MiOiJNiAN Saturday, October 1, 1941* State College Answers Timely Farm Questions r 1 ; (.< ‘ V v. ? ' - i* -:U: ■ iOIIOMI V..'--' 'X. . : l. Wii V k-. ANSWER. Tne f-.r-t Vaco of the W H< ;• . (-xti :■ ; 'Ki - ;p a! Sate C. the prc <!<:>•-' (Should ! t'lTl'iV.' ■ : s di «•>;>;; b) cG from the tlw.K. Th o u r. • sfl :;o .'Ait i • fIOCK fO IVI ■ ei' si .. m., . wnv. f-.vo tijtirtis of pOoiiiitiiiiizlia- per 100 ii-U'tds o’> m i.-.b Inirric. lately otter tins tr. at- • mem b>o fus key.- shojid be rr.cvfcd • to . cl a area ion the range, .a;ci ■ t;--y tu»u!4 b. o vbi tvoice a wvyk tni'i! i Vi ok or tv. . af'or the loss-; a love stopped. points that p.heno :e is not- recommend: d as t.vatm ',! verier Ur flock <e rot have blackhead. Qk Ets'J lOa vVhc.i was bi, ip MT. OLIVE NOTES s IMPS!)'. TRAINING SCHOOL A ;h«- doers •>£ the Sampson 1 •• am tag School opened on Sep -tr 8. t gonial principal. Dr. H V. : a returned to be the ill Nt :i'o high school principal n the sate . nth a doctorate. Tit • ’• 1 ■ of Doctor f Educa- Ron .. ... ed by Dr VVGuoi at New V >rk University tis past sum mer in IJy. Watson go oor, grata 1.-1- h i; fro m.ms many c,;-workersj me hie student body £ Sarnp."r>n T: i: nipt School VKW rt'.M HERS AWOrNOiI of Wiiiron announced the 4inl lov.iUi ievv comers to ; Samoson : Trn-niug Schooi for the yc;u ih+'i !-G VJirses A! veru Arnold. Dm •ho o r. S N. C College r-.i Shaw, 3rd gr-n.lt' K.poirh Ainiv.’i.ixl i-'ai .'.i S r iz.abyti'. City State ‘v h ■'>. .'I A . Colunthlo IV-iver v York. 2nd grade. Helen Cl I:■ Roanoke. Rapid e B S. Wip-r i.;-.Salem Teachers. 4th .made: Vlas Vs. Roach, Elizafjctb City. B. K.enp! p. In.-tit at hi •••.trni v,t : teacher: M. sdnmes Dorothy Parker. Gold: Coro. B S fi'ayettoviiio State I'euchf.-s graduate study Allan*.. : Tempi , 4 1 i. and 3th grades ' .’red v MeCGilurn sVashiiigto:'., I> It S Mir-t'i Teacher.' C >l - > NT A. Oolamcia University ' • k' al. .. . F"X’ \ el;. A. is. S- m \,.:w ■ ; C ;>,j. N’ ■■ Vi k I*i: i /ciPiity. Physical Edno .Ton F V ( ! 1 r MT.MRERS STtDY op »-jinr--i found many o the T r. ■ £ < Tv members -,tud;. - • a* n.ola;.dit;g sch-ois in .dl -’ci-if'.'s .« flip country. Those iit • 1 ' >t'ti i.h schoobs attended • {..!• s. E. E Tyson A. V. r; y ~ i•KG a- \r tt k t Vi'Uiy. , r, . 1 ■ y - ■ r- . ' - n,c. InsG'-atc C O Byrpie V c r.,lh ye U. Jonc.p N ('. C. 1 I. S Gr v,old. he '■ r; If 1 '- my !!. M IviatUuiw,i. N. cv state. X .'A Harris. Western Re serve poiivermfy and Tire Ci- v•- k'i ' I W:P . ..I L. ■ - T < 'empie T E. f! Robinson. -kiri'.... Slate, p. W. Bowden. Shaw ' ■ Fay FNROI.I. viE S I 5V< RK.\ S7 i> Wie n -■ .' 'OO. opened -here a r ’ ' A'" >pt P. jy 1.200 ;urient-i, con iderafck’ increase over hr ;»r ■ ■ ah s . oki The school S also bo v-tp cm ..bent Us new bus which ntakts i • •I?ht. 1 ;:ii if: .Pise the pypp hi shank fust discovered in S r’hi ANSWER The first trace »f GET YOUR I I NEWS : j m tke CAROLINIAN ADVERTISE i |; m j; CAROLINIAN ) NEWS DEADLINE i Thursday EACH WEE ft, rUsvi-e in Norm Carohna was fij-uiri in the wvste.n; part f lav "s.-d hi that in 1937, how ver it ipp '.u- .i 200 miles to Ok t .■ Pit -■ Groavaiiy • preceding since .a:i . -t has taken wii cp; le/i-ic . Mpo: '• in the :.;S! twr. OT three ev'cp-.b. Blab a si P: 1:1 * is i'.UW ’Piyt-i Psi ii P; . ! if t.ne 62 fui : Taccfipd'e ducing counties ; the State. Eie vcr. east.-vn c .pup hud fr.iia two lV;i:r times .- r. , my 1..- tested i". 1948 ~ in 1947. At TpT five counties tuc su badly itifcsud vrriCtics r si.Pact t . black sar,; s These ce :iP : are jf‘rayt!, r.;>2. Rc-ck'c.gb Rif:, ; ::a G'' QI'EST K t*k ■ p-k b.