PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page One PLEDGE BATTLE Aiiiti trail cares, whetln-i that ami \vas. Catholic. a ./i'H’ ov a I‘m ' lam or what his origin unit col* i c "If we look a I out'selva.-, m tin* true spirit of brotherhood. ran.ft acknowledge Mint hi tin* f nltc i-tatefi there lire In-lam ' <1! crimination ami Inin; toe t. n of differences in color. ; : nun m national 111 i 'in . . "I have called fur leg,is- !n■: i ut protect tile rights >.f all : 1 I/I ii> . I • protect their equal par!lctpai ion in national life and redin'* iU-».'riin illation bared »n j.-rejutlii'e "In view of the fii nd.illK- lit a 1 fyi'li of this fountry in! the .he language of our < onstitut ion 1 do tint .- ee in.'A a>- run do otln*r v. i. • thait adopt .Mich lot,. h-l:i< ion ADDRESSES! UU.MI-.s The ! 'll iel K:> ecu li. *• , | ,i; tjcV upon the evil*. n f itt:"'i : ion:,' tion tntoh) ain *' and o:- jiuiie*- « . . delivered Tuesd&> nigh! a! Hi" fourteenth annual <’..iiv*-nt!"ii ••' the National Council >i N< m .‘Women Held at tin In-pat Inn ill o Auditorium Although he pn • h war devoted ivrimarili to the extension i t i"> J’Hffil :'* II d econo,lie f colon; throughout the world the a id 1 lie of tin bode vein (ted hi ear Hid b"lhd 111 til." Hitmen' ci .o : o! Ihe ’ lit* i d Ya I lulls I!) I ' a 111 i: ■ll i lie World fence he .oh . I b.o f.r'li In ! f: the pioV'idiU); o! tltoo.iolli ot o. [in. tunit.V to all cdi'/e;c w ; thou; c* fiat <•, rt*lH’’U>U>- lit: O' ■dui tint ii "We aIV iwalieli* d ,o nev . he fore lo- de -I •> fell t. :>1 • true P'eit iny of equnlit y V/*- hi* I’oine to cor*Mint*' to mlvatnv in •*nr p: ■ ‘ ■. w nf hrirn’itii enual * ieius tn*i ' "tun' oppoi’tiUdt ies to on cin/.lie In 1 11 .*' great caiine there h no r* t re.1 T . oinl no retirement 430 NEW lIOMIiS TO* i-Xt till!’ 2:il Ul)lt pi if "' •at Haiti, x Com 1 :-.n*t ; inn . Height-: ..■ ■> 10 ,n; ;:'ocl- ;! o In end 39 wir;. fed* ral fond/ Com ilman Knit* iiaoie! o;, tire only memuer ■ f the t-' n-eo V O t ; g one I. t the ptojrot said that t o t .’. that *».• 1. i*‘*A The Talk On Fayetteville Street! PRESTON’S Re-Modeling SALE Every SUIT Every COA 1 Every DRESS Every FORMAL j Every RAINCOAT Reduced! Reduced! Reduced! ! — ml* .>■», i IIKTI’I i« mil• ■<.;**•-■»*■ -»»***■ I We Are Charing “ The Decks” for j Ati g Re-madt ltag Job Remember please . . * every Fail I | and Winter garment included, nothing held back. Preston’* ~ JJ? AHiAjpt-* ....... —~ \ ~0 SANDERS „ 0 1 MOTOR COMPANY W INVITES YOU TO ITS | SHOWROOM FRIDAY-SATURDAY <NOVKM BER 11-12) TO SEE THE ’SO FORD CREATION PAPH THE ONE FINE car in uu 1 V-/IYY.J THE LOW-PRICED FIELD fi h A JW, ms* 'W 'W m- m--Wur ,rent public lionsiing was tii*'. up proved 1* Rnle'uTl hi 1931). tl'.c C a..,. a doll'.ito need lei if. Since that thin i v'coilloi itirwj. tin: reed ot leu:t f»t white." has passed ; Although h did riot oppose c-ort • truction us the additional On. vis I!"S ( ,hU, i mi!..