PAGE TWELVE j GREENVILLE . J§ #1 : .1* ..... , ' JiT* tv y . j,, - I ' V x» V - -* I ' k JSJ - ' - . | ■ if 4i| * * •'. '“■BSi -*w f '■ • - «•* • sx. »U fill ■ I I mBMiMMi 1 ' ' ', l,' lUil'iii L'iil ill i 1 I i hk. m. m;he awarded FIRST CARVER SEALS The twardinj ot the first sheet of Carver s:-ais to T> r . Ralph J. Baaehr. director of the Trustee ship, cl vision of the EN, last week by the George Washington Carver vaunuatoin of Tuskefrte THEOLOfiS’FRAT ELECTS PREXY Gaii?';d F. .v'iggins, a senioi, from Nashville, was installed as president of Shaw University’s Theological Fraternity at installs ion servees lor fraternity officers held Wednesday night in Universi ty Church. The Reverc-r.d Paul H. Johnson Paster of Martin Street Baptist Church, Raleigh, and President c.l Shaw's Theological Alumni Asso ciciticn, delivered the address speak'Jig on the subject, •‘Minis ters, on a College Campus." Gff.cers installed in addition tc Mr. Wiggins were Theodore De- Adwyler. School of Religion stu- : dent from Chicago, 111., vice pre sident. Julius Ray Butler, junior from Roseboro, secretary; Charles Coleman, saephemore from Clair ton. Fa., Aaistani Secretary; Gut i) McNeil, sophomore from Dunn, treasurer; Melvin Clark, junior from Norfolk. Va„ chaplain; and Worth L. Barbour. Chester. Pa., a jun or publicity agent Henry Long ! BLACKWOOD’S ASSO. STORE GAHRIS. BROS., Owners Bicycle and Radis Repairs Trade-ins. Whiaaer Bik* Msio-s - T rms ]IS W., sih Sb. Greenville « - r -- -ir r-ii,. i • Whites Stores, Inc. jj WHAT YOU WANT AT I WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY -i Greenville N- C, | CURFIELD PETERSON’S GROCERY We Specialize! In I SHOk EBIBS AND SLICED ICE COLD ft ATERMELON Free I tr.very Service Greenville. N. C. WWW mmmmmm MM. • In- rmr VETERANS NEWSSTAND IS TOPS WITH NEWSPAPERS - MAGAZINES Life Weekly, Journal and Guide, Aire. Caroiimaa Pittsburgh Courier and Comic Books A COMPLETE SHOE SHINE SERVICE I»a! 3SSB George Suggs, Mgr. William Burney. Prop SSI S- Queen St. Free Delivery Service AtfMttdWi(tt wweiw amwiTeiii euro wrW w« Institute marked the opening of the foundation's $250,000 sea! campaign for a science build ing at the institute. Shown above in I>r Bunche's IS office are ciembers cf the sr-a Icomrsiittee ir. New York. They are. left to right: Mrs. Penelope 1.. Bailey NEW COUNTIES ADDED FOR CROP INSURANCE Beaufort. Caswell. Duplin. For syth und Jcnes Counties have been selected for tobacco crop insurance ir. 3950. according to Julian E Mann. State diretor of the Federal | Crop Insurance Corporation. These 1 counties were selected on the basis of signed requets by interested to bacco producers in those counties ; from a total of eight counties ac tively seeking the insurance fox next year. Rutherford County has t on de leted asa new cotton county in 1950. In 1543 there were ten counties with all-risk crop insurance in North Carolina, and thcae are be ing continued ir: 1950. They are Columbus. Pitt. Stokes. Surry. Vance. Wake and Wilson counties with tobacco insurance; Cleveland and Mecklenburg w'.th cotton in surance; and Perquimans with "multiple" crop insurance The Eighty-First Congress per mute da fifty per cent increase ir the number of counties over those with insurance in 1949 on a m-.tio»i --wide basts. Die Act also permits insurance or, tobacco which in the • curing barns and packhouses, cov jering lire and other unavoidable tiuses beginning with 1950 policies Duplin County ied the five coun ties selected in the number of to bacco producers agreeng to paiti icipae in 1950. arc Bt-aufort CociHy I producers showed the largest per i centage of those ehg.ble foi insur ancc agreeing to participate next .shophemorr X \ is piamvt for the irsternity EFIRD’S DEPARTMENT STORE "■WHERE PRICES ARE LO t* Evans St. Greenville Simms. Mrs. Sadie M Andersen. Dr Bunche. Pereival 8 Rf-ckette. preisdent: Mrs .lui ian B. Miss Joseph I), Farmer „rid Mrs. Nellie G. Mar shall ANF EXPECT DROP IN FARM INCOME li Tar Hee! farmers expe t i i keep their ret income at present - levels during the expected decline in farm prices in 1950, it will be ‘ necessary for them to plan their ? operations carefully and keep pro - ductio n costs as low as possible, - says Moyle S Williams, farm rnsn ? • agemer.t specialist for the St; te ■ College Extension Service. : AlO per cent drop in farm prices has been predicted for 1950 by the • U S Department of Agriculture s j 1 Bureau of Agricultural Economics. same th-- decrease in the 1948-49 - crop year Not only will prices be 1 lower, but it is likely that farmers ■ will seel 'ess next year, he adds. 2 i pointing out that acreage allot ments havt been announced lor * wheat and cotton and are probable . 