PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page One MIINW TO HONOR and H-pi .---entuiiw or. ihr Huli World Tour, and the Ameri .an A.-i-icciul in". ul ijulvtnsii) WuriM-ii which recently revised ib cui'sUtutiOii to eliini.i.i.i- ilNoi im inatinn in local inenibei ship Th" AaI’VV citation will lie received by its Dean AUhcii Hottell. 0.1 ijn University ot I'ennaylvani;i. Th( annua! i.llucer on !o- hit'. night November is wil also ho open to the public aiui will p- on ably bo hold at the Interio. I>*-■ im ll jutiil Cai'-it via with ah ailm: ‘lull ' char t' ut' the dollars. An Embassy Open I loll:-*' will take tlie place oi Urn animal nil grlmage to tin- White 11<_• tie<■. m augnriii.d during the RoosevcM Ad tnUiisiiat ion and continued t-ttl l yeai cince President Truni.m to 'K ;>Ui The ih'osiilHiithi! fami-.' -s now occupying temponiry il l .■' '■'• 1 while the White House is >ind« going repa At the embassies, she t*presciihi lives !i! India, Israel. Haiti And other countries will receive gionpr oi delegates during the atternoon iji November 17 giving NC.Vc (iisirii""s and guests an opportiin icy 1. «ec un* phase id dlplomal ti innetioniog : can c. i i mil - const!lotion »vi!l i copy !be cb it.ed . • • ■:: i: c O! lit* 1 * i* * :M o" ail I> t wl;: i• ts v* ili !» o- ! n *ln i .untiiittc- : o;n loljai 'Ot tc. b> interdepartnietital Audit-..- in: . .«• Fool'! ivi'.l h Sllc.t ai d 1 ColMbii tton Vvc Northvvest. < ouncii head (j 1.11 1 1 r s i- l i v f . cvr; oi * t Av. !ic. o \i,l | iivvcc; yctll |... open 'bio, ,d 'o'.t tiie c'.o'.irn i;. (OVlllt MSI TKIVi Fill file UenriN 44 "..dive S* ii it‘ i;c;af et'Cri-iaiy • ■ tiiice KM'o Ptachet. Ai "■ e ! v . j.. id. !omit- 1- riat'io'na* ■ ,v H'un , y m CP i: o w i’iv( : < - Tt j -'ii pro I- 1 . •- oi)tlt and d»■ at i oli di'• i' i Oil Gilbert Green. Db nan *• of « oi ( W£i3 pro-tdt H' 'ot ' OHiliinii. 1 r'ohtioal Ay-.u;., >uov i i -'Go * hu i j Hi ix si j.d.n dai* •• .16 native W \ SciK ot || : c Dah- W-.r! ‘Hj'i 'b tiativc it Mi:.n Potii. (<>V li i ■ l l' (Uli'.'U Jo.ldtH Ti'd iH; u ■ ’i>! f- i 1 uion OP me if Vi • , ■ ’ : r IS’ " ■ - ■ ,|*s.. Ut nattve • Oregon X- V' •• kSi Ol’ chat: IVih ?i W:. i.t • .fi 4*’ na’iw Jr’.'Oi Ki ini ; t • • • ) v 6'aii W ( ~u>r r. innvo „! r-t Ai r fi S'.i'r « li.iHi'i.t^ I ‘GTnrne'iT.ri:’ un Ihi «*. nvctiop , » » liv it. ; « '.'Hi? ' ,r.» _ Jutii-.r c 111*iii*sT’«cn id tin < ivdiri.i Jr. St. USfjuHd' Tltv- pt ;• h;. ;)ijv spn i m l .s «-c* V . .it • t .v lias hrt 5 struck m c i • H Mi « - 'Ail; d< fc. (1 • nvM b- t ' .j !tv. u ) v urt . j!,.; 1!:.- i-;,.-. 1 • • ( • d t hi. i»c l 4A.M.,.-? :..ti to the \ ‘it } a***j * (Mr }' :11y cu ‘. I bt- in t la wed while the xe it- : r.r. • .01: ..til .nv Iv exaggerated.' N!INNING HVin intr .. counts related bv Bunk to of ■ji.