WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOV'EM Ri-;}i •>} »> HASTIEUUDED^ NE;\V VOHK min.t 'v rs Cova iloi W.ill, i, ! i i;. i, lii; ftlciftrul bti;v ,j *h *- f iiii <i .«■. of Ann 111- .. ; . 11 ; I;» ,) , ~j j Atnet icai.s v„-la,, v mct-i iK (| with ifiaiiiiaiii in- Ui, ; . * ti a the ftti.'rna ju. win ■ |{u< vvil kiiis. acting ,\j ii.-ti ~ i..i-. SUlTfl Pnos.ilriii ’!ni:i.i; 11, let. ter to (he ( hit f K vmexp: sine the grutitiejl, m ticei's and ovt.iv.fi*;v .:i tiie membership *.i in. .utioiu.l Association foi tie . ,• .• •■, ,-.,t of Cot. eo p. epl. Governor Elastic ~ Ji: . ; ,hei ot the NAac }' fcoflfd '-'I dij tcl !' j also a member u ,t n,,. t \ ru.-ttnnwi not ion a! If t‘o ! 11 'M. i ■ ~ :,: Ham and Uistmgui-.iu-u Amc-i it-.-n whose- oare.-1 ho- : -i j, :m to possess flit- obi]itv oi,.i i, t, . itv - dei.irabii ,n pubiie ii.o vti VV-ji It.i said FACT OK FABII,? i Hit AGO i A \ i> -- t litre is x -.till;, making tile luuniis that liHi 1 i..1,- i. j i.i (- tin i* < ,»t OoiiHuerate - oidH-r pad ft of til,- Civil Ha I knelt Lie '•'hie a \t I’rii at < oiiimuitiou a tew weCki after (fiat m-ton* U *• 'lhc story j•. ••• Unit -limit, alter the i .til -,vur at si Pauls ipiseopJi clmirli Jiufimonil, si \v tm t» »11 e surprised vi i.en a toil well messed Negro kinii c.i com uiunion. They relusi-d to Inst . I Seeing this tin story -ays. i.m Lee walked to th/ riiathei rail and knelt oeside nmi. Uiti.is ioiiowf a so.i an«i me •-e.ro mtlTDc IH>as field in jjr.n >■ Is this story hut, t.< i* it le gend? Stanley 1 Horn mi "i hr Robes t L. Lee Ream : •>*--. Is published biography -ay is fact Another I - l• >■ p er, Dr. Oonglast ‘.s t*Ut.ii 1 nee nan author oi I-iiut/er prut biogrupiiy, -ays it K jaitli Hoi n is a native ol ville Tenn. He is pi evident id tiie Tennessee Historical sth.n-ty and editor oi tin- MmUftern Lumberman. Os file story Or. tree man said: there is absolutely no toon datiou in fad for i| \l! my researches show that tins i-. i Story that grew rip alter Crn. I Lee s death. There is no e«in 'l temporary record of it what . soever." I There ’s tXTRA .. Health Protettian in MEiVILIE .HOMOGENIZED ■ VITAMIN D 'Milk OT * « V \ yf Enriched with extra Vitamin D Creamy rich clear to the bottom oi the bottle PHONE 2 0351 TOR j ffPVRm HOME DELIVERY * j Smith-Melville I RALEIGH. H- C. '’ isl —■—l——l l —yuewwi ■•• T ,-yt, i-.L. J_‘ IXIO.