i- A fIQLI-NUAN Saturday, October 8, 1049 Ueating X*he (jun I MrMORIIS o* A GVI 3'tlßCiHlN<, ROCKS ■\' ‘A VOTiK ; .N i • Tr.c Box )■ business !’ ~ gigantic enter* S■ at ; fit -Ugh ;;Owerlu! < »jtit; i- .v.'f. a potential oi t ;delists. Built arour.o -i -i h rif. wnisperinga and t:' :><; a;t.: > that's the word '*t -*•< icoitlng fur just m>w. Wm n i • father alive to-- riny hi-’d talk it ragged ibout a »*• named Stanley Ketchel. ‘.Vh» ialk a: i a this Ketche! !■ you say ,?7 ' ! Well, oeeausc our i‘.,p saw this Polish knock-outer,' •t v thi late Hype Igoe named T "< Michigan Assassin. ' turn the irh i;t:c<:l ftur." Rocky Graziano P Hormcri : gainst the Jersey t .! lids i' ;■'! tr. game Charlie Fu ? J 4 "GARRISON" F’GINISH While ;t is our belief that Gri :■ . ■, -v. aid hi -t- mr.ij’: ally in i . i*,oj: übem • $220,000 tor more) g. .c for Matchmaker Ai Weil, Hai- M.irksoß, Joe Louis, arid the N( rr;>-Wirtr f tie merger known so IBC if matched with Ray > Hu go/ ■ HobiriM® we'd be lyin.e bad if we said Rocky" figure- to jji s RobihM r. Bui on the basts f j lurtous killing attack he ■ v ac'i on Fusari in that memorable “g.'.i riron finish ’ port writeis v. talk about ail Winter long f) . nature boy" wlv* throws, •l oo with gloves attached to titent •y. r:i\ di < rves to be ; .tiled the If . Century Stanley Ketchel. F f n : ~?,t imp ago, and wo mean by *• , a r ound 39 years ago a , by the name of Philadel fi ; Jack O'Brien, danced around j. rcc th< head off the man ■ o fit ( red Heavyweight Cham ! Jack Johnson. Then came the It . r. fid final round of then t c-i ath with the seconds run < ;,! fast as they always do in \-t round. Ketchel hunked a j ••• i.ik.it right fin the ek : a ishxaan's jaw and the birdies j tc j cc-peep-j-f: p. while the count ;k tc i'll to thousand i .i u j 'si imagiue radio’ Mel n lit c= vu jng the O'Brien Ketencl 1.1. -.-.. c almost 1< ..ping cut of his .no thr.t lyrical voice of i S'. ;r. Well now bout _ * ARK VOIR 3 , 001:1 AR> J : t v'- ’ SHRINKING? ! ■* :V-' «’SK LEWIS Li - r l I 1.-OIL. F r i SERVICE To i 1 v ' RI:T C H I - ’ *■>** niEM on ! Lewis Svoer Service Co. 1.11. LINGTON. V C. j ; Sifts & Gadgets •l ; : jfft SERENA’S GIFT -I: YV SHOP LiHington, N: C. —— —r“ R*. {* i ' 1 i I y - .‘..i: to us for an in Cut work is Glennie's Jewelry Lillington. N.C. S Von count or. an for speedy, »; hHi- serviie anywhere' _ HALL’S TAXI LLi-C-oki? •‘--/i..',-. .r.«tfcrWigi r x-i itice-drcvv magnet" >1 the rr <- : . a arena. Yes. rv.emorv is a ty nice thing . • times- Ks ; et - -.vhen oik loves prize lights a- n.licit as we d<*. Jot down the S' -••)<'< Ks 'is, .ind the- Rocky Gr i’i.i.k for you you’t see the., like with min frequent regularity than you wiii soon again set a Jack Dempsey ,-r a Joe- Louis. THE E 7.'/ ARI> CHARLES STORY Thi fine* ? bit of rcadinj: a mji ifs it,lure xht "Notre li.. >. Story v! it'or. by Francis Wai lace It is cboiken full of hilheitc uiitoid leotb-aii highlights it i ureal man, Knute Rocknt ot N('rt Dame. But our story this wee a trie result cf a written request from George Webster', gTOcer out of Nib, O. deah with a fellow win >n we think, is mueh-too-un l. heavyweight bos.. Ezzard Chj.iT of Atlanta. Ga. Asked by reader Webster it we tnmk Chink rites with earlier day i 0.,i - - Kid Norfolk. Tom my i uhr an. Mickey Walker, Ho . deb and Torn Gibbons, ouj ayyvif! is “yes. ’ Months ago if Mr. Webster rc • :s. wc wrote a story that was ■ photic in same respects, it was during the period when incompar able Joe Louis way possessor of his royal robes We said, "if any body hopes to fit Joe Louis' crown his head, he'll find Ezzarri C: > : * cut there trying it on for : !