-lais he struck the baby with i hi i. k wij.ihl the bioml away. wuS .oi tl, batiy’s clothing arid h-tev drowned the baby llonnie's body bad no! be a recovered Monday ! Thing in the search f«»i the mi-u, trig Harrison baby were light planes from Andy Oollius l.illine ion Airport faith i nites kafks* members- ->t ihe <••••:. party discoid inned the him' !•" enough Sunday to join tin cuiim, throne gathering the rent ot year old faith ntsiler Rev Keulu i tines to witness Negroes ami white- seeking the minister’ bless thf? Mingling freely in the tent crowd were- 1,800 whites and N< grow eagerly Keeking health Con. spicuous among those "healed hy the yon thfit I holiness preacher «a» John McNeill, 70->var-oltl colored man of l>unti McNeill, who reportedly had uot taken a step In IV veai was rai ded to l lie Rev Vlv Jones' healing at’.sir in a cho : In a son Anei the in in i*t of had nrntert over >h«* • aged rmni. McNeill sh»wly nr..-, fc.ol walked oat of the fen! ima «Is led In general McNeill received lie carae kind :>i treattnent the mini Fte> accorded his other "pat units ' H> joined a line that extended three blocks and approached the regular ••healing altar'’ through nti 1 itnsi-ertycat fi d line. As he approach ed the alia l , Mm crowd, paying no attention to the sepuuu.enarian's age oi «;>, chanted, "Heal him, make him veil, cure him, O laird." - According In Policemen Nealy r open who wits horn it; font; and lin ll'od here all his life the faith heal inc crowd was tile larged sect In Dunti'i history. The faith h*a!“ proved a fni heller crowd.draw.-, than n (flreu 1 which pi >red »>. town nrdsy night HIGH POINT said he knew of no such rest tic- j ttCt • Hi tl.ifi e i*t il 1 .’0 v. •*e he telt thty w' .ulfl not hold th the Supreme Mavt- 'Hah'- vvh n questioned si o ne ~ the petition sitri • i>, | oi clphi \v« a-o. but that, to.- tnntfm co'- aued htirdiy any <. un - cli flUendft'.nt Lectuive It was, po't'h n out trot 1 the start that the -•• mru’il had no coni ml hvh tin- ftp!tor The eii v *n oiapi ; >• iid the fear, ( who too gut the petition told him. ihe did nut want to stii up . C. POLK ii Ilium the playground oi Briggs Vlc-nls-onit i v sciioul du' ing the | rnoi'i.ini- m-. ss on Octobet 7. The j . . y's mother, told police In had : gone off for a i.->.-upU of h.iys mil. veto.' and had returned o -li . I j Luy calb-d Tony.” The “Tuny” j is a b.ti of about, tin same age. uid Hr.; ison told dis mother Toil..- I lived in Howf'.ui a friend oi the boy, : theatre wills Hain-ot. on <>c. ii, told detectives if- i ad e no to a m l that when they h i’' ill- dimv. i 'he h->y mid him he >.v at going "wading.' They parted, -nd litu ! i ison was not seen again by ics il'ii-nds : eluic his d. .1* , j Thus police coni lud' d that the j tv .pent two days Uvethei. On ■Met !