PAGE FOUR HIGH POINT P CURRENT I & CYCLE §|| By C. E. Yokeiy 5?- t■ tt T- : Vajc. _y C' Sz fal .vcrr:thas out a ‘leelt;'' 1 Bo •' ■ u ; -.c tc cc •_: vertco 'irco -a Ifor ci -V :e group meet- B grist waere ro club intends fetsbiiih t?:o eh bheust we do IffiVfEW SLHOOL HgpfHgc«i3gt io c&mmzcz too opC- ! iil' -iu trie mcIUT Diu uive ; >:idiCCjtkT*e oi u ;:aJr- red tape de- ; ; layir>£ ! :>3€ development However * bar e-ien pur. Lely irurroonca ai •of 1.-L-t week f'cr.'j ciliu;.: -c-urce* that the devejOT.rier.t wid begin ; jmniud'ate?> FCFE. caddy tnere is s teeoDp eff or. tht f.rst »2 ■ rvv ay. FLATBUSB KVa The “Little ‘Y.-.-Ic Sene?" vx..- tlryes :r. World !IV a: Mcmorj.7 Siadiurr- in Greens* acr- ,• f...... v .-i; .a tc.: : -. ci FxxlushY : Erroky'rj C; dgert th. x dying z'.ii' . exhibition "Jot" •vr:s ready there :::r. 11 it cad not tec:: f. . tht Si.Ex.--A T germ the :h: they . • .id • a fct it.:, v. m;r._ in list. : i-ejieve tne;. are btcauste oi The Beys cl d « e. r-c exhitnwin. .“I." tile.7 C.■ viend J..c frier.o T ? -J <_iC i\ 2ifol. £• av v tilt ' • - yc iduc: bo and tbe bog;- f though slaying v*iui in-: '.*• Try Ccir; < . i that the u*-1, niear- when ho sale catrh. H ‘ a.] the sifcn* b th:- rj.ajun- ; : w'hte-i <■ v*cr .tt every move tar-' ry Iniby .nruck coat on called o. :Ce is the rag in c. idle: ■tut pm y£c .rioht lie Jo a:.d batted ar H-- ry far :t the n. s o*t shy ar.ri ; aCUvO:. -* cf Bi;- T • We jj-y u r ~ »- . . ccy u:i: car.G ; Ah'-.temovit .uxe hII he ufner far;s : rr .-cry there and ir» • tc.:- the ■ extra point w...- -ici comnlt’ea l David Arrcstr •m-.f a cc. roc jn the; .s-conti Conner orui wilh I'enn i making u safety the score at half-; time v;ar M-C. The thiro Vjuarte: i n: •-vitiiout 1 o score Atesirc.te A.'irig f reiji ouarterback Walts Bobbins to) i Lowrenct- BarroT arc tfa« excellent i blocking i Bavio Arm tr-nx made: the tcuchdowo Harrell ran ; about 50 yards for »h* scor«-. Bur.La: tried passes, wanpiet-| cc; <■ .->■ tiuee P- vi r 11: 11 passes t' a t>vo ■ Score ry fences: Penn 6 i ! t S! ESCRIBE TOD W ! I! M\ UAIJKEH IHES IA BROOKLYN, N.Y. i The t udy ;i Mr., Eve •yn Walk or, ' for rneri y i Ij gh Point, \vh • d:ed ,in B: cok]y .y N Y . lait Salu ! duy. ; ; was bi ought here- for last i - ii’-pr..j tervicis were '.•■<•• ici ’k • n < anit Hajotisi v comer : >. i Price ar.Ci Econard Streets. Sui -1 ui'QLy alterr on . t It ■■ clue. iiur- ’ ■ :;.I was m .. wttrieerv c.t Sti.r. lift. rir .: :.ic' her : ;i) Boa ' Dunn; c. s< - Wallin Walkei five : ST, H\RK VIETHODiST Mrs. H. F.. Mcßae sponsored her ; i; pr. gram ir. the :nt< resi o1 ■ the Revered Ministers' fund Tin program was held at the reguio. ■ 6:3 s church worship Sunda;.. Ci - tortr If The theme ci the program. On Vttsrans -- Xot Cliaritv But Jus tice " Pori I Worship. Theme. I. orca.-. the Charitable. Pc.rt 11. Manorial for tit* you deceased who are Dr. Hugh i A-he. La c. A. Petie and 51.:- Eiizaoeth Gib - or. Pa. ... Loans reHUings ■ muiicai selections appropr.atc it !a theine '.-.are .-end. red by mao. here f t the various : r >; tin c cm« of the ieatiint talent < i Hli Yu circles of V-* • , Society C.hri>ti«V' S--“ uaic the:.’- monthly yneei ng luefcru.' i night. October il. Euc;. \v;.s we! Cr :k Nc 4 rr.' i vu: ih Klff. Aar.v . Lkc-v.