WEE K )• Kr> ! y r. \tt 'p n "> f- r T OBER 22. 19 •> HADACOI. UK IPs i HOI S \ M»s 01 Al l, \(,ii GROUPS Counties .• •) hi iitls inv<• proved 1 hat HAD,AUDI, ; ; Sifjri'M'i'i.t! ; > t'olks 'if ,-ill ay;a., 1 !n: , - 11:, am •••o ninny purchase the large "crn '■'in? si.?.-’ yott iiy ,o all the family ■ nu benefit. i’•">!• nnHireV IV..min " tul Min mi Is in ll.v D.At <)J.. j nr instance. .Vibr. Ktln-d (V dry Montgomery St l'<» ! N’:•; < Texas, oni' I? y>j.ir .>I»:, w.i■ "b • : Ingr nervous. had litlo appetite. tier tills may cauw? d : fiwl ' * a ‘ < ‘‘ v '' (i ‘ s 1 " ! bu m-.es s u r ii if digestion. and - '.. burn*. ir ten une-s Miss Hr. id re ;.y " could not cal the Mini ’• i 1 •food y|p 'A-iar.cii without 1 <-in:; te*rii a- ufte; iiarN. »1 is - fluidly svho i < ■■ls i’ ■ riul" jiff d fi OKI high ii'" >1 i ' ii ■ o’ vycuKiiiW oi ;i iiiiuU <1 ih ,1 llt'l IT i a kin:' 'To’. i> •’ Oi HAI)A< Oi, : no.-- ;V. ill:- MTOUiif.Tflt!." :11;• 1 no: "Vl* pen "IK! I'lUTf.' Ah is ( f'.uk.A I .ike 11 Ai 5 A f'OL l’" cai' -i it h:i- v.oi !,'• <1 -'if h "•-■•‘.-••i fr>V i-.'io: i or 11- : 'i i • *oll n ry • r.. .iv DVD A: > • .-•> .•• i" '■ 1 ,‘l ..! * I' 1 i il.i 1 ' •' ' ! - ' ' (xc lion I 1 -s.-.::: . ).... nearby Fori ... ,y \ 1 j . -ninth li--U"f i ta: |;i |<; i, - scV w: ’ hot li. .. .if HAJ) V. ■'! .Alls. Thor.:psotl’-- )»'•• ii-- 1 is 1 il", pound ii'.if .*•!»•• ‘.'O'-vii to ill! p.-.uuds hfifc'-.'-- ■; ii A DP COL and aft or nikim a f vv i-"tl! - of ii. Vi • \D< -! . • •• I . ■■.mo. A I.ab!l- --Ist, , - n-’ nD■ ■ l:■ I It ■! lost my appetite .Mid v ;t- '-i,-j, said At- . T'lotvij'snn. SI:- had t.-'c : ecvcrnl pr- nr: into !-I •>> .itvt her husband's ad vie.-- IfADAi Oi, and now sin* cutlm-*’last; oil > v. ' oil', mends II A D ' i > 1. : - hc> friend She. ion. filto A!:-"-- i;. and the (.;!ii w's * afft-'-'iir t• S.'s' k t*f t •!*' •• ’V; * till! *•• V : • vi! ■■ ill is I r.■ i- : ii if \r>A (( | j ~.r |M» .. : , s ~f tiw p, V'y •;: y. ,r, - ,• , } 'i : . f i tl y : -ii:; wiri: Voe -a :] h.-t v. HTI iljl.'rf't St ■'’ -1 *-■1 * \• ' I Will • id » r*;»>V }’!»•:•• r? ;; i . j, j • ,• tl'l ;U f i.h* f;; i flii'S Vt-y l\\u> soy t'e-;!!' nf hem* hi. 'xftxv\v* rh'y ' .V: ‘ • • An«i while flu Mmjifo’U'- t-Uiy ! o sh,. i • ulis no known - ure •yuo; : tin nflniin i stnt?.ion of the Viuunhip . | ?},, FlAliAi’Ol, riTitnois n ■ oni v -■•••- b-s 1 - r oi tbi H \ Man:ins, HAD.VOI wiiu }i \ •-iiiv s;. s■ u:ii !;;< k coni a ins nor nv-ly one. )>nt 4 of f*s fieri-*nary Mineral. P como:-. to yo • in iivpiid t'orr.i. easily Mssiniliarr-I 8,0 to wo 1 U righ* a wav. It is i.'Eiy !,-, uiA.h '-stand, th- ' f.-in fiy umntii-ss til Oil'is i t.. :> it’c.i't y ii.-cr, t (-«: -.-i-il thi atna.