>*NAACP Head Blasts N.C. Fair For Discriminate i RALEIGH? PARK JiMGROW ENiii M “FIRST 7 " I -- —- r'- .. - ms* m m \ I j / *^l* ■ /: , ( 1 - M %r*f tjjr AMONG THE FIRST Jackie Kotifison, Brooklyn DOdgcr 'tar, wilt t.** among- the lirst Negroes t opl&y in Raleigh's Dweraux Meadow with .its all-Negro ai tr action when he tiling-, his Major Leagu. .at-star team into the Meadow on 'l hursday night. October U- Segbok wt USE IISOBI Promoter Dove (»i\ ell Permission fur I se; (loathes Interested RALEIGH Barriers sustaining Negroes from using city-owned and operated Uevereaux Meadow Fild and Stadium fell with a resound ing clash her*- this week when the local Board of Education voted 4 to 2 to allow an all.*Negro attrac tion use of the field on Thursday night, October 12, The Meadow is administered hv the Board on which Attorney F. J. Carnage is the only Negro member. The action of the Education ' Board, meeting in execulft’e (Continued on page 4) FAMILY REUNIONS Mr*. Kuth Stevens, holding her one month old son, Jesse, a North Carolina widow, who came to New York to find work and couldn't remember the address of the rooming house, wher* sho left her six children, is reunited with her brood again. Warren Hull, who conducts the OBS ’‘Strike n &>©b M program brought the family together after a two-day separation in the biy city, Mrs Steven* a«ila* isit uu arrival out waited off with stOu duriug the triondowst **i*iiW • Home-State Edition j| © j SINGLE COPY V ’“^ YOU MK XXIX EALEiEH, S( )RTH CAROLINA WEEK. ENDING HAS l Rl>A\, Os IOBER 1, 19b0 NO. 4 * Alleged 'Racket King’ ip a i m |f 1 asj? fjgM ijg*?. wM TraSK*. jggjj alai tor •§& «Bg lUfe Mg jWS 1 Meb| 111 Ml HDSPITSLIZED AFTER BATTLE Nathaniel Foy Conies Out Second Best In Sunday Morning light WINSTON-SALEM Nathi.niei Brother) Foj . alleged local "rack et king" was critically injured u; a gun fight here last Sunday morn ir.g and at CAROLINIAN pr--;-s --tim. was waging a gallant fight for In-, life at !:>.■ Kate Bit;. . sh-y rtold Memorial Hospital. The fight, which took place i nthe 1400 Mock of North Cher ry Street, was reportedly stag ed between Foy and Wood tow Wilson Fowler, who is also being treated at a local hos pita! for injuries sustained iu the battle, which turned she t lock into a "second front" as local resident prepared to ut tend Sui* «a> morning services, ARRESTED '0 TIMES Foy, who is said lo rule as a "rackets" top man her. has been arrested 70 (inter In the pa d 22 year;;, police records show, and has been imprisoned on charges ranging from bootleegiug to as sault. Cause of the argutuetil which led to the gun battle in which Foy re ceived grave injuries and Fowler sustained bullet wounds in the neck, head and body could not be determined Foy, whose appearance and demeanor belies the fact that he has spent a major portion of (Continued on page li RIM-ft CITY OF FENCES Sit* V ■■■■-* -W-- u -..a-,. ' * . •by ’-* HUS ONE STII.L STANDS— Alter court action this week or dered the removal of one "spite fence" in Raleigh, the one pie ureii above, placed between the new Washington Terrace Project for Negroes and the Longview harden development for white Two Cities Studying Cost Os Hiring First Negro Firemen habitation, still stands with the possibility of action being staged for its removal be doubtful. Hake County Tax Collector C> V, Rich was ordered to aiter a nine-loot fence built between bis property and that ori Mrs. Virginia Peebles to a 2-foot WINSTON-SALEM Wmston- Salem, like Durham, is taced with tin. conclusion that employment of Negro firemen would be aphrohi : bitively expensive pre-position, according to figures submitted this | week by the local City Manager. C. E. Perkins, city manager, de dared in a report submitted to tlie Mayor and the Board of Alder | men here that a minimum of sl2, 294 would be needed if Negro ! firemen were employed in a singel i station of tin local Department. While tin- contention both in Durham and in Winston- Saletn is that the $lO to sl2, COO and upward figure is pro j hibitive, it is noted in Negro circles that the amounts are j comparative "drops in the bucket" compare dio the ser vice the first race firemen em ployed and their successors would render. In many cases, ti e amounts needed to empioy three to tour Negro firemen is much less than that now e-iid high-ranking city officials. Tt is report, similar to one filed ! a year ago in Durham, is based ! ' | He Was Real Mad GRE.. N' IDLE - II they said ! when t .ey heard >b utt the ar | lest of John Frank Green. 