C'AROiiNiJAN Saturday, October & 1949 .qj£3 AT LACE, care r- th-.s ;cr IfFR > LtVK M'N NtVG CH f . reed you; help rad. 1 c< 'f ,r< yrylhiut st a]; w Thf-itt work !'••• i s it j car. i/i lets friends in - ' h ' - csrn’l .•* ocvcf hr, . ir. net 1 ? m in ha; J VET NOTES' '■; •• Jf- Ur/.,;. ..v• •r . • ... s', re . c h. -s i: Jic ju fii'sl Co uUuk n? or the cxriovm be- pu-c tc <• j;-r;J' vcic7 r hn the two in'- •r* - c hi-buhclt ed--Trull7* r *n do']- R-• - N: iioroJ Repv. , L-aV ucc dividend. T 1 *. . :•«. ; TV; \a7: \ ]•(Sf-: so J € 21m CV. tS t ' . ; ; / .: N JEE :r• . receive will hi T 22. OubcT :• • yn.r:. r r-i J; j ,e, VA '.np-hasiz : ■ f. ft T S'! .rtf f Iris thv f: .. . - ■ i . A was ; :r yet at :f --1 . acluarti-.l siuriit.-s and the : paym ,t wi'iJ he- the :.. :.f : : tfrr, ; n<; .. • r. ",i~ •• the dividend is bared or ; ; i t:s c r.is a payer,c-nt ' h- t o .-nth ;-i r ii C(••- ■ r 'ce. As the :rr :;; ji; ; - role Is. r - t i.:;t ( , -tr. ; ~r VXO; r u.c. ' 1 • great;;. . o v.dc. n p y -. til’s whole grouj i ' : .r . t;, (; j - V. ;■ ~, ;i ~ .j, , , , ...... 4 . •. . ;; . ■ _ r -■ : - . t to 40 ;ern ih so 4; to To . ■T . ' ''S .T. . ■be * -.C T. ■ V ■ - ' s sir idee ra -..it ;; o®. If vs' he the anniversary ciate *• **• r rseaitv; j . asi r • • • ; : i" t tjre: r~ l- O’i T> WB ><:]-• ' • : v ‘ -i« irv • f* pr-O’- . i r* &t. ■: u* LOO'hE'i. T V*;:; i ■ > ' C r "• a '.o:<-r a ; w • *' •- r ... v- • :.£ :>r u ChOtv ;v «;i >r; *.•' C .. !iiu6 re • \ri ». '•( •? • • ... •- ; : : . •■ft • - . ; ’ >4 c '' !y. ;• I. ; -. y. 1 ' i; t -7 GET YC .}\ NEWS zys THE f C Y HOLLY.', 4 IN : ADVERTISE ®? THE CAROLINIAN *'EWS DEaDL ye Thursday EA'.H WEEK •uck al! the w. y round, please :< :. Ir;n what ic <’.< K' v 1526 Ar.s; Ge to work Unit ss. you do veu can « xpcct to mis; some me; .s It's fct!y it- c!c. end un friends to. ur living The- r< suit will be y(-a 'wiil h; • < fit f iitnd; . : •. - • iihf i ih• -Uirt.; portinp r. fd in c eI Ot lit VC;. f- t; lldl-t.i,. V. . <-t • f ctr u: i . ' vii. :•. iu; rrut't- uv< 'fc-r.ii foi yc-v. iV> ; ■ HTfKS TOO LONG liu WAIT ON F 4 *ll [ V tl l I ait srr,y tamiiy tw. weeks fcg» .'.r..:. t. : t ic r!■ r;o.-; *c f r C v y ; ui-v ci the r/ with :r»c mv. .hi ; v.-ih. stem:- to ..n r k -hr* ; : have y-- ;rd a piucc i. : incr as ft w '.re. t< b»*c Jdi as to ii\t i; ‘c. roc:n with U-. ch.idrt*' 3 want :.h..m tc. cwnt w down r w. iv'ia.,- : 5. j&22 A.nS; Pc pate ~t Yc-jj wile • a : t .i ‘ .<: to make the chat.c < .. ts ;. r ret estatiishei and find her .. . .i.. . c.;a;tmer.t Pht y arc y u st as .rinii u o<: v.-.-y- yen as v. "a a: ; navi, tr/n, rut .t would v.tik a 'ii • .up c . Ihurr join you - -,v h ivj u'trUiS . ; ; : 1 t: !... \ v T I,< y WHIt H* JOB 1:0 TAKE PHIS rise 08. BFEEt.-jT SELLING i h'- VI a V y vv't-t ic ; " f it c< .r ■ Tfi.v w.h.ji r.vy w;ft- ...nd ; need tr get aJr.ig. 1 have e-..--" --. 10 :•< U w orx tr- a print sht-p tv :y i.iUrrc o-; end <. 