/• d possibly making it fit :g;y nr.cn his own head." The press of the nation soon afterwards interviewed the friend ly “Brown Bomber" who gave out with th : s statement, almost identi cal with mire: “That hr v Charley has go! ev erythin:. he's genna be the one h boat by any that wants tc be lv ; vweight champion " 1; wee back in 1940. t fore cut count! y entered World War it. that we started writing about K» v.ard Ch; rieC in this very column Bert Williams, headman arouna the Batcher Athletic club of Cin cinnati. O gets credit fer perfect •ng hi style of the then 10-yta:- ld. six-foot tr.ll Charles. Wiliiavu? worked dilligently with the b< a .ng-conscious kid teaching him th< .-ill imperunt trick < ? keeping your glove- up er.c "hitting-froni-where your-hard-aif Being a boxing Cache; ourself of some 15 tu more years -landing, wc can readily ng prc.ciatf the service Mr Wiliiar.s did for the rri.n who st.cci eded *•' Louis-t lies Chari' * wc- undefe. e .ri jr. amateur battler and wi.t .rs tin ration > vci wen calling i.im she grtalesf r.nn-protessionr.) since J« e 1- ai- He was still ■: school i. y as well ay an 'after '*efioo eriar{.-be v ir. Max Elkits' .u ri cirii v as M.x C lothes shop Cindn'T-t: fight f ... litr.ially r;.v --d •m • :in n .-aso >-ci bey w ’•*. could t-ttr. rex and si'.ig {,ETS Si APE El) BY KEN OVERIJN We -mil*: f ... y . - v.s think hack r i ,ir •. agr: coverage ei each young Charley «n --gaged •- ( Lies sh: w that he won 2t ev-. 14 by knockouts aganift thi t st 160 pounders match rr bd ptnoirt Tin:', rera the r: out i übbie bursied aaa t: i ivt ;.:..* wr.i we f all you : : I '-VI * hat. ill! cut Os a 1.10. . va ai i - ,-. a a-ach .it* ' r US. Vv. i h*o V .;J: Charles fast high in •ur mine Hcw-i .i.r it took a a-..g --' of-t *. Ken C- .rim. former wic.b f w*. gt king i.t.o an "ail 'are’ t ;i di\"*;'n *a dt I Chari. £. - I. .Ot C pc with Ovfci lin r rrtc::a-3,kc a.axi:.g aiiac.c and (nr*, if: a loser ir. ids 2i.-t i preity- ir. nai oic. Even then, cour ; age and detenriination tc achieve _n tr: bh; r, were stock equipment ■1 the youth with "two z's" in nis • .:umt See ring two knockouts tuber .he Cverim nightmare, he went c n tc {'iit.pc.ir.-t clever Teddy Yerosz., s. ’’ -rrr.tr middlewcigat champion; j himself, and kayc-ed tough Anton ! Christofcricis. ranking' 175 pound, i iC-nter.dei Nr w he was ready fori b’T and Geer ty Rhein, one of i ries many '‘Fioxing Angels’, tamed the match. Thu? Charles he’d glove-wizard Ovcrlin got a draw verdict Te Schoolboy Pae nr; m, "Ktd Wonder.’’ "Baby face S' cko, wen same- of thi handles -t- find ir. ,t r old scrapbook f.ags heir-appaiera.. CAREER HIGHLIGHT Charles started his fistic bid who: ur. *-li memary student at Stowe; schoi i ir. Ciiicinat!. He was bom -m July 20 1925. at Atlanta. Ga.. I ru ; C:ncinn,-!ißeau Jack’s birth place The Danny Dave? gym. Race A r pyrn and the Butene, gym were bus early training grounds Jak> Mintz. William El kus. Charley Dyer. Ge<;rge Rhein y-ung i’cut. Elkuy arc the men : prcminentlv . ast m the "Fzzard : Charles Sto.m . .. chapter that led • him from b-eunty thi richest. I title- i.u all Fistiana. Hi ts ’Y.i'i; Fearing , nod r. i prude iu ary sense of the word but a ChnM.an. He belongs ti the | j Calvary Methociist Churt-h in Cm cino.iti. Hi- ’moustache.” source of much jest -ud jibe, brings to; light the far! *'aat when Charles J I was ?. USA truck driver with the 92nd Infantry division in Italy, his face was smooth {clean shaven i Knowing that Joe Louis was at t ways hi- spi rts idol, there is the very like!.-, -.•■ossibility 'hat young SEzzsrc imitated his tnudi i (Louis) and started t< sprout fuzz” under the n’ ’ In 1944. it the Inter-Allied boxing tournament Rome Itaiy, Charles won tit light in avyweiaht chumpic-nship with gre,:; east He whtppc-d sensational Chailey Burley Ptxtsburch dangerous col ored eonteiide” Also he whipped j Joey 'lt- Speller) Masim. In two successive fights With his return# jhe has invest! d in business enter prise (The E:-:z» rd Charles coii sctim) « dance nail and beer par lor that failed before Charles cn . t*.red the Army in World War 11. II I E N. L BY MRS DELLA HILL Ray Fb-kcr •*• very ill at Good She; twei Hospital. He .> the hus i.r.nci of Mrs Mail 1 G 1 v Baker of Kinstm. Mrs. Julia Mon!: f Bay boro, Mrs. Maine Jones • : Martbel and Mrs Ch. Johi'K' f Nandermerc were the guests of Mr- Edith Mil ler of poliocksvnl*: Sui.day. Ms Vera Jcrkew i; . returned home f; in Good b-Xpherd Hos pjt.ij. Wi i; f.-i her com- : piete recover;* Mrs. E(i-a :: ii; Earl S • a.y horn ol' Ni•; 'elk. V- - hert c-iimg her mi-thtr .hi was < patient at Good Shtpherc fv-.-pi a. i:i. t ; - *: Mrs Mile ’McDaniel i-rjc-nt tn ' week fund -'* home vi.s.ting her husband John Ray McDaniel. Mi* Elizi.i- h Ervins spent the week - ad I:i■ -.- visiting ; femiiy. Miss Elitif M ilder s visiting ; friends and rib lives in Elizabeth City Mr. and Mr- Ossie Grady snd Mrs Fei.rin Ollison :-;'cm Saiu;- lay afternoor. ;. New Bern. The toUu v- i: .' -; of agr.cultural :a. tiudior; fvi salt ana c- nsump .i.'ii in i-.i'i: - ■ s ir. 1949 will probably fc< 31 ■ it al v* the 1935-39 a. < . ..gt On griaary cf this y. ;r. lft -ut i ever;. BT Ante: :c..ns lived on ; the t. - Bo: - W via War 11. i!:o:it 23 . rs cry K>o lived on 1 t.he farn: 1 f I j Firestone Tires &rsd i übcs- Eiectfic Ranges, Washing Machines. Rad.os. Radio Batteries. ! Paint and Hardware. Many other items for Auto & Home f FIRESTONE HOME & AUTO SUPPLIES Phone 2362 Liiiington. N. C. ■ | FOWLER RADIO COMPANY j j Liiiington Dkkh 'f. * RADIO and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES We Specialize in Race Reccrdi Guaranteed Radio Repair Parade Planned For Durham Festivities BY V«. F REED Finns f i the combining cl the 1 Trade Week of the Durham Bus iness arc Professions: Chain wit * that of the North Carolina College t Homecorning were approved here: Monday night by the Trade Week Committee in a meting as the Al gonquin Club. The parade will be staged Octc* 1 ber 35 and will be followed by < ; football game between the