( Han isi.n’s i. oiiiei William ill found the boy s cb.tfimg on 1..» ■ foot path aid. : tie- Ive- \ 1 v arn.' | th»- siiurf/i it whs s. • ■■< MaiiH-d Du i.oy i. <«' imUvii dead it a? - 3(> honrjv Ho lout (/eeu si jL) ’> ii 17 t iites oi, the lop ol V. iit-aJ. thr< •ad. li l i. f it li.*f I . tiit-f V. lli: . cl u!f ’ :Tm. 'A .Hid on U:v . liidit .sum* His 11Vi- 1 had Lfc.s ■ '•.in d . :td sk.iii 1i .u tton] tnnr- Tht- stas wounds inavi« ! V r'llkifc*/ M b;’i;kt:*it toltjf- Oi ..• « d tvirft' 'Pne coyd 3iTiii v. oi e 'Off: nm! v .'TUiH’hud -i* if in ! t \\ ix h h’ s 3tt acker Mf.liO JAII.I.I) and hr. v, n wot 5 1. dieted for nun , del put •; yell : i paro'e t: .Uis h - >l.o.- ; Hi own’.-. ■ uiiv ict am. tb-iiclie: K decided .o take .NT-:to Fro; hi tile -.m-.t ■ ;‘-t t v/u A’} 0 ‘iit'ti (IRU I I (.01 RT ■os -eh-. . ii ; 'ic'oset v. ‘ltaly o-:*:oai i' *hf niauination A a ry- ul* . ' : iif- t'-lc-g,."!!.” . IS tl.'l :!c.-.ed '•. I’fs.ideJit Tile the .h.'hl .V i.a.tgfton Lr« ...-I i .r.'.p'ce i i f'hiladeipiau - Nt.-j.jl" law Ve. v.'.ji I'lili!' la Ip . ■ - : : a Nt • to tit. .. • v: s !,• t u u cit-ni lllft .!• c.- A . • n-.-ta- *id of tin- Hasi,;- it.i.ll Mas .-IV.ide Ve Prt h ' that, a we. I. . P-; 1 ’hiladtlpJifa . 1..-1-: made news ot UifMi übi« . tiias nti'Dl/M. •hi t. v\ as time tiie pilifoiiy '•'•'Tc- !. limed campaign act. Jy « 'u? pt :; 1 * t >loian in a a I t ihe Ur m'V liindshdt win- ; At tl-. ? t :-''t thsre us t '>ns:d 'uhic •. . tuu'<* U*- , 1 iiticai loture oi th* ‘man v. h-.. i*v(rii iln ij held po.- t \‘ af*j. anti « \ auie t. The SM( Hatv ot WUI he Uu ■at t of jui.i'f <»t Th • .nit <.cl Stui( Circuit C > it tj| Aj»} ruls A na?»\'t t*J Kn. v\*iil«• l enr, f,,- Alter.. J. d Hit' pirblH ’ ■ Ih-t 'A U| lH«? . j, \. m'T* 5 ; * \ I -S. v -^ a .-Vv:^ ; , 3e Sure 4>> Os All The I Things You Want I % That, new ief; igerator. the sleek u-w caf, uew fnniitoi' -few tie trip to plaees voti’in always wanted sei I !rv -#i rati lx- you i *;*!. re/itli savings, t'ouslsleiu w ;,pi m? v *•»•*> sitvi tigs from your nmiim-i deposited in c I'ii st vsr Fcdei a, S, -\ 1 - ; - ..--c, Asso- ia'ien Scvimc A.- ,, 0!i 1 .,' fM'- tail mean thn certainty ot having things you want 'V. Vet;r molt* v eurtis ~ 1 . pet cent pei annum • ur'Viti 'VC i.ite, t! tin First heil.-inl Savings atnl I* .an Association ;VV |;’s safe KVdvraliv Insured to fa.OOV. Wltv not coin" tit ;; tisiay'.' YOU .1 find, a li iendij vven .title. feitra/ 1 1 r irst i Cu6r3.l 1 Savings & Loan Ass’n 1 P 132 S. Salisbury St. Phone 2- 3384 -T| ]Ui !: iut o( C*?lut‘« .A..mhe! :;t. at’i.i it!.- } |.arv ai d Unr- crsMy ( . rw i Seiaioj. H« be gun the pi uetice ' f lave *-.i Tin- H’.utmt '•) i-'ciluinbii.i in lilt’. a a; of the," T".i i i and Phi I'* t i Kappn 1 v.ce pee . i i* * ' MAACT ansi 1 the .'aLiur..,; •:.