-.. Coueiiman Danicl ■ ■ 'declaim! that n visit, to Chavis ' Heights on;, nun niti*; wimld :mo\v ,i i.tniu *o' o! nutoiiiublles .mu that III* could "In*! re* i iLsidixHig ttiep* f". Iliilk-S A.vh T. Allen. RHA Attorney, i ntod uiu Unit f.unilp.'i with cfi'i *![• n *, t: ),;ii is. prefemu.;- to. hoc li'ut.i! n| 111 ut * it:', mid thut j-TaJu att'ti icntnls charged ha ed ij the lie ■one "f the faintly. tjiidoi :.o • iii ciunstmu'es Tie pointed out v.'l'.en the gtoss n. •to mi,* 1.. on. foinii exepfiled s:h -«ot> j. y*-ai lh«- f.t'nily v. .nr »{ :, .'eii in Lit e to vac.hi \\' ik t ••nitty Kepi cm t'.l.d .tail:*'-i Little itrgini Inet >i a bit c tii ni ci: (in jooj h•• ;d, ■■ ciaring 11 ... t iiu biie lionstig w the only oltor, ;dv c *' :.■! liuiliv o! " j lies had 'o living in hovel.-; mol pig tv: .. file's ila\< f.a -< nv CLEARED OT J v. 1.1 appeared iei'.c Al'.-erf D»it*b on .nit JlH'-.-e bout; ordt i t.'-ty S.lllllal.V it*:', cidoi ('; S..ndeif‘ ; rd to ln i . nee: Jen,-s' home and I: v i - had ! in pc to substciuliate a disprove • •:i charg* '. The o', jiti-i I.;u I ■ o'<| slciis d .Hi) os: .mi! ii" 'll .! 'll' ' Ilf--t ait iuc aiiy of the unh iltliy lh'H g i. IllfitlOl.S ill sViocl. tor.- oCCIi-iOH vlios i ■ -.. id tin Sl■;'>:d 1 ot: 111 W.i; fol'cl U to lisa it; ti-.oi he found a than and cv.irifortatdy furn'c.heU home in idl'd: M. dont: had lor own l.i dc ms W lie a the ciped woman asked why -o:c dept on o *•*•». -. )i ft,* nifchen ii. (tad ot tier >. -m wii oh m . '•- Ci h.oi |: ' Jllcd 1 1 o a li. . . s.iie .ci the! Ihe j.e.l ■.... • "too high c Further in ve'-tigation hc>w e o ii til ut .loot' .jJ a pco'i ■c | utoth'!! 1 .<•!:«a.g j.« o|.de v.ho knew hint, ,\ in had .i.v. ays pi - s -ded to, to: iicUk i vlio is nttaitnliv id l .o .-I 11,;h lie I'HC !> ell Uli'diic (o jihir* lV ho in a mental institution. Tile ~iso was dism ssed when it *' I ought out tint the charv* : ,*;*.:.lli" t Jones apparently ami been ' dtp.' o'.itgrowili of 1)1 feeline in l!>" ; io igtiborh()i>d and the desire of -onieoni i'.s' > i tile turns*: mt.o which Josh had recent;;- mow. d . FATAL Cl IN FI HE M1 d > r iJI \V. : Sit J moil, Blai.U ha;i , his w iiV tin uev* g' iii • ■•civ her cm;:-in v-amt*; upon tic* v . v t.r ;»ml loul h*" that nhe ccultl > i i use 4 (In* <ai The husbjiiui Jinci * unto tin* Ilgisc got his :-L'H rj.) ;i hut V. hich ;■ivw k M<. | Mill:111 in i!ic cin-sL m-Lgulci! ami fiicn iiivii at )n wife h* *s!»c -ii i tGiiiptuU tii run Jl C M hit-lit pi'eccituij The fih‘*iil- , lIIG-. ; \ FALUN HITFS •mice thi-t s.'