-'iu toil" . HADAt 'if, So. it metier: »)••! yho von .r . it 111:/ i I IT.-: J.. ■ t , ;. it'. t or it >on hi-, v< "d ,1 i! ii niedicii'i'-s under lho n, yiv- ihi w < ndrrful p:' ' I n Don't yo .p sot'Vriii?' Don't tmuc to lend u n.jt. raldo life ;.lat . pi-TKona who have suffer,-.*l mit.i Wt.it -, t.'i- .!■ to t'O yea:: i . tin ion.l ' .Dir- ’mv. 10 I-,- happy 'i'll' ' IMe I! n• - ■ aKaltl la-raiis > HAD OJj sap; tied the Vila mitt ami .Minerpis Hbuth tfjeir syu-tt.. j-cMti'ii Hr fail to v< irs it HAD ACOL ;i t’ fi" ' Ad, rt. WHITS Sdiwwt* ~ alb: Mn, CHOI* GOWNS »:2 nr.l jk|| Ai>cvf uka" Um Rrrtj! tifri-V pP LOU!S j. tSN’Jfvr.f? Ws, * r 153 V, )3rd St ft 'r. Dtp v, J K WtiM UMi. Firestone Stores Negro Land Grant College Prexies Hold Conference WashlngUM) Thu Pr ‘Ki.i.'Pf a of •Ai-ei.i Laud Ora lit I o!t: ;:i s Coufi.-' ; , ucc, ttiiiti'ing he;\ next . ck. will I-. mid by let.dhu? bubim •■■ and in itustr,- representalires how their jfitftitnti'iiia may bell or fillip their graduates for roles in itidiisii y. '1 ( c annua! eontereneß opens on 1 uc.- uay, Oetofcer l u , and win adjourn on Dll,'lk.; 20 All regular ii,. will lie held in the Federal tv-m --if.v i.-iilding. This year's theuie i.- "Guldaaoe mM ih'uupatio'iai Timiiils.' TD presitle-uis of 21 affiliat' d eolley - are i \ pee ted to jmrtietiKi*i.. i.av ionce A. Davis, of Finn Bluff. A: ittvns.ir-, couference prc-sld"rt ai 1 in his atiiiouneeme'Ot. 'I lie s.V :li;K>aluni "I bUS!t'i..ss peo j" !'!'■ is i.'cihf. urn.ini/.ed by .lulius A I Thom is. industrial r'-iaiKui;-' dir.- I tor of lin National Urban League, j Tips marks the first tiruv Neyi j • durators have me; with industry j -yok'-snnn to discuss the problems | of iii-cpi'i-itur iuor NcKioe- tor . • i unis !. velf of ; s ; :u: ut- -: AI i 1 Thomas said n >. ' 10) !i, it is f ' as • !>..;) :'.i 1: c : I vs aitT.nt ’ ref > pn.'it by All ■' hoin-ts D -oi tin- uiisnviti- li-aiiing .-1 > - mi' -I • xpi ! a:.*- H ’■:■■■ -n :ut O'tUlTal C'-ii.lc ifcwird • ! m .sj.--.mi ! > >•'it:* ' .hii vi<. t’e-nipai! •••; J s h-iiu> s to ip.Mi the f-oiit'c i ?M"'- a oi'niori ,1 ' ■' Dr Luther H. Vnster. late pee: d. 1 Ml’ el Ytrgilli;: ;-'i. 'ollfarc, • lalu- phii-c on 1 : •- nio', nin»: ;P •'". rii-' afternoon ■ ssion is o, voted t<. tbo husin*'* : i -n-.i. CHECK COOI liv; S\ STEM ill ! O’” -\ddim; AMi-nii EZi: A Him rough ,hcvi: oi.* Him fooling system nrivr to atfeiiog aiitifri-cz is n nu«jor mtco tn propariiig yoin ‘ r for winter diHinp arvorcjoig to f. L# Picrots Mutiniiul m.indgcr of Font Division, r'ooi Motoi ('cjsrpanv “TbousyGifis of mio» irists lo : lu'ir fuuifrrfw #-vr v y yr.ir 1 hrough hoiUng away or ieakay simply 1--• • iawe fit' y iail.-d t-i ta..