- •'* f Salurdp.y. Ecptembe.-’ 24, 1940 G&rver School i FT Ki’K 'V E i s'. * ' \ ' *» * 1 f C • 1 - red 0 |'i« y, 4 -‘ : m*t r niry rv t>: >■ U • ■awH; r 'IAN pi- ; 7-isa- B, L • ■ " T, ; , . y. - } E . .ta -A' ’7’;;. , A A; ; C.-S.liO ■ . t due, •. a. , yta. t the :n 'W i tup i (ii’t'o Bli’l ii KVi’F. ■ s' nNM s>n i V•' ' • i-' £ h.: t ; h^iulE ‘ " ■ - ' - . : I - i"t 1 ‘ W ''lit*; :i f •*, • ~J.■■ ♦* : ■ • er tvc-i :' re cas'i : : x ’ *•' - : ' • ; ‘-■- f <*=• : -'4 ? , ~ \ . 4 GET YQ'IR NEWS S ■ "N THE CAROL IN :.A H ADVERTISE m Tr7£ ■] CAROLINIAN ! *‘EWS DEA-DO?v ? £ 1 hursday EACH WEEK ;, ■ ■:,--. ■ ; ' ! *G hi •i V / IS ! X 'll (j& ; : J / , \ r l s -■ \ t t ’ Vs 1 yvy * —‘ , <, ' *'•■"' - i fiPTf Si <iyA Ladv X< g i-hv” Pro Grid Roundup '■-' U: ‘"P N-.:. 1. ■' ~ ■■ SOfiAf-i ■ ■- v -. •' : •'•• i“ •' r. ft pci; F.vn.-ert •„ .-■ , ; lir.-vvfis kayo ma.rst'o p'n: ■ Ire,a; ' .--- vM; ; ; icy imiisinv fm .-a.; s } : -\ ' \v, ; Hora i < ;. 4 i T! Sen JS .- , 's, ■ -, - ftiiibacK ,J(.' I ! ;••»".• ami • ■ Vi-* Me ini a;;. «■; - v jArsgviP 1 .icris arc <i*ors« ... {( . ; . ... :r j r .y i- ’ >; :i' • " i. Ff -i i.-r, 1 i i-A - i.i-r’;;. "a; L ~i - re: ; ?eov. c *e- AA al slf>r cer.it iKi }-: . s .t y _■ e Vi. Hath F; i,e.e, Hcmctr , -• 1 hhCiC < ri- f' ;; F A;, ■- ? c io; k iirpoHip ■ j Yar: 1 ■ i leXHic i haP'iv - Ycviiia y e Ho eyrfj iII tliC i -ix Ci;fi c; (;. J r iixitfaic Bills cAii'lAijtly hsv< lire ; ■ Track star Ktx '?> j; e ; ’ - ; : ~ lea ■ ; ■ • H : i y ?■;. r}, r;: , , . ..... ■■ ""'AVfi 'line .T'C;i ... - i' ; >' ■' pro >;j,:;ys a.- me re; T-' 'le icy: .. T<i< v T■: (Si-ty. wi,i. got ], «( y. . : '■■<:■' ?'.vit'A' t. the- T-i'ori ; y. • r,. A':,. | , ..... y; n AC ( -. ' |!‘ v.iTn 'be ( ’ .; ;. 'e-,. . Sfl "(,.r | 4 • wf.T; ••> re: nse(J £<n - • ( . : . fv *, ' c H< rn< is e . ... ~ ;: ■> his O'-, Iyc .. _ Lt | ' • ‘ • t !.a‘ i> v '’C , r ,: i'i- ie c i k;;e s ret :r(*U. WII.BERFOBCf iff FRESHMAN WEEK i ; k F;-K.!’' O — < •*;: : 1 , - i in.'-' -’.'Vis ;:fSjtn>an week ; ■ <y r. ..-<>■ . • : WiSberforc- ! r-'ta!f-: co!;t-e. F -sshinen from 3( i • t-.-j am! ii ,v it i:..-. a> uj;co (■u . ' *h< s<* . daring tlje week. A ; totr.! ..} mere time 1 '-00 jjtuOents. ■ c;':: :x i or;, scLf-ol officials aftofruii- j cod Pff* I,': -• i'ta: :>h, H. "Wesley, the deiuio and the. iat-u.ty wee tod : tie new *!i. denis, A InphlnrEt of the '• tv h was a reroptiorr by Dr, u»d Ices .ViS'cy in,.:: He... 