PAGE TWO ' r *"' ' . ... r •, ,o* b.Ho the wiiit-.-i 'v 'til throe thing,-. —a good qut-x t\, {a ’ty or : I'a.,. a..- air.nie stortu foud -SO to r >'. pt ..!lid:- a: Loros ■ ■ tghl tt. It) di:t!u ..lays ,)• ; full sr.. How ruper pi ceri on top of the or .oo r:l. 4 : r; 1 ’Allele will C-t ■■■■■> not)o -rarieii it some of ne ‘if tile.- combs are part of the ; cna .a;, * '>l '.hi honey sh- -KM t<-wards tr«c fop so that r h bets '..a m. upwards «;! ' - n- foot) . iv duv; ,s the win *>.r months. If there isn't entnn-.u 1 bin?; ia the- * ec. feed stigae sv ‘om the Jr.uei ..or. of Oe .■: or i:a- i:i:-;.!' 4 ! of Novt-m-' Wo:.;. shc.uH be unit ed Simply set a? brood chamber: ■ o Too of : f.. 4 r;he•. oifh a .-i «--T a newspapei act .■ i r Tun ic c 4 will maw a wav the puiXT and 1 unite peaceo ■y. , QUESfIOI. is :t „ good pr-ac fir '. ’i iosoed aßali'a in order to; tn 4 ken the stand) LEE’S FUNERAL HOME Homs Os CHRISTIAN AID MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION Ambulance Service Day or N'qhf Phone 3181 I W LEE. Prop. Fremont, N. C. BELL-STUART Furniture Company | Quality Furniture, Reasonable j [Prices 227-28 N. John Street Goldsboro, N. C., Phone 1760-J j FOR THE BEST j VALUES Cash or Credit SOUTHERLAND j FURNITURE CO. | t 207 N. John Street Phon* 1055 i— 7 : j Your Credit Is Good At j (’f&o/i j FURNITURE ! \ | ■?. I &**! I 4 Last VV J; GOLDSBORO “ ] ' I { : \ .'iNSWtR: S. 15 '.J‘ •"‘ a «.i }< ... L v'v u:t Si; U ' Cjllc*.. ~ • *!i >- : ihh been ?.iiec£s.viuL lx ;x sUc-d .. j ci- of •uTaard f « /e ' h hx-d cuttin;.. Th‘-s \\ ii odd • 1 • 4 1 •:!>. h • '' VU*:L •; i. u-'C .. JIIV . •ncruuLu ibe i* .oad Vi ay. Tht* aifejia-T»rcharci ca rr7x.• •re * I s I*'* P ? sis v* U? S i \ ’*j rl iV V&» J a ” * yii i ypj cmmh yu; jU'il L J?! t-41»s O .FIX 3 U RECKIVK H : i.iAiAN Wai-iiing'tWh I> - ■ S.\ iJpwiiVl i niv ■•. -it v" -itudeuts will •■ ■ i • i. :ie):is (h.iin« ti t 4 nnTsn! s imni ;ear from c- xrant iu How iid Vt)ivcrait> lit tin 4 Sititio. li.- Foi:nd;»t:un. r, f.; ti lll ■■ t•»i■ -o■! t-.-ixy Uy Hi. .Vi;,x M<’- .. .-. tiu-Tiiiti! of t.h- fomiiiittee ;,i; < 4 hoinf'-hips .:; t• 1 •: 4 1 ui ‘1 i i .'ll 44 ■ 4 ~ *; 1 t 4 ft 1 denis •■‘•'ill reeeiv-- 5,;J..-T.'»L I.> aid ; tiua m: ;i,’adi ti.ii - 4 v:irk ■ [ :i ; 4 . 4 r• it . Thi- uviptents in w vi,.l- Patriciii Hu,an-', ti >i» 1 Roiisce Louisiana: Mis.- 4 . Ko> 4 > ! r ffv or Philadelphia. I'a.. Mbs Ur iel- bl'itvll. .of C:ii< 4 ayt>. H'T 'l - Joaquin* William.- 4 . ,! l" Jei so> «T»y. J ; I.iiifo’li Ol'V'-r. of St. Til"': . Virgin Islands, and Ucor.go T Jones, a graduate student of .v-v Ro'he’H . N. V \U fix sDtdt'llt - 4 qualiin'd for '.lie .srholarsliip award;? on the itasi- i>- liaviii 44 . hotter than, a avi rtme it. sn'n.iia: ship, i 5! addition t > ftiei: ’iitei’fsfs in'or r, taiioii; 4 . lief 4 ! l.i' iits of file H ihiiati Awartb i o > In l majoring in :hnt. .