'WI'.KK KNiUm, SATt'ill* \V. 0< T O BEK 1.1 I'.* i Dual Purpose Room Offers Ad van tage •.Jo. e are the d..v w! on ' . .r» those ran* ’ ct. ■ l •.n when {Tie rt was an .vernlg’ c or.' or a re i - live vviiu onmt 1 .* u ’ <;ij» \ im. Stiii oven tSjoi.:>h ' most of •••'- Ilka to hav,! tin D.cUitU > to on t entain ;• hnu.v ■ a.*st row and then Also, i'n ci".;; 1 niil.v With children 111 I. ' .i . join wr.. re .lathe i van ivtiit t.. en oven the tamiiy budget or to t it«.-h my or, Ini Ifc.'iCi’.il; o ill •thfci Ci.’ -i Hi \ihei, 11 y l 'uniter : newbei ■ of family can inn:'.; tin n t "tei .d ’»lt In "of i, lei f< ’ ii, vo h lit. !'■' tivit ie. plan i coismiwi j io.\ mio'. S,_. it s a 1 >d ii; it -■ . 1 rU.nniiv '■ build a ln-u. c- oi to furnish c, house v : lob botmts a.i ext.a ctviroi.it; ocvoriy a :'-un reem to con: lete i tne possibility "f a c-n,v '.toil dvii-aud-gut a! mom lil.tL I*l RPOSF S I*l.l IlNw units ii:'- S# e.-.sy !> do with aii vi tin duai-i pose' sleep: ”g, unit • and mult:-p.imoje yiv • that m. - able li. ’On hi,no -).'■! a ijiLi .i'll:,". T\/u n:s,-i: ; start v- .t 1 rfi.ait . W St OUi ' . U If'll 11,1 ••••'let ' . t> !! the |V .. -.era's I . ■■ I1 v icm placed Jc: : .. . .i?y so-..,, ,1 .■:r lin ing and to pit v vie sit C.ra id tv. ii or Iv.ui f ). ", ' ■ i-tiioi, vilg fOJj-bvd or .. I- '.seat that oo.i \er T s into cttaei a . a. V.- • don bic bed is .ia . . a -x -:>e ermice. SUIT i l KNSSftiM.S let t \MIIA At I!\ mf.S Then, add the other pieces ihar . < jo«#* n * > ** ~ " mm sunir® 'SlliMUfr’i 11 1. I 11; ,3 TIME trtUUfeJM v*'" || : j Sept* 25th to Oct. Ist Are Money Saving t)ayi> for Yon a* CAR I LR T S ,* *. Cash or Credit * . * ' FREE! - - FREE! - FREE! Over $1600.00 Worth of Furniture To Be Given Away This Week Just Fill Out Tins .; , v^. : . ,-y coupon gj i±A——i g And Bring To jH Carter *, im., CARTER’S. Inc. P ,N * m * 19 E. Marten St. * A-adresi ' y jl ari^n ' • "t* By day, folds tjuicl.ly Is j|® #« he stored out oi utlgKly out of. S£JLM,9S miiui except when needed. Bring All Your , SI ~z, Jp^frrrjjiprry^T'^ - hiciKfCAi Amiwct v - Movir totur-v a* .11- 't . I ll> •,. '! 1. • 11;: 1 \ iff - L;\ .. i: a1 id is. jl ,Va,e li.. n ii - . tf'ce - or, if ycu've i;>u:-.w i'hy-nfii'.idcti. tin- .cm might a Ist' Ct-1 '., :. ■ paid :*»>o!. t ' Sistv'i, l<> vour eii'.c mg.- vi , the i.,ua.' '.'.th...; (itiicr disu-acting in ;ac a Wi‘h llie addition "f a iCc i'll t;... iv illd . haii s. 01 ov if lie nec cvcktai] tables that civ.. I V. Its Pile* bl’!(’;;c tabiv the i'Oe::; ' tcviii i .■ -a v-* •• (I re' . Then si'. Sv liUely li‘. at. Ij 1C xua n on. caii ,d: pt ilstili to •<>- d.-v :< i r iui alt ( Ihe woiiticr llli. tle X . bl< Hie it , • Jalll j’O." tU’ 111- tar- -I, tiiv market yei can fur* i ,-h it le ijvvu any purpose*, "i Pte;' tinuLli.-purpost-. so ‘hut u s nsv, < v ci; da.' in tlie year Nov (.ockliiil I allies I hi Sola Lengths V. r iv'‘hi'toh sni.arf me mamd* m ; - iy pnjv’tii'.a’i are tbo new vx'.,'" Jon; c'.'ckt’iii tallies Do: ii'i.f'd oi. clean-cut modi', >. iii.es ■ new in viols re si'Vcii f< ct ivviy and twviit.v Snchc. v, id*• Used in (rant of a tons vet's, ii. es ilic:e tables provides pli'i'ty v.i iv.nn, fer a-1 rays, brvcviigcs .a vi i i,, . .nd is also within easy roach <>t everyone seated on ur, i.'ios.c t■the S' J.i. fviu■',*••; in two dtfJt-rwii heiphl.' -cocktail or tlini. g these ultra :.n . t e.! ~ e IVO V’(U ~, ei \ ’lit '.vide u.