WKRK KNDI.NG SATCKUAV. QU'I'OIIEK X, TO HEfIRHSYNES TALK ON AFRICA Dr George lidmund H:i; iVs. Consultant n r Africa wit it *) u World's Alli'iiic. of VMCA’ will ‘peak on Africa ui Sh.tw Unix > :• sity in a spei.nl > r h**ld VVednesJuy mono, g, Oi to be. 19. art il o'clock Ui. Havrif-: the- f.nn N. ..m receive a Ph i), uejoec from t.'i > VKi't'ity was tui a r.uriii vi 1 ui v t . . Social Su: nee Proft-xui at t.-.i. University Üb.rriy att.j the first Would War he rved ntvi&i Hssista.'d. t.. the Sc.i'etai ■ ut La bor. Listed 81 lO;. j : 1» s i.; ny i i..- piishmentv the ilm- of liie National Urban Ltcigur- for So* 'a. Service among Nonof?.; of vhi. n he i. u formci Esccutive Secre tary. For a. number of years •>; Haynes has been stfcietaiy -t the Commission on Race Relations f the Federal Council t Churciic.. In that capacity iv S..c dm-ctod the development * t the William ;; Harmon Award toi Di-tn.;; ,1 .he i achieveme- i«ts. v// r V/S /jffifl/jT ( j L Now /oo ecu, y.ve drub. oa,:imiactive gray hair i )■■ j (f" j Th ' '"-l, r.utor oMooL ,g tutor ihat o.akes you : ' II ' ' ' j took ye.ir.gfti Atid youi Lie,ids will for / /( ( J jS L ft -' 7 T-.V.J -tu : hove riic wn that hail caiciasg ij | ,ij i-'tpcf toet at., c■ -y uid as lipstick or rouge, -Ai '—'...if— I sc k, .k , c.ii fce-it.. Color youi hair with l orieuse. ’.vc.-. t rut, c. ; f oi vv j,*: cut ■„ vVvt,.' 1 . . , A L u w .. > \ < . /«'> >•- •• v.e;.. .« ~ , . tl • .. . | v 11 *\rr' ; / tjf- titiOlittOVl HAIR COLORING C-c.atn.ur wtu m - isiooevr it .pt touh % mo mun iidsiii imm urn KUEHMiWIC Aims ill ktCUHIS It j«u have truei various thinvs «ithout gcuitig .MUtsiyint v«- lief from the uerve-ruckhig at'-hes . nd pains of i In omattsin, coni moniy known a- iiearitis. when . tmo.l ;■) . u>.,.u- of the is Vitamins then read ll«i ! You owe if to ?ourself to lr-. HAtiACOI.. YAs HAD.VCOI,, which (supplies the elements yOUI s> .-.ten) m.:y Lit!.. eoulu he the ansv.tr to your problem. ti-aru GuMpoti. Mu» Apiil. ri.!f tv«t V'Ovt f'fteSri't ir.vufiJ, hum hkceum'nfb. \ On: new of 11 L - h COL a.id !f givtftt fUje T'lo i-t.a f*!ifcf fjoud th# etc OnJ p’Ci.i■-- i tti'vi oh » to do o fi/H tkiy » v r. C'-Tnt; work, ’9 l hew uct rv ■ . ro «Jo i.i the jsoif >5 v#or» i f*-*-! M.u* ?h® mttnvNftturttrs oi »u* >«• ..i bo* !u < lbff.«W owev t.iy r.o*Viny iiiui oow I fk-v-l oi'n.i;* >ik* o n«xv ipci.i, - Mr. Colvin Moors. ' f.v- • ilr * IS HASUfiI \ MIBACU I0BA5IHA? No There i ? nothing miraculous about HADACOI-, but tin.i'- the results people get from its uw s-vem ahnos that wfcy Your dcrtoi cai. tell you that a continued lack of the B VUu- Uiint and certain Mineral* hi youl - tem * 111 cause tood.lv disorder* such ck-, JHb| / eased nerves, result!*.