PAGE TWO ATTENDS COLUMBIA J. W Wallace, Publicity Oh-Woi and Assistant Professor of Eng lish. of Shaw University is attend ing summer school at Columbia University. SAY YOiiSMrlT IN THE CAROLINIAN THANK YOU! __ j Legal Notices Notice of sale of ItEAL PROPERTY NTORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a ce.tain deed of trust executed by Charles it, Frazer to Charles 8. Douglass, Trustee, dated the Ist day of Aug ust., 194 ft and recorded in 800 it 11304 page 376. in the office of the "Register of .Deeds of Wake County j default having been made it the payment of the indehtednes- there, j by secured and the '-aid deed of trust being by the terms thereof: Subject, to foreclosure and the hold-! er of the indebtedness thereby se cured having demanded a freclos ure thereof for the purpose of satis-j lying said indebtedness, the under-j signed substituted trustee will offer j for sale at public auction to 'he highest bidder .for cash at the> courthouse door in Wake County.; North Carolina, at twelve o’clock j noon, on the 10th day of August. ! 1950 the land conveyed in said; deed of trust, the same lying and j being in Raleigh Township. Wake: County, North Carolina and mores particularly described as follows: ; Being Lot No. 4 and 7 in ! Block Six of Quarry Hills “c-: cording to a map of same re corded in Book of Mr.-ps 1911 j At page 18 in the Wake Count y i Registry. BEGINNING at a point on the East side of Cumberland Street 85. n fee! North of Up church Street; runs thence feet to lot No. 7- thence in a Sou along the Northern line of Lot No. 5 m an Easterly direction 125.0 feet to iot No. 7; thence in a Southerly direction paral lel with Cumberland Street 85.0 feet to Upchurch Street, said point being the Soothes-- corner of Lot No. ft; thence Eastwardly with the North line of Upchure hStreet 40.0 feet to the corner of Lot No. 8; thence with the Western line of Lot No. g in a Northerly direction 125.0 feet to the erner of Lot No. 12; thence in a Westerly direction to rand with the Souther!) line of Lot No. 3. 185.0 feet to Cumberland St,; i thence in a Southern direction 40 9 feet to the point of begin- i r.tng. Terms of sale are and sub-1 •titute trustee will require deposit! of !0 percent of the amount of the bid as evidence of good faith. This the 10th day of July. 1950. July 13. 20. 27 Aug 3. James B McMull&n. Substitute Trustee KDM INISTRATO t. NOT ICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified m- admin ietr&tor of the Estate of Bessie Barrett, deceased, late of W4Ks >nnly. North Carolina., this is to notify all persons having claims igainst the estate of said deceased a exhibit them to the undersigned it it." 1-2 East Hargett Street. Ra eigh. North Carolina, on or before he 14th day of June. 1951, or this tollco will be pleaded in bar of heir recovery. All persons indaht ■d to the estate will please make immediate payment. This 12th dav of Juiv. 1339 F. i. CARNAGE ; Administrator iuly 15, 22, 29. Aug. 5. 12. 19 vOTICE OF RE-SAT E OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under bv Virtue of the power ipd authority contained in a cert ain Deed of Trust executed by Hem June-; and wife. Lula M. 'ones to J. J. Henderson. Trustee, ehich deed of trust is dated May , 1945, and recorded in Book G2O, it Page 319. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake Coun- B, North Carolina, the property erein descried was sold at Pub ic auction to the highest bidder, t the courthouse door of Wake Jc.unty on July 7, 1950. and where- E there has been an increase of. d, the undersigned Trustee vv'Bl rffer for re-sale and sell to the (igbest bidder at public auction, or cash, at the Courthouse door 4 Wake Countv. North Carolina, n the City of Raleigh, on FRIDAY. AUGUST 4. 