PAGE TWELVE | GREENVILLE l| VOODOO POWER SEEN WSWNB HEW OPT.BAN. • iASP' l> u i J ‘ie r«visf- n M tut . ? r *e &Pd drug stole f? tone ■-. the ;t ■ itn ; H»*f Os voo c!sp ts rapidly fading : rn< ron hi f-ttt of F*e pfe- j •- .-if —jisri'i wsf or.ft > ■ ■ tr, t. (fptv,-; its believers ¥ : fcj»r. B'-ick voodoo tjwsen* «?».•*•«• had a ■ -Rlrr of iheir own .n if.« tii> f narrow streets! end S bourn patios *: Jif-rp Hi-.- those followers bf thi r" v. i.</ b -Hove that the v:> ATS rid of MtxsSuHfti and, f:• 3UHt of 4 VOodnr. fur-iC. I'. ■ J gjit o! e TPilow J 57!-'t Jim tbs. ■: ’):<*! was pro- ' ed oft thr* ?'•*.'■ dictator* sMtd f}>f: ' f two fatfifitia! coNsi Is.strC'Sf onto ’’’’ of black can-. dir. tat graves. !i -i if- if.'-; punch T th€ . 1-r-! ..jog •• ' this century. Kduca . t ■ u b.t it a blow In took U.e w'fd Out of it. Alt ihr left today in this, K.,ri : 7 ■'sric’ic-' 1 hem*. :l t» *ati i j* :• f iySi;. v*-r‘ton of the ancient t lei* hih he harmless hi be 6;p. OAFLLN TO MARK EIGHTIETH YEAR ! ORANfJr.Hf'iCt ANT) - Dads <atk n if nslf-mdUon dollai build" j-tfagrum will be mad? wiK • 1 a Iks C‘c-;t«ge celebrate* P* ttti’ T o inv*'! here October 19 KJRI.S I A SAY : AND a . tM»es ihst rid I x*.?- otvyvtt me | i tough it. nc* b«* I . ‘ * > had? IV r lift n I '•{ U-i'C. pert repairin'r I t ifX and 9»iatnip. f ' ik ! ?' /I Obr ittiff i arc 4 „U*" / *•'' 'Jtf %fa i<o»n|r. We I V J^' 6 ’ Vi j but Old iste vr !r* | * \J*> ru f '- v f y 't ~i. Repair Shop tUII'ENVH i,k. n c H . v; W— «'-* w—. i BLACKWOOD’S ASSa ! STORE C-ARRIS. BROS., Ownrri j Bicycle and Radi-s i Trade ins. Whttrer 3ik* • | Motors Terms no W.. Sih St. Oreerrefila ] t, , , __ i Whites Stores, Inc- ; WHAT YOU WART AT WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY l Gre*n«'il}«» N C. it-tt~ mnrmrnnmn nnii»n ..iirea.-w.oa.ii ii»iiLW*m» m 'rrrmsia CURFIELD PETERSON’S GROCERY We Spccialitie In 3RO€ERfES AND SLICED ICE COLD WATERMELON Free Delivery Service Greenville. N. C. .ii m ami «jia«iii—n,u>a«i«.nmii,, ("berry BOSTIC & SOnI .Home Furnish!rears ertd Appliance* 207 E sth St C’«snvilla f | | T>t>Or Jc Whiff Coer, j If VETERANS NEWSSTAND IS TOPS WITH NEWSPAPERS - MAGAZINES Life We»k.y. Je- rnml «ad GnW*. Afro, Carolina*)! Pillsbu'-s Courier end Comic Boolr* A COMPLETE SHOE SH’NE SERVICE I* Dial MM George Sue -?. Mgr. Willkm Burn*? Prop If 233 S Ousen Sj Fm? Delivery Service II i The anriOuncetmn; mede by ! prr aidont J. J. Seabrrok lust wtek | The buiidsbc prngran. I 'pan tout i vears «f« undir ■ mv. sdnumstru i Une. | Many outstanding church and lay j .cadcrs are expected !<■ take part '*n the activities the s*h !: r is th r ■iio"7t college for Nfi :rc: m Snutti 'Carolina TO OBSERVE FIRK PREVENTION WEEK North Cs’i iVina !•• t-.e' •* oen ; urged tbi? we<: _K if! .-o r.hycj • ,varce of Natier'-al Fir* Prevention Week. October S-IS. by > hmiusdiue Isom of mori com*t!r>n fir * t|,;*- ards usually found on fannr K. M. Ellis, In charge of aenevl* tiiMcl engineering for the Stale Col jU g Extension Service, -irs* ried tnat the nation* annual farm fire loss includes rtestructicr, of 100 I nvitjnn doUsrs worth > f proprutv. ; injury to 10,000 farm res’d; tits, and ’ th'. dea’h »»f another 3 giHi faifn people Six known causes account lor three-fourth'- of cur farm fii*e* flili* sh-ci red 'Action taken to eliminate hazards incident tr* tiiesr c* :s* s could save the nation 73 million dollars a year The specialist list'd ti>i principal 1 kr-vwn causes uj farm fires as f.