PAGE FOUR EDITORIALS A FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH l It is a strange spectacle to see the Navy going forward faster in the pro gram of integrating Negro personnel than the Army, yet that is what is hap pening. The Navy of course has fewer Negroes, but its past record is so much poorer than that of the Army that its •present practice is all the more in con » trast with the Army's slower progress i toward oqttal treatment of its men n i j gardless of race. • The Washington Post, one of the na \ tion's leading dailies, recently took cog | nizance of this situation in commenting I on the recently announced new policy of j the Army as to race, saying that it m I “good as far as it goes, but it does not \ go very far.” According to official announcemen- • ; "Negro companies will be maintained J though the policy is to integrate Negioes above the company unit level. Iho Pust ; says this means that Negroes may be as .signed to “overhead installations m tu »Armv, but not to white units. It add 'that this is not giving the Negro indivi dual soldier the opportunity to advance ‘strictly on his ability, because unless * Negro unit can be found to utilize the particular colored soldier’s abilities and ‘ ... in i ni r, he is still all dressed up and no ' ere to go, as it were. he Post also takes exception t/> the* m tation of Negro personnel to ten per ■ ent of Army strength,. ; “Military men often insist that the uti bzation of Negro troops must be regard ed as a mini ary rather than a social prob lem,’' observes the Post. “This is preri sely why the Army’s policy does not i serve its own purpose/' it continuer 5 '"Undoubtedly tin record of segregated : Negro units in World War IJ was bad. j Among the many reasons for this j* one { fundamental fact* all Negro units were : made up largely of men of low IQ’s who j did not have the stimulus of genuine : competition for assignment and promo ! tion. In other words segregated units 1 in themselves frustrate the most, efficient l use of manpower." ? The Post editorial concludes with the } inevitable conclusion, granted an object- J ive and logical approach to the problem. \ “The Army will continue to manu fact ? urea problem for itself so long as it em i ploy criteria of race rather than .utility i all along the line/' i t. ortainly that is true of the Armv. It 5 * | 3? true also of any other organization which uses persons ,of both raves in its j program or operations. 6 t WELCOME OR NOT,' i t One news report in a daily paper said ‘ that Nergo attendance at the Souther I States Fair in Charlotte was admittedly ; "discouraged.’’ The president of the fair, t Dr. J. S. Dorton, in answering a Ictier t of inquiry written by Kellj M n - ley -and s er, president, of the North (knolina NA | A CP, .said that Negroes wore admitted. He apparently did not .