PAGE FOUR ■ r'urriijPito v [ HIGH point £4. CURRENT «' CYCLE By C, E. Yokely ®fe» .r.> r The- Talent S> >w it tr - H School here the other : b--ought before tns public 1 - ;.; • ••: 1 i! performers Tbers ve. tht. grourss '-'ho sang the typi ■. type heard :rt T er. talent ' e building was running net w: children and a large number <:i : rrents were present, Fr-im all ■. .;< -a able by the > v • and oar :he . • .liters had loads of run and j-n r for i» They seemingly enjoy, tc .' ook at their peers p*3i*forni ‘ :o oror > did a character skit n.r o.cuoht showed unusual talent. "With the possible exception >? the to .uivg male soloist and the the trumpet player girls showed v P equal to tile boys As we watch ed ■■: youth perforin, ;n who: a. y c? J ltd amateur it occurred but ed.-.r 'Teen group fun might bring iut some other talent among youth \V> pondered it ail our taien: is sirwu’. and riJin if:? or do v.e love the mimic. Maybe an <;hcr <#»»; of more ereitive n ’em t!o»e w ith tb it «q* Ro-v S. M Fra?:.: >•: 5 : - wui conduct the c - 'ice The .»t --rdversary will ciiisc Sur ia; 2 t r m. with Bishop Weils >f Greets TX-ro will !>c guest speaker Tie put be it n rited to th-osi- ~ _-.a. it; technical talks ar.d heating the ; plans for tr.e assoc: ttion tl “The puir.t is, to this observer’s 1 ■ cv . .' mind, that both trie white ana the Me .to nurses entered .tiio. • ji- , v ; Things in a natural manner This 1 isort of a'titude is the basis f>t , r ! the latc-iliger.t approach j s.»su ! tioii of racial problems "If these who are constantly dying and wailing about the , untair treatment of Negroes will please note the event this week, they wi!i learn how ihe south is gradually developing a mutuaiv agreeable approach to racial understandings. ,; "Forcing 'he issue on ’.he south • will never do \nd those who 1 , 'would cram what they L> .seiy ' ~ jcali evil rights down the south's T i throat have been urged .>: ay 1 j ; negative incidents wuh no • ;•; sii ft tfosili jams mad semh with the heit> A X:• . give* ami w ilites. wyatm bhidi: SHOWER CI'EST h' A bridal sbowC: was stveii hen orm/ ?vlr i". i Mrs Robert Bynum ' i newlyweds at the h rne of Mr and Mis. Thomas Bynum ;!9il Day , Street Octooer 21. Tit * house v> .as beautifullv decorated wit:: who :■ i.acL pick carnations and iai’ liow- Mrs. A huge .tcnierpiece graced < ; it'i• •tabic and candies w.:. :-'.d :: the til:, .e v. ■. ; Gaels were aivc’ed M'-.c'.., B. Isier wh> introduce a he biidc ■.i • 'i. Gifts wow :. - ami ?. ■■ .... Dutani '.: cream d _v ■: H'' A. I ';J mT;. C»O'IV .' ■ o '' Cl*? b-' v-kvcs Isle-* - and r.- TRINITY STARTS 1 CAGE SEASON r _ . ■ y- . .... ! b:i} : Triu::y 80-y> s u ---is ! .uk?tDu:i ie.d-u ieievi u-.i tn? ’s' Liberty. N C. team* it Trinity. ii. -:.y ys gor ~v w miA ■ " Vs . ay- f' >o c w.: ’ - :.. '■ i A : wu" gamt veil: b.- ; y i T ' ". V l'; : Vsttk . -.‘tv. •.'. ; . ..O r V\l<\ TELTON IS ED HERE -*• 1 > * - J-■ t - -G. O' , ui- otto, tcc T-ic eg. of tier sis ‘ ,r. Me]lor. to Lt.-.rv K.. . i 0; tobc- The vows >pi*kcn be-' I - -'..* > o: on vsT.'.. 1 was a white: >'■ voy Mr and Mrs. 5..:n vYn o oimo-’ ro, : and f.tfhcr of the ... - ; o )Crr! Miss J:;-:.-!0 M .1.