‘JIAN mv ‘d.iv -September 24, 194!) Mr. iobacco Farmer Spend Your Money In Fairmont With CAROLINIAN Advertisers FAIRMONT;! Mrs. Bethune To Quit NCNW Post Wish in ton. i>. •>. !’ ;i Th i.V-i‘ ' - !>*•• ./• r.. >. h :.he theme that v;F prevail :ir th ■ 14th Annua! !'nin mion >f h-! Nut i-HUI, (;:.' il Nc s' i November If* l* Departmental AafiKunui.: 'K*;» irl.'-.etif oi’ Labor, tv. h iff m ! > S' This convention will ’>• nr.pr... ’ 'rued in the hi-vti". ,»{ i> . t/ou’i ■il, Mrs Mara Ma;L»ii,: Ret ihhi,.. ir,uasier-pr»';-i>li'ht will t. >; n'.tive president if th.- .ly.i’is. - • in iinnouncimj tln- ;;s • ■ ..awns ion. Mrs. Methane ;•.t.i l !11 turn my guv 1 over t . ’h- younger women ot Am. .a t if h. nnyieldiiia eunf i*J • > n«- - ■ ;a th* ii oUl'itv to rontrihiite übi> am! tuil 1 > rim -'l'iond*-'! contribir ;,m ah women are making ■.»«■ ,! u . ;-i t ' *..•-* ’'r-r.>*iirh ■lt • Nat ' (■ u ■ i! our young women a ib~ f active opportunity ♦..» "ii, *- *• !;f -s ht.ej.rfl and their tot! - i-c --i r .!• *v.*r the world. V. m. .■.instanri;. -i .4 cal .- ,i ;;nn to make tie*; mive clifh. os ;i,t , ail areas ot life, and to .:iv< .-on. leadership in these areas 11 c very city, count> and eornmunrv is ant -• udy ami work (in our P-irt. together with cooperation, will give to rise world a better - j riihini of se: * ;:*-. c JcliiFo-01. o One of the !a. -1 ' m :.*<>rt ..nt . retim ’Che .uiififla of the 14th Anneal ’•' mv».*iti.it: >!' *;*.* National i mun is tin. rev is;. in of tli'. < - tlil.! Ly-laiv.x to !r. ■ t the in :aa .ii:jg net (is a n;i -er * ' ■ - ; •f-toi'i/ ifioti The del -utu - ■ ,00 Vf-.ritioi) will re-.-k !.*» ci it- .1 r*-ai -i. well-knit mmnizari >n that sill make : * it- ;r- or e.ahv ,u 1 -Tom er O'-oeress fiWaril A . Y fl itnent of the p-r-pos.--- ..i • \m ti "( ii Cimm >i. Saul Mrs Bethune. ' ;■> O Olih-S of the ivnrii! a the women In the bn i Ming >:' *. Important that rtt *" .-- ::/at mm HARVARD PROF, IS VESPER SERVICE GUEST SPEAKER \>lU\ i • i-\\ 11UBI TK is? r:;: • \tf 'Hi*., r; M: :Ti; • (Ait IS . vi, • Dr K ;iVvr -L her f I
: V -* lOfK Wit> ■ ■ > '• rti ;r. t,• y-t; ‘ j'.-./tt jiMj jwrcl cn.* u * ;$?, ;r*unity i«»r growth «n>J ißcrhi ;n>: ■ • unpeton*' *■ in the intrt’orm a:*/. )f all phases of it-- program li. r. DROPS (ORSON t rom rvcrm U' l ihington. i> The Board Trustee at Howard Universit* at j: , Scjiicinlvt i- meeting held m Founder- Library on -S afurda' a •*! to terminate the temporary ippoltument of f»r. Sam ltd A (kit —,r *• soci 1 ’under* .-sor of pay.'* ( ! ~'>• in th*- college of medieiuo. st - -is antiouneed iasi week by !>r. ua?;.■ ■ - M. Nahrtt, Jr., secretary ot ; * l'ni vers tty fi. Nahrit Mated that the Hoa.-ii e: 'I (I -*e s , Jtod gr,- Dr. Car .-.ai otn -year appotntmet’’ front July ’ If! tS .* Jilin °i . 1 !!:'>(' to ehie hici to"secure a position .