-tug dorse : ■ d-.velop a hybrid variety a— touucco ANSWER: Dev eh pmcnf oi fp - held •• 1 1 has I .ecu ■ ue of the w • jci Imvi imur&vri'ipp of thii i.t-tiP iv'. i v m ient'st.s say .pad hybrid tobacco is distiHct pos mbiiitv and that hybridization will almost csrtaniy figure in the fu ture of the flue-i used tobacco in dustry P’ant breeders in Indi... Bus.- a the f'hiiii;.piiiei. i . Fr.p ce hav done work on dv vcii;..nicnl of tobacco hybrids, arid considerable w..rk also has !. • . dune i . ‘he fjnui.d Stst: s ia id i. rrcascs i> high as f>B per ce; : have tini reported. Work was t> - AR at the Mouth Carolioa A . : - cu wural experiment Station u >947 when seven varieties were ,v --kc H.-p lor crosslr. The pi oect is still in progress Resuits have ne • i .•cmiring. but it probably will be some time bes re an;, hybrid V. , icr. IS dm el- d t , t:i , where it will he rv £.»,• ginti i TIBM.tN HOST 10 BRITISH VIDisTKK MOMIOViA. Liteii * - On side.•.; '■ v v p j pi-cuoi v.p.i Tfi s i : n th6 p:<v• o r * ■: .t; t v - Liy- ni -.nsicn h- j «? 'y-entiv to L.:o o-- Bri';: ii :g ; ■ > c 80.1 VI. e h. wnidr all • fi. Liig hors or r; ivvr ; Tccordori ihe ev/ irunLst r, Vco p-i.- d nl Simpscn a. d . ,l>i:iet min I Banner Warehouse No. 1 & 2 WENDELL, N. C. COME IN AND WE WILL PROVE IT i V os! Can Sell Any and Everyday With Us [ Courtesy and Satisfaction Guaranteed j LOCATED OFF U. 3. rJ4, EAST- OF WENDELL. !i 'T national suitaiNo yv'A-'jHiNGTON, S. C. . 3y dao ja V A .. Apples are so pientilul ’his year we’ll Ik* coring them around the clock Start ing oft at breakfast with .1 tart baked apple and cream or ending dinner with a sweet variety. Strawberry jam and chopped nuts make an ideal filling, fhen bake ’in a sugar syrup made of cup water. Mi cup sugar and 3 table spoons vitaminized margarine. Serve with the remaining syrup. - , * * * - -*, A stitch in time in other words before you wash —prevents rijis and holes from becoming larger Except in Starks and stockings. Mend them after Washing. ■- i t » - ’-i You can expect a caller some time next April. Tbe cenius taker is com cog around. It s not onlv humans he's counting, lie!! ask you whether you have a kitchen sink, a television set and the number ot hogs and turkeys you own. That is all A yitai interest to the Government. > ★ ► For year winter project why not make t knitted rug? It’s ideal pick up work, f irst, convert discarded dresses, underwear and stockings with all pur pose- dve to shades rha: harmonize with your color scheme. Then cut V? inch strips and knit into four or hve inch square Mocks. Sew the squares togeth er with the kr.it rows of one running across and the adjoining ones up and down. —-sy ★ * * -a»‘i • T>id vou know that by adding a handful of the new detergent to the bath water you’ll be minus i ring around the tub afterwards? Try it when ... you bathe Busier tonight. 9T* * - . C-'Bce prices are on the up-grade. Main reason is that world -demand is running ahead of supply. New trees are being planted tn Brazil bat u rakes Sve years fur them to ~ .•.;*c \Sh OPF..N HEARING ON COP BRIT y.m . ‘ ;£',v YORK M'.yor V, , :Ui..ra .ensive inquiry be v.zde -into thy 1' ('' p v - 'i* 1 .ft * -V kViUCh A <J V•£? C’ : 'TTitJ ■» T*G CI. U--•-i’ i.• fr;. zhi' ccmtruU-4' he or :;>ur br'uchTsi. Ssit• stacticwn C-tiait ?'eccnt!.y iiyy.-int- d ■■> ■' vr.vcat.' • •i n- ■<> * t» '.,..1 T—- S * i NATIONAL P?