PAGE FOUR [HIGH POINT Mm _) i.i.i...i_ii 111 111 ■ i hi 111 ■ ii mu imumu ■ niiwimimrurnrn uriTrnrrrTrnmMimrTnii t-t —~ |Q§ CURRENT J|| ; CYCLE gbjtfcl By C. E-. YokeJv BROADCAST Over in Thom vule I«it . y night a um jlntere.-iing tilings happened, xiong t'.en eves the game he 'fee .i lhe x c.ntasviilc Chure-i riVi Scbe-. i and the Atkins High i nston-Salem Tins wni the 'st football game of the year for e T-’ornaevihe t.&m. It was also • e first time they had played in e re * municipal stadium bowl >w ’ ri.i <’’ :i leu ■n -n Trioi. tie. Gtitstand .g among the tapper-- ass th rc t-h*. fact thai the me was broadcast ever station TNC-FM Thomarciile station, pnificant a; a- trie brcadcasi was ft fact that A. C Bovlim-. well owe to these w!:o have attended naes in Greensboro Memorial MSiurr, c$ re sounded out ever E- put lie iv c ess system at CIA A Rt? Well ias. Thursday Lov.lir.g is ON THE AIR. To ear knowleuge he was d first broadcast of a Negro High 4>, C~ '■ - i.rr- D-i-wUiyn 1* - ill An.. Oi.jju i_>’. 1 V'v ii* tig. <t iaat; mr-ruct s at A. and T <;ia good job ena work outs = i i ; e: at WING as w S;i"s-id i the press bo >th The ■rs.. v-as colorful as the Thcm t-li ie .* v. s-■ r o. a .-id new foot pilie eleven 5&-o Principle. Grii- I si ~h- I be:v ssvi.Je Sclioo: ; t ■ lent and f;.i the fine rat reie- SIUNCHIC Halu'i J%. nche. Ilaber Ti- • mv.Ui rot ana first comic books but v. hen a pdiaicly saw where the attempt putT hance.-i rue- tins out- i. i;iv r sometime to make them edac i w " ■ % jlkfe*sirring the improved styling* c* Esf*tc) fcrriture is this groc? rulty tumor dining group of chzoxne. THf* o*»*a' tebit and spoon-type wt ©re sew style nates. Table top Ic of stain-proo: keah resistant plastic 1 sc?* colors to ssaicb ik£ Ds>tw <s* tii*: dif»sT#i, t one‘ i pa'.'i.-.y off. There is -v : lectio -about Bunche that is m syiroGcnai U rtjd and •-•*•-< 7he ~.r'i •ring ;s excellent and the . .. r,i ; i the copy good It :s heedless to review t *ie facts drought out about o:s career and iccornplishra- you might read for j*Ou; so if. If ; .. have to pick up one for the I'.ids at h .me let them see this or. It is published by Parents iV.u. press. Inc., Bergenhelo N .}. Alt nsi w iih looking «t the pienues and world it also ocrured lo me that the World is needing a BUNCH Or BUNCHES. BOMB They say Russia lias it. Nj ont knows what it might mean. 1 We are truly members of an ATOM it' AGF. When enemy voun * ties • avt- des - ructivc. weapons that can vvrpe oui civilization its whore ■_ i\ i • izi-ti o jd w vi ! L' • L ! in : In-. HEROES OS PEACE Hart- is mankinds riuu'CL to pro-. - he is a lit Re hi., it er. tbs.-, the lower animal F..i;n ones country and the roe whe m- ki its policy is no Ion; - : er r. oage :n the book it is an in d'vdua] concern. Maybe ra. one it tea surr-rtied end' certainly titer - v; ne-.d for uncouti clloci feats Here:;, lies the last of man to make (he A •.''mil Ago a glorious ai‘e .... •. v ; *•... r ever so.- m are hutnt.n ft'.?!' .-’ A:jiit/c. ent-rgv h«is ni.i"»y more uses we are toid other th-iu . so; ;. i - >i and Russia sec-mi.og-'y have tire privilege to de cit.c. ■■ ij: vxiii '■ ■ employed. Ma a - t*K many times be;. t vnad p ■ wt: jlig'*-'.' ist of power ar.d niod -lit man fees advanced jr. infeiP -7 • pr-'dact ox. of four pom ids ■•f red clover seed resj-iircd one million mciividu -i fl ever pollma fious. sa j . W A otephcii. be. - keep. ;• fox the St it Colicae Ea ten:-;:,n Service i PERSONA LS mo HPOINT PERSONALS Mrs. Myrtle Banringei and little . Brenda Levern of 1209 Davis Avenue has returned *.