-o»r.. Miss ! . .. •- Cast, Miss ! • • .’lie "'i.o- '• • -t -- tvio*- .. f v so., 1- . s.j. n vsTllio Wary .anti Walter P.nrox. OIRk > r MASON WOMANS DAY SPEAKER v; Day was observed s r dm vDctabcr 31, a*. Mt Vernon SUp- I •.'let Church Mrs. F R. Mas-o was - i guest spcttice- at ; an; the Rev ; I. p 'larr.'sh of Greens-•jro -accon:- 1 e p-ir.Ud the United Ushers Char- , ti -Vd;> u. ol til? ihre-e v. TRINITY HOST TO COUNTY PTA The local Trinity PTA will n;ew each first Tuesday night oi v. " month from now through me school year. It was announced cy Prof. W M Menard principu. H .Ho announced that Trinity wall host to tile County PTA tneeti.'.g at Trinity on the n., K nt o! Nove-t ber 7. Enrollment at the Trinity school by 22 student-, luring fi; ia t school month. LEONARD STREET GRADE MOTHERS .The Grade Mo;h.jrs ?r L.- :n.r ~ Street School met St. day at ? o m. at the home >i the president. Mrs. Nora Bynum.. 1 ids Day - 1 • -c ART AND CRAFTS CLASS The Arts and Crafts class held at Fasrview Street School under trie auspices 01 th ■ Rccreatior. De partment was open for registration Tuesday night, November i. There will be courses :i: metal w >rk. crocheting leather, rug making an: knitting It was in: ounced by Miss -A. L Jones. This class to oe c •.- tinned through the next months (FKKIES COIN IN MOITII 38 YEAR< GEORGIAN A. AM. ANP Just to prove you ran <*.-t used to anything;. Charlie Eos - an, section Hand on the 1. and N railroad has been carry jng x din.t- around in his mouth lor ’s years. RogS’an says it's tar good In 1 1, and reiers to his grandfather, tstp Faagan, a sac cesa'Ul lain; i who did ti e same for til years Tarnished bv ace and chemi cal reaction,\ good luck charm remains in hi.- right jaw da- and night It in- in si i laced there in 1917. w hen Heg gan> was 13 years eld. a 'lucky' rear he was to hi by Grandpa J aggan. The charm ,* •> -s. insists Ruggian. since he has never teen si, k an.i .ever out a? work. During the ’obless ,i:-- J.C..-S'.s;en days, be aOs appo.:-.: ed porter at the Georg: ana office aver a number of other applicants A ward of .advice tor trty Hvitd-be imiiafnr. first :wv month are he hardest says Hoggin. }! f found r. worried him m» tiut he could hjniiy sleep. ;>u now h- seldtn: shirks y-f :•_ tmtU someone i,ii to -ee iitc strange lucky piece:. OPPOSE ISI VS SITE OF V B 10! R\EV W A SHINGTDN ANN Rumors around iesnieg i- -- e'es ha, .- it that the N . collegiate Boxing' m1 : 1 r;: v ; might be held in Icaaisiana Staf.y Vniversitv this yea lie l.i’.v -•) that s: .ic- •jr./T'. i :c’,s whites i'rcm iigfctir.g with Ne groes, tlicrefer N sru j\ •’< •’fficials and ib-rse in the light game shnuld p.-iuewt the holding of ihe totu rument in that state. y,ii(>u!il enough - in from official > ■ .•> .n-gaiii catioiis as-d influent: . individ uals. the tourrgffi’n; w;JS ae hr'd in a northerc here Negroes will be pe-n-.urd box m the coilegyate tourv.a ment. !; the proa -ts are sent in iaumeiliitch w 'The Sport Department. A Negro Tress-Wash ingtor, Su-eau, 1315 llth Street, N V. yy ashingson, D. C.. they wifi he ..-rv- .1 riled to the pro .1 source o’clock progrsr A: 5: 10 q. m the 1 Days C-bserv anc .Tose-i with .. pro-i gyjrr iur-s ■ •*.: b. tr • • Misc.qnary i vi v»f : - . --j 1 CAROLINIAN' Saturday, Novemb. 5, WSCS MEETS IT ST, MARKS O 23fh. with V. • ;>r .-i- ; •yst : : ircivi-ij, :: ibr ' cork •L tn?- VV .