PAGE SIX iHARLOftEI PRESSURE m NE6R9JUDGE IN N. Y, !$ IGNORED New V !; iANP) - Four names submitted. by Dt'i:>jreU;* leaders for the net*. Federal judgeships in this st rea do not include a Negro. The names -n th- list caused a temporary agreement between May. or O’Dwyer and Viro Mareanroni-.i political, rivals, both of whom to tested the Provident that a Sc. cto should he named. The mayor felt that the selection i • a Negro attorney for one of the judgeships would counter the “tom; <!i-»i>V’Ointmem'’ felt among meiti i. rs of the race here because <.i failure of the sl<*r Congress to pass the civil rights program." Marcantonio wired the Presi deni : ' T strongly urge that you rejeu any one of these roc o-iiißi cm! at ions and , ppoint a meniber of the X*- gro race." Failure to do so. Mar. < :itonio said, would "perpetuate the jin*, crow judiciary it; the - --?: ,- rn District of New York included in the list e >■ Democ-atic State organ. ...J w .' e j. nr F. X. ?»fcGohev. V s. attoruev here, now present -■ - ihe government's case against »he> 11 Communists now on tria’. 1: ring r. Kaufman former Assis ■•ant I’. S. a-ttoruev and former n> -i fan 1 attorney general. <3 regain I Noonan, former, acting '■ > at torney ore. and Sidney • •deputy city comptroller and forttei caii mar. of the Wake Stab ’iliz&tiou hoard f.-r :he New York region. This is the second tine* that the •’'v i<[ name a colored map 1 to t.h ■ important federal hesxcli. he- , Tyres, nted itself to President Trn. in:-*.n In the first instance, the fail ; uro of the presid* tit to name a col i ors>d ludae was blamed or. the strife I smai; th; Negroes themselves. ; ..iiv ps t- rly jockeying for pos’- its •;£ in the judicial sweepstakes with all h'dntr left at. tie post dis • eran tied aml victim? again If a po licies? - .;4 orvrre. Negro "■"> i for th■ ■ party in. power. Appoint p>» ids of these new itni in conies a?ain in election year. \ VfE BISHOP MAKES Cm W LIBERIA , i.i'v-ria I.tNPI ID "hop Carey A. f'.ibh.v ;ti chi: ice ,*i ; the Wes! African work of the A Air' I church i- I'ueviitg vi-rorously in : ov to reclaim mid push forward; the work in’ that denomination in West. Africa. Cine of the his first ip-.v • hor. v. > to take over tit" Enls -opal residence alio property had been allowed to : ■; :r;o litigation and through finding or undei-standing be* weep • churci 'Tieinitanes here and In tin t > ihtiiicly v run v,y to have 1 or; iii,; u, ' i.e church. Bishop and Mr? Gibbs went !•> • • root of 1 in. Walter former !.;;■? m:: consul in New fork. v. ho was ;sm p' mg th? res; 4H nc- -,red i: and Bishop and Mr>. G* havi moved in. Then ha., > eon a crying nerd Uo tr < ,csi ?• sr; -i; a ;- ’ -; 1 . Rl-iy Vi;i ; ■ :lv field here Blsh. a N»:hb> is jug just that. The re sult is rich \ASk members who had stray*--! itwiiy have been returning te activtiy. Th* chief difficulty in 'Mr' work hi f.iheri;-, j- rha lack <•• fii-.ide. Prat •tic;; I! - no money is availalil-* for bul’ditis or for ex ; iisioo o? wort: For veiir? th- otrly money ->f •on :-l-;s<rr;ce which !'