' AROiJN'IAS <>ctob<o 10, ! -rO Mr. Tobacco Farmer Spend Your Money In Fairmont With CAROLINIAN Advertisers L;,,.. § *'g as $ , _,4SM| s*l ’■ p* % NtffiSiSF •C IS., r “L, *1 "’' diked \i>\n i - fiKKKYM VNDER N •: tv YORK Acin • 4 '-.;r».t ‘ h.»‘i i. vised nrv. disM . -, ‘ o »-; toi sci• .• ;ru t po>:« of re??■;v : • ■•■ - :■ ■ : id> ■■■• of .‘•-••*;\lfhy white puKnK :; soft- ■'. I.: oelv attcu: J. T oy Y -.t>v€ ctiAJixu the Y, L,. i . ho.ii’.i r*i education •. t -.... d -in •:i i<> the appe-.o t : fk ■• ■ by NAACp lawye rs t>.- o.* N-.-v Yo’. d Cotnini. IvJ T' XAACP. ‘thevt. Lt .-Ut rncys Ci. u:.d Thur;;i -Jil IVL.ii.-di ili id its •; 4 siept'.irlrrj<:?;!. *.;* x. ii yyj stok* official.' *' ■ : •'• y jv- f■ j.y u ir><- local . .'J lh ■ -:o; - d ::■ A ' nov dUtri. \ - - - ; i ; «- t‘"c tt . ; :• i.uU f r .. v -,v ;s 1. . - sit them .y. - . - • 5> • ;>outcome •-/ i to •:’ : ..-I l--' Uv ~0; officials, ir. • •: a 11rw t -r. i. i e i ■>. 1 Or- '.> *1 jc 1 3. ■ Ken; reao uo.u- I *.-.i thio la response to <len:ond *4 svr-v ; rawu to yso Ur* ..'.liLireo of .■* ; .-h p .’.i ids out ;*! n.-t c,e.*fby i 1 IV I'ROl'lWii run <:hm:\<;o •_■■■':lit-r i rov sine v . ;i i '>e far 1. 1 1 E \(J Ai \ >1 ELS 10 PRESEM Ml.- NEGRO PLANS -1:i hit Hnni'.l >vuy >i 4 *• <»w I;it ; - Ji Vi;.!.' .).Hi ii-.'.v ,v > - *J<-<**« :ju ‘■' I v - ••I'Sini; i> u . '■>" "liH •’■ - to t,!i(.o.r sll<m s Ail Hi 1 |-i i.'j’. <’• 1 i • in mm ii-ti’toit. ' >1:" i'll. :i! -it :-1A - 014I1! b> t'in G;ii< j ■: ■•.' tiii iK; :• }. in "Ti>ii;n-i‘. 1{ ..i.t A'liieii r»r: us Ks-w York tor !<i y • ir• If sue idea pr -I- »U a ill. t'u ‘ - >ni.f it V. ii ! v.■ •: :ai !• -is ■! N'-y.i i.jrtii-Os an /ptiort" ' o- ii-" n a.; Paii- talvtat '.v+ihom ti.-i -a i liiwn by "iyr> SAflUnn- \f.Kll > I. i'l'K.M 1 X l» V -J <» N WOKHKHS in-.yivirt; cvW-ji .siort a-; :iu jr<»in Utreo sail ill.- rn ii.ii* . altendetl a tnri'e-iv * t’k •-hurt «■» ur>.- it Usui At <in|legv r■ >-<-«tijr Among th»- fieirt agents v.Jsi> - -f'l-d as instruct)*! s •a.s> T. V! i.a«,jidci; of Tustkfgff iiisUttfta who lectured >m "i'i.iu r.ing v.xU'H ion prrgrams." Tit* group resolved that in-«rviee training far all Negro extension agent- *i toe southern region . tiottkl he stahii heti as a per i»).-.nent pari o' lait-rsion ,S*i vice Training . A\'P> WOMAN i.tt'ES I !.Ml!> ViHI-A HIT !i> THUN -y. ‘ XSi'i A bv. .i\ : Tii.i’C. 5Kt y.'c ■:I--i.il IV a*’> Was i:\ u>-i nvjf/h of .» huiTv : o i?et to wvrk ;.4 •: 'if;.?: • a wh-vi *h-> Hit, nui -over :>y freight train lits" Wi eel th. w ::!'