-uwci :■ which provide s:to. • ;igC spa'l.V for Titijil: i 1 IS, v’uld.',. ,leu ether v iiti rtainmer.t ace:-van b •. This clever "Hostess ' table has a Jiisnoveable tray which forms loaves / v» tin each side. Os antique mahogany yjp with yoid-looicd leatiicr ftp Tables Go Modern Yet Retain Beauty 'jv.y- jail.’ y Ute iulest 1 .iin’tui ti.ivl: , .Sir tile new Vel • ■ i '.vi style luoir-v which in of , I a'. t v• 1 * .ii., i , ti.- ;«--atuiV'S of modern furr-..ture biff still re • i , c y,\ ' 1;. ■ ty I IK VV x ;: ,1 ■ : t ~ ’ , - , i>; •., - v o t* ’■. rh. nt tm* ,i ..ii. . mm. - ■ 't.-G'-t.t ■ *v7• I ...... , 0 v car; be viiv:,..«'a ;l)'*i;iab in- I- Oi DSN (, Mil's ’.hi • i S. l ii ; f’-e ■. 1. ’ a t i GAM! > f 1)1 l > j , ' ; .' ROOM Pi ANNIN” HINTS OFFERED Fafjkcn'ir; :t \>f ... V*. t:;("i'- as-e .aCii-C vi: l:.* ■ ! Ti: J,'«» . ! . 1 i , r. i n one •-.* G’. \ -U- v.-J .’/f. ta.-.f." o.‘ i .* e f.'i'-c/ 1 :- IhlF w;j] ITMI l! i: 1 ! ‘- nTTMii'd ;-:ui .• ..« ’ hu* ! J-S diffimil tv,r vm-pR to y , i; | :u o‘n:cl, : j .m TcT'cT':!*: TY j cu•.•;>«!* cfirrx on e ooa ! vem'Tii with--a.! phoeftirup •i y<■ vt* a iirepi'ice, p! .-«f* .*. -!"> 'pm ' >■, front of it by flunking i. '■all 1m . !i;.ir« and cutttot la Me befv,, . t nem, m j, lows.-ai \ •Oi ' eic 'ail ~ I,a ,1 the it nt. the IVTa at .b, hi. vl ,/ ljid< "v - ’• a, a 11 *V a d *v ~ , him ■ 'A -111 a aa ge .turn i ■ hi,,l ; he'-.'ecu them, vi. yvm mighi 1 li.it rpaee wnh .Vs, i mrp.iisut,v <■■ " a ri.i:, Ui: ,i't’)i 'hi.. > nf‘t | Wa; ):> Odlt«Vi»ed in %hi iltw 2*- ’! i!F; CAUOUNIAN HIDDEN QUALITY VVht 11 you'i c i.myiii: ■ upholstered lutute. there me !iid-:cn qn ;li- Ii i- i-v w hich ynti should know a* 1 : .ifv aft:-ct b.>th the durability a.id <-■ Siiiorl at c chair or sot T.. re ••U- five I!: j. -or i ::il points to ;OU •ttuet ;*. ai! upholstered piece ! the f.-smf- spi ings- -spviujj sap , its- i'ii)in<- and the uj»l»<-i?tery j iafv c fill,Si A .etid fmiiio ;s o-ads >t : one !i| the hardwood;;, m-isidiv .oh .maples torch, os j-omiwona. Jo'!..s i :• dole oowtit'd and <• aers re inforced with dowels atii.i covioei SECOND Spiint;- '"‘i . l i■, ; "Pc - shys'e r double and should firmly sewed to the interlaced vexing at the t>-.ltun > f the p.Uo ’’l) y are hand-tied at tile top vr;i-’ heavy twist either eight v.-ays a ■out ways and fastened to the j fraon In the more expensi ve fui • liituri-. iiie springs are always tit i eight ways its this i list, res the ..■'tines remaining upright* A layer. burlap covers the spring* mui . is tacked to th- frame. Beth stc-ing seat-' and racks art found in the I’l.lt.i upholstered pieces 1 HREE: Spring supports -nark, a-a ; .do t;J interlaced webbing and fitly i .stent'd : • the frame so ''.a: th: v van stand long tvtra; be ! -:e ragging. EG UR: Tli filling usually of tiios 1 ;. t >> hair, or a combination o' • »th ataf i.i tin higher .made up iolbtered innittme the loose seat an; back cushions ere tilled with. ■ • mixture of down leathers and hn;i. a ah uown Bair r. tains it resilient y longer than any othei : ■ th fiiiiilt: Libit :a- ■: i-. It.