- . Money When You Neal It MONEY WiILN Yni NKl'.i) |) BORROW A i i I TIE OR A ! <0 < W . JFWBI/RY ok O l Hi.'P V Aid - ARkiO. LA let IKK i OANS OV : JEWELRY LEO (LACK EA.NT) INSTIL ME Vi s : PORTS CnOf. : CLOTUINO - CAMERAS RELIABLE LOAN CO. 807 S. WILAtINOTo-N ST. WWMMWMMWewMMBeiwaW—MWMfciIW—>WB mum rnn- i.mn.iini 111,,, „■ :tjriL _ **" wiweAMemieMWwwwtJi—uwiwwMiiWMeiMinii>ii>i«iMiiii> m •numt.iumaV’ WASH ANY DAY! Why Make Monday A Wash Day When Our Machines Make Any 1 )ay An Ist:-.y Laundry Day. USE OUR I LAUNDRY jj Kavl^ss' s/ j. V\,b..s.. ;y e •* v ;. i Gm-l LAfW M. QUICKER . . EASIER . . CHEAPER HUNT-JACKSON Laundromat 413 S. Blood worth Street ?•? '™ v ". , P'eW'- - --1 ~ ■. •; . / ■■ ■, . o . ■ ,K -- €ty ... .. ~ . , . ...w.—,. .. f .. .... .. ...^. l ** 1 V'yvv CO , I f o , v / i M M. : ■? Ai CKFI)! ) VHO S M Mi. According- to a statement of AU> <*«m. Ui\u\ UoAhdhm hist week ille tiling <>| a l c-(h rai »is? U\ U\ t» sSiulmil . (iir North i uioiina < tr >' st (j ift t in 11;#* past b\ Hu- NuthmjiJ i.ar onlv In t .iijm- ot tuck ot aiicTjuafi toi iis library. t Picture !i Ifurohf Kpps, Petes lull WitliOiUi H-iMUi, t i °> atiti ttciibfMi Oailt'V ari* sliovvit leaving classes ii! the present tciiipujf jrv i ,iw \ ti.i Uiil- CO V! •v!.ih»u*a ( i .Uif .«»l»*i-.* i *. tus* pin ;vS'i*i i•.i Hi yea*?, chi was \f* it ush iiijijr -4 *’t *it an .Miit>ni</hiic ,\ci fiieut he instslej that »it!H*ne took Hu .» n>c - mu; p.<M «>I his < o;it. f'otir#- Tovini) the ilut iIK )|! ‘MI the lUlOr «j ihr Ci| ti'.rt t*lh k him. ul'il \1 r Atci pa jut/ teti i\\ u Hi thsuiaJ t t-j 4 huh ;**•<{■ and dottaUi, h; i,ui'ii ?> dollar hills hum it. MO COI N HUM Vi';b Hurl for..- «' m. i,,|. r- IO n-r-iri.r i ~• . :« n utiioni- * 1 • m •, . • t-i.n card ii r , ,i, . [•. i lo O-'S Hi <i- l . . :j r ; v,... Cdion. • ■. . > |! : •d- p)<- -i ■ ' ii i .iftn.it - -- -’ ■ i i-u no- .id,:, I 1 ftttilc ih the tormcr Aver) Aud itcn ium now affertit nal r, ly calied k “Fpps litil’ which s\as ronnvat i c<i with a Shi,.ooo appropriation i tost summer and compu*tel> «ijuippcii w tit) new fnniiturc it;c was done .uilliiii iht , slated t yj st wc* s ts» make it possible iu: s the * T’.cn st i*i4ij-y- thi i \ car to graduate i com an :*<■<• ?*€•;?itt*cl , school The \a<h.-u;H Bar \sst*cia »•*' n i st lu du‘<*(» to send j?% in i v.pcctiOi? ctimmiUcc hcrt v in u leu WCt'kk. i PK’tiii c* I his is :4U over- H, Wip.im Itiaa. i a nn * I \ ®i i almacwe Assails !-< 11« 1 g% 1* f\ a ~x I Ii i I I i qoai ncoooi rigi.it ATLANTA Vi do no! ti; : -’. v L«o }(t , ;i>;i»; Taimaciups os u,. * Mot hi CLjUiAi/ 1 ' pubi»< * - 1 ' : ‘i fee ill i* „ M; Lwil'i b> n illy ;1 j NiA-fch •i n V'elob. i 22, (AO ’ ‘j\,! j JiiaCrfe ti Nt.iijirt .j jV3r. V'»e a < | ThLn'goo<l Mar-hail LA AC D . pli a ; ■ TlLA'i .e.,-« tin- N'vAi' A S.'S,., L.tc Iho of Do] < nf«u '-Donni of iin' 1 '<•; .sliUdn.n '' h Cl, lilt* t bay 2 nrtj T . : , , ’ Oft •!. S r LOOuA Us Gy< ; e;i a sa,n ‘ ll •• * ’ • i... . I ; e! j[ ■ 111: (a. iayd i■, -lf.il OSS ail tit. Ml .ar ' : Ua, s V\ v Wii !]