PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page One EDUCATOR TERMS practice i or prominent persons to •end their rsnicv to r.rgHi»z.-i1 1 ■ li! 'vl*" : • P'.>!irn> tie oil'.-'i u > net pa'.Tie pale. At I ilr>v ■ Alleu.nrj • brM \ pit-' ri B< dalia, I* C, which in Bro 1 n twin fill .': ,»iing her v it h tV mi.nimisf. eleuv iits • ah- ! Sli d Mid out'• inkaljJt'." D. B1 < .* t .ia .*v i* - . 1 c.i'i/ii! ni'vrr t > a part , ;mv move rnesit *Util I'-i-d st-civ to ci<*-.t;uv the democntii 1 urcipJes on which our government ■ built Di Brown i om of the ii.itioi-’s oioinii 1 women in ~iicliti<*.n to hr/ woi' 1 , mi ■ ducat,■>' she has Been .wfiv* m nut oii-wide ive If are progrio it'd wotm ti’s a-:- tivific ■ Palmer Menu rial has often received iii.-.'i praise one ■f* 1 1 country's finer* prepai atory schools C ffieials in women s orc,nizs tlrris in Washiffi'ton and 11 Haio ph described Dr Brown *s -one ”f democracy*:.' most avid supporter.-' I know ..f no more j.airioli Arno.* Kan." declared 1 high official of the National Counci! of No-.'i 0 ■ Women " §20,000 SPENT i h i.. hs- iiO'-u c'Oi rPt tod ! -Tit'. thou in * cj- >1 i.a 1 : were recently u.>. pi cun tiled fc / - the 1 •;• "f A’-'i. Auditorium with ->n •■’’di l-oi > { s.-His ( la,/ 1 ■> m. . ; "<’!i *y.ip It 0 facility ffli.C . I .ph /on! llhia; Ac '.*'*>' dm* r President ! . 1 c 1 !a.noo \t ■ lr f >r the ■ • - •••>* f Ipc pi i u 1 r; < tl !i ■ f ■, "1 1 !iiru !' 1 < o (hr nev ■■'* •• is fjn>:-htd i (>■< fuUoe is Hi. ir.f ■ ’ at ‘1 *- id !.->.* ■.> next v; a Tin < Mue*"! 1 •( * I c. i.rnUv in >th* cnici gcnc - . su". Bert !■ •Ml 111 > building 8t the le*-* i. sc r. ■. ,< inn at • untii ‘ n< t\ . ■ ’c ; ■ s’, S•H -. ; ron ; ’ < ■ ilM'l. *'■ !(', ■ V * ii : J 1 . ifriil ,Os bout IPO v o.t 'h "f equivrru-nt nri..i-.:‘ *.*, his ■, let and *!>■ st in* '* «*, I*) A i.A.toi*|...i u 'St , - -m,/ .!j --crm ny *,i* s o>■ a 51. it rp.-cntlv Hi cd in the Middle Dish* c* Federal Lour* in G-r eo.!-* i-:> si week , . /S-yeav-oii Harold "pn f A.i?e 1* tFf clot jiiom :!■TAO ET ET i-H villc- and Robert JJ;- - ;. f , r\f iV'lt-'".'» 'vvi'o v ; t Coli. <■ - v. nfs seeking cdir,*'. s - n ihe lfn*v%rsity f North Car Don a La** Sc snOi BOW KlllS Fase :<:?-*rted ’.hat !.h« , ' -, ♦ V, s , v . rendered at the police slat! >• - f tw minutes af*er the killing • hich **yiy¥ r> jV’fi riGl' h s's t.r \v . - i?s homo. Jes-e I.e». according *0 /.oher * said iba 4 he ha-i stabbed ;igrand- ! father. Jchn Willi' ' her. , -dc: m; na 4 ♦ a eked him v ; Hi a oaring | kn fe Supporting of the boy* - ciaim ' were several vennds on the ear. fare and ne?f foi v.irirh he w;->. treated at toe hoepi.'al Accor ding !o the y-.c. - .'orv i be sufi 'eve ;"al liipi he, s tv fie nil tine o<> the porch 'then the . grandfather returned from worn! nr i sit- cotton fudds Tb ' m ri ! ‘’-'d i ire itov- :- ■ . leave and all did so except .7..5,, i who was sharpening a ten inch dick The grandfather then 1 rushed him. the boy .