*; ' v. j rj ih. •iSnvutx*’ .u'i.v --® c and comnvuii.v ti » k,K '' wn ** nt ‘"' When this dk-t ckn.y Jfc- - -dL 2* ■* disordf: i exists ilu-it h- N|UvJb that will bun# you Tpm. positive relief vy.ee*;.»t ' ih needed Vi land ns tuid Miner, Os course, ter tain types o.f sche-i ami pains may come from ocher causes, and you should sec your doctor icuulfcviy. but don't wait. Start taking: HA‘iJA( OL now KAPACOi. contains no drugs, no oil. no *»«t.recur » —only Mother NaturtA mifcritioi ai elements. Drugs and medi cines i*’.y a relatively unimportant pari In the treatment of any form oi Bbcuviativir. They give only tern po xary relief unci fail to attack the basic CACC?i- v while, healthy and vig otoi.iv blood tv"A surge through your whole body brttigtaff five of Mother Mature‘a B Vihamins and four ot he* important Mineral* to yuui every tfu i (i’twte* a. tliu «a wet* Ify piale*»ion*l .tuodtMi V __ „ _____ flgjrpjic yniyflP DR. ALMAJLLERY NK’.v \rjßic ANl'i - Oi Alma film ; , i.i!, sidPtr, of tile N; iion.d Ac' lovemcr.ts C lubs. Inc , ••■vhicli P'l.-f, ;in , 11.11 conveutjon el Day .Sta: Baidist Cuiueh Vwre Cfctebor n-M was i.otiofed for iter phila:;- dirioju. v/ork aod imscii I. v -unirl- Oi.tiou : to inUnanity ;, ' onl.ly The • union vus a teKtiinci.'al and re a '-iveti by tile t'o.e . Club ~r Pi!tsturei' id tin YWCA :ii that ‘ city. The foiiviei vice pies.dent P the National L 'nvri(.il oi Negro W"> . n ioc tilled olid built 10- Aefii.-venioi.t organization from a suirili l.i ig'ii.-irhoCo uflair to a aa t.ii ui network ■ I 39 branches I. .. llut .t ■ if Belir.eU orille :i l Mie i .i iiafHiiai hoi.ui ii .nem or P.ian.a (Jaiiinu iUiu uv !!i{ 3 i le-iurr'. Vou lisil! I-L it Lni -1! . but lire it’s gOmg Ul 06 '.VUei: you ,.t -1 it r, niijilt'ii-rl L*'<**»» GiiGuifUy , { u f#b.. (¥4'# V, su-'iAief iufffeina »vhn Ki.evr.iothm fer y cad t.’«4d fwariy te'w.'Yit ■ >id withctii b*'<- fct,:. *to. v 'fad to ick# HADACOi and inn pfwwd rapidly It-uu n.y sot /«*.-‘f sow kiuch an in.i.>!*.'• v4Hf’»i«#i • i in R**' *hut L . Rw t!a. tv-J the Now, th.u.iicv ic rtADACOL, ihay ci* h/O'h doi.icj f:• j«f. AH our pu.ifc.s k, HAuACOL c.id its i'COtiCf*- 4. Mrs Dow! Smith. ftuii. bcgoJwsa, Lo H*49 ( war V‘.iif Mr, John W. Carf«r. ik n %. j ium ic to c.fi nervous Kvste-.m. and i'j Ui oi 3'o-r •-•R.-lit tile linsutis and vi.»j ! v.uLji'.y. tlfii'bh y Motiiei Kai- > * ,rc 10 ’ii'i'.dix vr r<-pinr aiiri to even nourish thi- .u : -rw v<*tly and tissav. timt mto Lc ed or sickly ;*■> «. rcM.ot c.t tiie dujtciir/f. y ?t>f vU - niln> bihi Mi*.v:jfal* trial HAD %CC>l. I'ohidiriv 'j he pFop'e \iios. ; hirers app«*»i arc *ns- few ot Die tUou&ands and llioufvui ds that HADACOI. has «) nr.idv bcitcr ,u* J. Mod icings, .and tr^at L "N. dicti’i r.elja th^ni- vl hat they .oailv needed was .