PAGE SIX II CHARLOTTE 1 i M :; fe £ Isß |bk' ;m if ... as a ■ -■ ■ v.'V s«sstei f if: ;: . '•>>-• .. ' ; - ' •■-.•'■ : ■ ' : \A .?'••.»;?••.•',•• AS ’• 1 " ■ ••- : '.v ■s:.■ | 7 P ft S K N I r {> i I T»Ii» AWARD Ron-cna F. Vaushn, ItH student <Jt Alzharry Mtoii <a: Co lege, is tile 1949 winner of *? i coveted Aim; Weiis-Givens m. : i Snr hip award "t >SOB given i Uv but alternately, at the '. ••>•••.. s niversiiy School of ntedkine .'mi Mehar >-y to ti> »r,os' evt toil ting third ear stu- Th> award was presented >s?harry s annua! convocation ’’ mu. ;}• ly Mrs W. i Pannel, •' -'man 02 the organisr.a --t n ... scholar hip committee. \.\Tte Camilla Williams To Sine f or Zolas LGiTSVILLE, K}-. < ANP) Camilla Williams, star of the N* - York City Opera Company productv:b sof "Madam Buttfly :; .r i. cia.’ v ;!i arn'-ar in concert ! Mcmcricl Auditorium hero Sun d . . October 30 The voice recital y ’m-ing rporrsoreti by Zeta Phi Eiis .or ty as s means of pta.vid -2: 1: .■ cf ■ ??.! snips to Louisville- Mun icipal Coli-ge. ci •scholar::':-os urd fre •••x .• p•< •.•:•;• noted artists ,n c -.•ert : maintiun its fund. Later ’’ the ; : tec su'O’hy vii : pii si -■% the OePauw liutntry chorus ir. recite! J FKvXE: WILLIN' i)JB- C HARO ED FROM CLINIC WASHINGTON— i ANP; -,T. Kin fey Wilsot grand exalted ruler of the Improved Benevolent, Protect ive tH-dcr of Ihe Elks of the World, who has ; 5..-,. -ii weeks in Ha ve eHjne M 'ox h • Minn., was discharged last wm-k. After a vd»i« v/ith friends ia St. Paul smi Chi cago, Le will return to his heme here BETTE AND ABBE WALLACE READINGS SAVA Pa C: i.KIS'T; AN UI’K KOII FAS r CROWD ,! J rv-j:s a happy wht n f was ti’iiir !■> Sutnf. School and . Isur.-h ra ten:." . Ti i- trang here don 3 :ake sny Interest "in church and 1 gni.-is'. it's l.egi-uning :o worry me. Am 1 doing light to stav f here cr should 1 make a i-hnn; t i haw a frooti job June 192*;.' Ans A change of company is what you r.ra ! V>u arc on? of place i 1 ih<- crowd yci'% are hc-opd-g c< n>- -r.iv with. Yon have i, ; ; ing 71 . > iinmwa with these folk.- am! you new-r will have heeause of ? our C ri-t uu; rsFsm.-. Let your conscience be your guide return to the church am; :-ot*r mind *••!’ ;•-: at peace. ' X-S>>.'R VICP \f A N C!i AN I ’; s ' .MIND AWT GIRL ' HK WROTE TO "My mind -1 run Med. Win si ! a. ; »7 sai vU'f > (ori'f cnoiF ! \vi‘!> i‘ girl for 2 y< > ■ i had n> ve>' ii'V. After hein? discharged, i maae. a . Hj>> : i 1 > rip to her home town to meet !>er Sh<- was nice looking and if tin*. :! ivot s.cme >io*v aas 12*11 ox what 1 had expected. ! didn't . write her rczulat !y afte r the?. hot. a :: tea 1 ti wririnr !iei l'eguhi'ly :,a;u:i. Sh> slays on my an»nd all of 11• time. She writes ; eueh ~sce It-ite-ri* <’■ von figtwe tlsis 'CIO 1)),:. I >l-1. . j !»2 4.' An.