-ay they wev* I welcomed, and he did -ay in Ins reply tn ‘ -Mr. Alexander, according to quotations • from his letter in the press, that it w- , ' a "white” fan-, with some implication ' that it was a special privilege who h Mr , groes ought duly to appreciate to be a! t lowed to attend. j The nub of the situation might hove | » been indicated by another statement in | Dr. Doiton’s letter*. “Our greatest prob j i*-*m exists in the fact- that we do not . ■<•* dual toilet facilities to serve both. ‘ white and Negro patrons. Obviously we 1 cannot share the facilities without t rio • * - \ i i j THE CAROLINIAN Published by The Carolinian Publishing Co. r'R ifturt Hareett St.. R&leuth. N. C. ■’ the Post Cttlce at Raleigh, N. C., irntki the Act <* March 3, W 79, , p. R. JJSRVAY, Publisher C, D. HALLIBURTON. Editorial* €tib#cr3iotiOin Rates ■One Year. $3.50; Six Months $2.00 Airiress ail communications and make #ll f chocks payable to The Carolinian rather than *.*» ladim (date The Carolinian expressly repudiates *spe«KmabiUty for return of imaollcited picturea, tion a ll d dissatisfaction.” The rAROIJNIAN! would like to know what is so obvious about that, pi ex position. And ttiiii is a good lime to con sider the has;.-, for the sac red ness of “re tiring rooms/’ anyway. It is a matter that has .always puzzled u-, not only in con nection with, this fair, bid as to Thing stations and other places. What is “obvi ous’’ to Dr. Dorton is very obscure to us, but then we were never too bright. According to the Negro press report, the superintendent of schools had been informed by the fair’s public relations man that the fair was not prepared to ■take care of Negrons when he wonted to know if Negro children would be per milted to attend the fair on the free* day for Charlotte school children, !t seerns that Dr. Dorton’,j eloquent letter leaw-s many points uncovered, and on the whole it might have, been better if it had been made clear at the begin ning that Negroes were not wanted. lINGERING CON 1 EMPT “Lingering contempt’' for the Negro race is the apt way in which the at. ib-v. William Scarlett, longtime liberal bishop of th< Protestant Episcopal Church, *.i“ .ci’ibed one of the ailments of Mr. Annul can body politic. The patient often dies, a tier a " in gor ing*' illness, but it is aiss> true 1 hat the lingering mac be a sign ot vitality, and that the patient is capable of recovery tinth r proper tt d'-ttiner t Bishop Scarlet’--, pie ■< ription w c g iv- I •en duruig the w. • <.ms- of the I •>m> ,u 1 Convention of hi.-, church in San iT-meC in recently. The nation must rid [is. -If »>| t 1 lingering contempt. If mu -' c-oos to use the palliatives of “vague generali ties” and "pious aspirations for br- ther hood,” and get down to the fundamen tals of the Christian faith, putting them into practice, he said. Though not surprising , it is regrettable That the Convent mu could not act favor ably on sh“ resolution of Clifford p Morehouse, an out.Uatidim: white l; -a ram-, ute of the ( hurch because of no e, i'he proposal was “tabled, ’’ allegedly on tip’ ground that (bo < hurch has »i •-*v *'»■ acknow'jedgeij -i greg.d am a ground which smacks little of the guilelossness of Nathaniel. The t hurt i; ackn-.wlr jge •. prrliap.- a gretfully, that'the contempt still linger**. KENTUCKY AHEAD AGAIN The old edi.tonal writer C again made proud <;, his nat,vo -tato ~ Kentucky, widely regarded a> less progressive (ami in soma respr-ts hu-U;- so) than ln> adopted -tab' es ~ <>> t n ( u • bna But tbs 9 summer more than a dozen segroes wen enrolled at the l ir rsity i Kentiuky in graduate and professional - hool . and Kentucky si-ms to lx going naturally and nonchalantly about business us •providing graduate edm »iion tor p.s Nr gro students at its universit v. Tin change was made vuh less tans r in Kentucky t han :t was in Oklahoma and that means it was mad* in a more wattPi-of-faC manner, and Ihciefon .r>, r« gva.