WEEK FATiTNC. (M I'OBRK 8 FSTGRTRTR PRESENT l,OII(!»S MM - sotTTi- ol El*** delegate.-; of Uk* Masons thrill ers. t.adies ui Bit Order of f■•*''' ♦ ill Star and Daughter*- ol Isis | 1M( fttST KNOWN . A l KAMI IN Ott. HOT. / fjto-.Tfw# j WO KtUl’MfMt I AUTOMATIC OS j §|*' ‘S& MAKUAi COS iSOI Ik. !|<. HOOP FUKHA Cl “i*" All Us for l-.: a I | LAiCtAiCtoii and Qemo^ifnjy^* COMPLEI E Amkiance Co. 1205 Hillsboro St.. Phones 2 4515 2-245.1 Guaranteed K' I'v.i i- w Any Elect rh ui Api'Caie'e —wtnr I" USED CARS i '4B Foid Tudor *'• ,d < ,is " ! ' ~ d I aH r..i d '■ a? . 4u Liucom 46 Piyu>i»ulh Ford..i .u; !.-mil; ('..r.>« .mvie 41 Po» CMC Tudo; 4-, ?4i rcu> : u •48 Buick Com cs lib is 4IS Olds 1 ■ '4l Ford Fordor ; ,Ntvi ‘ n> :-■! ‘mV R>> ris 46 Ford Tudor , i; ,, j• . i; y p jyj '47 M<-nu:\ Club Coupe 3«23 Hiii-bor, >.» HARMON MOTOR COMPANY SIS FayeteviH* St. Dial 3-5454 rnmimniiim iiinriiTiiimr inrii' ami raitrnrrrrrm rntr •nii~iimf»riiiii —ittt--r-mr j --- - ■ *“ ,m '“ “ "* ”” •*- ——- ! JUST RECEIVED BRASS FIRE DOGS FENDERS-FIRE SETS COAL SCUTTLES IRON FIRE DOGS SHOVEL and TONGS PRICES ARE LOWER S. M. YOUNG i3O E. MARTIN ST. DIAL 7121 DELICIOUS . . . >v. delightful / . P O ) ***& ~U “'"T who met in a grand session ib Hell nit la-t w eek. In tin front nm are «f fit-era of the Stipreim Council with Mayor Eugeni Van Anlirri |i They are left tit r 114!'• J. I VJisi nlieimer unit facini; the i.amet aj grand stand Maid liearei ; l)r. H. I. Bui rows, guild 1. liaii ci-llnr, Koiniui V Mel tine/., (lt|tu tv gran dcoiniuander; In Pit* pattiik, grand conmiandei May er Van Antwerp, George I .tilli;i-■. iinuiiiaiiilt-i el uie i.ouisiana Siipn-mi Council, linli pendent Jin istiiefe. ii and tin Kev !I h HiinUnl- llrahnam fiaml elian et’lor ‘AM" ASK N< L ISH C.AHON Dm. ro HALT BIAS NEW YORK the New \ i.rk Stale Department id t- tl•• uevjtion has been asked hv the National Association lor the Advancement ol colored f*e<- pic to end segiegatiou .-t N* gro ‘children in the public schools of Hempstad. I.on. Ss land I nliowing filing **l the aj* peal last w eek. Negro jrii cuts ■ «-*,-• lIH-ir rnildi * » hack to w bi'li) (.elliiinr the outcome of tin 11 |l* Dtom to tile state ey I lilmv of the Hemp le.Mt msart! el riiuialioti i>» liliei/rat* N* s*o pupils pi'ei fiitateri a strike at the opt-mng «t the M-hooi term P;-oduelicn of c rucks Norli tVi. !ti 1:1 for the first eisiit month' nigh if 4 ; .!(•;; . *,H ;u e< •: lie Debutante Bail Plans Complete The Debut.mb Bull .St* ei big ( oriini e of Ai.-.i ■- Th* Umi a CiiOUtCj .•! ij;<- Al, ill Ji Kill Ip: 1 Alpi.e set,! it y :.tr! :et i wily ; ; tile UWoC *.r All ■ ' : i if V P, fry til.- ■1 - no ol IT skills, final ph.it!;. hu the a; 1 ■ 1 : I ' OP. .-two v 1 s e : • aaiit-a I;* : M-ii.iy ofi Noven’i)* 1 ! if.* ,1 tips tii.ii* igi: .a* nu riui nlitoi To.. V- .; . Bill I pfOm 'Se‘7 if') be eat- i I •; 1 e lo'S.I el.tbn; ate e\ > r ■*..; v<! by i.;c •o 01 its Girls *ep rt; e.r.i'nj/ . \'. •. n dUlei ens cities nh:! town: In Pastern North C•• o'ui.i will netki then bow to S» siPniLea ; 1 the Sorority are.; i o ' *■';'* e r Debu *tjn u ■ s ave mok \ > & ; j) h ■" *<) i ■ 1 V:0 k-» i\ d C* J, ?OC J i It f . >v it-ii U'»o bsiir Men'ibe: > of ihf t‘ ot'od- ’v' tii' •-! • td-.f • 1 f-« »r V . • lil'M ; . - fo.ii.i.iitf Mrs ; * V l>< y : i <j'ChiiiDiuit.i C’-'inmiUef-• •VIV: J'r, f.