1950 f 12 o’clock, noon, the following le,scried real estate situated in the titv of Raleigh. Raleigh Township, fake County. State of North Caro ina. and more particularly descrlb d s follows. No. 923 flOlOi Manly Street. Ra eich. N. C, Beginning at the. Southeast cor ner of Lot No. 15. according l to nap hereinafter set out, running ■hence with the Southern line of ■aid Lot No. 15. 144.5 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot No, 15, and ■he Southwest corner of Lot No. ■3; thence in a Southerly direction ■vjith the Eastern line of Lot. No. ■ft, 40 feet to the Southeast corner Bf Lot No. 18 the Northeast corner Bf Lot No 17. and the Northwest Horner of Lot No. 19, 141 feet to Bhc Western boundary line of Man ly Street, thence with the West- Brn boundary iin oof Manly Street Bft-ft feet to the point of eginning, Beig Lot No. 17 of the Tucker ■fetate Rocky Brach tract, accord- Kg to map recorded in Book of BftSjw jail, Pag'* 94, and being the Bftpie tract of land conveyed by BE. A- Myatt. Jr., and wife. Maty K Myatt, to W. S. Penny by deed ■ate* October 15, 1928, and re- Bordf«d in the office of the Regis ■ fr of £)eeds for Wake County in Book $47. Page 807. m This 19th day of July. 1950. ■ s. 3. HENDERSON. Trustee B ROGER D, O'KELLY. Attorney Buly 22, 29, August 5, 12 Tuttle Center Notes CHARLES HERN AM i Activities at the renter are ad vaucing so rapidly aad with such | satisfaction that the staff and ehil j dren are taxed for time causing i extra rehearsals to be held in the ! morning and the evening mak* ready for ihe "Summer Panorama. This* is the second year ibis ha been staged and we can say with j out a doubt this production wi.i i exceed lest year’s performance le j a long shot. The date for the erein is July 24. and the place is in Tay j loi Hail, Saint Augustine's College. ; This is a. must on your list, to’ --••rd- \on wf" evervday, not knew 1 ing they had a talent, will giv< vou some performing. The pr. grain is to include every croup i i th renter from the Pre-School to the j Senior Mother's Club. Everybody wilt be at their best and lookin'.- to see you at the "big shovv ' Aloes with eliearsa.s the Prt ! School Children art making st.-ailv I advances in preparing sor_ school | They have cooperated with the i class* Li Child Remllnst at Shea I University, for the Primarv Gnatr* i Their attendance is growing C i week as their parents 1 e '°tu. , : |„ K from vacations ''h-s Ri'bv i Baadors continues to work wito !'hem os aCeonn,:< list for '.atif-. i class, the Rhythm Band, n ■ tln '• }group singing all under aw *'•- irevvision of Mrs, Sarah Evans. I Pue to the rainy weather etn ! ties for the Teen Mr- boy- an | ,-trl* has been limited to 1 .don. ! games, cooking, repainn i ‘’"'u | .„mt mimic and dra mat:, s Severn (of the larger hoys and M ’* anting to he assistants with tr,, ’ Yursf.rv School. Mrs Ihi ■■ ■ y' 1 ' ’ j-■1 • a dietician for the ; ! Ms. giving less" .« nn ’ s ‘ ' Vi! '. i end planning, and Mrs. Fyns ' ; ’nctnictinfir in ÜbiW ai (.’a riia ■ • M iss Doroih' Lane guest signing tb»' Regis toi during tio iust week T'duded Mr aml Mia- I.ertis !• vans. It Massrtchusr-tts Mrs Betty It And Saunders. New Yoi s tMr. and Mrs Gi'.ag. Rand. Rost ol Mi- Marc Era Britton, and Mr- Jean G.aditv Freeman hoth free * tip First Baptist Church YW A ; t Rnlcivh. and Mrs. Antuibelie Rich r.rds o,f New Y'ork City. vows mi June i7 at the home of the bride’s aunt. Mrs. Oleo Lee of Washington. D C. The pride is the daughter of Mrs Mable Osborne of East Orange and the lale Tom Osrorne. Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Raleigh Offeiating at the nuptial rites Wilts the Rev U L Rollins The bride was attired in a white mp'andy dress, appliqued in em broidered designs. Her finger-tip veil of illusion fell from a seed pearl coronet. She carried white orchids arid roses The i ride's sislet Mrs lia L. Smith ol this city was her only at tendant She wore ptik net over JSlti. - -i TO ATTEND GIRLS STATE .Vies Allcrta Coor, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maryland Coor. t>2i Slaugthcr Street, Gohll.-boro. has hern selected by the Ameri can Legion Aupiliarv i nit No. 215 of Goldsboro, to attend the scroll . .Miss Coor is .« member of she senior t lass at Dillard High School, plan- to continue her , education at Shaw University. Miss Coor, tccompanlt*! by Miss Knbv Swanson, first Girl State (ioverness, will leave Sunday Morning. July 23. Miss Swanson will serve as one of the Staff M e m be rs. ! plums, s 1 ft drinks or mustard Though sunshine i - one of the !'• fst and safest bleaches for white ; ’let hes aftci laundering -if;-' though it often fades colors, it ’ may have ; a-t th< opposite effect I i ■ n some common stains ' ! i ABRAM SCOTT, JR .65 of Wane County died Saturday. July ft at 2:30 at St .Vines hn.vait.aj after a month's illness. Surviving are hi., wife, Mrs. Margaret 1 Scott, two daugh ters Mrs. (.lella S. Partin and Miss Marge it rite Scott, four sons, Floyd, Motes, William ano Aim Scott, it., one brother. William O. Scott and fifteen grand children. Funeral services were at Poplar Si rings Christian Church Tuesday iuly ii a: 2.30 . m. wit> burnt :n the church cemetery. Rev .1 W Mbrirht. pastor fie: a ted CHARLIE STEWART died July '4 at his home 528 Bragg Street Funeral services were at Primitiv ■ fist Church in Harnett C»un’y with Eidler Laurence officiating, i.iaiai aws in the family cemetery Surviving are three sous. James S., Charlie NE and Les ter Stewart, six daughters. Miss Martha Stewart. Mrs. < ailie Davis of Washignton. I>. Mis. A’iola Howard. Benson, N. .Mrs. .Alary Blue, Kaleign. Miss Helen Stewart, Raleigh; and Airs. Keatha Porter of Sumter. S. 17 grandchildren, three sister-, Mrs. Floric Lee, < oats, N C, Airs. Atac. John -on, Hackensack, V. J ; and Airs. Lucinda Lee of Coats. MRS. CARRIE NEAL cited at hri residence 808 South West ■: Friday. July 14. it i 2<) after a short illness. Funeral services _ ‘ ere at Manly Street Christian Church oi which C she was a member for many years f Sunday. July 16 at 1 p in with, the Rev T C. Haitians officiatin.:. But was in Mount Hope come -1 (cry. Surviving her are a daughter, 1 Mrs. Marion Floyd of Wash ington, |l. t ’.. two nephews Clarence and George Kikes of Baltimore, and a cousin. Airs Lucy Jones *>f New A ork ’j RUFUS BRIDGES died suddenly ' Thursdday. July 13. Funeral sor : vices were Sunday. 1 p. m at Rush 'Memorial Church with the Rev. " Mr. Tyson offiiating. The body was taken to Mout’J Hope cemetery for 1 burial. Survivors are his wife, Mrs Mary Bridges, three children. Sadie .Alae, Rufus. ,lr., and (icr aidine. tour brothers, .lames. Pete and Walter of RaieigTi. and AVilliaoi Otis of Washing ton, II (.. and a naunt and uncle. taffeta with matching hut and gloves- She carried a bouquet of | blue stepbormets centered with snp dragons. Arthur Broadia of Raleigh was [test man Following' a trip to Ra leigh, the newlyweds will reside u. Washington. 1). C Little William and Yvonne Clark son departed Raleigh July 3 for ; Washington, D C.. where they are .spending two weeks with -■*l -ir aunt. They will return to the city July 24 Vance Smith has returned to ! Philadelphia after having visited | his aunt, Mrs l .ouella Smith. 744 Ellington Street Mrs, Dorothy Sturdivant Purcell | has returned tto Brooklyn. N. Y. I after visiting Mrs. Ruth Jeffries of | 1008 Ea.