-J* it wp lightning. 37 p r rcri, chim neys flues, cupola*, slacks It per tent: prtfOiCum arid .i ; product: : per rent matches smok-ng. 7 pen cent: sparks or roof* 7 pci cent, stove*, filfnacc®, boilers, rue their pipes, *• per cert exposure; a d join in j, other buildings. 3 pen cal f spent.’pc', us ignition. 5 ;** i cert misuse of electricity. 3 pcs cent; friction sparks from running machinery * 2 per cent, hot •hes and cpci cv.i fire* 2 per cent; at) other cause.'. 8 pei cent "Carelessness ir. one ws; a . r>- ■ ■thci i* a tnajot factor m 90 pCr C-nt of all farri! fires.' Ellis declar ed H; added that even the number of frio.v started by lightning enn; tv reduced considerably by aivit.g' proper aitent on to lightning rods.* Principal lightning na/.ards arc un-; i 'elded buildings, and poor ground .iiid poor conduct or.* i n rcn'P <‘. t :iiidings Connections r* ;iv bt t’hfnaged by livestock, equipment, ict or corrosion. The lightning pioteclton system should be In* sj v- led at l</a { one:: a year Kills urged shat farmer* not only rrmwi :omrtiin fire hazards but nl*o *ee that their farms have the fallowing: I An ample supply of rc-wv* vatv-r at leas! 5«0 gallons) v ' I rtt-tessary fire fighting tools, kept ibandy and in go«d order 2. A .-turriy. *;.{< iadiiti long i enough to reach Iht talk *t f.-.u:; j duildint's i 3. Welt-frift-nteirt'd v. 'I iehos leading from the T.ieinvay t«. j the. farm ‘etsiidrp-r I subscribe im \\::: j EFIRD'S DEPARTMEN I STORE '"WHERK PRICES ARE LOW Evans Si. Greenvilla j <Ni mm gsflwnvw imi I--,■!■ w —imiiiwiiu. ii i .in .mi HOME RNTTUI * STORE COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS Carh ox Terms Greenville*. N C. W—i ■—— m——— —l ■ mmmmm * Y#.. %N . "T-'T # " . - JW ..... ' ' V '■-■ Mr Divii Heenlcfsen of Win trrviile is thr srent for the CANOMMAN. and he cheek* parefullv t« srr- that every owe us 111* custesner* get served promptly. Give your news *od preturcs to Mr. Henderson. <t vest you nothing WPS EASTLAND AS RIGHTS HEAD NEW YORK -- Assailing the ap* pctntn uit of Senator James East land <f) Mis* ) a* • haimiiin of the ! S«. Judiciary Sllli-coirnr.ltti'i 3 civii r ytit* ,C. B Baldwin Progrot ••tve I *t> Soi;rotary, this week • wrote Democratic majority hade; St :• Lucas demanding that he use is itiflucnvc to se«- that the Senate ovrrc, in; vie obstacle*, which Mr KkS’i: nd will mo*t certainly erect ! the considCroiton anti pus .-ajft of civil right* legislation" Bald'- 1 in churgvd tha* Eastland j “has unbroken record of oppo sition !'• all efforts to guarani t r equ ■' right.- for Negroes" and ask ed; Ac lift as. majority of voter* who e> corn'd th< civil rights pn r.'innc merits in all Party platforms * '••• *‘pt the Dixie rats to under stand that M>' Eastland's new r' .*;■ ihility is h.s reward for eon :to ; gainst civil right*.’" In recent months fifteen mill'll N'.in Amencon# have suffer' Hu ; ■l'-j" : > < t increased lynching and torn i ;md .i trsurgence of tin d - •' • dat :or;.