-ffu'jlv Now wf’ have tin* new., that, m i-oms v'lle, Kentm >■- \. am <>l tin.- la■ gent, and most (important cities in the South. A Negro fa been prop. dto the grade ot In üb'ii.rnt on the pi c*e force Tins m ■anoth er feather in tb- •p >f Kentucky, as ii i. said that I ■ouisvdlf'.*■ was arc stdl wait ing for the nuniber of Negr;i oflieer.', < u the force to be raised from (he two at which ii has stood for a number of ve m 'I he city manager has recommended the. addition of two more colored officci s, and the budget presented by him ineiud cd provision for the increase. W* under stand that, colored candidates have pass ed the civil service examinations. The appointments should be made soon. Meanwhile, hats off again to our “bark THF CAROTVfNIAV -■ *' Vs & v • ' ' f" N'fibte-i\ ~£•*. . * •/. /»,*k. t ; ; r . ■ v ‘ j .‘V ' J • - * . : ' ~. m i Ml • y.-v/Eyf TV! •,"/ •■■ o'. , ' i ’’ fV..D j i i ' a / . - ■ wA /fa / mi " [ i ; • ’ ,/f’: /’•• ' ' . / I \ 'kfil ' I#* jmf-fr/ %-;* * W J’ '<# >. }’ ; K ; u ■ 11/ J/’ f i ' SpTr ■ j, ; Wd ' - fa-" i'U . . '■ . < ■ 'W--Tl ’ » : -1 . - - ' '"•• ? r -t V - ■ • ? .■•* ‘ Mb ■- -vr*x , -1 j!l“ ./ ■ ; -Mt ■ . • . ... ; ‘ V *•»•/■ ■ .*-1 - i '■ -•■•/ ; M ’..'T ;b' , ... ’■’ • «.- *%*£+,**' ■. Nq '.■-.T n'.-u*; ~/’':■s»■/ a. • 1,-* ; f. e i\ i . r; ’ ? :i old eow J\' Jeccnci 1 ; u !p ; ! < m 1 heuahts if 1 sN MY C. P. HALLIBURTON jj| gor the ltoil'd m-aight .vhi..o. , - u ■ yes:s they h '.'i' linn t t;o O'S !« o il-. ; SJ, - . •_ • . V*JD ' in tOF Woti-t S(-):t Ihi l.'uc m . t-i U-,<" t : ti- t :.n ''•;<* -f t yv.ii -■ l.'t’" /<••; - • .-i b«i:n ■MI l;*,t; l'i o*l Ol 111 lli ’.l til'.’'. V t«f !hr Ui ti-.iii: vv',.:.-h m:*k- up t h.- bill Ic ...ii' . r.'.-it . r,l . i, :-. :• <, Sr 'ii «.m <>t;o oj till (vvii :i""l "C in the fin.ti but lhe>* I ■'•■ r •'•een key nu”: L .?t Poby v.-;i* one of the moi-t vnlusble ptiiV et ii\ it, j* !}!i;iii ( vvineivig yit.d evil . 0)1 in;. O': ' ,1 Ili yi.'O ci itan! v-.'inuii..? Ur i'kl;>u t>: ■ of ter f f >rt C impfiiu lla v\ i- 'nit hi, ndinjj m defcn.:.- -o ti ; . ~f (he Dcdgt i v Rohm, o' rivi Raleign New- t..-i Oi-.mi-. * *iH. n'r nave it Im ..*i' h ive been too tired, but It net our m ■ . til.- ot tile Nt ■ a Docigio o,r t’ s- a-'.-a car. r aid f ■ Rr noon won the p.,/u-r b-.n-'o.: champien=lup. v.*••*.. in., ic th< f-ig. .<> d ,1 ven genii (.s.iacr* of bi -) £ the H ki - * of The Road To Health DIABETES By n r > ; tr r> !>■]!!.t<. (Tem# ,1 \>’ i One of my p.-timAs. » diabetic ip ii' !;((> six tie., < nre ;>> vpy off jo C *• i.»J V ?(' P'!!P HI ifd (*;. hi .;5 old graoddapi'h'ter H- •• s*ll. ry.) e,i j:.« t , liri m ' aid klu had »•;t'« i• ii to < offw Hi!i.iur and k* < j> trim "'U.jinr:;, ill. 1 dm! i> a > Id!!* saited in sh i,.-i i• • ,ni v. h;V hf v • -if it i a v> ~( hi' ... •!Ii . I1 : .id' Mi >•1 M I Told pjf. he Jived with ,i !i)l. .■ ! hot parent", and thit.:: had hern !■• pi'V and c.