PAGE FOUR EDITORIALS THEY NEED TO BE TOED The fir;;', xpenkcr to extend greeting's at the inauguration of Alonzo (E Moron ws president of Hampton Instituti was a representative of she governor .>r the State of Virginia, selected from the State Department of Education to be me personal and official amhamadoi of Governor Tuck, During the course of hi? speech he had .several occasions to use the word ''Negro,” which to the embarrassment and chagrin of he large and distin guished audience he pronounced “Ni gra,” 1+ may he that the Negro is a little hypersensitive about the pronunciation of the word which designates his race; if so the .sensitiveness is understandable. As the speaker went on. possibly under ithe strain .of nervousness caused by the subdued but unmistakable murmur through the audience which nceonipan t a- unorthodox pronunciation of the >rd, ii sounded more and more each time like the diminutive which the Ne gro so strongly resents. It may be true that Americans ordin arily do not stress the “long’ sound of the final letter in words like 'piano,' but. if is equally true thatthey do not say ‘st u dui’ or ‘studio or ‘guniba’ for "gmvd leveu in the South, .-cad fiC’" > ■ u■> < "ei for shortening the long V in 'Negro tv the equi valet of a short *i Ihe Negro knows all these facts, so when the worn emerges from the mouth of ’> speaker a ‘Nigra’ the uneoin'orlabm thought that occurs to the hearer- is that the speaker is compromising bet-w en ; forthright ‘Negro’ and the worn tE« gro regards as a rrnu x *t dw- -pen ; .• d ■condoc ension. Every white speaker bw a N«-gr" | audtem should be warned and briefed * beforehand or thi-s matter. If he nr i weii he w-;! r>e willing to make , .real effort, to comply with what is < peet< d <-f him in the pronunciation the word. Because of habit n > tay mak ; r Hip, r,;,t ;j hint from Du cm* omo ■■'■ m bring it bacs to his minci it b neisis! - >n 'Ee niongr*. sized pronunciabmi, it. <s pi etty good evidence that lie is not pre pared to speak before Negro audiences. Somebody needs to tell t.h> m If tl. e• * h.i\n the right attitude -end -tr • ap * pi. ~-hi d tactfn !v they vid w • ;C t.m t caution gratefully If the r> ~*tion \s '.th -1 nrw isc t.hcy should be dii-awn ag d i i ■or appearing before Negro oudi ; ■- EVIDENCE OF PROGRESS i The little school in Mississippi wn-- h rejected the $50,000,000 nit or - • üb t self into academic slavery and arbitral-' f , control wa.' under - tew f«« femptati'- ’ and P stand for decency and honor I ail the n or e p raise w* u,,v because A s I that. It deserves even more Tccht in that | the of racism to which the the college are not emphatically reject ; ,cd among many of the people from ; whom it draws it students and what sup pi oil it has. ! It should be noted, however, as an * evidence of the progress that, has been * made in a generation in the iboul h that racism of the more rabid type has to - great extent disappeared front the con* , rent of formal education in schools Jot }; gher learning. It is probable that corresponding progress in 1 1, iline been made in the elementary and high ; schools. The idea >f ts e necessity and propri <ty of rigid racia’ aegreg stirui is still ,strong and still oiTicial. The eminent - New* nod Observer concedes t h at. the (South still has strong vie - * or- racial v THE C AROIAN IAN Published by The Care uni a r .Publtahtoj: Co, , HR Kjwst Haraett St.. Raleigh. M. C the Post Office at Raleigh, N. C., under the Act <g March 3, 187*. P. R. JERVAV. Publisher C. D„ HALLIBURTON. Editor Lai* Sufcscristion Rates One Year. $3.50; Six Months S3OO . Address ail corrmiunications and mehc all checks payable to The Carolinian rather than to Individuals. The Carolinian expressly repudiates ’reeponsibtilty for return of umolieitcxi picture*, manuscript, etc., unias* stamps are eem. la t ions. More and more the orthodox point of view of those who lay einim to enlightenment is that justice and oquit.v in the treatmen of *bc Negro and in tlu races can and must he arrived at, but within the pattern ,of aegn-gntion Thom who subscribe lo this theory hold that gegregation may operate without dis crimination t.o Mu. dleads antage of the Negro. A good example of this attitude, whack I. becoming the orthodox outfit in stami ■is; found in the 'mar of this Mississippi school One of the member, .of its board who was unalterably opposed to accept mg the millionaire oilman's offer ai m de dared that it was ’‘unthinkable’ that 'Negro students would ever be admitted to the school. The South is justly proud .of the out come of the issue m this .arc. and there is no denying that the rejection b,v the impoverished college of the magmfiont hum of money is a reflection of the pro gross that ha.-. bem made, even in. Un- Deep South, toward truth and iv meet for truth. Not only t.lie action nj the au thorities of .bdferxon Military College, but probably more so, the reaction oi the •-!-• a them public 1.0 the integrity of the college in this severe testing, is some thing pretty fine. We be In - ■ ‘hat fifty years ago there would i:a\ * been many institutions in the South which could have convinced themselves with little trouble that it was not only their right •?,, accept the money under the terms proposed by the donor, but their duty to teach the doctrines he advoates, even I if they goi not pay for j ANOH I ER MONKEY WHENO l 7 h ha.- happened again. Some ;w !. unidentified person or perrons Imvm r - ferc.-.l objections ‘••.'fore the City (.’nun i1! |o the propose-) to enlarge lialeign A municipal in-using projects, Cha- - iu ghls and Haifa s. Court. The •• by g 1 em.mcnt had previously -•!•-, ' o -i t' .billions, which would im vt-.i > 'b< < .- pstity of the tw.o projects f-.y 150 units, . : d the local housing nut: =.*?ity w t i, to apply to th- j.vopm Tedcral ho-.s-ng agency or funds, wh >• n .--n a* torney turns up b<>l'or»- lh»- co-.mcu ask sra for a postponement of aril »n. in ! !<-- imr test of a client or clients he declined to oentity. Sdmre has f-een enough opposition to ■ <iu«ing project in Raleigh already ■ : - \ ear. Thu.; opposition has made itself ,j, -pit, the crying need for iow-c-.vd I y, j. .using, especially lor Negio l ain ,<■ i., -11 at i< sst those oppiont tis-r. of niio'r sousing d< • ciopments have mad'.: th< n- -• lve.s known from the beginniiH > . rid general promptly made an honor ..