•• -•»«. was -m Vr vet.re, o-or. • , w -a half '>.: u - , arly Si: 1 sf ill-? ' :ilir. .i i fi'f.'isln.e. uni North l.ive whili* the r ra;a was sroppiue: half W. : > o. tie- :-i f ■;v sht) ije. ij-ii to . r.iss ..Htii .igii an aum who .v,w ,? Ii hi 1 :s;’! ee-;! her not to The train ’ ■■ 1 atom! them a hull' ur, Xi-'e ;. ■ !-1 ir .»! ht-rs lie;i ciosS’J suio : )-Uf :i fin* ears. tvn-n >' ;;e :; -" , - dp- sto-•*?» ro-.e ! IS f-uia In: ek-A fm-ward n- t •• •; • Vi ;i. Tk - "a■ r> i■■ '.v-'fii to pink up her trii? that 1; ni hoop ,-lie ■'.{ JV- 1e: 1 y 1.) 1 1 l:*e.> V 1 t'.Va.i >’fH had lost in r :>•-? '-m TrainMcu :ni!tiirtis;.'-rwl first aid ; r.-r The .'-no;.! a u ,r --1 Ik- ;m*Th.-r of ’«•« -aia.lt ehildren. MINISTER SUES FOP DAMAGES -a Y*vk 1 A XC* > On<? 4 flv -i t •!'! t• y iiyi i tv - :;: h■ • i v ,■? h s v|) !X\ v . - IT Sic,-- unfit):•'-? inv s ;t.- * of ;? iVw W...- abjMjov? - »rv".r-r p*.».-.. • • of M.v : suit in a . So;v. nr- c wi .’!>kiny -S cm.-? d;U>:Liy> s ;l-vv'’- •- ! }'A LOP K J XtfiCrK U : other ; Tii. ■' ‘ s ■' ?h. \ r *' N N i. ? i ?. Lev VV^Hhi/us-ci cb.tr.. 1 ■ ' c rI;-• • dciVcdau* rs v d = I -?iv • lifts jviiihe •:'> ;i i:» ' 1 ■ •’ h *■' .\ '•! ?'> - »)- i ■ Knvncf ;iMi c vv-cic:! hl\i t'n.y ---•y i ; '-i .. id- : id; ;- j.-ro - • - ■■•••. which ho Oid J>UVsilt;i.i for i:-. • ; id cm. yrarnd* ; Chin h -• |o-: I.iLd‘o'l N?.h ds -:■<<)) i i *]• -*'. ;i ;•!*'/ nf s -v. I*• * ?.; * V U.ivi- Av r hv C «• ltv\ Will iAM S b*v* c'fciiti ' V •:: ‘ ■ -«; M. I,*-. A. C irri; A, Khrrb'S ?L Sfv-w * ; i t { >!;*’•;- v Wy Iton. S.-iLtn-d H. V I'.umC- K a. Con in*. ;'v Now York ;i.n:ui,ii *• ot r >.r* } .\M P. Chi. ir oh. f • fee., -1 r? i i rh > boat d -f i?r on>OHif:>r-; •>- jJ ? - A Yf. -b. < Ufcii. Klc , a r’ti il-3-J-'ipbiO. CUT S. L. CIUIDREN DIE IN FIRE i AMDP.N, S. t t AN'Pi Ko.ee i hviilren iosv }\ nr live.-, hmc ,e> \v<>-k in it fir * i.vtii* ; .i i-omali-teSy >i troyod th-'-;i fn.i: ly homo Tin- 'if.nr ir J se-oh T-jyior, " 1 city i. ark. - - - T!i.» n;ul-Ir-'n ; ar - Katie, T is • .i J Mary 1 and i.ouiwo *’> .-■ -;';.- w• . a 1.-r T aloti‘? a-Mln -hi-:.' r:« u.h-r went pi.'k e.jHotl. WSt'in 'he fir;- way di.*<-*»v?-r<-d. it . ...is Jat.o to - h - i illicit’ a nr •' ■ I-.- Tar. -• <:i :! .- bodi-* sv< overo<! 'ha' •« 'n - >;* i : .ri.Mi'.'i d.-i baby cpk found FIRM TO HONOR ROBINSON V. V York : ATT: ----- darkle HoH inson, for winnina rho Xatl«»m> ! i iraiair- Uattiiig like his (>■". ilei-t“s : -e,fs. Wi! lie A■.i■s. ‘ itv the Hilorjch • rid n : id-:by ftd,if makers of I..iu: "v; : ■ in 'lit- n:t>d *1)«: f 1 'O. u-uiaiy :. 