< supper of "jc- Vitayiii.:-.; and Mir.efwi- v*in»-i.’ied in HAI3)At(>L. In feet. a i t y per/ttu'i \* ;i-> wrated .0.-j hoped F.ii $ k i R 0 t>". i'a ytui s—casus deer/w-d i aln.t . hoLCie;- .it nuv rule io live happy. f 'jnifdrtabie lives once ag*dn. 1 /‘his iv because HADA.CGJ. a*tacks the ■iioacce of the deiiciency L’e \aii tu youmdf Tetnnorrry rtf tun- in s«ot enough, so try JIAbACOi. today H ADA COL Is easy to take- uleasrant to taste. No mutter where you 'the—no i.iS\ ter tv ho you you ha ve tire i w*:i *; plant f: 1 mal stan’iiieMi: !iiut tin iiddlrioh of Neyiocs lu s! n's. iv'iciv ihoir highest skills would !•>’ utilized WMi’d add :ix blijloi) dollars In lu - nations buy In e power, aia idled tie uc legs ten, a-l the A jut inin ylaiiayt incut aaao-*it«.tioii'n throe-da i p.-i s.miicl I'unl'H'eni'e at tin Mold Wn t-r-rs A .1 Ol'ia I.i. i \\oi i, .toil a K OTJara, v!< c p: : !> ami general ina.uuu'i i.J alary'a tfio worldlan', i if. partmeiit sttuv : made- (ho: siabmoiit Irmn aiaaal 1 I \ 111 I iolll'e " I -mi Clinic Iliuo lin ilia! Iv; m •l a that i lie or To ran'! dalld on li ■ own I'd I and win n lie uui ; m. that, tile he eii'oinai ■' ally unifi lean on the conumuiity. W’c la: l, an on eh.- e muiiuii i! y. x> hell to. | romes a tax and relief burden: lie i hei'i*li".'es tile easiest p> .10 oi: s re v, nidi oi cou• Kujs:h I! ell! uir Mr ti'u-.ia's -011. ; "i: it may ht pointed out th-d ulii> til* lie big musket nil ..ill : tilling mteie- 1 n sard .-mpioymeii f of ec rr.i-.s iir i.ile- rMecUt.Ve i’.i paciiies as imyt ■ taut 'lff T'-.orU. Fordor , , i i Hrack . —dh.riecii-i i ‘s I'iii’d, < dtp eitililp '-i ; \! C i’i: Ui V. !' ue■ 1 isi ’IS Ford. Tudoi , F. I‘;. mou!h, I' ovdoi ■lt ( limtHi'l I’OidOi . , . , ~ id Ruirk I 'ardor l.i 1 uK!oln > I order k uci.N ni l 9 R. M MONDAY 'IM.KU 1 if!DA V Our Ann I to i’ltiti Br.tt.r Why.'- to Si-tvr ' iiu Htalcigh, N. C. Diai U-OSf»l or S 903:t - - -1. -■ - - - - ..^i.-.-.IT a,m--e - - -- ------ - --.-a- sA Y i ’ 1 I, f 1-; C 01:3 iTi (“ n d OA I •fjTAlid !! d p- . .•'•jat - r.-v "" 1 /A* | e I'; .ut e. i .. . J.. " k ‘ ‘ t •' IC C1 . • " * ’’ey. | J'*.- ,• i\ z. C 1 I.\ I ; e..• f.> • » • . ; wvi idtftui ei,«L fc-. tiv ii.:. I i.i r.l .. ; Wm I > ' *-c . / mil ; f -fr ;- Ke i v- a tv An ~ w -it. i. -.it ‘a‘ 0 \ i.a * • } i ... c -it.' ij t a.., 7 j ,9 .f . / IA / . "I jy {, < J d j __ _ r ( ttlotah* ■i dfto srtftcto t-lv iclut t «»•, /apuaiis •-*! fcil* . s^**’-*. itjUsJifcib dfid ocutt g.s:l» .!»!» vil.it: D> cull > t tpdi 10 *• ,-jf v \ <»f faiull > digf.t t«»n .iti ti to pro Mol« 4 lie fit* vi- '..*i Jo 6 }. I \ tile this interim?. @O, \C- / » L.aiuliibi ult p!cu*£U‘!l ' v take • .