-;; You At your i?n«."MiHtion run wild when you were forvu nondiag with the young lady and i.aturaily you fc!: let-clow n wh 1 sim failed to come up to your e.\- ; 1 pt-ciulioß She impressed you a lot more 1 ban you think. Proof of that is that you can't st:e«: to get in- j t crested . m anyone el»i> You bad | better make ar-erfcer trip to he; home town. You xvon't skid It.: changed she: jm". . nice “• iioie. Miiiie girl. This time you'D a;>s>” cia’.t her. WIDOW OPTS ; KOI FROM NEW A> QCAI.V‘'A VT. ’1 ail! .1 widow 59. 1 Y lx -i; i"; . lonely since try hn.--->a!,tl ra--.i ; I met .1 matt a few weeks ;>e;o w! *> claims he loves me- u nd has ask. ! 1 tie to marry. H*> ays he wi’ii d*. e lot for me ami fix up my What should ! !i<>' ipri! ' !s : r, Ans; Hotter ;•• i c-a ously with Alls genrlf-i i;,!- HA • s .;\ ions. You c-t-rtain'-y -botilci ; • ;n;»; t y any n;:.n that y.m h < ••• • m, ;■ ' Known for a ft-w w= cks V has!;, c marriage isn't U; ■- answr-t :>> your ; problem You no. a to gc out 1 ;or*.- ;.s yoa have i>-.*n sfh;k;av i«jo ■ lo ta home -1 :ici yo 17 h; son:*' w ajir.v. Vi-it a I*. w day v. it It each rd yciir child;-.-n this . ;ino you 'VO!l’t foe! S, ■ ;,:>>•■ DNHAPPY Ais' V T !ii SilANh'S NEW ill SINES- VENn iiE ATv husbarni ;;• up s !■■’> no inis li' Hl'ior ;.f-v- . a } - i > i> 'nisi'!' - s wit h : s !> •;< > ! 1 ! this against my wish ml 1 foci extremely nttim—>-• .-;. ,;r- it Do’ i.Oti !:>>};'•; ti. . >: >■ ,'oU' 1'■ e try ts, !00. --■ - - l.h; ogs > , way? Do:. 2b. 2 -At:-: You 1•• k: a youo-u-if mi.» erable ttttrj your hti-'hand too t:v taking this at:.;-.;, ijy ail nsc >-■ e-lieourage fiir.n <■ this n* vent-jr» Their prospta ts lo> V. .. favora i> !1 lie , V: r t-xpe’- - he has to .: t::;;:;;; ■ H-o 1; r : i the grtidft. > TERNS THEAiP:- DftV, N <JN TEXAS F-E'o L*FE “Whilt* vacate torts; >-. !.•»_• . a few weeks ago, I me! 0 man from AROI.INIAN October 29. 194*» *WHAT ARE HIS INTENTIONS?* \^- % ,\S Ji/ % ! \ ! *V/-‘ ! /.* «IV\ >. i jf „ \ \ f j / * £ \ •■ / I i I VrJA n»7 • i nrc v >—ev-' J ( i/%kV ‘-Af-vc—... 4.'^ ! >■; C'O- - ! Holiday Pumpkin I arts gt '• *sP* .. p " :: f .... .•:<,•*£■'.- t / x 'l ; .. .**v.i; -?;i • ... • A' i : /• •.- < „a*' •-■*. % (: ■ ;•■ ■;>:, \,m> ** A 3f i*s <■ >..*r ■■•• ■ a • 1 K-.. •• .j - $ ' v .a - x";-.-V '*> "' "• . *•>• , o v <v - ♦> •'« > J* f . \ * •'>-.■<. ' .. N - ■'■ > "- .>• - '' < 5 I '.A'kift / - ...\;;W ;: J ~. tv- ••>■; A- -.•■>»'■, >-. , ?* :•> -T •• - '•. . 'a ■ ■,-■? Lj! .;...>• A 7<v.. • . •- • ••■ • • •■■■'..■ " - T ; % ..:■'. ::... ':f. ,n. ~ ... • • ••■ /«v . -i s' ••-<„ : |KSJig| ■■■■k .• .... ' Vsi ;, . s '..,,1.'. > .. .; -.a:...-'- :j P: 1-; • . .... . - v - i a .:•>£. "’: ' y ... ' f :;f " * ..» ■ ~ - * . ' ,; : . '; '"’ " v -as& x™ s '-" - 53 Flint>kin-. and tar' <vs ■5j r Y:ii>o!iri‘ • 1 11 soase.u .