< • tnl nn’ii ■* •. mi 1\ .lub« had i< anir;d to Tdi' pip,-, and < aK< as . •<.mg iin in h‘gh (K'hol a-ul w • ' m- 1 4 . nil *h‘ hiAOni f m the In «iv But /•••.» every night a* dintu-', June wonlrl bo'vi’r, hm . s nt. ■finuj: I" ri i> nt-i mln I»■ar a kmi hP~ ii a .’iltdlber fmued r|. - . lie 14 j1 •-* • t 1 hr vV . 4 ’lVlit in ri ! (isc the ileu- .-ft;: . | I ■•ongni'ulatcj hirr. tor kecpi;,;.' ’« nis die* * a k'> a hi-, i u.-.m ii . ccijWlßi'l.v. ni l *%t i ting iruificie't r A Mi TJnni. Is way my i.-.-.t f'-iii.-m ih .t ever mg and i walk ( ! (I'd V lib h 111) 1,1 !!.( I'd i/,ii r,vbn: o in >k «• rh.iwcd m, no article (Vi c i.' ;<■ tin r,ij. Basilic. I told m i S tied pc-, ,( id her rookiiiv < his- in hiy,i school and i.iiat ««cmod »<• , > mind to r of her ui aunt - Ino h "si si I>horn fi ■ ■.*, "Doctor’, Ri 4 M«}f-ith* 4 r i.'ingc! to f-(tt my yin.' mid r;,k hui ««yK you told him he shouldn't, ‘‘she said. ''Couldn't tip hnv> Hams, now uui (hen nines > i litklnc ItiHliliu. anylnov?" HMHMHHa*MUR * aery . i i.iotwh—■ m * ;.n lie v ... ... " d eii'.'-ugn t■ * be chos i n a- :i Near, 'gut pitcher ior iiio AP-pta- t;.'D n in July Hi t kd -111 !••*.•-', Cl DhKO’d ■ ||» rt'ccmd in the i-ovgoe. and hi un doubtedly would h.r*e i-.inird Ihc iir.d idaee in that depa'i •net' 1 i- 'd he |.i;:ycd fi'.-m the tii t of the . ear.on. C’ampanvlla in roD< cried liy .11-...■; experf- iuM Ic h till 1 ;• t. be I 'll the J|. . gu>? All cf •■'. Ivch add -, up ie tri Jf there h.-.-:;.’ been -uiy doubt about the ability of Negro plavi r. tu meet the bip’ei . ' cfandarc of performance in nut r lO'inal i .r li;):- . ii lia,. r P-: " v i a ,v: suiio Which i i h ai’* fu-:g ,-r I V'li 1 ’ i* ;*p ;ii W f.n Io»r sh it> r A i 1 uoft Ml in whirl) f. ’r p*av r at sl.iKf rteari' uivriv- fol ! ar.fl .u; mil that If'ad^r.h.n i .jvVv- a hit ■ han'D-t' c”d!v *»< * . * iji •' *f what I» v*. hrrn ‘!:t t } cf, f' h»j* h» ■» '■hr*! t f ?:*c:: • -s though »t hi.d He T replied, ‘'but voor grand (3 r[. e i mil 4 .* i ‘-op to bis dipt, ;o well ar: hi in ulm. If he k to l. cp hh .i|,.!- und eon!rot. Inr ulin i an a-d in i.j --it i w .ii:j bates not * 'in“ tor ih di •ori col does 4 1 -■ ■>r in -ii i ; . cord" o'" a diabetic :-u in rco t MSI M 0 44 W’ii Ii v '--i»• *'; oii'l Initiyr. a . : iab. I.i has to skip : I rebec l,itil l Up'M s Well ( ; f,, i. mm it I. n i (Me! t'.i’c t.hit the r '-■ i•• -jr i!l|H! -I riliVH 4 : - ,tl*il 4 't the 4 ."-nil h -rco *rlV rgy -vhi.n it i,ccr : but in e»ic‘ r-ii|i»' 4 is rco u c(i propetly ind *s 'hi «*if in the blond dream or in ihe ■ v,ii ici.t ;■ .a hi- Thir. h o -p\• o Mill 4 ilit "Dm pan, i■■ i». of on ijmil- But umaHv a sjiet i»! db -Ii It , iilll’l in ,"l (|fCI IS Mil CM •ay to com ml hr d nhc* n- n >n. d i lion Jnlic 11.-1 - • 11 c rl M'liiiybi fnl|y When I hi It 's 1 1 1 v as ~n i, . 4 11ic | ip,( he lover! •n. . pdf 'Up 4 ' 4 •. n. 4 '' a I’d i.i • (y.r-;el *' emianr 4l hot heat* I 111 I < 4 ! ■ i'iili orii) ho 4 .V I 4 oijci :;l|r ji. >j I hi (>l Vr Cook mg. bit I 4 'l r t *.*('lot", as hi In. : [■ ,: r 4 4 y e.< It 4 .e> 4 4 ■ !it Oor.i-o e la; •• 'o.'I.U I ' Ml Til 'V pll : ei,t >■ i of ime , i lit V [mi i J emit! 4 ’ pm 4 1 .ii'"' J S.i si’ii ri il- ~ ,1 1 my exp'ian 0 |.,|i of h was now cm l tur !>». i r ipt'J anv to ennt, I ihlefi, , % hith n d i ic .:i b' ouki eat. The JO-yom i,, 44 - production ,• cot,loti o i'itH-lb ("nrollna is SENTENCE SERMONS fit KKV 1 R -WK ft • f . LOIV K V lOR A V PER;KR '.'