WEEK END PA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1949 SHAW DOWNS ST. AUG. 20-0 IN CITY CLASSIC SATCHEL MAY FACE OPERATION i,:. , v.d"bM ' 36-0 WIN OVER DUNBAR SCHOOL \V :iiii ;ion lr i . IV l. :*;•• Blue.- .1.1 ' ■ !! .! ! I< x; el. n's Di' • Hi' I! h ii . Frida-. :'ipht a : h -.<■ ■;i <>. c< ti■ ■ ■ ; 'o» i hi (i-i. I>'. ii' i -i" ■!. !'■-'. i la fit. ...rked i!i :u u.on fi;c l.he };.■ i ' r. wmi '1)1' fvr hJH iol’l'.i . tIT 1 u f>2 ('Oii)ts in C■> ij iv. u , 'aiTU-- ■' "u--, P i li.' <>;• p: ■ ■•!' ini The Hines slurU d FV id.iy idvht’s sc tb bv Riuicii ci i’ the li ’1 fin- 30 yard.- Lorn 'i ■ ! ngtnn 4;. in iii •iv >■* in ■ .i i, f>. I. ii ’( he secT.vi m ww- > ' •(] :: OIV, -ht 1 • y. 11 f; r Thory-c • o '• • • pi r- Til<* ri'iAU ■ -!,;•(>' I ; !?, "•! }? V ff ‘ l l XV • V fv i- (\ tht ki.thp- c • .he 34 v.iT'd line f- i <» •.<*\jchdt '. p i.l the cud of til • Dunr.y too p xt o ■* wa; TV’-". . , >if rt th> h" - •" ■ ':' Lincoln Lions 0*1"? A 11 * f , I Ji IsJ ll 11 -? a -I <r> College i4~xa \ ‘ . - ' •«; I ■ tr> ’ M adiilsn a.r IX< RESERVE. BLENDE® gifjpw^E^ P int ! $3.40 1 i tftr itroijr.' Ifhislsyi i* ttin pextud ere S | (»wi w mera oiA Sfrcin%f VVIn-en. w% . (■am Kautroi Spirits, 6a.g pmai j j Liu*, c-ok. ru-•ti* run «, smu mm mussrn m&m. wmm mmm h*m fa 100 ■ ;;S 'Sflfev P-r»> . ,«''" v ' ; -- 9 KiS5Si!«‘ ,81 l mm a" ; *i-v ■■'‘i?-.-/. MBS M PI 1 I 1 iv..v.-n o', ill! i.exi i.'kiy. If. , : 1 till’ i 11 11 !).vs Cl’lr.- ■1 ■ Uh Lit; ii HI .ii': :viv; .it l- V v:■ ■ >A VI cut ... the fifth • 11 V! cl til-0 <Vl.Ming. A mV li i !‘pc ' 1 lli.'.‘ijc ptiull 111 I) 1 r j.v on til'' 37 yard in n : .... ul:cd m> th sixth touchdown itt 1 :<.■ \ . d run. ii, 1 , ii!' 1 tor Have and I T. 1 roll twins, w re oc.t.'tui'.din,' on till* j'-’.lne dotin'"'. C«>'H!: Wii .i.jins s< t .1:' .1’ IV. l. ; ,■ |.,, pjij ih s ;• d lor !'r - i _ilt v in- 'Mill Wiliislon in, h ■ . V. ;■ ■ 1. Lotn-.ii' si r-mniage. aimed at - , :* 1 I ill. : 1 ; "I It »•*:•«• ■" Cl,i V, -I'.'k ’ll ■ i ff- :t 1". ..Mi vi ■■ 1 pi. ce-kid:■ it *• -.1, ■ L'-t tv in..rked ih e It. l'i. ; !■' -• :• '■'! - nicf. ih u i.:;ut's ' .ve 11'tied '. p i:!i yards to 1 ,•; -li' ?.!, h.'ii•. are:- . _ :t i « '"g 1! );i.u A S M ■ ... •., •)..• !! , , , •.xiv - k I 4 (J ;: .‘7;n Ms T.flO t .■ i■ ■■ 3 h,- llh i- ki, U,:,y es u. *->‘\ 'r***--- j f.vr.f • t)n :;:]urhl:*:», f. tllo’.v r t np I; is an .i in a. r> rtO*'tn<u:< * i ! vyeck t*:* :* ' '.ally v. •.it <b,o hall t‘:G > • -■ iDm,scorin'' nai*. ;y »i; •. <)V: MMurt-r xcTmmi lAn . : . ' :>• :v d 7 (i. 1 < * li. . i !