PAGE SIX AT THE RINGSIDE I! TO Mil UIAIN A's C»Ui ACO Alt t two miserable effeir'. ; ua g runti itig btoils •'! the 'hi'■; i. • S.T.fl eni, the i ,, trn..Tiun..' Boxing Club will try u; all. Nov. 1 v-'ll: vet v e.ttractivi tnplu header e: d cuatiip-oti ike V i ! 1;. j. S V.'di be li red :n a V en title l.iift v .lit ?JVW dim hi "f 1 t a 1 ,V id!: i peal: wdt'TweiHUl cliMnp: Fi eii.iii D.i .v.son will m et li-mm? ranijuje!!, .nd DaU iian will t i.itie John HidituMi. '1 n : fir fclu ! rul'd 1 l i\red by tin lift’ m Cliirago im M: •..el;, xloth to;. b"td' ill fir Otia: fhriVS Wf !■•: ijUOCI. but ill.’ Mljib.M t illg en.i- cl i.etTii l i l l l . e; • i! ■ dine. i Al: i . ~. ■ I ,ca! t. i* . i liv lit er. featured Ihe William: Mu,,. ii> lane II be fciti .draet c the it atiin i'< a Tie w ill lee. i t■■ 1 > : 1 1 a - Mmeiii bu .aut.i tli li I-m . .ry .it a lb iu‘-t to If: :n ’a by a split .la i i.nt hi ' •< lovi:ks . . . ricim ■ i ho<;ui-.s, | Hiiniginfi You H«r»liinf 1 hpk.itini Nivef Art■ oil the St t *’"i! JOHN | WAYNE | j at Hi li* si! IN “She Wore A Yellow Rihhon 1 oloi tU Tl ( HNl* Ol < >R Wit h JOHN AKiR j joavnl \m\ NOW PI ,A Y IN<«! STARTS SUN DA Y! Kathryn (*ra y s< jo Jo jit* ltii! hi —IN-- “That Midnight Kiss” io Technicolor I giiiiiiriiimiiiiini i -j'li i - iii'HTirn—-~rrv n rn~r- —r-rr- - f&mot/S 7&CC -ane/ (vAa?-# rf&ref PACKARD for the 1 !! r I’m 1:;r r1 I Cl * >k •* ’SBr was -: v ~;x « J*&- ' \ i GW I Stewart-Powcll Motor Co. ■ <329 Wilmington St. Raleigh, N. C. ■>. * f Ji- GaW tr T - M SEVEN 5 2n. in STAR _ |P| Blended whiskey. "The j '» straight whiskies ore <1 VT f A / years or more ol«f. 3? 1 »% *1( Sf:V£w <., . / iTralght whiskey. 62!,% it ft J ■ / neutral spirits distilled ’®flr f| H /g; ' / from grain. 15% straight g /** »A / whiskey «i year* old T ’ 115% straight whiskey 5 PS ft (IF V J years old. 7!>% straight * IWVI whiskey 6 years old.' 1 ©OOOtRHAM & WORTS UMitfcO, P tOR(A f fvf IhtOtS .‘ill ‘Uf. !e,f na y four i a.ys 1 era ' ihr lout. CirragO !' ns like him A:, in. n..; (hill WiiJifinis bo. re-; dnn. c: in nis trip lortrt, tni: turner | .ays Williams should w u tiei a doit . hard fought battle Cil/VKI.F.S HAS MAN WH 1 lit* ! UU. I’> bauiv oxn l ui Hie g,cutest al , i'iejuii: !; ti . It».‘l>lin .at lighter.' is riel Li byok: noso, a rail «*.. • m , . i itic i t-.a. mg - it D prebauiy his juanag. r or managers. Ju.'.i as tlx .1 linuy Hrallun ease -•ui: , to be ciytij? out, a new o .«• • in. op. Tli.■ lime three nil'll v. 1 :.... all*' ■; tied i!i»• iiui.t eonti arts Milt i!.?.irii diaries dating from ...... 2 :y4tf e Dee 31, 19ft:i ae tuap lam In; I te- fie: vii.jiitiuii of said managers:! con tra,. t ’i'll i■l i i .1! 1.1 li i e t. *lll ; 1 ' K; iV. > e.. i lav. El!-., i • and (’lt r!