■oi,. presentation of tlmir side of U i a sc. • k ,>at tire object' r<• may ■■ t - '- the - tens.on of the a heady existing’ muniej pa ily controlled housing project -, rt the .sites fey now i eupy ha;? not been made kr.-rw ri at this writing, and it is hard (>.> 'imagine w h a ! ot»jec-tions < mild in .taisod In view oi ill fin- facts, or lacs iof them, it is a Iso dift'iciot t<’- o'ldr istan-i why twe * ty <-oimc ! ous.-ntod to an. delay’ in going or about the busmens >i providing this nm h newde-i hi using ! ; v.'bich Federal aid is obii • , UNFORTUNATE H i.i very unfortunr-rte that there h . to be a pubbe dem oriel rati oi and a . - railed strike at Washington High Svh<.... me; something no m,ore basic than there should be a dance after the Hen e■ (oin;: g or-;ball game. Without a scssing •the blame the case. and in ft; - jibsai;. of a full knoyvledga of the co ,■ unist.a-nes, the < A KOI il NI AN is stiil sure that the matter invoved could and should bave been settled on a basis satisfactory to all parties concerned short of H parade up Fayetteville Street, by part of the stu derd body, and unoomplimentarv pic turns and front-page stories in the daily press. We hope that there will be no i cal tor imagined occasion for such a public airing of such grievances on the part of (the students, or as in this case, some of them, in the future. mr-' - | y - or -f /&%f trUiM : •yi[ " , yry.-Mf yf ■tv ,/ c*S *. Xcwtn-mo* r; hik 6 r /., df , \ « .• vie m : mM' b.- Mm teAfi 1 |||V } x? ' ■”■" A-'; tel y■ : HI IWi ' ■ V ” ; ■■ A : ,;w ’- A:- ” ' %i ' ..*• **>, ~v’ ♦ i -C's-’A ' «*ca.yxf' -. ••■■.■->.;,*■ >« • • •'• • c \ - N •■!-.>?• /., .' . |; : ,!' \y ' '\\ -■ ' ■ “Thei'e ( an Be No Fcaee Witli Uic-:;e Em ex A* Work’' ' Wy I Sl€tiailts I M-» C f> HAi.r HlUii g? i All I lr- ! ' .Vuv" keU 0,- - -na crti' 1 ’ ; ; Dry h>t 11)0 V'MU'I- Vi ; , ~ ' Oi nr. MWH "il C ,.. ?] ' y.b ; ■ r< fui i. my. v • ■ rnnjoin>- ' yv.;-- y VC -d W in:» d )'. ; t Hi 1 * r-i v •\V(- mved to ginirontw. ■' * . r)\i - * > r yt’t j-' SOU r F - gardioNS of '."ho ho » . wit ore - M .e lives, or ;t‘ii h.; ra r, >..:ih ri.tUo'i m* rotici to* oi ’ Hvvto- •,> tho record of the ’1) * ‘ : t \'i jon th* TVMV.:-; 'O' rnai the national V" i.: jt, ? •, ; . -jone iiti Je in me . , p-j ,ti -yr - }-~ of ih* Ctwnralttce as passed on t.o the Cercress idem T» Bu? h * d that the fight has n;M iirt-’, l'.- a rri; f C Uirrc lite'C tonal ob,-r:■ ■--- l-e* adds, ’on j;•.c,'h«r i• ••1 there itso been advances on a wide f.r't. aud then-; Is every reason ■ 1 '■*?- 1:. '■■■:• flJlldsn-'-i --•e prog I Si 1; hi'ng ", ■d- in th- fieid menjgho’.d. Utc cou.-- try a a.-•• t.oU The mere lad that exto , * a-n ■■ r invil r; h 1 ,* j j x.w? isr u e t n • C‘!T> p V' :-i 1 1 > * h ‘ i :♦> C'-qip)» > |1 ’it 3Es I t; ’ nnu >f The id* »c • «*h p. .pie V. ho had IV V O-1 . j ■} (he existence ,»f It! This Our Day HV . A » * I H K v - M* \ I I of INI', M KV i %vr*s- Ihr 'Tni'r d > 1 a,r '- t' '■ ir.cnt, uncl-' t itofp w< r h‘v-m. hip of Pit. dent 71 m ■>< '■ edcned i'l r,, pi.-: n ". 't < ■. jin h ward p' r, l’ f iti 1 " w.v, id •> {;«*> HirjfV'i . I i! h' ! ' ; 1 . •' 5 TV's • ■ ( t i)| j»r>rl l:>»l riPV'k’i' n,.