< :h , j-..-. e. a' the staif o', tilt* season. Air Pic-re explained '■!" -k* a i for .j'-iks. but the i.'-diat": and entire cuoiine sysnm -.,h"ii!-! i- nnahed out re an mi ug ihe s'udi;" cud dirty water, wiinii prcvcisi "ritar'ing assuranee" fur v. .m t.ll" dc-'flltl- ri-ec-htg ;M'T 1." Ktiiued if tin unitor: ;; also ■•'. scrvi-s fin .sc few 'addiliotial pri-<-ut ’ Keep the *k," •ry fuiiy chargi. i Do rase I|" 51 |I U. llljo* tit :■• .- jor.v. | $ I WE GOTTA iis <'■ •&' ( ''' -\ r 'vX!rij i-'7 - V rVr » \ t^-vr K£. , . ft* j' *' - ...... i y f y" .-' „ ' < ~"■' - -^,. % . y . / !. We never take chances. Accurate, aiifamahc rant*<>!» stand constant guard over anally. Th-nt means finest j bread every time you buy it. ! ! At . 11l appso:".!! Ol eolil V.C I thi r, t he i-nm!.. asm siaotiid be .1 ram ..ii tin shed amt rvtui*d v « m •■"I reel grade of oil tor ;lie mildest , . pt.Lv i\." . I dui ois. the Win jit. i-'i.vii :-! ciiiainends use of SAW to r," luA'.' oil in !:isio’’ trccziii'.’ .veat lie;* and ; C<\V witli nil- pint m I*ny r.iia. din extrente void i enld.T Mi.. 1" acio.v zei"'. Hi i if H • r,v;iit I '-' -o o. ’un< up in insure nut. i. starting. It tin mannfact'.::<:r rcr,uMiuTidy it, eha np," tn wintei v. it-a sc In . tian.-'ins: • don and 'tiffci-enunl (No eliiium- i.: nc-cc-Hi'-.i: v iar li'-i'i Fu: I Is.! •’.. i iavc liraciicc'scd {or win !■--r driving and tie sure that J.ir • t bttt —■~inm Irtt t in with - n«i ir r r m —r~~ •" - -tt ~ii * • —*• ir n ... ■ , Money When You Need It MONEY WJil'W YOi' NEED IT, !>( MikOVY A LITTLE OR A J.OT ON : JEWELRY OR OTHER V AM ARLES, LAUREL LOANS ON : J FAYE LEY ! EOGAGE HAND INTSTRI ME.Vi'S ;--[D >IS! A GOODS. GLOTi-IING CAMERAS. RELIABLE LOAN CO. ;’O7 S. WILMIV. FT LV ST, J yM t\ do Tills about r' y' / \ wnewTirwr MB'.* 1 . >i-»liw !. ■ 1 t W * ‘ ’ jt C -N : ...,u vS i.. .... . Si D-: Si Hi People art pretty apt *.<» "i.-ike r .utv jfiffilffite- .(10? hair -inti to think that >ou’re a lot . oi-.let vow rvaily arc. Don’t give Loci-, vom in st- appear j cars younp- Ih .-r x\,ylt the nth, beautiful color aßf uKkSbI I aricu.M- c' id gi' c yotif hair. "■ LOOK YEARS YOUNGER l| . *O/ Color f ocr Heir Thi? Emy VVay cr;H Jot'K.oig color (bli'ick, brovsn, V... y I I nai’ v-cii l i (IP oil ot v .oh t.- SiAHttfadV I • -.! Hy *’ f'-' nn " / + 1,/ j',. r .Giirdic. coCatzA | j .j ,■ ~1 so* .-. :r r':T- v fau'i j j A I , thi vnii t y-l-cr inoo ~ , Al ' { ’. A V ! ,-.i'rc not DU" .. . , ? _ —■l ■ H DC. : ii-HV+r 'ld M;’t '. g . “fcY —A* . S'.-PC? $!•?>. ' , m da*t worn no | oka nil ; hoy -a oi innkc lir.v-ng on | k y i; ■-■ *I s koUDiy Mioiiu, '‘Careful motor!Ms -.vi:i. drivo ! . 10-'. iy Hi',! i •:lc: v-.'ipittc- .'