'r'rcc. . :ei.ii v;.s ye \-f e••• oh . >.!-<••. ia• : - eC.e s - cry. e- S end.A ;j ;. TV. -ATI ; . W3U; .: H. l.arncs. ivATTI.iiRS KOI MSiNG SMO FORM FOR (.KIIURON <F\>o\ 7A ; Si-: f y V. .; ! . . ii >'tienii;F •: Ky, S.eic. Kixt i Si e’y -t i ,•:• !;■ - • nymes Cl,: Te mv: r,;:s A : 7 ne -e , rc iee n : isS:-:: e- * Hi - -n; Hire ay showed! r> : ■: ey Aikie. ■:> ... ciH'H »i r : ;:e, •. on: . : A'- y ?'■ 'T. . • • ; ... y Ki^ e . Sharp t.e hi-.r.i- ;..m. ;.H. I . . ir-iie.er: i.'e.'C skp ;< ~-;y cr -’■■CiCy ' A'.-'. He r ioi'iC, i,e ,i. *i-Fr Tce-ls Tee; ro*eee ivork is ■- -s Ooach Uaiiher's motto of c. ;.-1 .■ i-an ■■:;]>’ be a<. kvoti ■ -'i-iEh f.urfj The , irckiny s tc i C'iTT : ■■ they fij-cp for S;,i nr. ;■ S-ee.e S.,ehfy eey,- ' ' :: * rt nee crown Tfc- hikr-e-s Uik hyr. y. s:: - H i'i • iiii e bibs of . ron .AT r e. e ( y - , A j j-,c. :■ ,■ Oli ■’ It&n eI; > onct n -'■y f-mMi, Zue A.e ; -'•(!;e-e end a,-.; r. team’s : M-t- : A . .-r *;.o ru p- ; '* • ' A-f i-T i :•< to fr>T • »>*•*• it . •. - ■ ■ tr.-ek.s r,f ‘' .. '• • • ho CfiANDMPTifER MED FOP, BEATINR CHILD CHKC.CG ■ ... \(■ ). A bit,, f ::U S Eg ISO pou.iic S'ruxi a mother wo*, . ai.ci ‘.ore ,ysr week ic coTijiKuaJ- 1 y leaf ,r.i; i.,.r six year c-Ici grand ; ■cur. whom ire Aid far Dependent 1 JfeMrer. wa- iieioiug ber to «ui> ' •ori. ' fit ?: ■ .LUii:i i>U.!-' V, ,1. fa/'t .. PARADE OPENS D. C. EXHIBITION | i•- a regular cf Gm * “Puc••;£*{. i’i t Coof-.’' ir»-: CiimTcpuin foi.-ro rJne jerk ill st fed. is ,sov. ; V.< ..irr a:,d the r; .... >. ;.\* is \!.F U.f \ ••!.! HiM. f)F.'MO>STR \TKf\ IS I li\|r| ni'D IN « fke. !«' n (1 • m v\<v iilatr-'-T. aiid sown at T: - h vr -• i>r<>]-e r -;v pre A'' i tvV; ira» - erp:i r nem 1t : s ’i- * s vY c Pavenj.M-T. Xe?r«- CYcnav Apt rP &:ij Frank V Drffy o; :r■ Se-G a •! : r.p;-v a t; c>n. a ss isi e- c w: x t ht- FIGHT TO END EAS Os! (ROSSES 9f STUYVESANT V v V AN* ; - "•: >• • :• • .n ■. ir- ;t,s . ran re • omrnr. • ■ •• r ‘ .-, ‘ Town i rt’:- ntr ' * ■,.<! whirr ;; :;;r are : ,ili bsi-k-yhiy for ;bi v. n -nr jMjS’tion i ■ t ' spau ;■ • -■:■■■ o: t : : • • ; > in ?art -f •i ■ - !i< s' oi fz ten aril. v.«i. .ic . K'.’S'i -r. v.; ~ . :i.ie i Mr and •- Hare; . !■ and the'r n-ytar-eid mn ! i- use in'.- apannsi.: ~n >... ‘ aiior . !'t • ! ‘ !,i? s. IS •; in; * ?f‘ ; hack l'rnn. the farnpaiiy. The , ‘ t:: .-i.-s.