-,;, .. . - if ’ d .;: ,1 , t 'p 1 t \ji]*n i. i r • 1 ‘ i 1 1 kv i ! r ,r '-' }>>« ‘ • s I, n p , d.. by Jh«' sam** .(•! 'I u. t!“ (- f 11, i )•;-,«■» 1 fl :f >■’, 111! s T-rti'i It gew rai v lid receive .v rvjurh ii :' vfii (rem thi 1 >< r i 5 m Hie t'rt< kv* :■ i-cl ait.a-; other yniik, the ciat! is s’ni ply art Pfin i>rslfncnt ruder r. i,.;- nl Sifito V-. in < I. rriil mrnl U* the Home 1 ... ■ . sp. \ff s • s <'umr iit.lce u.'7- P•: ! r, n of Piv idd'l i'i iniart*. •.••vim f<».‘ aid pi o nr mi i <i i"n'kwani ..»•<••••.« said. •'Tli< is ■ ir;i mi is not i iisf'ivy bi*t v'ti: >iilf'iji fi busr■'-ssltkr it t> ii-.pi i ■ ■.■< the most crucial pr. :11 r■; s,. -.viih which our world i=; i " ir, addition hr poind'd ' 1 that ’tie pi'ir'iiim <•••• )■ ihr inic: est, of world <•t in it .• The above quotation. in thi •i. i iter s a.v of thinking, Is the. sr.i rpi of tiio f-rdiro. p: ■■.! H I? Ihr f o'f" : r.'|( World < risis, the Opposing firlion;, of the sn r:fill rd ‘advanced peoples" ib.- "niarh raves nr ahuut evenly d.ivvtercl Their id«ul.o,rdc« arc rl rxlrornu odds with < ;•< h olh.' • and. have tern tv, for « o>ot;, loc.g lime In Hie dark-rising riend. of world emrfliet among the ro-cnTlcd muster races cacri Conflict, thin; all the rest of |ho side v, i;l need ihe IKkor and nat ural resources of the underdo THE f* ARf) If NT AN v. ide areas of -'i-'-vh-n n d"-n i; d in.i ‘ INtu’C.N iu*‘ !'.->VV w:>:n •».'»' '(!{'(■ ah'th in ; ;i tnark >i pi- The great vah.n* s 's tin; ovn m- .-tI,;- ,iis inO.-IJi-'f nt ;.nd ? f-i jtivdy d; ii ll .■ > s• ed • i-i r t: tii.o wv are ! kdv ?•> o 1 ;-jo dose to too tiatllo to oh S'T' l carefully hov. it is go, 1.4 \\>- nerd the rev,. ..! nice live :•• on. th 11 ■fueuametu -i pi■ c•• s” U: heinc n’.;,<i‘- V» »• > v . n-ind •! •* dir ,o : ,. ;. ■ , 1 a r.evi-!!.g ore ti hem.- mad*' mile ijv miie . - -inthnfs foot by tr-ot. on at;: iml cxleoMVC front ; sm« s lucre >s a "bi'o.ik -1 ti. .i a .ptirficularl*. < ;?• ,n ho front after an a; ue . ;.,c s v.'hvsi !)-.i, , •-o !->iig tune. o- r h ,’i , -V. :t ->t, ,-i rid gnes ground: T i.c . r. ; <■ rnap .* ■peciil MistAivr- of th** foJv/Hrd m. • - «viJ rich!• of 'he re ••t of » td.-U and reUgio-.vs dr own "n -I'.riig <hc pad '’.Vr j pile br.oki-i i,surd 10 v-.nt.-. u,-' . - rend L-in s -day of th« r*-* I"-,*' T'-r. ,d,->u tiv 3* 1 ■ 1 -jt . r. f;\ :i K !:-;■’ ■- l o'; -ora *!•£ and »■> -1 • ,-ie .r !• »•, f . iv* . 1 {t. i :-l \-j * i •r1 j* * 1 . ,-i ,1, 0 o,- and ct« n y-.v >-o, ; d decision /snd -rdr.'rt-ie) act, ;, i d'.rrd-o; ■ .\ymid f idi: ;; ’ ° :h, !,> t"' 0 , n? -.> , ... 13 ' p.|< t i>-. ,V-d "-I n. U ideal ’ <■ -'lll OJ'P'U 1:11 : ; v- for An •;■),< ns --f 'c r>y rp-ert and .-, catty’.” som*.' y- Ft) etianvple. ti.c ftei.gsuiTi Kongo t Africa' p iiot'h po f.v r.v e ‘ o i nji: i very V'H ' :1 ■ 'd‘' i ->! nwiifcp in thy I'K'scnl id \« rid rnhittc 1 ' l , .. {i -;i t-"i tie s .p.•; U M 11. in 1- .. to Uo OH (i t. the !■ il op si n cli,r a h of th. ■' '. to ■ ,ec- tm e gJ |, r i, , • Hie >ndev ,i ri u'• t~ “ • o’ * .pel t■ > <i ;> - h • 111* i . oprai re , : 1,1, . •I r. ■I h e I !>qir*tv . ,-p ] : .. ( , ‘. : >or r*j *j; i red to ect-iOH >• sot !W mater ! "i; t*(, k'. O 'l tfic«S es t i • M- . J , he e I ■ ei| * •! : or den.l ■> ;!