1: T y~’i ) e, the t hampiofts in .; h ! -.<aue this, year, J.u-kio will : - -u- a si; v.-r ls.it .dm . >;.:?■ Ail*- . oV? - '--' i n) hard won h<>nr>r. Holen.-orrs fin... .v, • : wa.--, :*; io poinrs highor fkaa the TX nv'-ry.-.i of his fi*-st • w-.> y.-,rs Ir l • . .-e me- svrns ;:i nhi-ad;!. phiei k!-‘dr -lx vuiik' Dunns 'll: ;--!;i-ol) he stele 'A! b:u»*.> dunni the regular a-ason. R.son w-«s i " * •spr*.;ath.iial player if not the - e vai Usb'e W!i- o 'he Dodge's -, rriv -d .‘sow v. ar Pen rs stala'.;; an rh-ir b.-nnant.ivin’sing -i.imn wi:'- h- Phii-ideiph i,i P'i.lies. r-'a:.' w.■-;■-■ .in ham? t.; * he in ud asi ia! •!-da i ? e ■■- : ;e-s • ;s rshhivKary ess: • . rh team star, Rob:". on liiongh f; station and soil '- him -iw. *• ; ‘v to :i taxicab which took him and his wife i .r th> ir 3 . UijtitiV home Jackie sa':l inter th;.t it;- 'Van la* -• >: • ' was iii-' rinighest atld.-t "no" liiicn hr liiid indnliri-d m~n t includi-d the :<.'>•!: ir I ev« st Asa I! ; it-t : • • be pi:-y-l in Dalis. DORIIi MILLFR SERVICE HELD ( ' ,\Xr ; Ti. ' Miiii*:- Kounda! ie.i) i,.■!;t ;is Oh An ' Afemorial .-er-iee n---. ; i.- Dorie Mi Her. *V,,’ !>i VV;h- if i.,,v.k hei-o. 'as; w- k :.r the Oiivel E s;y Met It here ! atutauiry* mee - .> : - ei. ii from ;he President reid ret ary .r‘ "i.e navy Navy .if in-ibis loaned lh<* flag ulue-r ?'• ovi n iifrorn the hatti.-sli ;; ifi j s mri , at the time .it the Jap.in- • , "■-■■■'-1 -r f-»r di&T»h>y at. the s.-»i •• i. • >. The Dario Viler trophy to N-arm nr,akii\< the ouutant'tiig' ' t at for t.b@ ■ .-.ir #a tre -eifie.Kl to.J. H. Johuaoti, pubosaoi ! F AIRMONT [ IUSKEIIEE INST, NURSING SCHOOL WINS TOP RATING Tii-k> -.?)•" Ih«iit.ura t ANP.i - Tus- Uri,:;i- i hKiiruieA Sclian! of Nurn. ling -a..s "a -'<l by >L, ’>:•• -ti! '• b’’- ' 'iiuti.;.- i'ii the li ; provei; i* ait ' v ‘ ! iNursuig services last vot-k a-- - ; jitig ii,n!i;!i:: the top -■> pc cent ° r >, > ■ v :i U p - inn ii? iiie ! 1' ; . t. 1 Th- sebixd pa-ad the • omndt- *.• f .-. f; ~i;i* re::!'.y I” w-h atl j'i 'ch.idc?. in; baste pit-};ram, ' e.-aliii curri. id-.ini .-iiiu.-al -,e t’ -.s ami experieiicc isbrary fa; | ' it'-rv. ;Uij;lfic-ition and size -f ifcaoh-, ins and insiruiAdon.ai salanes Tuskt-ye,: s nuf'iiiif gehool w nisds -.- :.s. eoiuplet.-ly r«?ofga# 12*11 in 1044 •tad ei - - -;: .iiua s status w-iUi otn ■; |.i>,ds f the instituie i? dirvetei L .y Mrs I tll i.i’,l Hotlftfid HUu'Vey v ir> a!a» serves as Its dvati. Mrs. itaryey i olds x d.'