‘is- vvh re. ■ The Trustees specified.’ Dr. N’a- Fir stated. That if !>1 {'nrs-i:: a , it;- I lie onr-yvar appointment, it * s, all perform n>* duilea or eugaa-a t . 'in activities of any kind rehit tie .t ray way to Howard Fni tfl'siiV '>t Naiiri; .-lard .'urtbVr: A :.'-till . umr.iM.te of the Board oi Tr.i.iiics. n< 1 meeting Friday ■ 'giit. which lasted from ?:*>« p to. ! : *-i a.!!!,, Saturday morning. 1 -.1 nl ’ iron l eie .-s. utat ivt s of th •('o' i’oFli* Worker ( of A merle. I.- a 1 si. -aml a * ejirestuttaUvi l of 'ln* Spt (‘ini Cominitt * appointed by the , .ply of * I\. ISruoni of Medi cine : 1 St udv tile f.H-is ill ilie (use t i- c orson ' I i r .h the I'alon and the retire -••lu.i: :iv nf ibc iatulty .•*,«• mitre-.* e. ;r themselves js being satis fied -a •!h ‘ii-' cxti-usity and 1! . - of the bearing mator-h-1 ibct» T!;..- Trustee ’■' aiiiiiii 1 e-. also. -K-jcc'-J i v •: .oteti ' 1 ■ \ t r /. I, \ civ.j-c'o ■ ' ■: Hjycw: ; h cw.fotrcu tvi ■ :i , • t >. i UtC : Wit', Hji'v;.' d i -> ■ I .. • j t • i_+ 'j'. r y'rv j,r- ; itte H : , c!~B.vtui..cl Sctteigi «x cavaUuns, Nuii, Irtuf 83rd Year Begins At St, Augustine’s Lho S3rd >-J*ii of St. .i* • s oiit*4c V- Lt • t >rm *l - i.ttichvd September is w..:i i special .-■ r. i-j • in ' - .. • The serv>c« w began by the Rev i,r (r.;e A Fisiier, r et-ac r St. Ambrose Church, Rale gh, who is in charge of the week-day scr \ ices at the colleges until liii >-- guiar staff cimpiain reports f duty 'i he epistle \va.. read by- tile Rev. Peter Kntt recti, oi St. Saviors Ciuaeh. Raleigh and the Rev Wil burn L. Gatling, vicar of Chrut Church. Raleigh read the .-ospei The Rt. Rev. Edwin A. Peuiek. D. . tvshop of North Carolina and pi eident of Ute college bo ,rd f tiustecs, w.»s heard in th, mala ddie-s. following words of grcet my, and introduction by far K. •Id 1- Trigg, president if the cd lege Extending official anc personal greetings. Bishop Penn k ..i-ao:. the words ■ f toe Rev Dr Anton f. Hunter, a former president ” Si. Aui.nsu; e's used it .an c jyr.- hrg service many >• -ars, i wel come you t> work,” Reminding the student-, of their fare resyiOfisibiiity and privilege as voile.-;,; students the sp-.akw told diem that work u net , need;- ■ary evil, to be avoided if pos - .ae or to be d>ae ‘hastily, vie,'- - fic.-aliy without entiu; tens . r ra ttiest.” Everv occupation can be a vocation, he assured the uu u •> i . Only cue youth out t fimusund in the w rid .1 Ihe u portunit'. to attend college Bis”,op Perock ...amed out. This .-pel is ’■ r-suenstbiiny pi ... high as your head, he «„■ i •ue workmen for humanity, clled rs : led. the sriaakcr , ricluchy.i Brief 5.n,.