-bS ' - . .ve i.i.d v\ 1 1 ! give, rati -;acrt . v v. i;n lor mar v y ears. Dour c.tsh - ’fi are 1 -1- tn. : aite : but lave t 1 flu!feti up constantly • tV) tr.en: in shape. FunxtJ ruber: • ::v tu u-est type ■ : up-eilsU... v.vtviial ana >s rapidly becoming teristie t..... ; well y to, r io -o. m "! - .. iron he ct >: to.-m ih •«.- to tin high cost --t this it...: - • ■'*' .j' to t:. djn :u. i M -... ' I if*' maekets FiVE h it- ou.jj.jt- ol 'I,. ! ....; o.t costive. i prone imp w- ■ o:n th*- stand pouo t.l style u. re .i-rialiv i'fis upon s.ht p/it.*? > mm* .stag mt iilWMßii m.*aaex***r-**mMaM**t*. “■*■****-^ We Extend You A Special Invita- I tion Tc» /isit Our Store During I j (cs —Featuring— BALBOA Chrome Fur mi ore For ■* Brighter Living See BALBOA’S DISTINGUISHED OVAL TABLE With Fine Plastic Top Manufactured in California TMnnmriinn TMW W. E. Cooper Furniture Co. 121 E. MARTIN ST. PHONE 2-3146 I . ■ . I The increasing popularity of Modern furniture can be attributed to the newer style trend which >ub stitutes gentle curses and graceful proportions lor the straight, boxey look t>[ the earlier designs. Note that while the pieces shown in this living room gioupiug am free oi ornate, dust-catening ■ arvhiys. the straight lines are softened with slight curves, and that the bases oi the ..oia and chairs are raised to lend them a lighter feeling. The soft, butternut finish of the w~*.J »i v f« feature (.ast<*r> Ai»;ain t snl On New i iirnilure It's aood news !o homemakers that etisy-ia■ ii;j u cast rs or> onto more appe.ii- iiv on .tit types of fit nivuie. Their re-appea ranee is t ..•■ tially due t<« the ad vet t of home Itk-vision ..lid parti,.diy because Hu manufacturers have realized th; lr com vi.ii.-nr ( to the Home n;;ik< i In i;* eiis‘ tn< ;a -.v v. stei. made ■ ■ rrtss . • !ui d iu'j her lue s.-v.aiiei aitd U s cot -.pic rntis the.i they wCr- in the "oki da vs 'i 'i .itll. 1 > . . i. . ,'t : iijie Il ' ' . . I ilftl'i . (.' fi! a ' e i .... -i!, UVf 1' 3 sole, nr rv il el nieki the IM'Jifi . 'ml u'l ' I ee in a dark ■ nirance hall t.- bviph fen r up Mi: f . 1 1 . ei i.hy : !i mu. iwu CiO-'• .it. Ciitr'.'fMS - ! .'t')!'; ; ..’j iillCi ‘.!H --i. il » r Ilf :?rgt: : i:f: jined <• preft- va lor iuodtfvu roun»;v or tor t Pi C i.:ii'x ti'i-ii f'OlTibiUf > - i-'o: ir\r Ihlh Criilt-u-/.- • ••«- pa^. - i /fin. vnirrov.-. ..//• reeoto* :{.*n -i e > oi maho g o > -. , g•i a \ i 1 . it- v;?.th U>*o ho ui\ arsJl Simph i-.Mk./h or A:/erioT or ; Frvr.c'l . •/-.•vou *!l t v i t lit 5 .u CO Dill.- to. -. f th V. *.= ’A h'. M O P-OiVJ t~> :»-• ,i .U. ui/.0. 'hi E./< * 1 tie iAiderirciith it Ob*, t a ;• -* o«'. u. You Can Depend on Coopers For lane Quality Furniture For Every Foam In Your Dome ( ‘jp till* ' uUpt’U 0- -Hi ‘a VO -V. ' • u: ' - -* v fg* £ *' :c0 Is PON I g Y~ i L *™— n \ A /> I W. E. Cooper Furniture Co. ij As jF' ! Name - O f>4 __ if jf 7 r hi:;- u ; n , V UP . AW ' j . > b. I -i k ,;|l. iS) ? v ■ j|• dml’■. • Vii ..v. . ; 'kM'& ' Eo t the modom-mladi'd who am looking fur n lamp tiicstT highly m asvid.eu’i, i* tins ociarriic patceiain inodo! with a a abstract ucpressior. mi th., ft..m a -,d rack. Mounted on i. dark maim may Heck, and finished with u hand cv»u pure • ilk'shantung ha.U :. t grey, i -no, natural, or ■ ihcrire ise :n ii•: -e-.r wilh the inch**. ■ v- iji o*j cut Oi i • !i o 1 iy.h'- b'vcpor • Oi • ■ • i. .i. ; • v- i ■ ti.C