PAGE EIGHT j^¥ETT|vljLE;: ! ; - JtlSk i 'Wm YOUR SCRIBE \ afeaslli,. i * T fcr p/ct; i_ burns ■* i JI s 5 For several yieta- trie pEtrevts oi the 'Wilmington Read are;? have Leen forced to seed their children Yet they !j v< within the city l;rnits and for severe! years these out el the city to a county 'school patrons have petitioned the senoo! officials tr permit their children tr. attend Edward Evans elementary .school which is within a few blocks flora their homes. Tfcty have teen giver. vari ous cvcuses, t-ut a! last the scfccol officials have promised that fear additional rooms will be sadfd !c. Edward Evan’s fichool And it is hoped that if Wi? be completed by the bt - of senooi term next fall It is also hoped that these new additions will take care of this fast plowing area. This is a step freward our peo ple Btvit fight, every stop of the way. We must banc ourselves to gether f;ftd continue to fight for every thing we get. As 1 beve tried to point out in this column tinse and again, cur only and most effective weapon is unity The problems >1 one section 1 PHOTO CENTER 481 Hay St. RHONE VfTS 4f: HCVK SERVICE OK FBOTO miSHBY. COmr-ETE USE Os Camera* AST? Fbot.e Supplies FOB TBW Amateur OR THE Frcfes*?o&&! h i SMART COOKS f*~"- ———— choose modem gas ranges and ] —. econornic-aL dependable, fast L“ •_ ♦ RULANE GAS Jpj, j ' Fayetteville i || Bottle Gas Co. || 233 Franklin S{. Dial 3848 | “ • I f? IMJUBLE DOUBLE » MEASURE PLEASURE 4 SPARKLING FLAVORS Double Cola Orange Strawberry Grape Double Cola Bottling Co. j FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. I •f v; tv state oi nohvi: tO"- r cx n.-. g Nceroty should be the ' coherer; o! every .iv'-ig pceor. We >• st" ul’j tand our: myes s. 2 light that the i jury to ert: should i hurt every (te I have in mine, two pictures y. .'•-i-’Pe t .rig in o.' local .n.aly. rape; ihayc.u vsise Observer. September Si where a few chil j drCn on fiteir ,va- lo schOul had Us walk in the str'ets because 1 ‘ lift sidewalks on old street, near the eld McNeill Mill. j Our editor. Bob Gray. jr. his jradio ulk emphasized the fact that j these children were subject to j heavy traffic and an accident can | easily happen. After investigation, v. t found j that only half a block was with out Sidewalk and that was only or; , one side ol the street as the other side was with sidewalk. r i still contend t i*3t Washington Avenue, on which E. f.. Smith Hign , School, and Murchisna Road New . held Elementary School j.< located. . Tile only sidewalk near the place , t£ on the property oi Fayetteville Stale TfEche-'s College and that is a good mile rrora the heart of the f-tv Or, Washington Avenue there [ is ik Sidewalk at ail isrs run up arc down Mur cJiisen Road »<; if it were a peedway. At one time ears and trucks would mire up to their »xles *?n Washington Avenue. y« s these children had to walk on this avenue !o get to school. ; Let us get back to the M'trchi- ; soi. Road. We have seen small : ! children snatched from possible in- j 'jury ei death from speeding auto ■ roe biles. There are r<; sidewalks.) iThey walk in the streets, taking j ! chances with their lives. 