PAGE SIX %%k ../** * T**r+** WW*, te* : f ; : ' \ -'- •%,;.-i '•- *’ I - JACKSON'S l-’Kill I IN’G Til ■ Xis S lhis is list tcrnfu* ct Jack* tin College l lfit'rs iliac cptili rt .1 j ut'CJ 1 ssl'lll l!)-l!l iuotliull l reason u tin a ;.s it* H i out *»t A> kail' a Baptist Co|jft|fi* in .tuck tw. Feng runs and trick> pl.t; it-'athi'i d tit* 'J'ig’ers' uffetise. ami , rug lied i.>iiA !iiti(>- and hard tuck •*»>)( SJJIIU.t I,US <-,»■. !(iu! Illn Day. „ - , .v k '.> , ._ - , f ..- ... J,. . „. . t . , tf| [ ; -.- ■ •■■ rtl'-- -'•- • - -• ■-- *... .-.i~----——:.n F HOMECOMING | North Carolina O College at Durham | O Virginia State np College (Petersburg) O O’Keliy Field | JL,V (North Carolina College' a Saturday -| £* 10 A. V. A OCT. J D «*"* L| Obi-«?TV.u*K''<* Os N. (i . i \ ,S« it*G>! I) \ V AiKiim t* I it. k-i% thiTiU.-r J, October 15 $1.50 ' i ‘ L ' ; l j i: i( Dance After Game I SMAW UNIVERSITY’S BIG ANNUM I Hv.m ec omi mr Ce iebr at i a n : »I*R. Min— nor,,, nminirn.-n* -- -, ■_ ... | L j*l I SHAW BEARS II VS. I 1 1 Howard Bisons I j | CHAVIS PARK I j ' Sat., Oct. 29, —2p. m. I ADMISSION $2 00 I I GAY, F.VF - CATCHING HOMECOMING facean iry *'i 1-, Anmt.v Horn- mw- Parade Ci'c .oiuit' m 1 ’ /vj!nr iidtvi* .iiii.iir’ . (u; "iia!l4>u ".djur, A ittmiu HhMI” . F’in:ihtU».-, by Sir tv < •Us T'« -* pv Biujrj 1,/1 *f* ? i - -in 1 ' .-"•ilia * i- •! > "i:; Oft inn ttilii Old S.'bi'.il Friends t'ifkm.- iK'W f,h ~ ip ( iicv. in join in a uatn'noth <i't °1 I mr i n (’.•!(*(!) .dm:i, t'.nvha: n (j,.j., . t _ ;i' m ;■ to,ill the ; ■ 'Writ, Ihi Aluinitt .f* ■ retai >. Siuiw I'Blvi-r.Mty, <J<- IgnuMn;-. W tht ; uni I .* ro! ih'k. 'f fU'--'id Hi h> hiiike h bife ooc&sk.n I'lltst.iEß! I Expect 10,000 For Va. State-NCC Till dI'RHA-Vl T' ii 't.hud ,•»•(•• lor:- aic to v. .t "*’th Cnroiiitu Colli ?;i :; H- me- ITllh' OoOOM oood.'i tr.c l’s>J. o- of Viruu i i Si., to' Co)io ■ Ho.: Shim day. Tin :!.•!• d -'Vji i.'.Oi'i'e AvtiS’.i r; 1 > o.M ..rid .\lo ii:o ' p>:uiU .1 }' - ! oI »;• !•'. *'' .1 ■ lilt*. i Will )• :■ lit:. :!( , i do * :.o :> Sill’ ■} : io. poo ulo ..' tt ill :!■ iV id lit . Co! doo'.dp daf.-ly i'-.lioV alio •;.l!••••; i-ioilh Cavio nii SeboUitUc .i ill bo 1.0 ■us .it du rim-' lurtf-tin.e r* Mi 01 -! • : Ali) ill! 1-ioiid.. i OCi •acuity ana mil merrUiei it vilt a. lend uio m ni*i drmce at the w. d o' ill Curomnnity C* m ci.i’.axiao the ...iavd ao i; . itlils. A. rouod-ti i;;. '.ioi. ! to the i. api ■ i 1 i. la:.-;'. 1 W oiiiujticn to; No '.ouiloi- 12 Oit-n the Encios moi tv oitt V. viiii.. Siatv. will bo given o. thi ion. ... selling the higheat lii'Oho i' . 1 .