CAROLINIAN Saturday, November 19, 1949 T CHATHAM COH [, _ I BUND CLASS 4-H CLUBS OBSERVE FORMS CLUB ACHIEVEMENT DAY BY Al EF: KT < A K K ; o.\ . Ls i\ Cxllb EaCtt >• !,:(•; .: r- >. pr-vijf A task wiltrth-' ; : r ;c; T•:• e «■ i A ire uroup 9 : i , : :nlevo-i. £<:■< . U Nit". L.- - ;.s t C tile PRIZE WON BY BLAND ADULTS v..-. ;• '.. .Hal Club Worn. ' Nlc. E-. -\n prescient, ana !-H ha, y,a. -;<d baH to keep u; ! ihs mteres :r, the club work. i .'• ! ~;.f - ■' its -v ri : , tr.t ■- ’y, : on Thursday hi com < r ?. >0 : :n. at. Blend >■; gb S, . A j, : gi-v-up is is- REV. BAKER M\RkS inn WMYFRvun The pastor of Wesley Chapoi CL. ■<• i■ r.r,:;t! ri his 13th anniver -. iv Huut.i * afternoon November 0 Mr. Farrir gave a brief review r i ;;; ( histi r> • 1 the Rev. E: D: Baker Th-- R* v: Mr Baker has bet n a f .iirt . v> riser, always on hand when needed most. The ets t f Evzrs Chapel part efpated :o thi • v*r>ig scrvi* Wesley Chapel is sponsoring a block rally '*. r.oil-. ;. - ~ w t r.nrch. 1 ST BAPTIST TO MARK 3STH YEAR The First Bi.r-nst Negro Church c! £.:<•; City Ts C w 11 celebrate a- rr'.a i. .v v . ...r. the pas-- ■a: ■ cm as ;.;\ <: i -ry from Mon .ih. Sunday weak begin r : ... N: venu. tr w-i-ia Pastor. Use : Ro A 7 < Al.-t . . Clerk, Mrs Carrie Strickland. < H \ 1 HAM HI XL Q 10-tlur: Why do we need at! i :r. t i. v. ...raws is needed i;orv .• i : (i, . to get a good joo ■w-it i. • a. Salary. An cdu . .- (r» : o.rv for the! nay:.. ... ,:.■■■ .oh* development . y:Thereby : ... .uao y.Uzens fur the . The progress : ■'. , . .: which \> t \ • v .. . . t.'rC i.x v:'' one kco;; : a.y < d.if.itieri ,■ -; : S ?- C'iiv i * r?t ■'* ■ Pi■ r.i \i >t.\vv s '.hr r.: v ..ay. 'iraining <■ Itfud Mas r.i ■th i ; pox Edjn.'v- T " .... a , ■•(-. K«;; f- -S Edit-'. Tburi Prkf C rculation Mgr. it Ri: .ft adv rtising Mgr. Mass aa .r .y C : - • Sports Editor J W Armstrong Publisher . i : r-t : ; C"n 'y 4-H Arh vcri'ii r * U'-a: .v 9* tii : d c.l ■ ■ ■ r ■ i -•-- • ■ . t :11 91 p-I'L'.C* : T Hi a ‘■ ■:* d i :t-tr\ a? cr. e :>: e EL E. TC!;C‘S. ;hv EtatC ■; 1 T. [ I A *s;d f. t 9 G: i if-! :■ . N C.. ;.a-v> PARKER-STiTH RITES ARE HELD BY HI'N TER STTTH Kt‘i'k y Mount Marked with reverineo a.i.<i . charm. ;ng beamy was th* <.temonv soleraniiized rcct-ntly ai th*- Saint Janies Bap: sst Church to unite m marriati Mi»s .Marian Lord sc Pa. . ker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wi ic.v Parker. Sr., and Mr. Andrew Siiih, Jr. -on of Mr arid Mrs. Thomas Andrew Siith. Sr Tile Key J. ii. Ciaruoti. form*? pastor of the church and now o' Rtikigfi officialed for the iiripres siye doubif ring ritual The vows were spoken before a ' lowering m reen of Wood wardia and Orrgoi! plumose fern with a ]arge i'an_shaiH-d center arrange, inoii*. ol white gladioli and ehry ' santhemunis flanked by numerous sewn branched candelabra holdiuv: • lighied Cathedral candle.