- .i. if- n.' .si , me. had r; * v. * iato n >n >,*' Lh-o Jjor<-h. also whire, former iti ‘ *.;y • t- if ye <\• . un'-c-r. • ■ r.-r, nn K-larnt d nie * t.nt v i ; d it’.tv* ' :a- . n; (' H Huebner rsie . : in;;linger <>f hi nr-'-l> ■-! The i< • said '''>V •• i: net . •, . niiu e'n.-rs : ■ > ■ , aiwr vinhitlon ;,£ )>:• terms of n lease and disiv i.s,. under the dream?.! n yes. we :,r not a -f.-’it your ren It Is be'e-t.-,-.-,; the letter : e the -n ..i i:y ‘ 1 • ;. -: fil l*, n «r* -•-. the I -.- t h > H.-pped f-t . City :■< a fanuity i: - ’ June, ir vued ib- i ’ ;. bricks family >»» nor; -pa f.- cncsf..-. ;e ;v s .i.Tva rt a ent w!,He be is serving ns ...sismr-t pro*Vssc>r ■ ' rii-.rh'-ma;h s at Pe.insyivnt :-. >■ ;;?- oilee-;- in • year. Hi fir,us to ,?•■ i ; '“lit •<:• r lie to .'u;- •.- and is re . .'r j.osi-essk,;- es th» H’-rrimsnt Five e he- lars'njfs ir. ; . • fool, i l.r.n (htt—: d the ! i- • •-: ;, = ■ of 5 ; •' ' :-> ; r. - • r . . lit [e; - Lorch prof ; h-n'.'lt.ii .err!: .' *-i be , v;„ ; i.’ftirance tier.: It.:- :■ ■■ : .. -e ~ • the' ; i .*•:■; . tt *ti tr - re-e'c-et ar t. ready. ‘"finh! 7.1 . vow :-t : ' ~.71.1' v . - * o-i ..*n tale. *.o rin ?..* in r ohrhnnaij -1 ;• <■ »* - arc v'hl T- e t ic m.< ;. .- . ft . t :' .. 1; ~ • •.- was : .*ll ‘ - :..-K -. r tbt :.0<.7 !.r- t.Et. r:- bad there i < m . . . bangc- , mere;. Pi jj-t "?i rt Town ie-aru'; do not perc it s hieftt'ns. biortr Ll . 'c. r.a’j early 1; 7 ..nor sear: crop n; grown t- ‘ *it: y ei . .rit Eiiiuibeth C:y .c-m . ... .o-ct: iiiJ «, .Curr.ituct County PAGE THREE ■YeA GTI-e ..I?' Wash eeirs f ye.'-.e ■U" Street, com a t.- Ass: :v r • circles os .at * . :. Way." took on •'a . t ; s ...; y.w Orleari.' ' 7a. - .c-y, when it fce ' in; sera of a gala parade a ... every type of tajadl.frcm ,h; ... te; eop brightly dressed , efcTj&re.'.'s dram and bugle , corps * foe oignified iTsiUtary brass with ts e ..or Khaki uniforms. 7‘; ' :.-y.c was a prelude to a •" i-i y e.y. icm held ;,i Turner's • by the Affiliated Business as s :.:a..:.s Every type of business ■ --A at .no ' i-i .ted ttt the i)i ■ V c: O' lundjia by Negroes was ' at this exhibit. •• - A. ,_,i: 5:.... a.