- ; f Thanksgiving fx’rhap •■■• ro than any ether f. k-. and when you bring ' a m together artfully n a pump'-rin tart wite h. > ■ cut in a tui-kc; siihomdte:, yo.~ create a <x xert in complete harmony with the idea of gaving thanks for hounu f Cl; TtS. *- a!::- irul.vidual pumpkin tarts; by your own good reeijie. Cut ■ turkr > shape from a slice of pasteurized process American ,•] >!■ ;. Vik':i a paper pattern first to fit you. tarts. Las the turkey , atic n f- s chec ;■ slice and cut around it with k; F< Quite easy to > re r-t -.domSy <-ftecuve in appearance, and as w r-.uerfully goad • ■>? *— a . ; cheese and pastry always is. N. Y. NAACP ATTACKS COMMIE CHARGES Vv. YORK N. Y - Because N '-•> w Y ork* < f the .. ~t 1.. •; i-(. ••! F; N- iirctuig Certmittee of the N’t ei), ; ftetiee !■..•; Foci; teilnrc to O e Jukte 0 XI Bolin for the 3‘v d of Directors ;.?:d be- C e V , . - tiv*. Cer.'.l, !U‘t- of Vis X York ! >i stated :Casons requested the Natioit v Be' Directors. : >> isk for ’ . ■ • ■ ’ Mr W.dter White ■ A 1 :- i.- Bi ar.rh hx - bee: k. 1 ■ ■ :k. C ... ntn'-t :;ilTI? !-£i fo- ti i- ridiculous charge ■a Cine >. nd Urate ol the argu-i s: , .ofin;; the position of the Br.n <>; .bn im; •:-■, ered Tb; Em .t;.. C n.mittw -f tie. Tex We saw the <igi ts togetl.* r : days. He Iteggv'i me to go iu>t> ! > veh H* li?ari:i on iiu-r<- sub i know 1 don't want any •e. it <1 ■ !..ri'i. Dill ] Ilia: •• 1 fie righ: .i•.•*•• wix-u 1 refused •' Ye;> (!::>, Ll'e’ot V • .•mug ;•> v. a r am '.ni rnukiiid a f a., are •» Texas. Both of you Ate ■ r, .tea - I a a big city you ■ < '‘Tit, him .-.masiu? ai:d he t-i joyed ><?ur o«Mr:p.any. s;'> ail «ve: now j and you cai: rest, assured that, you made 'i o right decision New YoiK Tire'.o nrmkiitg and legislative >od;. e) br or/ ,n:i?a!ior fn;d if C* s . >. • b -liflue.'ice exerts itself, it will have to be k e"e ••• »!'. The • lb- h • II ;■!•> .. , identifying any rueniiier .1' * e-cut Ivi fb :run Uea r.s a fon/ir. ' ist Unii! that c.ei .)•' ?! . r»' :•-• • o» pier.sons/who rUrmpis >. tut Brand* n.u.-t i,i a ;. .: u vicious person or pocst.ns und . \ despicable liar. Wb'.HCVta rtee . ia, .* a t ; ;by the Bj’a ,ch ;:drp-, radurtiy • With of her orymsizatio.;:: Ea: be ■ll.-COll .ii .l. l! With lie X;\ : and eudiii-stment of ihe Ky. - , > Cunmiittec. Tin rc-ci mm-.-iidation r I NOBfl-iicitiug f.'i •!ru; iHtt Ai <; t■ : Judge M. Bo! if; \\ Vi-. I • dvn cy i to e ns•t *on ;.*i h ; • NAAfp revcitls the Uctic: I■. ■■viicn ;:i lib.:.:’ ./ay;. ! eanno? . < controlled b\ qiia! or ■:•!' !•’> i pnbteaai a •■ ir . .Va F; • sice lit- ' the ~,: : - 7 ::y an. \ T.b: sb, : Übcb'iia are t-ij. Acwa d:tey . they u 't u: Iv. a nr.-te-ir' to hv it); qa;( : Sl'BStlßikr TOD 4Y !!!

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