« U v ‘ i "i (.'illc u.ti Afcoraun; t" their Jit. 11l- > i inplr.-. i. Jake .'.Hut uoiV In-., ;i;.-a d. U-, ! diaries !i:;,'.el . ll;> hi: i-.iMc!iniaiu . '1 lie.v el ini that Mintz v, a: to lie paid 10 per >. (in Cl., : !e. .Hu s income from bux ... ■ i he.. i ib : wit: i ran '! h, , .ini.", they seek is dial !e:.' ■ , -,; , d it he 1e: '(.fit on (. , - . li 1 . ias, '" Vi 'hi litle , ■e.'.iii I fan Vai* mini) . o 1 fi N K ? u «■ 0 b l n fi U I \i b a x t . \l N . hOOi TEA M S I ANUS't’ -■ I *. ".Joe l> ill. ak f a. a■ - .1 I: ui :n. Negro !)r h Sehool t< j'iayinr K.Otbail lh I* . ci£ re . ■■. : i ..r t . j I.K', lOti- i i i .iiu If e:l 1 Ilsit f t I IP Tl Gimi: i f) U iA H . r. 1) i 2 'J Hill: lie Dm i .sir, i 1 44 24. Atilt in High Is inyt'.a ’ 1 ?'j 2r p \\/ , • ... I.l' 1 \ r Oxford . 1 : .Hi Wet :. ;d fm 78 W;i: lea ' V i ' i i i ■* i <■( f ' ** V. - h:!e : :u | ..K> s a ■ .! I <5 3a S- \ •’ i id's : DOS It I U . ill !Is «!»„). ft iiVih 7 0 34 IB ; , : , , j ] 24 20 , : . . p, j.. M, eat, , v : t V, '{ smelujie- at. It. v i f f4:N ini. C-jon “A ? i h ~»! i ,1 f r<- * !J:{; El- VMN'iIRS JiIUSfON IV Ir am W«m > I I l ' Ojip l't !u*ail The I ai oliniim ho ; "I .*■>*&■; ■■■? : immtm if' , ; -T ' : \\ \ % 1 \\ \ '/4 fey# | M ; ! ; \ V l:I j; n \ !,S !' -! t I, \\( I See l.i};"iris • I: > will ; .-sits; Si. Heiirwh 10 rr > Ka |. ie|i i.i lew nighl n! at t•Men.,.: ... VlHtitOf It. a, Uli \rmi. lie,- 1 lid.iy Novi’m Joe Liggins To Play .Here Armistice Day Joe jay -.ns nr. or -in ' ill me. so 4.;- m, .. it....- •' t , arm V- . ■ , . . inuts at teri; Ar " t •'«* ;. Uni .■: iVten d •••ini I l ' l air j.. Novoimji r i» ...... : . >i. ;ed little 1.. I soared 1, m. \• 1 n Joe Lip , i .’»*-*•* ■e. n. i "Hon ..Gi'ip,,f'i's ' \Vh nd .’a: am ..•iineu , nation:.'i rai. e b.iftd ■ T Wf>s 01, , 1 iln ••isoit'-vt r:. !. n, u«i ; t„ ■•.■! ti e, iny with it urn the ..o n ji,■.: .: tt l o' e-1: ' ■ ■ ; • ’ i:. ■ land rm r< orvmeTa lh •me ... d ait mo! d? is Hr :7 •> ■ tmo o Ui - t.'ilr d sad e 'Oih. 1 <.'■'■ ■ . oven mm , . j in> ' p„. em ran.ed the; repulse.r t ! G:m >-i' the 113 dint i J' '■ ' e ' , 4 a !..'o! St lid h< H, : lh : n •; ..ji,- In -i( ~ * , . , > , t’ ar hft * Ue ■ . , ti, Slo ..lies Nl HS. Isi ill, lil’sl till a Hi betel \ lie U, <»! the V.-aL . •. in) ha l.i *ii crei '•> ,j,[. i National f.i-ag'ue layi-is. (ins silvers, hard e iin; mil.u ole. el t tie v t ; ms ~l'nwris. tfills liveonie, u \i , H1..1, 1.: - H ’.Ue in ’! Mine's vrvconihe who w:t> .i i j op i.i ltrookly: !a t 11,1 • u: 11 1 1 and lost K game . !1 pi! hn> put sSn- ! reeks to the si’ries. Hi. I I diteat in He "pel"t ; to. iiieugh hrart bre "king He iu. tiis . .'a, are pdcii i t lies i rU.ef.e- s n. \&M MS I s 23-hMIID; T.M.I AH AStif'.K. Fi... - Ti i«49 i < (i.tion ( ,t Uie Florida A and ;Vl, !.i.isl,' tbali Quinldi will i . , ~-n a 23 lumie frr-l.eUal! schedule . 