.o : survived i,y hot husband. • ■.t v' ; Vt-urgih, ore son. Assistant li.strict Aton.v'. .lame: .VI Yt-argin of Mew York six dane-iuers. Mis Willie Y McCcilli'is of Pniholc! i. i.ii, |"s oir- Maiir.e T j -ii'"' ,f (ii'.'ri. tjuiu Mrs Isabel! Bioome >f Flo; > i.oe, S C , Mrs Elsie E Reid. ;\[ ts 1J i < AT Yejrgii: ahd Mr i Ifaiii y ait f Haleigil, 4 ur. ndsi-'.is and one gi aotUiaughte Ilitellneht v,.i.- in M urd hi ; pe remetery si i*iii.Mr; COi H I Ft.-ciifh Am-Tidmeu. is um-nn ; : titutiona) Ti.o Tupieroe Cuuvt ;ilm agri ed !: week to hear an appeal ill tin , O .t (W .M L.,c.ii -1.1 V 5. I ht' .i , ity ■,i i ‘ lahuma Vtt Mi 100 i in. admitted on nvf ord< t "■ the university. graduatfi school, ha-- been :itt* lo.ii/ig ! I i:.: > ' on A r 11 d !;., :: ltd! IM ah allte , in oa',: tit tin eke ion OCCU- - pn..d by hii- white fellow ruident.. liii.ll is t.ROI 1* 1 H.iiTH i' bOROUP ASK 1 !:.*• ;tiii Circuit, in the case of Leon j, in."on Johns*-i;, a Negro wm ; chit for cxtradiUofi by U.<- * tr.H of (leoii’ia It was proved p. i>..tiers in Georgia - ir! treat* oc. \v t_*i such inhumar, ciu-’ty i' - rdize thetr health and liv«* oil - ! that Negro ~ ri.-> tiers arc treat ■<i v. Mo •.. gr<.ater ttegre*' ot mu ■ y i;: ty' !,y the jailers The congress urged: U ;o, ocoiiui .- ot N’oi tbei Cl lo.'i ■ a o; ■ • 11’ : ■•( to aid and en li.. . ;: . liUitiOna] pi acticcs USED CARS t, (hrvlul' t ) terilnn luilv «quipped 17 I'oniis* i* danciic, lull ' equi pjietl 17 I "id Hupei *U 1 Tiuder f usintn 4 dr. HARMON MOTOR COMPANY 515 Fayetteville St. Dial 3-5454 . - “'• - *“ “ ” * T-in—«■ • a 4 & > -<v €»■ I N f c- Y«ur ) IIT ALWAYS PAYS ! Things \ Ready | f u , fu it- r Perries-, do ) >ur drv cleaning. Pa jj Lxpcr, e1,.-** -iv i>g cnuats Ci, k - up N ow •* \ '•nd delivery or cash sad carry. < . : i : 'J ' I PHONE 6437 Peerless Cleaners “Our Branrhe* Main P|ant Cover Raleigh” 516 r )lg r ayettevi , e M . THE CAROLINIAN i ii:. South r'Tiru' (*• ox ! r.-niite , < V. e'l'C* ol Southern -(.*••-; 'A'heii ii my of She . ilhivoinj; conditions A ,n evult ben; .) of the < jgitt to taw yei. fovccti 'cute.- ii i - and uth , ci con;,!.tut; ;, a J '.edits; I*. Existence n chain gam; e> n :lit ions. c. Lynching ei‘ ottiei mob vie- | N i lencL*, i That (1.-- emu. K. rl Wai; *?it (liiurlta;ii, begin by refusdnr to Men extradition pa pc is for !_'••' t<- r Talc 'Ah.*-it.l Gcc> to V-rginia ; vvh.i-:.A- all tlire*; coiulit ion-, Si* pll m ': I. BROWN BETH I INK I. .‘dilute which .-.he founded hmci i;t- c.. :i,],n I' ot Pa.lArj’ Ait lllu: mi n.i. developed into a wc-'.i known Mr*: i■ i p:: !.,i.-t'-i -. ,-.i Imul JJ; Brown -.ii.l shi (sad been "ovt-i win. lined -os tin- ,iii-■ 'ih.-ited expres.