5... - 11 ci'.v; c: 1 re ti . ■ ~ ; t-iiif u Adci;.' rr-t wi“;;1 be;:. Aug. 25, AT. t ijit j: b . itb tht r.f it - <. ic; . Tracis u, . bar With ec.u ; -at < : tv: -.1.-. e.rd .; yov vvjll „ : r l 1 pj • t Ut'l • Fbr Vfii NG tO'V FRO: '■:g .-'TF.Pf. ii{:v WnHObl MATRf -N-I V AI ■■■Ut’.tß. . ! - i - ver>- , l d r - ’ 1 a a rv i-tr, he }';cvtcj docs : C ;-r/ 11 ■ - «-- : -y P* • • : * <. H e r, oe •• ou; -.v.: r. - v ?■* -' 'V-:-::.' -rp Y«--•r/i .2- h i ;• ;r wt Ji. r? t v-.’ii.: j- .- barn it- v : . : .- . c i i;• }l ./ -iti je" 2 yc •-/ L arc■ y xtVi-yn.. Beer Ibis .r, d: reer, ' -y vc. -V tb c. '-reerr: 7 -*cr (•'•».! vvl-’Cr* thf y don't Ui.y . :'t r»ot »• < Eicv- :ec* ..? they ‘ ■'*V TiltiCf, TA.i r ;n OUUc’ V' lI" w - : 'w'n: t. y: ii ‘.'c;ce! ~ « • c*tc p .2 Cv v. -'*-; .kju>. OIVF I P -- OR COVTINrjF T<-» :*'onK for (ou r«.degeoe : • • • Jutrcr ■ ‘ -R* U. fa J ' ■ '=- ’vcu/. r1 t pe-r-u. v: ( .-. r .-. . p the id£‘c t t -pcU , e; f p, ■’92o. Ywj wili ncic; be .v r- v ♦ 1 y £.> 1 t . 2 ' cU p "c—c, - .'•( V • . iTi'i i fv. v i ts .: yox- ; f: *•■ :;’ 2? h k * i tjo/i. rt 5 ' c - :-n? r.-r p" A. buR :.= ; v r: ! •A >- 1 - ‘ '..V. r: >J.? . -Gi.ria;’ l - K - V 1 ■ vr:. .fit s :> 3,-. ~ g sibiiit:ri A; n s T • -!> CC ' jT.;v : 1:; j' ba'V'il-k rpe.ul I ’he werkirg’ or 1 tins : - f -f : ol N: - - A farm-.- iirfprcvetirrn' field day ■• ' c’-; r- y (:.n tr, f:,rnrj of Car' Bcutf ~ Bij. vole attract' - "ti • '■ : . 'S . ;)...’rrrrrrr.si < -: i !-v:' t. . ir.. - 5 -err. It• -igPan" . -fi . ...'n... :-.£ r;i toiu-ti. y. jp\] “LESSON FROM BRITAIN" ’ C P~- fn-l By GEORGE S. EENSCN @ Fresideni c! Herding College IfP J Seorcy, Arkansas. | HARD TIMES :,>.d (icing with- > out —that’s still the order of life ' in Britain. “Austerity” jg the eTteial r.an.e for it. True, a little iacrificuig is not harmful to any* one Unt as a political system or way of life. British “austoritj ” is going to continue looking a tiit drab (as a cloak for social ise ■ en you - r-in pare it with the private management and free tieni if enterprise we know in America. Britain, in effect, is tell ing America what not to do. F t t.i the moment, the British experience is helping underscore an economic fact that needs more underscoring here in America. That fact is this: increases in v ages mean higher prices. Econo mists '.s’, ciur country have known for .. long time Unit this is true y> 1 ti ; popular v i-w of it insists that me boss can go or. ir-definite- V granting increases, year after year -without ever raising prices : at The British know better. : Erie d IT SEEMS that Sir J’.ar.nirig Stafford Oripps, who • s in . barge of money : matters r, England, is right now ! vrgjbg British workers (eve- ! they who own industry arid run ’ the government» to work harder ; out higher woges. If the B fishers dr thv, the reasoning ; roes, there will fct mere to expott | U» America. Ti er Britain will • ha-M mc.r* dollars with which to . buy the things I vr people need. Shrewd enough! You see, the British art driv- t mu to get. .nto ns much of the j A met nnarktt ;r. possible. Sir , t-itafford : • err* rein- are’ric. "I,else A she J'-,;' r C-seih ... - , . « f. .7 i LET’S LISTEN '■ RV Vfn.Oßf r» X for ANT Kr;- -r.