21, I this past week-end l'or the mur der of his wife, Victoria, 17, was "he must have been real mad.” The reason everyone is conclude nig Green was angry is because he used an ice pick, a hammer and a j'lass bottle in the assault. The variety would have been eccept j ed, perhaps, had it not been for I the fact that the victim had six j holes in her scalp, presumably i made by the hammer; 24 ice pick j wounds, known to have been made j by the ice-pick, and five cuts, pre j sumably made by the bottle. Green is being neld for’ trial in the next session of the Pitt Coun ty Superior Court, height in keeping with a cltv or .nance after action had been taken o (have the monstrous ob struction removed. A compli cation involving reiUal-a.fi d ownership ordinances make ac tion on the above fence improb able. oa the expenses to be encountered j should these cities decide to cm- j ploy Ne-cro firemen and train them 1 in the segregated quarters which ; (Continued on page 4) Family Trouble SANFORD An argument j over » ear owned by Mrs. Ev elyn McCant and staged be-* tween Mrs, Mc.Cant's husband, Harry, anj her lather, Grant ; Watson, ied to he shotgun slaying of the father-in-law and put the county sheriff and the bloodhounds on th« trial of the son-in-law. i i •V ~ * 1 - • • ■» V !%' ‘i* " %’ outpoin d Jack Dempsey, -*4 ;«4!i i 5», Uic .'i-jcui old Cutcmiia'.i boWi WPit Ike ii.i» u.' a.-s lafi.ai u.a. Rehabilitation C £ nter For Negro Youth To Be Opened STATE NAACP mm iIQTIOH Southern States Fan- Said jimerow mg llact* (Jiiidren In Charlotte ! * CHARLOTTE - A charge of dis crimination was leveled against the Southern States Fair here this week when a spokesman for the local and State branches of thfc National Association for the Ad (Contlnued on page 4) I NAACP Prexy’s Protest Honored CHARLOTTE A protest lodged here earlier this week j bore fruit on Wednesday when j School Superintendent E. 11. i Garinger announced that white school chit ,re» would not be allowed to accept free passes to the Southern States Fair These passes had been offered exclusively' to white children In total disregard to Negro children here. A protest uas entered by Kelly- Alexander, president of the SC State Branch NAACP, who termed the action ‘tils (Continued on page 4) Covering- a "four-block area, the development will be one of the most beautiful and modern to he found anywhere. Ji wiil cost ap proximately $2,000,000. Nearly . RALEIGH The State High way Cumttiissiou this week voted in executive session to set up a rehabilitation center for Negro youths at the Goldsboro Stan Hospital. Tile center, similar ti, Hu* ojk* now being' utilu •f the i proposed Goldsboro center is that I the facility will be staffed entire. ; iy by Negroes with the single ex-; eoption of the xecutlve head. FL-heduied to hf. employed at the | center are teacher-' of oolieeo- and j university level as vveil a.-i doctors, i tun(inusj mi page ft ST. AUGUSTINE’S TEACHER TO 00 j WORK ON CANCER ; RaLKIGH Hr. Harold Trisa; i president of St. Augustine’s Col- 1 Lye announced here this week, lithat a year’s leave of absence had .been granted a member of the Ft., j Augustine’s faculty to allow him j !to rbt canear research work, i According to the announcement j Fred W West. Jr., professor of Chemistry. is to engage iu cancer ! research fork at the famed George Washington Carver Foundation in i Ttiskegee. Ala. under a SIO,OOO !y; ant from the Daymen Runyon .Cancer Foundation of New York. | Professor West is a graduate of I j Hampton Institute and holds an i j M.S. degree from The Carver (Continued on page 4) I 1,000 persons will be housed Uierr. Naracf for ft, S. .leivay, late Negro printer ami newspap- I er publisher, ihe choice of a lianie is viewed by many as tee 11 IN | CAROLINA Ui-Ho, Silver DURHAM Fo. !!.. fir; t time <\ • r.'i i del 1, a . ;••.• ■:i liOl te.Hir.- was (ward by a loi court this w.wl; when 17-yt-ar-t. Winifred Evar.: was convicted steoling a \al liable saddle hoi Iron. Fairntosh Farms and w. bound ovei to a higher court u der a SSOO bond Young Evans told the RecoJ ers Court judge who heard t case that >e had been in an arg n.e:;t witli his fatties and had t tided (■' icavi- hetur and go to F 1 :.■ v. t Jii ivi si.rli ■ t i liOi'Sc New School I KOXBORO- The new RCr son County High School us Negroes open, it here Monday with an enrollment ot 401 fitu.cnts.