>■ (ißditpt UI:J eflccfJVC I l them und C L . s< Icj’etl ijlka lii.r, \l % Phi «J* Kif'ftbii ytg )>t'fliwrd K- 1 ui ■ill in«i ti ■ii iiiCti %'£ vhtchti us J hii\. Accept no : übiio jl tb. } our u> ntgn>* has tht fn. finoll •ttttido "y. i ;>’ } / xmtr* wn-wit wwwvwiiiiiaMiiW'TiiwwigM ! ;v fe “9 i um ' fiiiiil :,o j i | »-iw'.n.'» j ' H lllSsSs ii| I RtrMCERATOR i ! ! I ! | C> - t f ' tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmr* -ji || i C ■ j l , 'j LA H«< •’* bifl, co il | Its. * Ouickutii Ytuy l . i Fvll k 1 Jj t sio* iuoae i l|s widfb MyUrolef h»lo» 2 3 |;S. \f*” V: liotlmi •1- plem poundain ® i,T*rlfci » Uiuelt flu’tap. Model VII. 77 A COME IN , ; idain ■»' balance m 24 Mouths « **"*•■, n*. } Mr**** Stephenson ~ , Appliance Co* . cthf j r mo tie ip. troin * * 194.7!) 225 S. Wilmington St. :) VEAIS SCHOOL PLAN STIW. d BV FKAMJ-l Hrulge'.own. Harhadort - .AN)' i Vi on lit j 1111 Fi'emdi minister ,■ f education, di!”'’.!': 'd lu ie reivutiy I hr' lie Pi rn.-ti in vei 'itmiil 1 < olutlyiny i plan lor a t Ijre-.1 ear. id Ural uni progiiHu in Hw rolonial 'on i 1 orh - The prournm .. desiKU ed prim idly to provide for l im 1 tinea! ion of i.dittdreu in French ft, rib i u In hi.; iddir.s- 1 it'l me (hr hid o i.ilmii P.,!gi:e. intidini oi Lyon, lie. ii ini ier pointed oat tli»! In Mar. Unique alone • .'i.iiOn children have l.etn iiuahip to obtain adtnhtaii.'O in ~d!ur:lioli.i eeidet 1111 Cl at S Pkne Uiei f on infant .a'hool /. 111 re uIP III' -I re.'i: is 111 • ll.Tiye of ;..!'i chihirei■ To reinedV die siltitiLoU. a li,."e ■ e.U’ ' b.le;; t ioillu pi a U lad il I'll t:: ' • ' aJ,ioo ‘' e d \\ 'rll ji 1 e. 1 : bits Hie ten i'older. *t> diai' ll' Ihe stall . 1 nr,m a— on it 1 v," thin: pi opordoii. ‘We have : h.n) pi iinury ri'hoo.- li, build Willi In direr ve.n - o’’-' 1 dphiu |.-.o'hiuc P'osis to I'i'eaie he i ahi peiiiting oal tlu.t b.v 1 95<) mil.' one iilili o; Ihe proi': iln would te i ompleied lie added, howu \or tha' Ihf i .•mainUer of Ihe ld,i.)i tnaki s I.no I- mn so: ih! ■'■< !■ aeh.i’tin--ti lutes with Id.iff ■l,l 'V , M.e.ecr' VightlUUld !, 11 ? 11l c. out' rio v. ho led the \V l’t e.vn lemu. hi l.a.d '79o' dfxuL>f«'. j ,) . j i ip!•"' . <2i » . i“tiiis »->'*• ; 1/-.1 in !:•;] )J I l-F.t :!• ' « • . rnuvli*. i i.l t)i* ; } •y-ct’ winniiii? !'ut i'! ( .!tib < i U*. Cla c ‘i A W ’• ! IT'li l.i mFlit si»t« 41C it• < i u ITUi j> J • shai t: -'! )ai»: ej in that loop Hits reason. • Puoi.jo i' a Brooklyn affii.ate. THE CAROLINIAN :■ . »•>—<• ' Wn , * , ■' y .. ' %./ ■■; ■■• •« W ply. - ;< gfe . yy# -u-, , fk x .• > JW* imkmts JTIUCEI; sim;c s •- HcH .toSm* gh, .tixne. is on * tor 61 the ifatt Jhhus..