry on- • ! tc-rpt ise to rnttke chicken salad which .■■■!:• ...- ar-d l-.: li,. rant;, fur $! (O pound Tobacco has ranked as; one of the m si imp H. t craps in Maryland stnet* thv ‘si ciays of coloniza tion. i ' STEPS LISTER £S BLOAT CONTROL A new si a-».>•*-• folder t* n 4 Bloat. ai C&U-a and St .;ep ,: aas ju&r. been | i tejii'iun ij -rvice i s ■. v'.iiia n*/\ i’o«u^- The- puhiirafif.n was ruvpan'il by Hr * ’ D Hi inneis’ professor | vetennary .ic-u-n, ■ to: the Aat leal : taraJ Elxperim.-st 3ta':on. ni-o de 'S'-riiM-s itlotf i- "a disease nf tn i j., r ,-w-oonmfe !;:-|>ort.ince “Mor-* repucts th in usual of blt.a -’I ‘: .n I !( Ll.eVe 1 ;,-n , i --y- -ive/j tii:.- year". r.-r Hrii-; - '•*' ’A-u iHi-r-as:* . a oui* cui'H •pulat on and k-eitn; • v. jil brtng this cenriition to our :<r y -nrion iaky when weal he •• condit; ins :*re • d:;; ive ~; rapid V f,f ivrguraei. ’ S-Vtpptoiris -r !)! >;! include pro!-;- inent swelling- in tf>, left flank i:ti“asine:;Y or ;i rvo ,sue";. rapid .-.'liloo.’iira of t!i- ? t -»r i'.ajil: v ; * r 'ff ahicii and gives - Bali sound when 11,upiped, tion of cud -hewing. labor-.1 I hroalhing. nv-anin-;. and dilaieu nt>s»Lr!ls. H r . firinneli.s listed re-- ioilowiag preventive meant-on. Fet d dry rot.giiago or graze grass ati.r- - - before placing animal.- on rich ! ! • ! gnme pasture; use cottonseed hul 1 = .i;:;i corn silage to prevent alf"h:. bloat; mix ra.-s:-;. with n'l-uine; so they make up fi-i per o! ti :■ - mixture: allow Haifa to mature . ' before grazing; closelv supervie-f- - A i oil 111 /-./Sfr) /;; ll \ T i —Y y_!j j' i ] T YyCO DON'T ! / MUCH .AND YOIJ CtET < - BUCKS A W^£K' 'ti x ! — ——l ~ foYOUR GT m£S WOULD SUFFER fL ! MI6-HT EVEN RUIN YOUR HEALTH K: » ALL FOR A MEASLY TEN BUEKS/% V W H p— - WELL. I'LL SEE j T - " A \ } IIP Wf~~~ —| !i( SORRY 9REE2Y' VCU'PE: Y■ !1 r i#| If late -- ■ just\ * Ha | j I A- 7 / i u ) ■-L ; PAGE SEVEN EIfLTEO TO CALIF. LiLSTORICAL BODY LOS ANGELES ALT 1 ) Titus Alexander, urcir -’i .-rt. rerud-aot .>f this i it;--, was honored recently with tneciber.-ihip it.- tit Calif .-mia Histoneai sc-cif ‘; for v*:c viutiofi if nls uuig-time von o field if Negro historv. !-. x. ' . A.it r > Dr iry m . Aii % ods-t Os hi; • ectiyii j'r tpc SociDys Board of Director.; a;, ths.r iaif iTlOOt; ti^.. Mr. Alexander catvie Ca.Utor r.:-.: o: at.d though h.,s bren engaged m engineering as a voea-, tio.i, he nas had an avocation the Uv.T:-. if_ of iaatcr.ai o;: the Negro iu A 111 lu.’.tory atiu more pai • ietil.«ciy in Cuiiforrta history. He has i ullaborated in providing ju themi? records and accounts of Calif, roia history a sever-u auth ors of publisti- d and uapucUtUed manuscript.-, and ts comp ling :-na t<: :a. for p iLdi: ntjon under bis own name. Ho served with Miss Miriam Matthews. Lr; Angcit-s .lor.r:ioh, vs one if the cb f researchers for th Aabject matter for the Gcion Atate Mutual Life I-.i-oLTaiice p ;na pmiy murals which -how the No £ - m California history animal., wh<?u moving -hem to ne# grazing are-«--»; do not turn hungry vs) .--mimes in tile pre ijl-.a-Qi stage.

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