CAR\>iJNIAN —S i‘.u;day, October 29, 1949 FAYETTEVILLE Smith Planning Gala Hallowe’en ' 0 : :.i, or ‘b! Si, i •, Hay' K. £. Smith High .>■ > >■■■,’, *, | : o-r-r - wholeheartedly *:;!) 1 0!u!> and City R-.-e.** n. Dept. to make our Hai:.'.v*i brat: )r Gys year one >£ ”■> (;?.v yet, T'it *re will be twelve ,v, v :. v,. * !ieid ,u schools throughout '■':■* rity The i rp- ■ >** of fir /ns . • •» provih- wholesome reere-j " Hn! •*••'. ,*eti night for our i« and our r school youth in-j i is. -1 m. vTmdiii -sm. Tr* Ra r-nt-Teocher A ss* ■■ on '' f, J. K. Smith will hi ink ' ;.ge*i: ; many Halloween customs . i • • :on? gathered through ‘ e 3.g-\> :.r.<> our celebration here Moi day night. allow mg f ’TA arr v:. ps w: I s.-onsor concessions: Re! B.r; K-'-.w > vri. Robinson - M s 'Johege Heights Evans Min. W mi..-g*on Road. Cape Fear ( »;1 Itanis-y Ft. and Grove S“ T'i - 'bobbins. witches, bi mk cj ; fin• >:t;n 4 .-ack-o-ianterrH. cu "!:a. ( kri • Vi: k•* n.nd wh i fcp--y !\ - u T; j in t * Mgu r« will be tr lore i £U'*s Twi! Ih> hosts •!? e sjo. fl.ili i> I mmM ***‘" e£ * 1 L We repair f V' cvoryli): 4 fjr* tlecti'icu! |£**» | ' orient. Easy Payment Pin a | . FREE KST!V v"'KX ji FAYETTEVILLE Electric Co, 231 Win-cow -:• j | 1 j *£? YOU* i I COAL \ I w thb B/ff I l '-yeminbit.: Gtii r Fuel Oibi i | i •• • ibis Cull F’ ! ■■!ii s 11 | j K.r • fr.ei; V re :l v u r. , iCT ., Tc ‘ di " ' | ! Dixie Coal& Oii Co-' Prompt Service j 4’1 1.l 4'U Russo:! ji I l t " - ■ -~» ®Mohawk ; y,.' r ' - Inin '>• * % 1 i ! V'j) i / , \ \ V * • Ml “PXACIW-'iL ' ' C, • -CAG PINI3R" P \RTIES APPRE ! ' rKI) ; d. H vfcDotigahl iyia tuh -u ) • activities to •rr i . , . such as. blag-;. ;;-:>:rrr -id-, bob ■ l ‘- !, t ;>:•!'P-s, •i i. -i; I,v • b iratie. pi. • . There will W- many !> io‘:is ei" sag your favorite snack, such i.< delicious FK»r!>,vu.* h-,t * e;, n;.iro burgers, tlo-outa i> »r - »fi> bo: roasted p* anuts, soi jo. uiritty :i:id , andieii apples a?-! annv othei' s .od irs. Oon’t itisappo;:r C;- g.Oii:,--. i- i their crew. Y v.i cjn'r. nnrs- : u - nieht of fun f’om» -us bt -most comical arte* , an I win > t>r ? • You ;in he assur-d tit y >cr :• •::< will t>,> enjoy 1 GASTOMA RITES FOR ill GH H. COLLi\s Funeral service.- ; »- H. ■ dlins held Oct. 7 froai tb-* Friend ship Bap* Ist Clutr..•••:. fSit->nia. X C The rir.-s were • m i..' fe-i 5v 1.. if \ • S. Ha'!, r c )! ■ •'■ ■ ’liet.d." Pall I)Hirers w--rs a.*- •- h >f 'c 4 Aces Club ot wbabi I.i is, • was n member. j JERWCi& 'l J pr-j.m tv to TAi'!.E-r>:-:thsS. | a' t-a KA rip ! rbN Tj McNeills serves ; YOU BEST ■v. .