CAROLINIAN -- Saturday, November 12, 1949 “ITS” ANNOUNCE ACHIEVEMENT WEEK TOUR PLAN 1: Ji T. :>< Roanoke, j v: G: i ;.t .it•• . cm u rsij Hi.i K: :r.ry . : a taur fc.r tilt* j •uasemit; .:-.* >[ National Achieve* j ''n i:. N■ c- bcr iO:r., v. .h ii •■'irl AVulSiri . 'W--. hingtan, D. C., NdtO’ii.'i; Six *eutivt* Secretary. T .. ■ wy mci-ades Raleigh.. M C.. N *. .'•cujer 11’.:!. Atlanta, Ga.. N.ivtßi'oe: 12tn: Talladega. Ala.. N .ivember 13th: Mobile. An . N.»- . -nn! ■■■ ar:;. Baton Rr go. La. Xo ' fix';;: Irvb. New Or!.me-. La, November pj*h; wth several later stops in Mtisi-ssippi ;r. i a vi.-r.t to N ishville. Term. Dr Penn will d«- vor Acti;.merit Week addressee •• Talladega. Mobil-.- Baton Rouge n : Nev. Orleans on pho.--es t the tin me. Fair and Effective Em j; >ymei:t; "re Economic Objective it a Rer T .!e-> Minority." Official bites ot the- observances ire Ntr, ember 6-13. weh radiu broadcasts, to rums end public pro grams. Th- weekly YFICA Hungry '• ■' ■ b I."c ■in in A-;. .. Ga.. N H’.'.mber ) wiil traturc Dean ■J m-.-s H Robins;;:*. 'VI , Ti; Brown College . in address o\ -,-r Station VVERD for fc.ta Omega Chapter, which argir’rg-, Pres B S. Mays. Morehouse College. Nov.-mbcr 27 i Big B . h::( AME Church. On Nevemb.-r '•> Sigma Tlpha Chap 's. Miami, '•'fa., sponso.s a fellow dinar, md Di. Mays as speak os. v tth I Granger, National Urban L- iig.m and President B. F Ashe. Mian : University, is y. Other? if Mho M :::mv Gray. 1 -d.. Off. -...'First Vice Grand Basilrus. Lane Cniicgc 1 , Jackson Ik'nn. N v.'.erF: 6. Or The*a : 'a Chap’g.-r, J. H Caiho:.;re Allan.- to. Ga.. X Aeh:e\ uner.t Di ! ctor - r Rim Chapter .n Smith L'suvc-sity. Chgriona X C No vember mb: and Dr The?. P - hvill ' 1" . .at HlU'itSVilfe. Ah;., Nor -mboi 7 AcLiea 'merit awards v.-:U cite outstanding clt.zona locally, such 1 g > .r.e bv Lambda Omieron Chap ;vr L-s Aig,:! s, to Loren Miller. :bi hi • r--. • o'n'e <-o\ er.unt fight. ■. i r.atc.Rj.;! ;■ ;t the Omega Grand cluv g Chicago I!!. December - ;•). \u ■ i she X j i High Sc Essay C-'-ntcs; ■ ,r V;. r ..■ r 10. or. Aw sui:.;--: *' \ . F.xu -i in J j--Making.- .. another feature >£ t.i-r eG - isn stt! a,';:;r.jUon v at: r.t on of high chool st.s ic and t.-.i-rdc s The panel of Judges includes: ! ’ V ■ " ■! ; r V. d c!:: ' e R 1.. .; I da.: ml. G E ares a . w : y r ; J A. V. , ■ V hi'-... ■: C > Gs. v. • «*'•». NT G■ : Jacks n. Tvnn, J ; -1( >n S U . V. H. F: .< : S C Kune, Sat! / • 1 V Jones Detroit. C F ,-e - . ■. B. ft. irU>iz ■ ii. C. i.'i. G deft!! j. F, Bo rn:.' W 3. Cannot. KG H Aus " ’ F. ■) Gsoivn asia Ambrose • i : jJT jr,M DM ISVILIE TO GKT MW MOVIE 1101 SE 'OU Kj ATLASt - A■. i l neunv a 24t.