-aid swing ing th« purine knife l'ht Hoy lie. that the -truck the man om-t with the knife mo r-u Von sri**; tinsc and nten.- -and finish **r>rk faster, hoTTl***, hr*' I 3fl r jjpr qr\ *i . *ri q l ' -r ,'t, ("n : j(yy v f l Sf-y<]tf*rj aer'-Mco. rxton*ior< vcepf home will provide a w)H of eometiierv ** *nd {eh*. pho»r pri**rr at Ij*ilo added rwt 'Vln not call tlia f*n«mr>«<. OffW and order vour today ? «ttn»s**i im trt.ff»HON» n*tn mfovAirH noMram« ■ed h.m trngn the- pm ch in ftp at ; tort <0 K*eep from getting hurt ft.o'hf 1 . The. oIt!or mf.n - oli d oft -of the i rcscu • .n,l then f-. U me» n hi.-. <.,Hck *'/!,..u he clß'inpied to vcaco Uic * ..e-.i A It -T- bbC" Willi "i ftt-t-wo . aid he t ,tii'ie . *d man tail off ! h ix.ti' !i I’d roil over onto Ida 1 back but that wimn he u"*j'he;.! *ii'.i lie ,11.;clin'd to be dead Up< 'I •'■! •b| ■;> |t,' y 01.1t.1l ! It* I til? . ''.id iictn*** tn h ip ’iidfaiho; Brown said the itoy made no anrwer. but pul, !iu -.|i» k into a box 011 Uic porch mi" left fur the police sta tion The ;p andfai uei had been ;*rie>:' • C.'Ci Win jet ,* | '1 on tii voidb Mr a;! pi 1 -lr om -d dead Medical *' •■ b.r.y *j* cj Ba •• uu.l'i ,vh*< -id il;.l* m nad bcci stabbed once in the chest and kHi c<*< instantly wma\ INST \* IJ 3) be continued - ,1 In doth. itviiy Itt’pi e .eiiauv":. from 10h cdle/'cs. ! including more than a score of col j ivy p.esidrills, were among the; : ."<0 Hf'b.fpite.s and gnu::!-: |;.r (lie I t* . upuration unci a preceding two- I 1 da; cnnft rent’'* of • rial, • >•.»: I any' C UrStiofßll •(ict'K n "The j • rdci.'u. ttie N'ctfro :ind fndii;Mr> * Th- i ••'nferffneo dic-.ard coopcra i Mon of the -• ai'miP', to bring futlc■ | »n*egr * e-n t(»|i"e of the Virgin j isfr dr it.- d H cnpl.Oll. ; ft it-', u lb. rr* y, ! i U nivr I sll j | f B*.I! co .di: nn! ,> > 1 farvat'd j l ac' ,'Pi’uJ tlilt 11 ed pre 1 rhid io April Iftjfi atf* > .1 chool 1 • bo iciing pre dent, fdi -"i c a Inn a- i>*. 1 ire :• m-mHger. P. '! !i > in ■*d the i • * atiirn nm p; r e-P'-n* '*>■. 1 • -•}tt fust H> Mir ! A : m-11 • iiu. mine I* ! education," I but -1.0 u* |<>-.k I'M waul h> sucti I • •*•• in i r ci mA uiri n im th- -d J 'bat fit! ptep o-r stride: ts to nwei 1 Ht ■i i d "no ii.ilfii.l tn*' de>nands f *l)* ri • in which they live.” F oil Png fnl dy I • me of v iob? ( M’ ing'it-t it an- ■ f *.>* ody ; .