• i . nioc: . , . t ip: , iu< r ,„ pe n• t - Mii'l i i e v-ish the < s -f• i.- ; - i * • d r opir. t . r ip 11,.,.,,' c- e u icn'to. which .--■'v I-- '>r!{ v li t rionf"' r *<“* kv- And r. if seen |!.nl mil if this world s • •idus •>,, the '-'o ri : i ■k I 1 ■ e ■ <| ■ 1 the best break they have h*rt ir a lon, time The entire *-itiir■ ho)i iii.-d.p ■;>t ftp ; like kinging gain ibe ei v mn, rrtali/jtig. sfttr ,e! Is.hi true f v.erids of that bvmi. ere: ' t'lori moves to. o levst < ions ' * li: , wonders to perform, io: Silent..'* Mr too* s' 1 pt, e>ri iho se s and riues ufM'iii the torn Taint; s Ti n;g m e ..<!* pi of Commodity Credil Cm eo/M'i-n ft ported recent >. i.r. if s:'.4.'i!i,o(»f< v. > imoisted in. tie <"CC price unp rl program as of duly '■>' lots y> ,-n Loans OQtstandV'’ig : <*hdcd $1 too. 000 while inventor o pespnred nr det It‘■ilt. plil'ch-iSC acre: rnerd, air', direct purcasc operatrans i 'mri sen't-d an invcstmesi; of $i,d50,000,. two. SENTENCE SERMONS B1 REV. M!ANK t'I.ARKNt I MUVin lOK \N|> The endowment ever ; n ,->!; in the kind of the ii -mg i ■ the ;.i ivilege t;f thank •: v !; - i His Divine guidance •‘•(t i'. > "ng- I’tn . urn Id would be a cruel •>iti dr- j.Ued ■: ice if men at un tnnc- did not trow the;s Mi ad ; u : „iy Grace '1 h( Thanksgiving : oastin gn v men cm oppoi tunity to -k backs-.:,; d. t■:.*■ ■'.• j't and upward, iied to recognize God ■ an tniit i img shepherd If n: it fi.jis to recognize Hire., ' * is to his own nnd >mg, for Go;: oven grants 10 him ample foi ea.-cf'i! ievi'Wing Ivlciii men now don't seem f • c< re how other , live or think but steals from G ><t Hi, nub.;- lion.*- provender to manufacture in’-esk' drink Veariy ' very drug slur and 1 place of tusiness has i his per nicious ''nit for -cite*, mt) by ac- i Mon sir ogant? v seem to sav te.rn If youth goes wrone*. our bu -mo. must not fail " Bu one today has the front -of the -tayc and general thought is 1 living" - not enough is bei-ug - ori ab ut toe Golden Tv.’lp ' 3?id too»c ?.*oouf 1 HA mc&GIVING. WE-;- 5« wQrderfu- nation ours wt.'U.ld be if for all the *hui£s G*..>d or-**.'ides (tee for lnan'- «\ ing. everyone >n turn von Id eft’-a tUatiksgivitip*. -Man kind then would not be v-*arding time in amassing Mr tone-, md giving vent to lob thinking rut would cherish op poi hinitir.i to exp-res-, to Gee! fit- t grat:",d»-- and thinks The of God loving riti.-en buiM;- a «ti >og and vis • -■- •!.. natoin. hut deception and hypoeiLy will undermine any foundation ts cinerica to honestly en try the mate hie.-., heights to h ,:h she desires to bold-claim : i-f i r*; v aod v omer in high and low stations must not be ashamed tv ey.hslt God s i ‘iM ccr. in belles'* in the '’r x r a7 > VC} ’l l;Ih'-T" aon the nm. i alumina 1" tight against hatred ano lust., will litt A rev! ■ (itu-.f-ns, to a higi> plane "f living and every passing 1 day wid iirf THANKSGIVING. » -- Dpi •\C Mr i •*• two yeais the neuuu’s iuct\ f "i -it.s.- and coi ie;v-- look the toJlowJjjg volun t-i * action * ward liher-tlir.a i, for.i of Uv nation's rd'uc.atlorw! t-;.o i. . n.-, ! N( v a k, ft - Jawiai y. l 'H:t 1 h f Dc-lav sire admits ~ cl Mf-gi.i Gurir-otc aptpiv in, f-'v co.i'sf.