( \ vOLJNfAN - Saturday, October 8, 15)45: Mr. Tobacco Farmer Spend Your Money In Fairmont With CAROLINIAN Advertisers D. C. Anti-Bias Law's Enforcement Sought V '.SMINGTON A NT*.i Tv.... ( District nf Columbia t.iws f 80' V. ::"5 ig, bafililg di-CfintllK-itiOll i....-i patrons of pubLc places, j effect a'>d should Ue . tore- j d . .-r-rt- d : .si Sunday :i> i u di.SCUSSion prog: as radio sta-S riou NVOOK. Participating in the program* two Was!::, gt - ■a•■ ve who? studied t‘> hist >rv o thfii r. itutes. Joseph K.r r urd Mrs. j Margaret A. iluiy v* oo'i Otn»»i's on j '.b;* program tv hi eU occupied the • To mil son Tod-i show time wort 3 ! £i\ si F. Harper, president f th* ■ Federation of Civic ,i>s Tions. and Alice B. Hunter. s*’c?vtarv « -t' f .? DC Recreation hoard C • • discuss ion of the anti-dis- \ . 'r.- tiO-n law\s vv.arranged by : L c recently* organized Coordinaion \ ttee for the E.r?f->r«>*ment oil t; * uC Anti-Diser mituti ,n laws. 1. ‘MUch 37 con :n l . Ofijhiic attention wumn tht past, ’ :7> .md 1873 passed by the DC 3: . dativ a.-st:mbiy. wd t bring iboat their tr 1 -enl by tap , J y- -a-t Commissioners. T*'cic laws. which ‘v-ivc came ;juu! :c atc-ntio iiwiiim: Lu* past i t " ii.pvi aen.tr ...■.- for estau-1 •at, bars barbershops and other | buir n.c>s operators ws'Uj d-d not j CAREY IS CHARTER DAY SPEAKER A ’LA N T.A {.; ,y A' Corut'y A: •ti.i.iuld J C•r • '. a..-know:. A.. : • churchitia- and i.iwyer, wui ■.* the t- D- . , A't uc ’I Unn . ,d- • Hu la Clement ■■ known tins . 1 :. Attorney Carey w:it deliver: ’aartei Day C*n t .>t:i Ad in Sunday t>. '. *r. r 10. at ’•> i a. State. , Chapel on the i Spi’lmu:; College 0. sere dii.no if Murom students,, ■.■■a I .' aid f'.a-ad- y tae Univot- ; will be *.aa Catv tail.-Y • x - .'iimuul besrvar.ee of the :. ut - , : 1 i. >67 a a! ’ : la a lilitia' : -ty Pi -■ 'vi dlt Cl;.; t'.i in 19H Ti vt'iiia. y->!• i.y lit i ■ ' ■ - nt hi ■»MI '-: C-n'rr. 'U Lsh.d the nTivial nvision 3.' w;i - ur.tnuiic.id t; >m the : J-'.' • CvU-%T J oi L, IW. id- • ‘ • • . u - Mtldvr .’.TiduatC: • : ' >.i Ter *i '■. Wood-' i:«rd \vrcli :con VXh) thru S • • • • ■ P.H f At ; r. svnt : he •/ •.bnist.vc of -:c Quinn \T . rnry < ;,i . y w• is d■ n t te d to , t t Chi!':;:. Bar in IDdi in id 47 , }' * : a : ■ -ii-rU d A I.s. T. •iViifi d Ci• Yhi.n Ward Hr is svrvirp t»f thi.* MAAC?, wit;'* : tiiCh'c-pt- Council against racial •; i,l rc I j:: r. i ~. i £ r; mi * l;. wUh r.vA Ankvic.ri Bro- -i _rn-a>:i 1 foriu i‘Dy :h<• Bound TriiHc C>ut• ?renco Christians and i. r ;>« the, S -utli Soil* Idariiusig Board, and vn":: tip Pubiie Housing A.-Doda ;t, th . \ -. v aiid do '• ■•.• b r of the lUin j-s Federal Sav* ■ :.i it'd Lo.-; • AS- - .' ’-Cia! •'>M .lUd ht? is a .'•sis’-.ait ~y:aa d cou' Sii m-i di rv.-or of the Unity - Mac ,i Lite Insoranee Cun'.pony In .dd lion to th.*? 000 v Hiation. At!a.?tta Unive; aty w.i >baerve iT'eirtc'r Day . '.•■> .j f. snail banquet . a. (JnO p. rn Oshoaer l.t> at to** , Co rsity u an jrHts. rh.ase to ;iv 3 occasion W'.U •>'? c.'ve a. v rvspvO.t.