*0 sea - win ■ ;>>'n la m d-Noventbv. ■ ' f a No;ru pals a s ow- G-.'d Pow • . * i the Grand, AROtncr N yr ’.uiire banc!.; have ' s ' that • >r-:> Duplin County ■Ainu. ■■ fwoswg 1 ..nda’.i'.n <’k . r! bui'dino beef .v.Ule • f,: o'-s County \ y-rs. L. Week < \-• r TRACTORS Hardwire Furniture Proctor-3arbour Co. r ' -<■ MV SPRING? SF E MUIINE 1 VIEWPOINT I WILMINGTON - A quiet week was spent m. air :>ort city, although Monday. Hal ■-iveeti vos observed in ' aisy manner. kids dressed as ghos's witch-:-• at; ;i gob.'i-is pa rad s’.i flic street.- Halloween parties ’ Bt • f .th ,; A :d;t r,:im gr-J P s WiicoUt-y YWCA ware’d up:: the kids fc d ; voi 1 v good tune. LiiTio;-' it you. i -1:.--r f have '■■■> don i ma-k. I wear my same .aid ' fenny .“hi year round. : must aiinit, 1 an: really vbp ■mg ;n ref-, rent*: lo whob; driving file cars round town, Prof. Dick--. !.- driving a pretty black 1 Grri-ie. t- •> Lcr.'y Macks have hud' net fire r.eiv Plymouth for quite while nmv also the John Dan ; mis. ti.f'ir I---v-*!y Chevrolet. Mrs Lvu-v Moore f >■;. arid the blue CadiJlin..- of Dr and Mr? H. A. Fie it’s :s really smooth -A Evan.- Thorn.a-- 'Ring,., • red A. Wright vr. ;'i visit .'-rs at S' Luke AME Zion Church or; Sun \ f\ - v Amorg tisase an the sick lot at ..■'mmur:;ty riospit.ii is Mis Delian Gorgasnuo Jerry McGhee . g'n a "grig ;L --.. yours truly wish for each A y u a speedy recovery. eirs Hat:o'- L. Cowan is visit ■n ■ he- aunt. Mrs Avtlulia Free fiio.n Aldrich. 4613 Newberry Tei • i -v-g. S: [uUis, Mo. wiio Is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Moore and - ' wiy ;f Whitevsllc. were visitors the •city dun.-a the week end. •1 : Mo -i brothvr r Rev. J. H. Moore, pastor of Shiloh BaptGt Church. btics H r,; c J htssvJ::. Wilrning -1 n. ir. v.;; . hes > r*. i; Ra d V:t i few months came'home to attend the funeral services of her finance. William Bradley Other out e-f town persons ,-t --•’••iding the Bradley rites were Mrs. •c ub B Pmck-ci New York. Col • Mor ivy atid ROTC from Hampton ImtUute Y-ours truly was iuitv happy • • greet Angle P. o vitis, J: one of the cade'-' and Wihuiugt rib own. Mi Ousts sag a Mi. and Mrs Angle B Sr- on sooth id;h Street. OYSTER ROAST Th-j ilorrtf of Mrs. ' • ••.-'-• Reid •i: South Eighth Street the '. of ’. joliy good time a f-_v. rides j-'o as her son. Charles was ■ i-t t > - !' his friends at an oyster toast in their lovely baek- The .nifsts had a delightful evening loafing oysters, eat eg •' a go and partaking t delieiou* n.muhni These present were. ome >ort nv socialites who real ly believe m having a good tiin'\ dr: L. ‘.Vhitty Chavis. Mr and Mb. I .ither Craven, Mr. and M ; S i.nuol Dran, Miss Cathe rine Pee- E. Ancrum. tViliiam T. Cfids. V-k J. Parker. Atty R R. Bond George Henry Mo.M. ,s:.d that very personality Mrs. Inez Childs Svokkiris. A TTE N1 > Hi »I EC f»f IN (. 3 I v t: or':-' 1 and id you svesv ; u o f..