.'i ~: ,1 h • • n that '■ to ■ • r.-ome auy kind • ■ im- r I'r.'i: -: \ i-'i: A'■ . !■ . io 1 in h:i i (a in (>, hh! y.x!) 1 in! V When onn j.. .■ . *■■ m y,. ?'if'. ,jf f{»;;.-«>>■. , nviil ard doubt, he will j , -*;h some hi •c ’ real way tut Doubts rt ign ■ houf - perqe vt r .iin • holds f i with in . v. 11 'i its dynamic pt.iv»i . one is unr*- to win Impediment.? . 1 *i*>: Jc one'e I'o'.i! ■>l <1 fIT- IVbill ni l' son head'd is- he ost, hilt Pcr u x erauri . whttl ht-nhiv i 1 ’an !Uh it" !•->!•' . i! -.< ill tin - nun ply dons not fade. p>.|v!-ran<. js that unknown quantify of power and push wh«-n th*« odds lv .:iii to stir and oughtdv crowd and Vpi'OflC rvho ".ip h hurl f.'ir wst ti with art nm to persevere wi’i sditl find heaven s far oft place aftt r dwelling here m my Hm ive-sp putt fills f ;l fl.-MU hvnp mat.-h fro uisp's pel PVI-t 10" l(| Vi i:.l : V f, !]• -ii-ws he's ■hi I'j'isv pi---, with it.- wage* Hrheiiu.' of < ,di ,Ulri ca ri-y. The close companionship of < ■ ".l is uni’ r-c "i to those . . \)C f~o vpr ♦ ai f h a »- f£h♦c i■ ) a h »; -; t %rtVi i< i n; » n r-r woman who get.; off to an oarlv i,l;i r( And. the richest tie.) ure. one •-n vicld are to be found in find'-- white harvest fi t; jd and if YOU W I!! g-> the.! and < l! v fo!j .1 V - 'in to?•);•,y yvho holds the rc-iris f rom Hr. thi one It men could only wait on tile:. God to explore. His v 1 m would ndi acuious'y open • ■ cloved door ! r ! 'pi time inurioiTsortcti men cavr n:t> ahead of God, and n stcjd of peace and joy, reap'd the pant's '{ the ■ dnstenirig rod But, 'a- thv. >- who ha*."' ioi: : d to wail rd ".’lth a. t :CI ■- rod! -to. the 'loud.- h; Vs •jja a.y:, t een broken thru to ,i ''■ m i 1 1 tahtor ii c vr Eiod h j i| ? > *»w ]-j \itv. i fl - t o bring th ngs about, it is outs to p.! \ jc nll y wait ■ intil !■!e vo i k His blessings out. WILLIAMS AMERICA’S CREATES! „ COMEDIAN WEEK TiNDLNTr SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22. 194» BETHiat Z i Tift f i#t yi HUES a:..;:. - BV oIANB HA^ fo # AJVP *»■ IT TAKES PR AYE ft PL.US. An<>tliv.: world‘a eeries is end < 3 d and like mi u of tnose that went before it, rndeij in favor of the American league entries Art an Incurable National J-rngu - rooter. 1 am absorbing rny an nua) humliiatiou and chagrin The bitter dose i served every autumn and 1 am forced to drink to the very dvegr. The de votees of the Nat Aina j league may as well fact the fact, th<* American league plavs better baseball and he is exceediid; rash who seeks minintive this 1 F acf. Tire \ankee.; wn her,ruse they art the besd».toaiv< in the ivotid, And it was most a minur mis fortune that, they were match* id with thi haj,d n r.s Brooklyn Dodger--: f)f coins'' Brooklvn won something far umre inipor lard than a worn’ aeries and that i-. the approbation of men. Mm) When ♦ I>«v entered a i. am bt-aving of three Negro ’t-is-r. bod eeiebritics. thev DrucK .