•' fmnb-in- <iv. fu r own !J> ya ra n arkc r a) 7 a STM j i ; 7 ■. alu •:*. os i , ;. ■ .... \l*’TL r ill! ! nxDiv.i-.J ;|* j* ■ I ■ i'o" • via I)' IT.is x J • ' heiii av" mix an' .ii'-- a* tune and th; s*s-m«l hn 1 : ■ i,, * with AilxrigTil heint- se; !>.■ ,;n a 1« ,1 .'.I lictdi-v* pei.alfy • i.. .i": fov-cd t.. p'ir.i. The ki went . a. (1 :. :i lie 32. mni .. r ,1. o>, two line tun k-s 1;..,,v ;..,,v floxvaril Tlioim A i. . • !i,« to mi j o.; if t, r'ltl VC. rt \ .iT dish -u u "ex j r of! tn-'kl*- vi; the :'>•:•» Lim'd’:; ■ - Ti;,"rx ■'.■o f!:emi'T s'cl" . • .1 «1, ile ut'rghts. X it. o!o lUTuiri ho V ahead earl. ...... ■ ..in;ij,ivr xvtn 11 i . 1., j » , el v II.: fJI • • do) C K,. will* eaughl two 'U" <» si , rt‘ i for V vnriis ta , )- for 2 yards n> Hw 1,7 7 ‘>;m vow and Kn.i <• Mi-! Ah: a fUS d"Wn un :h. L;u. ..j, ; :) ,-,i; the UCXt i I "MU' .. ... j v : ,oi 1.. aught n piiaSe si . ij,.. or, In l-rol ilohii ,-ide r '! ■ ■■ . ■■♦ J*£u**' iV 7 ; x»^imTiON BANANA V ;IA I Pint $2.20 ; ■& ~ y** 1 t v m wtw « 4>fr« CLEVELAND AGE SENT HOME DOE TO OLD AILMENT iit MiKVO.V JAKKK.TT !<‘r \M ...itvhi I Pniui' otu' of ,i’ 1 most i a billons nnrjiid p<‘if iriners f our nine is iil A scrim'.' stomach ! c nciitic n cni-ed the C! r \'C'lond Ir.-. d!.•!!> iron! cfiict I.) «i\ i' him pel • • 1- ti ’ 1 diseontimu' Uii.setn l: no- ' tort the ' <>lfirally . nded. I ; ikc fi.'i ni>) make til.- flip t 'l • • l i '. .i t i ;,'ui i.- helievea ' •11 " taking .i rest" ” Ki'usi.s ( 'V. ',vl’.“tv tie t "al.lisiu',l red- : ii, nee seven-i ye r.. Clue nunn ■' • Oil • -I'd i u'i pen >n iU ■ • tin i,.:.; die :>,lch '.'.a.-. still j ' e.'t'd with gall and may vc !<• nrider.:-') ,ai o, i’l at ini Iv - e re iv \' :H he ready to play n »r --i'am/.t’ii ball igmc. At the 1 nd of Paige's first season • iii major league ball, he was it--- ; sum ten!;. ndvised i i have his 'st n. s' removed !l->wve during t.:i Inst half m rho UM9 sc.iso!: the ageless wit appeared to lm in good fa n .stones and all. \s a reieii hurli'i. in sav’d several game- f. : T '.c'., Fv'if i and Rf.l) I.c-mon Prou :U;l.y his oiitslandni." perlininance v s agai. ■■! the Chicago white Sox ir Ci • land, wv.cn he went l 1 I mines to t■'K‘• the night cap f twin trill Th act: 1 “. 1 age r.f the forme.'j Kis : ..- i t\ .Moii.ii cits virtuose i IMS', never be know;': to i.h;> public, mil .i s: o( said con iderahio . ;,cetj.;icy d :t he has shown brii ia iit'y egaiMs; youi! ;ei men Hr si :ii"i• runs average ranked hvo ' iumilhv ! -ir an; tig the Cleveland j : I I '0 OH if This aria;!'? ; . n.-t a- ciliuny. 