1 have brought these facts before iyou dear readers because there i> . ;nc organized fight tc eliminate this ; ttaz i .rd Unless we organize ourselves and Tut a united front to combat this ■ levi l , we will never get any selief •It is up to you. the time is now.' I not after some child has lost his. j fife. There will be ;; pofi-e to direct, :«t se children on Old Street. ; Whet about your children on ; Washington Avenue and Morchi-; 'sen Road? ■ PERSO Y A I 8 || Mrs Lucy A. Lewis has j-c. ! .u nek ; Nt v. ..rk. > J, ft': r ■ 1 Tr- ; ar d SSr? h I>< .vie ! | T.V i.- Pf; d -:,f Iv e,. tfe ■ !rnpohlan Church im-i with Mr. ..... I j NTs C. W Gear or f-l-cnday r.i : - i! EcptcmbcJ 12th Ac interesting I : yfling -old A: th-r dose a ; delk-ioa? repost wy- served Offu- Cr C J. MtiD :< >.?. p’ > . I w.l cod Mrs Marian .5 *ct r - ' rt t; ry. ; Mrs Barear C r NieMiiku; :rt the v . one is Pcru-n'.- -d.h ))'•■>.. v' - •• h her aunt, ,\1 An:...- While and friends. lets -Vdie: J Tav..- ■,- .y; '. returned fu-m . v r; . r where the spent two weeks witn her daughter, Mr- Tbv;c; i Jorc-. Miss A;iee Leo;: ;rd h. s returned from New York City where slit j spent nt week with friends. . Mrs. Marion Math'-c.-k bos - ;«c U' her horiK : V-limicu "c . | ter spending senu um< «. ,th .*> r ;relatives . the Bryants and Mon-: i tagues. j The Re V . and Mr, Rufus Thomas ■ Land daugittet Mao Cathrine of; | Washington, D C. wen- the dinnc i j guests oi the Bryants end Mnnia- : jgues on Sunday Septembci It. The thomases have presented! many musical numbers at diff resu ! while visiting here The following students left th. ; city this week for college. J« sepb earner*;--. Miss Edv- in« ' ‘Evans, Shaw University. Ra!o;,d. [ Claude L. Stephens. Mis Eva | Mis? Magud- :ne Evans. . r-c; 1 Miss Mari,.n Hinderion, N. C jCpliege, Durham; Miss Alice Treadwell. Virginia • - l •»?*'. i'e!vrsbur. . Va.. Miss Phuoi, . IM. Gill. Spelmui; C.-lkpe. Atlani.,. i iGa : Miss Annie D. Evans. Kurt ■ University Nashville. Trnn. Mis: ; ; EarJia McDonald, A and T <\y. i iiegc. Greensboro Clarence Chet-k.; Howard University, Washington, jj ;C: Calvin LaHuffman, St. Augus- i jtim v College. Raleigh; and Vcr jT): Devane Morehouse College,! : Atlanta, Gu. Edward BuVk has returned tc; the city after spending the sue .; u | with his uncles. M strs. OHie Mm ; j rick and Kerman TSerrick >.■•* 'lev ! York City Lt. and Mrs Harris of F'ert Bragg were the guests of M- and Mrs. Albert Beatty of Washington : Square. VISITORS Visitor in the city ar: Mi.-s Sylvia Blount Ebenton. S C . .Miss Minnie Conner ana Mt - D N Conner of Wc -t Palm Beach WEEK-END SPECIALS -1949 MERCURY $1995.00 1946 HUDSON $ 895.00 I Club Coape 4 Door 1948 HUDSON $1695.00 1946 DODGE $1095.00 Club Coupe 4 Door 1947 CHEVROLET $1345.00 1941 DODGE $ 545.00 Aero- Sedan 4 Door 1947 CHEVROLET $1345.00 1941 FORD $ 545.00 Ouh Coupe 2 Door 1947 MERCUR Y $1445.00 1940 DE SOT A $ 495.00 Club Coupe 2 Door 1947 NASH $1295.00 1940 CHEVROLET $ 495.00 Ambassador 4 Door 7 Door 1947 DODGE $1545.00 1939 FORD $ 345.00 •convertible Coupe 2 Door 1946 FORD $1095.00 1931 FORD $ 75.00 Club Coupe i Model A WHEATLEY MOTORS, INC. YOUR AUTHORIZED LINCOLN ■ MERCURY DEALER 451 W. Rutwll St. Phone 2225 ( lAROJJN'IAN’ SaitsrcG:'? . ‘x'rtD.r'ilw 17, ]f»49 ! t* EloosevtJi k.' ■ 1?