4. ; ‘t e- foljer hth 1 pade't the Me- - Du) I". Id n.imtHis Th< H-tthi'l . w:]i pirn their prat l iee --t, - ions j Mohdii) Odnhcr 24. 1940 undei t the tot-, ledue of Coach (jis-.res Jfl|: Who Will I.' liitl-'i tlUg tor O , thud Ch.i.’hfiionsjh p in hir Jourt. 1 :’ sea •. ti at the helm. N< 111 IH S 1 !.<<’. tubei y Mel.uli t*’:. id BomL e. in re. boys, tkdsu p, in. I 1 i- , l.i v; 8;lid p Hi .1, . e,v tl AlaiJdoiu Slate, thtse. bn i and girh-r | J;e say (J, Ft V. lie.. State C''4- [ 1; go. this., i-o vs and girts. : : ,:;y I'J. Met.).)! Field Bomb" | i crs. tm i toys. J. nuai v 14. 1 ii’thunc-Cookiniin jColk thlie, hoys, and girls January Hi, Morris Bi'cwn Col leg •. here, buy:.. 7:0!) ! ! m. Jaiadui le, Tuskegce Institute, in ie. !jn;. and , iris. 7:t(0 p. ” ,l:,i,uai2'J, Betlumc -Cookn.'s here t.oys and girts, 8:00 p ns. F« t. • uary 4 Aluhuma State, hei <.. ! ay* : nd girls, 8:00 p rn. FotruaiA 7. Clark CniU there, h.'nv:. Fein uary ii Morehouse College. ; there, boys. Feiirtiary 10, Fisk University. ; then.', beys. Fetruaiy li. Tvninv.v Suite, ■ then boys. February ui, Xavier Universby. ■hi n larys. 7:00 p. rn. Ff-bniary !.r> Ft Valley, here, I l.n • ..>’d girls. 7:o0 p. rn. Ft f i uar;/ 18, Clark College, Ju re : boys, 7:00 n. m. ■ February 22, Southern Uiitveisi lci U IP -i n: tie rciHitnUon of oiw i .lie "Ik, tt, si lit tli' bands in the vonalry. the II nu-ytli ippers ’iitiilie - T.tbiyh tlal'e. e fa ms l'»nn lei,; , of si iul i litiv'l jintueUf. ty, there, toys February 2:i Kum< . there buys' !•'<-bruin >. *25 Mui ehui iUr! i" t.i’, r 7 (h) i : u. F, :. ■/. i'.-iua .rn, < Si .ie. In (•< tn>yr Ki | H:. > penihnr *. fviai" Tu J. ’ - - lii’titnV lie.i !• fend riri ’■/i, j.j. ife (, Stall hi re. ovyr / -pp ~ ~ ,vi;n ■ , 7-:' HUH ! C ■<,!’■ rente 'l. ' I : ,v IM ’oo'' ' I'lld! •.;j. I\ t i MEI , h Dio had !u ’u H o v■. I-'- 1 . ■■■.. ' !mine , ; Mi . Y o - - f.«! . < !, ; A'., u, K!!o ..umar iy IHoil, L'a.rL m .•■■■■ i fe'itn. < 'oii.m .!. S '•!-•’ i'nor:- Id. ; 1,,:.- Doidno Mr Old Mrs t/lHle Back on Their Jobs Once Again and Feeling l ine Thanks I o HADACOL Mr. Jim t Ta':: t-. l; St !•(■<' t, lldi-!!,!, Tex;,', .no- , ■ ,l< Mrr : C liv-a Gal!”!, a- -Ui > i-: oii Itl' jobs and )•'■(;;'!. fine Lo’ they : didn’t thii.k it \va- p.m. -ule until ! : hl-u . ..I • die. I ' a: 0 .2 ! A i , )4 Mr. Cal lon v. i,! k in •o! v ■;dcji:.i'tinerji <,f a li •!.•!. o mi t-om . o V a; i i Ills Wi ll.' o-o " tr : a V- -: i - ■ known. I'vij'itection'.'ry e. Hi ’ ■l.i a : ' . , 1 noil: f hi-Oi a! about he : one line- :tlKi t.,!m':- lodki *‘My hack and arnu- n et so that i .. e m s.uot :Vii : 'all:.ti. "i had intii ...i ■! Mas m. Uhi stomach bloating and war ! ,m vsue and run down that 1 • milu ' *■■•♦*♦* i|te: •'fgV | p '■»; ~Tp 5 S ‘ ■ - '' ' 1 t-w&m / v f VIST < ./ , - ■ 5 ?