-d Jones Street. The Sturdivant Brothers. Charles, Muck, and Van. formerly of 1012 East Jones Sheet, are operating a I Credit store at 1923 Fulton Street, I Brooklyn, New York. I Miss Margaret Harris, 304 South i Stale Street, is spending Iter vaca- Dion in New York City. Miss Maggie K. Elliott, is attend ; ,ng summer school at the Uni ver ity of Michigan | Miss Ellen Durham of 1331 Ober liin Road, Raleigh. North Carolina. !ha» returned home from New York ply. | Miss Durham went to New York on a business trip, and she also visited her brother aid relatives “ ii\ New York and New Jtise.y, THE CAROLINIAN With M itcheli *7 !,j,ve had for the past twelve days, very little of any Importance ha.» happetied in the play life "f our eoniinunfl ’ Mut now that we have fair weal her and sunshiii- again. ' I wish to invite eneom—.g all ] of you ki'is to return to v»ur re-, jsi.'eetive playgrounds and to the Day ('amp at. John Chavis Park 1 iso that you will he aide to take up again the selected activity of youi I Interest and carry it to a stieess | lit! conclusion. It is a fine thing; |to start or begin something: bin ju real sense of a?('omplishtuent is I only found, when what we. star! jor begin Is brought to a success ful conclusion. With this thought Due to tin ii ’titinued ra in w i in mind, w< are hopeful that thru • . one eouti ii tied etforts it? tin Su-ii met- Reel eat ion Program, that ou Ait g its f lti. we will t|. aide to pri sent to all if out' patents and i frh ids the best Arts and ' ra ft ■•xliibif that has ever h, eu present It hi our Dcporttuelii. Many of our sponsored aclivit.e' ss gnat personal and , ’ itV m-c- On- of the outstareii ig ! "tt* - ts sew .ug K;i riy it, th* :n;. ! our 1 )etiartmt'r,t jntt ebasetl ior t ’!r: j vis Heights Community Center. tl'ifii For table KUvtric dew-Jog via I tes. We wer- aide iustjfv ; this ex:a:miiture., of i he ii ! tens,- desire on thepart of some of i "111- teell-age gifts and adult worn leu to grow in their knowledge iy ; sew ing aid in some instances P He exposed to ii for tin- first ti.n* i This special proieet )a- startec j and is still under th< direction 1 nd supervision of Mrs. Mario: ! Browning. Her tp eompiishments iwith the p irt irioa it- in this ae-i i vity has beer "to e th, oufst,,iid. Dug eiiol rilmtions f!?,. e,.;,iu l aa :: • : by our 1 iepa rl.tnent So impressed were Miss «’«.•*•* I Dawson and Mrs. Gord.-.t L AA’e.-r | with the sewing project, litai. Do ; TieSetlt ed tto the rente; nu beha!' f Beta Lambda i’hap!e;- of cigia i Gamma Kite Sororily ;|so t , >«: used for instructional courses ! ill sew ing offered by the Hhitler : : ; t witig; Maehhie ('; >u; ;>a •: v. Si’ i en-nge girls wen selected by Mrs, I Browning' for further stndv. At thi = wrltiner five of the six have am cessl'ully coinplot-'-d their Tstruc tions. Ju order that these six young girjs might give back to du > mri tnuuity sontethinu in r-'itru fen the benefits they have derived from these sewing courses, they each at" [ sls to $l5O on ! Fyrnitura - ikuU Also On Your Oven Signature T* Ktnpioy d Men arid Women For Any Worthy Purpiisn We Make Loans Others Eeiase finder Supervislij* State Flanking Commission AETNA LOAN & FINANCE GO. 424 1 2 Fayetteville St. Phone 3 5713 Rooms 202-3 Just a Few Doors Beyond the Sir Walter Hotel —nrn rrr-itr Tmimi iy-1— , Relax* ,, Refresh with CbJbs CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING Cu. 514 West Morgan Street BOSSE JEWELERS OFFERS THE EASIEST CREDIT TERMS IN TOWN 533 Fayetteville St. Opposite S. A W. Caleleria For the Best in Fine Foods from 6.15 A. M. To 12 P.M. You Must Visit STATON'S CAFE 319 South East Street DIAL 9262 [Tm S~T~E ~A D ’ S TRANSFEK CO « GROCERY STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY j HAULING FULL LINE OF LOCAL & LONG GROCERIES - Yout