* ::.e ‘.veil-oehav d p r-ou, a itii regard to race.; :gK; ■. r previous conditions >1 jCrvitude POINT 4" PLAN GETS lIKAN.N AN SEPPORT i AXP) - SNvretury «*t Agrivuttufv * Ti.ii ie.i F Hrunnan yup-port.tiil Truman pjan fur ai.i to fji 'niMtril nations last we* k. in a Congri-ssinoai Uonriny. Itrunruiu ri-niiud* d the group (!!;!• Hi.nrti r for prosnority to re. :nain {srosperity it imi-.t In* shared. He said titof sf tl'ts helps • • rt. *:. ir d -t li. tut oft he ,-! under - developed countries, the. «il !>- ab) to take part in ' A.oMng ri . ic.ii i.narkets J * hi* world Afrii 4 on- of tin* arc-as of great need Tin .ijrricult n n so - efary was - si'i-ond willies- ,*1 tn • - to a rings on • President '•> projKr al to put dm *S«>.wio.'.M)tt o the first year to help ..proad An. rn an know how’ into .ark.'- *c ■ ountries. other ..-dine - . ijuut * - :n- to bring the total to {B.7,'iJn iOO. An abbreviated novel C*;a ;)«■*■ i: Walking ;n the tiuiin light with in armful. Chapter 2. Walking the ft >ot With both arms fall. the five pe - m nbers of the f tc- Jr ; M I;:tr of Western, j t'.in. ,i. i . ha j'- .ed tin facul ty of th School of educate:n; Mi. Hylut i. of W.Lshington. D. C.. who u itt ich in "he Dtv sion ;t Social Science: Miss Vvia*. Ann J-.-vid- ••'. N'-.w v'e die. Penr•.;.>•! - vittthi and Miss Man::!: Lucia Janie of Coin mitt. South Carolina, »dio.‘have been td.d to the -fi cul tv of ’he f Library Ser ve ••.'• and Dr x Waiter ji To,- to r: .J ! , til serve :.s . h. : :,\e jartmeiv. oj ; AMPUTEE VET EARNS DEGREE AT OHIO STATE ■svnrrvvH.LK. n • tnp. -a vi\ o ’i. ■si Pit • dive Kign sthoad * c". 'M\ r .?* Cal ambus , County, Mar- o . •* .d hi ■ ;from O-hso ■Stale recfoUy The y. ana d r:eeived his 'oh in,-, tarv trsd .-. adary eauca iuj> he! . a.r and i* C tit re i Grcci -a from vv'icrr v. a 1 |. : A aril 1941 He - twn . 1 •.< while a sC'ra. ant ■■•. hit fat* 270th Combat r i!P of sc a j .. i ; Huiy, and has Its: tarty cased La- loss Os part •o' ec so; St •,■.•[* ,iia tits Inter he vr-:.- released fa r. t ,t Waiter Re.d ..., ’a: -ii Ha : . Baltimore to finish A and T Tii I,t r v. i n as- .71 S- at the ilniverstty it Uhna.s ,>n a .Vi. F. S -ail • 0.4 Award. :utd remained •-.» d< jr< atry vrer* >n ois I'oetoi a,. ’ January. iJ4o. bon h<- c r d t - Ohio State . or- 10 .s-s'U-d Dr. C. A Lamb ra.i sc d ha; pit D work. <.•• ,r ; ia hot, ~\e-y naarnbo' of phi Up-don Pail and s believed to be at> Oily tJ'.. r native H tiii* country to ..ta.: ■ nis iactitrate be stuo .Vijjur S;ji'uidiiig. TENN. ST HE PROF, USOS OELEGITE WASHINGTON .As Crs. Norma P. Dillard as-.c’a— --..les sor or food and nutrition at Tet’- ! n.essfce A. :nd I State College, ./us one of 1 lather,f.its irorc ~u Car and India invited to t tic. u. nutrition research works* ' a vhic*'* was concluded last - .ek al n. 0 s. Department f Ac.it ire's ; Starch -terter. BeUsvillc. Md The three-week wonesnop wa. conducted by the Bureau at Hu man. Nutruioi; and Home Econo mics a means ot present,ng to the sc!enti»t one of the newest methods to help determine tne nutritiorad .datus of individuals Thir- new technique is to be used .a connect a v sth research projects which most of tne.