-. of the Ku Klux Klan.* i 'Co Pr gitfSiVe putty leader r-aio "To Dus injury the Jud clary j Commute* in a Senate controlled . : v tht Democratic Party now addi the insult <•{ a:i anpointment which wii? almo* certainly foredoom te fdU-’H- «.JI efforts to extend and . rforce our const tutionai guaran lit- iti the field of civil liberln i "t 'ridnubtcslly the American peo- I If will i’.’t ,-e misled by tills ,o; * * the Administration They can not he ip but recognize it •<- the ■; owning insult of a r»c<>rd in !: : fist Congress which lnclud' * : rlrfength ning of the filibuster in the Senate, failure to pass- si-;- igle item :n (hi civil right*: pro . Tan. and i fusai t<> enact anti 'segregation provision* in cunntc j tit>i with appropriation tills on : housing j'.d numerous other roe.- sure* ‘When. a recent hearing of tht -i ihc. ,r.v ".hi -fit ’ !;;.( n Pit ot.-.i ; point cut that A Eastland • sv.-s in Congi css as ihc t.ircct :> ;H of the unconstitutibn ,.i limit tiop. nf tito franchise u : Missis* pp: a poll-tax state. I :ic :i. the interest> of the- va.t t-sj' i ity of the people of my *>vt* Southland The Senator fr< M -s';**: ppi i<;*c'tcd to ruy con rritvit with ntentive, thr*' ats nr.d obsetr . Utah r<eently. potato disc, t* were of ora* minor import; in to ; Nisskor. I'-imer-h Now <mi ,• , : < 3‘u -4 tile disease have become sc- severe that many farmers have decided ?• discontinue potato grow- Ai - i AK-OIJN'jAN Saturday, October K JO 49 PERSONALS The Tar River Primitive Baptist j Association ha.« planned to convene I ai Shiloh church on Friday tiefor • , the third .Sunday in October and : continue its meeting through Sun ! d«y ; Miss Hern it e West has returned liortie Hfter v siting her sister ; ' Nt-w York t ity. Troop 1"1 tv! Svraniore 11 i 5 i M B Ohureh wii conduit its yearly an i Adversary pog-ram on Sunday. i*e ! vemher 13. at * e'rlock Ait of fh* troops of tin r-ify a.r> tnvif**d u | attend the pp:'grain whirl! will Is : eondurti-d hy a siv-mal eoimiutt*'* ! whlrh has h'»r: <>iKa.titz.ed for tin | .jeonsion. The eortunltti >• ■'.!>.p.-nep lls Mrs Frank N'orri Oih« r ni‘-. j tiers are Miy I’hfllips Mrs Atkin : sort. Frank Norris. Mrs J S Alex i anilei and Mrs. niivta Hines d i : mother (yitie tValter Uoscoe Whitfield | th* son of S Sgl and Mrs NV H j Whitfield, was hapttrod Sunday, i Septend.H-r 5> at the St Augustine ! Haith'dlr Church try Father rV.c.h • land. J>ater Mrs laruise Hook'r, j Mr*. YVhitflelds mother, wrs th' I hostess at a dinner for the child's ; parents and ot her guest* God pm etits ai the baptism weor Mrs. VV E Flannip«.n of (ins-nville and coin F Johnson of Richmond. V;,. DOVER DOINGS I .—. Sunday was uuarterly mtetinc at i First Huptist The Rev R. J, Johi sion. the pastor, wtia in chargt H« fused for h subjeet Tio-P' s only a lew" derived (rent the seventh chapter Matthew 13.14th verses. Sunday afternoon the att-pn wj.-s delivered '»> the Rev. .’ S Lyons the faster of Lilw-rty Giovi Church. La Grange. N r tie *• itoompguicd by his choir and < on. gpcat ion. Mrs. Minnie T«>animt of Kinstoti sp'iii Friday night with her sister, Mr*. Sallfo Johnston tai i •- Buck Mrs. Mamie ‘ok k. Mr* ifirttii Edward;- - is! h : daughter. Mrs Heitie Harris. leaving Thursday to visit M; Ho ward's dunghior. Mr* Heit ■ 1, u ett who is expi>c.l**d to V adtiiitte'* to Richmond Hospital. NVilliam Henry Think wiio ii - |i*en seriously til at his honii it> Rifthmond was able and wii otieiigh to visit, his rnethor Mr* Alice Dntik of l>t»vcr. Mr and Mrs Jarvis Buck mui Mrs. Georgia Rouse, motored te Kintdon to visit, Mr* Lu/.U- to own who hail been reported Is • . srriousiy ill Th'-v found In ren dition very much improved. Mi's Maitha Bryant and Mr.- fsiiHie .BdinPton's piste- Mrs Min. Tiie KoalTlpr; Exasperat' d wife M w ! .-lire my husband of snoring'’" Doctor "By good hip ic cc ■r - •.rati<»n. kindness, end - I ,iffir*.s.: «>n old sock mto hi> me nth.*' Nc mar. iv- : cl n : it. the :,soe* - jof roicf'Ss with hr hr I'd'- in hi* ; pockets. ■ j Men s Gabardine SUITS HARD FINISH Ail Colors Sizes 34*44 ||f fa ! A REAL BUY -,/A^lf ALTERATIONS i % I t. : FREE Jgj*. —I -' Efird's Dept. Store | Greenville, N. C. (rIINSHOT VICTIM Bl RIED SUNDA\ Funerai " i vi. ... were hi r: t< Harviv Sim ID (Mis who was shot tr death by hi* wife, Mr> hVtvira bin mens. Sunday at 7 W p ffl. He was found with .» X 2 "-n.or* rifle i‘iiHot mat tietow tht* heart «■ his home, i'.tif K Hb im St. The shooting happened It" w"tc an 'Tainted while he was threaten. 1 1; l her with >' ktiif* T« s ' ot.eet her hi* she was force'.! to : him Tin* invest iga'iioi iiidbiUee the t the niaii hud been drit.i knffi w.i- found where S'.mr, fell anii ji was waid 'hat tin n ■ : in tiuige'i to hull. Tie 44-your old woman s«.-:d pk< Lee tiiat she had run into tbs house : mi Blount Street and had :- sf- 1 the nci-een door suit hot hu»lu;>'.d was, attempting to break into the lIOUSe She if" n 'ilegcdly shot hi;.- <■; old i>oiice that eh* was living with her husband. She is local heaiitlcian and runs a tu-icny shop in no- rear of the hout«. ITS \LL OVER NOW ST LOUIS ' ANT' . Thi Old •w: r h< tween Umpire Bill Stewart enfered th« thaws up stepe* lasi ■y • k. with Siew.irt ,stt«jnj v f*T.p tc explain hi* position in the strong tern:- and Robinson rttaiiattr.g : in hk< i hion F'ortun,.UTy (he t\v. . tci* .were it in ech other'.* j resend during im opiniou-pivmg mw-,cnr Still red-faced with ant-' : the iimpir . id afterwards* that Rob irt-on e;: ed him of choking f. iChnkir,:’ .;* means the u)V:j■;; *: * : afraid call one *n thi • • < team i ’ Os i * ! kt* that from *: y - .:ri.” i aged : i ...- " U jurist ■ C n’t hi ' r inri'd it ?o mat.- "..o !he i;Tice me a ftO-aml. but net | that Hi kept putting hi- h<inr. : hir thro; i and yelling th :.g- "I ; ml ’’ New, it \oa think S'e. w,.-: w .* : ane y. yc,; should have heard Rvt irison: “Urtil he had threw:, me *•-. ' cf liu t ! did net say ,M .f! to Sttw "f it he say.* I did h< - b dam! It,: ! gestured at m;- th . ; J spoh 'e Newk and Com . * t I neve: s; ic ,i word to Stow ;.rt' That's what Robinson w„* < ;>t f.d p.s saying. I WH. LILLEY I ( d,■ k s; . .V c f For THE WORLD’S REST PRODUCTS A DV'KHTIS K M K N T S f ALT' N ITERS FANS WITH I YOU ft OWN PHOTOS A iso NV or ki > N etv .* pa i Cv. ><*]:?; ~tt. Pittsburgh < on" - - And t in .ir* IH r. no r <•nr W 'rh; end Ebony Magayiitcs DIAL 4510

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