-t Nh w V<*rk. and i'r Hu oil G. Oaliaglicr, of the I S Office of Lsiut-ition ii! he th • t'-in ipai speakers -it th<- Jin! An anal < 'onvefinMoi* of the 'm hool h.-‘!fgjiit> .1 !o net 111 3; lliO 4 ever Hy in i'm. sday. N.-veaiite: Mo libs yoa.-'s tht-n. 'This Nation I Cutlet Cod ', will !*>■ » 4 .”'letted 1". . the spe.n' 4 h"s of U-mige 1., Weaver, of the CIO. who will din- i- 4 - "I aim- . Relations a i. ’i Tin Ohrisllao ;.*> lira vi; Lfslin : ’■ rry. I g: ■iiMivt 4 Rept■ tentative of the X A. A. C. p. wlm iviit sja-jf os .Uegi ative Action and .(.»■ Uhcis*>:ni ! \enetiaa Bliini Shop IQVAUIV BIJNOX Ai •• Ctiirspicfe Iterondiuosiing On Old Elin-M ifill N. Wiiliatn Sf Ooiiivtioi;) Pfctrne df>-:-VV C. U Pat*-. Frup. GARRIS DRY CLEANELS AND HATTERS "ONE DAY SERVICE" ! I | 203 ?'? Center Goldsboro LLMORE’S RADIO SERVICE sa: a i ami Servic-* | Strset f toor Burden i Goidsbara* If- C 2. 36 i i \ maEm&mmmmmi i >n mifflTiirr aaar •; > l"; Dr - ’ill L. SF* « c i ■ ■ 'v:: H* • us E\>Hn*.lat• oi 1 -oliticai lc ■..> .uu-i-cs-' hou '* FiSUS Dug *<£ »•:• • V ;i 1 U']< Op j) * 'll Li S .il: •• ■ til V t n - 'i Ij* ill . ' j }?*. V!or• • • •Nitc : :)? iop Osnare .• i, • .u ’ ■ •• fhr •- cdr.- m-ps (j'-irijiy; • , < - « If*' 'A' 1)1 M * T-j. \m? li!'. 4 ... ft ’ i'n nr Crisis". u Cbr;*-; u.m ... ... :f .. . i . is ? };• K ihu ].> M I• : ! N ’ ' 1)V. C'llliiyc :• ' ic-N • r .. , lie n; ..r Tall. «; 4 F • forrr. *r pry lessor \ i= •' t. is? .ii ic of i-. . S'! EIOHT HAMPTO-: ROiG mmm COMMISSfONEP Hampton \’a. Th-- tlire- ii . lot: fr.stitnte 1:'C 4 4 nlua 4 •- r." :in■ nn n Prexulctd i I'oman i iy i.iotninu:f-d for .•; aia :• nr.: n: ,4 -si jus bring to 4 ai tb oai !■■ ■; :.,n K< >T< . . such coiutnissHms .a ih" pa.- . 4 t • riadua'ing Haas, 4 Ti;na ,4 ‘< m : ; 44 " Jl( 14..1eiI 4 ..1ei - 111. J .-a.• 4 l ias- IV cent. •>! Red 4 a oi; >.!, ■ I■--- ; < I ■ b ; > it,, of Riehno'ttd, K> . and Wi! It- l. T'us of Oitit-1 tJ3i.-:! (lino Last yeai regnl-ir a. :e . i| 4 i>- tin ti! s a ent to Job n l,i!; b ,joi and Lonnie id. Harrington. Jr a l, oi bun are in Japan: and a Diokereoti. Jr.. William B. I'rm lor Jr., and I.on an- Willi -n. a! ■ of ’.vnom are in Hi- Army c 4 .h 44 Scbooi a:t. Fort Rib 4 .e K;■, t . Tn addition, on- no nib.- 41 if ;I -■l3 <"j; !SS in Miiiuiri S 4 .■ and *1 antics and nun 1 niembpi ,>( ih is ' 4i are on <'otunetifit Ton; tor eotninlssiolis; 'vlui- If bfr.. : oi tin- ’4.- ela«s and :i!i o'ht r nieni ! her? the MJ etas _M 4 !c mcrnheia. of tii O 4 u-. rv 4 serve Corps. "I . ■ ill want t'- 1.i,• al ! « , i -s Gif la G ;'- 4 t tklpM a t V C-'V ]■:((•,!(.• , litih KM > 'k<~ - C- .. -MKAI 3 ■ • DAWSON’S CAFE I'o? A HILLSBORO S'l . Oi'KN I>AV X NiLii ■ 1 For Fur and Recreation Visit j' THORNTON’S , TEEN-AGE CASINO .And SHAVING PARLOR | 507 Aivir Street Gc idaboro, N C. E, A. Thorruon Prop, j Phone 387-M 1 L ) C-SCOTTS CAFE .] ;! 