C'AHOLINIAK Saturday, November 5. 194 S } ■* rrr m ••• ■** •>« ’*'II.MTNGTON W( bed j • p>.i:.i u 'fi , in« Vv'€ ci“c !*. g 7 w». : A-arm at'cS wi her: rt-vcrai deaths, iv ojvor.c s€<.meti o !itv < Loon in -': > ;••• < its V('j!< f. *.:!;• :r,< ycd p A : s ;r: Ninth Street a k- off r expres ■ - : >; '■ > u'.-lv ’< ■ the Kandtiii f- > iiy of :h« jede William Braci . f- f-nty-!c .... /r;.:. old Wil '.or'da.fa;.. .• p- v,fatally in ti :>.d in an i.ufc.n' < i: A accident on S. Highway tw ien Nevv t‘-m and WU ,gt< :. Saturday join ' ‘or. i V'rginia tu wia.es> t.» Br.ntrfvß Vn. State f i ha!! Gr.rnt Ti.c- deceased, a ■ Hrmjjloit In. ti ;< and a gradutc of Wli- J3i Indus;: iaj Scfc <.d. was cm y< ci i Ho rtf;. ; Funeral str vli t! •‘. v ducted from ii:s re- Md. net on Wtdr.c. d;.v afternoon. ' nv>:ti( ; : i same will tie tr., <3f Th func.-a] t f Alonzo Ricb t>’o:cr. lr rrr.tr Wilhston studt.-nt. was conducted fur:. Shaw's Ft; - Home, Sur.cay. October 23. Kjs death !c-M; wed ; br.et illness ■ i 0.. Ht-.-r jt;d Vo n - tru- H .is txtenc.; mpath > to tire f; naif v if the i&u Jim Brown it-.,.-- c 'f Mrs I.jrzit McLaughlin I’sivn w:s food October 22 at O* man iy H,tt.; Futietal s* - \ -Aft held .: Shiloh Baptist < h T ; . f,.. v ,i. H Us ; . 'i re e ; * r r;f> ! >■ :. the y- B’.£ ; . ;t;.' otie-s who art •‘" s . e-rite: tajne.'« J noticed a >' her; gif Cb -violet u;-tk- Fort cf their residence. I w of. c :h. • :t bCoJ.-n:- *> ' -‘ Ci \ McNiM. tin ■'o' o .to r r.chtd ftieir tin t '’’ if rtrntj.? recontiy Inc ‘= 'O . i ’ • -*”j' i.'iy iei( uiiy ... ; Mr.- Harri:-. . • . {'h. \ rolet. Mi r : t , r i ( o.ti., - . -lee - now Mac« h ‘ . ' ■ o'ohi :t, jails "Miss ;. ! . • -o' . tie- and W. ! -h i.s. o:h some nice ionk. methods of . t ■ -i „.id Mrs S. 1 /. ' ... t .i .• . , - 3 ■ ‘ * ■•' • " - • •v ■ Vi mill: t '* O' O' ...- " I 1 .OsViiic Km t •the., i . . Mr. and M, - cit : •• ■-. >» •.■rt'i.KC r h! * •• AME Zji :: C 'Uixa on Sun >' - - s?- : v ; e.- . ;T) ■’ 5. N. threw 3 Aa d;r ? he: rc*-:dence dur- r ;g ihc wet Rf.n home of Ui j iaeri r y Ih.;ps . South Seven l h S’ tr..- :r'• .-V :;t tiiiivlN on Se.- tl. i d.:y rule *TT* Mi rOCIhAf.L (j.VMES • -a. : .nc Mr.- Walter PE 3v.ss, Tvj. -. ; ' }'■ : k•?:. Mic* es V ..r.•• ' i ■ S. Riehn; d^on. iv/ C'« .e) An; . ntled the bJ / '-n'.ec r -:r,'.pg G: *. :nd actlviii* 3 f : Wi S&ieiii Te¥?r:n i ti • ri-.:-T ev- ‘Kf : T:v y ted that ;A y >■■'••• rice time and •v* * li >6t* w\ 2' Billy i-. >e ■ .. . .y. rt'd Wii -I■’ •, M ’. - :. r. V; iing li’C'ii r * . :- : ' ■ n and for f' t i •psr'-i.y. < ASF 1 At. i tiß> H sre; a a--- f ar-.ttut e Proctor-Bariboar Co. PTvBAV VT-v:s’GS THE ' I FEMININE | ' VIEWPOINT I fix MONTROSE ! WHITLEY n The it.:'.