P »* ,on »*' Efficient Appreciated ED. UMSTEAD. Met'. . _ . '! GO2 S. Dawson Dial 8478-9212 larbot o and Martin f ts, , ' :| USED CAR 1 BARGAINS , Check Our Prices Before You Buy DIAL 2-1279 :| K. &W. Motor, Inc. l ! HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE RALEIGH’S CLEANEST USED CARS 425 S. Wilmington St. llB E. Davie St. required t<> t<' in sewing. Follow! ig this pi’noess nf simple multiplication. it would not ta k < too long to roach a period in out community in which most of the i girls interested in learning to sen would have had the snieessfnl op -1 portu.iitv of doing I reasona Id v sure that out ■)! this small beginning there Mill de velop some fit!ure designers and til ess makers. So von can see in many insla.iees. what starts out tto lie a wholesome use of leisure time, ean reeroatp. itself into a livelihood. '-Ye wish to i ongratuiatc • Sigma (Itnii'iiit Mho toi its interest shown ill the '■oiiijjf girls of our community. 1 trust that the areo.iiplis'hivients will continue to warrant their con tinued ooncern. \\"s hope that oth* r interested groups will avail then aloes of the i;|l}>orf.tluily to 01, serve the tna'iv activity areas in whieh our youth partieir-ati' Iri do | imr so. 1 am certain that the'- will •'lad lirt - - opporl uni it t-s to In- -J as . .-tarn! : am'dii: i-au - an i aspirin ■ I y--'lt!i If -yotl are t.-.-u a-, r or at j adult a id Weijld like- to lear?. to ! sew -- rail Mrs. Brou-uiim 2-V'Vi. Outstanding events fm the «'•<.til ing week. July lit -Ist Indian (‘cnin-’iS Gis vis Park- S 3*t p.m. Fret Movn All raet ions : .July 21. Old Soldiers Field • - Oft par 1 M | v 22- t.'iiavis park- s: up p.'al Fe-tfitres will 1)0 •'TP" Kelli: t of Ra-i'" Ft-amr "1 \Vant to he an Actress" '•Siifolium Boars on n Rampage Comedy "Tulips". CAKI* <*l ! HANK Mrs Amanda Fro vie tie- kiarns ■ i n:tn.-ndv wishes to thank tht mnnv fritstids unci file Aui’tih: of St. A.U!.listings for their expressions of kindness arid sympathy to her during her recent boronverner.* m tile riath of her httsbanti, Mr Jarre'- 1, a-r.:/.: Gain-: vje- died July 6th. •:9sr. Interment was July Bth. eoln ?-/h pa<• aa ’ i , I* -1 v v ashing ton. D C t -..’e-g" Extension Serv ;ee. Ti ait- Con my has its Greet \ 'M>l lit. r*.o4i« * ui'Y*. s <'f Ladino clover wUhin the ii-x; <‘ou n)f* or yrs. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, Trl Y 22, 1959 (HA\ IS HEIGHTS Airs W Klynu da lighter l.ur dill ol 12 Franklin Terraco have ' returned home after visiting rela tives ami ft lends i.i Uieenville. K ' 1 c and manv other points ninth. I,title Miss (Hol la Hope of No. 1 1 Gratr-'ille Terraee lias been ill and l> outlined to her home fm .several v days please hurry and g“t well ' baby. Mrs. Williams liavls of ' Smith 1 1 laza has returned home front St Agnes Hospital where she has been i ,i patience for several days her man.' friends are glad to have she • is belter a '.Mrs, Kffie Jackson of s Chut ha o', i- Terrace was out of the city rector i ) v visiting relatives and friends r Mr t;ud Mrs Claude Karls of I Chester. Pa. was the city over the, Week end visiting relatives. the i ! Ayers of Fisher St. Mr l.erow K. Hinton of dll’ Kay oilovilh- Si was the dinner gars' nt his parents Sunday, Mr. rod i Mrs. F. Hinton of lew Sr Mrs. Daisy Hampton of Dunn N 1 C. spent, several days with her la tiler Mr R. B Smith of 101 l Mark • St has now returned home Dr. and Mrs Flot«:her Jones "■ White Plain. N. Y was in the fit> i A,..itda' on husiaoss and spent - to w inlksug' to frioTids The Rookt'i T Washington t in Mrs Maxine J very of K .letups St. i will ineft Sunday at tin home of .All officers and members are in >. iu d to a 1 rend business of ini pet • tan,-, .is lilt-re will nor lie another meeting ttutii Sept Ph-a-e pr>" ••nt Sunday July 2-"> at A " >'•''* h ■" I o'clock. Be ot; time. I’niadviit : Mr. mini Ch&'vi* Mrs. Hosier Vnr'\ of 4 5 Wav it as as her oi'-sis her warn, 'daughter. Maty, of Washiugto t- ’• c 'her great grandchildven. Tm-o iand .'