PAGE EIGHT Continued. From Page One N. J, PASTOR his car with the in lent* in f *ak f”S him to the Nmveri City ho pital, police were told, but cTscov trod use man iva-- dead He then thdvo to a nearby bar and gn;l and dun red the body behind it The bud' whs difccuvered / hours when Iwo lumteia were putting then dn'is in ken nel. The minister, who .'<■ married and the father of two children, has been pastor of the church «inr® I9<l He is a native °f Orangeburg, S. C. At time he was president of the lea! onaptev of the NA/u U sbd is ’veil known for his work amen:- interracal craaniartions. KILLER WINS state when an Inmate over there L-mith s trial In March of 1313 was well foiowel in that Smith rl? dared that he had an nncnntrnl able urge to kill and that hr had been hospitalized in Nn York City aud treated tor a mentai ailment This was later confirmed by repie senfative.t I’rmn the institution. Smith was apprehended bv a noth er cab driver and poll or aftri h° had been seen by one of the dead man’s buddies leaving the cal*. Smith h- said to have b»en < a frying *j revo)v'*! hi hie pocket He had ordered the driv«i* to an out of the ■way location and had then C u I sd money Before ’be money could h turned over pot lop say Smith lost hi-- u> iand fired from his pocket The hu I let struck Haines in the baik of hi head. He died in fantiv Smith pleaded guilty at ?h< Iris and v.aa convicted and •n’enc <i to death. The sentence was upheld by the. State Supreme court Wed r, f otic wing the parole board refected a plea for clemency and on the following dav, Gov. Duff to grant a stay of c'lec.u tiop, MARVA nn IS 'Buddy' Hutchens in the purchase . Cole was made general lnamn-'tT Hutchens operator of a poli wheel in Gary, Bid. was tn>>rd. r - e.fl over ?. year ago by unidenlif'ed white g-oigsters a. he left hu- vs tablishmnnts lea» ii-g bis infere-t --to his wife. It l. believed tba* both Howard and Co le had b’d for the H.o from Mis Hutchens, with •‘-"‘•aid finally fakutg possession with $2-*» <V*o purchase Tile Hut> hOns H* r ok plus Howfird's TO per ce t avc him BO pu cent'olljt’.g m ♦ fro.' ♦ • • tf'jr |; -.ff? f" '■ > ' r r*. ly became despondent, and a sc.n of heated arguments follow- ri Cole ”'B.-: relieved «f his do! r »s general manager and • Ho-, s'd mati' vas j- 1 it m his ”ftce i tie gijlf - K ’t-. , ,rt *. the to 1 I *vi- .1 erred The end of a partnership ceded with the r. day morni- * t -.tlinr Both Cote and Howard vete er erally 1 c" pm eri , - b-g n.onr ■ in the §o»>»h SJd-v ? thcuung peJi-.-v bttsine-.s. Howard's fs'hcr. n> El met ft o y .-.i id, aas m Rochester Minn - hen *lk l*adf.- Fide .1 Wilson undergo 'g t* raiment’ He rush'd home Friday morning Coronet Bird's: revealed Fat 'he ttgut’fu! Marva had come mt the piotw* r when an anonymous t«jp. phone informed the police that she "could give -"formation The Cot oner s-aini tl-. t he ''-anted hoi to appear because of tier o!-\-.<’ as o elation ■' >th the deceased Wjnstdf* Howard who was roar ried. attended the University f ! ! linoi;- and was s graduate of Loy ola. He .along tv;:.: broth"!' Car! -:'*'.i E 1 !