-r:un's Soc :j; 1 •' 'tr - ‘ : ir: Sy; SiC . ' ' ’ Tic < g: • •:*. qrough th- l ci-T-. j )f M - A L JOi'idv cha : •:■ . ; l the •)i jr >.'.-: —a • * Cb-:-:. fi-, ■ • jr;".:- :jf ja. S.q iT' Fie cyj :; this program the soq.ciy be gan ti • aace of of ? ray or v d Seif Denial with -. .. •' Day Driyirn. which began at. * a v. )c-. and tasted until 3 o’clock i a. m Mediations were led oy Mrs. T Y Brinoefie’d and Mrs K. P. ■ l: .' ‘The Work that I Do Shall: D-> Also, was the theme of the ivors.h q service for the program: .tic.; Wednesday evening .#f the H Prayer and S.-i'-Denial. : With the* Spiritual Lite Secretary '’. j; P 1 ■ ■ R.i hin.-- , .•!: i • the :dl iwir. * pr .gram was rendered 1 , e .'.>qi..v? reading, led by Mbs' ; Rebir.:- n. Scripture. Mrs. Dorothy 'f. 'v Talks on various foreign md ' • nativ work wore gn.-ex: by Mrs. Gpheiia Morgan, Miss Roberta Rub ious and Mr - Ethel Bailin..aer Tlie' | meigs were well mended AAR HI RS ASStiH. JATION The Barbers As>oc a'.i >n meet • qj was held a, the Ritx Barber j - .0 it Fairt i.;\v Sir. -t. Wyjnes r. N o r.r.ber 2. at .i n r Ht AGBV M-VYBF.’f SAN FORD Fia, AN Pi M:-i. !>«r»tht Baldwin is »i»r »I tnese ordinary individuals who has * prejudice again,-.: people Fifing i»n her nu»*'. espy dally ft ties da i. with their teeth. He- warning is. "Lav dead, hub. don’t c-aursing with mj ! To make tlv* »«»;:•'. clear to iiusbacd Wifiie .hat her pro b<».scis n-'cds t'o massaging from bv: iiicist*:s. she hac Him ar rested her last week Arourding to Mr- Baldwin's -lory .-he ard her husbard had an arguni,and Vt'iiiir assault ed Her h\ faking a h .iHh-. iiip o: be- q.- Straightaway the swj'in went ».*••■.!! to police sia: or. anti sv, ore n»i a v. ar ** is' isf .i ‘ -; he. <\):>fi -•, >he then went to Lee 1 '.ornty Bin lor VV . : - vss.;r J h<*r .it \• ? h.>«< - ; . *;i ii pQ ! iv ■:• W!*re w * i:int{ ■ >■" ’.c: VV';;.-J|» heilssf uk«n •e.:.- v \\ tUu‘ jump •“ *i : •>m Xr e p«>lu e ■:ar hi vh ■ i- ;Mve*:ng .it 30 tv ! * - r • Hj* tn.idl .* hih < ell v - xh«t --i* "’i*-’iotured ihe me/*.■ di-y •* H OO'L H& A \»> !*i y I " > ;( j R £ FN ** SPORO MVE T riv? Gaiifurd Coluuv N’-egro • • ->a i£ hi'N | : u- ; •’ rn• * ** Streel. Mrs. Jon.us_ pi •n- - -- P -*i >■)f U • .*■ Popuiar G ::o •/e S *;.;■ •>1 I ’Cjrv-j'.i i? dainty repast i .•- DAVIS 4 BACKERS STILL HOPEFUL OF RE-ELECTION S';.v " )’~k i AN?; Rqyporters ;of (Hi'ijiciiijaau Benjamin .? Davis ■•'•re ii'Htefui Last week th,.: their : -a: Hlx wuald in* r ■ i >n awe to a oak. ■ sever d sfre**:- .ruei' ; o.ppearagac.e.y before Uie v >■.. >: ; go j ‘ '.Ci t It* ‘J- . s q Os. ( j ,* WtiCth.:- : 1 Da t 1 v • or coiuoifuaf. Earl Brown will '■ .represent Negroc- ip the t’Uy | Mavis, neld ,n tne Federal House ; ts. Detention without bail nio-v his • conviction at; a conspirator to ‘each | and advocate iic overtiarow of tin wrore from his cell I last week: : ‘T •:;vj r -;>r-esent the peopi- of H.arlem h«r.ter in jail than Ear! CHANCE SEEN FOR NAMING OF MORF FEDERAL JI'DGES I.Y Al .u:-K rV’N.VIGAN WHShiugli-n IAN?; J• ! .-. -s .. Dll th-. remainder of to- vacan ;<*•« ; created by Tl-- 1 :- ; : >: <' >;i gr-esa a v,« lik.-iy to b** oqqaisi'eu ,* the i’rcsideur -th» i .wreak s-rs return next Jane. icy. Tii ; s wks’ sut ia the I'resiil'-ntu; pre»j * onl'erenoi* last : week when a reporter A3 : ,mi Mr Truninti if h ■ w»s e.vtjs*.