-t- Ui'iiX, ' P':*Kiun; f/oir vrMU c : •. Harhej M«;CaMt.y. eisasrman, U/>u. i n 4 toil'JOHsoo: Mi':. iVo rllia W. \\ ; hw\- i - r.r-OSUU f Mi;,. \ B Lilt lit. Es V if:ii iu!i:; i \>! iVI Him: .Vi i; iistrUli:. JUViUltioiiS ! Cnnoriitu-I , Hejep in iffy En- I ••-.eks tt. Kut- 1 fronint r.t Can uilt 'A. I • ~,‘f ■( .op,on A’i Jli .ir till ■ Dee r.l“ K ! ola.e. in! W Batil }i ST ! eel ‘..0, ;'v! ■ , : l !.* -• a! i. and VI 1‘ ■<! t. AC. • ihe■ ,i ;S !•: | j j Sis is ! Amii ■' J-ooiean, Ms and Aha- .kin.gi.n Ifcili Nn.ithtietd SU • i; !>** ; Moult) Pa Mrs. Edit a MottUi *, 7.'ai r■ 1 '-te ev i ‘ St i.a, < . \S SS 1 . s■ - ; Miw. .AS > VViS an!- 711 Tv 1 osy Je.'*o.(Uii- Fiedvi- Mj- on*:! Mas Si urge..;, fields. h<*2 *S"or!in Pa i,.tia W .'kea Mr. ..an Mis. Is.v c iVaikar, 4H vV Edent'.ii St. Ji !,eil; Smith Mr -a i Mr* .7-•* rt Smith Sf.da H -ran : Mamie jas ! lire, Mi . and Mas 2Mi;t Joy. w: . i tH * liatfti on Hep .cCU Uc ! .IIP Mrs. this;. IJt iieie. SIB ft Co • ban u.- S'- . l.' S-. v-ce Buu-ii, IVD and j Via: Kicinii''.' ia ■ ti, l■Aa in a S'. ".'ledl e.l VicNi Ah .mi Mi’s. ! Mansfield Mc-Ntil. 724 S Blood v j.’ th St., Btassie Me ' ji. VI ■ arm Mrs I, l, Mt.-Neil. iMtna [lciniaii St . ( nonf I‘iefjj':<- *-*' '.Tin Mi a.at j Min H. C PC-vriii. EL; noil Sin M,.i !<■:io.S Saneif!. .'li a:d Vina Saner.* i, S. 1107 S liio.id wiwU.. Street, Inez Vandi ns'inif, 15 Oh a* Tta race Poaii \V.' •' *n Mr. arid MVs is At. "WUr.tnv. Bt*ti Massy St; Fula R ddick. Mt. and Mrs i Siddielt. 22 W V/. w: Stn-et; K.- tiieia Alien Mr and Mrs Fi-od Alien. 221 k Vandyke fvi on:, !*'*:::iii. Cheek Mr and .vns G. t, Citeek 1014 Smithfieid Street it.eiii PI H.Mr. a.-a.; Mrs. K li.tvi.a. ilendersor). N C Joy. ■ K iTisetie Mr a Pvt M;S W. R Privet!*: 'Hertford, N Arnett-'- (J : fiy Mr. find Mm Chlford G*;. dy. Mount Olive. N. C.; Nettu TV...; - ! Tv*re Haw and Mrs. N. A. Trie.., Valin;.' N Ca t'is Moor •• 'hi Berth;. M•<>; e Mr pi - .-] Mr;. ’*. •. ,vile, re Rich .'hr- ... N. C 1) ~!i, . ,V! 1 a.a i'! VI: am! Mr*- Cl vdi I 'ov. . it ala I a.i a.,. , n N t lam C at! A’.- in. !.;u pi. . i V\ '11;.'.'., C C. Ruth a : a*i M) I -lancllt A Hen * lei.- ti- > :\ : c Myrtle 'J'ueker. Mr. :-l a .. i .1.. 1 aa - I. U( !■ : t ). ,1) I in;,!.; 'la. j r I' V. lie- Aii-'-n. Mias Many' c .il •: I.iliiicJiui., N. (’ : Sarah E ,\]i .tii'.i Kli- London ?v'J I.' I.a ;i. i . i;iU*‘t O )i. IS’. f' , Ni) tfc? A lies; A and Mis h'oialt Alien Ltliidgi'.*!' N C. U-.a-othj Mc- Douy.tUd Mr and Mi Luther Me lt c.ka’.d Lillingteii N. C.. Vivian Ca.rwcoi., :VJ i. and Mrs. a dines 1.. ■ tafnei-o;';. ,J at-i Heights. S'u -3:: - j N. C, Dora V. Alston. Mr. ami ,>!..jCisi A Ist- ... 1-1 ai-kiul,; n. M. C Patty pi: " amaif. Mias. Rc.,-a E, a iCii;-,; p N C Mn >, Path* , As; :> Did ham, VC «.)• N C. » , TO SIT rn »V I,M«IN Miss ,V«ar. In Bruw u «11».. tor of Jiiih.n lii-alth mirstiir .mil as ' i.ciat. j.: "11 ■ at <ll liiii lie r.i.j r-ltuai ~l V!i .daily VI; liirai col !» .•«- vs is avvartied a ..■iiv!i.v,ii- Vvt-lllh lUlili S t< Slow siilj) ill (-1(1 !y tor study m fHiopf. .Miss Krown will saii on the Qurt-ti 1 ! li/.i..> tii Sept :f for .< year's : tufiy on the. s*H-':»i aspects of the tnciiic;,! rare program in Great Britain under the Uitctor ol the f.ondon School a! Hygiene and Tl Up..... ..Medic im-, si,, w:■ up poinded recently a member ol the Basil Non ( ollegialc Itoard , ol Kfvi. i.s ion Un Nation .1 Nuisii i Aecrediiing service ui New toi k * ity • | MCod im.