PAGE FOUR [[fIGH POINT r ■wminmn iii«-sw.MM.«Bfwre l^ jQ current M !. CYCLE J By C. E. Yokefv ijSAMA The local Commun ity Pitdio Council is giving to High Fv : radio listener.-, some o£ i* s best drama v a the local airways since the inception of this progrcS si' e community organization. "I present series of broadcasts 4 concerned with the Hi-tory of His Point The script last week entitled -CROSSROADS' dealt '.'.it' the laying of the North Cat-, olirr Railroad through our present t city of H gh Point then just a) place where the plank road met * with what was then a real choo; cho'* line. L.-te the history of all American; the Metro was there Although it j 1: • ,:rd for some 01 us to :*ppre- j date the part pbved in some :n --strtaes that nevertheless dues : not change the historic significance ‘ of "cese undeniable contributions. Ir CROSSROADS Can*p Friend. l->- ' c ■■une Neg: who ncssess a C' nemi <be‘ tceur v ice played reaction to some of the lines and voice inflection he acquired in the SAi l ■ For the sake of historical recog dtv• c-pravnt ras the Negioos' de veic r.rr.ent rc.i for the drama! e _ &;t >- hov/D -■ > v the nil i Vti 1 1 ies. ear livi Quakers jixei awe-inspiring Veteran Nurse Dies At High Point, N. C. ¥ lowing an extended i’:ne.v; Mr- A.!,:. K Swn.drrs H. N. i'i -c An? I- lT .M: ; , S’,-,n dn'Ct hers ed Hi ... ' Hospital TherA QBV. NOYt-ITI r;Cr ?t> She V- .< '• H-:> - tive of Randolph iV>uiiiv. who had to the i.-.-n fits of health Ni:r*e 1‘ - ’ C*l' S .-iW • g•. > ur v; V LW > 1 tile ci«y »i Hi^h ht ah depart- -rent and ;ts earlier izi't k*: : .?• 2a years. Be: ere comlrg to If jh Paim. -he was a Sk •■!''. * **. h.'.c <;:V •: ass ih -•. w.• •. • -, v it:: ti>e Air: - .Art ’'i l -. : _■ d" :• o Cleb .. ; t; " ai;i | ■>■ the YWt' A * i>. , • r. :•! \V ' N>. .••!. M: , : -;d-;e iV.-1.-’.C:i i: - Pins s, :-i .\r - Berthe s Roxcoro, tv\ ■ !•.. > . Cl'-dr Si:-Oder.< f'i. i w ii w- Saunders, Jr. .r JSTew Yo>k City Funeral • '-••.• t • ••• were hula r-i 2 p m. S irdsy *fien - No vember 12th at hr- Ft n BaplUt Church h-w* -r East \V..-e Strop, with Her. W F Elh,>t: . to:, cf.fcnd.tng. Inkrmedt rViotvati r. • lit C;. .: i.vme! :• • LEGION MARKS ARMISTICE [)\\ The John McLean Post old it the American ■ • held a free sep pf hero foi ail vet: ran: of Hi iiiniwiiih ii wmihmiiwiiiiwnii ipwiiwnnmtiiwiii Rackwood-au-r. dramatization. the j Radio Council has discovered a w-y. to u--: . i-'g-'g talent m the r enact ! mem ;t n*..>venr*nt.~. of people and ; there is m opportunity to continue : t'i use these people for other tal ent ski’s or. local -program:, for the :sane t;l aliov, nd ail the people to appreciate the other developments of the people. DEMOCRACY "To Make the World Sate For Democra ! cy” was the clarion rail ol Ihe late Woodrow Wilson who through his congress called Americans to World War I. I The Armistice j>a> parade here would remind one of that phrase of Wilson as a e saw ail groups in the community rep resenting what they represent. Veterans and all marching >.u the parade Significant about the parade w.».? , the fact that each croup was mar < •ihailecl at various intervals c»f the w-ssirig parade There was no group section other than for what titcy represented ,<nd not who they were or from who.? section of the con:- •’nun-tv they came to pay tribute to their faith then in DEMOCRACY: and thy faith they still hav? . Such marches will no doubt keep DEM OCRACY marching on to the ideal *t Work: War T for* which sh-c world still ttirsts. ‘vat's ain't the : wivs- or; Arm-sure Hay Ns-onii;.