-e scientists -oe wording on bat k home coopera tively with the board unde: the Researh and Marketing aat ot 197*; Dr. Mlucent L. Hathaway of HbfHE directed -he v.-i-rkshop -:,d ■ e ent.d the tv technique whicn makes use o; .. >od ■ . . j de termining the nutrd .* u -aitus -I individuals. Only a few drop.- f oiood are required Mrs. Diliar,: took part u, th. wot kshep as a representative ot Tennessee A. ar i l. which - • >n ducting a imiautionai status r,:,*- ject in c;operation with, HNHE. Tite schools Piaj-ct consists of a study of selected Negro children *s '* -'•ies \ Head For < hit a tfo r Lommunity Hoim» CHICAGO • ANB) The ■ ppiiVt inert of V/aieeu li. tisr.i- .'o' J. • 75 of St. i'aui Minn. *■■ diveotoi f ’»i Ad •• S .VtcKinL C*immun ity he-use ,mo jn>;.vd last we 'k directors FAN ETTE\ ILLF, T. C. EXPANMON PLANNED FAYETTEVILLE X. C G:xr> , As a result of the appi'OprJtio * t the Goner.d A'sen,b;• : '22 for the school cnc e* *:. archi tects ar* now busy i tit piaa.s, . :e* bids for F .vettevihe yi. •* icacit rs nriili ;i dolt'.*' nrstnery program is scheduled for ibn LA October a.', d tile bu id in.; to the latter putt of the mouth cord,"’*; to pres dtlr,t James V* Acaiu'ook. PI EAI) NOT €III I V IN COP KILLING CHICAGO ANT Th Nea* * youth.- who - iu: - •*! c. -re its - dieted foi the . ■n r kiliu’y ot a cola-emu: m tius city j';. ~iu net .• ..hy .v.'lra t;l-.y :e ; r .n Criminal co.ut List wv-w Attorneys for the yc-uths ird-.-rm cu die *’ oi.: th *t ysey w*L itterupc ta kiil :n ind'etment They wore. given until Oct ,ocr ' to file suer, a movement. Advert. sin* .a >n« -if th-.-- few auiiiugs where it is hov-. cable '» ,>cy sUent on L> >u.i.'. one oise 3 bus in css. Ifairmont FARMER FILES SUIT AGAINST OFFICER ON ARSON CHARGE ns James 8. lxhh.tu he NEW ORLEANS * ANT*/ B causa they illegally entered hi. 'home, set fire to hi? dweilin-- and mu e liar* suffer damages to tas amount of 516.7J4. Dotsoa Frank Ln Negro tenant farmer of Ascea sio pa: aii i.as named a ok puty i sheriff! and two other accompHees in a damage suit which was fiic.d in the federal district court here last week Nan t] by the plaintiff ware | Sher.ff Hickley W-tgUc'xpack Bu*- ris Gautreaux , deputy. William. "Hill" Persat who ollegediy ac c- mpanied Gsutreaux »u the search, and > National Surety: ccrpor.tion of New York which bonded the sheriff. Erankii , states : i hi* pet-tion that at the time of the unlawful, illegal, and unwarranted -ntry. search and trespass ha was two ad one-half .IV- .: v:,y i:\ the field flowing and ' that his wife and three iklreu w- e absent from the t vvn. Frank! u states that four or five minutes after the illegal en try by tin' iccused. th ■ hr use auist mio flames and mimed to the ground The five room house, a tne-room .anex, i spacious bars,! • p-'-'ultry arv.; titer tarn 1 -ssentials' w, re completely destroyed. No motive for the faring ot Franklin's -me has oeen esfab-; listmd but .