- M-.'t - t>y iK-l-VC ■■ C- slfiV> CulUvr fOl Nr Wftlr-vy, ’la--; May 134 ft Pro idmit of W1 es'c> Codt-ftt sun ‘iii'. rs I ',ai incj-.iir ie.s about i.ocr end religinu - 'll he dropped | rum iippUcsttm foi adirji,.Kion. Favr 'le- tie. Ark. Au c ist , pi ;p t'r i\-er.- 1 ’ < i,; ‘i rk-i iv-pis aim fi-rst Negro studeril to it, medical school; one montn Irder first Negro student is ad mifchrd I iv; sehool vv.'-jltham, Mass.. October. IG-1K P- i'iijel.s Ue.ivcrsity opens with a polk'v of oomplPte racial «ud ccligmn- cqufdtty among Mo dt< nt-- -cti't f.M- iiiiy r-fllcge Park. Md.. Novem her 1948 Vt'c-.-i isity of Mars loud oners;- 'u graduate webnol • > ijuahttcd N'*.k!i'i students. Poaghkecp-'i* \ V., Febr. - ary, iP*ht President Biandirii, >f Vassal' Coikys reaff.n/., non discriiTtin-atiOTi policy -with re gard to adTm.'r-"'tis AYEE-K F)l-n>RTQ 3ATURD AY, NOTEMIiER 12, 19*1'» BETHOEJGI* THC miM %mr.s |f:v| BV MAN R HAM. Os if f,Ofi AN* AN At,VI I'l r ntr OTI M 'flicre was hurdle into my teeth ; few r!a . c ago and ityl'H mr-nt against the ed-u-P Ih* in on;, whu-h o hue hoxhi make us Mil," 1 cur i.i- .-sds m ub d: in i - it atnou!! 1 to o -o dictnu at ap-iinst the --ut- *p No pro race. Tht; story goes that in a certain outhrni rii •* ■ hit--, and Negroes were campaigning foi for Uni’ed Negro College fund, a: vot!h> mi undettakiig .1-, l o found 'u the e- i.mti A wealthy Met ro was appro-ich ed foi a gift and he reap-, ndod witl yhcek foi (ivc dollars He ’ 1 not only a col lege grad Uf.'te proto'-; j’onal ut pro rt unc -I < utve -. earning annual >v tlihty ni forty 'h'-ustt-d, with three high priced cai at hr- command. His home "-'a-- -> mansion. Here vas a man who abb o all othm :■!• • i.tld have a sen-*” of gratitude toward the nr'--, at* college that acir'iinlsten'd nn’o him in hi:; iov ly estate in the day: .mall thtng . when hr- v - wns dark ife was tt’ncfk'iar.v of whitt no’d'orn. philanthr'.'p.v led up hill and at time Into Ur which iv a flowinyg in fuh-ome sti-am :c that da’*', :• u t t'rlav this ful Mir flow aiooun! . h> little more tli in a trickle. There are those of i.r; who always imagine *’i,i( (be northern Clin l an organ-,udioi! -. which found ni and : imported gloriuii.'ly the eaib, r-dn-.'-it inrn! instil ut i hi sam-ng Negroes -f tin South weir wealthy people with on jin lited ore,in -ft t! a- a vn.and. Nothing could be far'hoi f( an the ti’ilii These philanthiopii. omn’/a Ur>n of retigiouK per.,ua.c‘ n were often supported by ttr* hunihir: t and ••impiest comniun ir/mls When f iv,< a studeid ai Be iiedict College, one of the Bapti; I Ho?}-'* Ml si-an r.oc'et V Is - ; - -rp* '! - . chain. I remember dist’in tb imw I v. n)d lii in bed void tnoi ning.- and read the in.-;-.tip tion over the door "This r"-arn s furnished by the First Baptist t"hu- eh if Nil k vilh , •; Y M - : :» . ’ a isA 1 in rii-t, a... it played upon those then m igi.c word*-. 1 could en vision a great congregation in a great northern c,ty with a gre„t wid learned minister -,.l nation,ii i.’ivsc When in later war.. • wa-.