. a;l ;f J , . ; j• J i , ! ... «»u Ado W-. U)U >ul la •i'll N• ; S Shi.. Ma: < (:: .-~clubS I ||“3' IT.* V^ ; (,h! Wkitlcfyj r ‘h,• r.,'aßutt os, 5 I »•«” or mo,c #W - tas Ssawto jfiuiiw. .. j fcialit Neittol SpifiK. 86.8 pjpof j AustingjMcKols > M mu* all veiv o; the pro: rnt lav; til:-: a r\ ,siUj tibrar\ assistant rc p::U‘ing r**vc ah vohi?nn> hack inta> the i n • than scA'ci’.Vct-'i 'tacks sfi~i a*l f U this Vail. »> ictiiif .v i tiie Tooiity UcL'oinodat C*s sis. d- \uy the pro eiit stud'*»'.!;■> Jib! f: *- study dtc * in Iht !i ;ch \. ?;t)I vV i» iu ■ .standing and K ;;l . * *>ai|y sit ting i Pix Hit e ! i • ’5 iwt atv •-i v student •- .* I'm '. arc t*fkifig a. h ; scii ii \ !- : where it < .. • ~.,t a. j T'.liii, i,, a ,av .. ~! t ,j ; ’•rnu-1 recogi.ir.e *).. ~ t , i- S'i Ml- h attack >1 v,...... : ' i h:- I: ... ! iis , -t. ji* '. id i || , j■| . ; j. ! ■ . .S”c! I u-ni.-'t Ciau! dll N.-vei .».->• ! tit Th, AA OP anno; ic.-ci ilia r; j'• ••''*•> >i- . <l. (I f:..,a n . .. v\t< inio s\ rnn j a !' II :!> >.'h. (iu:. il ! - , . i I i I I I-' (-11,., V\ V..-. .. ; L • ttit- '>l '(l.'i' tir,( ; -j: "* a ■ i 1 .''. ■t! a ioo ■ t«w»l • rf/A i; ■ •IV I II 8 M'wu'vtwtl S SrV a- M 'os «... 1 i m t’a • a -sS' 'Hi THE CA'K'f ’CENTAL % struotcs- •«'. h<» i .i grr.u!«;:i'.t «?' the ;k v <v sitv of \\ iscensii! Law School. I his is one of flip fi>g; ii-mpoiui t i l issi isoms. Other j£< slruiliis ituiiiiii it- in \ i,. ||,r IM r !,-u u ratlii.i !«■ of . I- ,nlt - • ••! ■. <■ I tl!\ ,Ts)i> « hilllls ,| Sill siriia K.ijiiKi W»"t ii.tl .1 <i! - •< ’ it'- i <’irt lh'- « ’ii\ ■ .-sit\ of till Ini,-Ml. flu . !lan \ .Vl'. < <;t ini' of i;; Ij in-tl II i li'.vl-)Mt\ at),i \i! v i riii s’ Slots',ms. Jr , ■i i - i,',' iif flip V K.ir tv ho ■ I‘(‘I') '! liinl- i Hi., M.slioi! ,ilv •«»>«• v»» . r i'>. Rla> *«»n a{ Mont i i• ! - .*' ( ! •5‘ j. •* ' * • LU' 4’, >j I y UMMBafilwy let o Jf j BACKAOIi | Kill* YOU KOStt j *! <T llHt'i i.l-ll • ■I: ,n it. (,nl ,|| I 1 loliiitnii - i I'l v- iiii a!ni.,-t J 1 ' I' a Ilf ,ti in, |> ill In v, I) Is. I " •’• H.t.'.n: ii - t(i nil , ill. v -ii n, I '•<*. »•- li.- ■ 5 In Hu- - ! * ' 1,1 i•• Jititf: musria-s , in,, I ' ! 111 tl I ■■ Ii n( (...on, I , Mu' |! :i(i ; I ii i.'il- ;.ij*iiinsl ■ i illing. 4 *'■ • i nliit mi' Ii v. KIN 11 i; | ta nit' liv ,|i.lnis,m |.,tin.„n j..,,,,, 1 *• 1 >• -in f •! {••■••ifui.u f.ii- is: I t! .'ill ill'll)' si til is, 1 I IMITATION I [BANANA i 1 Pint $2.20 | I AustirtejNichols 1 tta Inc I #*6 OCi » w4twi o 8 e- £| iV-a.