PAGE TEN DENTIST FIGHTS BAN ON NEGROES' IN NEW ORLEANS. NV* Urbans tANPt Dr. An drew .5. McDonald. New Orleans tinnli»t. nationally famous for j), Woodless extra* tion of T«■ • TTt and • d«moastrati<>nn oit Negroes and jwhisea alike In many metropolitan Cities, last week filed suit in th" Civil District court here, alleging that the officers of the New Or Jeans Dental society are conspiring to oust him from his; post as- s*' - rotary of the organization because he refused to sign "‘a jitn crow re fjolntior." whi< it digoriminsted attains’ Negroes long engaged in the practice of dentistry wither* a license in Louisiana. N-Natr.ed as defendants were lira. Karl L Douglas. Percy I*. Crcuzo? and Dr E. T. M. Devore president nf tjje Pelican State Dental asoci ation. who have heel- asked to ar pear in court and show cause whv an iftjiinhrlon should net he issued to restrain them from (."frying oni their intention*. The resolution was alleged to haves requested den? iris t'.» report men engaged in practicing dentis try -.vitisoir a !b eus- Dr. McDon ald related that the principle in volved was far more import an’ than ..siguning of the resolution Ho raid.if. ! hs was uot opposed to »ign!ris the resolution as resrafds • i Uih.-•- of deni ittr-j hut th was fully oognlzant of :h.> fa. th..-' the Slate Board of Dentistry lirul lices s'd Aime men who had prac ticed dentist. •• over .1 long period of ijiiie and ho an no reason vhv the board should not extend to Ne groes a similar credit CROSS BURNS IN L. i-s Angeles sANP) Pro-Klsn ser-tur-ents, were expressed against twe .vorrs&p here in Los Angeles la--. week. A cross was burr.ed on th* law.i of the property of M s Einnif Chase a white woman, woo registered her property for sale with a Negro agent. A Negro, ivi dtav . Mrs. Arthur Cole, was threa tened by whites because she rent ed .m apartment to a mixed couple M-: Chase told police she found ft cross burning in her yard after Fie oDOTs learned she had engaged B O. Slaughter, a Negro as her real est.-n* agent, and that she might s-11 her home to a Negro. Ths lowest pm e bike is not a!. w..vs the cheapen! See ours be fo; * you buy. Just received ship ’ r*t of !9 Cushman Scooters — s-’-’l to #425. .See them at McDaniel’s 2bS PERSON ST. DIAL 274 • PARDON ME fiQT*%w)' 1 PLEASE BUT ¥ | AN IDEA JUST STRUCK ME ■ m Let My B^r *> Sell Hie Carolinian j For Hibi Vacation Vlane* S I —~ nnir.mrrirM^Bw aMM , ww> , IMW i iwi in nu h m , _ NAL Championship To Baltimore With Giants In Spotlight Chicago, iii. (Sjiecktl) Two lean *>f Giants tli»- t ah . American Giants and the Baltimore Biite Giants - will open play fo r the Negro world's championship u"t Friday. Sept Id in Baltimore. The two clubs tiuanlu-d for the Ix-st of even-Mine .series by win nine the championship? in then . respective divisions in the Nem o Ante; it atr la-nffuc. The Baltimore KMt <■ Giant.- had easy sailing in the Eastern section, taking both half-season titles. Tb Chicago American Giants w-r --nosed out by the Kansas City Mon archy fey one game for tfi< first half crown in the Western Divi sion. hut came hack with a fas' finish to giai- cond half In . • thus enabling tiic Cliivaco e.u: ; ■ gain the *-mi fitiitl scries of the playoffs Owner Toro Baird of the Mori ar«hs. h(iw.-v , .villi.-’ -ew his • from the VV-steru Division best of five-gate,- serir- b; ■ tus.- of injn> Jes in -ey.-ra! >f hi -tar players asnl -i'd- to !<t: fa • t that a major league efuh h d mrchnsf-d two of hts Cer cais To-- Mui arch- wlfTsdra w;G niGh-Ai the Okuus m step into (he fin;!) round . withonl throwing Tali No semi-final series, wr; hocps -ary in the. Easf-rr. Pi vis ton stnt the BpiHmcV'- ink. ai PJII h,!