* v. ;te .Tszrr-ry of . vrr: .• cvutr.t)-. ■ sas the suc :: .. ■ y appes- for . . :'<■ -1: r - try : I- y-.: c- ’VMA(, Chi capo r-dic f'E'.-jr, dram:; tils firs: ,i two L£ £ t non 7 i-odf-t ci .c; casts oc.-.'nij -with > . t jadicc, u.; • c: -i; cnci ; grt l -tio.t. Tnt . ... !. : f S v, .; • % ho. announcec o'."' ' ■ *•- ( ;. r'• i;ys v. iii bfc ; . ’ ;• w of currer.t ~ - 'T-- A.notion r.; •. • i. ■. i.< i ' K A. M . "Acs' narr.it v t T’, *.■ ore: ,v w; Llj 1.'.,': < 0 .-0 : cel C ■ s . , guest on.-- was :.c„ ' ■ . C■.: t ore tne • 't . tv. K.ury fi» Latert«\ tnt, : ; te-r • ; ••.-*•' : f. ■ 1.3 rt*- rr-* Off. ,-t} ;• r*£u;ar merofc«r ; . • '■ -,:.,r..:r,05; aiong w ; .n r;~: y - -gerr. cctn< disn !»./' r''.. - -. Sr-r;pson r.. in.:.-,• ■it- if;'. * <-t .Tsmitte* of ift nao C nrtn cf Megre Women ••f.O ll th* T" > H» Wo: T< ' Ji r . r;.fipate in the ti.ocer:'. f.< ; tied “Americawi t.fafc. • - iC t Ttd; • > of broad . ; . by- i Ms- . ■■ ■ L; ■ -:< w.irip company rel ; i. v [,?(.p w..,’ ot- on Iht b .'-P: ;r .u .f.L C( r;?u!7 yeur' • • f -‘ - : .0, ! *».- at - r V K»jU'nt>ern. Lis ffanou* i workers should demand increases, in wages, prices of British goods would make it impossible to com pete successfully on the American market. In other words, the Brit ish (even the labor government) know* that increases at wages do mean higher prices. Forced IS SIR STAFFORD Brices , counting or, prices g; ing up in America? Well, at least he -s laying pi ar.s to compete with Arr.encar. man ufacturers— and another round of wage incrcasc-s over here would do much to help him according to his own formula. Yes, indeed, Another round of wage boosts would send up prices so high that Sir Stafford would have litt’e trouble in getting r-d of every thing Britain sells, from pottery to Austin motor cars. Foreign trade is good frr our nation, jus’ like it is good B r the British. It’s a two way street. If we fail to get nto the compe tition ourseives, then c ;r got <:> Will step lrioving as fast a* we know our production lines ran me v<- them. This lessen Britain is teaching us wc.rks at home, *o<.. Tnt . -e thing v.e wart to do is to keep production going, for we know that our people wart jobs ..r,d have the capacity ♦< consume. But if we aie going to keep forc ing t rices upward, we may e Bay realise that depress.on here just be-cause we have bone that vi ry thing 'V- c as tuve potbing i s,I false pn-spetity that foK-ihs- depression, if n< force pi lot ’ high. '• ’ ' >: rorti.viec .Aire:-, vb :• r,r r.:f c:..y r'?r . v. ir rmer P to.rvier ■ : i-f v: r e. ru. ;' 'f t. i.t.r, ?.! t: tr. •• -r-s-n-ts: r - - tnt.i ivo-PT itr s tne rights *»i African and Eufi'-Ve ir.diM; . • it- it: ;-■? ': v. Vs : ■h..: r - trip. Hu ; tr . corny to - , o ! •., - tvu r i-.r. '. ..Ur Vtll * i I trend'.:c r. many '.msrny.ns. One - i- ■ \ ci . '.cr.ts vvh; that air '. r-i.