- , t conlld.-iice which have ' : mu to me teum .•.. 11 *• ot tin* most dl.-tncuislit-d <it izeil.s ii. the Slide in- Hi t v■ s rnanni i evinced ■ uctift-able iooliiCMa a! tin men t.(in oj fit 13* tlmiie'' nan.*- *i(- tli-'ugi* s.iu im,i:teo. 'I in*vi* t:.e i , 1 admiration and ; *.; ' feu Dr ~i-ihane a,, .a; rciuc.-'iUu " One , , , i vi'.' during tin Intel VK-Vv i.-o::* cltulc.h hovvvv* r. that Ut Brown;: eouini.-ss ft. ward Lii liethurie war !),, .ot.', ' W(! i .M ail, ;■* el between th« tv.o elm . • i toj-S. Mul'ial fr etij> tlu.t prior to > ti,- U'.iiasc ("uiimiitte* ■ id< i.tli vi - M ill of the C'-ligi *:;.- of Amei ; Wi-nien "., va! -a V', Dr Bethien* bud tic. -,ed Di Blown to wiih ;d. aw hei li'a-ml)'- l lt i- said Di B:ovvn diil not react favorably to this advise on the ground*, that I sin.- an*' Ur Bethune. m geueial. livid me.'i'b'-i s.h.|.'.s n tii* -a* me tiycs o-t urgitiiizaiioris. It h, empfiati'siilv <it ;o*'-d by Alt • Befhlint. a.-sa o 1.1 f» iiCI ► "lie iir adopted .in ! told you >- at ;it;:cii- a, ,!)i Blown , . t a .".T y Dr. Bethel.v Has "always: been , o': v totid of Ur lir.-vvn and h" ivork•• d ci'i'j/vi ativeiv Witii ner - , natriei ous occasion: i iit i'H vv;c no indication here .o in the po: -Lie effect; ft)' all- '. 1 ,’.! Dr. troth nr i:d 1)1. Blown would have n * forthconi ini- i.omination:- fur a successor !<• Dr Betnune as president vr the National C.-uncil of Negro Worr,"",. D;. Bet.nine fin.' sa;d categorkaliy .-lit will not be a candidate '" s'.c --' of*ed herself. Amid ''.anerr of • itr in the lugi-.- c t councils of Negro woiiien, Dr. Hi'iiiv: ap;,fated '.C; V::V Ml fii V St" ’46 J ord ; upo Yitr. 4o Chevrolet 4 dr, \r vi Car SJui\s Ro«m Open 1 iHil 4*. M £633 Hillsborui M ll lJ! . ■ SCI VlM.t V't'OlT llilil.V lll‘| HI. ' I is till* (l with t:\| i cssiici;- <•( tnd'g- . nations 'ait the Un-Ana i Ac tivites (’onmiittet,'m char so ■ J loi* t i si're xiu i i t suppnit tnine in : tin* icii in ol an editorial iii last, isic day ■' GrOtindjOic tuil - " .v-. 1 Klitillfd 'Counter Testimony." j Tile (irteii-si.iii) New."' editoriaii i ct.i.*,'/ that 11 ; t.l •'■' ■ *.v i. we---1i 1 ji ■ e r.'C'iuac cl lii'i assoc'ait ion wilii the COW, m ;. I li-Jt-U afuii.ile 1 Tin- Woman'.-. !nlv miiiii 1)..i,,,i --i’jii lit p! Ji'i'-itli.m A ; ;ail'i;.l I Jit "Coin ' ailttci'> inferenci ' tin New* j. !.ic i'll ill. HU'Wll'j; It.' '.1:11011', lltii •vitlidi awe i fi uni tin.' w'jia ../utioii I'. iii'ii siic tfai in ti 't tlk* chance, ■ i".,: tile fir.-.t hand knowledge ot !li 1 tra ,iid •rquamtalli'i :. The t! ii'ii-.i.uio daily ijuoteti at Itn t;11; ,i letU'i '.'.it. fta .k la ; IfOptfi. i.d eh.: St lllMll (,t I.l| Bl'OVvli s I.