-r. r;.i East Washington Street M:.-. Ora Martin dhahmst ka , ire n'hzi ?cr':: le and pic. d-d I MiLav:nia Green leader = ; ihe puogiain. presented Mr? L £. rr. Hvmc M ffioiia. Two new me. fibers were wd - d 2 and iVir- A M 2 ck LFOvARD ST. St HOOL T , T2-p,-p.-- \A u servec. \t ry success: illy -rr •agn • ducted «: i*rc drill and mace 1 ak:- o The following program a* . : <;.> ■ 'As v’v * eks Ob r'a.a-cu. jturc, Mrs C: ! ..-yer, • W»: e.-; M:YV. M. Be-vci; Fie pi - vc a lion- Rules. Mrs Rivers 'LI a?.* "The Fix urd 'The E>,guie," F'.'i.g : y the- First u.. -To Fir non ’ Sour by Second Graa-.; Tc Lure T lie A pm. n: iA F.y 0;. Third G;ri- A Two P. >- R> ur.d. • Hear T! . Siren |F< jrtr Grades; A School Readme, f Fiftn Giede. A jioent "A.iiurnn. ' A-. «- ( irf'-v tk :i< - Member were. Mrs. IVi. Sinmu Mrs C. H. Curry and Mrs. T. t 1 mg: urn, si tt)lxt cor\< n. The Stut.e:n C i.r.eii i- rv,.' ,• •- ■n; ‘Clean Up Campaign do; • ..." week of October 17. Ri-j: ; res er.tailves Si.-ive been askt.c, te- r. :P- rt suggest ion.- to their p<-< • ' | live classes relative to ti<.. :,g ■ ; si:’dings and grounds. As'dc- fr r. new cement w;. ks • top soil has been added in the uvo ic: urv- mtaki'.g r possible i : pxf ic f 'ov Airs Grady \Vkn,k<.. ;; rev:.- ; u the Student Co-inch GIRL SCO IT HEFTING The Girl Scout Troop 4h of la m.- ; ac Street School named -a.: * of fleers at its meeting Monday • veil ing October 10 Barber; Oliva jCbairmar.: Virginia Hayes. vir«. chairman; Joyce Thomas, secretary; 'Eunice McKee, treasurer. Jot Am: Graves, chairman of program cou.- mrttes: Zenooia Smith chair-man :of Sick Committee. Mr.- Daisy Mark assistant leader, had shatg Icl the meeting Mrs. Marie 1 I'.■' *f,i- :dcfi. iO> the vSO’., p CAROLINIAN Saturday, • ctob«?r 22, WU-: f O! NiiFK OF *ct*n.:vt • ■'ir\r CLI lis fir Ain,,, Ulcry «i Pit Ist nrgh. Fa. is Asunder and presu.evst ci me .S«ti«nai Acßievrmcnt Clubs, ire. whic-n. vviii held thfi: anttuai convert tion October 15-14 at Uic Da» star Baptist Church m New York City. Tne convention will carry ths motto Snowing Our Love Humanity Prominent in a'it- affaire throughout the na ■;Or. Iliery built the aehiev*-- mmt ciubs up from neighborhood affair-, to 3ft branches spread throughout Pennsylvania with • ft;-.ptei , in New >' rk V- ashing ton I), e . Alabama. California Ohio and II lino it ANT Mi;k IDDLI) Clßs 1 U ISAM) 1 MFORM H \D ; Then V. u. P;.nr.- High 5-n• ■: dc :- aif g Lexi;-."U:n here J;-,s; Thuss • uay Uic band perfect u u r new •i. -yrrn' I’r i;ij ; , £ •' B- • tore , istan-.d tiiat th< c> -; <; the id :r ant iia • & r iZt'r. la .t ! . U'i tfliV a •. *iiSt 1 io: s d? g ! a*y i van t* -o.?t : i thr- eouipm- n' uk. Lv. 2.;- ■re c-a'ud. FORMER kEsIDLM Rifw IN ROCK HILL >■. s ;; s ’ rinate oi in r - Ha:. ,t a-- -c- -G-. -r..i d Skc.e ifaul*- i Chaapo. Ernest av, .-. " a. C ...:c Roll I: ■' Nr.i ':'a .rare ... ■ • survive rat.ta : LH NBAR's - BY M M IN WEDLOCK Ivi. :: c Mr. Ai. 1 ««': •< i I' a; ‘; . . ciaugiittrr. !>.. ic. Iny, tr Mr I-.-: be:;. : luynun. uv.n ui Mr. ate .Mr? .u> - ;n;o F-'ifr 119 G D:u- Su. -. c t C:,<: vv*vveiu spekt/i Ocoti.r i The lie v.uvds ,jre :t-?icii;-.b ut :?jf. VINCENT- BARNS' VOW ARE SPOKEN On Monday night. October li. i .