-:"!■ -> h r dmo p--.r* were reputed ownc:. of t t.-> vtrns and a t-qtiar store as >-r>> as theii policy interests MAP PLANS were alio preseat The R*v. W t fiT". - D' tricf 4 Fayette ..-'lie Prof J M Broad htrst Jacksonville District s rr>— C £. Dean Oibsonviile District i: Mrs F Carter -imith Monroe District g; Mrs Arney Johnson. Asheville, District 10. Mrs. Maty Holliday, chairman, Safety; States ville; Mrs. L Ft. Vancey, Het'tle: son, PTA Children’s < amp; Mrs. D. M. Tarnigia, executive aocre tary j BIG DON LOSES cnee -pinned •* ftiOtt.POO price t : '.' and whose --election for this sum mer's all-stflr game caused lifrvd eye ones in in«nr quarters The two p tchc' s battled thrms - inning after scoreicv:, irnii/r riowi,i to the,rn cf the ninth v-i‘r. Reynolds givin? up two hit; and Hewcornbe giving up five but pet- i process. rn it ting not a single walk m the ! As the -Yankees went *■■ bat in the last half of tile ninth New combe and Reynolds had ll ami 9 '-trike-outs to their respect iv credits foi a total of ?o. The record f<t» strike-outs by a singu pitcher Jn s world series fame was 13, and ft appeared that Big Don was well on the w y toward setting a new cne, ' The fans had settled down to a prosper' of extra, inning: in 'he thrilling pitchers' duel into which 1 the game had resolved itself. Then Hendrich. Yankee lead'd-f man in their half of the t intb came to b-t s i'dl found hi m f facing two and noththg count with *ii f«*K checking their scorecard« **• see ’hut Yogi Beers wa i on deck *ml the Yankee Clt'ppev, Joe D* Maggio w;»- hi 'the hole T*>* sTiortswriters m the press i Hox said fterivards Hint Bir/' Dot might have relaxed for s second t&infcinc of How he was going :■> pilch to Bi i-i'a «n--; DF' g''>. bu «lM»<evei u was. Henrich saw u r,f th-sit .be hi?od and »wußpß f/,r> it wif | ?-%£- gcjp p ihr bap F-a.'.t of the Isgend behind Hsn ;ric-n- being •. rt > -y -Old rttJia -ir •■esult-' from his having broken rip me uutiiiiii, idint; mis st: - -.: * with a homer and having ended I tit.- last A nnitr ii. i n : tguia i .-B .ijO'i with j humcr. B g Don set a rfv record, 'after, after -ill .though it was the fuui i.iiic nun. a single nome run iiau 'pi • vidl'd the margin Iwlwnen - • and defeat in a Woiid be* it.i game. HAMPTON d l.'rban L.eague Three confer? nee sessions Iri ■ day " >il deal with equality of >p icr-iUinily in industry, ledal protec i lien for employment r'ghU of min- ; >• ity employees, and organized la ; bur's approach to thy problem of integration. Among Friday's spec ker;- ' ll! be the following. Thomas A, ' lot can. Chairman of the Board md Direr nn of the Sperry Corporal Ban L. Willi y. Vice-President, tut r tionai Harvester ( • nipan.v. H 1 vVillkie, Vice Prestdem 1 oph i Seagrams and Sons; Patrick ft. ! ijorman, Seer-'tary - Treasurer ■ the Ainalgatnatf d Meat f'.'u*tc i Union, AFL, Stanley If IttiHen burg. Dii-ec'oi o) the Deuai Iment .if Ro-ioarch and Ediiv.--.uvn for the ; CIO. Charles Hou-steri, of i-.