- f.tso Hail'.-., the: they hod the fit, "].' c l set oog Mo.. M«- ‘ ;(.> on. 't;c. iin: wla .: ci war: ti- edlegt there. Prof. !. T '..Ats r,, :. : W D Hr; .lilt or Georrf "A: Av v. itrt ssccl ) the l.tr.i t i r . r. ,n St .;. fc.-ctfc.ti; - ’ game Whilt iht . they als<- rew i i'cof: ! I I -o 0 ■ : M.'S . t - hat Hr.vt. - vht ~ fin I'.mar, - c-t 1 i ttA.o.r I'ntvcno. this yc-tr. - Mr too Mrs A. Y • rtsi . t •■ the wk!.;: t Ti. Ctt wiwji -th- ;> sw ;. .. Task- •< • H< . t : a a i .'a MBs ir. STINSON t. K\ V V. H.J. Al PfiAK i The D\«. rstfj d Oc'.it.a- De partment ' Willietcr. •-.. f * - Silvaai fbc Graduate .Vujyes -of tin Ci mmunily Hot, - 1. ;.. -•.-• ft Mrs Gw'crnti'iyr S Gray. ■ taltoti-. j a o r. N . venifcc, t 4. f:ls '.rti k' NV:'iii>tc a it, I "-dusi -: I Schfoi. l:i,.sr.a •'. - Mr.- Gray : highly ; jat r. .. r« r-K.s cion J rtr, sure fit. - y'. . rt;, ; . nicy -fas -. The :. effort tot is for a very v t-thy s r.ut.-t i-s flu Div* rsificc; ( - - ti- ue ih;. . rliner.; s .at' o g-t -■ rots - • : c. t-r.i.'.i B€ ih; ir aar, : ; - Pod f : ft/-,it. worthy hop ' v • rs.ay fct yt-iir.-'. ? ..a. . ~ f ; : - t-rr-rr. wail h;e , . . ■ r i».k(i mlr.rt 5-t, winch i err. . . . .1;\ g I v--:; v/ti; fct there, arc: ct iigat ir. . a :at. • as? ft:, tee to this . .. i ./e ■cum- VP y - /..fua ti - ia, t . .f.i r. (. i • . ...- P- • f bi t 1 . \i Fs AIK YUP \\ •.• {'it:r r .iThdc.-y October A . c- ’ 5 party p;vi . t v '..c. :r,;fhft Mrs. ; :.i ir..- K Y yua -heir V a. i:. 1 So-.th S« v< St P a- a . " ctt'.ft.- isp c-Pi-tC tp.cr.';se'.vt- ..> : •"' • ■ " ■ 'pi r ■ !•• • • vs pap: y i •' • -. rs T' ■;• t' ' ‘at Mr? >1 • ... t : - Mrs Cera Da s M - B> Tl-. wttt. M. K‘ - - ;p'-' jifV p; V..: i ■ Mir,t. i a::t, i'.t.: l :i T ■ ; Mr or.. Mrs. .Tc >- Greei-t M . .o,r; Mrs 1 . ...- IP WiUtcrr: McLe-.Pt, Mr. «;.c Mr- Ho: it t She: rP Mrs Myrtle \Vh:t \V \( i H AFT f \ IN'f.S ; Tlif I cM {-.1. .'tor ci NAACF sistant r.> to Sctrf’.try .; p i ’- a,- !a>i.;,' Oiiic( ( ; NAACT F ■ ; p rot Pits Beys' Ci Mo > .' f.tra V<a. : i { J .11 . OINNU, l t>T< 711 CV'i.yc t. St.. Sur.cc . y , ' ~ _ “j ■ tv CvM t o : y- < 'V! 9?lu 9 teAqiibifu lii Bsi.i Oasipos ; "AvAPo j - '*aa-i% i ""MV JI JU- M" v j \ foe rrtucli ; Ic’-trumrttf is iiixe a •Chi case «>?' five it. the hay-mow. ;iio <l«tr’s tt early, mti b!es, at St. August mc’s CclJept, t I Raleigh, N C. I 1 - COMMUNITY {’HFM PRIN T The C» mti.t.;'..iv CTsosj Drive is '' ■■ ..Jiderway . the pr. xtck-olf . vcaa. opr "'tiCSC.