-.ilval'ii't -* to !i: 0 iicmoocniiho ..d si ST JUG.TO MEET a. n, Ei im IN HOMECUMmS N'C-tiu!..U ai:d .li-MiCiil, Si'll ■ HiUi it Vi vfmfi mcnk'i;: of Si. Ml: ' !•!). ; { \u ;■ ;t . aic ; J lull d:vv . i . v*.■ t IvitH'i. I•: he ! .Mii.vcenuiii, in e-|iJ«-ectu.n witH, ! t s l A«g usi:ti• :•• W O-S-t V * mIU a ■' .l! G.UiA-:. HI him! CKT-GUg 'V j t.l 2 p. ifi. I .\<i iiODc..;;ia' : Di2jL > ct Drt> parac ivdJ : ? j !. .*ij) lJ;*'* at ):.' i - io. 'D r:iitimg at t .<■ . arc Ha ■ Back On Their Jobs Once Again And Feeling I ine— Thanks To HADACOL i Hit ;' ’ Dd- Drill fiiU* bv.\ ! h<‘v tii'-v ivanl il-m h!cs>sD} iunvs ahtHtt j-ai..; a )iii f. vile D;;i ! ,;I f*F M A"! ’• kuowii Dim ioiicry Ht Id I.: i In :*a. i imuit oi tllGlil d‘l ai>ou'» ■ *T f r Iy%, ry \ W% % . * •''"v mt J ; C V'#V s&■■>< \ 9 \ \ ” ’ \ W- ’X■:'}*< i 'll , MR. AND MRS. JIM GALLON tin :;ti m- unit n lid 'hili.c I'K.iketl h ':'i tor the In nllv ' 1 Vj> 100 Fii iiiul in- hurt, ho Hull J foiiidn’t I'. sj i ifirht, * kald vlri <G a. I lull, "i had iiiditiett mu gas on t lit: MiMilncti, l»U.‘»!ill« Mlltl WtlS IV, ntr\ '.*ub and i nn down that 1 could not digest ui> toed properly. S'int:e ' -k:ur HAIjACOL i hoH'- troiihh-M navi- left in,' aml 1 hi a I'c-lini' won dc-rful. I work i'Vt r,.%da> just ltk< old tiim-ti. Mis. tiali'Ou had tw-en in Fed for tl'.ree v,'i, j v v, itti iTii-.‘iit»in! h pdlnt and ii.-fifd i hat HAD.VOOI. won hi oui ply Uvh iii'cessary vUa.mttis lo.j relievt the rht nuiiitk! .pfrin of tin tl itkdifii neurit;■ f-.ammti to* Ifici. of viUOnKi H iihe a is.) suffered dlgci:. lire disturbance's, her stomach was io General . iuinm Associate n • t;.f. momin;;. Local alumni will I .•.•pon or > coffee hour >n the re-j i j tne Nmaob' Home | 1: i A i.i. Hospital I Ik; Friday j ... id j:,ri vodlii: a conccivt in Tay- ] I' Ft. ili oi--! ;. i. ■ Jii looluh aI o U.'-. r activi'l.’e. seliedul. :1 io: Fu ll lin'd -li .d o; inictesl. is con* ; I Cit'd .i ;u o.i I in- ■:. oi o ,:.incv the ' id Augu iitif. I\<icon.: will tv i.lfi tilt;- 11 Wo. - Vi: .c yta Sod-. Vendow on kt t i figmn : t. 1 A A c: .mo, ii :io _;b the Yellow-.' jai kt's 11 t. iUcl tin Saints tli a.: iVe 1 y o !ht ii.i! l.e'-l ng ill IfiSti late Ui-t yi.t.. the tust and suufI> ’Via :o ;:cci d h.i point; and weie iiie i i.v t'-.i mil. :d. i • \/\ to ar*..n. , If::,.;, I; tin- Aid We A Vi.-ali-.a Cl' - tonvc' Jor O:o, e- than one ioue■ '■ ■'lown. 'j Falcons expect to make it equally nti-iv ting m; the yellow - jacketr iliie , :o Williaml giPennl H Blended | L . • nfcy Whiskey g 61.95! 