- u C!u»ij\ VV Jti ilt if Wll. \)V U'd m O'.IV. Saw *-1 »i> I hid V tilicm| v «H'r GOOm(\ i uju .•' | rhtusd i v n »};'<*s N >viml.f‘i* V. >■ i >!♦'».*.•«»v Si*l Auilitui UiiM. His C o'4-«-.;' h*s iji tii MiliUO-i, loti; ; ■•/.<•, .'md Concert To Present flail Johnson Choi ? ’; :,. I! ;,iI .11 . .i:'•<).! C'r,. i- •■ filin' .i I!; i !»<• i '■ :.j i .k.T If sr tl'-i. ii. ■ lUfi i i.i Tin.' l.i i- * i■ H'V i!i Os i,i . ■ .'idi-d Vi 1 ;l V:■ T!; •1 d >\li') :. : > '' l.it ", : . ;,1 f ■ ' i-■ f ! Sit, < i' : t (■! t i if,- i ... !: -a , 11 .< .: i.-iitiCf, >1 ni). : i'V ■ ' ■*■ '"ill* P.i iu>f ..1,,! CflFDlTilOft TD (ISSEK!' ANNItEHSfr KO. C, f, (.‘fct-C-ik pn- iii' t>(. ‘.-! ' rub; r it, a! WHO jvti. : ah j ! • 1 • i Wp W io < •■i.i'.f Urn- ti .mi -.li ■. ;n i. hn in i iSUil*.. . Oc;< O' -,V r■ t ajV : Oi!« Ci iff, , ... ,|j 4 ..... !( ( ; grani ill -iCfvj j*. t h h%:'. o. =• K L* I h'..-. • i if, .i..s . riic t j- i.iii'i'.ri : 'i)M }] -V -Vic rhf ». v/lio ..AT n o irum»-iita. :i.i «i;;.! • v.,. .... i W .iK<* «. \.;I:SUM HO IVliitUa.! A.-’T-i! M'li'. it •; :: ; i •••!*• *•, •: • •,!..!• . i . jii- )(i :: Tv' , rei * ci : i too?’ oi liL.i- riaLio,;- .••imly i Was I c-coitOfYi.) ot y'i *" i-ii id, i.i» t- ii i.i ii ; : Svvt *i | A--‘Onl'AC t , M. C;-' .. .■ . ; h 4 arici irdii of iivin;f have tto n ; »:•.. v! t-: li ! i »• : 1i T e.M < C-OiiiVl i‘H .. Tac a ro.nit v i '.'an ( ,i.j>i catu *• W’l'lii ■ m ) t |,v- fi n !K‘V ' CherCr A,Hi in: I J f. - ■ ; \.'h> fin'. h;o. c: .?A \.:O 'OH sh: «' roi'iitj. \VTi t p* of i r.a v'i-if; e . ■ uli ;< .stHhi ■'fiiiii' nip ■ cj feoat,- and : J.n iiir ec«,met with' mifner~-in? ; in Ufust nn.t.-i>.t;-es w Ju.s "it. . ; tn.n* ■■ ft.tl the NOrro m d■■ : n :... u ■ I ifc:r : f ic. M w \ •’. S. A. •' Vi.. n«■>.' oi;<■;!i*>u Hu vvonief i “I c i • jav- ! ! 'll •■!!< llijll tl ; -Cl <;: 0 1 >. ] i'JcT ICC*.*' ih ! ■ ‘hr :■ . that n... .. f'd •' M i l.’iL, *"i‘. ;.•/!; *. • out ,: a>! Mi- ; r<- . ti. ■; ti I'mci ai h io-.■ ' ,to undtee l .'ui ;vity o o->n |aon Id spi-ud biiii'ifiN ( f doUh?.. To i ; *iid he: . ('ioie • L fIpJOO i.iht-H ac s , tile r\ thii.ilc h.) t A'.lit t»: : . •• 1 ! Democracy wits. : flap, '.ot vie*, l !.. lj * n of (lit r-pirit f>« r. "fancy, ! i a, g c. stiff! h I.". I* smt. !■ | I vviii *i on*- i-.ii f t - n-’J f. l ; -■!■ i! "' ; | -udeimvrrrii a :•• f<"«*fl:i tniiu : t!lf C(wi s of .4(1 fi'O'i'fll;*' I- ffi'-if ! .late.. i'iif'l. into .ev '’fit 0.-ißfitrs ( 'ni histim ’1 o*f l > lilk* 3 Httin : vjaSiiic , tin h ..f** •• thii j. :> y ■ jjcopifi f,* sa. Amv- •> ri j ff t i - 1,-ii<-1 .ec Rt h'.-ff f til- (iTfiji.. I ill', **, |.. :u ! s 'fa Ofid 1 Thi* K..‘v M . i "f.'i'l- •• a!-.- 1 i*if■ ; lit ({,'■ hitiptJi' i * ii*f•sa.'i'. 