* survey ot the court' i'OCOrd ci 'J. Alts tha! his clr utn-j .-lanees wet'.- dduOtloSsly eiiv ed Oy , • pa-.u- whites ;i> the parish Franklin stated ia r.is petition, that he carried no insura, ea a. tus | tiit-me t any of ts couteots TENN. TOWN GETS ! SjIW.iHM) M 1100! LEXINC» TON. T'.*r-n. ANd- -- A; new IrVr ra\ brick ar .a ;-v: ..r-icc ; ORC-i'tOty sCiiOji CjilliCili i'i f» r Iv jj- j ’ hj. i.S. vv il h U i e U dll tor : :: v s•1•’ T. J . LCO. wt.s recently *i,■.! j he.e.j 'Con-iru* ~ J it .. coi*?f r * )< • ill-? s.hyv,: oaa, * * a slap"; OJari' i ifi t, *iu hhriu y I.', ii*-.:. -. re:.t| lUVIll:;- 11 tt: t Itii V.- * bai.di g St'.'d . •to be ihe tnost n lir.rn reh.i .1 1 a town .*f ! ' it* dii Jlv ■ 'd*U ! The ustitu'.-;i >■ :.• * T nr l i*** .M". *. . -So * •* . ■ la.-.-., *-nn . .< suoil mod-.- - : sea J '.itv. as I;• ■ . , wee' ,’ . . grt-ern "tTuckoviards . seks, ;,d I ilgilt -. atid, VeOtil.iti**?! f veil * tii's Th . -iw*t has Hie fladfs red .a * ; chairs ir r-myd in chrome <• it: aid UEILDs -4 HOI -IM, PROJEt i I.Of- ANGETt s \NP - ; j Etnu* r * iVa vy w .'.s : * run- * pion Jw Lea is tin *, -k p. ti- . I ficned the L*.»< \t;.y.-:s s’far - * • r.ms * vtmiussion a ■ axuig siiiing, i > p tut con-fmetiod of u iow-roH aoushie at Ta .Jl - •- uu The sans', ,* icliimiig 700 la •*,><) Mjearr fee? >i! he ! >'on-restracted ,ira will yeii tar ; St .300. Ihe hoone-i a* aulti M tuiß a.* % 311-war*’ .a the j Sa.i Eemwido V a ey PAGE ELEVEN ST. MHjLS iMIKcH ; HONOBS JAffITOR ST I/DUIS i.ANPi - A ;■ • RiOniai .iamcr honoring V-iCiai** Hayes. 78. vUstudian of V'l.osi A.vetiua Christ.t* a a'7; ; add last week at ti-.c -:hur. More than 300 hu. d :-d per,- v, «vl that ho has done everything in the church from being boilermaker id ; greeting Sunday morning church ; coers. Numerous congratulatory greet ings w ere received by the janitor from member- who have moved to all parts of the country. The average of late summer cab oage in North Carolina is estiraot -1 ed at 6.3 tons per acre. About 4,163 acres are being grown rhe Tar Heel com crop f>>r ilil.i year is estimate! at more than 7i milium bushels —-the largest on record. I KYhj IfbiMjhhstm *• By Biix F.iaL-,i>« * a| '-4 Toanmiiiit:, niop ,-rfy fii.-n y a.,., .ygls' aoUiiaD aUidl •'*•• m> a- ‘rawcu mg’ a»y steak from •!>- ic -fd»«!’* LaGrange I i ROOM & L'Li AH!) TARJ.OB G-aod i-ovd Ji-.d Entertainoneat J. 8 RiGGJN* CSNTER ST. I EAIRMOIVT SEAFOOD MARKET ALL FRESH SEAFOODS IN SEASON Wc Dress free of Ciilflt* J enter Si. fak wjanl . —i n iii n iiuww mi ii—fin' t imarewT^B-gßaffl«airi»n^.' j JONES RADIO SERVICE * TUBES PARTS RECORDS, I RADaO SALES. CAMERAS it FILMS SMALL APPLIANCES I W. L. Jones Ceaiar St: Visit PoweliTs Place Put Huir-utt. glmwer’. GroesrTes Oy»*u ; dxy*i !'«*• *Veek POWE UL'S <«RO» :V AND BARfUEK SHOP Th