1 In S.vrae-ciied Foods 04 '1 » >LSV S .*■ \ 1j; * ~ n \ ! I G?i3' -on. N, C. \ ' CAROLINIAN Satui-dav. OcLiLer 22, V-:rkx! Combinations Give \ew interest ,v r’etpeljr Soup-and-C nicker I uneh.w .a ?•' . t . . - - A :~a; v o r « .. '■ c.'a *■ :-•• ' - H* ,A .3- % 4 'Ms v ' ©.a ‘ ' ..Si, S* 4 'y. ;M' a , . M |vs?ti 4 A ’* O' • 'l OArH £ - > * ■ r aJf 4 -¥ ■ ..., Ax J ' V - .. A ' '-i V v‘ 4 ' -i&G" . ' ' ; ;y 7 " r~ b-.-va --f •■alii cmc;. o.irMc 4 a d ■ .ffiJud h*t the snot. ~i Innohcs fiur 4 a. v-':;!'. i 1 tr ■- : ■ V : • l, this kind ,s as'luM-iticiic ns it I s wai n' iii:; , i:. ... K .’ g i *y to ii -a; •. h.. *, s f,v a. 44 .. 4 crackers. Some days have crispy .vnmre la: t,'a: a , s accMupariv tiic soup with the rmiri.i sca’ioped .a : ,-iy or -iai. :. )■ ast •-■.' --rs. It:c 4 ."i-cC|Ua;e ■?’'a.- - 4 -:’a --■ 4 a, .... , .ar. -fi.a-ii. l: .a ; . , float on soup They’re especially e-.0.j with ercan -i-.u-is The wide variety , f jicepared ;• n ■. ami ...- ... ■ . a . 4 the busy'maker Tic- are c-'-.i as t'. 4 a- .. -'..i also i.-a themselves to man;, d.-hghtt' 4 .: caunbinat: H- a. a'- 4 ,- ■. .... for achieving variety with canned « i- 4 s. t.hichen-Vegetable Simp; Mix I r* M. a ,r; ; i ~ ia !e soup. Heat to boiling and serar. Chieken-Tomalo Snip M l c. . urriuK const a.; 4! . Heal to boiling and s<- ■ i 5 NEivU, Hr,i \IIES Kl\ U 1E1L5.7 VEViL OMAHA. Ntiir. AML Hr- Emma \j. \vaut was bur id in O-'.ah; last w'-ck Airs, Xvartt’s sfvm sons arui !v. o i .‘lighter-. Were ;i -esent at the ? uiit ra!, the first lime isi years that they had al! been ;;c list r. The ehilUren, o;. survivors ”1 the dead woman, arc: HR '• ini A. ant. jess Avant. and Cat tie 1.. luhnson, all ul l'usk> yet Alaliama: John Vvant. 11-n vr\ Avant. 'lassie Avant. China go and ( i-t'rnt Avant. i mm- ttt A*, ui? and Lulian !>«' ■ v of this cdy The -.--ven sens served is vabm-arers A their mothers Mils r.i! a ' " 1 | BUICK MOTOR | CARS * * * * I SALES AND SERVICE I I We Invite Vou To 1 I Visit Us * f -f- | SCOTT MOTOR j | COMPANY j J s cess "h:r sr. GOtDsao&o, n. c. 1 ' , *-T :: ?3s.^KS r, S^WssSS s Ss?3^ Kill iAliiiA U. h Ml illkl. I iif.i !l I'OH KY. DOTHAN Via, AM'. l'hi reijuvsi a- a lik-ytui old m,ui wo granted tins u e-.-r, e lieu , f < scar aid girl sti«! him to death, aneurdiiig to < -iruner A Parker. l.i s i,. 3|ae Gloriat:d, IS ad mitt! 4 dtliat she killed Richard MnMiliei v ith a shs’lyim after iic loaded ami conked the gun. tnd told her that there v. i- I'ottiTng to it just jiuli .hi trig *•' l J*, Dark* h ' in invs’stigatioti h* in* made, hut im viiat aes h‘ ! ve 1 ecu 1 bored a-ainst lint sirl, who San that she doesn't fe r t-sv or 4 McAiii. r warned to bn shot.