‘b li.ti sea-on tifie Second gam*- off h ides =< ais t so»- Baltic.■ l. Sunday S- •*. 1? with the thfrd game set for Ri< htnotni V.i on Monday .v Sep’ 19. Then lb r : s pe c? info Chi • cage sot tin sours; y.une at Com- Iskey Park h<- :. Tim,-Try njgh’ Scut. 22 Other dab -for th.- romainitt; three giimt if t hoy’ll lv new s's rv. pro »m> ivckig worked >n iyc the club's two owners Fmc- t.-oC teems, as weli j. mo of :be ot b. 'members in <h- Negro American League, use the .ninor and major long no narky its extremely diffi ciiit so set .late? for tlif •>>'• un* world's chainnionshlp .i* 11 1 - t-atr-A who ordinarily olav Li those pnri,; are also engaged in playoffs or are “tin playing out the- r -ular sche dule. WAKE FARMERS TO ATTEND WEED DEMONSTRATION Woke County Neg o furimrs in four d'fferent section? of the coin ty will wit-no? tobacco grading and marketing demonstrations Wednes day and Thursday of ibis week. Beginning at lfltdO o’clock Wed nesday morning farmers win see » demonstration on the farm of Romas «Boy» l>um. In the RnP>«- vtile Community. Route 2. Wake For ■■-tt: .loft ..' bit ,>'cii-ck on the farm -if Cleveland Rogers of the Riiev Hi.M vonmuaity. R <-,i? Went! ell. On Thursday morning at 10:00 the demonstration will he riven on the farn. of c X. ((~hrti) MeCul lore oi the \> 1 -.-. Hill Ootimiunit v. Rout"' 1 \p»>X . :!’i i it al the farm of Odis Nintti o in the Fuunay Springs Cormttnity Route 1 Holly Holly Springs •tones E Jeffries Tobiter- IJ fu\ u»e md Marketing Specialist with the Tobacco Brunch of the- TTjjtDA, a ill iv" T'nt doniori-; ration hjv W c Davenport Negro Countv AjM!t and E. E. Evans. Assist.m LIBERIANS HULD FLAG BAY RITES Monrovia. Liberia i.\NP> Th-- pciip'e of Ldeyia ohsorved Aits; ss Flag day in .•oirm.oimiration of th.- fit at jyiw-tian flag designed I.) Hi ;r 'lV.hsc. the n.itioti’s firs? -e.-r-- I sir y (it state and the editor of 'ln nations first newspaper. The Afri. ii; L*uniiuar> Citizens observed Children . day in Liberia. Combined programs for ihe big day included talks and a parade A scheduled sport a pro tram in Monrovia, was postponed !-,-(:tiis;c of ins lent* nt weather. Oth-, ci features of the day included tin greuudbrcjking .-xercises for two pH-hli-'- hnildlnoa. the Capitol and ike Law courts .I.troli Browne amt Dr. Dor is Itaiik.s-HenriCci spoke at the Mon rovtii program. More than t'.Ofcl ‘■ii*--! (Ik Wren paraiied in a. gala festival Cr- • idem William V. > r«ibtnau htaded the ii-r of speakers a? She Benjamin Freeman, -a .’n- i- -.l' tho house, and Anth mv Barclay, acting chic; juste.of 1C . ga m remarks and Bishop B"avid Harris Brotestant Kpls-o t il Cioirch mid Bishop Willis J. King. Methodist Kniscopal Charcii. offer “<1 prayers Bishop Can-v Gibb--, .A ‘IK Chitr-c.h. pronounced the bwrjcla t ii-r;. TO I SE REGIONAL PLAN TO PROVIDK M RSE TRAIMNO KNOXVILLE Tci-n. .ANP> The city -of Knoxville v.-iii .(tdizo the Sou’.hern Regional plan for td-. i- ion to pt.rie nurse training f(-r Negrt women wi-hout sending • them to the city’s senool at Gtncral; Hospital Under the regional plan Knox ville will pay for 20 colored stu- ; dents to attend the nursing school at Meharry M; dical College 200 miles away Negroes; for the past few v-eurs continually had complained against the city hospital winch refused to 'train c<-lortd students in the field; •Os nursing. Th- current plan is the ; result of an agreement between the hospital authirltii; on on- hand and the Nero side ied by the Rev W T Crutcher and Dr J H. CL. t on the other PERSONALS By MRS ROBBIE BRIGHT Mrs. Olivia Malloy Hubbard has : returned from Tallahassee Fin. and is now spending sometime with he granom ther. .V*. M.nnit- Holli day of Wilmington Road M'S. Maud Bry.nt Range nf Philadelphia. Pa ioimerlv of pay etttvi!lr was gues f her coststf:. Mr-'. Rut'r.. i '-.stop o. r M lore S r Boland C Irving of ißrtiord. C otm lifts returned t<> his h‘‘n»F af'tr ?pt; ding sometime with hit friends. Mas !. s-i.? Baldwin and ■ sister Mr- •>-•:- . Bro. ks of Van Story St. Charles Anderson of Campbell! Ave. it ft thbs week to join the stu dent .