1 : h* 1 " if the ' iil 'lguros on tn• 4 -ti t.. -u'i a n j n wt in nil I''; !■ •. Vi* *,;> 70 h*.u, slnirkoct 54. *■ :Ak- ; •; X> to -.masis cin ".trn.d-nuc ,Tn-i in r-JSt- we'w s ih- ?utj : i ?rc > f Tntlonian pitrh hi:- last : -nm \ It t the records i ! ah- ih * hv’ ’ arnused both prifL t h j;iy i :\ ( { n v r '1 cg n h• > v. hc*; •.*. !"{ t; uusti!'* tw c r hua ’ * " d !f e ] R - •<)<*’ f» 'CC l'i , s ‘ r suDt*i r-.;re pnii*.sopiii,. ‘ i v- ‘ o hmvo lit:'Tilled b«ic<-halt )*’<•-. >\v. px'i * \\ 8. th,.ta*, no t v- hT . fi :r. an. How could sec bar n h - ? ?-fi days and net anger a’ ‘ ■ ’nv • ) us. - i* *he your-.; 1 s-'n iorati'-a;. kru.ix but one president n; v i. f) Rt' .sm'li - and o < ; ■-v t . T -or. Satchel Pag. - ’ . V 1 ' ri r Pi ‘ j.thn .a bin* . is h( was. -nnd never stop think v- : ;•.. mi in n.iv, I *..• WHO THEY PUT MM WFKK’S (iAMPS Southern at Sam Houston !.< Hrvnc .it Ala. State (Oct, 7i <;ranuh!ina at Marshall Shaw at Yiruiraa State L.ieg'ton at laneotn M«, .. Bishop at ioaxs State (Oct 7'. Matr- ton at A. and S'. Philander Smith at Aleoi i> (in'.'Hvillf , ants./ * nooln l*a. at Delaware Stati Dillard at Toujaloo H-ward at \’ir-lnia Union tla X. a-nl >1 a» fort Valley Muryland State At St. Paul's J < Smith it St Augustine s N < . t "ih ce at Mny in tu-i.egee at Wilberfotee An timer 7 in t’llicajO) ( unphell ai Jackson I igie.lp .real fin-- M.ircanii a-i .e mi- -it ti.- te» fm extra point 4 ' k . ill ptfiy m jTu* y. t iv.n: *i : : v..,| imnw*diaio)> when itei-m •. : ihlih-v l>i iiught, file effiwd 1 a ;i . rr' < .. hriliian! 7H ynvd drsh m ttie middle of the fn id. :• ! ■ tori i*> :• him hle.-K thrown fu ; J<■• •i. ■< 1 ik.wi.id Thomas, w- • <,vei Jin- live -in Tiding up. T i"; i! • >«>iii I;f11' ’hi' i iiiiversiori m ;)j lira! .a' ore of Ihe ire nr Oal'trTutini. |>. lOe'inisii. wa r tiiniii] in for Albright L. iheit i -lettnr hail Lack. J.din Ki'r'ies. who spni'kdi hn team tliroughut tin ■ tann; Dill Krohto, who tore through LincolnV line for 4u ranlf ; in five siicessive iries. and Ai I Hanile:-, who heaved the passes I which kept the I.incnln rotH.ecs on i edge throughout the game The \! bright line was especially firm j forcing Lincoln in take < the air : and to fry slipping around t h< i ends. StnrK of the game fr.m the I .in coll) viewpoint were Reginald t'ul le\. who ran the 76 yard kickoff ' return fn;- paydirt; Howe".! Thom , as. who "lipped off fpbkle for (Iv : first I.ineotu ronchdowii. u.nd wI ii:-e hviliinift hlocking piivcd ili«• wav far i.no oil: s offensive; Joltin' .)