3.15 86 Proof fHt 4TKAKWT WWSKEVS !N THIS P*OOOCT A*t 4 «AKS OR MORt OtD 3» SIRAIOHT aHISKtY. ti% HBITftAt IPIRIIV. DlSTlttteSS FROM GRAIN cNtiiua t wh i.*!Ta *mii, time c oihoig 'H..U oU tSoj t ■ i n . nr : hoci ' said Mr ano ■ ! ;:M my coijii ■, I omoo •or-' i •• •' 1 ! it 1 uwi Hits all ; Ii \ 1 i.; ’i‘ 1 , ! ',o : 1 i ii'lei, ij ti- -i * i Hi. io till i>; op 'i e. inis. ' i! A1 >ACt >l. I'iiiiiins no ill uns uo i)Pi- no ri:.i itm' o- only Moiiror Xa Vjl :uu j'lis ati-'i low" ta' {Jit ittus’.' i'iii. j iiui't;. i U li.'iui.w■ a1 » Nu niat u• r wl» e i e ; i yt* ii 11 Vv - -jr) m&tic-y who you a at if ' I.U iui-Vf ■! tied ;|!1 Uic iHttii.-iliV. uiwiii iii' Mini jn ~.. -tli if. wuii..'. :;ni pr<. j (iiUßillua (rial. Don't. >.•«• w.i s.rrf'fetiup;. 1 *t/ii t ")«■• inirera.lik-. Mr 111:11 Mrs. (Jiiiirm art* just tv-. >f i}ji• iiiiui'. tJAUACOL ufi-is -two of tin* oounUi't-'s tliou«a.»id< who loui’tfl relief ihraup/h HADAOOf. Many i»smuj* who have sutfemi and wjuterl and liojiod for to jo 20 year* or even Ion *r<tr ar« ante to 'ha , eutforta.ljle liyes ~., , HaDACOL supplied :h. H vo n.t!ii;-.s a lid I'iivtM'ata whist! tTtisJi n.vsii ijio ii(*(*de<; Be fair to yo-uratjf. - 1 vv HADACOL ft rrttai. Get a toot tit at yirar di'us suite today (ActT.t ]L rw>> t'Annumhi* If*'' ”1 J | "> '<■ ' || ' ' - TOLHXKY WIN NEKS Wal ter Hroviiiinf, and Will Cooper, w timer and i unncr • Uj» in tin; KaU*ixh Tennis Tourinroeut con ducted Itsi l!n jj.i: i t\v > Sundays at the hcillr til Mr. amt .Mrs. VV (> White at .Method In Hu* V*■ UiV., Hut ro d Couples (.'tub aj m. rVuibiatt episcopal Lumen. Hhiitij by Gaiitard JUST RECEIVED BRASS FIRE DOCS i LNDEKSTTRE SETS i 'OAI S< in I EES IRON EIRE DOGS SHOVEL Hid TONGS F KICKS ARE LOWER S. M. Y O U N G LIO I . MARLIN .ST. DIAL 7121 I H Pint $2.20 ' "*«iSfSfG' |g Jm Austin^HicKols 6Co inc !■ tOCd«N •* «vt « c* ♦ football! HOMECOMING i ! St. Augustine's I COLLEGE S W. Va. State ! § OCT. <&<£ #, <1 I I KICKOFF 2 »\ M. V)\ Chavis Field | 'fc/ 8 RALEIGH, N. C. y J? A DMISSION $2 00 / ST. AUG. v&. ST. RAUL ] J If OCTOBER IE AT 1 Clu«vi Field 2 p, m, WT ■ \ |f| Admission % 1.50 ifiBPHHl ‘ F OOT ¥ A L L ~J fO A. & T. COLLEGE JSHAW UNIVERSITY Greensboro Stadium • SAT., OCT. 15 8 P.M. j ADMISSION 51. 50 iT*x Included) r~ni'*n~rimifi'iiy‘Yiiiiiniirnimnniiiimmnmii i>»iiiiiri-tcnißWT[Wwwn»riri-iwnr i ßm ir-r- T fr~MliMirrTiirafirinMtiiiiiuuiiiiiii)iiiLiill.'jitiruj]«iiL.'j_iyjj..ii)ui.niiiiiiJiiS iVi O TO tl'UU'l tilJVe *• t OU FtiiS M A .'Ac. rU*. s i .til.-; i\\j'x jiv conn*.«. vd lit I if. - .AC pi. : til tin: !< .; it t Jcctrilicdtion Aurnimst> at ior. .-v.