< . * l-.f l! T.! |- - Wi» k here was financial support deeper. ateiy. For the s'-c;nd rU'Secutive year dti third Tim in tir s pas. our steer, Moniriai a Dodger af filiate. .'.ill rtpresent the Interra • . r. ; Leogtiy in til" Junior World Series The Royals won the minor 1 igue clEsic in 1346 and 134. J. SIISORJBE TODAY!!! CONGRESSIONAL FIGHT TERMED “POKER DAME" Washington «.\N'P» The :uu lislniess' of Pi evident Truman's ion tinned dentadns fur civil rights ' legislation refepo-nsibie for the] gam-'*.like qualities which have ■ chiiraoteiuzed th? xlst Congress ion al session. : The civil right* legislation is the ' ■joKcr' nade by the »-.lever reprereu ini ves of the south in their am-; neuvors to maintain the practices •if ‘wh.ii.t- supremacy". They have made many trade deals in their effort to keep the host '‘hand. In an attempt to keep the legis ! latum from reaching a vots. the ; Southern leader? have been able to ; defeet the cloture pmpsaJs which would make it possible for the i>il!s to reach the floor. 11l return for anti-cloture i'al. lots. the .-ouih ha? ugly agreed to support Repub!ica;i and northern, and western Democrat? in ail matters which do not afire? ] southern inleres; s. Some leaders] from ii’.e Kouf.h have been observe:! to support leg -iation which would iornierly have lx? n considered rad ;ca) l»v th‘'m A-.-filing it seems. ] ♦o 'keep the S .'Uth forth? South Many major proposal? have nee:; srvnii.-d byt bis sly game of the ■ ongressraen. It is difficult, if no! impossible, to ferret out the source, so much bargaining occurs • the cozy chambers The game,', which starred n th; senate, has] hwt become popular in the house as well. tin- of 1 ftese trade agr*--menis is pa.ri.iaily re-spousilde tor Ujc doiav in acting on a revised displaced: ;• .. r (>•]? bill. These southern sponsored deal* . an* thought to have affected in] some way the settling <>t such ques lions as key appropriations, tax re visions. farm legislation, coi firma tion. and many ethers. Jt.'s a -pokei game' wi ?i -..-ary high table stakes. DELTA SORORITY GIVES $6,909 'M SCHOLARSHIPS Kansu.; «‘itv. K ms. VNPt The National Snhnl-j ship b'Ktcfi of th.* Delta Sigma Thetu -i.rority a; its ! i(Hiiim nii -:ting in Kan?-..' City ; yrann-i! -;e?rr :u;.? . ’ ? ; k-? - in ; .-• -h--!arsh"v av-for .?- whoa! • ■?r i m’i.iwt Vr>. <'ora A. 1 1< " Monrovia. Liberia, i? tie* !*'•< ipici: of Delta'-;] foreigp s. hoi;-.rship. Mr? Caseei! j enter; d Tcaciiers ct.