.-'.-r d-gret.- ~ ■ur-'ing edti j-;on from f.'oiuinbt-i ! university. ;*• !9f . the iiiirsifig schooi movt -1 i, i.ivii 'ejiajitJe itUi'.ltJiS w lUi.il was built by TuskiV-e .? Sc-ho-d >f Mv-chaiiicai Industrit . -,*m ilinda provided by (He Ma t ..-il Foundation for Infantiln { aralysiss rati both State aad Fed • era! Mic'.sius ".-rvices. This >;-:ir. for the first Uni- - r -irolled w , ia-M a four-year aura :o- wii.‘ will pursu ' s .-.-•.ras- f • tudy !'?<*<!ins t-» aB S Nursing. II?r*tO{Ol'; OftiV o -hue year coiis’se w.-ss offered | This mit'-se i ■ st-iU ofiered. h«?'v v-yr. ,a:g.‘r nuir.ber *i freshmer. ! ;■-■!: ii i<u the four.* w -uiu-ae Kxiii- .nitu: the ,i ! -- the >V. I, C<)'jr>: ; Dean H;i. cay paid tbit ii: • th»* .•-><*ar .-ours:- has i>- : - i i.i , -nnje.i r.-iiwrenrs. P'. ;r .a ?.• receives i diploma ia ;a :: >ing and by sii <-.-"-fa ' 1114 ihe - at- board can b ! ’ •n;-.'- r.-.-si"! -■! nurse The i’ou. - -yea.- *■ >arse ;sa.< ar.doii.ic. sAik vis "<i rtijuiretneMe in any sib, , ■a]’- f- i tMjiSC fvdding ti> l*'i U ' d.: e>- Gradfmtes receive a in?t- - i:!;l and a f ‘ a are-: ill rjt -'iil.;. idiey a;- liua'ifi'Mi for i. ; r- : v. -? .-"irii.ns m ‘tuna.-?, he-,..:' C r • ->Bwnur:ity health ageic-!ea. The coiirsn ii',) provides a sound bade ifn>u!id pr.Jf.arai iou for rra-!i, xt •lUidy in mirsjiig aducafioti 'it ojh t alli<n* iitills. This course makes the Tuskegc .t-.'itHin 3. in-id of X■:i *i n 111 first inil 'iti] v lOiTcgia.te u-hoiti of tini -".e ;■; ,-Via‘i>nia It v-orksns '',y .ird i-inal .''Cf*tvdita‘it»i’ Pres ently i" lias r -ntaisV'i meinsr by ’ the Xa!:;iii-a> 1 ' ti)- ■ for Im. , pr->\ ’‘tnont at Xarsing S; ..-’•-’i Nhuiiuin! rah: - aeioii Ura<t n a ? 1 Achieveßi'-n! fe- : ? arc- n.-.-t th, i-'ida. .1 tor ptalifying Pa 5 - t.-.tin. a 15. S degree program its nursing -i c.uoiuate nurs-'s w’w have .-,>rnaii't“J the prof - sKi.uta! (iiifsing f.'ii'iis ip an accredited 'h:v -.yt -! >--'>->"»! of nursing. aH-d , who >; ; -d for regit,'.ratio: i ir. sotn - - • ato. Judge Bolin Dropped/ X V rk . aNI’I - i was ru h.: i f Jane B '’in w t .- dropped b ■ *r. >' nominaii • c-*mniiUf*e of ?n. « A. p. :':h :: .’iMUlidaU* for If. Board of Directer j •'i’:ii‘ Xa ’vi'!-' lias given r.o official to>l by h;> iota from the aso- ia.i -a s branches p Dei.-mb<fr. The V A* •• * . given ,- >. .’ ." -:-1*f?1 11C1: r:)Ei , i‘: ';i: a the report i of X■ rnaazino. for hi ? journal !.