jyp a* mw w» r -m m « dm wawsw 40%. w w gs. «wp «p w*» <«& mp wwmm <a <*Hk ff JP® 9 ® IP% W Wpito* g| '*B® jj&gft* jisgm .xf- *fjjt yf m .lajg JpK' g»- W #§f .«§» M W Jig Jr nf Jw aUf jagl mg jgp m M*efc & m ~ ||g» m* Jil imWSbH NEW SCHOOL SWT LOOMS Inside This Week' iHOIOdiS nee 1, f. » IN THIS OUR DAY Sec. I, F. t THIS IS IT Sec. :i. V. 3 GORDON HANCOCK. Sec l. F. » EDITORIALS Section t. P 4 FORT BRAGO Sc* 2, Pp. 1 3 THEATRES Set. 2. Fp. SPORTS Set. Pp. 16-11 CHURCHES Sot. 2, P. H FARM NEWS Set. 2. P II WOMEN'S WORTH Set. 2. P 7 GORDON 8 HANCOCK. Set. 1. F 4 AID SOUGHT FOR HUNDREDS ON N. C. FARMS RIPPED BY STORM HAPPENED IN CAROLINA «. . ~ To Jamboree DURHAM Eight lot d Bo.; Scout.s lets tow n on June 26 via special (rain to attend (he National Jamboree being he’d at Valley Forge. Fa. Among the local scouts who at tended the event are James Sehc-o'- er. Jr.: Bobbie Alston. James Mor ris Ernest Peel*. Jr, Irving Pratt and Park Edgerton. The youth ai scheduled to return Saturdav mornhig Other towns in the rieco-ineeoh.ee Council sending Scouts to the Jam boree include Raleigh. Fayetteville, Oxford and Sanford Hoi Rod Men DURHAM Their ovs are no hot •rods, hut the way they were driving them wax the best Barney Oldfield tradition, to end officers contended as they hook , ed tun men here July 4 ’o> speeding. fobbed were Jim Byrd aiid Loicf.lt Joiner, who irerr dork* ed at 70 mile a per hour in a 36 MPH tone. Byrd, driver of a ’4O Hudson, said he attempted to pass Joiner's 'l9 Me'Cyry when a spontaneous race broom The rare was halted by traffic, patrolmen Attack Attempt? CLINTON 1 —A in in is being held tier* on charges of attempted as eault and an attempt so break in after being caught naer the hon ' where a pregnant woman stood screaming for help, and shortly al ter bore a child. Shot in the knee by an irate hur band who found him near the porch of his home when returning to in vestigata th® frantic calls of his ancient* wife, is Luther Calvin. 33. She’s Happy ZKt'f.-OK —One rtf the happ s >rrt and yet un-happrrst persons * in I hi* city is Mrs Elsie Jones. Mrs. Jones is happy because i she received some of the. met serial aid given farmer,<t whose crops were destroyed in last week's hailstorm. Mrs. Jones is unhappy because her crop on the Arthur Carter form where (the is a widow and the moth. Bhe. is awl daw and the moth er of 10 children. Real Mean RALEIGH James Jilts 1* sche duled to face a local judge thin week so see what, will be done on tba charge that he deliberately ran over ? female dog w ith youncr pup pies with his car. He will face charges of cruelty to dumb animals. The charge was brought by a man who said he saw it happen. Such Irony RALEIGH Gov. W. Kerr Feoff, who was .swept into office c*> b<s stale roads ptnOravi has yet to go around to having the state look at the road around hi- 7 ctvn residence f The Governor’s home is on Rural Route. 1, Haw River. Ciittln Good Time DURHAM Miss Geneva Jones, 20, la facing trial here for assault and battery with intent to kill In connection with the. cutting of Johnnie Periling July 4. Perkin’ condition, according to Ihe Lincoln Hospital here, i* “fair,'- THE CAROLINIAN v on M fi; xxix ★ ★ ★ -k 4 # k 4? "k * * A * 4 "k A - k ■& -k 4 4 4 4 Faces | IN THE ! i News > .. i s' .. - JR COUNSEL IN Si n former j North Carolina Senator William If 1 instead is -me of the coun sels foe tiip official-, of the Dur | ham i‘My School system faring l suit in Federal Court on com ’ plaints of unequal schooling fa j cililifs for Negro children in that | city The precedent setting case ! is eurrentiy in recess. j | .. % V. tMjil M PARTICIPATE—Authors f hes ter Himes and Philip Mann mu are participating in Creative Writing Seminars and an An iio 1 Visual Aids conference respec- I lively at North ( aiolltyi Col lege this month. . ALUMNUS OF VKAR: A. T. f ; Spaulding. » vice president and ! on litor of the North Carolina » ] Mutual Life Insurance Company was recently voted “Alumnus of ,i the