- N A \ C P legal staff, r till Go M hiiiM-on, Dean of the !nM Cniv ri siiy Daw School A moc-t Frio ... «> v i o "The Roll- of tin r. o’ e-, in i Ip i ciatioii’ will be f> i >ve j ,->y a <cner* - f the H-.r.-n v.. *''ho.'r. .vitii Mi"s Delorc-; Swas, «uu-ano a fP’jfl gt ad'iafe as tb>- f--a*ur<*d s*! uist. ’i he Inauguration itself will tnk i place Saturday morning. October i 2ft. Full program details will be announced later FLA. SCHOOL SLIT space to take caie of what the com mit tee described a-' o' , et , cro"*'“ , i conditions. ;? Erection of gymiiaiin'ii.i ei ; that a supervised recreation pro gram may he carried on* duri-.a the winter. The school board in receipit of a letter eoiVaining the recoromen dations turned it over to Superin tendent. Crockett Parnell to ans" < j t p sahl the' they we’-e doing evc-vv thing humanly and ftrancially pos spile to ,ee that each child receb • ; •he In', f pussi Me edu>-ition The committee which iindud"- James T Har? p, S Tampa met eh an' Hlvthe \njre-v- vdltoi >' the Fieri'la Sf.i-iucl. mid V F Rroughion iusnv'incc excioPiv" ... f ,..k0rl for a onalified N®cro u pervl-o| They declared that till -i hi >oi i are detriment ally control id bv politics. Th. ini f<-r Bpni to #be board requested that 'all differen t-ials in faeilitie-r- between Neuro , -inrS while ;-i boolv be ended 'nip ,r difliely." ! 11 ’a' - d ti?; i h.v ■ - ir • p.-ct full* request tba* yov establish in-- ni«d lately equal -ebools a- prov-.H ed in th'- Florida State C on?*tt,! Hon a. iuaraateed by the I4fh Amendme-nt to 't>e Pon?iiufton of (be I'nifed Sta'es. and as directed bv lb® dertston of the court.' • recent case m R'.'hmond Va If »he suit j;, surreysf«i *t n Involve huiHing ptrograni of wort* than M.O^O.OOfI. NAAFI’ SHE NT iAt by usins q to mj ■ ■/ I'ito t v?r) rscftpo tho Htu s, i i dicutr Hid bro»i(jht on him bv his black skin it otdv - -orprij * j that q vstorm NAA f 'P lfic\a\ ha“*'- f’or *h CT v rg» 0 tr« * - L-•* V• 4 ''n ’ t J vTn s, t »c or seeming!v aopm > away 1 to solve the ?•’?cro riv'blem RIGHTS FIGHT oof!on rr? cth r ]s«’.*!**;■- 7^ f *►..• . flyvvc H" promued h- - f that Fair Employment Practice legislafon. •-•iF>"id in many quarters as one of the most important -nd poten tially productive planks of the right; program would be taken up as soon as Congress reconvenes in ■Bmuarv. No s tat cm out ■ >,n a made, how ever, is to what action Is contci-i --ilat'-'d n< <h t ime lo > ruible the hurdi'ng of 'he blockade set up t-y '.h* Southern Democrat-Repob ; liean coalition which her ma'ntaiu cd nn unbroken f ront in the fi/h* kg a iris' enactment of the rights program. NAACPSUPPORTS UN TRUSTEESHIP TO RULE COLONY NEW YORK Commend'tig D'vgvc Lie. Secrcary-General of the United Nations for his stippo) t ’ ■ of *s direct United Nations trustee ship for hf< fnrnv'Y Italian cofnr it : in Afr ; ea, Roy Wilkins acting NAACP secretary, wrote to tc UN official today expressing 'ho hope that he would is*- '‘every in ! fluence ot Uii , office to tier 'hat ; ihis» recommendations for the die on -if the- forme- t.ta'Bri cob ' o.'iic- i- adopted at the current ses sion of the General Assembly of; i 'he United Nations." 