■; ox Sum. j’ S C 5. .1 Jactf Oii, h ■. j ; yoi: . 'j’J - Rev NC. L. Jones. <v- r. : g< L;v.t fr.jsrj.-.riary, of Po-tseict,'.. I V.‘ IVili'x 1 J' •s. Mrs N( ' I |"■ oor-.r/ r.a li o'-hi. : Mrs V i tor la Bc-Lbitt anc Kis Christine j Smith ynd c... gi.ic Pis. S.ri’h ha? !■': cr. Iht I list ! r : < veral weeks j Y. .!. 1 D‘X< R -isUu.g v ' ; ; 'A* ' ' i hci ). WoMcn and <; - i rci.itA Ye; -' ' y ~0 j i i LA::- : f- - i <o-ivm;a S's \t,i s TARtki Ll PARTI i T.’u ITSO-ytVCA. FwYc.tii.viG,. ' |N c e.Y. "Going Back t.-i .-chock dan; , or T.uu- . . •, k. a final g topethtr !-■ me soldi.-r# ; ; Bn ' ’•<' tb.- you.-.c lad it - turning t> - college . Afi,..'roxir. Ytc . y tv* hvia.) t--:r p>.; ■ 1 F.O"r .itknded the informa; d;;n a i j which onfc to a . -rt of .. jlartv.: 1 party Sv.; of ycun ' ladies were leaving cr. Iht week i c:t;d tc attend colleges and univci .'S ail !«; th« United Stater A prize was giver, to the young 1 : -• y attired in trie- m , t ccllcgiut style a, s- Pheot! GiU dangnteit of' Mr and Mrs. J M. Gill of Fayette-1 ■vii!-- w..s awarded the prize alte,' jthi intermission t.y Father Charle ; Alt rchant ■’ .ins; ■ pa -tor of St. ja r soph’s Ersiscopal Church. Mass: j Gil! will begin her freshman ye<o: , lor S: oilman College in Atlanta.! ;Gm., this m.-nth. Music for the dance was furnish ed by Bill Green and his. jo. .. ; ••rcßi-stra. Eac-n month the U.SO-' . YWCA give? two orchestra dances .inc liumf-rt-us dance- with recenj- C*C« liiciLiifi. A f. i.i.: Vi inu cunncil consist in e oi . r-’-rt Bra. s soldi, it- .-nd junior bos- • : '-ess i-f utder th. supervision of; •M; - Mildred Nc-wton, the U.SO ; i vVCA direct r. meets once ;. week i ;n. fiay various kinds cf enl :.rtni::- wnw*ir lit limaManiiMPMiii"i»iiMiMiMa. ; BRAND NEW 1&49 CHEVROLET 4 Dr. Sedan ; BEAUTIFUL BLUE j AT UST PRICE i FOR TRADE ONLY ! B. & M. MOTOR COMPANY AhA F RANKLIN ST. FA Y*ETTEV!LLE nr.ent ft. tin ;;olciif:rs Set (’;■ v. site i ■(* >:■'(!; ,ph„,. >:■( Gifu ■•f t liM cd B?r.d Airbornt Diti sit.-r - the i cent of the- Tkoi ring C: o re ij Mis J- : i i.-hi:;. &r; y of WLlmingtoi; sc< re-ary <if tbc USG-YWC / i advisot Tn:: ..’.hi, .; in. rummer m.-.r ;• > the USt ‘ Y .v; . nns gh en <:;. <-, . weenie rc.iKts straw rides, < ..r and iteh.r raniies. Tl n;>!■ : !;. e U.'lv mg t. -r;l; ■ !, ! • V<" r-n. !)t >1 in !•>.:.-! t: r,t.,i f-■; tr.. , . p. st;.fierned F. ! i Bragg SA\ -V« U IN Hit t UMM.IMW THAVk YOU MC-KftWK INN Fe tH ■ .Krmcna The Pine* j T srhH Appreciated G. H McDougaid ManehaaSti ! ■ow*™ O'wninwi ■HWIWI* mam mwwi ' J 'OF; SERVICE J. & K. Market Gr«( anej Meats 14 li"' Marc hiss-on Rd. IP hone 2890 Ci <€- 7 aefful Service CRUMP 4 FUNERAL f HOME I MuibS; Burial JUsedaikc L nr; CuUbrcih St. Dsy D.ol M 76; Night J4t7 j Silver grill Form Made Pies Tr'.sly Hem*. Cooked Feed* Rev L Morrison. Mgr HI Gillespi« St-

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