>.»■" T v ' f S r bu! '' 4''s* .eT.r I . Mtry Fiippi:, ■ l ad r- : N- sjßVh-k I.A-v rffiwk. rb- : -i.r S -■ tie. 4 ■ "T For tend ;', milk : - 1 t.-.tb.- 1 b'p.-y.m-V/;. ‘ 'Ef. j McNEILL’S POULTRY CO. FAYET'i F.VILLE, N. C. j - SMART COOKS j I j- -* y - *> r " * RULANE GAS ’ j jNjij, j; tua-'s t j j «mg»r- bSs'S' ( L 1 | ~33 Frankrm St. Dial 334 S 3 FOP FEEL OIL*CALL " j D. K. TAYLOR j Wholesale Dealer Esso Products S4O Orange Sc. Fays-tteviHe, N, C. Phone 6109 j 1 i-i r—i ■mi ii —ni- ttrin - n< [wr n ... L . ~ PROCTOR-BARBOUR CO. Hardware Atr.ey 5 Paird. Farm Machinery, Building Material, Doers., Wundonrs. >?a.j Cstnant. Mortar Mix; sue 127 Gillespjf St. Phone 2080 5165 | PAINT HARDWARE >\ t' Kite it l .t:. ity it. or i«- isn't r x d J : : 2^ SPORTING GOODS FARM & ji s V ' MILL SUPPLIES ’i* \ Dixie Paint ■&. Hardware Company led ~ V 109 Gillespie St Dial 4119 Fayett-viH- The largr tsurnb-r >t : irui f.Ttng.4 end pt-t-:ons an - u iinar Mr-' final lit*..' attested to rh» ertee-i, in which the was h ;id -Mr. < ib;u- is surviv, r Ss r , -*• if .NiS- t t;/r: c.■ , ,’i 11 j. .->. - > c- ■ dren J-» Ann and Hugh Jr., h’s ,-utUs and two uncles. H-_* was horn and r- at ed m r,.j 5. , fonio. V 0. He had bv -d i„ Fay , ettcvuic sutci. Aiaicfj lab! wfi hr ; - : *-\i a pomte:u .it F -■, •• t firagg. Thus- from Fay«t‘.*vil!e attend* < ,'be tile rib*, ni Gastonia Asit" M A. G tiney and daughter. Mario: S-Sgt. Bevins, <’p). M Kiroy. Jun * io«s .viclictiald, Mr- i ~ i•; 1 m . Alhster. Herbert Smith. Mi- Sttsi** if**yKins VV liliam N\ -.x. -. .- .u. , a rdrs. Gem.- Vt ilds. PERSONAL S Cluudo Stephen- Jr., -'udent of N b f ’ bait*'. ( b!-:.' fV’.r ham spent the weekend with h-- | f>ar*=nt.s the Rev and Mr C i, Stephens, 2<>l Moore Sr Th- members of E' ms Metrpoll ‘in Church were glad to -*-c Si r< Sailie Bonds. Shi- has h.- . o k for c run*' Ac- gi a \\f_ ' -ok- ind - friend Mis- A : ~n ,r rhe - X. * apnet the weekend at th t *. h - 11 .of Min. J. A Sunniona. Friends of Mr- vVMke-- and -V -. fieri Wright of Nif:’ S- re gret :>» know they are sick. Mshop 1- i; b-.--j w.t- .c 1 ;- 'beaker at Rvans Met ropohtan TRADE WITH CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS THANK YOU! AME 7A >n «'Perch Sundav, Or .. ai- -. at. li in. A large nueft t.-’r . f .r, all :r: .1 i a lie •; lIL. i ri Frank.!! c vr Phone 7Hi Mvi.-aiv >.i »■ i>t. f“ PHOIO FINISHING COMPLETE LINE Os Camera* i i AND Photo Supplies FOi THI Amateur Oil THE Professional