---i . <>f g.eetiiir . ; ‘ 1 ;rd bv the Rev H. rr. i ‘ -of St Philip s Ch'irv.l. Durhuio and a member of -- f fi a- and Dr. K-t, , E. :'-i. vkCilh. '1? f C l '... . ;t, , • spokesman for the alum. 1 :: Dr. - ->*••••• i' -»« 4* j ME NATimi EMNOATIM FOB INfANTIIE PAAAiniS | B’aCkw. a p-oserd 'i Or Trig.; ~. kur.'V tO’.v ud hi» oral Mo rotgs; expenses • -acident ‘ > rr. • i ziie ! triennial General Coaveetio? of the Episi ;pal Churci > be i.eAi in San Francisc - >eainn;:ig oe.J tember 2i Incortpirfo re-;.s‘.ration figures ; indicate a capacity .wroilmerit. Ac. , overflow if men dadents U u-'ung seeirniroodated in the cb.y 11IJK IN Nt.’.V YORK - Cl. ging that G,v Thoma.- E. J vwy "prejudiced' the! Peekskd. riot case. Ray Wilkins 1 acting secretary us National As- < ; sedation tor the Advancement of j Golored people, today issued the) following s' ate meat;: “Governor Dewey has issued 2 1 -tninge staUmeat :i Peeksk.li tie! h s ordered a grat'd jury inveatl .‘ation to determine the facts but •W the same time, he has express ;d the ..tititan that the followers of Paul Robeson provoked the vio . lence ‘By ties statement. • . has • prejudices, the ease a:d mad - the proj-.cted grand ju:y invoiiga-u an 1 3 meaningless formality.’' Tfhj yijucdibifiA <5, itlix I’-lU-VI.I •- ' if! j -■ ||i . f VY>Vf *■(iimaiunwls "1 «.* < my prop erly from ‘greedy rnsl, sounds about like «ny do; ’r,vu• sng’ a;y steak fr »ci Die ice-liu’. PAGE ELEVEN oppose FOR \RVIV PO the Prer.i --d ot s execunva ardor far equality ; .. treiitir.ent in the armed forces, \u Wilkins express; i th- •; .hi.: that the ' earning of a man with ! CoL Berdetsen's views to so high j post us Assistant Secretary of Ui,. Army will defeat the efforts oi secretary ot Defense Johnson • ; to varr;. out. your executive order. Moreover such a nomination will distress ar.d discourage Americans who have been cnesred !ty your annoui'-ced in’-entiaa to euminate discrimination -igainst ihvir :nen and women in v .form, aid by : b.e followup procr-ioi'es Secretary Jahnsor.’’ 52.6611 RAISED tOit (.ROUIAM) CASE ; NEW YORK —Aognir-nie.J by a cri.tiifcaticn of Si? i r / Al fred Baker Lewis, ':..t;3>;r ai' the NA.ACP jutietial :«.K o? direeiars, ’he faiwi for As lift tense of t.:e i.-iee c -avi. *.-sil youths in the Grave Gad F.A.. rape / i-r- iiiis week an:.us oi! U> ShoHS 10. vs; th.' to-al .-um io dap' SL-j-'S Jf came 'rom \ \:U’P eancije.-.. Ss ;3 mi iiitliv'iduair. Si .T.So !r I*r - i/afioiis and y’* ia irsin , iftF- LaLranae launch ROOM A LILI ARD FARJLOa G -od Food mi Frde.> tab. ;:, at J. E. RIG..-.INS CENT SIS ST- Fairmont” sEAFOOD M (RKET v \I.I FRESH SEAi'OOl'-S TV SEASON IVr Dress Free of Ciurv . cuter - . F a r.r-ooi JONES RADIO SERViCE TUBES, PARTS RECORDS. RADIO SALES CAMERAS & FILMS, SMALL APPLIANCES W L Jones Crr.rsr Si; \Lsit Powell’s Place Fur Hair. ais. Showers, Open 7 days Per Week POWELL s GF.OOTA A Nil BARBER SHUP P ione 44>; —l3. H St. An rah Panes!,