-. it change f scenery or r, rhaps ••• ' g new face- Raleigh was:;': .' ykao-j ■< go or; Saturday. os ■ V.'k.i::if laps were r. I tnd witness the Shaw U H'ue \ sits fid-A. •" V. . 'W "4 ' :-■•(? u ere Prof and Mi's 3 T Wash: ■ ;‘e;y prof F. J !> . ■ . J Mrs F i! y :>■■■. F. VV. Av ert. Hwe, and Mrs B. K Bus .. . Mv and Mr. \V. 3 kiiiare- M: and Mrs Wendell T-eifair nr. a Me F.iin-ti P. flies Mr. rid Mr. Iw A Shot ei. Dr Mr". L W. tkpperniar; M 1- r: ! Mrs A E Sw i»n Mr unu Mrs. M F - u . Mi s , Marfot; Ta ' "o. >.f ss Ma; ie Tucker. and Frank -Ada r The W 3 Wifiiamt an-.' Mi'S Mane Tuckw aiso went ■j Durham w ,i w tnwseci the \. C y-ge . r..‘.s■ Atty R. R. 3o r id. C. M N-.-w ■ ■- i W VV. Tv.".,;- traveled to Charlotte to ate the J. C Smith Home- uiY Game, ir.-j cidentaily the : g: • ; ■ a.t th" ring -„•> Miss penny ?..rr-. Charlotte toacia-g , [ .. ■ : , g L , an g s ine w-dciing, Ma.'garet Runnslis. Ijcm teacher rug- :n-‘:'-r Yu J).,..; phine Farr.swci’ih hr.- --• d the J C Smith U Kom.-t-cgrnir.g act-citje.;. : HfX ENT BIRTHDAYS Happy : . irthuay t.; y-f-; 3 .Addle Hank-ns '.'base birb i*\ ■■■ Oar I'a D .a, IJ Re .eg-., g; : N. vrmb-r 2. a:: i iV- .War P Ad kins whose was October : ’ ft Ef> D! N G If KEPT IO N i'he tgi :g in . ".fafT.n's c. , gg n ; received: Mrs Mary Fa now .;- r-e the pleasure f j -.ur care-k oanv at the v -l iin t receptiou :n , her daugthu:, Mitin:,.- 1., . i ! Harry Ta> lor x: Frhl iy tverdn-g. November the eleventh at e gh: o’clock, 6115 Diws-m Street OF! 1 Hl'. RECOKII- Is your name Pen ‘ ;ic: ■ " Quite phUosophk ak : -c, >y. - ■ i which a rparcntly k;d a n g:v .g much >u At b> Fr : • ■ k D ag lass S c a- . ;.-.'l; '- • stu iP::t ■ a: I.: -a Tier -m M as Firs b Neva:: c; ergg , t-cv .v-eks ail this your g Ruder;* : thu - , . ■ < : -s -a.d Mu: ’.ixiK ' ■ \r • be' present -.t church > Send; y i. it- - ■ , ■, which he g.g At - .• ; - g. • }>- t Sunday, this .? :n* - litt'e -. Hem in joined the churvn again r: <'i will n Miss Ni:v:u: k. ,i. a. : o’ th s - n Mo: i.iV -nr ask i -j. oil ■.- - why did .1 . this ' or-.-' Sg’ -diR-, ire■ v ;■ — , 1 • >,' V \ ivh ii I ;f I ! . th. did not. ;rj' my -grr,: .- on, c; :! 1 ggc-s if A feasible ’nac 'bl us call by the chu'vhA office a >. check, the roll. t;gi:;k r - ’, . Bf . ’lie Way \ 'irig Sir.-'ie.'s !S ;.1n f Mrs r'.-i ' i 3 :x. Mi; Sofd-g j Scvciilh 3: nil,ll POINT NOTES Larry .-.clIt:: -a- r,- rot red . ft-s under.- Tng it; c-g '•: H confined t;« High Po.r.t hospital H is the son ->f Mr and Mrs X , 1 ... - lei Sailers. 6 1 r Eiigabvt i .Street. Miss Vsy-. 1 ;(* J.-.u. - Reo-so- w daughter •<: Mr. os-d Mrs J Rubinsou. *)O3 Grayson, hi> jys .tece: ted , rnenMet :f toy p; r ' rriod Cis e of trie Delta F:..w . Trii ;’o wry ,;.t A d T • ' K.i-.: ,i Str cki.ind y ren.'