North; Car.dint College Easlcs and the Virginia State Trojans. The parade promises to be one of the most elaborate in the history of the organization and North Carolina College Homecoming cele brations. In addition to the Norm Carolina College. Virginia State and H llsicc bands, several others have already indicated that they will bi on hand to h- ip make the occasion z gala < ffalr. A b . sim-s institute- will be hi Id doing rrs.de Week and all tusi nesses are being urged to have rep resenai-ve.* present to take advan tage of the large amount c-f inf or inalirn about how * operat • a suc - cessful business that will be avail able. In connection with the plane foi the celebration the Housewives League, an auxiliary of the Cham, w li conduct a contest for the se lection of a Trade Ween Queen, whose title will be ’ Miss Trade W eek.’’ The prize offered in the contest is ;. free trip- to ti e annual meeting: jof the National Negm Business League Convention tc- bo held at Tuskeg! e Institute. Mrs. Caili-i Dave proprietor of Club B'-ulevahd Beauty local bus iness woman, is chairman of the Contest Committee EIGHT \U\ RIBBONS AT CATTLE SHOW CLINTON Sampson Training School is justlv proud e-f the lint' -hr-wmr made by its representa tives in tl:f Southeastern District Negro Junior Dairy Cattle sr.r-w, hr Id in Fayetteville September 9th anc 9th. j Safety Courtesy j f HALL S TAXI . t 24 HOUR SERVICE |f LILLINGTON, N. C. | Laiayette Grocery ana ’ Market GROCERIES, MEATS AND 1 FROZEN FOODS Lillingicn, N. C fi ... i SUPERIOR SEED & FEED STORE ! QUALITY SEED AND FEEDS | j G- E. Heme Appliance* liliincltcin. N. C. 1 ' CASE TRACTORS PROCTOR-BARBOL R COMPANY Hardware Furnirui* Fuqusy Springs PAGE FIVE Ftght members; ot S* - - it Training School part a rated ' shew representing the,, chapter of the new Farmers of America. 2nd were successful u, winning tu. f ir.-t place honors, two-• -viil place honors arjd one third ki.ic*- honor. Members of the Gut bri; 4ing ibis honor to the seht-e- Included LK-yd Wise. Menu Boyk’.n, Archie ' Lockuny, wßTftrn Kng M-tivio Cox winners of blue rid >n.-: Fxeii Cole and Denis Thompson, I winners of red libbens; and Het man Raymond, winner < f the ' - 'nite ribbon This group was super-, istd Iby Mr J. L. Whitt Vocations Ag : riculture teacher cf the Sc. - -<«* j Training Schoe-l Dnfford Faneeal Hofrre* AMBULANCE SERVICE Dunn Clinpis i ; ” | lllfarnelt Furnilure i.o. ! N K. to -M tt, Prep. iCROSLEY ADMIRAL SPEED QUEEN DEALERS Lillingion, N. C Phone ..'9l j O- S. PAYTON’S Fuacts! Heme [ FUNERAL DIRECTORS AJfD EMBALMTBS 24 Hour Service ■ | 101 Cor. Harriett fc 5 R A?*, 1 Phone 243 Dunn, N C Charter our ir,edf m bases for safe dependable senriee at low est rates. SAFEty K\ Suburban Lines IDINV, N. C. FMON'E ‘.U6 i i i_ _i.ni. i ...i ■ .i... [ ifu can ha\c oar t *es f ill I r.-.psn d or Rrlretbs d. ',r.ey . .? I wsk like neiv SAME PKK K AS TOP CAPPING AT I: j. B. Rouse • ire (.<». | WfIEF.il BAt ANC JN’G 51.0 PER WHEEL Dunn, North Carolina ! fi Everything | To Build With j I !’ A Price Yea san Pay j 11 Sheetrock $39.s * 6* * * I 5-V Gale. Tin $9.5 > ★ Sr ; 1 Nails $8.75 it tfe- ★ • | rir Floors S'i.eo •k it ik I celotex 8 * > ,"■ * | GODWIN j Building Supply Co ■|; Dunn, N. C. Pktr* 2323