- e for a ) h:\ kgrcn.iud. ■ ' a- law student hit i-an', VViUiam O. V\ai ?h-» t an. d U .McKis hk, Hett iU -n f an\ and I**■ tc r if. Bell a; c v t d\ if;?; in a * i to?u of th p're ** *' ' h. }./ »■ , n\ ;v d 4 possible th -a < recent anpro pj aii i H i .i tem;eor,tr\ seined hit \ »1» i k« :cl reditat ion d- hd( h) - ; early part of i2 ' ' ’.a n t-' tin* Ai(u'ii«-A fiener ; ! as.-or PoUfie »i.t /j| unit! Hu ‘•ear did the law ai.siim tois have theii uWn ettiefs hr private con - nlf atioii. Alit . 5h ink * aid well. * *■,» jurm*- I ’ M I Apple Sauc( I PRESERVES ... - ... 39c I ' 'eld S'iiieuTi rink I SALMON n- . u.. <>. 39c I JEWEL Slmrlf-ling -1 lb. Cln. 79c I FLOUR .0 *. ,, e 69c I MINCE MEAT —.-37 c I CHEESE ib. 42c I . ■ i -.vi'-h >n i i at nc ;;! ie j BREAD .1 2 »>• )■<>». 18c 1 S TREET ... « c»n 39c I A?•;; s*-t• ’•• With i’oi'k -V 'Cun. Sauce BEANS 2 1.9 c! | Pork. CHOPS Center Cut lb. 63c I I FOR K Loin, End, Rn.tst lb 45c I BEANS ,' 2 „,. 23c APPLES Homo*i!(*;tuiv 5 n.« 351 c I Cauliflower Long Is End Head 1.9 c * FRYERS Dressed «V Drawn ib 54c I graduate of the l’idversit> ( Denver and ? mmiher ot th North f'arolitia Dai. is uiakir* notes lor his next class. Picture 7. MvVJ VPAR." P VY\ J>? H.DINfi as North i’ ne lit. CoLega-* 'Mae j>n c j Hon p« i;u\ Jaw huihlini.; i n; P h-J • |<jt. O V» di he Ukllt ; I •V* > : il' X •- • ar. a*T ■’? din:; t * a ,t\ : nu-as h Mi \ 1 1? lio:r-■ fi 1 der last wea k and the above brick budding which i-, the general h i rai y of iht < olir-ge* wilt !•** ne-v n »‘;n - law sv hoot. The genet ul i t ? 1 1'A v - !< I e movtd into f!e<- m* s.k* f *0:0 i a fives ! She 0.0,'. \t lit UK rial f.iiti.i wiiii i, is Him hr unsirr coi>-vrut*U«m. Tlu* ori&ui«.is sL!>,4)o|l s**t i;'i* J :-; Uu- i ciiovii • I'Oit Os liii, hailtiin ; : intn .i im > I'hnnl lias )t!i! *>« <• ii liiiiiu hi i! in i, i «>Pti iirlinii ti (in- in I'm-!*) ti iiinit'.irv i.jw so iiois huiUiing •i* * I S 'M' li* i .i::!(• int- 11 1 ni this - i! 1 i >i 1 1 ra«• v. ili :->'Stjain for :!i '- Usi i.l tiir 1, t w Ss ini'il s- | it\ if AI (. I i i ! ’,s si P rr - n & & WP.z?M —.j 8 I § W! ! H . Hi- ' - I , a i I ti-oi t aiß'i’ buiMmg l \\ ; Wat-A-Kote f "It KciglM Wf' ll | ' I! Rams’’ ft Sr i‘Y - ** i! I PLASTIC I META LUC RAIN COATS I I | 1 - !)8 i V',-1 ;■ ;t Uni,-. Ways, a id! -r.*«11• -: flit!.' ♦ i! around boil>*d hi'lti' l 1 or. a-i flit! P j IllH’K S W'-'ii't ■ woir’t sticli jis < t '•> ■ • M• ! im; Liirea t 'nit/i i-Mvi'i i.ttr Siivr-i Mho c»- *vn I'if’-' 1 !)i', hid silv. . iitUf I ", - i Vy M.'-ii; add go I ft’’)fitar N•;< PAGE FIVE

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