-. At each end of tin pulpit were floor }«>e ki-'s iiJtid with the same whit* ! lowers. The pews .'or the family and sp* iaj i,ui: ts marked with -prt.ys of wl.iu flowers tied wi hi*, -atb ribbons and n whr* ' lane was spread for ’ft bride. A pi • gram f weddir.c tnusio w; • • rendered ry Qn'.nton Miller, organ ist. and Mrs .i*-sb Conyers of •this . ity and Hi;'on Wilson e s Nortn t'arolinn Cr-Hcge, Durhain. vocal -ts. The ■ Tiurch Choir sang the wedding Lyt;i!i (> f'rrU <■> /.on arid tile t.i..J:< oie ; il>»: Th t I' ■ T I'U "■ '! hr. : ./ Ks ■;> V* < e 7) t •ra' .. tienai wedding marches were used ivy the ; r. iwyiy;.; ami : >■' essroir n;. l.owiy : hi r world,;: . ::rovti tb.a' I iso*. ■ hart illy .•• and oridfai - :,' :’ . > ! .lie Hi ! : 1 '"l* •it U t'l'il with In-u father by whom she was G. p. Srottl; direeto;; to th- Mrs. Annie C Lew - and Mr gu* si s to ': ah': rtv Mr - P L Wm-'.o' ;-i sided over •ty r* uister toy f.r •o-.v:: gtjesfs in- lahof! Mia. Mr. urovy; Hsn.y.y of state T-'uih Th 1 c.o ir-ir lefi shortly after the ; . vo -for an nnaiit'ioriiiicd in 1 No; :■; ihi ivf Sth w tis W. '.irown si;:- and a> off- 1 '". - ’ >t w niatehing 8c«-sst>ries. The wh o <• i hi*: lifie/: from her ’ ouum: w; |ii lined in; •. ;• eefi r W'lif-!: •in He returrs • • - ••• v.;; make hr.- ; hoirn ; the , ,:r :ro :ar.:' u f e J-Yj. ;y r, t:T ; | V w. f- fC c ;v7 \ IML CODTii'.'!. s t. Vet, : • YD Sr- JiLc L ‘ r.; C• • PcOpU-• ■ f C’- • X C t,V c: -■ -. • i vs'. • 1 G‘NCHw: . . ' . 'I: :■» i'f'U Gt i r*i or ofnior Ciito: : " -If am; .■ - .c: - ; 1 Out tin cuiithy'.r vsi: : iiiihucicd visi'. ■ sh ■ i. h: y ,s .h: i u *: y hie i. ]; motto rif-ytit:::: h Giacys Gie*-,.- Sic-' r. ;. y. B rnii <. Peoples. Mm- - i . :n I’ark.-r was her r-’H'* ffin: hor.or. SU* wot.- h g<*wn of seafofun green satin and iiM * fashioned with a full circular > skir'. The junior bride maid was hiss hJari.e Stitli .-.stir of tic nrooni The flower girls were Mr.-, .-os Margaret Whitehead and Eiex roi; Smith, Mis. Mary I- Jonktt..- was bridematron ind bride-maids •• 'tc Miss Margaret Sitifh. Mis« Athena Harris. Miss Rn«e Stith Miss Dorothy Smith and Miss Su sie Stovai avid Stitt; was best man for ins brother and ushers were War. ten Braswell. Elijah Parker. Chas. Stiff Clyde Sharp*, Jimmie Coy ner. .tnd Glover -Hannon. Imno-diat* iy follow ing the wed ding cm-mmty the bride's parents f-ntertained at a reception at the - home of Mi Hunter H. Stub and Mi's Ann;- ( lewis at 211 Atlan ; tic Avenue. A hot ;:!)!(■ I ■ !.si-quc:jce c*f the < Mabir-hmenf of religious, freedom i Occup < d-Japan h..s been the u* of new rCiigious organizations.: !'n •!. J . ' t July 1949 total -, rripjoymertt in Occupied-Japan ! t os* from 35.000. iKM* to 3d.000.- : 000 Eflorts are hr’nr made to in'- i i* a- the iiiiurne ■ i Or .c. .