- a ~forient at Oilgat' Cn! vei-.nv, the 'Fust Cliiui.h of Kirksviik- New York" heard about one n( Us benefieiaries who was sindying it Colgate LIKE TAKING CANDY FROM A BABY! By >fACKEN'ZIE -*x t i .4 '% v V v v i i - - Middle i‘ o y \ r - Mi , ■ tj'f * 'ii i s '<■»si. l ■ ■ ”f Kfr- uckv com ? O'! ' -. e . * v.i'i*- '>■•;{;) Vcd<?. v a] Com • m^n ,.jf nr „ j* , | . .. , 4 ■ <i--n u e» p'"r,o 1 N studenfj ••' 11;t■ /iri ’i hduh\ f■ School i the s-1n t* bcLsL* as whiff yt H: \ WJ r dDiM;. Lexm.ui ■ •/ Kj ,h\r-r. t-me v■" <. ** * % * m 0i t a ... .■r if r 1 1> 1 p'.?n ;n t»ORTSAAOUTW, |ff/ A./ \ : --o.'‘-t VO.NffESTO' J ■afrV /.*, fL ;£ C+t-- bk’tV JOHK vV MB N* 1 C? O" AM. i ATE ft BECAME' w fit. - r «c v ,'. an- thf walk we m ft \ ?■ t moAfty. V ' T'.S [ Aku'c EujCAT'Otf |§'% Ja >tL YA-bS ftECEIVED IK PfiNA,. |jKLTjk\ W$A Ibis, ,;,r * J rvSTNStIiSwED TEACBiNS # A?t4 CAREER • UTEft WE .<W f * I i | J| MOST WIOELV c ELt // JOHN W. * Msok mOMWELL , t m jJ%\ UNUSUAL SCHOLAR , / ■ ' I 1 ZAC HER S, EDITOR/ HRg- , / \ % and in? 1 ted me to come up tot a peaking er-Pagtenif ut.. I giadly accepted and t was shin !;■*'(.* into a seu.m of -deep hiivrnii s'jcn vhen 1 found that K:i 1 ." lie N. i’ , w..;, a little i oral settfemeni witli a post --"flirt- and the church was about 30 >: 50 with a nismbership of '< ■ than - hundred of the humblest kind of country folk. Such va - (ho "First Baptist Church" who furnished the i mii n v i lived while a tudent jt Benedict The rev-la tio;; did .'tnething to ?ne It, laid uj, ■ me the solemn feeling of "blipchnn in ii'pport to the limit the cause of education among m own people If the low!; -.vliitr . of* could do -o much with their such lit* bien I -pi, honoi bound to -.1 nothing le-• than my best The pi i’f' ssional herein be h" < menlionyd possibly was. ed it an j under similar ctrcum -tanc. and he too was a pro dm-i i>f the benefaction;; of the humble The lime arrived when h*‘ ! could in a. big way ou* of in; .ifi'i'jencc >■'ontrlbufc to the advanreiiion’ <<f the cause v l-i.-h jar* ved to him such bless mg Me i'- ,i uded v. itii five d- '! ■ -. lien in- could have giv '.’’i IIS !■ t.hoir-anrl •vithout finan cial hurt Hoe.; this professional smw< - i t the • ptrlt of the ed ip’ated -M '■( J-. he i symbol of gia 1 1111■ l<* t,h-ii (he educated Mo, .n m uiifi- o toward:, bis ' enef.icf u ’ Hov wll hi ft •pimiv nf -i i- 11 ■ philanthro i-o . f t!n> iscgr i ypit.bist of lunioiv'v.v Do"-, that -profession nl '-.'egio know that he is i great i' i -*d'. in I!, ;; he b bringing down ll; .|, tn:* head of his tei I- -f educational advantages, the wrath th, oncoming pen. c- it ions « Bui -, n 1 ■.' i- a sliatneful ex ample mot- si;airu-fu! in that --'me *• ampaign in undertaker wit" hid rfvr been th college at id .>. ho Uni .>- v.vnc of tlm plea ;urc- ,nd privileges of college vnnununion. handed over a Hi rk i, i ,i hundred dollars When wo have an uneducated Yf ;• mg a hundred Ini!»’*•< for cduca'ion and a wealthy ed' uvateti Negro giving uve d-i --lacs, wo have some food for thought that should give us mo: ii md gosfioi' Is the educat ed Ncg’-i; ri ingratc? Certainly ,i- - * I of them, but how gen vi cl i the pint herein pnri.t -y ed" Titi- fmegnin gscls forth in awful indictment, against the Nrg;*n who can help his people and will no!'

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