3 for other crops. : For the individual farmer, say#; Williams, alt of ths will moan a . reduct-on n gross income and - probably an even greater reduction ir: realized net income As was the - . cast this year, production cost s tvill probably decline less than , gross income. Such costs, which in . elude items like fertilizer and farm , 'machinery, are expected to remain high. Williams asst-rts that better farm . : planning will be needed for 1960. Individual farmers, he says, should ,- to be better farm managers. . keen cots as low a# possible, and . pr; ducc- quality products which [i will bring premium prices to help keep income at present levels. Use ■of nor v.d practices will bring £ about hi. her crop yields at lower unit costs, but poor farmers who follow .- fI:ao n * practices v,, . have d-fficuity breaking ever.. SHAW STUDENTS STAGE PARTY FOII PRESIDENT Stud- nu of Shaw University s. v Pn.;ce.u Robert P Daniel a birthday pa tv Wednesday after noon in University Dining Hall. It was a surprise attar arranged by : the Student Council <-f which Johnathan G. Brown a senior of Brooklyn, N. Y._ is president. The party followed the regular CAROLINIAN Saturday, November 19, 1949 j_ ' . Tj’Oß gala evenings make this attractive black velvet evening car : '. .; •* unusually pretty with its double cape effect, black taffeta > one tiny jet buttons. It’s so easy and inexpensive to make that you v> ni warn . or.e to wear over less formal clothes, too. It’s yours for the pins t sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to the Home Sewing IH partment cf this newspaper, requesting pattern No. E2387X. Watch Housing Program, NAACP Branches Warned WASHINGTON B ..rch > f the Natio.'-al As sc elation for the Advancement tv Colored People . thiv-ughuift the country have been . ierted to keep a vigilant eye upon the housing program in their re #pect ve localities being developed unde: the Federal Housing Act o) 1949. , In s. memorandum u ail brunches • Leslie Per.*.' of the Associatici*'.- Washington Bureau warns the In .cal i’aits to be ‘ever watchful that ; the slum clearance pt ogram is not used principally as a vehicle for ; • gdirng Nvcr> <.-' iot of dtsir.-hie' ; edior ■■ t f the city and ’ eincated :in rundown, s.gregated st ,ons." Feinting out the re.-possibility of Iccx.l housing authorities in de termining need, site location, and income limit for occupants, Mr . Perry urges the branches to “ex amine the qualifications and atti tude# of every candidate for merri ibership on the local authority." ,Further, the NAACP official states ■‘local housing authorities are re quested under the taw to relocate .families displaced by slum ciear jance activities in docent safe and j sanitary dwellings with rents, pub lic utilities and other services not les# desirable than those ii. the areas from which the families wore displaced," The branches arc- also urged to have representatives test:*'/ a: pub lic hearings held by the local au thorities to settle or the acquisition 'of sues for slum clearance. -V eligible family should ue segr-gat evening meal. President Daniel cut 'the oie birthday cake which was served to students and faculty members who were present. A book on wit and humor was the student course I's gift t< Dr Daniel We Will Accept Nothing But 1 he Best In Our Newly Installed Meat Counter. VEGETABLES & MEATS FRESH DAILY FORBES GROCERY & MARKET FLEMING ST. GREENVILI.F ] ed or < tnerwise discrxrr.’nated ' sgair.Nt. Air Perry's iwmnao. t : asserts. WHY EDs SKIP TOWN "A Thanksgiving dinner -a os |served by Mr. and Mrs offer i the weeding of their daufihet -. New Y'ork paper. "4 rms Ist fir Hot water tor iwitb ore or two daughters” | Classified- ad in Massachuser.s , -Tit p<' l ■ muoiii mi mi i«‘ nar>niTWtni~- , _ A BOVS AND j SAY : GIF! K (O'Y Does that old I v|jL biryclr iw* | tough and U-c-k | -7 \k7yr ’ 1 ad? We tic ex- I A/yA p«-rl repair, r { ,|vf/ Mns\. 3n d pajniuigf.. | 'IS