■ •:■ Jll lit tnc tea. Co) 111 d i rat* d Dr. isniwn along with S'tia tie E’l abk 1 ‘ Graliam "in Am i• . i "fit ami fiat, ait ism UDKS (.I TS S i’ll ! and Wheeler. At this time the s,-| mu iiiotiH iiiiKWi-i's an- being stu-tin! by the (daiiii it I'-! t!!.,niey. i’iii- lateat iiev«■ t■ *p 111 et;i - ~ lt Durham Negro l:t" .-jclionl i.kcui'i t .rt ilVet tile llff-l: .-tut when Joint it ft Vi". rert 11’ ion t-xpt-i * from the Anteiie.'tn Bar A.soriatloii, i .'id. tile tuiiit'i reilited Durhiuii ] a w ei'lioni in ti:. cum pan * ■! :'v! c A 11 ! _ bin. and Wiliis Smith. Raleigh at tul liey. amt i'onnei AUA pi vdvlen! ilervev said in Durham Sal.ipta' 1 , he was ‘• ap;:■ •*» übiy can prised' q tae epioyi'iss made line hie las! visit ile emphasized howevet Mint h iliUaselt did ifi.l I’i'i’TdV, t tiat it ' ltiefely ‘le .do H.’"ltdi-d A Ml' 1! I! ' t tee will a.a upon hi-' ret'otiimen t. ti.ue. whr h will not tie ni ai! - - jnih ! lie he .-aid Durham ultnnies C. O I Va! - wiio till'd Stitt against tile stdte .tint till- I ni', ei sit V e.f No! 11l ( .1 fi.ili 1: l. is helia'! of two Net 1 1 1 ". students as ... the iiuaeet ed iated Durham “.■hooi. hits r aid in i * 1 1 : oto tiit.e the is. .-'ot- hinge* around tile "eiiuaiitv ' o' faeilities .it Durham an ! ( hajiel Hiii. Harold T. lapps ii-heviile i*-aior and lloiiert B. {ll.y» Belmont so’, don. n't have sail! throngi tVai .mil *|ie> ale iie;..fjtittt(-d t.. -eeMi • ; ' '. i.'JUs i; tel I'd t;! eeii !(\ lit-- 14th 1 - amenduii'iit. Vii-ieH :i" i ••! ii inv the! Durham :■ html ’.\ii not tie euoueh ’ they say As harried State officials have . sought mentis to I'ireuiiivent tile it; v creasing demands fur wiual t-duca tiou.'ii and t» ofvssiona! facilities i’> state .supported instii'.i! ions. an oi l J rumor cropped up last week over i possibilities of ittcltidin-r Negri* it:. Utititittions witeJo the Greater I'm- . ! ve:-ity of N-e tit Carolina plan 1 ill j e|,!’. * " 1 -ill—•! "11l f i ■<! -I I rtis T'i,-~riav press eonteienee hv A I .Vi Hive;a. Jr Durham! I Gov Scott said he had h-«rd I r- o >:s a is/u* the nje reei , a the NV- I! r iat instil ill tons .old in- tiioat-'to tlie I ('.)•»« had '’ii'ri!" I When 5'.! . asked Die t " I till)*:, opinion Os til" ettvej lit !*.. I, 1 Mii'harn law ; /!t;- oil tlie e-xpeiHi: I lure ni’ his yrui.iiitii.luiO Jiurut Is I 'ii, ill, r,.:i i r.". : v f'! ri'd !!,- I jiku'ter Dr. Xewboid and Dr I i TiiH" I Rivera said in Durham Wedne- I ;!a' riioming he had h»;en unahle 1i !. interview NewT.old 01 Tripe I : Ttie refHf lev said he was with ■ .holding judfevinent of tie pi •'if ion- • I of the (wo officials until he had I, an onportonlty to talk with them I! a tec a I authnritv in Durham said liWtdnfsdav that. ' Wh.