-;- "hr - w. hehi n the Kilby Arcade. GROI \j> BREAKING SFRVin s PI \N\KIS B V S \t U .... - ' ’ * :ss :r . i the ■-- :. ..... SAFETY PATROLS STAGE PROGRAM '■V.?s a ■ • apr - d H.' ; Tcj iVl 5 : - v \} , K. JV. * f p l?S. \ - - r , ' ipj .-■>* * v ;r* Itr-V . rdiP - X.nvc*ss* They ;e IS.. • M ■ a! - -Up -■ . Controi ■Prtzrs were ..-a . . ,i Hu: u.ra Johnson rn i Patricia Harris for ' FaUii .v . .id- . : : *./ - .. C .'vftsdar: •• 3 Bc-vd. M. Forbes ■Mr. Owe. - m m 'rTbeToda\ ::: PERSO \ \ L S ; hop;- lA'lf. Kivett driv? Rev and Mrs. D. D. Mason loci '■ C ilarhto visit relatives. Mrs Lucy Evans. n: )tiler of Mr-'. ArL-ne Lemons. i- h-u-- visiting Tr: daughter Mr.- M..:’.’.i:’ • Russell M ;„:k A : W. M St rick’. ' BOX 1-2 E ls'; High Street. Mrs I.- .n Ship, «f nd,d the Ci A jita classic :n Washing - Mrs C in . Smith u i Mrs Et~a.-I Wallace w-.-re -hostesses u> the Daughters of Dorcas me 'ting at the ihonie >f Mrs Smith. :31 Under hilt Avenue, Monday night LEONARD STREET SCOOT NEWS Girl Scout Week was observed a; j Leonard Street School and apyr-.- 1 priatdy climaxed on Friday witn 'a F!y-Uw Ceremony, in which j Bruv.TJs.yi were added ta Troops 25 and 4‘> M:s- Elizabeth Woaimer. execu ' v • director. and Miss NAncy ’..'amp'oell. field direct j - . were yr.— sent a.': a made ten-year serv: .-. ’award.: Mesdames T. Y. Sria.v fic. 1 }. I Ilall. i. S' Merritt i V*' Whitten Five-y-iur service ‘AVLtrdi were present - J to Mr V F L:v ,i t*r and Sc > j ' A a nle C. Powell. Joyce Payne, and Pufr'cLi - Pay no in afcs«.ntia>. Troop 25. L.eaii.-r M i. 5 M l it: Assistant Mes :ij3: :• .*• ’ field. Forbes and Hall; Committee Me-darues Whitt=n O R Mu-p- I .aruio •• clc ci Smw*r: jn.-: Vi ecaJeT . f.: s. iVF- O. Rwei f Assis i|M! Mse s IS 1 3it;i. Dw!) MsvK. Gra y WhituPer. i'j:r vst ■s . > i ;>■•• .-.:v Olive-. C. H Curry and M« .1 -- C Mu E 3 H,-:. A ; .. Mr-. : • b. Reid Brawn.:- A I i ciider Mrs D. I) Ingram Trees.‘vu Suturd:;y nuir urg. tohSe uWS !*! Bill LI HR tin BOOK «EEk PRIZE M' i. B Cartright, librarim .lunouac-x-i *hib a v=Sc fhc.*t iir.v . b->ok r . for voung au.-J old readers •dr? or:. u:spi ty th-s week BOOK vV r £F.K at • ' ■ p.i f>lie Uerary Bj.)k Cub youth prize winners iw; il r' ivv .?w.,rd> daring tiie • the viub are. Bruez Colson and CAROLINIAN Saturday, November I?. 1949 FUNERAL RITES Rufus Whiteside 218 Hobs-fn St, • i Sunday after i few days ! Ulrie-js Survivor, art* his wife, Mrs. Mary Whiteside ot this city. L tv. * daughters, Mios Inez White • - side LoR .y. N J. and M- Edna j ■ Whiteside of the home h -re. a -st Mrs Itr W.iiker. Grover, C t" or rht-is Georg ■ White . side W est Virg ria and Will Wliite sici W ..-Mr: * »d. Li ' ;-M ir :rt, Sr Stephens AME Zion; 1 Chi:ren 1 1 *“.o iy iiftcrii >o?;i a*, b p. : : .r, R‘v p. O. Boss wUI offic ate 1 :H-* )V r Funero* Horne to t o rc:o - ; - i ' n. c' * Th ur*d a y jf t <.? r r: o . T, C, ALUMNI CLUB MEETS 3 l ', The r - s College Alumni j ;• held its i- . • monthiy i t the hair.- of Mrs. M M. Hart, 7 Woudberry Mrs. W. j ' H Boyd, president, pni'ided over' ith •• business meet.tig At which time* so?* expressed her apprecia i : trail to each member tor iiis: jL-r diu coopiratior; in making the j Homs-cinung event of the Win-j ; st m-Saism Teachers College a sue- ; - cess. Mrs. M. J Forbes and Mr. E. ' ? Moseley were presented gift for; r-liJng the highest riuneor >t tick- : •'•a for tee event Mrs. M. J Sim' . -nans al> > presented Mrs. J P. | /! Dh.onis rj recent bride, a gift froin i :• ! Club members enjoying the hos- : .: phalify of the hostess were Mes- j i i JiT.