-ih-ge of . ; 1 ;in; l.ia ' niversii," this week r.» study in the field of ; h* f -duc.i . !Km ; Mrs. Hi '■—l'liony. ■ he? c ‘ivf in tne e.ribli? schie.iis m Chicj go received a grant to pndy art the Be .ux .Arts an! Dor hound in Par l ?. Franc -. Th* late Miss Tlaili- Q. Brown. Wilherforci* Ui iversUy an ? mor ary member of the so>'ori ! was yivt’* a special grant .ow., i the ' rnhlicatior of her book. .? tin-* Mant !e Pulls Miss (loidie i::':—o; i. Co-, lun-'-i li.. is comp'iioil;;: h r w • k oft ail burg-as th- rocOo ox of the spa l ' -it the Fn;' ersitx . uliette Deri rent 1 - ev-.itd. -s'.i''- iiviiod by Tiii* ;rarity in Die school of -oeiai work at P’ttsbnr?. Others rec l iving scholarship? r. ;-rr ■ Miss Einita Mildred o Anson. To\.. io study i h.-:aistry in th-* graduate schooi .if 1 • s'ou l ;u. vers; r y. Miss Rebecca Russeil Chicago, to ntndv law it Howard -miver^ltv'. Mr;? Wand.; Panpui.-r-Haris. Day. ton. O. to r- outer North -v*p?; -rn iuiivurstt.y School of Musi.- To com rdetc work >n :>. jr un.lergr-.d'- iti degree. Miss 0-wendc. !v-p. f*-; V'-. Chic ..go • o study English in nhi. wraduar.e echoo-1 of Chicago university. Mr, Winif:; d AVhir-. Ca.-v. In;■ ■ work sociology ?’ Moi-ru BSHB i:> ( >!::piste work ->ti in ; amt ’ graduiPo degree in m< tic:;’, te: a oology u.; Pur-.!u- university. Miss Ida L itc Tuisa. tkia j to complete her uiKh-cy radum' ? 1 work ir; soc’.'uo;;; u r M-irri? Brown university. Mi- ? Barbara 'hi <‘hi. -v.r > to complete her under graduate ! work in accounting a’ D* Paul u:it \ ersit v. Miss Ruth M VYiDo: . : ■ mpl- Tex., a rton-DeUa it; i>- _;.i 'itidcr graduate, work at Samuel Houston < otic i? Miss Frieda Alice Parker. Irrlinu appolis. Ino ~ tt> coniplet e ber work in home economics at Purdue ur.i versity Gamma Pss. undergrade at > chap ■: er ,at Tougakui t tiUege ;:i Toug loo Miss., won the chapt?- scho ; larship award for reporting the, highest scholastic chapter nverage. I Miss Naomi R. Chero' K.ausa? City. Kans. is chairman >! the ivi , tionai Scholarship board 11. S. DOCUMENTS TO GO TO FRANCE FOR EXHIBITION Washington (ANT’i Amon-' the six historw documents of; Am* ri< an fr-Niim t : •• viewed ;u i-lose band, by delegates rtitentiing the current. GNFSt (> ntcetitig in i‘,iri -, will be the Emancipation Proclamation and the Pith Amend, meat to the constitution, it learned here last w<- V Th-- ; maniiHcriprs. to? -he wiiii : ? . •*f Rights. Dev tarn; ton oi Imi.-’.e-n ( deuce, an early draft of ir ginia Bill of Rights no) :n.-o‘n - Cetivslmrg address.. ■ to ?■ laced iu the lißeni.i.r.ii'hal Exhi bition on the Fniversa! Dec, arat.o>n ; of Human Right ? The earl ins: draft of th> Emen. ] c*pathm Prorl-xiaa.: ion. as wr.t'eu , i:i.. President Abraiumi Lincoln ami . 1562. was secured iron: the L' read to the ; abii. 1 -u J u ' i.rury of Conge-,■ TtD? pr -Hama iion •*xtt.t!'!-d freedoiu to si..- —? m the seceding states. Also- tbv j I.ibrnry of Congress :? a opv of. •he ;11• •••■ h not -j•; j end to !icndii r -:? of >-«gr-iin ;.• i country on u ■ ?t. ik? J Thu stab r.iry ot C ng .--ss ■ --■ fur nislied the rough draf* e i!*-- De claration of Indmjenilen. as Thom, as JeTtursim -uibl-: it:-?j t • ??» i-oiani itiee .