■' / «* j Wy s’- / , '• / > i :• I s■! • ... ~ ■ MR,. AND MRS. JIM GALLON not digest my to '» proper!> . Sine Inking HAO A COL iftrse troo We ll-.v ■'•ft :vm ..inti 1 am feeling won derful, I work every day just lik‘» old * lines ” .yji ■■ u a lion had been in bed for three years w.*li rtvEinnatie pains ’ ‘ ..MW. ’ that h,>.DACOL would ' ■ i; ; i!y the necessary vitamins u> ■•’li ye tli. rb-unn'ihe pains of nu i.i'itiooii! neuritis caused by lack : ■ a v-irunin B. She also suLemi dlgestjvr disturbances, her . ton. : aeh W U: oioated ai.ii the c. do not 1 i Hi* UAKoUNJA Xavier Bows 19-6 To Tuskegee Inst. Tn«kfi'.vi! Ins-,iifut« AJa. •• The Tuakegt-e Jnstltnto Golden Tigers tli Xavier fr i-> vsil v (loltl !{u -■ li leai i f N--H Orleans, 19 to <», in t!a- Alumni Howl hevp today. '! in- Tigers tallied early in tiio op- nine quarter. when George i Dickerscis. eapittin and left hair bank, heyved a 1 ; yard pass to Mr Kinl, ■ Lewis. who raced across tli ; goal iiiv for a touchdown. EugGii,- I 'oldi added tin , \\ra point. Xavier scored shortly afterward v- In h Hippoi! Heberts, wild ida ri! i brilliant !y throughout the name. | snatch,-d a pass and oilth Istatucd ni-- i"!l'Mi'-rs for tlie touchdown I'li" ; a rot iin extra point was lo*,v. '•'.lien Die Xavier players again Ciimni j,■■■: s, sior, id the hall the;, inad appeal that the hoys from swung ini o action with a drive that 1 T Hay,e.i Stale would dotninine j Du l field and turn scoring; opportun iiit's into touchdowns. The attack i soon hogged down and from then ( mi iin Xavier team did not seriom ily thi eaten Tusker,ei s ;. ,a! Hue Hams, J.C. Smith In C-I) Gridiron Tie i TARLOI i'E • d'ii ’ H.ui. iron. 'V, ant'.a:-S.dem were unable '■ ii ■ !iiist,» < • Smith's fi< ni- ■ 'maing 1 n Memorial Stadium n; hiai'P ;: - Saturda., afternoon as ihe tr n tattled to aoto 0 . tanti tili. the i li an fotm a 31-r '.i.Da:a b>. Howard last week, too. Id hunt hut passed up. several sal chances re, 1 ■ :\ aN,'"i>. ]>;;i ni.dt'i -■•-m ivhik.n. G'i : Quarterback, id,;, I' t'l.iurd. leac Withers :.d Kiut \ . >:ui, were •■ l l i: 1 e' 111 •: 111.. hall U. theV I < |,i lie }< ... offensive froili i. i; eking. Vv :i! • -<■■ 1 {.',so i ~nd Tn Ido"h limitd • l et off usive r.s t'•*. 'wo ' UiOi i;. Smith s side ' al , t. D i’li: } diKleri ripped off 8S ,:.:d.s •> i r-i downs: m the firs! . cuun sis v. , mp : rt« turn me Hie w ■■;- wnh ■ • settle os pi!: i e if, u, ipl etc it,'i >., r- sfiro • die. > u/tU action ,'•< chap,: 1i.,. e ;>s tat.din; t.'itr,l vos out li. T eshinetoi woo puiitec yodel 1 , ■ Minis own 49 to tin <■ c,m.