-v-,- Willie Mil Byrd. Helen C. • 1 each Helen G. Cole Dahl , D. i ' KLatie 3. McAd. > \ Oallie | .; V' Holmes. Margaret J. Simmons, I | _ i iviry J F rbes. Earline v Dennis.j Mr. ". D. Dennis and Mr. E. Mosc- i . ley. The next meeting w;U he held i . it the h .me of Air.. Callie V.j 4 Holmes Friday evening, Dec. 2. I ( f TRIBI TES TO II BifßV sIIMOI, •| The Professional Men’s duo in! i bus 1 ness mectir.g with Dr, I! ! • K. Crest as host at Anderson? Tea! ! P'M-i. $25 O’) to Chr: -1 Thu ! King Catholic nursery school | 1 : equipment. j Thu : ;o also have ST) oQ r - tr.e MR'. ETHEL PIN.MN HERNS TO DEATH Mrs Ethel Pi:- uy. 4«. f v.corly o' tu; at '"i '*r* ucvii*’- jp i ; .n ,,, 'ion ;l Adams, a r Ed K >ec of this Hie h oy wm remoiri at the I Mi" 'MITH IS 11. !TTI SITH PtRTY - i. : >m -, ..1 Arm,;:-,•no Inez jGii'ni-r, P-:Vi ”.’ Bynum. Horeid j Tyson. Da. e Reid. Sai iuel Si lp- Fi yd Co’ rod, Frank Hunt*. •• • l.iLivrv- H.rtva. Roosevelt H.'po.,, : i Murio:; Brv.vor, James Kr *r- • and a i , -'.’i-3-a Robins on FI NEKAL RITES HELD FOR MRS, ROBINSON i Mrs. Nellie Robinson, age SO Jye died suddenly Wednesday c. >: ”ng. November 11, at a local BOCAE IRE AS AID SCHOOL 1.1 NCI! PRih.RVM | Many local < ymu pro I during and vunserving f i j«1 to sup ! plement the Si’ ■ : L Pm. I gram, according in reperts lecrcv • d oy the U. S. i.i *• ’. . -nt • Agriculture : Louisiana, all ft* of the ti.- /m .'teaching t ... ’iruitury ■ aise truck cops y. .* .. «;u u school near Shro..eooct and j■ v d I parish. Exten.-iori Agwt B. D iic.rrtsoji j cooperates with •■: - : iti-.,.* ; this project vr v, . I lUernck. ,>:■: i jf trs j Lucas school, directs the proevs Give of fruits, very-table nuny | fur the M-he t! : program Partly as a rertJfc of the • yjJ ; programs in Lot: -i *ni ami or I States, the number of youngstcri .being served lunches has incrcastH (Reports show that .a early sev-M million children m 4>■ TOO schoois received lunches last year This ;represented a l.p.G> percent inure:*-; ; over the previous year j Louisiana I d the Nation r; .he ! percentage of youngsters servea j While for the c 4:; try as a whole ;oniy 25 8 percent of the school chii dren received iu-ch.., vi-T f'c •program, us Louisiaria. : -i f cr ini! the youngsters ss-.-re .-j;. |That State contr.outyd S»j,AOD.OD.* to i its School Lunch Program TOM t rots CROSS S4TS PER AERE Three acres of tomatoes brought a gross *:*tura ri si.l d for IV. T. Bcj-./r o'. Route L, Eilenboro, reports f - E. Pat ton, Rutherford Omn:v farao aguu for the State t’ailege Ex tension Service. Beaver prod uced a yield o? . 717 bushels wDijch he m.arketed. ! ill !k l iiiiUhlim L price ranged fr >m ii.a-J to SE per bushel, astir tie -average for the seasari Serrig SC per bushel. He used certified, treated 'red of the Rttig -rs variety and transplanted in April setting the plants three ■?. apart it* tour-toot rows. SA; hundred pounds of 4 - )-! forti‘tier an a 100 pounds o ; riitrit.* of soda were applied ,->.*r ; |{ »t --/ vesting began ',!’■ • a>*. v.-, ek ; June m dcontiaucKf fftrougit JuH ar.d August little heard OF SOUTHERN brotherhood FLORENCE S C. •: ANPi -- I paigti t; ***ori ..admit ■ ; ai*Ot; of - : i c■ t in the Cor .city- She was a faithful member . ■ \ Up? United Order of Tents until : tier sa-kn-ss permitted her to iconfined at home. She is survived iby her husband. Herbert Robin ion. one daughter Mrs. Mart! . Lewis, her father William W. To- - r*slice, 1 . Fiers Mrs Margaret •A.- <S ! ” • Mrs Lucile Beiae. and EC’s r Aiston ail of this citv.

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