*f riv. -an dun- 11 1 . i. Die original ::;U-.:r.vwii -Flip - Virgttsia Bill ? Rights - ? pre-sen - ! by ■ leora -••■:! m i Ludw IVi I.e - if d ndoiHt ! A 1 ;-gi ain con vp!| : i(Mi - : i ’-: n - 1. 7* . j r- 1 f I. - ui-fd n ? < ■ :■ ;??■ aiiii'- •?!, wl"ii<-l - he?! !iv Liueoin :>t th- ceremony dedicating t <• ; c. (cry forth P" ii War d**ud a Gettysburg P.< a; Nov Ik The origiiui; • .;>v of Du* B;:i of Right?, which pro}".? ! !an: •>s meu.(;? I ; Du- l\l.; ieeiiig ?ii--h ill- rt.; ? as fr? *d; ut ■- speech, relisio" and th- press xi•• epcured ,'r -ru Dit" NuDoupi .r-.-biv**.-! D was tile re? .'*: ;f Doa r;rt*ss on S-'V'k- *?•"* S. LS’ * * The rhUMiHienrs w ill he plav a; ■ \iu?, * ■; ■?, .1 :: i will iw pruPof i by th-- Pr-fi'*? are of P- . - ' - - ;- -e *- - - A firtnrsn an.-l 1 -or. star They will es -.>!■:from *b- Library of Ccngress ’■> rim ; the li brary's f; ?-pr sf c dh? 1 -it’s and - • PIONEER DFAIOiRVF OILS n i m M,O a CHICAGC ! \NP .a! -erv.- . -V -r : *;d this ■* --b Par John J Smith *t ? - ■ r?c ■ro leaders '.? '..-i,: Paowcrauc par ty in Chicosjo. •tp r than S'! years ano front hut native Monro*.*. Mich., ha- .-c-.n derttlfieu . ; ;d. the y?rty situ: * 1892. He also op-grated > D?r ?;t -.vs in the .tovutown .>n >f t e city. For i.h? last cignt ? .-ars he was employed .11 the Oaic g-arsst fnfirmury. is j djoghter, *“'s. Estelle I.ewis < AIN >f.i N’T AN Saturday, o::t*)l>er ?*, ii-MR m iISIM Jr / si Wfi .w 0 -'4 | i. :OV4T.NdrT- P>'V-- . ~ f “HAVE A HKAiiT I.aTTy- " Night V/ atchman Shoots Intruder -V V DKN W 1 ! * Cannot), 4t*.ye:i --i t ••nolov -if *he town of Ayde was ?!-.■>) Du* ';(»,•?; Saturday nigh' !*y Alton Snikhwick, whi? 4 *. assistant night wafchnian at the I.'--main Pick!-* Pompaay. According to Smifhwtck. I'uitnou was on the Pickle Company’s pro party- and was shot wh:*a ad •vanccti oa Sin'r hwi ;k -a a la.-. in J .;i? it and DC- ii'i.i ripor: eii ■ * ’* i;i a "f * v*.cable' ’no!u? | ii. ? .y iff’.cia.l? in the Pitt CounS.y : i - ; -; where h-‘ was taken bv r-n Police Ch? .!. M. VV hi‘.eh-./.-■?! psi ,*r receivinv first aid from - ' Smiil Ayden. The tullle-. h ..vti -k ' HI •" enterd lie- bre.i?’ bicn-ed tin lungs cal a »-iy the rij COVENANT CASE IS AOJOtISNED Jafers.-n City Mo. *AN P > ii f,.-;;oun:rueiL*. if to lay? w-as ..I At? Roy K I >?•-*. -n.ii by ii ■* M*.,i<m!”i S'tatc Stiprarp. * Court last ?-*k ! *• file a reply to findings pre sent**;! in s»v<* restrictive coven act cases involving .1. uarvbet o! persons prom.':; uD in ?- - lais-.ii--? •ad profossiai; *• I Re- or Kansas a D.y. Mo The •*. uiuh rriglnated in Kan?;»s •’ ’ity r« ftrst ’’iied "■ Circuit .>i:r : -*f i' l' city wiieri N "roes furcigased pro'vy-rv in wb:;-.* ,:■ i.