-.slv of A. art T. Coilese. ! Wc wish run much . u : ess. Msss Wiliie S.i,ni.>io i has return ed to Mount Qi.-■ v where she as 1 [••Re of the teachers <>\ Carverj . School * e . u: r.oe o 10:.. at; . 1 Csa.p j’oeii Ave. bus returned to Plymouth.; . N C to resume ba r work as she. |is a mem be cot tn.- iacvUy u the I .-■chord there. 7-7--. fro c«.nnty \geni oi t •->♦> Sr.t:.' ! i i r-.iog** Extension Service. All farmers are avited > vis ; one or roe other of tuane d -mon j St:ration;!. October t-iS vo. i>c<-;i .ircuduimetl ■by pn-sioifit Truman a;. Fir?? Pie /cotton vVwK t a >i,IN(. AN - Saturday Sei)tewh<.»r J 7. UN'S I IT HAPPENED jjN NEW YORK BV GLADYS I*. GRAHAM \C\V , RK ■ AN)’! rt.’in- mi, the much di>-:usse«t silt : per, is still apj'ow Dig on the front, nag- • of in Out of tie- irit-i ro-poli'an daiU’.'H t.s p* rtups the most imj. -r --tani 'cpis is the now.-; A f* : w «e v ' angles d« f the horizon of tlie Rob*- -on case In New York ‘his week The v- 1 1 1 ran j- sub-ni s of Shank- I Vil'-tge. Hocklatld count ry have a ; : 'anged a sp-cial rullj for i.hi- it iri tone Shanks Village, a former Army ('.imp h Figlerai property The village is also the Janos( stu d-nt veteran housin'; in *be coun try. with some 5.000 resi-leni s •( Colurooi-i and other N* w Y.» k .*<>!- Icyps Robegon did t>■■ go r * Ai xi ro City to attend tti.- p -.,■■■ fcrensi as planned Mrs. Robeson nt.-sv serve as a substitute. 'DR t LKTCHER RPRKARHEADS Dr T. Thomas Fletcln-t. flmv back to New York tc he on hand as gu.:M ».poaker for the d"-b>n <>'' (he public service scries of "Afri; in Dr-inlon." a new journal of Afr- ,n Affairs. Giles; -l;u s ;ir- tt k I. i r rv Etrsfclne Chaffin. Rpringf ii-Ut. M»ss.. artist. J;,ni*-s Thiohoss ! craftsman, and Louis Kemp Dr Fletcher, a specialist in oriental off a ire and literature is the in- m . Miastr'r <if the Medliane-Aleni .it: Addis Ababa. Ethiopia. Tin Bnited ivliip a! Lift- Ir.auranc.* attdi ) tori tun is cxpicred to he packed for the R'ept 1C event. ISRAEL WOMEN BATTLE Israel is in Lie news and much is being Muted I><>ut c-ondß ions in rlie <-ountry by Bad-.-r; who h.iv r- i eitt'y re?an.cil so N ■ - Yni-k Mrs. Israel Goldstein. pr<. ideof of • Bioii.-rtr Women. --tated tha> the »-«»men to Israel are ba’Dinu • ■ thtiiio. c-'iual rights. The i ai ry-nvc • frejn the old Talmudic laws is said •o a factor in keeping mab s r.i . do;n(na! iag :><> '■ ion-. Predict 3-V/ay Union For 1950 Campaign Chicago 1A NPI - T . firs move in a national poll!;cal f:gh? to be waged f.y an alliantv coo nosed of thru--, powerful groups organized labor, the farm?»rs on i the st i- ■; v.v made Labor do i evening et a dinner staged by La ■ herb leaeue for Politic-il •■(ho-a. ; in the grand ballroom ->f the Sic ; man hotel here. Speaking for the various grout.? : reprusen’■-1 were' c. b Seereia-- ,of Agriculture. Charles F Brarnrin ’f'ong. Wiiiani LI. D.. ••• >m.':' teader of Negro lemo/tratic force • and Charles Macgowan. vir-- presi dent AnuM'ican F'lera'ion of f hor. Macsowati. -showed how o inters, workers and imnorif. group had won a potifi?'al v,. -orv .v ; .Noyetnlier when hoy le.-t ■ ! Prc.-b ! dent Tvnitian only to sc. b . **d away h; "the apo ales of stre-t and reaction in "Other, who spoke were Sen. Paul RontSu To'-;* oh D. Ken-nan. nations'- Hr* : tor LLPE. Mayor Ma; bti H. K> i neiiy. Rep. S. Marion Riley .1 I anil form*ti Mayor Edward .