-lid-Japan to $890.000.000 during fii-ct-h year 3950. . - ■ h ! hylSilfL ,LP . . * | yf; v ;4 . a ' Mb- HO.MIFCOMING Miss Homecoming of hfatham Count* Training s'choot Miss Fannie Alton, a junior who v>as crown ed t-tween halves as the School’* H< uiCi omiltg s-ms on Nov. S ! CHATHAM HAMS DOWN HORNETS iN HOMECOMING Tii. Chatham Fams ndf r tir • - :st,.n*-f es Coach J. Mar hi; y<a Duiu; Noven.i it h- ■ - heat file H<*rncts 6-0 :ts s. uiu h ; h.r. I-, ;,. ;■ JfJ Hunrurds- of chided fans watched the H im.- Uik*. control of the .c;;.::. f htnuu’!- after the f rev, i.-rk - bt : f> roilir.. up tin. first tally Trie ii net;: eaiTi- back ’.wif. ah f:;t y C .)UlO iT;*tSt-Ci' * Lit u.c- K:. :.> soon <.:«.**• oed U : ir. ff Hu:-- the M-.Y ended Al heii nrru a c toiful a mv.:.; Lvas n n.l behind the ej-joy-vi-.-.n ■i ' it the wi ii. h:yi' , o.n'd ?,]iss H .i . . 1 * * ; ’ ■ •* i - 1 •! : ‘ • * :1' t• ; j 01S. . A-;.. ;;;.e th* ■ .hi i, .1. h" E '•••- kickei r-ft :iv Horn;; L v, **y-T - -e,- i-i. -■ ho. ; S i.h the i e . :.- i* • y . . ' * *i’C t-- j ) y ;<»v. ..yy h.'i i iyor So ;..ded the ciu.nees the iimr.cts. -< .tin . ;u nu took compi-h-.: co’Urai and * 1 tv -hunger as the home pre ceded Keyci: to th* point *. f masters. 1 Earns put us. .1 fine show fie he grads and -indcs grads of Jim - ■ rictt 1 iigh. Thus snovsng the Hor .e-ts unde! by the tunc 6-0. O'.h*-:araiHit' players for the Harris were J. Ashford, fullback and e*y me.: s M off it. halfback and *•*>- c. plain; ,T. Durant, quarterback; F *!. Graver. ..iiato: H Snipi-s. tackle Price-, halfback; R NVomble. reriter L. Glover, end; J. Rodgers, tackle.' and a host of reliable substitutes. The Ram next game will be at Pitts! or* iff 17th of November it > P. M siler t.rn Ruth Brown. Catherine Wombles Mary E Alston, Am. Silt-r b *!• ( Etta P Siler and Mary Scottor. were among the students of Chatham High -an-; attend, d A and T s. gala h m torn np football gt'.m* Saturday. November 5 John Scarborough .-.nd Mi.-' Betty J Coin, of this city :-fturi:od Mon day after spending the week end with relatives in Kaltinan* .nd Philadelphia Willie Marsh and Hampton Hcad mn are visiting relative- ir. Wash ington. Philadelph * *.nrf New York. Mrs. Nannie Bowen is expecting hr r brother from Philadelph;.:. No vernier 20 Mrs Willie Morphis of Chap* * Hll spent a week w;th he; sister,. Mrs. Mary William! of this city Mrs. Pi-ulin* She; ,-f this city is* a patient at L Re:;,, r tie or hospital of Greensboro N. C Mildred Siler. M.-xin* Hausley. students of the I lie; * t 19-19 wh< are atte:'.ding coll*. *• Mrs Earnest ine Hampton . he: husband Joseph Hampton. Jr. . surjnise birthday party Sunday! . * : in,: at 4:30 u’clc:k All relatives .vf-.'-e there Ev* ry body expressed . enjoymf-nt r\ii:k;h m\n 0% f)( II UTH 24FH INFANTRY WITH THE EIGHTH ARNo’ IN GIF IT, Japan First U.-iittenant Alfa f: \V ttrc.'u. .- :' : :\-J' - ■lie Wan; r. of 1122 Hi Stre ;. B - ieigh, N-; rth CaV’di: .