*li feti d:sl :'■■■’ ? • <-*ui> -n swner of l.h • ;?rr----t in? i ,*-irch*> ted ?m-, g)-;r‘ ? from .lames A. t.o i- • i-b J -sh 3t.; Norvall G. Darker bough! he prnperly ay “7t‘ 1 r.entiiu Blv-i.. from Joseph Ki; k;)a:' irk. .Tose.iU Redd if.meht *e-oper‘;. fr-mt Stoila and (Veil HU con. : w ;>. M Miller u* r 'ii; sir ? oerty from Vernon an t Dorothy Yakev at 24b Victor. All Hu* pur ■ >*(ia ; d ;ii-i*perf b-s wer * r-*stricr *.*d umiac covenan'. < ontrxcis. Th» sign urs of the covenant pact !)i*o:m!>t eviction and damage suit? io the K.*a? - City Cir 'lit c )t«rt B* oau? * r-‘sf.ri*;' ive covenan ? ore uiim-ror -eaLd -, according to a recent, ruling by Ibe iui esi Sta- * Sa uretr. * -our? i.ll ihe S'b.e’d -> v ■ Kraemer case, tit - cases wo*. * thrown *>u! if iv.xu ??;-* (Dtty * o’emt : -iur ‘ I'h-*.y were then api'eoled !!• ■ M is.'Oti; i Sul* Ritprem** "»uv. A. -firdin > Arty .Curl R. John ! bb*h th** eoo, ai attorndT 1 fox? the resp •11 r*s»ati was sold to \-*gr *•*’- "to pr-vont f.heir living on > rn* > perttes. tnd to. !>.* award .*<l "d:i T " ,"-*■?" bv 0.-i-rju the buyers ,*.r:d sell •er? of the property. Other re.?p<>nden ; .« la th** cuses include AU.vs. Roecoe <l. VaW“n burgh H.-ig ry H. Hail. Hammond D. Wo.niff, and Clitf iiailey. Edwin I anted: $25.«9« JV Belter Rare Re!ati*>n» ATLANTA -AN" * TV Soiaf-i --er?a Regional c.iuncd ha, a, ! Io ?oo*hoimer? ■ ■ ---o--g OJ? o.'O better race c -;.D.i •• Dr. Howard Odum. the Urn versity ■: North ','aroli offered to donate 5250 if th? c*«n;-- cil could f n-j tOO fn'*r - j? *•■? > help meet th?* budget No f ?-. according ’■* n -au-'i -i sidei Dr. O-.**.'*eg - Mi -aiw.*i: there have been 15 sou'hern? f c » eor. tribute. The deficit oeCdcr-d whan i fcußtiati ;ti vvnich had P r >i-.* J h.df the .i.--.;a. /•' --o - bod get. e • hausted i’s tund? ‘ ir- .-r this >•>*.•.• Making tr ..u.uc.i - s 2..- ] > number? dr :. . fr•: - * v.-kiiu:? civ c and church uoHips oi .o-gn -g no ■ : sters, educators. ?';c.'jt -a,ao . ar:,i r.ev.'s;;: i*jv“ m - P rDpi HeN \ ill I ’1•I ID r ! :i ST. I.OUiS i AMP* An ino- -1. mem to make it en-.-t.'. Cui in ,■ elude N;- - ? r ■ De. ■ 1 • thorn pub? - t'ancDorv? *>r i>r*ap<- ?v leased trom the y he ~* ' p-?ed to -.- S; L.*.* Freehold, rs by OavU M -k -- Gran*, •-.*.): -.;.-u.tir th . - chanter at the NAACP 1 ‘ Mound City Bar A-- )• - tt. ? vein tv Preen ;ides’ ■;,;**. ;ai .* ■■ ;mittee that was c n;-id*-' t). j : amble and L*;il : * a s t. a; Droposed tlew city chart,-- The lawyer feit. that th • s;--.- cn ariti-d sc"trr:!Muti >r vv-i'-i • ; thorciugh L*rtv,ugli. Su ir.iUee t-icmb-rs fait that sir**,'-..- '- sections might s? ir up tc**- l ji , ag'-inst the ei*. i* u*-' was sug., * ed that Gr.i*--t -at tile Ijr-,:.- ' to the full board. Karnshaw vviv ...* -. k--- -;? ■ •; ii.M- ti; * Al.ty. ' kn:. : ; u* vifiiy N gi > rep:’ -.?e'i!. -tl iu C Sales. j AM) AA\) STORE 129 tt Si AT NFS ST. WD ?•*>. ! ARMY, NAVY \N» VlVtli NN MERCH VN9IS -i j Jackets. Work Uvth-A Work and Dress Shoes, Rabbet* Boots, etc. Crook, .Saitcases *tui ITeats IHE FRIENOL-JT VTOxtB i

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