>'.. i .cine UK Ran, t<: ; line I c : ' ; lie J, spot 01 UK «, lid. 1 1 :s 1 f cmiic in the ’ "■of . mil,!-- when Wiupp r ■''rct'nv ni:. • i,i:ei'cepted . t:>; s. i - . own 1 » and with Cash, Vat, ;t . and .McDowell carrying the S-. H ~ i,t A COL my li ,:: l, ~ dh, d, dfi d Sirs. ■;;.;.i a 1 . ~, much cm ; „*• 1,1 , . i ,jo fill :Ti\ OV.'i: h'--.i.-'t-vd .' u 1 .}>Ci't!idt- nsy eon a-rtiod . i i l,e! that l friends " HADAt'Oi.. ee.hdin:- no drugs, i," :if n,- : aid til - ■ On:,\ Iv'old ei Mai'.i-c'.- nr. wnoi etcuK-nl.s - d-. I, ~ : ami i 'lll Ol tie: inti: > :i , :.' ; ’.. :, mino'iils. No Uitu tci win'd mi dVi; - if inalah •I) tin evO under the sun. d,, ■ - ii i.m have tl It'd I d- this v.d . .’ i }>(’epdl at'nl: -d d Don’t !■:• on 'i.’ffcring. Don’t Lm rnipfiaW{. Mi . uiid Mrs. Gi-iK-n ra-o just two >i:i mar-.v MADAOOL users wo cf the count loss thousands win r.juncl ,‘ilst't' through HADACOL yi any rursan.itihvho have sufh '> > and waited and hoped for it* to *si ’ y-tcf or i.'Vt r; lunger, are able tt live happy. ■ -urin:rl'i't l '. lives ayait ibeervir HAtIACOL supplied ih £ : vital*!';:'.: mid minerals which tin:,: -icms ocedad. He liar H- you , ;i. Oiv< HAiiAi OL a tita! Gw i ; . bottle m your drag store todsij In thti 10, 'find Quarter, ti'weem-i 1 ! Tusk, ce,; Jett halfback :• ■•>i i fl from i the three, yard line, ni: ■ i a run nine, passing and line nmshln", ; exhibition linii iirmip.lit Tusker,"" • , partisans ot their fed time after! time. Lwftoy i’oiiei of ", ampa. Eior Ida Tuskcgec’s e’iceUeut end, made the Hu til touchdown in the toinili i period on a Ilf. yard ti.M Dlektb • , sou did Hi passing on the play end lie also did a ; and job in . 1 eying tlm bull loi long, gainn Rcissun Hiinlwiik, Hew is and I the Porters Eugene and Leroy cuve evidence of having tend up oil their a»Rig;unnt, Alien ytiartet i hacked the tefltn. Swenoy. tiuiv!, ten. (Hass Dpi is. TayPir and i Knight, also Davenport ami Reed < teamed up well and wne alert ■ through iin, guiue. The Tigers iost the bail three v times in the very shadow of then i goat onee wlnn tin „w) 0 homecoming' game. Smith Siatistk't W-sah-ni 8 Fin'd Down: , 1 il4 N' t Yard*' Rust:n,a li't u 12 Passes . . L 4 Completed ;> :i7 Net Yard:, Ptc-'si Tassos Intercepted ; y I 7 Yards runbaek 21 Average Yc.rc't; F D-. 2:1 Penaities Sno . 2 Ft:rubles ! i M . ■ • . vereci . HARRY JOHNSON UPSETS O'VINS p Philadelphia- i 1 N'p, Am ■• .I'• ■ way in ;.,>:ifh in !"-• ifist weeii, a.