-titnr fu ;q 'quin:, anyways toon iu.Jgrs to fill the three vacancies recently create ( ■ r,n the Wash miron Mr.nlcipa.l c «n; bench by ’ which pAss ; --i the rougrees The Prtvidenf refuse! *.> anawer this uuesMun. t.;,e bill bad riot, then Ix-'en brought ' j his at ten tion for his signature H - Ji.i state however, that he “Apectod to make some ret'esr appointments but did • not know whetc -*• <- v w.c'.iii !>o Municipal p;.i There are sdil. ;it>c>'!t lb judge . ship vacaiiinest to be i'iT hI a:- ore in-.- to h White Hop.-, stmkesnian Os the 27 eri.gnul federal iudg.-*. t,hip va<»uicieu crested by the r>:i ; gras*. 23 have oeea nil—! leaving four still open. Os this, four, two ' are in Northern (,"a ! it.»mia me Florida, and on in N'*w .Jersey (n addilion to these, ta.ere are** other vacancies qow existing b<* cause of ehher : : i ■ i• : , ck- re! ■ - ; men; ol presiding ixiges One m j. ; , 1 calt-d ill tla* N'ocOipc: Di ii .-kc ■/ Ohio, one in H >uU *rn '-i lif, ■ . and -die in CoLuudo Another federal j dg -nip wi s be open in the ,so;.;them D drv ,« ' Indiana after j s.n. 19 j >-. q q.. i judge in that -district exp c’i ; to | retir--. j lu'r? .i’ * s' ■ j '.• fn>*>r*",’ii? j r- u, j.•«" the appointment yf *>-her N’.-g: , *:* if-’- federu! iudgesiiips. The ri . • likely «iinlhb f i ; H W ,-y :;- 1 ton csva. are ■ q:i. fM Ijo:.;-' m, . George Hayes or Emory dln.if 'i Hmiston has pe laps >' -tuep ! .e.s before :.: q I S. Sap-■ -m --; t uurt ’halt any f .t-r NVsrr- a ‘j- Bey die ha: .j.-iue very . ilsO.n.i work i ri. V/asai qgt or. i ; t-hroUtriiu: the ii.; 1 :: .>h;iU; wh ■ ; ill good favor v.-Ra .a-l:i : q; Ms r i ton l”‘c,:c. e ,f sqiymM a j ;c the hist cimnuigD -is well al ; other ! icsnocra!: ’ Tiuti-paigtis is xi.',| !-• !*e a very able law >;• m I w.ehi make a very .-apibh* .it! ig<-. Frank Rec-vss a yxiiiy prog* m : ;?1 V* * iltlori.iec if!] I) - r lU'k plug ~i i the ■'Knir Deal” nr le is -aid | !uiv,* fii- hat tr. ?’’<> rnig also. Ue Hay-, a v.-cy pr m.-tit ; alforney :r- 'Vaaliiti.g*.-®, ba- bweo i illitgx-d Mi.: -; a; ■■ >f q 'mo j widely k: > .v a and ~--'n yOBUff it!' '.i!'!r'j ’; imld a viiWifb:.; ■ s;,!jT:y ; ; b> ! a Use of bis .-«>n-:.,:.r , . 1 niHuxn i>e-..;>!e. - also high on. , ■ : of , vamlfdules for ono nf th-* federal , ]. V • Ir: uiimei - ■ ,e e A. A. U i’o j. 5 ai»n ary :-sl rnar.-v be;.' re file l', S. .-'uq-rife Brow ; -.a:i Lee" Brown stn-uld w.n •< isliy but a.itne of 'i> m.**: is.;. l ■ Timn.iP ' < 111 •y r GiVu (I'S. ii U -(i • » bO; tliai. he-- w' : : A.., j. sCifF ;i\«-ivtb ‘t C*M‘umuisr ,r L A.;;. ,• I Ui: S*w% Brown has s-' giy * »•; •; 1 ,r . r v i)i&r *: -i ■" v t• ‘ ra i•• - » mo f •• j y •' ••.> his cia *t .:. a r : cuinpiugn :-v-c;'d prop. . r yea ■ .. 111; I - ft-I'' V *-‘ ■ I ~e , : •:; : the fr v 'a ■■ , . r; ■•; ~ : Jam* .. i- t: .■ i n i; ■!. : ;■! Vetera;- .: Wo; id V , Run-, ! also in t’ro tkdyn s : , , 1 ! m . . tilt) bri'iyoiuiff won \u • !:e -... 1 election :>•’ D-tvia i : FARM FILLERS i About 2,70 > acre:; of late lull j cabbage c:e being grown commt icmily in North Carolina th ! s year • 1 Fbi s .c'-'eage is anout, the .sum'* a. th:,’. I' the !343 crop i “Nothing beats Italian ryegrass for a vi liter iuwtV says John H Harr-;-, tae ‘'Tar Hoel GaidrnerG