• iid. < >i• 1 ci. d nnrf .!, fi.’ . j. one child. NTATI Id)i ! CATORS ;t ll i>. a in e-. yannul, o'. >•!' ihe w K ' cm! 1., li.-iji dis.-us Aiiy - mul menn oi imthin.' >UI' icvat i: 'll p.lhti:vllb in i the > i g.iotml plan Oov Scot t s . aiiliilllt: lb-' cdtii ul >is In th* ceo ; !i«l houril fulinwed the action o! I in- I'l l'" Smut 1.-. !' nhatuce wiib h . commii.t* il North I 'urolinu us one |of 12 member M tee roupent j in plans for a 'new deni' in Sonlh t m eilucutiou, |i,iriii-ii!;irl) at g.rud I onte uml pi of i siuno I Icm els AI tli- time of tin- legislature' ; passage of tin- regional sclnm! lull hint .lannary, manv Htau- Negiu educator. 1 -’ voiced disapproval in newspaper polls, hut tin- bill m> .t>-!y ii I: .igjhjKl'u in the tin- leg.i-• latniv. Koine obseiveis chai-g.l sp>it!Boi :■ of the t'ili ‘.vitii a ‘busii bvioil” atMtnde at the thin- ot f: , consideration i As one lvev's aides explain. 1 to a press jissnr iat ioli la nivsenta liM-e. acad. micaiiy tin- graduate us ' (Uciv oi tic- problem cenii >• around kt-i pi eg ■" me of tin -toig’i's better 1 millds I*l ti! i ■ t-eg;C ■ '(Use Cl! inaclcipiate fucilit ie- in tin- legion ; iin'M . SouUiern gi udsiut*- and tirofes . ii.nal students migiute to the North i-i.U.I and West f.u ‘ini t.-ainini- and do n-'t n run- SoutU. To end this trend ru o. ii -ci :..' ini | -iv. . ishmeiit ■ f i >..\ c i’. slait ha - c handed P.m-thci a legion.;! .» !■. !.: ■: - it. . I ill.-d 'll r.-e.t : tin jil'Ofdvin -a s il ion th» Staled N’ot A-i! hstsi.dir.f' '• is-;.-. t:i i io.i ' life : i:inn in i .■ h I•' l • ai : . i' 4 ,1! ?) J ( <•<»*» V i.iili'M ! !.‘ 4 \ v»hfi» h N A A < P 5,.:- iUisMvf'sal ' I iii obta! u i.’tr .uhuibhG* ~ Net in to the Slate V \v V( ?*siJ y at ('hap* Hi! Kit • '• :• \- • \\ ,; ii-irn H i-iustii'- mvTt(> r-pu.'-i s.-n; i-i'i T NAVI;’ ;:: fiv t ioc'i. ! .v s ; u i m< as Hn week i Judge of the Tlitr l Foilcra! (Tr.-ur Conri y.f 1-1..!.- :. ;nr 1 Icb, mm;, n- Mary - on! .e-Hi Is i. nsvlvaviia ■ in 3iit. nisi in is-f' Negro c -sb -11.0" Si.d JO of. si,i- ;.-I; s .i,i nt,,j. id ieii I ■ Un i a r.oli • trr.ui, hes of til i'nivc.S’iv nf X-.i-ti- ! i l .s . The i" i •'hum of !a» and neni •c!ii>' .'i.dci s’oori s. V, ! . •IIP a t i".from qiiSiilied NT-i.-.r-. n. 1.1 won i:n fit* iifOM/lii’t V.' 't'u SUi ,1 .I .11't •: i♦ • a ii the ;»uisM4>nity i>! siilts? Tit {uree »h* ‘Mate Ut Vide >t»<'h fat:'ilif> ’! ;■ appi ;tr 1 1 (1 *'; i' lie hVu; net] o' St a'■ ' c -el -a * ■,{ viua- 4 red jI a . >4 J. rea:«?»*d law I >c. ; )ia in. 1. bail! ad Tn is ion »o Hu ’ Mae .supr><»n.- adnii-v, hands w»th the hi* U w.ii'd stales of the 4j , ‘»*fi South ! * J•*.■ i] J' ii.i!