-• i 1 { ar:ie i. Negroes ho '•aid U vias the sp v A v . f -he r liege 0 * . •?adc id :. - fc ■u • \r *! ... ’ 'p: d’ idrc -of danocia >. ~ bid tor j fid: life c, firs? class j t *!' in th ; C i.’t’bi; - . To; truth 1 :>c. prcjK'v * r to achieve 1 the c r'e-nt:- '*/'.!? re. In preserve j • hem. '-’id t t use Uhovi i. the h'gh- j ost calling of scltoolirscrt t * day | ‘ft is tcay the college can bo ip. -*her g-.A* 1 u:i was di>- j , 'at «d by I'nited Nat ony i is-'. ••< . j •hough Mi Klin* was present Or Ft id ay right ? reception for the tin ference gu' .t- sod delegates t »he ina»if , urat 'on at the Pre«i- f ; dc-u|, i?"ijsc followed the coneei! j iby the 120 voice chon-, w ith *4B i gradual<• Miss D<*loi e>. Swan of j New Y.'ik City, a;, guest soloist Following the Inaugural on Kx- i ! ernsc-s Sft*tmja.v war- a two-hom I b.a. c-n ho.ise with guided campus j i toijj;. in the Dlvisu iis of Agricul- [ ! tnj, Economies Nurse Edn- 1 j eat ion and Trades and Industrie-.-*.: i the Depti'-uneat c? Ait «ud the' Comritifnicat -ons lb nter An ROTC parade and review j was scTeduic-d for Saturday -»itor- 1 noun alony with ar alumnus rc-n-p- • fion rt : rs ‘(a fitih iwt.-d by the night 1 utbull game wrih Lincoln i tin versitv. START FUND * bert D. Olay.- suideuts ar tb? Du: bum law sctiooi, who ate ssekh* ** admission to the FntverMty of : Not'd t'arollfia lav school ..mi firoitoils of unequal upporttinßy h '.* ftSlr.geil fnat IMe Negro !.«•*. school (.anno* be fully accredited <■(!!*? m 4 woel’u auk of ■’ librai y and *>ther fa< ilitlc: Mr Epp . i‘ i recalled, fed th** -tud'iit pickets on the- capitol during th recent -c-- ! aion c.f Ibe legislature an Itici iJeut which greatly »>mt-a•.*»*.! '..*> "via 1* site ii prodded rfuriii , Carolinian; *0 arise from tlien i lethargy and to no longer l;p con f font t> "nil! tin m.-' ivc[. on tli ■ j back" and Hc-nnesce m the .hu oiu dm;""! of the pa-n fifty yea re jilt!’ in press on an o'lny. states to the .-i'i’!i of ’is lifivo done to obtain 1 * tie e'p.ialiti of oppoH unity v.iii'h : it. fitfully due ns Biting the procedun and r* .nil-, j obtained in the Sweat! if, <•!<: h and -everal hundre i (t-. pledges being obtain'd for I'u 'drive. According 1 ■ Mr. An:-! in. North (biiniin ■* ior -■etui'or i i-.Hji-' , i.-hlnu Blvdc t. Hoc)* ; nlteged to have mede t> -tatenn.'' M Hi** effti! that Negri.*-- had ’ ■ Might to civil right- and that b w.cii'l use his efforts *■> set: th * 1 they not get them. ■\ * uiii nverd \fct *»••, f'iii»!” * ber ! his and to meet Senator Huey 1* th" poll - * W illy all the dre.t i ' and crippling effet t? ”f polio. Me i rro children '.' ho grow* no with :■■ r>np)ed mi rods due to ‘nadequate < hools ar-** in tar v, •>!*«» condition na: ltf ':i> N* h 11 "zg ''hairmao of 1I1" dt ive put i*. for. .-aid he, ume p.c r?f N'aACP «ta**?ed drive with ; a 150 rush donation Pledges of. $25 | each vvfuc received trom .! W ] Wheeler L K Auvin, fonvad n ! Pearson Herman L. Taylor, T V j Mangunt and J. S. Bow-scr. K*dly j M A'extitider pi**d?"d >.v Wbivdoii. ] Salem branch, led by Charles M<* Lean led the branches with a 8305 tdetfif-' Charlotte 1300. Elizabeth . itv iiyt; N’alisbnry and Raleigh | each, Rocky Moot.t and Wen ! I’ll >.