<• her home a.* tr visiting her daugther. Mi's |Lucy Toroert. son Mr John Bn: - 1 : i ucr ana other > datives Pitts : burgh, pa. Robert Young i- ... patient ai High Point Memorial nospttal. M s. Dr.rmie Counter 1. rs port !ed ill with pneumonia at -ei aim-'., .723 Grayson Street. Mrs Margaret Lemons is ;p. i»u :mg her vacation in Birmingham, aid Atlanta, visiting I.; wj ence Smith 207 Y*a;i Street, l-'t' Wednesday to attui. Join son 1C Smith University. He is a -rad iid'-- --f Norfolk County High in Portsmouth, Va. BURFOR9 HEADS CHEST CAfAFAiGN HICH POINT - Prof. S F„ Bur ford. principal of William Penn j School, was named hole !i week ito head the Negri• Division of t. Community Carnpio n 1 Fros Piurfrrd is also a n -ir-i.-"- f the Community Chest Bt-ard oi Directors for the City of Hii .. Ipcmt. The goal for the city veur has been seat at SlfH.iTo. All division chairmen wt r«- i . • ed. but ..rganizt.toina m cm- d»i i sii it bad no! been reiense-.i early Xegnjcs cf High Pu,.h 1 lev-, a Y ,Yi OA Glid V WCA. 13•)sun Oi r i iSro uis Thai are s pec ifi, age nci u: | supported vroivi the e..v.\U. 'i -t INSTALL HIT. LOARI AS <\\ LI KE PASTOR St. Luke I.uthernn Church tv dam; d and mstaded Howard A r nurd as pastor hu- c. urvi) fi- ; * S.undav in a special service. Tin H<\ Foard w<li sssutru is p, - ;■ :u. nr mediately it was )i.ur,t ci j lice Thi ciiur : - : : located or: Ml .' Wi;:!-;. Stl eet.-- Leomirfi Street School Lvaiuna; p-ade group :m- W--J --! uesday Sept. 28, at 3:15 ir [ Ik'.- library of Leonard. Stre'-' Tie Friday morning dc-votier.a! period wconducted by Mi; Julia I Hall anri was a dedicatum lo ihi - late. Harry T ilurlvii h :nd :■ Natt iual D>. s Wv.k. Tlie 1 ;o- Lo-d Prayer . mg by WJLa... F-ildv.-i : ‘Tsont Four,..) My i.u.-i Stiee; ' r- n-raripemoni .) Rosa mind Johnson' ur.d dedicate-d I: Hm !i/ig.i, sung .j.. -is ,i il iiom: i;- ilci.vV-.-i ver "N"- o K, vws !.>: Tons,;. I Ho. Ur; M D. Rivers i.ben rt ■..> ntifieri "A Ljtile 3oy Vr,For His Do 1 /.' Ti<e Leonard St. Patrols h- ve been organiicd for this year v u.i a iei.-ibeiahip of t .vi-ntv - n Fi: ~ •<:.. . and Aipba R' it.- 11 ~ - ; • -in -)o Tbursda ■ ti'c* pcit r ois 11 o\vo yn outing tiie lr.:t j P. nilL Mr >i .. o n- s ” F’s -’w; .ve v-w . - rid. advisors t-i t.:e pofi*.; - HR { T. WHHTEN UPI Ns NEV* CLINIC T77GH POINT Dr. C T Wu; Ter. announced this eek Lie ‘ I ' a •;ew dime a> 743 t -' Washington street here. He A- ' i. -vi, the /orTiier "if" '' vi 50" }-.- tv st V'r.slii, ;iMi: Dr W-.-it m : is v grfiduate of Mehai v M-d Tc.ti College and has practir., ■■ i re :• • .. : -i- . r :f yt .irs. lit v 1 AROi JNIAN Saturdky; < '*ctoNcr 1, 11* U High Point Woman Marks 97th Year IKS. PAULINE St Alias v HIGH POINT On Sane y. Sepf«-nh.-r 18. 1949. Mrs. Pa . - Soak aliovt- celebrated he: i»7tb birthday here at the home e.-f daui i.toi. Mrs. Lubertha Lrov.-ii, 20J1 North Main Street. Approai matery fifty guests came i" greet her e.t the -open house" held by be; children in her honor Looking ni the world without any mechan ical Mrs Scales laces her third major post-war period. She was born in Pittsylvania county near; Dai viii . /Vs . wh« :un spent lie; youth on the plantation of Mrs. Salke I us whom she described as ■ kindly person wh< t .