* see ; 4*f ml . at erin-iia’. and protVsslouaJ Uivets. Ninth ( rolinu «eek to piv-ive its i tin< . honored soriai nynum* aad so ha in the eeonomh: nf regional edn : oat ion At ttn sahn- lime the State tuns! jhi'parT for the loop and e\ pensivt litlt;«ikkii whh li is tm* i>i ioe «>f sogre}'at ion TTTE CAHOT.TNTA'Nr 500 Attend WHS Peg- 4 jf I A Lonrerence fT; Thu! 'il'.iy eight. Oc: I", nv--' - ' 1 ye hiii-.', '"I ;;. , cn’s .n i ;. : d.~ re iitVi.Tidt-d tli(■ i.sTiicr hits tics ii ;ut- VV ..‘.ni!-i!l..;n pci-.o! I’TA A ~:i itcil iii’v io -. d ice >. ‘ ; I. :i: bum !"■ it! i "Tit I:C i. il. HI. ii :u V a. cl li.s'll ■ I tint.! I.U.M d i if l | , n ,ldr i; Io i.;-'i iln n | ait ■■ iv nut. Tilt MI: iti-of Ilf l.til' b Si'!ii ■ " u.dll ; | i.hcir yiL-rv'. .• t. l l in vitnliini' c.- i.ic.- I -aren!■ nisi> he. u. ... Tin: Vyaril 11 •,t . iiigp i..-is v. th :■ i, 11. Tics' . ; ->■ live th. hi. "Vi ' ever:: I .*• li.-c! c.,u in; b> U; - , i'ni.'oting. Iti aciiicriiiM t . t!n ' Hi.-.-'.' Auxiliary To Hold Woman’s Day Rites Tin- Wnivi.-ii. s Auxiliary of tin.’ 1 j St Au.Ldo.ic Lnii-copul t Pun ch s . i snonsoi in j u u m n • lay progi-;i!i. \ uun is\ Ol -o 2:t lilt'd ill. 4d!..i i pin in tl > ju'iitoi’iu.u ot bv I Cl'.-siiV -I Is; i IClll Sc.'s "d. Cl.i lie! of T.uiuii and 1 iav ■ ■ -d S!ruc". | Tile U.,.-i; I :-t'-i -pun-li V.'cu id 1 mi-s • in .dthtu- n to tt*. ".<< st iX-uki.i lU'; -f- *1 lb.’ 11V *U. tiv-:-. y' 5 i ct .jnu'ch " ;’i : .;ivc a CURTAIN STRF.TCHI'IRS - \ ' I’ .«.'ii-. Ailjiif.raliic, lif hi. ilmp-iM*? $-1.35 i MU.I.R SI/I.S IN MO< K HK)NIN<; BOARDS $3.85 to $7 df> e<>ivi:. IN \NO IN. 1 ' ?'M l IHI M. S< t cvS) k ire St lx i Aiuhron. and (nates i S. M. Y O U N G J ! 130 E M \RT!N ST OWL 7121 l f 9 xß et w oen cc I S • 15 ■gP G»• 6 >*ch — . < M » iis,l mi.l --. . KdJo • f J ’* ‘"'l--' ' .' NT., USED CARS j T A " d.l- « ' " i '‘’ ' I ( M ! 1 J, J ' MAR MON m«vi oh company I r>ls r.iy.-llcvih’e v :. Dial :i-.5454 I wmwmrnu? \ SAVI FARIUMO -SAVE MOMEY/W ' .-\i* 1111 : .. as tiiiii ki•. pa loaded Passciitfcrs Uniloadl al ihe Main Fair Gate. , _ it's the i .i-\ (U'onoiiiic:,: way U< vfctii. the N. Ci Ntuie I'«n UNION BUS STATION OEBSBSSkd ] 217 W. Morgan Si., Phone 55Th liTRAIIWAVSiI IhgSl-'y d':c l.v ,^ll 1 »»»«». OI 1 \ , a,' pane 1 !>i! ‘Mv 1 ■ (TikCi s»d*. w Wli.H :I Oti’ :' : V/.! - '• >1 'i«: d '/ ..1> >1 J| V < ' , Saw!' : (’, M lvlcl.t-ndoii. Hi ;,i urii'uil 1, Vl ',uri:- '..'VI V ie.i by 11 :r h'tv. ; J A! lilt- eio-:e ul tile : 111 -Ml;. i>) i n V; ;;-r' VW lit-lti In tin. i ■ „hi I'li-onri'ii; i. i.. tlepM •"! ii’enia i\l! {, K C' ill 1 ! I’. pit - idi !i! j;t i : idt.u Tie N a'i-iii! t i lUPi.-iilig tv’li ! ~ui:v "1 li ■ Valoe "i tbs Sc-Vr' I I.u’ii "; to vl) it;' vvlU. Ml. ost • 1.• ' : l;l■ lb t!i;• - peakt 1 v.'ik itv.v an- cai r.'in;' vl’.. Hi• n ; i »;i ;i V , (■ l.liv V. ,11 ;d. CIIIU chi'- will be i VUi t-I, litv'i I I t'tß ft;l !