**•« ea<’i! The Reverend Ham ! nionds. pastor of Manir Street i f'hria’tan. ond ht.- women' * awxd | iarier, proved admirable he. -Is to | the occasion. PATIENT'S DEATH i Coroner W. \. Seym - "t ! Wayne Count ’ an!<4 Hi is week I Thomas died from iniiri n| -’i ! rained «bon» fi am. Saturday in ; a fight with Jarvis Bmat. 12, >*. ; Tyreii CV.umy According to information f 1 .111 the office of Dr. Ira W Long, sn oei'intoiident of t’>,- hospitH. Dry. •’Hi knocked Thomas u* the floor tn « light which began when the two ;n* t* wen making : heir i •**’!.-' Th**' pti as—! Bt yant report*' dH 1 kick d Thomas after the older man 1 : had bfen floored. Thomas sustain* d ; fract.nred fkuil an.l intracranial : injurif-j. ; j Bt *-*ant will he fi- :mod in th* 1 hospital’s criminal ward unrji i*< n- j ridiurtcer! h*u mles* T!iitjotial !i p cfli ; t enra was given in for .nor S.-v --1 ww'i report. Severs 1 W, : County residents have the heft of. howrver t* »r ■•vi ; -c oondil inns a fivi ii:ri it M,-j in* rai>\ have res it I ter) in n hat nr ohst-rver Hospital offii iHls sav tariJiticc S | lativn iippropi iatfOns will »Ho« j *sk Hir;ii t oi ht ’ ’ rates the Ttiterstatp (_ otimter r •'*'(. 1 2* that tf*< * ‘ irn!;it inn impor-ic ; ’uirrjrn oj, jnterstat* mmmpre n ft.*- san.-e mani/e, and t . »),*■ ; >*otoe Mttent as the statute • t'i k tlowii hy the Court u* tnr .Irene Morgan case igi that <*,p . . tirnvqj nt this regulation hr tie 1 ,- f -tons'irate iro'er omental hc tion w hin fie nun h of the Fifth ■Amendment, stoti 1 4 1 that the tr •.■ ;rt nttiept hi* i uo atithoi lt,v uno*'’ ! 'h f ' < ’ 'OwltuUot! to look' i,.sfiction ot eufori'e. any distittction* or «•)%•. j rffirationt baaed upon >ar< ~t eoloi 1 J is our belief the a t tortievs ssner . "that the raoti*.! dlrfitiutltin# ' • 'id dlncrlndnation; whtph -he j Southern RtiJlwar now attempt ire to enforce under i!,« pn> upt ; * ecu lat ions and wi> hi- invalid. htiniltifirinc to | pi ■;n'»ni>c■ *, both whit* .nd Nrv o r-ltke and directly ■•otir.rary to rh ideas of d< miv'ratif ijy ing to *-hlr»i this countrv i - dedtraforj.'' Tin mm RfTFs pended Thur»dk>’ moriOrtg I Ir* the I nu al vi. /oid? rite* hold n> n-”ot , hliT.iv .'■p-.i'!* i■, f ) Miles jVUek Fisher : to latr od.i-. , n.;to> -ind lopg-time trietm. i war scheduled t.u offUtlate. Carolyn Smith. D. Shepard s C: nddau|fthor piuci the wreath <>n the (/rove. * Vi you who aitoom •*•«(! Mrl.lot n ‘THE CAROLINIAN nation-v/lde broadcast to be airsd over the American Broadcast tig ! Compimv at If) 3d Sunday morning. ! Nouembet 6. said that uves s2;>,ouh in casb and pledges had been con-■ *tj -blit** -t t > th? Memorial Cam paign. t* . 