* v. l ' i-ran liin my Viivms ion a ]o roitini t: ei'-ioii to Harold dotiir on 2 1 Vcai old i ’!i itrdeij'ii n< Ni'-gro. r , At the same Hire. .foil!, m di ■ [any. a tremendons taiept and , . “^fiUDITORIUM ■ | ES Cl 8-15 A(1 inissioii NOV, P. M. $1.50 to $2.50 li? I ,h£ ft AY All AMERICA WANTS TO SEE! | fa lUSASTA 111 With Original New York Cast This is the only showing in North ("are* iina of the most talked about, drama in 25 years. Ticket* c-n sate: Thicms Record Bar, Poole's Mum' Store, Hamlin Drug Store, Varsity Shop and 1 timer -s Florist. [JGGINS | _ '-y PLAYING • t * > . | /*£■ j I Armistice Day Bali , FRL, NOV. 11, 1949 u : 9:00 P. M. RALEIGH MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM i NORTH CAROLIIA’S BEST DANCE FLOOR W'EFK i.NhINO TeVTCKDAV, '. () VKM Hl'M; 5, Laud Plan To Build. Recreation Center (ireen dxiri I Special, D 'V. Moivlit ad. ctminmui of ihe t.; <<• 11 , iioro NTyio Reereaiion t'limmiU' • last week endorsed .Vinyor 1! • Cone'-; proposal to build four no, aiton cetifei':- one for tin • la >'. • . use of Negroes Mayor < 'one's proposal cal la f n Hie diversion of hgo, orlginul!.. lln he led for u spot-; a coibemn . i ! .lloluoi'V of the ;ii v s a.'ar I'nnd 'be spent i-n the ;i.-usnuetitn of '! whit, tori eat ion cenii i" and m : Ni g;n> cento,". | Apptovai ot iiie mayor'= piopo :-al would give the city tot : com tdetely equiptied , , liters wi l ii swimming pools;. At thia t iin '. tied'!-' is only on- ■ mint id pally op" iTd '-ii pool, i tie X'erhi.i R-.i i< pu.,t ojo-i 1 1 - ! for Neppoes. Mayor Coin 's plan lias ; lie appro val also ot City Planner Hours! , deoil who sup! that rev,sal projii. eo sites are loi'itted ,m .it y ov, led property. (‘it v Rreereafion coduai '.seiner Chairtuaii dolni R. iioi hc. i ul •■o in favor oi I’ne four c» liters, in limi d the proponed audit or hint wlii.-u 'lie nitty or ho:-, termed a '’vruiv elepiiaut." Tin? !M reaiiou eomuimsioi!. cenliiiit to Cotntiiiss otiet 11u. wn.Hlld i'r only tei) t: lad it tils* i ii , COiliua! d"i i/ji'd ’ o >,(>,- i•: ’; -.• ■ a tor roereat tonal iTuept-* ’ v, a . eivmi rh. , t ?. J s r.>, .. tttn idee in PH} when Mr. and Mrs John K Yoehniu'.er. i ..jitr'bat 'ed (SO.OOC tso a i.eiufnPliit>' 'pi :.- 'tuinil 1 1* ,' • > ' a : a-liioi , :', their son killed in the tvtti ••'• ei-wnmimltj campaign instPuied ill ! 9-H also rais'd fund.-, tut sd: lii auditorium to 'memo, tail/.- Hi city's war dead The action of .Morehead and tin' Nigre grot p in approving the con to iilOi Wii 1 a kc',l at id: U , ~i. ,■ '.'enter lust '-Vi'ilro-. lev r*i*itit Ml liA i l I.IiKS (I.UM NO. i (,l!li)IK0N Sl*oi TATD .AIiASSFF ! - Fio:: u ’ A Ms K,t"r,j a:., i ,;i t U; ivi ;:, v d.l y,' the XetiorKii e o ; ; Foot huil vtsmiivi:' this ~. i< ■ i Tlieii lo• I,' vieici o', , , ye, i,- Uiiitcisitv S Diuii.iv in TnUvh.-ts.-i • ■'■•:■ ' f: Dh :.t: t . •!,!- •' !••'•’• • \* ■ r ‘ t‘'ii.' \ < .c vti.ii kt'/t'j) tin. t'.'i cii ; ’i > 'l:u y», •:. ito(L 'i -i 11 *' ii* ti N e f.