# "'!>!• .'lord- a. ’ '' S Family 1,11.1 friends of bMeiv (. ■.(tending the ! "i seivt.-e-- to if Mr. J-snifs R G -.'li- B; 'Aas:::v --s '■>, n n C July >t.h v - ‘ i ! - v!, ' s A, ‘"' ;■ Freeman Morgan MAs Aii- M-' u Mr >"d Airs _ 1 nomas - t • nine. Mrs. Hubert "t ova" -'>>’ s •• 1 Dune Mrs lane; Marei.em^ - A’r -ml Mrs AV A Cm us. am, . ~ , vi'cMk'-i I t-patiidins Mr. and Mi- ■ ■ * ■ Jr. and son. The heat of -momer s.e mm.v set nnci dH'-'kvti sstvo >.-•■ - • those t-om cherries pmehes. ——— Jh HUNTER BROS. - fancy groceries . and wood For Quick Service For bag coal DIAL SIS 93 or 3-1998 am' “Never Worry. We Are t On Our Way ' ! e«wwy*:-'-S"v’-V %- - - B [|UTTrtfn -..~«eJMMW>JWi«<»’ • ' \t w in u n j COMPANY j (tril f'>t*tr KfOi .•!"= Fire and Vttoojobi'e I io->o» ; M>re VVM.t'OMK TO Ol k Oltl’tl STORK JORDAN'S RI XALI. DIU tJS 5 >;! s. \A ilmington St j;> \SONAHir, I’KH'KS Piinnpt Attention to Prescriptions private Waiting U"«m K'-r 1* i-.iv.'i inlioo I S rr%‘scri|Ui«»n ' w | 4 . ~, , r -,— r ..~- a .,~»n ■*■' » »■■ -**—-**«■«» Finance or Borrow On Your Car f through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. 122 E. Davie Street J Mil /'saveN • & i« Meet Einerjiencie# Jf 1 Mechanics & Farmers I I . ■ KAtiEIQII-DURHAM W i MCA CAMPAIGN Tl. Bloo,: vortti fjtreci Y4CA mi nils ship campaign wa .launch • led Monday n, nt with a kick-off add!os - t v the Rev T C Hamarts. Diistor of Manly Street Christian j Church, I C. H McLendon. principal of | Washington High School and gen ■i’) 1 chaiinian eircsided. Campaign Instruction- were given by J. I i Stredwick, campaign director, and E. 1. Raiford. executive secretary Olh< rs speaking wen- C A Hay wood. chairman of t tic Board f Management. Hr M. 1 Watts, Jack 'His manager of Division "A" and H. C. High. Sr., manager of Divi sion "B." Rep'gt mec'-.n - will ho hojd "o Monriav. Wcdne -day. and Fridays iat 8;00 | m. through. July 31 \l\ S SCH(fLARSHIP James a Broady. Insinidiir in Art at Shaw ! 'Diversity. fvt : ; t e reived a seliolarship t,. studv at Dip Sh ,win van School of i’runC.u; ind Sculp,'Ur-. Sltowh' ga.i. Main.', dur ing the euvrent tiineweeks summer . ! a--,;. 1 . Bn - : "'cere ary • f ra- Coileg- Art Service an interrol logiafe venture in art edticstion -.,id appreriftiimi. of which Profct* sot* .Rtn.os V lit mine Head of tie' i .-Art D>-; arttitt'n' at Hi-ward Fnivet -d' . is President. The Shaw Instructor rocentlv tile .j -timJ i '.. ,f having on« i '.f his paintings, aria list rant ion hung in rea iitirm t Aden Gallei :• tit Washington. 1). r tie is a grad uate of Bluefp'U) Slat,- Teacher - Colh'Si' -ittd hold’- the Master’s de it'---- front Columbia University i for von; pi s- asi kk Be Sure To Visit 11l R :>o« Snacks—Smokes—Actions sandwiches —Drinks !•! f-COOKKD BAR-K.Q Hours; It! A >l—3 lh>f. Sat 10 A.ML—II:S9 I’ M. smith Drive Between v)Sd and N« w Road. Garner. V c. i t '.too HINTON. Prop t Complete rrr> - Home Furnishers We can furnish «ny room to your hofTtp from the living I S room to the kitchen. Sc® u* ,««v W. E. COOPER I FURNITURE CO. i 121 S. Marlin St. j A Lifetime in I Why lake chcrtces on butni«te j up a lifetime’* effort in « terrifyinei hour whea ii’» simple and in«xpcusiv» to pro tect youFseJlf against any possi ble mishap. Your home and tamiiy can b» absolutely pro iecied from ANY disaster at j but a few pennies a day. Wa ll j show you how, SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT( BANKERS FIRE: INS. CO. DURHAM. N. C. !