-.;, a. that .Os big . . . jnst>tuti-.ns Including the Washiogtqn. and '--••■■A- vestoiett; institutions, beau '• • - mo: moms dress shppe-. •' -£ a- : . tqui’yn nt. nev.s i■A. .; rad.o q television and ' - J- ••b ■' i re,- e n l t ..ch :ii,it iCcuoyd Nt cry disc j .ekes of tb.s etty . ok‘Ckng John Massey’s i.avAi... i yr Datcc numbers were ’ ■ t ; ' .try r-; i t Tyv members of UH P: t ’ rson Ballet theatre, This : • was i period - n Sunday. > igkl when Mss Ulrica Wdiiarns akg : *-r Cook presented Pas ■'< ■ a " m "Si* eying E m:l> ’ ibt AHA cent.arai business <;r --ttt-;T .i" ft or. of business associations friKT ;-.ti:e<l groups, was orgaaizea in IMS titer four years of study. }•• .",y ,-.nd promotion. This or* ~;-.A.;n came ;atc> being upon *"-'i -•. -a., -a. t,* of the W-. ib ■ At -at i: jsiness Study project. » y -Us ermrritiee <>l business oper . t-'t. educators. t;r;T officials of .' f .at and pnvure agencies V err,cc* ship :,n ABA is s ~r,21i-cf to bus::.ess organzations yATif'se comintint rrarpose and inter s’- • the .murovc:m i <!t the i css cc-y-.0-juisliy such central act ;_:tc;cis re pi tat.on far a ruraoer of individual firms , ’a -u-ieiTAv represcriTation j 1 "-’!:; mere m-r associations repre ‘ • :i| T t a or*'- ; i’i',’.;- hundred 'I .1 .-A:' Is- fi l-On’s -’-■A .8. Wit'r.ers of thy North* ; tat i ' a Dnig Store, wiv .is pie.:iCiirit-treasurej’ ci the AHA, . stru.c’ ; ■ iiiasu-: of ceremonies tMcur-fcout the- tbrci -night pro ,; 1 -.'a Ett as: M; .-’ a: i anevste- of the V S. Dei catme nr f Certsmerce genera: chairman of the ex r.jb;:- Art .rig Up ether officers of in. .uyynuatjon were Addison N. ' Ul'iiCU of til! Scut lock Studios, p-i.T jAy.A-tn.critus: Harry 11, Car • tut. cl t.;-,: Nivih Carolina Mutual Life Jnsura ce Company-, execu f tecretary Mbty E. Floyd of v a i --r Beev'y Saioii. . ■ side :- and H. Naylor Fil.pn.ugh of H-’ ■■. Ur: v e rs: t;• re sc a: c h di - rrv V-T FARMER Id!' f.\ KT JAIL ik i \kf oi fh;ht fAVLOESVILLE Ky -AS' F* ■ Bad Alien Graves, tenant farmer in Spencer County, ’•vfce was injured in a . fight v !?►. two white men died In cr ?r. v»,k jail lust w ee*. Gtssts v. * ■ ire; of? on a ma liiie-us catting tbaree after he is allegerd .»r have stabbed VvulU- L. McJf.lUan, st. and -m sir, Waltft K. 34. denng ati aramcDt on titt yc-onger Mr fakirs After the curititiy scrape. Grave# -e» in teach with jodje CG«n at Fairfield and said he ifraifi u- sU-y or, the farm vwe-rnigltt. h« was taKen to Sfce>l:yvi.iie The MtSliUans arc ••*? Ft. JC'Sejsl Infirmary, Lout*- vijit. A'-cot remg St; W.tMSKS. Giwvpt Igiiiivbtd iris aAfaeb 3<- iei tnt v ibf- twnit, n.r v trstk iwat.

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