-i : (.. U' "u' : n \h \ r :.; 1 • i;. i. V-t v/t r-i-; A. :hk:l M ’v l; :-!fOd fifth in thn I'Kiti-.-o SOi.i! hi ;• ui : SA \ - ■ • i;| •: a •'•atag power 1.-y making !hr »i ca ion ;i onn-h-i<.U‘d iitfi-irr. Torinson r ays hev( ;• i v i <:-■ »:- k« o n M•: ioiinh'.y s top light heavysreight = red semi of th- heaviv« A crowd of -1,-145 saw the Ci-vi n t : ,i Ir l itil ii .'t the I ht;:■ I. in ; , .!l CoUT- !■ : i- •.. th"- i .id t •." iv yi :,f£, 4or es , ■!: i ■, hoe i icru ■ r-; . • j’d di ; . of ■ I.rial iy X" ;ro rdools ;iad coachey, A !i:d vl Hid- Bcrt'd »4l points a,- lour tainic and ha: s.iveji up , .:!> 42 ill!, I lie ItaUlei’s have : allied 12'i't yard:: lUHltilie. tflo’- ; s Vi,: a-id lin vi- iel il.qu sh: tl oni;- D; :i;’J\t~ii i,> the p.taring ‘ l'lil of is ~: i ('!:■■ " ■ ! .idiiaifl 'he ‘ Rattler- ii *’C g-ont-al 473 y*rdi tii ,- ,di 'ln i ami given up o3i i. enemy an ml attack 1 OM l IIKAISD! >DU YORK ."d Iki 111-.»•>«• 1 M no,!, about .1 ne !.otte : ’ rumefotck .1 lid i-;i. i. i,- ! d. in-., -di ill o’- :il t I dll I*l iOi, i’- i, H Iti Now V i'k Uivt week. Branch Hleiti \ I'ion r of i!:-’ Hrookivn ilodK' ldj. raid i dlpiliit ii all> lie hiid •• i iliwtKh' si-ii'-P.' Hobin.-Hiu'', i out i act. ! -.- ! .oui• tol't ft i -■■■ I--: s m Haiti. ..iiiii" i. - i vl dm da;, he was not ihiiniii.r «,t staging i comeback "now .lari-,!" V:l-.l ill Noil." t aiuiiiui ia ; ,t Week -.Hi an haseiial! out fit which included Roy >:'.inman'dtu, Don combo, amt Lurry The slurs j-ia.veii to aei'.-out crow,is 11! ( I!'( i t.tdiul'O. Httiuora about i.oai:.' proposed crmieh.'ick die thought to have ori ginated with the ex champion’s rm :.H/Um em-, nt of a ■ (-!’!, : ot exitthi lien 1 >,. ut e with in ounce elovc ■ Li.'tti:', sain would like six -s j - ii- ill. : "S' V dll 11 • i 'di ids 1 ' 1 -’. .Hi ill* re,aids - l ; 1 1 r-.-t- toiiil,i Ort ’ dtiratioi!. I Gtw William I m Penn I s ps \%O i 86 Proof rn? srtAtOHT whisksyj in- this WHUSKtO bi% NHJTR AI SPIRITS, OISTIOiS'W PROM OR AIM V. mum a tvm t»nt». mm us«w . —— iM ® # Lincoln KAi.KHiH, NORTH OAROi.INA - < AND MON DA V NOVEMBER fi-7 KAMIOU'H -DOi t IN till Pit Hit ( 05.01, CARTOON NKAVS Ot- t ill DAY ill. lew Mi' t.vTBI.K W X j l". , I'rtJrte ' I , - •'* \\ M l 01 Ml I!HIT! Mil Till AND M ts ('OI.OK ( ART'OON WORLD Ol MltS Wl'iDNl-'SDA V .1 THI’KXDA VOVkMID.R ft-H' Ihutiphtt'y f;»*g:ts Tim Holt i lil M li OF Mi KIM M UiRI \I.SO !TRS t THRU.I iNt CJIAI’TKK mi: ska not .'.no W'l lIM Nli W ON l;Y - \Ov 9 ) vtt SHOW It I- IH iti!. .lAKV IN' SHOOK SHOW iSl.icef SJwkeM sinidderv:) KHi DAY A S.vl t Ki'-tY VOVLYJBi.t l l it! l)(i! HI.I FKAToTK: ! ALI AN 'ROCKY' LAS#*: Vi!hi) IKONTIFK A N D t‘,i< (»*»ti ids O -ott.-i Brent I’H.imNi; 64i jl ALSO < HALT fit f * "D>. ARM' > tUVVI.