Year" of North Carolina Col lege. Wt'KK KNPINC, HATi'Pn.W, i ! L-Y 1 :>SO 1111 RALEIGH - At least 10 North Catolit'u Negroes lost their lives rbrough violence during the recent ■ Mr.i..]; - w-eckead 'lVhile traffic accident's claimed | pTQiVf of f V ll >J I *'r - HUIOHS person:. and drowning -too took h ! toll Death began ‘o stalk the Caro , iir.,i countryside on Friday when ; three cun a ere k tiled near Let ! tngton when fheir tar out of »: octroi and crashed into a tree THREE KILLED Fatally I!iiu r «!fl In tl\'it secidec - were Samuel Edward McGuire, Thomas Bryant and Aaron Lee. y',. ytj fhc mpo .y. re.- idc 0 } c* of , Lexington MAN DROWNED R.’.00 h llc, -..f G(I Romo. , .1, drop,. cd Sunday ‘n the Catitw-tvi Hire' near Go *,■,*, t wh Hr su iw wlu.u Thf i icthv i lost hr life j?) the waters d approximately the some spot i .-c three white men died the same day. drowning when rhev nurboat overturned SOi.itiElt VICTIM Pvt Robert Griffin 20, .stationed ;ii Fort Bra eg, died Monday night of Injuries be sustained in an au i irnehile accident on Monday mom ; inc Full details on the accid*»t • were not forthcoming from Mlli titrv authorities. OTHER DEATHS The Grim Reaper claimed the life i ..f iS-year-old Donald Feanstrr j when a ear broke loose tiotn a I town chain connected to a lead car | done fn the South Carolina line t CONTINUED ON PAGF 6- CONSTRUCTION JOB INJURIES PROVE FATAL WILSON- Willie Pace. 31. be j .came file second person to die from 1 , ; injuries received when a construe - Hon elevator crashed here last | week He died Thursday Pace was one of the six men ; who was aboard the elevator be-, ing used on the construction of ; the First. Presbyterian Church when the lift fell 80 feet, tossing the men ' junto the ground Another Negro I was critically injured in the in ! cident First to succumb to injuries was : a white construction worker i Funeral services tor Pace were -held in his home county last, week DEATH OF BOR IRABB COMES AS [SHOCK TOW-S ! WINSTON-SALEM -- The Mon | day morning death of Robert Earle jlßohl Rabh. director of the sum mer recreation program of the YMCA branch, came as a distinct Shock to the cifv Rnhh, 29. uv -t popular ath lete at Winston-Salem Teach err College, (hiring his collegiate day'!, and succumbed after a | brief illness at a local hospital At the local college. Rabb, known as "Rob” Rabb to teammates and acquaintances, engaged In football, basketball, and Intramural baseball, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 81 SDGRSFER COMMEMORATING "'0 YEARS OF MARK!AG! »*•* Mr. rnd Mr* Edgar R Wiliams, of 42?. South Tci-.-in Street, fijlcigt;. whose Beaufort Eyes School Suit WASHINGTON, N. C (Rpecial) • With the precedent-making Ihir liam school equality case now re ■c, >-! in Federal Court, uientton ; | has been made here -o the pm- .1 UMit.' of coupi action over the ?ix-; !months, long battle n*i a plan of I ischool organization for Bcmfort Co Fiilhiwing -in •» mien ranee of Ren fort reproaentativea before the Si ate | iSchool board in Raleigh litis w? ik. sit ••(s mummed that court actl-u. ; | would In- u'iliysed in an effort to re i j r.nin Negro and vhiic Hchi-obi a Pi! ■ CgO .! plan already advanced. Waugh town Church | Marking SO Years i WINSTON' SALEM The Waugh - i j'own Baptist Church i«- currently | |in the observance of Sts 50th an- j jni versa it with -i week Ions; series! iof services already underway Being ob»«t ver) also is 'lie ge< end | ’anniversary of Dio Rev J if Him' ; lev -is pastor of the church I Dining tile week, the pastors of, iother local eliui'br-a hav> been ink j ilng part jn (ho observance. with j j Impressive servlcen being stager! 