£SS EUIIDiWO YfASWHGIGH, *>. C f An«*« Gondii Never one to be satlshcd with its present equipmen’. the Bell Telephone Oj. is making final tests on a n< w j headset that is 25‘.'0 lighter than the latest model. Easiei to speak and hear through and easier to dial, too Sounds like longer and more frequent calls, doesn't it? »• x * * \ * ■ - —n •- A little left over cabbage tonight male; a delicious lunch torr- rrow. Just make a cup f medium wrote sauce. Siii in cabbage, V 3 cup rrai mayon naise and *-j cup fhari) cheoc '.seres on baking powder biscuits with a little ham. com beef or bacon added to the •dough. » ... ~ ?- * * Hr i Don’t forget to see that Junior's school shtjes get a frequent shine with ’he .si shhsola. Polishing helps prevent scuthng. Means longer wear, too. .: . * «• * 4.X- A ?rz — ? , ■* *--- ■'* v Special to those who live in i dn; climate - When making cake or oread add a little mote liquid than is called for in the regular recuse. Two extra tablespoons of liquid to each cup of cake flour and even more for ail-pur pose Hour gives a much better texture, ft’s all because the dry atmosphere if sects the Sour. ~ t —4 - - > i.W . •' .. * * *• ” Get out your scissors. Those new *' look" skirts of not long ago with yards and yards of material that swept the , ankles are out. Now skirts have a slight fullness. .And hems are inching up is 13 and 13 Ik inches from the ground *■ ★ ■k •y* . _ ~ Have you seen else new fiat rolling pin that has eight small rollers inside? It rolls pie crust dough tissue thin with out sticking A nice gat tor new or old oaks. PAGE THREE ROBESON TESTIMONY BARRED IN COIRT ME is YORK (AMP* Paul S -htTsott was a wimrxs far the de ii-nse In- v.esk at thr trial !h 11 CstnintiaisAs in New Y'ork. He aid. to get a chance to give any tssti m.zcy “t importance, however, tor the raajovttv of the questions -asic cd i; ; nt were- declared irrelev oat -y Pc'i.vui Judge F. X Medina. The 'i members are being tried ur criminal c-nsciracy to teach and advocate forc-t- and violence to overtnr -w- the u. S Government According to George W Cr.>c kett J: . : f the defense counsel* Mr Robeson was m t t ... u a character witness, but. to pr-. eat evidence. Atlct a scats : ques tions which 'wore throng}’ sustained objectio .is oy till' court. V I t Li C_'L icil l _ O lit would be- impossible to present the desired testimony. Ac attempt by the wrnejs to address The- court vzas blocked by Judge Medina who stated tfut hv did ttot believe tne -'.-.ner to have any knowledge as tue'e relevant , me case In h ; 'ess meeting follow ing his testrnv. ny. Mr. Robeson protested aguiiist the court's rulings The j singer and actor also • ctus h to : stale v.-iietnv< he is member >f he C 10. .. p:; *.y THE 3 .MOST POPULAR HAD? DO S pact: boy inis iriost useful tiair piece blends' in with your own ban and keeps» the rough ends even Fitting from; ear to cai and shoulder ier.gth. tne. Page Boy makes vuut new aasr length look so natural.that no one can tcii the difference SIGH). This back of the head cluster caul l*e worn in eight other styles as, aj cluster or plain. You do away with! the use of hot irons, therebv giv ing your hair tone to regain ;ta ! THE HALF OLA is length you want, the Half Gla mour fits your taste. As you see* it fastens at the crown of tha head and hangs naturally down thej hack. You can wear it as aj» up ; sweep or any style you like. (It 15 to 20 inches long). .slo.9ft’ “SEND NO MONEY- postman on daUvety. .aneh *t jmi hait .« ■.bate toktr. QWCX TOSAIr? .4 * HAIR BO FASHIONS - 31 1 ST. NICHOLAS AVI, my* YOS4L Nv V

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