PAGE TWO HkT • TV A (CvrXl-\ V I% § /f'\"% u y JPyj t-k.- ,r\ o f -’! 1 '■■' f *fi'* :J - ' £~Js' ; ' ■ ■ i " y f : V t " •: , n w > . ' : ’•-•*& *a3iL If si sfe * :>5 f£|pi||§l| 'tea/ iMF . ;, $. ■ C • ■ *« i■ j| ' . ; * - , V S»'-1 V J- -/•' y*'"/0, . ■ A-■’;*?' -'..v • f*va # .•• * .' • ,‘v -* -< ■?■•' • : . -K ; -:•• :C |y rv- 1 '' I *H’; . ■' y a.* ; ; £&■':■■ fefeSP .' }&& **? : ■&: < '-• >c?-T 1 Hft-A' -'is »; - S&SU ! e?i&4‘ llllilik-3 j * The ?ii> f . ‘Stftencst:! Jar td fly ovtv the nation’.* new • ;•• ,■ ni*i was jaificij by the--e seven forinct fighting men in a etii-rina cer'-meny marking tin: pul.liv nppnii’jr !, f the • :.-’ • ;t> • * -'ti■ t* - - • i e': ii>«* Vt.->7-»nii«» !<< m-vh n:”;> Tuinpi’c ■ Now .?;■:*,m; Ann-nan ir-* ;i-A ::’ hi,- f.nM' *»ativ-i3 Mi the Taro?*;.'- the mem [firm !<•{t to ri-.-ht f '?«•:•'•• i K. Weitere. A’.- V-n J. Fisher, Fiit ; sn gh, in !A'hA r. Wen,. i>’,g:rnn. D.C.t tfayips Sieere, Ftiihiheiiinie ; !’. W. .n ::,* ■ . 1 ’■':•• i*■-vi*•*». Pa ; Jack Ward Cjrnv-yd. Pa.; anj John I'.inchart. P:t;•-:*>»<;e,h; v.-iil tonditrl the flag raising and 1 A- erinc e«ery bay nl (hie nc,v siU-_ >vi r lookin* Wayiifol and historic Valley Forge. B-Ihying’ Good For Problem Hai> • - -fy *4ofMm mr i - v I '■ .’A C H # a . # Ms.. .. jijfr : h 1.-■ .** fr - P - .*■ . Jpr'' - A { ' '>'. /•' •• ■ &f&SSi9k .... *& ;. v • .;, **’ ;,otbf.beo liiilici ****%- 35® fcs ;'■> 4w TrfSN I * ■ •■'• &4 juii For thor.n with dr y o- brit tle ends, soev-? ha-? fc\ctr« to brush s’p ..n It's* a fact, that hum ■ care can inakf healthy hair. Famous Nsw { York hair sty!!:* Vie tar V;an- - thor of the- v b > ; g<3 Y«-ir Own Hair Stylist,” m:;;st> that the ritual of faithful care j;... off in hair beauty. 3? k-nd a hand to your head with daily br .-h. ■.< : and massages frtpuent oil treaf iticiih- and ; strain > aha’a K’rf a fact that normally dry | hair cun lew'-, pretty and fiat-.asw* i ahte. Mr \ ito recomn'-mids at* ong ; armod devotion tr» a good hair brush * = ~i?!ic *ong, firm -str i from roots to ends. Two b> ’.-shim's . daily insure '\&?:j oil 0 a ;.f- g>v iflg much '■:■■■ ■■r am! 3,,ft- i iiass ■ > dry looks '*-u.,b h«. says, helps atUnttUilo t- >••:.. ~ , dhtpos** of 9>n't *--» o 4 ar>4 i<>o« :# 1 dandruff .- * ■' ■• • "anii be iorf shampoos are wonder-work • . too Pour a -»na!l amount of buii;.- oil in a small ct.stard cun :,T i wui-rn it r nth over ht.-t • Then past the hair in sor and ■£ a steeds cotton bail, apply it to the tcalp parts When the s nip has been ’thor oughly lubricated. 1 . ap a warm turban or a steady around the, whil. Use baby oi! gets K+fy-y* \v To wash out. the baby oil, Sat) <.■:■ ' hair until ;t Si.neahc A' 1 .": I :using, tow-1 dty by ha;: 1 * The new Vito book gives step- , ! by.step diagrams showing how to ptRCUn locks, and how to wind 1 1 house pcrmavieuts sot various 3*>?e». rhebook covorissg all kind* r-da ■:- .;■ : .. ;• . .e: •■" •r-;- . ' ;■ A’' ;, i' ; ',- V 'i t '' : >A t r v ' '’ y .' Av '2 * : -,‘y r - ‘/' \ ‘ \ r ''sv* v »' .-•',es.A?s r. ■ v» ' '•: • *■■ ?*■'■ •''? .to '"V - ■ , ;V* nm A ‘- ' ■■ ;, ■ - p ... I -jiy.: - > ’?.? i . -v ; , eT?-• * .' ?s■'•#' .• ,k;\A. A. NjA- , • *~J -. . • t ' Sg||sKhM , 'V# ’h'-ien; 'y| ¥ f ’ » ■« dp? -- r ■; ; ’ n'. . ' : A / e;yy- -y, Ac:- , i VA ' # %■. •>' - ■•■ *e A‘(. -'i/ * HI *!.S\r< IMS MU- liilii - I. ::(!*■• I.IHHS is tving ! A X - Week K Sat . Xoe J 5, lV**v.( \ n.t nie i> .■ - .i; (*:, •■■ »n’s mun! «• one I■-••> Isi p.-i mmi.*.Uty." Hiniels, w Jut condui'is she ! lyinr. s liner f:Ut> i'lsi -how rf.iils on -tilinii n I in; poHcd ills fans to ' not«•• s wherever it apppar; mUs urr-nt cotv .-rt tout The group tenst-t! > the winner. Jordan vies presented with .1 gold re, orb h i>.um*!s when he play mi with hi. i-.ind recently is one of th«* world's most ipse orgur.itntlons of its kind.