1 'each night Among the mhiintcm amt the j < hwrhex who have taken part i in the nervine,a mul are sehednt, erf to complete the meek are anniversary was nbservn 1 Thurs day, June 29, at 8:30 p. m *i At. Paul A .ME Church. The pastor, Rex- T P. Du hart officiated ( ARO! INIAN Photo by Vnt- uoutd consolidate ’be h ■ ■> ■; boots, both white and colored, vith those Ip Ben,urn, abtvt : re mills dist.mt leu fart. citirciix, f>i>u ever, t cve proft sled th-’ plaii, point -'lie out the im•.,<arc.nit iters i i. ich would he fox' ■*<'«-// ri on | students, and ;ts , point ivy <ntt i - Cm. < flay s in the sciicipr The predominate ‘ gripe" of Ben fort citizens, as they up geared b r fore the. School i Board, however, wax that there j had been no real investigation (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) and congregation of .! ntinch j and congrcat'on or Antioch Baptist Crnircn who we>e Hi charge of the,"Wednesday night services: the Ren. D R Hedge I V u and congregation of First | Baptist Church nho h a r e charge of the Thursday night ; services: and the Ren F St. i Smith and congregation of Oak (crave Baptist Church nt WaU | kertown, who arc scheduled It: j he jirltncipaU in the Friday night worship service The observance will close on Sun day night, following a full day of ‘special programs on Sunday \TMBER SO M DROPS DESTROYED f, MHO STORMS By STAFF CORRESPONDENT RALEIGH --The rair. s came to !Central and Eastern North Caro- . lima last week bringing with them ; high winds -and hall and leaving in their wake hundreds of «cr*s 'o/. totally ruined crops The rains, the hail and the slid played no favorite*,, smash hi it through the properties* of all persons. white and folered owner and tenant, leveling stands of tobacco and inurt ai ms; truck crops beneath tons of mud and sludge •Negro fainter.* in an area reach-1 ;irg from Wake County going East- j ! ward to and through Wilson and I fv .-, h counties. *t<md in dire need! •of k.sistance. and presented pit-, able -pectacie to CAROLINIAN I {reporters who interviewed them on: : the ate* of their ruined season’s! | w°Tk i A typical situation oceurerd on the farm owned by Avon Privett.' jan automobile dealer in Zebulon,; whose to tenant farmers aw their i :crops smashed to bits by driving: ’hail and roaring winds last Thurs-! i day morning. Two Negro tenant farmer on the I’rivett eMate, Ernest, Car penter and Elijah Floore have no way in which to figure (heir actual losses during the storm While tobacco crops are insured for only Sioo jui acre, with the tenant-owner percentage being no-50. the men also sustained losses front their form crop* with the possible exception of corn which miraculously bore the brunt of the storm with . seemingly unswerving resist ance. All) COMES North Carolina and the United , ‘ States government, along with pub lic service agencies, immediately (CONTINUED ON CAGE 1) N. C, NUMBERS DRIVE GROWS; I? MEN NABBED j GREENSBORO --The state-wide | concentrated crackdown on the in-I • famous "Numbers” racket gained! more impetus here last week when', i total of 1? men were arrested; for taking part in the lottery ! The two arrest* marie Friday i ' brought the week's "take" in the I crackdown up to the dozen figure j |At least nine of the persons ar ! rested during the past week had! I previous convictions on lottery! ; charges, convictions hanging from I playing to writing and collecting, numbers bets The Numbers setup in Greens- j boro- is predominately “utter and eggs” in which published j stock market figures are used to determine the winning num ber for the day. In other cities ' in the state, the numbers let. 1 Dries are operated on the j “T-T‘* plan In which the pub lished records of utility changes are utilized In Eastern North Carolina, the j usual mode for numbers operation !is through the use of a “wheel" ; The bet slips are placed in a bin j usually located in a hide-away !At » certain time of t.nc day. the i bin is shaken up and spun, with i jibe number on the first slip to fall! ifrom the bin being considered the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) !