-.v rtitf at lire Corr.rt-.ur 'fv Be - ■ Cl-tc other ; r:,o".ti:-n {•; n :■. found elsewhere UP . ■ Gra i".P 'f.vl-p |Nc i: es HilE rest Center will -a • Fo -p atotol Silver Tea - ;tc t--1. ... iona! G.ti xat p•- £ k A- . . ira on Sun t- :• a Oetote. " •' . m.. at the v‘ titer. A ?rl- itdic o’'. grant will P-, •'< •• .p. • . a ..a/- selections Py. Mr Gn 1 . > Gray, ac .• tt ;.?b< v. pi:—.-! The proceeds ci thi? tea v i n' contributed to cat Ce.mirtuci.y ; -t Drive FlePse pp and pkc a friend HOME ntMIONsTKATION frog Rani Mi rn; ars -. f y t-;, , .. L Dcnaipt sr. t. t. Club- ;'Jlanevcr l a:n ‘ > ha-- . feted plar.s fcj the F.t .• Achievement -i Piled for Sun f.r.y Oc-t- .- : . 30-3 30 p.m. at Hoys' Club. Rex E H I'Ps.xo-' - v.pil! deliver :.n ad. ss at. r t .V';. raieiits of can to- c j:; 'op • .. parade and spe ■ - , eduea 1 ( xhihits will be ■it o tvres A treat i- tn '{<« y >o please be present OR. .( W -KABROOK IVU.I SIT.AK IttRF Tiv - ’h . nital Instituticna'i Eo.y v, o acofterr, .North Caic pp ti, be observed o-i ..: st Church, Sunday. . >-'" T ' • Jo 7Jo p.m Gum spcck thi? ■ (-:.t will be Dr. J. ’•» • at-ruck preridint Statg Cf a- . Fayetti vtUi . io ' pp .it c-d'.:eator and church- ■ s xx .jj ; ■ fcy the NVilbs p s- in Glee Club. Off:- prfapti.gs will be extondcG by P. Ho-norahk Kevce McCiells.ne.. x f \V Pr.ii:,-fon. Nb'i EMBER EiRTIihAN s 7 p ;birthday i the following ; rthciay coke rant?. Mrs. Minnie Er s l;: r, En*:t G \o:ui Tay]o i Mlss Let :: d Charles IE B n*y. N*. • • . ’ AT es Ezell J Johnson. Nr \ - ,* n Alien Pavton. Chestnut ■ ■ . 1 A.: N'r.r.i b Kirk. • ir. C- tones D Evens. Nov. 16 M ss ■ I i.iit Syk -. Nov 16. Mis? <"■ ■ a Grntt. Nc". 6. Mrs. Cely;> J 0.. Too; : N M.a--, E Don ;* ! to.-. N . j-. Jume-s Gtecr. >'*F.( i.-NI. I'ROi.RAM Ti. k-st ;.t till -at.or . f Chris tian Education . :u; Youth Conitcii -p'un. wtii fcc •Y. or. Sunday. ■ .‘.ofccr 37 St Luke AME Zhu. ' D T t X Ti os.- t ditor •it •' •'h schf ui literature, w.u bt ■ aost -i t 1 t the morning sc-; - : - ana Gore: r.ot W Ketx Sect; -pi if rty;escated fcy Dr. T. C ■r. C< t.t; ,o:.o. of the N C F. :I ie 80. .c p '. 30 p.nt Other t : ;r.n;i nt at t vn.' of the A" • 1 1 p r:n:»uaio and a j.