*.iv'■ ii.;. J spejke; s. Bajhiit Mr,, (i K i ini'!'; Piesbyterian ii H l ’ A I Vi-,. I I): ; l. iaii All: !■;!., CTnilft.ii, iVt K Ml.- W H. 1 I'.-vl A M K A M - Ail.."- Thoi • >■• i'ull >: vi-aUiii .1. Ml ■ I'vaill m ami ~(• I. Ms-, !'■ .. I : I ; :ir i l i: l. 'i. 11 - v. ■a -. u 1 ■ Ul>*i! To:- on nrcd - (heir ou n .*v-• I ’hat 1 olbol. Til" ij- , v- ).»’’)!i ii'. v.■ '">! in .i ; v fie ,'i- • nut ■• i .'!••; l vu t-i utn.'j - T i.!. ■- : .- -hi', vs ]' Ups !.,f-{i.,i. a-, h i . hf'M ii ;u-i u hi nt.ii of it,;:* | -lid women who kimw that then' i MU one Cm! won T-fiUf'd {hern, i i';! woo dwell- w h'-:n t,-f ~ c nitii’p and mu-10iv suiiiv a, ri who calls ihi.'lT: to T Ii) : ;; | l, . ei's In cai'i yitsg nut 11 is,!n.- v }•. A IfllOvl. stl |t liOtl!" -. j, 1 ini! ,Yv tin Iln I.i 1 I U-i,V .1 f*f i '1 11 j; ( . . , ,(l >vll < .I. ■ 111 W.ll 1;,- ,i SA\ VOI SAW IT i\ Tin; caroumin J' > P/- ,y ’ ■ A //•'< •' f ■'a n-. .> v, 1 ;■ k .. - 1 - ' r k*- . J X .... A ,- 0. -r 0 - ,S “ • r .■ ■* <, •« A *, -> °a \ J / A. :i , ys whsun c - ( ‘g; - • ■ . 3- ■ n k; ■ v V I ’ 'i- .' ‘ ■ 1 / c:h vout ) l IT ALWAYS PAYS ; ■ Ki-ailyi j inr ! ‘ ; ’‘ i'-- 1 ' ' - | Now ' \ nit -t-iA <’■ > -'I v t 'I .-. i'i . ' J t : 1 PHONI-. <5437 Pecrlesii Cleaners "Out Bra nr he* M.vln Plant (. ovi-r Kah-ijjh' 516Tt18 FAveltevileSt ! „ bee the Amazing New f %££££' I |; ||| rj Ai*l«Hiiagl£ Wa^lior | W.A#MtS, RINSIS, SHN-PRISS , ! r, j fItCK ° f A SW!?CH i Aj | I V j * i i|ij! | J' t Y/*»he» fcy fftnvjus «ctSoet. Oo r-ofd "t:* if cieen ’ &2oth«» I li two w*yi , , c>i»t • Y! SGAp A'-d -V./ I TT" # Whirl* c••:.*•.*' / ’•% ♦» or> -siu t* *%p-- ** I'zvmirA ASK ABOUt THI TNO*) COMBtNATfOH Htrkiy CIOTHIi Wk%Htk AN& OISHWASHk-8 a f"r -s mi nts JF x *322 S. Salisbury St. Phone 3-3831 § KEEP WARMER! With A Cleman OIL HEATER * f!>?l r t#e”Unit inside the header A. * **7V lU f - 'J W® Which circulates t w wrwm air in ww T w '">4 1 ihome three to five times an hoar' L —•••■■ Vj Vs ' rilffSjlß f * ves vou warm floor- warm walls. r*j * '**■ ft |p MIFMfiN OR HEATERS 5 59“ Stephenson Appliance Co. j dt> s Wilmington St. H'ElhK ENDING SATfifiDAY. OPTOHEIi 22. !»{<• no i; \n i\ K(;\n‘ anus i.MIiASSV AID!, W -:. I. -.ANPi -■ TI, ■ is I mi '!:!.-•■ ~i v..-vi .s.-vtc-;v, in E;;yi,t v-om-din;- to D; M B. Ch.a ;. 'To y.'.' ,! Ai!::’,.':' ;,i. the Ki;,. |i(i'" i rabas.-.v. "T/.t'i'i t.-an bt no ratta 1 . ~,'nUi!!'i" iu* aUdfeil, ".i" 'Vi- ait- nil ■;<.« -i.v. ' ; , *,i i t--1 (-i 11 y ~S i»; 1., 3 ,-Toon v/iio ‘nu ;•. ■- o '.;s'-.i ;i. 'lhiit’ ln.-titi.ili -.l'uiit ■! mm ; last Saturday night to witness a u-i-iiiiii.'ult,,eri ivioilo’i ii'ctitn show no. Hit.- an, it ii' and m«>i - i *»H lin *? ON SA l Lit ,‘R 94 c pr - Nf.-i hinsriliy Brande*! Hose Ai A i ticky Purr-ha*e Price In Autumn Shades