( Ke!H Seey. Bran nan ti<)i!i:»d t i strength d -t- -ycd bv {•- oun'•: , workers in :;•»* y -a! iti<iu«trio' ! confers the aitnost. solid vote ond the farttiers. a!! ->’ bo " |he said, realized (hat th-dr l«- i i-iterests lay in f-.-liow •...' ! t>.. !li*rht.ened isKislativo :• ,n. - . j. | a ted l*y former Ptesideor and eoid.!-,r.,-i by r . ;.j.. -r r , man. I •T.asf full -a- -v - . rory for the pee! H .u ati ("Our f>i :!0e... >r**s*>nt«tiv?*-- j fro*n Hk- oorth I *• ; t aid—: bv a few Rerotbih-u - It r i the group of t o n R •aubbru: :und southern T>ixioorat.s. has b ! etl cavil rich'- sa-oport*-.! tb 1 7aC Hart!* V . w iv.rm : -b.-i : ir.t<>rest. a.od eOTr:i>tae f to tbobt j FOR FUEL OIL CALL j D. K. TAYLOR j Wholesale Dealer Esso Products I 1411 OraiMfe 3t Faverteviile, M. C Plmv*« Si'oo ( GO GREGORY oKLKS SCii.O’iD A. drive will L- ■: week for fCejicii i .;- i’,.(Neigh borhood li'cis - i h- nix >f which if oryi; Greg-tv - ex ,u?iv riir.-cter. I.> ■;" i- na - ,p and tin- size of , :: ,i . hava declined. roaihs? il for v i; work through Tli.i,’’: , ay to , id a" ihe i.llii pa i ■; •. ’c ;i Ml <;rea. >r.'. is a- -s kn ,i ~ ts the form.-r dire. : ■ ,f tor lent Bovs. Club MRS. V D ft ILLS Racial bias must -•» aceordisß? to Mrs. Kiuiik., ) Lnosevidt, chairman of the C.V # ■ Roth ~ , is to be won, Me T n ired Se.i k-'s nnis develop .spiritual ■ a.T.iHi.m and enthusiasm t . ir .1 inoriti ■ equal to tha; pmt'e-se-i by the Ru slans in then -•• : 1 1 u-or l in# to tin- I'M of- T : - state niOli 1 w;is r; i 1 , :.,;>nti;J Ur, Versify w!|.-( •• a -ar-uip Amcrl can and foreign ■->I -1 - -;,' .•- hiv - been studying ss-an- of mproving education foi No r,--s s -veil o , other edueationai groups. LOGKLE AND XML SON -N CONF. The Confevenc on s. iep,-.- fig; osophv oiid Religion, which "on vened last week o? {V.unibia. too?; n alike at bias The grown meet ing in ts t'ith conferee’--- had o ; its fi-ph l . "Reiitioti in it - K-iuf.ou i the I>< 111 (>;f-■ 'V i a' hi ■ Dr. Ala.lie Locke iml >r \V:n. r.t'lil! ’ Nelson. I tot i i <l> Howard ! ">- v.-rsity stressed the mi»a>- -nient of civlito'ion through lugiter *• • t-■ cat ion. and the impv<»vernent of in K-rgroJtl* ; : t i , 1.--.. Joe Loui-; Is the gu-'-sf afar o the Joe DiMogglo • le. x " which C.UIH-S OH yy. r-( Its. Sat c v. >(-;• tembci 17 at 10 A M Fi>T Fr ’ O'Neal has gone L'-wirv >Tis ('romribution. The \--gro .in th(- current I tit erg: , t Rev *w erv measure bts d t > ud or comm'in ram'. Cons. Dawson 'v'>o b id '•.. ;■>• leetcd by b- n • ■ He-!, . i- * delegat inn tub op' !: :0 I) tt-;.. alt hough rno.'t -o' Kibio: in vn-ssinen were a! the speaker’.? ttible. gave i si i-iti r : r add''.; whi' b von iiuu . “The b.i!.t|-> etbo-u oios.. wh?> fiyht for ! *l- f u ■• 1 -a 1 1 out property rights .s 'h»s vvli<* fight for ugh ■ >n - today us never lK*f*-.r*. “ Dow son ••Million.- of Kd! ir? u <o*‘ if yi-arly by vc-t-'d ititu . sis t; /ing - to shape the results of ijolPi -Jl i rests with M>e people. Th ■ favor-J few have the dolhtrs but the work iitg j • <:p!<- haw the ballot (7iai ial ha- the dollars but labor ha? the people. Idoliars ■ an’t vdo Sue people ■ att I’ - ; ibor - toil 1 ■- >1 (-M‘- ttvjdy and yours md mb— indt Vldiluis tub sec 'l. : >he rut bolls ilt i ntilliehs of work Mi?: p-oh- wiMi > out io-.-0-trd U, n.n ion ilii *► or religion regdster ami v >•<•. - . Exp-rir-o-rds j: . . ■ •. - |- ■. ([! t f z>ll yrOW'.'l’b • ; y ’’H’ ; :.j ’ ;!• > *., ■ 'il'-t . from * ,r.-a -n 2 ’ , tied f ■ ins cl- bo- ! S. D‘- Vul .f atirlc-v -o - a - increased as r\l is b ;.j ‘ > - ’Sri leaves. -. .v- s. -.M How os * r - - - S! I!m RiKI. TOD4V.

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