\fr. Docia Vince-:it *no !»j; j.. si c ; Ban: wort united i; marriage by If.!'. J I Mettor. the home oi . -lie hr.civ on HiiJcu S’ The bride , wore royal blue and cor sag; of gardenias. Miss Ci-i; -t Rivers »v«? i . maid oi honor and C J Shelly was rest man FoUc-wing the Vvcddim-' ia reception was give’ by the Le gion Auxiliary Unit E Tbe Earns' nn ;n home at the Huida Street :; csiderict*. REOOONSTIQN SERVICE HELD BY Y- TEEN CUiB WilleiHt 1- l--- s ::io * :: me: k the ,v:ie:; * J .. V. : I , . t . Inc V--I,: :: . 1 . i.: : .'a . 7k 7A. a red fix■ vice e, fhc ; ci; £ ..;.r,n service vv;,; it held t . eg regular ~s ua > h u; _ m. and v.aii v . . i t -he j xi: i, ■ candies Y-Tec.:: i a Branch witr. ir*i ; WO A j- -: i state, r.atic r. a; De.i.: . i a rvices, the a'7ocn -1 Christ r- gr 0 i the Y-T< cry Ja ehilc.'-' I at. courtiies. v- I.< acknc ■■ ■ • o 7 -7. r-es ' ur;. - . 7 ■ ■- :nfcf-rs to be present Ti e :ty xr monthly advisors rriee'jrig a 7 te held Wednesday ■ c-: thi YWQA Thus a a, ‘tv t: for lent and fct! - - ivrsteix !.•:< t- i-ed to be- ca se -i The ''(' ter - hedu'e -T clue rfU Up w.u: a -te same. * A VV£ A ( ALENDAR 1 The monthly V. r. . tv; vice wiGci’ je usually held cn i t third F eeejay will be held this rta mb :• ‘ ‘ tourth. i.e v.. ■ , 4: :oft F.i- tot. it p. nr. tr ;- . ■ t.-" '.VI,; ; till’ t eve ’' id'et;: Jl —tt < • -ftrinll av . t mevt 7 a.W . T: ; 7:. a-: . xee vai? :., ‘ compk.te p ’u;u- for the A.u ugj Mon-: - a". ; Dinner to be nwo at •.he N - C r uF-hrig on the 27xa iof ct; Mrs. Biackburr. c: .• ? - niaij, u.‘ ; - periioriS cc u. -2 *cl ;to be > u * B*oo p. ni. } TM. 'iM. iG 2 y C: . . 1 m , e t t o nia k e . - I tumeu if r r 2: lv typing class ir open fo* m. y ..2 stud€nu at :.b-. Y Thursday. C:00 p. m T.if- 1 : ue Tr:an. (" ■u" will spons; r 2 >. •: - Halle - <- f : d uuy at ih: Y tv*ho.: r g Thu - . .:Y\e director and >.>i: • .rwu. - : ■: rniltue of mvi:-u- u*: r* iho F; • . u YYfCA to tin Bc.?rd oi L '■ 1 ; .u- ■tc 1 -- g *niui'sdo < ve ruu-yj-.. Tru French YWCA • r 1.. ri 01 u.-'. association and -■ o k'c C ..- r ' :*;• Chest. fROD>DON\L Mi % HI) >« HOOL BAM) Ti 1,7 csienai Men's Ch:V- r e-1, xa ‘ e cctin.e • f it; • • -Ty r; , with S E. Burlo. d , : ; hoiiii on ■. . 7h i .7 .. C E. Yokes: rr. t '-he meeting Sturt . e V.; . ■ :: j l iC-ey wt re ape -: X ■a. at : ■•: 7..,r: dominated Ui.r.-O : ■ 1 ■ Lett High Sche-o' b.a,: .-t; ;t.a. --> eompk-te p*- t.v; ; ,t uniforirre The ~.. t : ' i.ilt-.-? appeinlcd •:- S. t 1 7 J. .-hailman, Dr Tvi B 77 . V F.ifcckburn atd J \V '.at. l r’o TP club fan,tec cor.’- t'.i' t, J VV. lliight s, eiitnar!. t Dr H. H . : wtei Dr J t.' Ma - ge,; • .a a , ; the meeting w-- F. A. 7-acy J Campbell, J. >7 - ifcy. l ' Gardener. PF-RSONALS Mat Ft it Bi.nckwell has return ad t' Sr-angfield Muss after v;7l -11. e I.; , ;; a. IVl:"e IV7I-t 1 ivn- .'p iper. h>-; t:other Lewi; Blark '.veil. Reb«‘tea Gnipet was fc : it f -tamed 7t a feivweil party by her fainix iShe is i>.; ■' to enter Spnngfitic Technir-.j; High School. Mrs. Marie- Hood has returned • Iron; No-v port News whore sht ' iattend* .. the funeral of tier broth er, Nij. Wiilie Heath. Rev. W. F. Elliott his returned aiti. r a vacation in Virginia and i other cast coast states.