_*_ r< _ „ , .mmlL - ML 1 -JMWf 3§f : M Ssl Wm ■ Rffipl'' jK§m l gMjsS' J§f; -> illlPlit ! ’ TO RF VVFD: Nfis.s Mabel Louise Turnri. mipiji»f vnjns; Raleigh rc-,.Hcnt vx b«> is COiaged tf> hr u. Pf : ')tffirig to * n t\ Dr. Jackson May Be Namec B.NCHCO Jaime RoWi. son, Brooklyn S>oHsr»*r stir and National lie*igM.r top batsman, sustained a Ire injury in the July 4 game againsi the N Y Giants while scoring a run. No indication was given as so how long Robinson, who has played In all but two Dodger games since j joining * !l e team, will be out of : action 50 Snared In Mecklenburg County ABC July 4 Sweed CHARLOTTE The Indepen- ! ! deuce Day celebration in Mecklen- | I burg County waa none too happy! i for at least. 50 persona of color who j iwere caught up in the net tossed; out by county Alcohol Herevag*! I Control agents. Working with '-lock.like pre ; I rision, ABC agents swept thru, j the r,unity during the sou period including July fourth and ‘ownded up the. i,co, half * i I - vr— Hey, Hubby: You’ll Have To Walk A Chalk Line Nov RALKIOU ft legislation tils■ j cussed in Raleigh Wednesday bf jrbe Domestic Relations Commission | becomes a reality, even state lines | may soon be no protection to men I who desert their families. Among other mattera, the Rom mis Stun studied a proposed hill to recommend to the 1951 legislature which would moke North taws pertain * nig to abandon me nt effective in other states as well, pending enactment of reciprocal legisla tion in those states. About a dozen states already hone such legislator The Co mini vsi a n met In the ,/usti‘ c Building, with all mem hers present, and considered | possibilities of amendments and ~\ additions to several oilier North j Carolina statute. s pertaining to \ j children in divorce rases, guard {unship, juvenile court age fur induction, and abandonment and. ! mvpsttppori. mother of the brld*-eieet. ft turner wit! repeat nep’iaf v ir * Os T Wtsubfrly | Ute August | RALEIGH - The entire 1 sd< ’ comip'o.ity here tmbcdyng S University and St August College i* a-dither this week if becomes more and more !i st Dr. Raymond J-icsscn of • cage* will be ioine the next pi | dent of ,-ihaw. FopuAs* ntn>er<* r-jreulaifc throughout the ein rente' that th‘ trip that Dr. Jacfcse hamenent Baptist leader, making to Raleigh this wet end is for the purple of a reptlng or rejecting the pres denry of the Baptist tnstitutie Ever since the current operative Interim Commit!* of she school first began deli erations on a successor for I R. p. Daniel, who resigned ti Straw Presidency to heron president at Virginia State Co lege this year the name of £ Jackson sea-s been foremost •lISCttSSIOO. ; This Friday Dr Jackson ■ scheduled to be in Raleigh w Lthe Executive Committee of : University holds a meeting. , i committee, whch embodies m bers of all of the school’s bo as well as members of the Inte j Committee, does not have it its power to actually select a i sident to head the noted Instltut It can only make recommend*! ;*o the Board of Directors. T ; sees an dother groups who actu : control such decisions NOTED CHURCHMAN Dr Jackson a native of Mn (CONTINUED ON PAGE I hundred, persons, all of who' j -it ere caught in possession 9 liquor, both tax : pad and oth cruise mostly otherwise. Hearings on the arrests ■'' | st h edit died to be held forth remainder of this week an 1 into next week in an effort t keep the docket of the loiv* court from becoming congest* The all-out. raids were. 3ta (CONTINUE!* ON PAGE i The date for the next mteiin of the Commission was set /cl Friday, August IS, and a pn spoed publU meeting on legv lation which the Commissio (Continued on page 8, this aeeti PEACE PRAYERS REQUEST MADE WINSTON-SALEM The Nr geo Home and Welfare Assr ci talon and the inter rtenomloj tinna! Ministerial Alliance hay issued a joint request that a! citizen* of the city join in th city wide prayer for world ! peace. The groups ash that, resident set up bom*: altars, awl pra j daily for the return of peso ! to the world. The coop* rati© of all looai group* in the ob | servsii.ee of the prayer period i'.m beets twJteil. _ , rml ...

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