-reas 1 vt.oiM I i ... ' ,;t, (he St a!i has iieen a! -n I iutely i-ijuai and fair in its treat. | no-,.; Ilf Net 'l. I Ifl/lMts I ii', k V it f t lie St at el Is.- heel! t.iirei ’ Uttar. *ome ■ f the haelward towns : 1/1 \h H StTi If* " Rivpra BtiUi iKt-v* j >' j't,i ♦-» ’ uvi 1 <n*•- N^t- 1 r'» ; f-ducators throughout !h»* Statf* j |)h#» i fi-repeatrefi nn emantirii-T j irv.m RaUiph that ife** Kwro t«*ac*h. | t i r?*<*€*‘lP sjlarifs J Th/ixi A n«**s i-Hwlation i rried variatioyjs of ; fin hj oc* :-» c 'US. ' >oi ' f- T 5.11 T i•’U ‘H d ?*V.SS 1 f ot tic 1 A 1 •? A 'cordinp *o Rir<?rJ who •"-id he Vi a d ]K)Vled “representative Ne pT< | f f-'AChe / !r, rotie hon! \ lie v; tate S*'? r e- are, fort he part trained and have tourer m-riod- --d’ experience than while teachers w no ‘ jenortedly ri s**T. e sniaiti*! sv.« l.-. r *. Th» Dnthfiin i-cprirter deidtried t-> , clnbi'S'Htc on the ,eport tha* Trigg and Neivhidri had he,.- -dressed j i.v-. n h the e.iveritor He admit ted lie had hi-mi lie s’s.v ts. Ha- j 'eitrn There is a crowing r<oay ut opinion Rivet a that ;h“ tier ;■ rely iiufJ- -dM - 1 0 { r tj.ttH AVayt.ii V. his as-tuD cam. imc-n man»*»r, m whom «*»«>' sv ' vroe- found an mtelity. nt iiater.r. . I \ITI \l> lIKMF.I) j , pi e.unmet l Doomed on the fust decree bury 1 lavy charge is Allen T Held wtnve \ attorneys "iisditsi the State Supreme . 't'ouit to i*consider Ih ruling up- I holding the ttealli sentence which jfol)ov/t-(i It s convicti "it f break- • into Hie Rome of ■ white v-m --.,i, -ichiu 1 ti-acllei in Septi- tuber , o* j A previous igif/cai t- the f.t.iiiil States Supra in t'ourt rm Dtc j-c.autids that there wire no No ‘.gjoes of lhe Wilson County Court ; .ehs.ii I'.'uvtvfeii him. was turned d'.wu laid weep by ft* fdeetal 11 uri 1 the p" lent petition to the 1 -.late c.nirt the cuomed man’s at !or*leys are asking that the rase t>e it viewed on t-e grouiKi- that the , u dyi , i-recl in fatlliu.; instruct tlie j'lrv that i! could bring back , n rf-coir.n .‘ndatioit for niercy , S* ! mvv \\:* i 1 u c k it-i 1 o * , » r,ld Jcu-cph Cireensbo^'.; IWh v-:i‘ .'otivi.Ted of fust riigrce i murder with .* ; "ixutm.i i.batmi' sot mercy ~. u ;-. tig atrd / obher v •.i | G,i!ifcu d <,.‘'"iela’ a itie 're - jchar 1 Milhr. s v tarts !•> Gov.-.nor Scott , UU-. \> k lh.'i)i! I.'V l f* I at* V * mg he bad to do wrb r as-age ‘ iht fivf.-tnc.nlh old i-,*l<- 4- tat. it-: I whrch enabled a Jury to make a i j L..n iiepiee rupil.a! nfli. IISI." t' ol ieel t .-.1 eM "iiiiv'et'on 'A.i t.mtaii 'Uiii to a 1 j rcatciii.e. lASSASIS COLI MB IA I j »iact prices are !it>• t < nt ’ i “To claim that (ho fiiumeia! iii.-ne | I its received .mt weir:! tite harm done is mi flil’fei • ;i! fi oni ttekruiw ' 1 : etit'lll.' 1 :.»» rlgtH ol l fCh 'ill I■' teaeii A'li'le siiprema." bn a nrii • »,I .