-rgt. cr •' n c t' bx•oct < ri t« att* r; d HI RE AND THERE j Daftord Fcsnera! Homes AMBULANCE SEKVICE S Daitn Clinton J Phone 21'. S Phone S2?I jwmn«n-rirr. .in .■■ibiiili | | You • a.n pjxo ynur tires lull j ‘'iKci ,a- Retreicec. Tfce> v.ill | I - l PKiCb \> TOP 7 A FLING VT i j. B. {\uuse I sic Co, I : 0 ; s; \i \M INC. Si 'll FKK V-'HFLL Dunn, North Carolina ! U»—~———- Ck.titer ttr medent buses for -.itr i. pi tuLtbu- service at ,loxs - 1. t-c \ V Mi bur I .in Lines s P INN s', t PHONE 241 f Mrs Mabk B Parker it n the : city fer a sak days. Mrs. Parker, Mrs Parker, graduate registered ni.isi ,s c-->r.tSnujng further study :r. New York Jarnt-; Normal, nus ttturr.ee from CU” g'Tt city t; h - htrai it. N'tv. York. Piter having • ..turn it ft.ner;:! scrv.ee? fur his . .;.n -siirt. t: -.P a. vs Hetty Da sh f f S.-'a b o r. r. \v 1 I oci i v.\ ' :rr.c <• * fix.- L \:> Lcc.lh A iU. ■; the t the: r.itf, ..he place was jen.- n.ei. . ire everyone en.,<;-ytcl the ‘.io.e lotif.e it this farucui. orchestra. Ee: Eost,i ~r. th< ■- >v •i. band leader. ut.c his r eit cheduled • Lie; -• ft tin Err , Nivim bn ii. also Pat George, and his tan. . shew, or, v'f are just p n<i to have a g’t.nr time, ste y-ru tbeic-. Incidentally your, truly is won tiering how i? the blossom.!:t_ n - : matter of the Emph’vrnent Office-i fcp.: Tux: o -r.t :x alotig'’ ST. STEPHEN AME lEAGIT. The m< miters, oi the AME i.t-xgae ci St. Stephen AMF Church had a vny enjoyable togiarr. at their its-uril hour on Sunday prof C K McDc-rndd delivered art inttresting : cicrcss. ur d Miss Joann;. Owant rc-ndereti a k vei> st*:-.- Otlu t ou ;sic was fur.'ished c-y the JuiPi'r Chi.: .i Ft. Luke AME Z.v :-. ' Ci'.urefc, Mrs. M. E. Kirk, dtrec ■ t-w. The .n, mbits oi this league ..re engaged in a '.vorthwh.Je cf-i fort, trying tc raise funds for the cider mv.-i.btrs ci the -.hurt!, who hive- tet . st f.-ijthfui and are i.u --1 a'c-k ti continue their financial' obl.gatjp .s Thu y have nc-t as yet reached then expected goal, so 1 surt you w-11 iy schg token ts aic. theM young ’ such a we rtb.v cause. RECEM BIRTHS Mr and Mrs Fre-r. He .c —: i.f , Me: ee Avctn.t- Male -x-Ji-tP Mr. a •: Mi- NVihif F.-Cs Carr:pbe!St. Malt • iC-19-4[‘ M: ::. . M \ . Nel.-er.- r O E. x Ti... C.isfie 1'..;. ..., N. C Male- V -'.B-49 Mr are, Mr.- James < if*. - P-s-x u_ as tit Hay ire, N. C. M. lx 10-2t-4b Mr arte Mrs. Rayfotn Utky .. . .a N C JO-23-41 M; a c Mir. .. rv jm 7'.P S 7t;i Strict - F-.U - H-23-4a Mrs. Thelma Ca.dcll marries Alt. WPia nr Nori s i'c.vis • f New York City T: rr cep .a: was h< id 407 West ix St. N N C. A ram,ter i miests w ,tr.