-rtei ; il'aV' V-rrg f -'i: svr y Wiv ■ .:; f- He is off:- ed a: High Point H - .r ; Hi.:: d s Mss Maori'i Ore- : ;. se :. :• Neve \ C' %y. %. \l. Pi’N.X OPIA HOi >t: MOMMY high point ‘""•err sd . , ; . i W idler. P:::: Siiv f iCerdei Oyer IF . • P a_ -:n w fee S"h>oi .View Oay :d. t- f 1 i m Porerbs werd' oe. : v,f s "er ; .is teach -. s :i 7 s.e A . r m - . .'ey Sr no Mu. ,ie;u Chei; : •-. Carrew. Jr. of the* cd> !, ." i d vrr tr-' war. Mar s -.w, : sw t, : w .dien Week. Charier s>ur modem buses for safe fiependable service of uiw :■ -* rnis s. vUGWVY Snljiirban Lines DUNN. N. C. -- PHONE MIS j FORHER CAREER VIL MIN GTO M ~ Gs.t:: ;ioiyr\ S :ia-;on Qc\y avr iTm.sLi'cii c?i.c?s*rr ryc*ar.s f »f age. By ih.- [ -.n't : she reached fear, sly .as rg r», ... v- > ._ ;... * . ri. T> . . As.! th:c she began ms rlrittha course '.-f .- .0 i a,' - iamg• Ah B >..; LX. 0-Y-..C; - 'th ■ r j’O 1 At the dgg of 'A: -a -s pr;- :-'C*2\r .a iTi p.a> i f -U :h i srandkig g.-!rr a, . • as Chop .ka ■f Il;- -. r a Wales." Byfti y ■ V -,. Gray Sad completed ,g-ar .mar' Ahsk rj g --np; -fed t.-- ! grades • o the MitU: :v. ? ••••.• - Mrs. G.'jy's early cl: kihavd wn , sr-rr-g on , Prosbyturiir: priv.xg , ricbs-il eg**; 'T :, r father va, b :rr .a atc-a'-ur of the Cotton Plv Nc •ri -i ..; and consistently . ■ - ed to ,' g; faculty very c , nr> ir ; ;ic i-'iifrggiors. During the au.mmer mJrC'y. • vrgs set;’ l-.> rr-rrop-, .• r ar -• a- • far’d .-r study. After comM .’.act j V “" , r.;v j ■ /• . ifv KRCSriSR H 1 i. AF A.YETTE CROCERY I AND MARKET I LILLiN ;ton. V c. W - -'•k ■' e | ' 5 - '‘j t i‘ : lL U ill f‘ •) ■ N 1 GM \‘ i W F ; ". "• : S*' If • - * J-lgn- •; SUPERIOR SEED AND I FEED STORE JM.fN'i r-A a r. Ranges, VS ashing Mach-n?; Radio Batiert u Pa i’ll and Hardwire. Many other item# fur Auto St Hog; * FIRESTONE HOME & AUTO SUPPLIES Phone 2362 Li’h.-.g FOWLER RADIO COMPANY ’RADIO and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Vj e Specialize in Race Record» Guaranteed Radio Repair — EXTRA' EXTRA! ITS NEW; ITS different: ! SENSATIONAL NEW DRiVE-iN Vs-.O Recreation Center EBONY CHATEAU JOHiNSONViELE SOS' ULiINGrON. V s. j WATCH THIS SPACE “05. : OPENING DATE J. W. .HALL. PROPRIETOR R E. MOORE. AS.SIST.NNT gramma: -a:: >'' she ente ed bggie, id F'*s Fee Institute -x. Burke ville, Virginia, for h-r high srabo - -c;o:■- yit maintained a edfljj ; * ; firrowed !• • : ::rJ UAv. - . n ’-no-.T - r er.L'.*.r '-* ii'R.i'.na CO:T*TU. . X- ‘ y h. ' r : r ; e.yta-aJ ' r : ■ a.:..--.- - : .u; •• * >■ * -■ R: ; Du c fsrd Fun-eraj Ho-r-es I AM3 SLANC2 S SHY: CS ' D Cg. r.; g-g • F'h-orvj 3=?.; Pt-orw -3JGL T- ■ 1-T —- —j. Jig II J|_ -.r.—-r i r r-wr speedy service '' - "a- ■ :*’r. ' • as far -:aeftdy ! -■' la -• -r r-? rv 1 c.*p l:iy >v ‘i :-r 1 HALL'S TAXI &i’ts&Gadq«ts 'MoG ..J-If SEREN VS