PAGE TWELVE |l_~ GREENVILLE J PERSONALS PV « H LILLEY Th. V‘> n,t. < Out? met Friday < v«’ nr witr> Mr? Madeline Bntd t*-.-, 44* W 3i<j Street. The mem* iitf |.ie repotted s most litter* •.cling m< -onr The Rev .arm- A Ninuno, Jr.. hi !*'<■' i -ai to ttit Tenth f-ii.’tt. Rap? ‘i Church <sf Camden. H .1 eceordint tc report This is a wry tit-operative coi.errpation .>■ ri tr.vy ■“ sftirltwally awake V.'<- 1 JRr\ Nimm- will make t ■ >:*rr self much fame in this »•? rihetn city T! • Rev U James Rooks was a gust <■: fhi. Rev. Mr. Nimmo last ■i ■. k tnd Camdfcii, N 5 Ht also w ?• h idtenre while there fir -:ls rtSorii he stopped in Fhii jrtJt-it.Mf ; trended the ministers i .* r< • > -if.t lie war pues' : « -t this meeting He reports a vt *r j i«: .Nrt<: visit in the north «*? O Art. - ; . Mot.t{• 27. of Staton Mills «• : iese Ft any after a -bort *ll -- - - Funeral services were held nt thr Mt. Calvary F; ee Will Bap-: »!.--• Chiitch last Sunday at 3 o rr . *tih ".h( pastoi "he Rev E. M Hill, off- ,n r.t Surv.ving are hi« par* •os ; i, i c'?s six aunts and a I’. ri . f roiatves and friends i servo cs for the Rev. J Vc’sear were held at Stakes Iri to• Church sf which he had •>; r.s : i-.-i many years las! 'i • • at ■) m Surviving ar -- woiow a::-’ thr-it children end! •• o f re it lives i Clark i* stiff on the sick ' ! . V" o. dt v it be interested to b fa :• tl' vie improving f *.f Jot c Bargin w.ii be o »f. a V v that he is able t< • v«i. blocks to see h« f’ it > Mr 3: gin has been suf "• Oh ;. lhvO;s !<•■ more than * : < e . ur t'-s this time he h et r. i invalid This week 1 le . »j;;e 11.l 1 .- t . u-.e a cam to w • k . <f v«r:.l blocks I; ■• a- 1 1 r? Boyd w-H 4 „ „„ GIRLS /. A SAY:*ovs and 1 \ t Hers that old \' r. Mrv r | » ride Inch and loose tJI - lad? We do r\ “ pert repairing />NW *** paintings. 'ft .'A'±.W yilS'tor price* are ‘ A "~ £h' l.»)f 1- a-onalile. We kja' V | •*»> old bicycle V> ?(,u 505 N. !4th st. '.RfIWILLE, V f Curfield Fcierson, Frop. BLACKWOOD’S ASSO STOKE BARR'S BPCR, Ow ne/t cycle rvnd Radi? "'tie mi Bikft T-rms : 0 V/. s?h Si, GreanTilla k. f — ~ | Whites Stores, Inc. j WHAT YOU WANT AT I »• HAT you want to pay Grevnviilg N- C. u m inn— si i» ,ii ihimmmii CUR FI El D PETERSON S GROCERY We -; ■ • . ;?.> In 7- *,.!• EP ICE ■ • Ml LON f*-""— — ■" ■- - —'■■■———.... . VETERANS NEWSSTAND :s TOPS V/ITH NEWSPAFFRS MAGAZINES L.-'e 7,’eek 7 Journal tr.d Guide, '/re. Caroiiatast PiTs-burch Courier ?nci Cc~ r Bocks /> COMPLETE SHOE SKINS SERVICE W*} 389® George Mgr Gilliam Burney Prop ‘d"\ S Oi-«en £s Tree Delirery Service fr kfiwv that .hr is confined •it her ltd with *rthrt»h- in Pitt ('■ only Negro Clinic At this v.-r • ■ rie she is tett iii; alonr. fine She ! wil! st*oj be iioim to hei family ■ end friends Tho C<■pmetoiog at c.iui* met a ith M .<•* Nsoinl I’, i hey 5,. . Roose .r?lt Avenue last Tuesday < u nte meeting was •penrd ! .. th. p. • si dt'ht Rusiness v.. - discussed brief ly. The hostess then -f fC ■ very (ielicious rrj.iist Th- n xt n.rct ing will be held with Mr.- Wtjhtl-; mtrua Clark ir. W-islungton N C FALKLAND BY MISS MA MIR R HRAK f r.stee Carney, t duat< nf Farm vilk High Scho. ! .ind student of Feyna’s Business Colicrc work ing ;.= rr. insurance ag / i in Gokis- L-< ro Mrs Rubolle I'";i- . ■■ ;h( cngjgement 1 ! 3h-» dvughter Miss Mcmit R Drake !