■} Vi ,»Hd '.‘Hid BROWN SKIN MODIiIS TO API’KAR Hl lil irv'.iii (' iVi llier's. liiown Skii’ . iVl< viels vvli'.j lufvu l.dlit i'v l< - ' i juitat un -i in- uim* tilt' flHiSt > 1: i! ■ !’t s', ill j il'i'V l H'S 111 is a happy —\ day. ..all the more A r-T /. reason to enjoy W. PINE STATE EGG NOG ICE CREfllVi! tfr" ''' \t r r INI u vv JN#T OPEN , y v f?f At gs BLACKWOODS . (Toys that even Mom and Dad wii! Enjoy!) *£hgßlßi ' N Never be lore hove we had such a large “**. assortment ot toys cmd we have them <t *> flpJww oil on display now *o help make your Chrislmas shopping easier—-Santa can yT\ t ?ScS"f«kms & " BE WISE s«%, J"f AND MAKE ii YOUR SELECTIONS $ MOW \mJ ¥ ¥ TftICYCLES You’ll find it easy to * give them just what theyjffib want on our easy w\T LA Y-A WAY-PLAN BABY DOLLS tftu feta 'Bette* Bus at bBUCKWOODS iV*' f Free Parking 404 Hillsboro Street, Roleigh 4 KINSTON. N C HENDERSON, N C WASHINGTON. N C 1M W. Gordon SI. 414 S. Garnett St. 218 W, Main St. X UFMBEBTCN. N C BUILIMGTON. N C FUV'CTTEVILLE.'N C ICS t. Sstand St. 103 S. Main Si. Sift May Si, WEEK ENPINC, SATE KHA V. NOV EMBER 19, 19-19 ,:* Tor , rimm l , iv A -ud -<t Utr 1 JiK-W'n I'iicilrr *»H Nov-. Ji*. i t;m lhd U't J-hOv'bg l ; s .i: (I i vMuclovilJe imi s vA’ a few s. ar.-: 'back, the !VL de! then line* • up .1J KJ : V* !i i; 'ii.; atldittOt of i.-c-.v farts ami figuteh' its well as new • t *»(.i. , thi\e been witii j tie. St-.Hgt.t Mil* '-*.' *• 11 tlie «in nival i circuit. I Oe- ple the current di v avth of i . Vvindevijli' the VLiclehi, who j Seta -' v! ( '.h lived L v «,MU- ' f thCi L-J --e iivie-, it Ni’t'i’c .si.UA' bust tiers, u. .a 11) ii. ma i.i «■»;’< 'i to a ('pear h-'-T foie capacity audit urea Unoiiy;liuu» ; Ua nation i'< atuLed on tin? h'lvoii a* the i ? *n* will ta* Tom Curiway in tiii- thi'illeo. (.'heckereti CoaL'. Woim a now stive om , un).T' »\ • 'Mient eoiijinit Li i.v through- 1 old (Ji copifd-Tai*a;i CAROLINA' LARGEST INDEPENDENT TIRE DEALER CITVnON IWWVKDS Dr T 1* Duii.trt for the |».rsl > vi ,ir prcsMh-ul of tin -Vlin<slt-i til Alliailii «as uitatiiinriusl. emjoi’st-ii iui "meritoi iuu.-, srr- VM-I'S til Uii' 01 (; IIUVMuon at the nguliir meeting of the \l lianct: ti the Woodworth Street YiUf.’A. Tiic mitihUi'i wits also praisi-d for ttumi r ous cthirts in tiic mtcri-sl of iiiiiiniuiiky in Umm 'Ht Alter serving for four venrs :iv p.istoi' of the St. l-.iul iVNil 1 - ( tmivii Dr JfitiKti t v* tit ut-- ti inf the N C A.VI i: f ouferenee convciii.iiß i i ttuli-Jv.ii VVednes ,l.i > at (in- S( NtJttliews AMfi ( hut i'll, iN'i estiiihitul Jl'.'tiTi' J.ip.irtepe ROW- ri'iii-m mi S'-' ii't i.untMillect

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