-ip * Z,.. _ group eatu-e ! f-£ (brewed Lta; the- steps wevc b r-.iw i< tr - w the dd tasr.- r . e so l.c r ir.tc: iir /.- t.... ;ea r.-:d c*e.mer.t- - to: n: - ret tGri.; led whether he : w..wr erf-. ;c( i c hope, ,r .- -is. in fie aat vc-v of hr set-end h-i.-rs! c .’itiuent in int world. Tne C-'icayc. uitp't: cf the A w : . '.c. ~i . : ct-o' s; r t : 'ey ~. Conference vt : Onr. ■ ..Hi ,'i .v- hr- a wet ki; or ■- a r. ’re . r cap-.. station i' i-- .: a sto h*ip r; - . me vs j. t .. civ rr for i'.urt -n :.- rtt- -i -n- • ’ • v.r. t n. The lb r . •• ; < r ...; ;-o CDS - h': as He.-- the St-rry " - c is c: railcrc c;- E?be? Gelstfti the A' v ie.:, hr-/;be-tii.C(i pre- ■ P-- det : - " : ' dept.. 21' ; ;rr Geiroff •: . as hei cue3t > f :: V r. '- v r who :,»s . . w : r;- : C :■ this toum: ! - n .-w.r> she worker: • P. if- 1r - Ref.giro w r . r=tt told tilt ■ -tore ts i.t:- cr-faiTozfttion rod the r'. ‘UK -T r.r; -' • v.r if, wiu r ji : v v c r V:. IN LISERL4 ■ ■ - Phi :. Trim us- tw rirvyr who has Pee; nuutmiS a- four :*f W-e:-;; nu. Centr.-1 - Ai’-U-.ii fill li K-Casl. ti Wti.C f r-i 11,- (V.-,f *; • arrived .n Liberia :sst w—L_ v*. i tr: tour tb«- >. —:«i a,-, vj w-Ktcrn j-.’aviD.ces r*f L*beria. sr>* dying both' wtirpr L :oiu : imu : ve- da r tea. Mies .Pr true tar im- It.* vi-utu Vast. art. we, H'-igi&ii ; PAGE THREE f«*ngo Evr.,-j where sr.« has sottglu i.o g» . n dgeporl Plaver is Bought Bv Boston Bridgeport. Conn. (ANPi —Tbc ! is!" • Brave-- c*f ibe Xatiot-al U I'vue purcbaaetl Negro second i-asr-mai: George Handy -ssi we< k frntii the Bridge-port Becjl of the Clas it Colonial ieasnie. The ui iiouucement *a« made by Frank F'iva, general manager of-Ilie min or ■■ gtie tfsam. liana;., has played onlv one se, -o: in organized ball, but garnered the following improssiv - statistics: 11.-t hit .'{liii in !2;> gatues, ted the league in r’-.iis bailed in with l'C. and collected 2? home runs to win second j>l;uhonors in ihat depart. metir. JOIN THE CROWD AND OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT KADIS’ 123 E W ainut St. ■- iehifij.;,",; V, , 2 -,-osr “CFIILAJ? Ha DC 5 P -GE BOV , sis :;osi useiu! r.air piece blends ■ - J’-'-ur ow-, ha;;- and keeps f:w tough ends t , c-ti. Fitting from re; :n eai and _;de: length, the. 1 £<■•:• make.- your new ha ; ,f - ■ ■'l naiural mat no one :tb the ifcrence $3.(H> i ixnrrzii' : N/.1. ; m- b c worr, ?r. eicnt other as a r:aster <.-• pU.n 5 ;u do away with tht . f hot irons, thercbv g;- - k y-u! r. r t'.'rifc to tegain its S, ‘' the half glamol-r' CT” u ;< ;:gtfc yea wsrrt the- Half Gla mour tits your taste. A« you see. d .T:,en.: at the crown cf the *md ar-g - naturally down th> fuiiG You can wear it as an up sweep- or any style you like. (It i- Ts tc 2X: iflehta long). SE.ND NO MONEY —Wi }K sxaam -on delivery. *Anc* wn-p!* el Karr os -?4**r CflDfc*’ yOCAVI FASHIONS SH? ST Av*E. NEW x -