■ mightv blow for 'lemoci-a, v in a v,oriel tbcU i di cni. with , o' prejudice' end hlaoti v. Th- wnrhi '■'Tie;:; wse abovt alt dij ruaMzatirsp tip- t,*-• i the thing . td th *»irh arc ■’ he efel rnai ver ifir,: of ilf'* it 'a ddiicuif to tonetdv,. „( a better iv (o draiiuiti- the new it iii. t i ,t>. ■ i,-t ms tvorh! tM.jii i,v ti, v ..i. T it o i.ipi) ed in the tutefji'iil.iot- of Nvgroee in'o (hr grivf American aat ! ime, ;o wood j rfiii ly i-xi-mpliDed in the weridN a cries jnsf cndcil Ever nnT" 'lran die than toe la-Ui" hurstliiK ti'*’ beak of s'liiio wliite n',l!', proving hie pugilistic pt w. for Die entertainment of m->b mind'd thorn mils Viiib.-. Joe Louie ' --1 > t’vhilii! ion opc'- in a groat while tin- Negro bare : oil pin Vs ’ , Oil :' Xl:i i. • i O', daily net lif'fr.o- mi! j-; tea jn'-in-i ins million: i>i ciiildi' O who wilt pot fr i gd. , ;t ■ Mi i.;; h f 1 eider ■ Yrou'ki fl.■ , Ihroi f'-r -o The. iiupvp . ...ti of i Jackie tv l ur :mo| t ir,t; , round PC end. oi Mr 1 noi C;\ nip • licit,•; i:trowing 1)1 "halt rot' hill-’: at {is h( d i iPiii Neweonihc pitching hi- ir on out with only two hit;; la In Ip h!m lo'.'p a hra: t breaker in >r - r.openm wili hr-J a-- 1 1 were, t ■•! r-. > ’ The wi.rhl -A.i.ti-tu-d with b.c i tHi.-atii ,vhit- what Is perhap-i the greater in • nfieth ml ur. ■ drarn. nnf,-dded tuTore cur a touish'd g.-i/c Vsu) me,a i*njx-ri,o■ f for ihi . relenso 'a id' fact fii ;• * wdh " NVgrons in i •: tine up, and •.< : a IN THIS OUR DAY through the N>w York Time; Ma.-atoiir im Od.o. he; 2. 1 !Mf.. my fi< n't i, U" tl far ;{oy ;•! y, nt> f y**i f‘ H uf>o?i an avf leic tin : ali.h r? whiff; v,a - . |f Utd R.tsis spay, n-d fo'-d fio hit po>r ; otnd 'hrnr tit M-rnn-r j } vr .,, ryjmd fhO hy j a.tdmy Ho u ? I would M ; V'! ahrihial «-M iich? * lor fimin sermons Bn? whfM; ! rmfjrH fha? Ho aitk’Jp was v. rj# f is by Sir Vs ford V.ript.o!., BrH uh'k 1 Tviticollm' >m i.h»* Exrho>j?!or, my enthiisi. a'-.m a ofice ruing if mo] tod n:». rjut( lily as a ball of snow would havr ?no*fod renting on tho fo v in Vag'-ii ? Bv Hu- ■-:n of o* t? od>n iug ”'ds rciia- to h|s rc • :’r r a *h ? f- d \t ■•>r f tiu m> £ '/int- had a foot not f s o thy a.r *U k '•’hinh said: R?r ofaHoni l opn ; HrMai?>'s Hhau*;*?■] lor of sh - k' v : i *?(j.udr, h ;■} Umg ?? to modern prob. bnis Whvn I -sW f c. of Hi a author of fhf. dt*i=u- what i'*sP)(w hf> st»okf for my nHnd imrnediafrly • alkii np the many dafrrucio•; that 3 tv*vo read in hist nr y as wfil y, In a a fora! a H- pnraodhads of hmv she Hi! v.. ne• r> onn! r •« *>?- vm !ud j nr; ’(• tnaf B? Hatn. ha • • f*■oi • •»?v» iy all v ’aped a large p : -«?o of t hi world, and raporja llv Aft lea. rhe entjro at n.• U: -w ‘.nniply a’Kdhi r (•»;.■ .1 hi£h . ijlH'.dlng, |v- ymt j ? ri! bf o rne an*m£\ t : .■ a »ard . aa* 1 pliraae,'. Xtiy nation Md'lrh h* •'■•. oaß y robbed the wo id . -t;? w*? Bi d *in ha f doubt that if. « oatiop. : * ■ fa o t ?•; Hj 1? >• ftpe a k o I jd» »f u# f \a I Uf;> k’omeofjf. o! ** d out nurr. 0 1..? b» :> i fy, wh.,id i;:oni : are eon?. T4J 1 ft®rWN MAN MAP (31; "T Jp A 'jV4«|T£ ftri MAMO THRi.J Tf ganic wii ii. t i-> fit.>okh -t on .me home run, v *-t the next d; > Brcklyu gn! fhree home run:, end e..nitd not win Tl:r,i "I a tittle rurio'i-j but the f-. ( remained those Yan k ? ?era -■uiT'filing terrible to behold in -i has its place hut if cannot take th" plac« of fompc fence and uhiiiiv. ii is just as ivnt) I,- . ur i'. Negroes i" ever tv'ar !iii.. in mind The wav ! , v. in! our iii ir.etv-dnpp ko-' -.u-;'; ■ .r. Be '.sc 1 Negro and being 0:1 Die 1 1 oh! ’.T’ dm not in; nre \is fury oi the rc-ili'/ution of cih dr'-aim Wo urn » ho able in oil•'• .