< has m-entiy reUunvfi n-t'-re. a 8 days leave which lie : pent at ’:* * - Sibr-ri*----. ij; :** Hurt*: Mousing Area. Fi i: I ,ieuf # ant W.Gsf : i- a •mnibci of Compui y A. 24th In fantry. now yiati*-ni d al G: r, .» I>a!t of itic 25th> <Tropic Lightning > Divisio' commanded by Major General William B Kean. First Lieutenant Watson entered the Army in April 1341 and receiv ed his basic training n ! Fort Bragg. N* rth Caroline -*nc d< parted for • verse, - cuty in Decern;>*:. 194 k. • PAGE FIVE TWO ELECTROCITEO 0\ \ L COLLEGE JOB DURHAM N C. <UNBi .f... .*;! Atwater . oil Odis Coley cons ruc tit i .. irf ri !-. H- : . r:i' l)y .. it*. * lect-'iivuied while wo-v-ung ■ n Norm Clarolina College's ne- ul - Thursday' The ru- ii we*i. wcrki.ig a*. * a i ■ hen the m*.chine's ns •U: tick *i:re> overhtad wires vh-.cil h uirsfenvc. ... i:olr >-f bign v poorer ’a the victims, kn . . g ... ■ • • fh* ;• . ; . iris. **C* h*.'*id. lij Cift al * -V- l hi . l U . Hosp.ta!. A Ray - Fuller.*: Home., a.|, ->i. iii -*i •*; the I’uni-raf home vrairh ’ It: fhl fllfl! ’■> ! *i*' ii iSfK -.-u:i / apf>giently fin.ii'ht U.-'S . ~(• IHe ( ill 1-vn; i-1 '■ H3O ■*t *s. it- t*t Hi:- hail ii— -.ts : * -: : (N)ii-y'- body \*,i- un. •>.. ... .s iiii.i .*. '.M’-ie official ■ \ , " T \V. Pc*' kith |-.lftl.S * - i". • ! u ! - ii:*. 'fir * c Tin ; * :o! - - . ill * : -*-tii:. -:g loar -i *1 ■ :*> I to- s.-* --:u; fa or u. ■ rti i r,.x *;d :he - • 'VO •' >«■ • 'ii'fft a ti• • n 11 '♦ nui*. ; >\vrriii .* r a etp *■ u k*-,' fm .) refill bn-r-ueii against a lilkU veita *- wir» i'll 9 , wi?-*- extends from m-urby i.«v «n Sire f Itn-onetl the coil* ze 2:'* ' 1: is tw.-lU-ved that Colry aU-'-ip i( i] u> pul! Aiwa’er frot * ; ii#> hie k-I and tha con; a A with At, water's lu-av-lv charged body r&> suited is: foley's death, s* v< ml child roil. Aroator vu- >.tß, Coley u- survived re* a wu* 1 migrini. \lanle> Replaces Harris fit Conference Post i DURHAM, N. C. fUNP) Os. Albert E Manley. Dean of the Col lege of Arts and Sciences at North Carolina College, has replaced Dr- Nv-lson Harris professor of educa . tjv : Shaw University, as Pve* -Ki< r,t us the North Carolina Ns< .. i( Cc-lkge Conference. Dr Manley was elected at ths ; Confer*nee's annual meeting held at Benentt College in Greensboro, N. C last week. . j Resource-Educat ion Conierence Held at DURHAM. N C. <UNP) Fif tte-, North Carolina county scl: -is vt-rc ; e presented at th* a* ,al R*.soutce-Use Educaticr. Conferc ce litic a? North Carolina Colley .at iSvturday. < .itstanding state educate:. . in i A and specialists partteiPt-d in various panel discusions and ..i' up forums. A mencan bixucs lead ai; ‘Titer fortign titles ir. popula r ity i T-- ...?. durir.c the Occupant:: GHAHG i N Sl'l'.f i> J FT— Father G« -«rd, t ‘ >he Franciscan Order, peers into i f cockpit of an F-80 jet fial ter * ittu Chaplain R. Cowie, ij'iud Fighter Wing, California Ait Na tional Guard, explains the equip ment of the new plane. Churchmen were among the throng of civlha •, visitors at the annual Guard en campment at Victorville <<:* f.t Air Force Rase.

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