PAGE EIGHT FAYETTEVILLE i 1 ; •SI. YOUR SCRIBE \ >* • ||p By FREDRICK L BURNS rf?TJ /'flK T • . / * G >; • • '- i •■ . - Jp2p jif #PI ' n • ..•ok and corner. a:“ c: sj d'nner tables, on street c s -■ s whirs people stop to phut, c ’ words or praise to Judge Sus - t'ha: : who i ; presiding cv. c tv. j-Works term of • :«i ' -• n -.f Cumberland S .peri..-.' ( • is la* first woman j-IGL eve :• • j - *j:> pointed by >i:r g; v- j feii: Kerr Scott who dsssrv-cj <4 wc:d - v o: for having co;:i\y.m t. < .rui a j iii.> conviction.*. Bth' har r veivcd c-Hhing but pi a-sc On' seer • /-*: -c-rVicient manner m a t siti ’'. - t : t regret that nmst t t.s* t:..-. t . •; c <:iore her happened i c our people, and most oi ti reive.i murder. WILL OtTH Ft : LE EVER LEARN" : t o years. 5 to 7 years. 13 to 1: . . all over >b?t rt’jti r ; dinirt" this term of c.ou.t Ti e pu • is rn high for a few hour? •of f . y. . • only i os the defendant pay t: .a..-, but the, likewise d The hi tiler mother, sisters as.:i rc>thfrs wives and husband? all r- vc to pay with broken hearts '.o\ Sound rather h»rd but, v .in individual breaks the law, v d aui man that individtii! :;-d will pa tliat -ie:. s< V -THOU SHALL NOT KILL." V- •• h-.v- lived in this land „• lo ti tin nrui somewhere during taa: life ■(: hava learned one ji t..e lav.- . • we know that l: in-sw-... v v- ' w owiished. ! ' ' t* DOUBLE DOUBLE Jj, MEASURE HiltiF PLEASURE |§ 4 SPARKLING FLAVORS double Col s. _ Orange Strawberry Grape Double Cola Bottling Co. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. We may res art t wnchcraft, and spend our h rd earned money to -j ip .-p.rne Hoe’ 0 >ctiir in another We may re sort t Hands" or H io-dt <» " We ritfiv be po< tiun tv iniiuence some "Lr ■ diot ’ who' rsn get t > € abiv to hire some of He :W" array : dm. yer- to plead >-v care. We may de able to vet a ■ ight sentence or acqu *ai. but in ur hea'-ts we know that. Thai Bond says. “Thou Shall nor kill" w- Jo know tiiat s- .n tune, 'sum- ain •; v.- 'Tiu.'t face it aid •■hen tha: day comes. \v~ will pay ‘ th? pi ice -- Is i: worth :t Our people, u- a rule are no: •U! Tc-rs out wnww'n-re ai net oat I vec 'he anushment lid not tit the eri'vr.o. Ksj.t-eially %there Me-' groes kill one m other, the irnpres •u.n s ie/t tha: only a Negro is Silled -- Wiiv worry ■' !:-.■ -a: y 's n.n far if that ail tic • will be i-j 'krd »tpon as nc nu.n i.Kings and will ce treated as such, when that d ry comes Negroes will again respect the law. The lav. remains the same but • the rterpretan >n of the law. ar.d Irik of enforcing that law. i< tvhat we criticise Only five -: ' St Western Eu r i'van r.ati .■•• ar, significant pro d'..tiers of tobacco I S expo's if wrier, t totaled •bove fij f: million oiishels for J do. ■ d luges* Rf'“ up of RESULT OF CMItiVIIH \! rvi i- ■ht"vn the Smith »>rr< tth Church of tied i (i> which if the realization •>; : rear* « work in the F.tvcttcvilie ■ n»inanity by Eider i:,i Mr .. William Smith inset 1 w«ur? ;■> * t tie. church who •-vuii their smuil congregation iabored tjit'-. S'uliv to fcring ahti-jt its • tic.h ‘Mor> on ti.i> hag- PERSONALS Sgt and Mt:- Eav. a t ... Wad:- have returned •,-- do.- 3 25-day leave wren ; ,k the;:: to Los Angel, s Cui t - ;,y M and Chica=;i. Id •f lino u i St. L ; i.. -.v* ■ . guests of Air ana d :'. Walker Clarence Wall ->r -rotner >f Set. Walker, acc are pan led • • - m. i 1 their retm i, ;r: ; n W . ■. ■ . : guest of the Walk-, s Miss Geneva McNeil! o. VC o: w N C .is the aa- -rs r:er - U'v Julia Hunter ,-f ..Soopsor S' lord m l.eavv Til y.. the and Sirs. Jo: dan Tears «•• . ye in Philadelphia. Pa M Alai y d •..!-. d-- ■' : - . ; Air and Mrs. Ana:.' . , ~-. ... . , entered DeShar - Smv. r Bmu 'u an. Durhans. N d \IM ! dr Mr.- D->si:i See - .>• New Jersey Airs Beatric ,? :a duut'.ther di: and vr O r Meb/ii' L. Grice o: 1 . l.n. Mr ~nd A-- Holdups-: ‘worth. Milford. f). Miss Dorth> '•• ,ir i~f- poiladil 1 phia. P;j. Mr. and Mrs Sar: r.d dlo,.:; rd and sen, Ernst V- -. Pan! X C. anti Mr ;nd Mr. ,'k r A! Blake of Dark p ; , JUNIOR USHERS HOLD ANNUAL CELEBRATION TL; JttiiiOr id ' • s . Baptist Cfaurc;. .■-; ; jr *-.i its dpi •nK.vtrsarv Sr-,. ,;v -. ait. r. h musical and in. n . a; .'. . Vl. t >.•■■ .'.l -y celebrated Junior L: Cry is ■vhieh is u;i or to.- i; -ctioe >. M ss Susie 3. W:d: Included m the -, Completed Church Is Tribute To Pair ' Will V>:""-:'dd Vvtirio H ; . r;Gcae _, ( S Mr* I Lome I o j PEN NETS J j BIRTHDAY PARTY! I 22nd Year In Fayetteville J BARGAINS IN ALL I : DEBTS. 1 214 HA \ ST. FAYETTEVILLE, C. I USED CARS [ — 3 DAY SPECIAL \ 1943 MERCURY $ 1345^0! j 4 Door. Fully Equipped 1949 si 89500 1949 'onvertib, 5219500 I 1947 t c “V' : $129500 1941 "C 554500 1939 c™ L P f 539500! THESE ARE JUST A FEW—- 4 ’ways 23 to 30 Good ('lean Cars tc Select From Wheatley Motors, Inc. 0 our Authorised Lincoln-Mercury Dealer j 451 W. Russel! St. Phor.e 2225 i Bl F L. E-URN'' Eider :r;i Mrs. dd:,.. '-■ and the .was Tern pie . Cilia t Vs 0 - h uw . Jt . ; . . d l-UKCHAS! n 1 < >! iv 194a ti c V . , -e; a I, !s‘l f■ 1 11 ~' T\ r r.; di v, p'' ■ -a pi.ase forth :.'-,p.4S' f : :■ - I 'untinueu un page nine