'id 1 f-:: ■■ p.. ti.'J Mo ■ ” ■ snritis of scholar rues tw eedy student’. layloi s parttc'pation on Thurs was origmaJly scheduled tn l;c h* arc! in Durham n the September prm of c url. The attorneys later submitted 72 interrogatories ;.> the def udan's d in order fro *b* n, i i;nn ; t - - 1 fi!* 11: '.i’fithe hearine *v s lO'!*).,lied nr: li] next F*-l:> ( . u:n v I Hon; i;,*>n *>::•( Wheeei* m e *:•',•> •'tidyini: the 'voi'.th -n " •*'. . , to theii 7? fjuestj.v • ,11 ~, live conditions i i the -•i1 i* - - ■: d Ncgrc* -fi wils ’ f Durham IE AA. IKACHIiiS HEAR MOSS hi Nimi\ KNOXVtf.'.F, Ten 11 -p ... ;. er.- are (hr li;i>f of the v o* M p <***'. in *he Atomic eg-. ... i -, s ho f> shvHys* been .t *i .vu’ " * be". Moss 11 Jv I.; ; ! A representativ*, t 'ld the K,.;.* I c-ie!ie ’ s /Vv-oe atinr 1 •*" i • Thursday evening at its , rrH’tg niff ti’ g at K* •--• U!e C l lege Keynoting the 36th atr i«l v . •i-'n cf the Tenneusc-f teachers, si* Leu. J i', x m'n her of the Legir.- . laOv*.' F’ dr-t • '• t:*• ■ liiuifi'-an: ro!*= *f . •cachc-rs -r ‘hp ; ifg of o»?r a roa t on noted *he ?poakev. 4< out cr h c?rs -»i o ?oo >old on i nd t■ > n !it'ie rq ,>:t fa Re: I i they know > q the childrei. of the nafinu are ‘m* inert preciou'-. j,ati«*al vesourres Mr. Koudrix took, the occasion to complimeot the city <.f Knox vl'r .it’d to per sunnily commend • George w D’-mpMei, r>tv euuncil nian smi president of Denapstcr Dump?tars. Inc.. f<*r the leadership showing Terincssec and the S’ ,;th Hie light in appreciat on for teachers." Mr Dcrnpstei ap. penned u: the program with to*- SKA •'’present-'itive on behalf of :M- .-■>» r-f Knoxville. \ THIEF AND HIS GRIFF Wolcott New York ‘Global. Charlie. Lev is- Smith is now ?erv *ut fur.*' in jail because hr tried to sell Dob re C.'h i-f Charles Palme ':*>■ own raneoat. after he had stole;/ ii f, urn the- Police Chiefs c«i PS lie is fCrv ,g '-verity-five ft*vs. , Furnlfure - Autc -■-' Also Ort y-.tjr Own Signature ■ Krnpioved -yi Won-« V •“> r v Wart ’n > Pti r}■ ■ «» We Make Loans Others Refuse Prsdei Supcrvi-i' r. Com.m>spfo?s AETNA LOAN & FINANCE CO. 424 V? Fayetteville S* (-’hone flf)9s Vt• r• *= ytl’-' f»t*t *i F* " r>oor« Beyond th» Si l Waiter I j ! ft* —i - s*~’* r Jal? ,' ~i "i- H. fv \ ! «,<(,■* — r J % _ ’*7 Gg Ywr } IIT ALWAYS PAYS »IKinp* i l Rowdy t { Ftw j To let Pe.riTeas do yout drr < leaning { Fall I 1 ', -a . Eyrerien’M- always ••ount* Pick -up j Nth* \ and defirvry or msh and carry. t j M J PHONE 6437 Peerless Cleaners v "Our Braadbeft Mnin Finn! C»v Cr Rnieijfh ' 516 51S Fiiy«tteviie St Civil Rights Gains ()f Two Y ears Cited /'■' homing up of prop: 1 civil i :ghts lea’sl.ition in Cong! es > ped the Ann riivus from g in.; ah* vd n other fronts and tcndity hack av.ay tti c crumbling wall of >'• c at -r cl religious discrimination. This the finding of the Nation n Civil Rights. stated- "These fain:- wet • achieved hy legislation, court decision, ndmimstrativc ar rien and by the work of individual 1 citizens. PI v adh ifn th it Amen-aris in -ci; ••. ' > n of the enntry are ■ i a) mi ; icd 1 i on* than ever t tie* bet-.a n 0(11 d ;i y. ' t-' pinches and reir national id* 'I 'if equality .pportunity for Ar crican ; of every race. (rocct an i am entry." I - add if on ; Mi Wjvinaek, of tv 1 r.