- .c.P. ■ I*""- lua : c|i (■ rati a a ("ill; aat ill i i iei-.-.' said. - And hy keeping fim j •'in ..'.k full much of the time ■ >hjk: il/tu. they will prevent ecu (i> aa i inu of 111: ai - -11! i.- and res alt-.ill Ir>-..■; of the iinc. A good w. I" fill Die gim tank at. 'll • i tni ot the doj'" dri'.-in.fi', rathe; lan ; t t tiir start.'' Si BSIRSBK TODAY !! I Palmers ||||y LIGHTENS dark SKIwf*BH Loosens BLACKHEADS Un« OfilvJi rilrefilrd V* Jr Q^ESXnOI33333O3* THE CAROLINIAN St. Aug, Homecoming Promises Thrills j • -VfVA.r! V r R iAlatC ;md | her atiendi.nts, as .II os c.l'iai.a r p;Tver;i. IP . • of !/;•■ Slat. ."I I : 'lent bed’ , ’’V' t c’irfi frj ;-> ( : . :i I mind for ill.' . 1 A'.ikiist:n:V rvd- i 1 :;c Homer .nun,., Classic at. i!n;ivi.i Park SaUi'ti v at ? pan. Tli guests from Institute w-il j THE ONCE-A-YEAR EVERT TEAT MEANS BUYiNO^^ For Christmas! ; YOUR MONEY BUYS MORE AT LAND'S! in IT ®\M 70 UR CHRISTMAS GIFT ' M 4. v ..' -/) //,, x 1 ’Oil' - 1 x Mlf* jfjyf %11j ji I \ Jl • * • * X I li 1 HOLDS YOUR ! | Convenient x ; I fmkzM. . , 1 •" ■ ; ,\ *4/# [MCf/aWS UaToC: CfiCD/T~ltCitf€i€As \~.~m ’j j #9% JJ 9 ** Vl® i ! >X. ■ I* ; v >*>— / Y H olS* M /, 1,11 Fmwviii. — ui"i i - : k \— • ■’! HER EXCELLENCY A" \ f j $/*> > 54,50 ■' v j „....- - •'^ r ' *'7s ’ p; rticip ■:•? ’r. thP hdK-’';rr? oi r i'"Gi’H .w'tv'ii ,’.]i , I.';ins Rand, . a . 1 nrl ;; PaU- -t-.i filial, s- . 1 ’ hr ■ r • ivnerl ' Mi;a Ho-rmeoir; up;. ' Tbi parade will L'.' ;in at, the coi i ! < ••; • fit 1., -tj and follow the to! !■■ av is; '.'tiiift': Tarturo 10 l-bnaaa’t 1 li i'EtoU to IMoi.il!I. Blount t • South ; •'■• t,r ; h. •1 ■ i^iavia P:.;-!; Ar iiJui'an;. buonotk .1 .• ,r,; arsij ■•si's- '-'Uvidi ~ Un gi-aducitf. Iran bean scheduled, Uk meeting pl.a.>.- 1 ttr.o i C/i the niornfog l aan s. efit f '' tor aiumrii mvl gued; rill he hold •,( the Nui-x’Si' Horn : • 1 ■■! A am-: i-tospitoj the eviinng .. (xi'Csiwlinp 4it'i t s. ..(raiaht victaric an • df r their belt and three ( lit of mi a lor til sea si ■ n the aalcoi;-; , - •'<•'« i'esp.'.>i>tful of their ei3iK!uc:it. !„ in tbe game, the CIA A det-ndina t. '-hanriploos from West Virg.iiia, b>il , ' y no •H, ns coticedina cofcdi. ‘" !| Siiintn were the oily CIAA PAGE THREE cl'.b to score more than one tout! ■•••■ n agninst the .Yellow Jacket st yoor, uid tbev have not lot - i-cn that they rolled up 19 poitft in Uid! game though convincitigi t»... tfu by the champions, wh scored 0 West Virginia came o in the second halt «f 13s ' < ■ infest, and superior vaejgfc aad rc'"ivc strength told. The Fa' con-- »re s.me what heavier thi 1 vv.-v. .tiri definitely have more rc ’ sm-e r-o a.i than they were ahi to muster last season. ’ Si ESCRIBE TODAY!