<• Arthur I. Cherry of Greenville N C Missr-s Rachel and Gbr < i John* -on wru’ the yuovts of Mrs C*. r'.r kin? Hardens of N« •' f> Mss Ella Johnr.m i- .isitii*. Newport News. V<; pete Gorham is on thf * . h s■ 't The Gospel Stars of -to wit! render h program of . * > tl ■ Falkland School on Nov ->.t t toll at 8 W p. m A ’ ..., . ■ *»>■ itOKTKTAN .?.*••» Beulnh M Sheired. who graduated from the American tntimv of f.m i;alming in New York City rr rcntly. Tht- fall sh.e took and passed the V < State Board of Fiuhainiing examination and Is now a licensed morticivn she served her apprentieesbiji with the flanavjn and Parka Imu rai Heme «norr *iie wis i to.’merly employ rd S.i,- will be ihc nianagr i and rmhaiinei for the Windsor funeral florin at Windsor. N. (’ SI BSCKIBF todaV: 13-WAY FLOOR LAMP i $9.95 Home Furniture Store f ;mk:-;nviu.l x o. EFIRD 5 DEPARTMENT STORE ' WHEBE PF.ICi. j ARE LOW Lrir.s St GreenvHia o» T l EAlir.R IN METHODISM Hishi p No?h tV. Williams, one of the nation's leaders in the YME < hun h who has worked tlre'ssly in its behalf in the Fifth Episcopal District for ih< past 12 years World traveller as well as churchman Bishop William, makes ins home in st I,oin v-here -e is active in the re!? £H>u and ri' sc affairs of the city. BONO HAILED BV AFRICANS AG-"* Ms- :.. <ANF» - Ti. Hor«e« bl; nr. B-ir.d. i,.rtstUf r.t t>l Luuoln • . -v. ..-v p, ~ wbo ar ■ v*.- si • lost ive-s hits been tht i< ‘ ■ 1 \ r ;r ; ■ U or- :nc A ft. -1 ; . <•: bit is thy house in- : ‘hi." • i -.-. i. m ;2-e Yoraha •, n.r A- erects? n v..,- fornit'd , in hi;- it • HiUredo*. It wound , t'i r :■ ;rrti« : ■ Glover Hall wh, .< a fort" : welcome w; s ex-.; terdcu .-'id vs hi n 3u* sp-'-kc. it - f. timated that 100.000 pcopitj lin<ici - the -tree; i: .ng t.b. parade Dr tiemp. i ikinr a brief survey of -\f? ;• i.«. under Ur. , a-* -cis i-f the \t’. icb. /.calli-triy of A: * -.nd fie-'i .srcii The »i*ur was tr turn] - - ■ ~ * .? ■v. . L- ■ \i L.*_»-.*— , !/ f y 1 ; —■' S . -'I ! L i G-. m DhTiuc r->r a new hair style? Hi. • s epc that i-nmbi >vs the < asv- I tc-keep practicality of short ha‘;r •nth the ft-.-,,mire flatter, of sift ! ( 'H. Carol Douglas, Home Beauty ' ■ T a : t has v, o/ ked out ‘ i-o ’ * i'*-' instructions picturi.-f here T > hair ;s approximately 2 j ri hes i- length and tapered to a * tack, in setting, make large f i curls, bringing the strands of hair u v and away from the face on the siiles and straight up in back. D»e secret >f the “springy’* curls is a vatu aI-icng home permanent j which gives body to the hair and hoia the act betwt*; shampoos. ( AROLJN7AN -- Saturday, N.cvt mter 5, 1940 HINTS FOR HOME AND HAPPINESS BY MRS A. ft TAFT Aithoupl. rh< vs« is ma; xt-t< c , tnuLiuh tbr v ( ■r. jncScr 4Pt v ■' i f' illtfereo! rami.--, there prr-bah;--. - n ” i. Ik d stinct v, news , rr- -rh., to the- FJmjcl<-| ceii! Br.tunn.- .. Television pit its start a- far Lack IFR3 Paul Nipkon I designed the sc,inning .dire, a Dot j Jan with * :ioral of ; holes. t Short ha. a was .event'd ■n the dt-y« of the Roiruins. thr theory . ‘ :r iript ratun; for Ipufi.-iving foc*a v.. first c xpitss -1*• b-.e . ..d,,- ,f th< if!.-, u-r. ; tury ft; plant; . tor is larges th ;n ’ all i thf i , ; r.t "s tc.rt-.biiir d To m;<iif .. pi,.ir. dissert festive, ado cocor.ul tr v>,n,;ia tapnv.' , Cttfi.m red with cherries ithci extra coconut. Eugi-sh .-fieri;is;> ];;.\ c feund ' 13.0 H :• (, c.ovi tin earth. Nut e.rcet. mar;:,- with pecan- and . ts. takes u ce'tuiH or et'cari iL'rf filling whir. :s nsed for saridv.-icht Ycid chopped j r lines oi I .'isms tl the - hees< ,:nd fiovoi « little g:, ;.