- of (he Civ: High!; ar- Or £11,0.4 O ftld "■. Mrs. Noth Bryan Kou' a * Horner! B«ya>d Sw ope. vie? oh a r* n. ai d Le" M Ctierne tro-esm ” r I' ” irty-fj. p:■■■•■i”.inoni • t : \/t-n *'rv a..- (.'onncil mend rrs The report r(.curds action ip to ura v nrluding cinploymo a edu •li'i). h r using citizenship i.shiic •:< '•mnv.'dation, the »i roed s<*r i'i< cs and slhu'hi:-. Tim rnea ur'S described run the gamut from lEI 1 lairs now effective in oigh’ la'e f 1 the -.-nm Hu of a T'g 1 ■ d'U uity's char'cr > >dci p> > v sn-ze on a itwnd scyiminatorv • basis. I tide* picgrcy- m e»*' yment h- irpom not only Fait Uni ■ pjovnvm; law,- T ar .a v'r . hut a? 0 hr- ’ uttent on omens vtucti < liminated dr vriii; n fury clauses in their na- ’ ‘ Hal >i. j snd th sign- : ; ng of ’■ egro ball players by ma .l ■ league teams in tb<- field of vtv Pi -■ rnfil "n i?i made of the Report of the Ii f sirirnt s Comirittee on Higher fc/Licntier* v.Ti;ch condemned seg ’ egation in colleges and profession al school.- Progr. noted in six •t.'fc New York. New .Jersey, V. . sachusci 1;. Illinois-. Indiana ami Wisconsin where lerislative ac ■V'i. hi.- ■ 1 M V taken to elin. mde aria! and religious discriminator) __ • Persona! LOANS c]rar up Doctors Bilik, | Taxer-. Personal Debts, with ;< Raleigh Industrial Loan. • We invite you to com* in and talk it over. The RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL BANK ij Hargett and Salisbury dj Member of Fedr-r*) Deposit Ins.urance Corporation T __™, r : .. I On vhe housing scene- th rt. •-•! . nvtrs the dcr . imi of me r.imtcd • Staten Supreme (Tort *iiv •«.-•• I >•< r.• v>i ■ r f... 1..« n i"■ r.uc! it Mid • religion; rzrui. y- front «-;• • n ■*r ’ owning r rot ei t.v ncn i.ii" 1 .d‘-u --fal sections, nimi"t be rnfnrt d ; y the n.s.t A(sV>rig the vi’led actl"l.- if: at |in r: inerf re-pec! for Cm -ti , tutU nal r gbts in all part? f the country, the repm t cites the f<*i lovvir*,! To Trnm .;<*« th logiclaUtre ; >"HllO.a <\ n:.tit'.'iu.ii Cmi ■ r ,il i n .to consider ahol linn of liu* j.oii ; tex. In Aiabann aid in several cities of Gefgla and Florida aoti -1 mask laws were r-nssed In limit ac tivities of the Kum In Lom-vvilie, . Kentucky, restricts: wRp ling the 1 use of the Pubic 1 ibrarv vv- re lifted end the E-ouisviile General ; Hospital admitted ils first. Negro doctor as r part-time re loon!. The I Missouri Medical Assoc-aliot. r,i s :i its tan aganst Negro memo is Richmond, Virg'aia. elected the ! firs! Ncgr •to serve on the City Council smeo (he Recoils!'diction Ferlcd. The Uivted Slat - Eawr: ,7”Poi. Aosociatio.i 'n; tho first t iimv a-tiTiitt'. d .1 Mi ..0 V p!a Vi'; in t - national tom narneni Eight •daL's ended di .cidmufatir.i? m t.hc National Guard. 