->•• ii . ;:-i a y:>r SUBiSCMBE LOONY!!! PAGE ELEVEN ASK U.S, ARMY TO RE-ENUST m A.'i 1.: fGTO Y1 *e tkis week, unjod L’HiD ’ K.-cvet-ry ;f Oder .-. s -, -r-.i1.. .-'•••a i-' A. Cavt".;. n- • : r ■ o. . !:..-.;;n ui.-h-w; S’:v -:.- Ci --si: »wl 'ii it (i Atm;,- Actl-.--: for Tht Asaoi *'■■■■ •’• • fl.ee Miti.--hi.il. ;.0 I ,-. • • ; Loimtat A ,-y _ ~ d Sgt. Carter j-ioj from die Armiy it ?').-• . < ■-•".•5, -V .-j::, where he E ~i just c .'.rh ■ twenty-ir orths of ser.ice, sgt. Carter r ! c TX*l th. 1R.5*.»- : *u shed Sttvicv Cm-', s f h - va un dt'Ctas the Batiie of t?te .dge, " ■wi','!! he v.dumeercd to lead e<- .?>i. or. a .-in •i-.o ... ,s, !' t -'.m killed snd : - ■ --i 1 a !'.• wo'.ii'd. ci Sift. Cat: 'r ■..;?.: hit --igdt times oy machine %u > 3Rd rude fne. .‘a spu O' bi.» woitneis Ac continui'd ‘ • mc-*i, killed e. nui fiber • : * any ti'-v. l :;’- „id brought back ' inf-a*- "n.iHoti ..<? p* ir-wsrs i: adai'tun ■•> >- DSC i:; 1 " h is: a Ik:! o'" Ke.art w.t;? r_a ; icof clusters, the Smm- Star x’-fin ; bt.l Infantry Bot ona Good Conduct Medal. S*t. Carte.- v/2:-. X- n h»o tju.tcc States but he ,u- :3 ; tiie Orient -.v; -t* 1 i;■ father i: 1 ,:i;: -a\ •. He at.?<*!:u)U.'£i ? ) a . Ust in the }*:stiuy L’orps •’ i t>». ..Navy piior t.--> t.a avar. but ■ uirned down b-c. • ' -n. i A-sugned to a trucking ~• tf-o-.usy ■ -.vlien ho firs, entcyrd the Artr.y. b: -.’oic- ti< the ranh of S'-iff h.vg43ai to. k a reduction to ' o;. ‘ >; : -.it-, to serve wAh c-.-.ni. ;t ';• N AMT SEfKI.TARy NEW YORW i VMF> - Tho Na r... Actors' giu'd ,:r nei,i yc-) the ' -r.; 'n ! ;.:C'o this -t a -t M" s VT i; ;<:-r.-- A Costa ps •> >-.•. ’• -' i • -ectetary M.x- Costa formerly " arked for hi? ks. S SaSc'-'Hvu Sc:v et -' , CTSO camp show.-. X Hi* hoi k ; •-.it Red ijrost. She- uxo hp.i rt.sfl •xpeti.:-nce with b Theatre V-' -. C;dun's.';; x.',as -).- ;s r gar and tniKl Limcb | HilOM & MLIARJ) ' PAitI.DR j | Ooix-A f nod and Eatt-rii "uneiil I ■ | J R &IGC.iS< - CENTER ST. j ! T n ~ | ■ 111 Tl’l l| FAIRMONT ! | ''itFOOD MARKET { AI.L FRESH SFVkDOFS IN SF.ASON I \N> 2»r^ ; _--s Trre of Char»p | CfiUsjf i*st. liiifflwnl ] JONES RADIO SERVICE i I TUBES, PARTS RECORDS \ I RADIO SALES, CAMERAS * i FILMS, I SMALL APPLIANCES | W L Jones Center Si | T Visit Powells Place i I >r Hairt ui--. Showers, Groeenefi Open days Per Wr-;k. | pomes OROctiHt and RASBER SHOS :i Pane* 449 i !,S Oaoa l Si. [ Arrab Powci), Pri,;;

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