-c i . ..ngt or !c:u --;on ■ mi: ; c«*; export- Say th 1 Le used .r; making the ; ft • t kif.c of tuple sauce It is also K LI Ti fip], !f pH s. --Gs , - excellent Fr: df y v rht .-. .;-i <:.<h. use en • "t fr..i) ray iialiips <r the largo • i aik>i. The snail bay scallops ■ av-jj.-bi the R ' months, tht < . scallops may 11 had at] the n .nd Bre.;l ire scallops ir. Liberia Seeking Trained Settlers 'a -hi.. VIA ■ ANPi ■ p r-ifj. sun ’!.><■ .nci-rnrr.i by thi 1« ; .t --rr.ern < f Stan f I.lina. issued la>* i week. ir.-.Kts cry.rtal clou: a o » - ten Whir’s ha:- .ci re-tec. pee.) ,r • r ’ ■« t-sp< the Unit- C'- S ?! •f. T', V? l ; ;I;ri , T t>“•*•’! i . * { - ** 'u g: ‘■•'ho uiicitu.Toiid that th A'. -KUtn r.t; .. !:<- >.-• no raruduo ul : V'p' • «vli> Ji ihOft i I'Ll , . *• * till . U co-’Tsc aver r»nd toin ir the *. lit*; ; ; riiori U- x.)a and 1 l” v ■ - • - r - at As i* . k r l.sit • i < i “ :r u L • c -n< m < olid in, free- ? ■■N ! . , Pi P S: .-... ( t 7 [ ‘ ’ " ‘ • * ib iM/.ih: N OI i ‘Zb M>r.? viGU da.ighters of * • • 4< .fi in- e . Wt ;i *»: giiTii.y who -hull opt hereafter. - ’ •o • oy K •, direr to f : i>i :g.v Well k:. .-wn am on; the ' c.r.\ loncu s> * bt <’;t u>e « f tin ii-rgv nmb< r f.>f Nfi'o ;‘udf. ;.?s v, hr have attend id Lineoii Un.'-f: -nf> D- Bond *‘ vpoe X y to. >r• .K’/ ; toi;r ■ t th* in f; i ioi hes :•. ro 11: o rr i4 ; : i-o Unit - on Sou > I VEGETABLES & MEATS FRESH DAILY FORBE.SGROCER V&r MARKET Fleming st. Greenville ■ b■ ■ - i s* eve them m : Frongh tnif, f.r.'.ntr.f.s „r.d red -rit grtvn chclapf. fillsd v > ■ . f t r-hepping fry- linens b'- k' ■ ter sheets and pid. w casts 're /ifsv i’-y siezed with starch when r.< w Th. starch w ill wash c-ut. )*•{ \ r,.- itr.ens limp ,--.d for- I r J - it.f-k's.g and probably not ~'jo stn.ny ■ 1 < Tijr.y the surf.rise <>f ’a: •. ii fUx: ..pple.s served in oif *,:t - ■ - They like th. rr f:, f - ifr; itfJtfc rc sin,-. toppf el v.-;’h a •"h ’ fr- . ■ cf meringue i r;u - . rr-ui.itfi. r : custard sauce b '-r . ..- j coating for -h try .dipping the Filet.- into lightly salt ed ro'jx mio finely -.- usn. d •••i«chc! . ..;■ 1 The fish r.'ee He F'(( c-r basu-d with fat m ;> hoi over There fir- more than seven thf.if; rr d;fi. rent kinds of . ‘ - til! loi >i st ■x- st - ■ n l h.-nd »t.irii.l-. the orstiich. the • ,* D Eire?. In lea;; y a duck remer?; ; 1 • i ■ •••••; ■ tht . '..JliUit tc- lull b;\. ;r .- f .. d’-«&?: i,g F • expand. Use » slow over F ; the o ■ - Iff the fat c thf r.f the roasting turn ; i J< vt a hctid-shakc that meets fry own £rn>p that has \v:.: , t; .-.ri fiitrciship in it. ‘‘ : y tr:: y seem to be g n-.y (u ■■ 'nke toed 1.,.; and s- Cf -1 >fu .-re no;, headed n .iie wrer c d rt, tier, Tljjr.rt-ng well is wise; r lVf I) V-.; co-ing well, V, is cm ana }*. -t t 1 ;ill y: - i the W ■ t Inti is, Vi no: aW£ r ■ in 1363. Sec- <'i; v ' State Gabric 1. Den ilr . * tits Cl •." ‘ N ' • ... ”v ’»* rt oo- o . r ' welcome :nn-;.prai:i> ■ - ’• ut whei; . it •“ 1 i lg.c oraotic-:-; .- ■* .g --b-'u v;Lt '-'luwed al.’Ltv T.. C. rK'O ?' S ft. ~ L vH o'u I. . u ? c*rk.jj and VuY-t * ui -7 a d feint; m • h ,:.10 g:- TL-'sc T.!?rrsted - L‘ • h: vc r- . n f'rrpb.y^- • i Fd u e u <7 .gj•tm ei; t. Tr. v . u «n * ■if- ’ - ?fuming hav* en tunny n ■ ■ cl!lu• tLcir ? ... . , • .4 _ . 1 ■ b st f GiGUbvlicii W. H. LILLEY I For I THE WORLD’S BEST I PRODUCTS A • HTISEMEN': A A: : N'i EMS.FANS WhT. I . ... <>\VN PHOTOS • Rt- Ov NTpvvstso) ■ ;p, v ■ Elkinv \fagar;im> | OLAL 4510

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