'Sue 1 ! trusteeship, • Mr. v-'ii ! kins wrote, "should be maintained. ’ foi s 1 mited period w-tli a view wo developing th .‘ mb-.hUmits of 1 these binds f : ;ir i!-covero.-c* i -1 p'inil iwtiouho.-’fi as <-apirily »« Isible. . You may be sure th -i ' wf, h;n-i the support run only of onr organization hut also of aii those who are --triving for and be i Hove An Hu , cbt-.ot ‘scU-detcemin rJia-i* and ‘.be -of «|i ftc, < OVTFKT WINNER -- The Rev. M. F. F. inker, pastor of the staple 1 rmplß l ongregational 1 hurcb. who was the winner of :i paster s popularity contest ent- Uiictt’d recently by the rarpet (lob of f'act Chapel AME Zion Church and the Pastoi's Aid of Maple temple T'lic Pastor's Aid raised $913,71 to w iti the first prize foi the Rev Mr. Booker while Ihe Car pet club raised $131. 01 to w*n Uie second prize i'fu the Rev Mu bet Gary, pastor of Grace I etriple. Inr remits <>t the i iini st were aiinouncert followins a. program woicti was < lUidiK-teii last Mtndav atternoon at tne t.r.tcc Temple Church. Sermons wire delivered by Hie- Rev. Mrs. Gary and the Rev. Air. Hooke' Music tor the occasion "as fur nished bv the choirs of the two churches mankind." The NAACP Mr. Wilkins point ed out, has taken "a sUotig stand against restorntoin of Italian ad min'stration in these mlonics •« any forpi ACMERFAI.TY COMPANY R»4t! Estate Fsty and Automobile Insnrjvi’co Personal LOANS I rTra.t Up T* -Rill; T-x f ". Personal Dents, '•.*.’’ci Raleigh Industrial T/>an , Wo invit,, ,mi to '•■.une in and talk it over The RALF.IGH INPHSTRIAf BANK • ao'i Sa!»fhurv 1 Member o* Federal Deposit j Insurance C.o'POTaiion ;; r _ ._J IN RAI EIGH IT'S FASBTONS INSI’RANGE Si tLDI.NO -t / * Gowns for J^JT’j “Debs' "mi THE CRYSTAL ROOM , ; 29 - / jf |\ / //$, f ■ A S. Sfe-N S in complete »>c.iv <- oilf-ction of exquisite formats have ;w !Owd. These -include BrciS-s , ,>n'-thf-shcmldor ,sty!<*s vith •Rohm ant .skirts in jylfcnrnsing satin, rustlinu" t# ffet a -i?id j Bo come ift in rhfMfiW-' C'l'.r of (t <■s(* Tovciv #ow t ss. so» your if rand entrance Nov, 25th, 1- 1 FfTR OA'R’TLTMT A M WOMAN’S DAY TO BE OBSERVED AT IST, AMBROSE PI. !. The Woman's Auxiliary of I St. Ambi-isi !'■ r-' n'-il C' 1 ' **• l > w-ili ! sToiisvr : Winwn' • Jt--, prog 'at the C'ioil v r; at field .'i< hue-i. Sunday. O'tobet 33, !QI? ,y( 4.00 u so The .uiPst ipnak-sr will bo Mi u Steph r n Ineke” of ("h<ui-“-t-u • r '.. prc-!d« "• t tin- Unt w, i '.'on ; Jmenc > of Chuvcl v, •>) i - if t'v j colored !• pi •' l psl ■ huii h -M- I Mackey ij an ■.- 'n.- leaj or jin ibe chufc' aiu. id - ,f South j far Una. Finns are v“ll nuder wny und .*• ' he leadership >f Mr Arthur - v " < —4— **!??■ / -» Y- *T* /0&r J K I j j Get Y our \ jp * 4 Things ( ( cS/l rJut 14% CARRY Ready | 1 j for Bach to | \ Bn Uie jm-- of V Htkup hiul daiivci < P \ SAVE: I School j J. | PHONE 6437 I ‘ Peerless Cleaners | “Our Branches Main pifln| Cover Raleigh Fayettevile St. Chippry, chairman, and Mrs. hie Lathmrn, lad a Smith and | M's." Vlule Puilo.ii ih.'