••. Harris, whose rut:hacks of pniit re turns continanri attention; and IT' hen Stniib’s long distiHirsp printing. Line-tin's line li>»w<-ver was <!ef ini’ cly on Hie ragged side. Geneva, e.f the Class C Border! 1 i ugee. •« its first full sem with . iinr. i j 'lip.: g TT-T75 OjNBOLTNTAN "' . -Ag ' ,„r . :• ■ »’ JA( Jv.>ON (MILS lor sh am James I Jackson, : !nxx ijiutr terlgiek, s seen starting on a ten yard trek as the 1 aars met the St. Augustine's falcons Satur day night in the big inti a -city riw sic. stiaw xx on -’A O. Jackson TSU TIGERS PUH FOUR HOME TUTS ?..< ,' CXp. 1 ... .ice. more p-e.vel . it.u betti’r pa.-vitiv will nxak«; 'he 1 .'\..s Stale University Tiger' ein< I lung to w .". x ." . l i.. 11 i ■ w ruing S', nthw-- -t C' iL < •'W.e-' fool ball race Hear! Couch. Aiex ••..'iet "" h it" Di.i iex'. s ii ’-'Ti'm ' i ■XV when he - •P.'S ebOil! I'.!:. il - : ■(I he ' -which he , ■■■ '.X i ’ He has :• Rock t iil.lle ■ ll< >-ith t ig pr-aM'd srir.s ;e r* :. •he flip V,. f'i<:; : |. ;■ i pie'ei .. .'-■■ y.. 11 j wail-. Lx pc icrued ■. •. . .. inly ii:, 1 •on mtg: r )■ <-k to" m-iik ;a. 1 iu.' lS IJ ; «V ;: . .'ti: I t ' i's : ■ if .> m.) Ih< ff.*roßM>>l- f r iiv. i ; T :' :' < ’••11 '. it yst •I)ts •Ht til: j Scot]nitdvi!l.\ Loui.sir.na t«> bat- :*• ! Nogr» - > N;ui >:tal ('hnmnonsrup h'* ulayvd at B\»t f.ilo StiUi | ium. The u KHiol<> A iv> nw I Sc*pT. . . TGit t-'-on (. v'H' ;; ; ; t 7 Bu .. o C ile. ... : ti. . L. ••• \c Vic xv A :;■ : ,M r V .\• •v. ) ;J V<• .t. * ;>< i. 10 • Wib'V (’«' • - v\LM (aIEMEH W IMLiU tIA MiiJ Lini nil- 1 'lit vi I si' x I'.i W. ’ tie.'.l!•(• !e Tcuci.e: ' I - • i pi-iy; <1 host p, the hiiTlds "I L.u . ■. •ill! ; iilv. rxity In n hit: and dale c nr , i ox - t a tour mile course !.;•! Foidci •' atMTivcwii <ji-' a tf'M'fUi‘t* v*nnt <>, (’hr-stf-\*s S*^qii)cf?n!» - .si. , > < U* \n'\i Mon ; first nuji\ m xvj-.-s t «M'' o'• : I'e;; l-lvans of. '.Vest Clie.sfe;. m ill.- ! x.ei J lime of i'l .37. He X'w.s foil e.v-.-i ■ h> It,ihi.-a s?. hoiir.ii in 32: L i.;u ; i.otu s ;,i-: nmu. Raiph Peter - .-.-n !!| ■" • i,. ■ r', of f’hihiilej;' < at iv!. • nu.de n in ai 2:2.37. V.'.'.i ( iv-stet p’.iveil 1 '■ •. Kvan ain't St h-oink x\'■ a i'o>;. Muiiiko- ki. Park. lie • I ;i ■. .in jd:: ■(I 3 i 7 j". U' U 'em'-, iii'e.'eileij his- eirmiP'is . Smith C-irp. up>. Will:hiiis. na .1 Tv • 1. I- » h.- :• i un ' I '.l Tom .Jc*rj» v - 'i:j r* A, rs \v]H> .n * :l*. ~ il' ir- Aiiij! !, -ivti tiu y y ■. M«ri ‘'l* (!»•’vv*lfijhnt* into u spoid' combii«iiiion with ;*.<!?Jf-*; ° . | uriam c. f&MOVS ?&ce wAat'G rfpvre / PACKARD r. (he M . $2348 !’ Packard s Uiuh Sedan . 'y'", ' ' Stewart-Poweli Motor Co. , 41& Wik«ia»ton St. Dial Z-Zl'M elvded the would-oe st. Augu - t in- •, tackier, who is ur.identi -1 !:■(!. VVatehing- tin- pt.iy i-. Head Linesman H. s. Blur, at left, and Keierre !. M .Mai tin, tiark greumi Players seen in the ar tion are George (Jxiiett 77i St. Augu'tinf's center; TxvitHe </e BEARS POWER TOO MUCH FOR SA INTS J inL- to j 2IM). m*os t* (iMV ilny •.-i'm:* a crnivd in ( ’h<i\j • Pa i i-:. 7 !>•' W l .aMT);,; i.ed l ive;. i»i S:« *'*v*’Hj •- l ift. n h • v;, |- ill it VG.lirt a.i’ ill t • , flit! fli- KaLmi * ? :i> ;« ta "■ ' '• • i;i •' Sb;» u i. • v v\ tv i ,1 ‘ < oubi I'ri :.rri rf • •! Ih« P at - !he K;?b*n» :* .•» »• - it rxt iJox '.s !'s i' i •: -x.-f J i t V.'- i" IS * • {-i* ■ > lit! 11 j< s, till cj Mil* s t< 1 A I non 1 ;• a. Mr ‘ ]:•. If aft i*i i Jj. v |;; ir j U: I-.e <1 • DM th( FT t.\X ti i • T'-a ihi S./s J.tf. j.i' Ist !i *t> 'l’wilU. BtMliiiii' * • ti Jarlvsim .) Donald Lord i »mw BRATTON AND BEAU J ACK O.K n\fi wl;!'7i Johr-hy B: 4 Hon -> tTViii - H va ai }• . v rbaM.aVrj 1 hid, ..e a.iil," - had thu-;.;. ,-c.l tr , hi an ci .‘us l i-.,liter's life, hum ii-eter: ti.e staU’iiic'd. tn. iiim .-'-Mill* \tWe-1 P- ;:inr.,-i pro m'l J iwiv. h I'M Mot: a.-.- t!,c .sc ■ «• ''Pj.’.if i'.'l'it ••'■ t: iu Jack S’ 111 Li.s.", ■ G. duai, Tl rotr.m.'.ssion was cailod .o .mb m.. .- ■. ithe Irterna ii" 1 F. you: 'Lit; could suige tnv b> i! o R a'Mill. :, sLie it'.il'C' XVltn ' i .-i: •an; '-., if he m. n. -. .. :F vd Vr nd D.-r.-.' Spi.it th til - repi; rinv Km. (L.. ; on t*K’ card. Uio first of a eeiic* ■>f 'i■ ,'■ ‘iitii'M • ; . a h.i> With ta Mill!-!, qipvtii,; t" i’l o'.SVi e) e(l, silt ti ii /o H:g • V lit, rl ' ■ ;, . i Manager F.'.ii .faced an 0(1 3 i c;,.'i o ", viu.th ir will rc toi". to hi. i ei nut r :h-' IRC and i'ivul prw. ders lev Schiri'iixvalcl and Jack Begun ira 11' ilann 1 ;,x. Mi ni Halt '■ •" and l’i!? Purnp'.l S Shaw Haiti jek J'.ii’eon and Kell.inn are from Mevandria and He Mine l,;i;i. la.; I’UUlell, tap! Max V .1 ; -Pi! Quiett. Hatoi Rouge, La Bha xx failed to eotivei I. third period. the Fens sen, •il ,il .r . XX io a li :li s fill;, l : i.| . 1.1 i,i I ■ 1( ’. tV tv .xfe, X| v, ( ,i • - 'h • I alt x i v iH-.: 1,., S, • , T ■:• fim ! toiiehfheix !i I 'is: ■ ipeii’iig pin > look a i o h.out from Q,, ; i .Jail*- -j -j -. jj e i to i Mi"!- ai.d ■ “ie sianui-.a up ■ ted in the skirmish by brilliiiii* e'i; Frank I'l’i’lips ~ hard ifrix'ipg ĤEHTEWOTWOI 0 { W£y g i -t* .