01 RIIYU cm ST TO COiMTM 1 ORlti; DURHAM. N C 1 UNP > Ha 'ns no! 1 "ached its god Lst veek the Community Ou st •. .■■••" d in ex ’• d if • - ilh it-■*• i .- 'hive .nGi. 0 •v? r k Celoied acne c ( > ■( -1.-•• money approved by the ad i t "id ’■ ■ 1 'ce iv >nml ! !"<■■ (ii ;."t Tubimi' 1 : Bt ->ni:h YWCA sia.Viß 7.’ John Avery's Bovs' (Tv'., mi.miv and dcarboi -1 uvh Nm ; ei. Sl'.YlSa'i acmfTrf.alty COMPANY Real Estate FleutaJs i"ir F and Automobile Insurance . li • | •’ good? 04 gnoWI : j to cat f here i% nolhmg that | mn provokes such Qtslutic com= 1 J I 1 KK. >t r- W&tsW pfim^nt% . gives, so much I pUa*ur« »* I Eislif r. oiaintnl it- a f vee year lan sod ftu ad n i<, tlv- I l.o! is t.v r t Oklahoma to ■ invol. •••uoi'ii'.: her r tn •. '.nm. fUgrc i ! li •: !-C li:< 0.0 I oi ■ I ■>; >ri Iv ig con fnbufion ' , f-.-Ter hvoy.i rch-t during the - ' yea:. at ih ei. i oth a. i 11i.-i 1 v:■o 111 (. ■io f.. rc/!t. (* of • 'ho H dion J A . 0"i..:;0,i f».j the A>tv nri ns fit (if (• Pin'd f’enpie to be iickl 'ii " N f n . T ir. . . Also to !;,*• boiKHfd :,s trail ijlaz i ' i o He' 1! gi 11 aga v | Jjj i > (.Tow ; U; high' , cdiicaton are Edith ~I«e i.Hi.\, /|,V. I Negro 1 I attend the Uniec. rsi l v of Aik.' modleal . ,j: bool, md H nnan R'irnelt. \vh‘. v'canio the f .-;t Negro sfudet f of , the Ur ever -jl; of p. \as w ii< i ae ‘ai.- acceided ~f : tie- university's i medical school on August 24. Mis Ruby Hurh y, niitiotial N. , A A C ’ tti el.v,m loi'.iigod tnis i.v"(:k tiv.l ..a .■ 'on! i :l> ii vi heeii t emiri v e fi m tire u •». o than four hundred i or. si ni pw. of NAACp yiuti: e auictls and <>;- ■Tear, eh o'ietv, ey;i, ".a! o. -11 ••nd h • ranf- -cnee Tin* d*-!-'u.d • ha . i It f >'((.= J i* wietMS * Iff SIACv: j »mX.?T Il.y ..y » • *'A m * poio «i c-ffTA s: « I s ' ! * - Ce'-v ?•*(? Cksire of Ce'ar 1 | If” ...... | i Tr~i , «-* or* - g;! |O. ■ | PREDICT OSCAR (OR how; oi Tin; brave * IT (IMuND Va. -A T') - The I ! ’i vi ed.' . f tii" Riciiitiwi'd Nee ? I 1/ ■. ei iiiujrd Home of the Brave" 1 u>c ot. the 100 nv.'ving pictures •tiiced 11,is *.- o' and pi*edicted i* . ■ Mtlii v n . n Acacltinv (wa"i 11.0 nper in its lecola, column of ci'Etci-in said "T 001, story i tne s'ary of bu- J •io; ,:.and u r ~.|.i .* iv relegated to the c,it{ ;* i-. of Hollywood's ef fo;t • , exolnin aeial prejudice You will I 'el ai by ’Home of the B' avO' h.p -a <0 v ill also know . ; the ai isfai i ion which comes from having seen a willy great drama." J Lh t "i o Tlic ( lies! 11111(1 1 FEMALE HELP WANTED Kxp*-i iiiMaai rooi ■ houseworker'i. I'm* •i. ■ ' p. •i' i , opr ij. * 'mmt V 01