-■.hip om 1 pp.-u'Mii:• if we xvouid win the pn.v The -.rayer- ot f» .> 1 1 ihi .Vegross oulfl i?r.t over. I'ony th, pofoto-y of these fort I td' Yanket3. Ihaycr win". f not always \ i-iory for i,ur f.iv lived tentu when .-and team face < those Yankees it takes icuyer plu.'i to beat the Yankees: The Brooklyn Dodgers did tint hav* ftl.fl plli'i " p'l M In- siiyo W<» hive. rilHod Id t.h r A.. T te*d Mi* articl*. 1 tell iiiv savins "O ■ i>i: i! m,i! v;i:!(<■;-.. mo ;i| %;* Hip*. what rrinno-. what ee/oionne rot>- 1 :V ' . ■ - • -'i! •' , 1 >!. . x\ me." Two hue; quotafioiKs from the a :*?)/] o wdi tb'ouod tat j’ f o uiy readers in * how well skilled M * ( i inns nt • rtrn;g ;jp ; |;|lj f. 11 pi.:,, :!■Vi r V t■ ’ n\ Cl lit* f tic ,11) -rif h! I . \ I ,| !: : ■ lice, t h <) 1) H of II S In i! lif 5 ill ai* ! tjjp i lull'd State - would r° a ‘ft the ii|..i that the people of »iii' two treat eoimtries i'p out to gei .*¥ much -i ■ they ejn sot liV'iwrSvp, f'.'f::. nU':■■■. of tl'e tot. of (hen own Ic.f fortunate cits v, j;. oi of the 'o: i nf hinnanitv "And heievo if o not furfh - r on in the artirh he hud !h ‘ nerve to • i r : the time he i)i V horvevet f n,;o. T fhiiil. if;; ■ifir.t in ,y tjinn.g tfiuf or qfip i-han - ; y.oifl jro , th?t at'- hrrmd !v Im • d upon the Ohri.:Hjn pth. to ihour s aid.)! i.i. not opfv iji voi' o; b>t* ' o hy out |1 f t fipuhlfi . T 5) i:]t , I'li'ii .‘ft T he* t oi]odif f lofi Os f |:-I ■ e ( ’ i .U ; belief thit t.h® good life t; no* tr> he found ft' ''ultlvating ou> on. p inyj.';.i fi vrl li ..i veH . hfft 1 n out (fotrtg unto other:* a.- «rmld they should do unto ti.y." This writer wondc-ra what, ha.' Air Crtppa ever sahl regarding point five in Mv resolntion of ho Sc ons I‘d'i African Cro Vlc ■' i Tito. 1 c v.O : p TV. c), f of Africa <■: the benefit *1 At CHiir u(l not meri'lv for sh» profit of Ihe Knropeatiu M .1 O’ippS fv.o .; ps' - :p■ I' o ha i ounti fh;it I* ' lit in: v,ll -.r. VM-fft t V pit 1 V M: (.p.*: iron’ it* colon lev’ Twr. brief rpjotat jon =• i'o>n D" ! 1 -Im jn hiv booV ‘ Th' AV| lid jno Afrf'a.” ">lt suffice to give ’ oegatne aliC'tvei to each of fb * ihii. f. um.v.tlons ! >nß u uuof **.' frori* Her v M. StßUle.''. ‘ Dai'k. < t .Africa' show England's .hersh methods r- getting ivory ♦. im Africa 'Every *uaV piece, and wrap >,n the possea ori .if a» An.h trader her been pod od dyed jn Mood. Kv ei- con nil weight he - eo-’ the i«tf of i man v 'V'nn o’ child Regarding the cocoa gotten from fti !-». r - » j... tay> I nr i'll.i and che inlutc today cmt‘ urn r r* pay an. li.ialiy hi least JSmi.tVlo.OoO. <>u* of cadi dolur o f this leas than th* i nts irrii'f tn the turniors." nil Mr (irijurs, chat have von to v.u.v ab'i l *he'l u 'o r^l.inve nijotatlons m the liahi <>l you? ■ i trie on 'Spr Mt d r ati Aforat A'oiues ?" M'il. r on .Mill'll" r.arolma f.i'ins produced an estimated ;, : > n n llion pounds of milk during Au t;ud M >nthly hog support price •> *■ r-ii - reni if Agriculture for the j c i'l y announced by the U. S. f»e* rio.i f ror)l October, 194 ft, to Marco, ihtO. range from a high of $16.40 for October lu ,« li.w of $14,110 fol / iAlAPiri ATIP Mi