-ok he; slaves to th- Metnodisi Church were Slav t occupied seat ac.r<> the aisle Iron; ti- rv.vf.t'- SELF TALGir! Thriving on wliat she termed hard work and exercises s-t em ployed a self-instruction method in learning to read and learn* • a .rt: from Bible and i -.imp, wnting.-. Today she eats hearti Iv. talks very jovially and walks with the aid of iict <-on-1 stunt car.e Following- wha ifte 1 .mod “Abt , Lincoln’; Wat" she was married i • i!> I'. to Gi ivgi- Scale -' Elcvu-u cbjidi'er. wore born to the Scales eigm unit and three boy; Only one died in infancy and the bn are vimvvu and married and lo ci; form five general ions. Other than being a tv hu;d •at hearing about modeln >t ■;: gs ;he thoroughly enjcyeo ncr : v?th hi; thdii i hearing iclcgrants irtf: vs and comments tr; v iricvid;-: Si r" has ’tved ih High l--o*n - . about FAIRVIEW SCHOOL Tr-t.** ;irst school attru.cuc-u Xor Anint.ii Thursdisy U ••••;• «rTc. -Scot. 2t. j V‘ ’i t Uie Umu.d States Soc\ ; : > D. C. 'ftie vu;'ious clubs is cuttH!:-. l'u. nizeci Gnd iu -. ouimmes -s. * Tu a r:■.i" ! -• Sr’ t. 'i?. • j.*»»S as unr .. a i c >udo. .> l \y< \viixn lirHV ii'., l< '-'Q :-iir U.LgGD ;.u - 'ior: rs The dub Uom grades :3 -o 7 'iiuCK'.*' l s t i t)‘ .-tiKS i’ rv j 1 ’.** 3 fjj K" •:u L-.-CtUf - the iitf'-UV .IT: o-d ("t, .is'UT>- f { , , b/j fioniiv ii; : ’-rd ;?rath *oki the s;- :- j.\ ii' f** O .L I. ' i ; i‘. i i | -. i T .’1 (j i}' -■ :■ ■. •; ij '. I■ ; * ’. . . ;•>.! 1 Tbs w m A fir **'’ • }>•■ ; • r' l gC /• ..‘Of,-; vV'.Lb. Ti • • !»- Tfs<u. Sjj. ijaV'L.i, ‘run. Lr r; •3 -G - ‘ ' Tv!. khm l, ». ph • vvgs « visits*’ : ut-u- ui* i-ix: iij. 5 burn in lie*• West. Fla . f ! t 1- ■ • ; to ‘S. ud p. >\ ui nee, K. L h. sell•-•-.! i-mbduu’ 0 u ).;)• uud ph*ygrou»d -u at* P art; vr end 2! 1 -pn atL ;u! In c.Cii) r>n tiir sch-'e! program es fcctivrj:y The f.'M.-Hi' e c : grand jofc i- try i r;g i:? •v -• p th*. watts and ‘p"vyg?'ouna : -ui *u bcLutifu; D.v urg -• ■_■ e Uac-hcs to kep U>e foeu i.cS: ’ r g!«(jf Ad'i'iS ‘f* '. *1 Nit; • .21'.* ■vi } J bu-’.n L - K W.! hcu. •• 54 ye. . ■ «-n th .Vu,.-. Str< < ‘ . UUiS: •■-yh: r th< - - - wr > }r: t-ing v Winston an-: •• s v -te Co.’ r-12 • g r;. w frt*r. path t< i. bio Am North o,- '..r.a j ihghWciV. He. < ors: t-aughier is . MRs PAt LIN I -< \! I ! Ui o Tvfv Wills*. ; A; u « hone: he it <.; her y7ti': i . wt: e th. 1 . <-: ighUr ir f’:, : - who i. ve .-'.vrc Mrs 1 I. <.; t. E: I V C* *:> me. All - C ■ K." i'E avt U:s. HU*.it Em .- who tv * vt .< hi the; - h v •. •n Fah-v it -r - - !H RHAM LEiDUf- SEEK EERERAL uoi >iv, in cm lIUK M A.'*; v. (»TJjV ! ; ■ !be. i; - V 1 A the- (AT. f .. 1 , __ " eil he in . C K F« g ra! ! C us Durham. ..H: tor .measure as • iiSytu '.fo.-; ...t IC*rents --v i ‘ .<j(j , i - ( * jyn v i, Da: Ad wards v;.s : ; - Du* s.r. H'.,i vv r , hr- , i..: CC .- y-. - , 1 j■ i r :h< C'.lj ; ’ C C S:uiA r; v local C • v ; f if i: U y 0 S S I i T CTM> u |\> ( on n* \C’i i 1 5 : U.UKIC PRI'Ss |*»o\ l>l lUfV V \ : IM v cororcd . a! is* i ii rj t iiaputii i»* • o a Uiunpton .ratfuat* L*-u>- P- " ii got llic i id, and tin > «>; 'i, < vrolnii i. -.iilvgc i* fi f ;T r.y ( st> EuMihn- Ir, sj:.i 'lcr F. H Jiilni.- • b - V, - k S jyl .V- iln\ tn 111* sti uct.'ii *.**. O I**-• I•' n »*’- tin iruiimv os t'n f *'* it cost Ss.ot-ii 'I sis t< at fall IH’Ps ‘ \ t* ■ eiitiy unpiov*-; u. scat ;« i * -crow d «■! lil*i| V Ifl.lM Vi tin s.i *•»<* in this >eav s t.< <;.* <-*’»niflg l-tlwi’cr. Virginia si*t and N’t' durirsg October L ’• m.*v h E-. 7: • Red Ciost council. .Read ihe Larolinia-:.’

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