'To- , ! t ?;,i , , i Sht.V. II" VfTMtv Sl BSi RIBF.TODAY ill; ;vvaiais neeau.so tos huv u* am! fhlt i 1 his ('Vm' T ■?< ■ll Iht* \ Sf!;s| oi iht? i.ropU- !n iL.-iU h i'- : aril I lie naoim;, \w .f liu Vv •: t L hi "111 (tii-sTi Iht'ln*. ‘ ttu rflil uft ;uiisn .t! Vv .• deny gx\i- mni (!« h-*oo» It. i;vj i ill i L : iu ) hyj 'O V in> A. : I « Vi n;o nmivy m group I! A i"C>lu!i'.utU •• Vvi,i ai ‘.lt ■; i n: ; ngflU Ts li a tils cum y) f. ik n n oi ganmStio.j m<••*!;?>..' v-; "* A < it. " !!; Uu OOfij’ : :I; 1- < VtOHU I ivl i ff,.' 1 i ill ■! Sdif,.. ■ls • If.'lff ' ‘ • l’s fMI ■ . a. Vi! , a-i'f.f.ii ra.li: !Vi! f 1T.,: .'. La Wii jJ j, J . .;! { ( i .' I . f ... ». , . ~ . i n.n ' v#f . )'\\, .it.i*ih s ‘vt eld ;j c f- T1 b i •11 • . •!; \l} - « ■. t ..j' . Slil - /T>^--± .. \ < Ca"" • )§%! \ Cs& n - :-%4 'WtiC' 1 sr (0 ■ ,1-■:: .«$&»& lyf V ) / -■'■ :- ¥.* “■- ; ■•■ .. -' msr , - 1 jh-cr '; <."; •-■ ■ v ' f ,r v :P, Golden brown loaves fresh .from !hft oven aie cooled in a loom whs: f 1 only washed air h per mitted Made perfect, tfv&y are kept perfect until they rfecKfh your fable, I P HHAD 9lmr mio £ ' j fcfC&MS BREAD iinuiib roinis I'T’l! I'TSY CROI P ’.'li if Sign I ST • In fil*. Tv i i .( i'/v dr:;', iif-M! in Uii, i.i'u.n/i", iiio. ’ i... • i»m ii -tii • i;jiilt'io v ■ lnndi it-,. .. 'if ' ■'.•vuu..', .> s- mi/. -.i hi Mi" VViiidv »..'i!y \i>ji; s»., d ).>)' flit- ! 111 >.* 11 • f ;>• nil, .1 ' v li ..I -U" l Ilf I lit' :>,ill .It .Ml-- f 1 till > i - iii ,i!,iu..i .tv >i: fund rainluf p,- ■ • ('lain iv 1 til ummal ft i lii- Ru.it Hmvi li.'illi urjti, '.l's i'd.i', an iii (;*• •■ It i' ll rni- Iff fli, ,I. iff |)f i,: ;iin all I i!ln a ay <*ii!.. Iti li" niinfi a -,| lw sI, Poll! If .••nil.. I nil iff I'.sUlil! il I' . .I—i*. l »A. l ni. .t-^ll., I*r7-|.-Mii ■ r«I ii ii 11 iI V * n it Money When You Need It Mucky WHEN YOU NEED IT. !:('.* i ■ C \ I .IT' 1 i !■; ('ll; A Lu'!' ON 11 . Y\ ini !* Y Oil* ( nil R VA! i CAR! i *-. .!•;! i,(, \c;; o\' : .1 lnV\ i I.!; Y 111,. .AO!: HAND IN: i'ui MOVI 0 • Ci'ORTC OOi‘Lin i In » ill IN 0 OAMORAa PEL!ABLE LOAN CO. .107 3. WILMINGTON ST. 5-.'— »n —r' - '— iTirMiiiiflfflir”‘^' J TintfTlKiiiH>l \ On / nod I /.mi i K ft-pS 1 hem tenliuy f-il ' .. . n' ' ‘ ti n.l, ...!.I. .1 : „.J( '. '• i . •A / ” i tiflJrrat iviyr.* Al nuf* tfXtsC* w i'& j \y k- unj -»!>uU»j>uic j * »' ojff t 1- honlr, (V«i jy %* y j X ' fwAIA-JU ..... v-.,.. . -1. **.!:*!rwm.aafr.. . * fWtXf m. 'JMU*,, > . « WASH ANY DAY! I Vi!*.. Monday A W.n: h l»ay VVhnn .' 1 1■ ■ vi ifn.fii. Mala* Any Uay An Ea n i miln Day. USE OUR I QUICKER . . EASIER . . CHEAPER I iUN f JACKSON Laundromat 411 S. Biooiiwmth Stifel PAGE THREE A ill bf. n'.iin.i to fUlabllsh a oli. for Hi tc* atmrtut of tijiilfptloi i\l> , Ueivilmti vCaftiwley in pro