•* .b. I eachers /y. &f | College F j* —vs— v,/"# Sat. | [ Bluefield ) J Oct. § SOUTHSIDE lI L |c 1 PARK tP 8 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. 2:30 j| General Admission 51..25 (TAX INCLUDED) ■iimitiiiiiHiiniiiimnu ~iiaiiiMwi uiiiitoi—hiiiwiiiii— ~ Arn'ii'BiaMt w^fr«iMrmiiirirrefirr* , ‘'~ future The xt.net' .nftorney\s office xx pi h' training on tile (tens!, l'i i Ida investigate ailoged gambling sell vifv up iho local bi xing scene Fi.'evxorks at xvhat started ta 'jt I'i.i'U.U' meeting lie gat. when Fra zier jumped up to calk afior Hrat '"o had i-xrlalncd vhy lie wanted v- k nidi him Brat inn alleged that he had trouble getting h'.- tnai. hi had t rouble goll'n:., he: money Lorn Frazier .oil p.." in. ,f ~M" hons with Gent' Bar ton in Chicago as an example r ra/.i i cii-th.iteci Fiat • t.ai: .< ople xyiio ihf'ught Johnny had ’liroxv:: fin fight xvi'llld h.i.e kiih'J ’ i ,'th n! them before tin y could ; lei.vc ’hi arena if h had not pai I : tai’ii a cm lain -um I ninnt'v iic* . i fused t. nanu• any jn-> mils in j voiced in the threat incident Jk FOOTBALL I /jw^Y J -V Opening Home Game }s> s A. &T, COLLEGE '** % HAMPTON INST. 1 C . ft 2:30 GREENSBORO I Dat., ClCt. O p. m. STADIUM 1 Admission $1.50 (Tax included) 1 i %£. %s*< pj I HOMECOMING 1 North Carolina U College at Durham O Virginia State p College (Petersburg) O O’Kelly Field I J (North Carolina College) A Saturday ~j f|* 10 A, M OCT. 1 ,>ARAPL 2 P, M Observance of N. C. ( , High School liny L| Advance Tickets through October 1 3—51,50 General Admission $2.00 Sp.'ii.'s” 1 - N.’j. >: 1 (‘;i !’i' : 1 j j,, : j: ; High Soon; LTii ntis OR dale -X C i‘ollci'i- Alii:!)))! Assm.icion High Schooi :.ia.nd Army Units frowning. of NT is.- V >' - ■ and - X f s. Aj<- • Homecoming Djuice Alter Game PAGE SEVEN On tlr? *o!l"wing day with air pn emaUve of the -tat'.. -• clor noy listen!'<; in, deni-yd that .1.).%■ flirt at ■ hud hern tns 'io iun hi. life When ci'.if'.stienerl about ; the previous- clay's • tntemonl, he •ns vf.i <-d 'I 3v .• just ; i ilcd, 1 !uiI • all. 1 v. as < xciicd ” Ale;; Napoli, ■issirlajit state's at -0 mi'V, declared iftei the meeting that his office would probe gamb -11 ii > in the b ixtr.g game. la j-fivine it okay to the boot ' the commission ruled that s:> per cot es Brnttor.'s purue 'would > 'withheld until the cpHsti n of his 'norma' rs would be settled. RkHloh gained tije opportunity •to light Beau Jack when Kid Gar ,i!ar. was injured in a strut brood iin New York, in an unusual step ’ic igued with the TBC w.uiniit eonsulting liia two managers.

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