- s: ce the SAY YOL SAh IT \y IHT ( VROLIMAN THANK YOL! nw ii ««■!! ■■ nnf» ■-r,-| T~ it i * '/, •„K h‘ ; >- !U ■v -x»-'Vf. a'-T AixLKS I \ - > :xr.a 0 e x's: -»*a AT [ Lafayette grocery | AND MARKET f. ’ ■; ;a L I NEED U E. Home i - I SI PER!OR SEED AND FEED STORE i:p .ington -• . r I __ . Firestone Fires and Tubes. Refrigerators, £lectnc- Ranges, Washing Machines- R.-.ci;«s, iladi:> batten©*. Paint and Hardware. Many ether items for Auto &. Home FIRESTONE HOME & ALTO SUPPLIES phone 2382 1- Host...-, V C. FOWLER RADIO COMPANY j i.ii'ington , Lu;m j R A DIO and ELECTRIC AL APPLIANCES We Sc-ectaiize in Ha; s Records i Guaranteed Radic Repair ; wedding, and the brick ar*d ; ' : received Lumber of btsutifu a ~ u&cfi.i g.ttf. M- r.i d Mas W til tetri N D wih make he. home ;r- La;,.: I-. .'\e jerk MISS, CITIZENS of RftCIALAMITr ( aTHACBL Miss., ,aNP Leaße County a ceatuy isssjffu in which there . never iret-r, t ivm-Hiu; or a - it: more than left year-, *■*.served If* Racial day O-'f. ■i * At this Tr» Bar if. I Good \S v. festival, the secord annua', M~ fair. Ntgrocs Indians -a w hiles honored their <--i-,lu, isvtiic and working ieget -.-? its peace ir. Mississippi. Fnncpal speaker ft. tb- • was William Zinustmui:. - associate commissioner oi In dian iiitaiis of the ileparisn •- : "1 the inlt-rior A white sri: :• tot. the Rev. Dwyjs ttoun pastor. Cartilage Preshj te: t ,ti Church, was general t hair,* .. of the day's .vvtivitns Negro school noo;-. i>-p vpifitnais and other songs at » ■: n-,erting. Ihe Indians p* . slick hall and gave- a backet show. Nr, Indian hillbilly i*i i played also UR. TOBIAS ATTENDS HU M AN 1.1 N( HhON NEW YORK ! \NP) t banning H. Tofcias. f eud the I’hfips-Slokis fund. i ir among the select group luncheon gwests at t special ••Hr for I't pidi nt Trum . Monday at ffracie mansion The President was honor -7: -■ i:ti this luncheon after sic !..j U!< cornerstone of Sh- re v building here Gpi: a nnmiMi is the h• •. s nt th; mayor 1 New York V _ ,; -. t r ~»■ ... J; -. . • HALL’S TAXI ULLIXGTOV, N. l. , -IKE TO? K n 'r' '>■ - v . I)Oi LARb G' • .‘V SsifUN >.!>(;• ’ /At (a : i u!s W. I i i -A-UIX WV | SERVICE TO "* ; * ! ELI. If **-mtt**. TI’EAt r»? r Lewis Super Service Co. i iILIXGTON N. r | gjts s Gadgets | i "’CLICL- T"j j J SERENA’S ! GIFT i SHOP Liiiingdon, N, C. PAGE FIVE

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