-'irni“n of the pror’tam e i. mittpc Various Hanon.iinotions arc pat ■ t i:*ip •'< ting 1 from those represented in the city a kill tei'iit <>i UiL- pi grate, will; ce iel ■ ■•;! iater. The 1 ograin of !h<-- Woman's | Lux iiai y through the opt da imp of i*. (• •••..Mont Mr- I •ison .shows ' f of Evovih in study and activity that i, irii and vital. v\ • Hi- i arc Christian I ,id*‘rs of ahlv inJluei> -, ‘ .u,d tliei; -.■pc Os usefulness is ev«i widen, ing. Tlie oiriervance of Woman's Dy- is I challenge to the church " oiuan to unde in a spirit of mu tuality ‘Not for one'-- seif bid for others [’ill Har', f' rmer Infiekler, hit a !<- iRn leading PH this season as pi eying manage; of the Cairo Club ■ i lie Class D Kitty League, x> [ -I ;rj a/fll ate. ARLINGTON RITES FOR PA. DEM IST Philadelphia t ANP» Fnnei.d services lor i.n r, i- Karj.-iiu. 60, outstanding Philadelphia den liaf. who died hey.-, rhu’sclf -. Pepi 22. following ,in operation hi «; '.ate hosnOfil, w'>!••• ic Id >| tli Chew - Funeral home t\" ! u'mlmv MURRY - MURRY - HURRY I Ay..-, • .lust A itw Da>» Lrll lo fake Advantage Os This Mm SENSATIONAL OFFER ; » mmm during our first annual Old Stove Round-Up |fcij SINCE 1941 ■ w JJp Ue To prfMF---. i I % i s2o«* F-e ' mmm \jF -"“cictas*,*,, ____ T«- * f I Allowance | . "*> j on -*>iy old Wi ><l, ( nal, I’.lcrlrn nr 0-1 stmvt' —j with tin- pun li.y>; of ,i modern new Mngtc. 1 hrs, j J Roper nr H.irvvK i< On Range Srp tern her ] 2 thru ' | DON’T MISS THIS OPPOR |T ; NLf Y ' ' 'jffr Bay Now And Save—Easy Payments Arranged THE GAS COMP AN Y Public Service Co, of North Carolina, Inc. 217 HILLSBORO ST. PHONE / .DM I tt'IBWWWWWMWIUMWWWKMMWWMBWIUpit'IWIIIBBI. <M,,IUtIIHHW<W«IIIIWC." r il-NICI SET j ,_ih.;CJ „|jt »«•*» I , j .WWW,™ I , 811 I -pUc* WEST RENO 5 ism DUCHESS Ww’hfM^with So <; W If's Gvorcmteed > * ■* r ,or !i ' c •• • e«~« mac Tr»* rvq, OIK i% RTfe * built by the world’s UrrmO nw»yhr)ur. Vo ,, Pay ONIY er tperiaHjin.T in wringer fypc wa«.He r S. m * ' mMm ‘ No waitHrr i* bigger - non-* hotter fit 4ny pri.m, for UFF. Coroo 8* JEOO In •--. fodoy >- ©nr u HmTod. W life* '* & ’ZtfF Hayes-.lackso n E1 ectric Company 133 East Hargett St \VEEK ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 19-19' Mm Rev. Edgar Y'-inu? .fficfpicd. , Dr S-:i r icfud attended the Uni. i vet-?.i(\ m .Uhliign; .uni bia ds ,si '- - in dei.* miry i| lie . u T utiiveraJtj The- wh followed with j rest graduate wi k ,u 'ue 1 nii'ei till of Lernsylraula. !' n r mere in .i! , fuuu'U'i' centui. !>■ uied cue of the ('111!'' .H vgiene ! •C’li>:lt s of the Philadelphia He part timet oi I’libll. lio-alth. .Act.ivp in ;i ! " ide an <\ ol < iv)c mui s-orlal mov r tnenir.. Dr Surjeanl devofed mui i time to the work of the Bureau for Colored Children He i»»i mesuher of the Philadelphia * ouiii.f Dental Soriely arid also the Orlonto. Uhliuiigi. d society. Among hie oltici 1 aofivi tj. . hr- sewed as a mem ber ci the Board of Directors of Verm, hospital and as treasurer of Hie PrnEXP-.-si \> Develojmient co. Ur. Scrjeaut ivy. . velevan of P orld t\ ar I. If,- \v;* a tneitibicr of St Thomar,' P.P Church.

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