* : of the Pan - Civ ' ".If.; V de Cl ::tipO;l;> dip till: 11 il: !:■'.! ii. 1 Brooklyn or an: -.t.-.m. !:. io-d ■.|- v 109-7» 'U a alii! -t ree.ird ..«•:> La st in • Un- ’.2-yv.‘in he,rwy oj tiir rlvib. i - ... i The Hro'.niyh Dodger.: fuiishea , th"ii I; piiets FT. i J campsugriing i i.hi.- -. >n with ,i 41!- 2t> wo* arid i !• ft 'ui at ia>n..." - i>2B pew ,c: 1. w I ' >f- Brook - v.-or, 85, bed '.V a! h,rn- iii ii.v! gm -upp-eU J 3, Cil'v! •-■o <| dab Ebb.-ts Field , lights ! ATKVU' N r OF THE OWNER-, M'illP MANAGEMENT, CIKCULA- ’ Tit.Cs, ETC '■! THE CAROLINIAN : 1 Pi'bl.shed wei-kly at Raleigh, \. j required »> the Art.- of Congre&l j • 1 A.igukt 24. 1912. .'Hid March M, ; 1 jiKDT, | r;,*en:<. • 1 of Tw-elve j»!onti;s, ‘ Kh'.n'iig O tob- . 1, 1949. 7in mu v aid jddiess of the : piii.-ti.shcr editor, manffelng editor. ■ bu-ane imma/'T is: P R,; , ,’en ay o; Raleigh. N. C ' own. r ,f The C . rol.Pub- j !i is o'rig P unfiari.v Hale: •.: <. N O.; * I R Jew, ay, Raleigh, N t . Known bondholders murlgames: I .aid olhi.r security holder's, holding j j one percent in more of total ! amount of bonds, mortgages, or I othei ect.i itie;.: None Average number of copies of each I is: ue of this publication sold Os j j i.’i-'tr'tinted thromfh Uie mails oi , utherv/ise. to PAID SUBSCtUB ! KRS during tin twit-ve rnuuths pre j eerdirif the date shown above is; j .SHOO. j 'Signed: P. R. Jervky Publisher Sworn !./ and ibscrited before rne this sth day of Oetabt ;, 19*49 *,Signed* Charles K. Frazier, Notary Public TIDE CAROLINIAN Job Bias Case is Set For Hearing New York Following protect l;,v iht National Association for the Advancement of Colored People .ivi'ii! u ft lengthy postponement of the public hearing on charges of violation of the Ives-Quinn law, by the George 11. Filial Corpot afiou. the New York State Commission tgainst Discrimination today an iioiuiccd that the lieu ring will be Itehl on October 31. The healing, the first public r.e.. si on to he scheduled by the Coin, mission, wa: orieiiiaHy set for <)■"- loher t. The company nought post poneirient. until November H. Mrs. Marian Wynn Perry on be half ot the NAACP filed a protest, pointing out that the case was ai. lend..' / year old. SCAD granted an extension of time until October SI. The case involves ehaigts of Walter Taunts that he wa.s dis charged by t i;> PI tun ('orporatiot la cause he protested acainnf 'ho ■ ■urn pony's dfsi riniinatorv emplny no ut practices lannis further charged that 1. ■ 'vat; tl reatened with physie.nl vin 1, . , br by Cornelius Cuiinini,luim, Hiidson Beik Company Store Hours 9:30 ft util Hudson-Belk’s Exclusive Sale All Wool SKIRTS ' / \ M / M i / n ,JJ 1 jjj! , r s i * 4 Straight cut, 4-gored skirts . « , expertly tailored as only Handmacher can, # Many popular all wool fabrics including S GABARDINE CREPE / FLANNEL NOVELTY WEAVE ✓ COVERT 'p. \i # All stunning fall colors in f SOLIDS HERRINGBONE / CHECKS STRIPES / SHEPHERD CHECKS Sports Shoppe Second Floor of’ l &shitm , r rZ/m/wi -csesi X ••EASTfftN CAftOtlNA'S LARGEST" company foreman. The company is engaged in tin- Const ruction of tile Brooklyn, linttet■>' Tunnel connect ing Brooklyn and .Vlanhatta u. Ales Perry who represented the complainant during the prellmtn ary proceedings, will replevin! him i.n behalf of the NAACP at the Commission's first public nearing BIAS IS DISEASE I.I.AIMS SPEAKER BOSTON, Mesa. 