>■{.,, ,r at farm., )i. liit n, :Ho ' 64.0 acres WfiIEJK. ENDING SAT! Ill>AY, OtTEoIIHK 15, l!U!i Falcons Down Bulls 19-13 | A lighting St. Augustine’* Col ! lege eleven downed a stubborn 1 Join.son C. Smith University team !by a 19-ii score in Chacu l'un-; j October a. I'iiCST HAW On the in i ploy fiorr: rerun I nine. Bobby Clark, swift and wiiily I sophomore halfback fioin Ciisuo i paigne, llj, ran "0 yard:, ter UH* first Falto,. touchdown : The Smith Golden Bulls came hack a tew plays .later to "an on ar oil-tackle pis: McCiiiificn kicked the extra point,, an 1 Sr.'.iU j led 7-8. Tim two learns stoou each otnef | off for thi reel of the half, tint: l a Saint fumble on the Fa teems' 4a yaven the '.v:iy to ‘tie ,io Giu'tn | touchdown which came on 20- : .yard pus a MeC.iiiougl:. to Wish iimton. Score at the trait Smith j ’' »*• H-li.-fi tmlh.Cohi *W« »-1. 9 * ■l' *•*•■*%■ it tMli Itu v. l»«lii..1 nr CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 514 West Morgan Street FOOTBALL “TOPS” ill 1 Educe:Atti'aCtidfiS W. S. i eachrTs Collage “Rains^ V 5, Shaw University “Bear*»**■- BOWMAN GRAY STADITJiYI SAT., OCT. 22. 1949 Winsion- Sal<u t n, NC, Kick 01 1 1. 30 p, m Advance Sdifrji I.until Oct. iS— At jhe C«Ate .-,00 Game l ickets Alter Octobef 1 U -S>FOO , Other .-iUractions: “Aiiss ..\iuitin‘ Hdit. Tiiiiiiy NiglT Mann noth Parade Sa’.u'-ua > ll:0u -v. .\j Dancing' ALtcr the Game with Max Wc-.tei hand in in mui i ii ii ii in iiui iiniiiiii ii iiiuiiiimii ,y r ; ii N. C. COLLEGE VS. Delaware .State Durham Athletic Park Saturday 1)1) KinaVti I ACT // A1 | DL 1 . b !*, M. I ADMISSION $1.50 (Tax Included) (football! ' (Homeconimg Allratllon i SH A W h UNIVERSITY i HOWARD P\ \ i UNIVERSITY | SATURDAY OCT. 29 Jel's game called 2 p. m. Ii CHAVIS FIELD j ; Iff X RALEIGH, N. C. j l| Ailbum» .... $2,00 p| KJ. St. Aug. 6, ,ii.h the attcnipt £(« | the extra point failed. SKCOND HALS Albert Clu'i; cai ricu over. 3i'>’V , ttie s:tripe to cianax a • calcori C.'-yora drive, aft i a 20 • yard run by Yates, who was it** i j urod on the pl*y had set it up. i Mile: mi a tunc!-off from Hick,, j ru'd the extia point on a 1 ~x't.■ ! . inf oitis t. Score 13 all With tour jninubo. !<it in the ; ■,: nt c; Hicks recovei tct fj ■St Aug. wilt n Washington sum- I til--.d .■ i his own ,S 4 A pa;.:. Hick; i to Clements was good lor 11 yaid.; I and a first, down The same corn i liit at ion coivipieled another pass, i which moved the cull to the 2-yard ! iiru. IVlilitook n over from th<‘re : f. - ormg ihi score to it) for St l , ui- The try for extra point was . wid Score lit. Augustine's Js i < bmitij 13

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