'AND -- Tne clearest and nest cc.mplote analysis of this business of ‘’race prejudice is cerPained in the September 21 issue of Z-ons Herald, weekly 0.- gun of the Boston Wesleyan asso ciation The anaylsis is dune by H. it Kleozt ( i eti red staff member of the pi-ai-;i . f Education in Nastr vii 1 *.-. under the heading ‘ "P o'l- Pre.iudii'i It: Nature and Cure Alter hcbiitne tin world pr> la in e, in ■■ initiori mure. :c, ufl" d i tiHlde Oi i»j ‘< bus tuned on insut licnoit evidence incomplete know- Special Sale Pi ice . MADE FROM THE SAME FABRICS USED IN HANDMACHER SUITS COSTING $50.00465,00 AND WITH THE SAME FINE TAILORING Famous tailors of Handmacher suits had short length yardage left after making their popular suits . . , not. enough was left to make ‘ suits, but plenty to make suits, but plenty to make an exceptional fashion skirts, See the Handmacher label . . . a label that means an expert tailoring . . . typical of the highest ■ in style. Sizes 9-18. ledge Incorrect nforrnetion, f.,v 11 as -r/lng. tnllacioii uniptr.in outworn tradition, rumor suspirib’/ gi mindless tear ' Itlean/.er hau tins to say: “To understand and deal with it elt’eet. vt-ly we need to take ai • count c.f three fundamental facts about its nature and cure “The first of these is the fact that race prejudice is not inherent •ve are not. born with it. We ac quit! ii we •catch' !: Horn in>- cond-tions >nto which we are born slid the ..fcopie wliu surround u "Secondly, race prejudice is ac-i an air plant, growing out of noth ing It is always rooted in some thin) Petit ceit to he real. I*- on are unsound, to be sure that ts wtiut .makes it prejudice; iieveiihe !c-,s, they an always inert. “Finally prejudic is much more a mistorturie than it i: a vice For the most pait. people arc i prejudiced not because they are mean but bcause they are mss-1 I lading " W, B. HILL SLECEEDS OTIS 11N ALA. At,. POST TUSKaGEK INSTITUTE 'ANPi ; Tin- dll i ctnr of Extemoun Si: >.)>.- if the Alabama Polytechnic iia* niaairiccd tin appi intment of W. H Hill as s.fliti- leader It r ex tension Sr- 'fk v/dh ;m n. Ala PAGE FIVE cam a H'll, who took office Oc'-- 1, m.Ka cd- Dr. .f lb (ilia who re signed in September to accept the pn-.-mei.-cy .-.f Alcorn College in Mississippi Hill a issi gi actuate at Tuske gcr, taught agriculture at Arkansas A M and N. College in Pme Bluff and Trirnty High Scitfol. Athens, Aia. Since 19C5 he has been in the Extension Service of the State or Alabama. He received lus M. S degree a: Cornell University last spring MINISTER HELD FOR MANSLAUGHTER IN FATAL ALTO CRASH Pensacola, Fla. (AMD The Hev J L. Anderson of Pensacola j: being held on a charge of invo! ti nta i y manslaughter resulting tiom an accident at (hover. Va He struck a (ruck driven by .lohn Kurh of Charlotte. N. C. causing liui drive! to be killed. The Rev Anderson was driving the (a:- of the Kev. .1 S. Town send to Pensacola who was pas : engei win 0 be bit the limit wheel of tin truck -auMng it to i rash, through a radioed hndgs vailing on to the Hacks of the bmithiTU railway below 'Hie Muck i atifdit tire. V / f/M ■fM I Ml ' f : ■;5 ;mf ' i fi X l | 1 ■ / , \ / t j*

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